#;; or just haunt my inbox in general with your own ideas :D
dxy-drxxm · 8 months
I've been posting a lot of my drabbles and most of the new ones are about the IDV AU and with Lyney and the triplets, which is interesting lol
Although I'm not sure if anyone's interested in getting general thoughts about like— survivor and hunter Lyney (and with Lynette and Freminet) ;;
Should I post some here or is it a bad idea? /genq
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jayflrt · 3 years
*inhale* *exhale* *slowly kneels* ALICE PLEASE BLOODLUST WAS SO GOO D IM NOR OKAU HOW DID YOU ^(&*((#& ik i'm late and i'm: so sorry BUT HELLO HOW DO YOU WRITE LIKE THAT
the last line of every part was left such an impact each time and the whole thing was so foreboding (i've been sure abt this since arcanum but i swear you're so good at the horror/thriller genre all those one-liners that are left fully ingrained in my head and the plots how do you come up with these) and god i have so many favourite lines from this i'm gonna list them at the end of this wait*
AND THE PLOT TWIST WHAG WAS TJAT how and when and what and why did it take me three rereads to fully process even though he was off from the start (also WHY WERE THE VICTIMS THE MEMEBRS + KYUNGMIN NOO <//3)
*the birds throughout holy shit "they just sat there all day and observed the chaos." "hollow like bird bones." "the birds sang. mocking. ugly. loud." and ofc the teaser quote too; "someone was screaming. you didn’t realize until you had bolted all the way out of the school building that it was you."; "wide and unhinged, like someone had carved it in with a blade."; "a messy root in his chest, a manifestation of shadows branching out under his skin."; I'M SORRY I KNOW YOU DON'T NEED YOUR OWN WRITING SENT BACK TO YOU BUT I LOVE YOUR DESCRIPTIONS SM
anyways i will come back to send one of those unnecessarily long asks in time this was just me once again losing my mind over your talent and to thank you for the fic; i hope you're healthy and happy, stay safe and uh what else yes take breaks from work when you need (it's exam szn for us rn so i have realised how important breaks are) and hydrate and generally just take care !!
ps. here's the hug that comes with each ask because you deserve them all <3
// bloodlust spoilers*
SRIZAAA 😭💖 YOU ABSOLUTE ANGEL WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS oh my goddd you just made me so happy like the happiest person in the room im in rn??? and i think that’s saying a lot bc there's like 13843294 ppl in here 😭 AHHH HOW TO POCKET THIS MESSAGE AND CARRY IT WITH ME FOREVER 🤧 💕 im so touched rn oh my gosh 
“i swear you're so good at the horror/thriller genre all those one-liners that are left fully ingrained in my head and the plots” horror/thriller has always been one of my fav genres to write so you have nooo idea how much your words mean to me :(( 💛 AHH AND THE FACT THAT YOU PUT THE QUOTES YOU LIKED BELOW you want me to combust rn dont you 😔 i will combust in this library and melt into a puddle of fluff pls <//3
three rereads you mean you read my fic three times (that sounds like such a clarification on my part LMFAOO) but PLS sriza im crying from all this support and love from you 😭🤍 ALSO SORRY FOR MAKING THE MEMBERS + KYUNGMIN THE VICTIMS <//3 didn't throw riki in there tho 🙏 would’ve been absolutely foul of me
ALSO IM SO HAPPY U NOTICED THE REPETITION WITH THE BIRDS !! i went back to check each line with the birds actually haha i wanted to see how haunting it got as the story progressed :’’) ALSO NOO I LOVE IT BEING SENT TO ME AND SEEING WHAT PARTS YOU LIKED 🥺 IT MAKES ME SO SO HAPPY OMG i appreciate you taking the time to do so !! 💞 
i love seeing you in my inbox angel so ill be waiting for that next time !! again, thank you sm !! im so grateful 😭 i hope you’re doing well and taking care of yourself as well ♡ it’s midterm szn rn for me so we both will have to be putting in those study hours for a while 🤧 good luck on your exams and make sure to eat well and drink water !! 
i will return the hug 🫂 
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