seahydra · 4 months
Okay I think. I'm posting it. 800+ something words under the cut, I wanted to write something kind of like the audio dramas featured on the album CDs or the silly skits in the podcast episodes, so it's all written as if it were a script. Enjoy?!
Levi: Ah, y-you're here! ...You're early.
Lazarus: Well, I got bored waiting for the time to come around, and I wanted to see you right away, so... ahem.
Lazarus: Anyway, we’re watching the Ultrawitch finale tonight, right? I've been looking forward to it.
Levi: Actually, I… had something else in mind for us to watch tonight, if that’s okay with you? We can totally finish the series some other time, it’s just- I saw something I really wanted to watch with you ASAP, and…
Lazarus: Really? I do wish you’d told me that earlier...
Lazarus: But it’s fine. I suppose I don’t really care, as long as we get to hang out. What did you have in mind?
Levi: It’s this 12 episode anime I discovered recently. Each episode covers a different tragic story, with different characters. It's supposed to be SUPER heartbreaking lol. I mean, i-if you care.
Lazarus: Huh… much different from our original plan... but alright. It sounds interesting enough.
Levi: Really?! Thank goodness, I was so worried you’d turn down the idea!! Okay. Come sit down, I’ll get it all set up.
Lazarus: Got it.
Lazarus: …Hey, you’re moving in a bit close, Levi…
Levi: Yeah, so I can see your face bette- um, I mean-! A-A-Am I?! I’m so sorry! I’ll get out of your personal space right away, ahahaha!
Levi: A-Anyway, I’m about to hit play, so quiet down and watch closely, alright?!
Levi: (sniff) Making the immortal say goodbye to his human lover is so cruel... gaaahh, it hurts my very soul! (sob) Why couldn't they both just be together forever? It's not fair...
Lazarus: It is rather painful, indeed... but at least they got to be together at all, even if it was just for a little while?
Levi: But now he's going to be alone! Uuuugh, I can't think about this anymore... (sniff)
… ...
Lazarus: Ah, this poor girl... watching her repress herself like this makes me feel bad.
Levi: (sniffle) Everyone in that town is so shallow. They have no right to talk about her behind her back just because she's a little "weird"! Don't they see how much that hurts her? I bet they don't even care! How heartless... (sob)
Lazarus: (Yeah, I know what that's like...)
... ... ...
Levi: W-Well, that was the final episode. Um... your thoughts, please?
Lazarus: Eeeh, bit of a 6/10 to me, I think. No, maybe 6.5... 6.7?
Levi: 6.7?!?! That's it?! N-No way... did you somehow feel nothing while we were watching it?
Lazarus: Well, the stories themselves were written fine enough. But, it didn't really do anything for me overall..
Levi: ...You're unbelievable.
Lazarus: Eh?! Hey, what's with the sudden mood change? Are you mad at me?
Levi: Tch... I should have known... even if we ARE best friends, you'd never... not in front of someone like me...
Lazarus: Levi?
Levi: Like, why would you?! Who would want to be so open... in the presence of some loser...
Lazarus: Leviathan.
Levi: What?!
Lazarus: Talk to me. What's wrong?
Levi: ...No. I can't. It’s too embarrassing.
Lazarus: Come on, tell me! You know I'm not going to judge you!
Levi: Fine. Fine!
Levi: I was just thinking... in the entire time we’ve known each other, I’ve seen all sorts of different emotions on you.
Levi: I’ve seen how happy you get when you pull a UR card of your fave. I’ve seen you be totally pissed off, like when we first met. I’ve even seen you be terrified out of your mind, but…
Levi: …somehow, I’ve never seen you cry before. I thought for sure today would be the day, but everything backfired on me. So humiliating...
Lazarus: Hm? So all of this was merely you trying to make me cry?! Okay, I miiiiight judge you a little for that. You’re weirder than I thought, aren't you! Ahaha!
Levi: Wait. Wait, wait, wait! No! I just realized that sounds really bad! I-I-I promise I’m not a sadist or anything! It's because, um, I…
Levi: …I brought it up once, to everyone else. And they all said they’d never seen you cry, either. Like, not even tearing up a LITTLE bit!
Lazarus: ...Yes, because I don’t like to do that in front of other people.
Levi: But that’s the thing! When they all said that, I thought... I really wanted to be the first and only person to ever see you cry.
Levi: Because, like… that would mean you trust me, right? I… want.. to be the only person you’re vulnerable with, in that way… or something.. whatever.
Levi: Never mind, it’s nothing. Just forget I said anyth-
Levi: …Wait. A-Are you--?!
Lazarus: T-That’s… (sniff) somehow, that’s the sweetest thing... (sniff) you’ve ever said to me!!! Waaaaaaaahhh! Levi, you’re so cute!!!
Levi: Why was that what did it for you?! Hey, don’t just throw your arms around me-! Aaaaghhh, I can't process all of this!!! Let go, you idiot!!!
END 💥💥💥
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