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ombraventi 3 years
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purple zelda villains alignment chart. discuss.
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ombraventi 2 years
i kinda. died here oops
starter call time! no cap, they鈥檒l be minis to get me back into the swing of things.
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ombraventi 3 years
whoops guess who zoned out for a bit
anyways, event starter call for Vaati here! He鈥檚 going to be dealing with his own issues in the mist- namely, he鈥檚 going to be having a run-in with Ezlo from the manga canon ending.
So, uh. yeah. If you want to deal with an extremely stressed and confused wind mage, hit that like button! capping at 3, with loz castmates exempt.
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ombraventi 3 years
what sky are you?
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no matter how many times you get knocked down, you always get back up. you defy expectations and stay true to yourself. you are a leader - maybe not in a traditional sense in that others follow you, but you've carved out your own path in life. you are kind but unyielding. you have strong opinions and values. there's a part of you that just wants to make everyone else around you happy, but you know your limits - that you can only share what you have to give. you may seem unassuming to others at first but in time they will watch as you grow into something incredible
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