#;; and karin at least when she grew didnt show obvious signs of inheriting these traits
arsonicversed · 2 years
sorry i have karin brain rot, i really just, have so much i want to explore with her, because of just how separated from the outside world she has been. Literally having lived in the grass village and the isolation she suffered there from being an outsider, and an uzumaki no less who’s clan had literally been genocided to the point of near extinction.
I’d like to think she knows very little to nothing about her clan, the abilities she actually does posess, where it comes from, and it’s during the blank period (my default verse for all naruto muses) she actually starts to learn about the clan and where she had come from. Mostly because she never realized the chakra chains she might or might not have known much about stem from her heritage
And it could make her more curious as to what else about her clan has she inherited without knowing. Though with the destruction of the leaf during Pein’s assault, which probably resulted in a lot of loss papers and records, and well.....we all knowing what happened to nagato’s mom there would be very little information to go off of. Literally all she’d have is whatever people bothered to write down in other places, and the ruins of the place her mother had once lived who knows how long ago because uzumakis can live up to, if we see anything like Mito, at the very least 120+ years *naturally* and *easily* with the limit possibly being MORE because of Orochimaru’s experiments with her (since....... its not really specified what experiments he did on her??? to my knowledge??) So it could be he used her to also help learn of ways to elongate his own life by using the trait from the uzumaki clan’s ability to naturally live so long into something else or implant it into a new vessel
Which is kinda why I Hc that Karin used part of her own DNA when helping create Log and Mitsuki, because they are in a sense the “perfect vessel” that Orochimaru could create for himself, using her DNA or part of it, could allow his vessel to inherit the traits of being able to withstand (physically) the strain of orochimaru taking over the body which would only be aided by the fact it mostly would use orochimaru’s DNA/chakra/whatever, but also allow him to live a longer life within his perfect vessel without needing to switch every few years
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