#<- i dont like maintagging these kinda posts RIP but i need it tagged so i can find it later T_T
mukuberry · 5 months
OK since the day's nearly over and it's all I've been thinking about since the mv dropped, here's my simplified updated opinion on what Kotoko's murder is:
Kotoko kills red-haired guy (not milgram victim), saves Lucky.
She goes to court and is judged innocent due to self defence, she and Lucky grow closer.
Lucky retracts her statement that Kotoko saved her (family threatened/bribed by red-haired guy's father?), Kotoko finds out via news article.
Kotoko is very much pissed off by this ("Useless weaklings should just shut up and let me protect them")
Kotoko goes on the hunt of a new bad guy, Lucky somehow knows this and waits for her, Kotoko completely gives her the cold shoulder.
Lucky runs after her, accidentally gets involved in the hunt Kotoko is on. Kotoko kicks her out of the way, underestimates her strength and accidentally kills her
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