#;ic ♉️ afton
veiliisms · 2 years
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@lured-into-wonderland said: ❛ i'm sorry , i didn't mean to bump into you . ❜ / first interaction starters.
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"hey, watch whe- !"
he turns on a heel when there's a sharp shove in the center of his back. the dog at his side turns, as well, giving a sharp yip more than a bark, before the chocolate fur on her back raises for just a moment. though, when afton and amaya see it's just a simple accident...
"... yeah, nah - it's, uh. it's fine. don't worry about it." he awkwardly rubs the back of his neck, tugging his dog's leash gently and indicating for her to sit. "you alright? kinda bumped into me roughly. i ain't exactly a pushover, so i hope you ain't got it worse than i did."
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@saiintmxrcy from X
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“it ain’t a bother or nothin’, ange,” he replies. a quick look towards the other, and they give a curt nod, before walking off. well, renji could always come back later, anyway. the swordsman focuses his attention back to the medic, a brow arched over his head.
“what’s on your mind?”
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veiliisms · 2 years
*AFTON & FAYE. / @redemptioninterlude​ ( lyric sc. / song. )
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“not caring if strangers live or not, and hating someone else... just seems like some kinda fashion trend, now.”
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veiliisms · 2 years
*AFTON & CHIARA. / from this wishlist item. / @opalscales​
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it wasn’t the most ideal of situations. the new area was supposed to be a hub for a new office, however... this particular part of the world had a lot of red tape for outsiders as far as setting up a business. so, you can imagine how they treat them with living situations.
it’s obnoxiously over-furnished, for how dingy the apartment is. he’s visibly annoyed, and it only grows when there’s a succession of soft, almost timid knocks at the door.
he almost throws the door open, staring at the girl with a raised brow. there she was, for whatever reason it may be; and here he is, scowling, in a dark tanktop where his sleeve of tattoos and mess of scars are on full display.
“... yeah?”
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veiliisms · 2 years
*AFTON & MAYA. / from x.
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“you ain’t exactly convincin’ me here, may’,” 
he looks genuinely confused - eyebrow quirked up, and everything. was she pissed he wasn’t paying her much attention when his classmate walked by? she was just asking about kendo club... he did get pretty wrapped up in the conversation, though. he leans back in his chair, and his own arms fold over his chest.
“... what’s the big deal?”
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veiliisms · 2 years
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@lunaetis' akane said: having stayed up and pulling all-nighters for a week straight, the inspector felt that accumulated exhaustion catching up on her. she was discussing the case with the other, trying to keep herself awake as they went through the details in various reports. without knowing it, his voice became a bit of a lull that made her nod off into a much needed slumber, head gently rested to his broad shoulder as she unconsciously nuzzled towards him for warmth. a soft sigh escaped her lips, and her expression spelled of contentment. how warm.
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his voice didn’t carry the same rough, demanding tone it did during the earlier investigation. she had asked to go over files, and he was eager to oblige; there was a lot to unpack on this case. and like a dog with a scent, afton couldn’t let it go until he figured it out. he was rambling, going on and on, and - ... when did the inspector stop talking?
the warmth on his shoulder. he pauses, and looks down at her. she looked... exhausted. it was going into the early hours of the morning, after all. a sigh, and he sets down the tablet. he’ll... fold his arms, and lean back a bit. enough to where she isn’t disturbed as much. maybe he can shut his eyes for a few minutes, too...
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veiliisms · 2 years
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@aodamo 's camila said: [ groom ]  your muse adjusting mine’s appearance , such as straightening a tie , fixing their hair , or buttoning their shirt for them , etc . / non-sexual acts of intimacy.
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afton’s pretty straight-forward, when it comes to clothing and apparel. he tends to wear the same colors, doesn’t buy anything too fancy, a typical t-shirt and jeans kinda guy. that’s not to say he doesn’t make it look good, but he isn’t exactly the dress-up type, unless it’s for work.
so imagine, if you will, the look of impatience on his face as cami begins to fix up and button up the snazzy new dress shirt she got for him. hell, she practically picked him out a whole new suit that he doesn’t even know what to do with! never the bashful type, though he does have to clear his throat and fight off a bit of warmth in his face when she steps back and admires her handywork.
man... she can call him handsome all day. it doesn’t have to do with his ego, no, not at all - he’s just secretly bashful someone could call him that.
