#<- my tag for all the french + bbh polycule
ultra-raging-ghost · 4 months
oughhh the rant nobody asked for but everyone needs in their life
guys im so soft about bbh and the french
i was listening to this song and thinking about starhalo and then i was thinking this definitely also applies to ayhalo and then i was thinking about how much the french value bbh oughhh
i get so soft thinking about how pierre calls bad HIS badboy, HIS bebou, he would trust his egg with his badboy he'd go on a vacation with his bebou.. he always has bads back in all decisions he loves hearing about bads mischief he loves participating in create shennanigans with him... he knew bad filled the hole with snow and immediately decided to contribute to it, no questions asked... he had his back in purgatory he wanted to let his bebou off the leash....
and how etoiles is always there for bad, always excited to be with him, always excited to talk to him and fight with him and show him things.... they stick fight together and etoiles praises bad so much for his fighting even though bbh isnt the best, and he loves going and fighting in dungeons with him and he loves coparenting and they seek eachother out in moments of craziness like in p2 in the crowd, bbh was awkwardly hopping between groups and etoiles called him over as soon as he spotted him just to show him his friends....
I get so soft thinking about baghera and bad, i always loved how much they hung out pre purgatory, all the secrets they shared just between them and rarely anyone else, they schemed together and followed through and didnt betray each other no matter what and theyd lie for each other and they coparent both their eggs together... its so special to me that shes dappers mom as well as bad being pommes dad, the mutual adoption is just so special to me even if it has a little memey origins lol
Antoine was the first to call bad Bebou and has always supported him in their own cryptid way, he was one of the first people bad showed him the orb comic to and trusts him with a lot. They share the same ideals that comes about when youve been around for a long time, and antoine always has bads back when ppl accuse him of crimes he definitely did <3 im especially soft about them specifically because of their shared cryptid-ness... i feel the same way abt bad and foolish, the absolute shared insanity that happens when someones lived for so long they lose track of time, that being shared between two people is so interesting.....
im very soft about the french and bbh.... ive always just wanted bad to have someone that has his back in any situation, who can share secrets and trust his son with and honestly i find myself immediately looking to the french for that. I struggle to pick just one of them to ship with them so honestly, why not all of them at the same time?? It takes a village to raise an egg, and if the village is a bunch of french people who are madly in love with a shy gringo then goddamn it that village is going to be so fucking great!!!!
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