“... ah, c’mon cam, enough already. you’re makin’ me blush,” he says, mostly being a smartass, mostly deflecting.
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veiliisms · 2 years
doing this on a separate post bc these always fuck up the most.
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veiliisms · 2 years
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@regivaem said: “ don’t worry about me; are YOU okay? “
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sure, he’d taken a hit; but she was the one they snuck up on. it might not have been a bad hit, but a suckerpunch is still gonna rock you worse than when you see it coming. he touches his busted lip, feels the sting, but doesn’t show any reaction.
“m’fine,” he murmurs, looking over her features. she was fine, not as bloodied as he was, but he’s still gonna worry.
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veiliisms · 2 years
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@madeimpact said: I place an offering of one Shinji before ye. What you / the muses do with him is up to you / unprompted. (always acc.)
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“y’see what i mean? just like that,” 
he instructs shinji from the side, keeping the flashlight on the under side of the sink. he seemed a bit bummed when it suddenly stopped working; afton half expected him to blame himself. but a hand on the shoulder, a let’s fix this together, and there was shinji on his back struggling to get the pliers to put a nut back on.
“c’mon, give it a good twist; y’almost got it... nice! good job, shin,”
afton grunts as he stands back up. “see? wasn’t that hard. c’mon, get up and test it out.”
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veiliisms · 2 years
*AFTON & TEM. / @batoushoujo (sc.)
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"... tem?" surprised is an understatement; he holds the door open on the humid afternoon with a wildly confused expression. "hey. uh. what's - you good? ain't really expect a visit, but, uh. what's up?"
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veiliisms · 2 years
*AFTON & MINGXIA. / from x.
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his first instinct is to shoot back. an immediate, defensive way to shrug her off, to turn around and walk away. his hands are clenched at his sides, and he’s already towering over her. but, she doesn’t budge. she doesn’t falter. and, it’s enough to get him to calm down, some. close your eyes. count down from five. and, he lets a breath out.
“... there is. a lot on my plate right now. i feel like i’m drownin’ and i don’t know how to get up. alright?”
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veiliisms · 2 years
“Shut up and eat your cake.”
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afton's bday bash 2k22. / @batoushoujo (acc.)
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"okay, alright! shit, miss bossy. ain't it my birthday?"
he's actually joking, of course, and he scoots himself closer to the cake. "wow! you had every opportunity to have them put any name and you still made sure it was just afton. how sweet."
alright, alright, he's done teasing her. in the end, he gives her shoulder a quick tap. doesn't wanna bother her with a hand-on-the-shoulder motion, so it's the best he's got.
"really, though. thanks. and thanks for comin' by."
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veiliisms · 2 years
“ happy birthday, afton. you can now look forward to another year of me pissing you off! how exciting! “ - from coco. mwah mwah xoxoxo
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afton's bday bash 2k22. / @partloss
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lucky doesn't even begin to describe what afton'd call coco.
grip tightens on his bottle of beer, almost threatening to crack it, while looking down at her. renji was grabbing them a drink, vera was preoccupied with xenon and the others, but renji's little girlfriend did her best to get under his skin once again.
"... enjoy the food and drink. don't choke on it."
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veiliisms · 2 years
look, even though they have the whole weird 'will they / won't they' dynamic going on together, maya's still here to gently boop her forehead against afton's shoulder. "hap birth."
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afton bday bash 2k22. / @compatiissante (acc.)
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of course she remembered. why wouldn't she, right? she's always been good at remembering these little things. always been a little strange, a little funny, a little too good for him.
he's grateful she's there, though.
an arm is wrapped around her shoulders, enjoying the warmth of her head against his arm, and he makes sure to hold her close.
"... thanks. i, uh. appreciate you."
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veiliisms · 2 years
“is this how you flirt with everyone?” @ afton :3c
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a meme i can't find. / @dandilys
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"ha! no, just you, jean."
his response comes with a sarcastic laugh, almost a scoff, and his head shakes in mild amusement. it isn't until his gaze moves back forward, where he realizes... he just confirmed he was flirting.
the smile instantly disappears, and the look on his face is a combination of shock and dread. oh, he wouldn't hear the end of this. he eventually turns his head to look her way, and no, he does not have an excuse. there's not sudden, stammer of an excuse to retract his statement. no... no, he's fully ready to take the full brunt of her laughter and/or teasing.
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