#@amethystina if u are reading this. I must tell u: the autofill corrected Kang Yohan into KANT Yohan
a-very-fond-farewell · 5 months
Shipper Tag Game
the ever so wonderful @wangmiao tagged me in a game! yay :D I spend my days studying as of lately an I needed a little distraction eheh
1. what ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don’t care anymore?
aah man, it’s probably ed & winry from FMA if I’m being honest. now I know why, bc my baby gay younger self saw the potential for ftm!Ed and mtf!Winry since day 1 but I didn’t have the words to understand it as such back then. it’s not that I don’t care anymore but that fandom served its purpose and I am thankful for it. learned about my own stance on gender euphoria thanks to it actually even if the story has nothing to do with it in retrospect.
2. which ship would you consider your first one?
ik that, as a wee child, I was obsessed with Haruka from Sailor Moon flirting with Usagi, but I wouldn’t consider that as a proper “ship”. I learned shipping was a thing at, like, 19. but if I look back at my childhood... probably either Syaoran & Sakura (bi nation where u at??) or Touya/Yukito from Card Captor. I clocked the Tomoyo/Sakura waaaay later tho, which is a pity.
3. your first fanfic belonged to which couple?
first fanfic I read was a D. Gray Man one, so it was probably a Kanda/Allen situation yeah. I think I was 20. oh god.
4. do you remember the first couple you saw a fanart over?
hard to say. I think I had just discovered tumblr, so it means I was either 22 or 23... so I was either in the Pandora Hearts fandom or in the Tokyo Ghoul fandom. and I only followed people from those two so... I think it was an Arima/Haise one? hard to say fr.
5. did you ever get into ship discourse?
I tend to stay away from that. I just mute or block people and go back to play with my fictional people. me is petty at times, yes.
6. did you use to have any no-otp or have it currently?
I do have ships I don’t particularly like, but I find it silly to talk about them. I let people enjoy themselves.
7. who were the couples in the last fanfic you read?
Gaon/Yohan from The Devil Judge bc there’s only one fic in the whole fandom I follow and I generally don’t read fanfics that much. (I may or may not have read a fanfic from Evilive in the past month or so, but if I did I was feverish and recall very little of it).
8. currently do you have any OTPs?
man where do I start?
Shang Xirui/Cheng Fengtai from Winter Begonia
Zhou Zishu/Wen Kexing from Word of Honor
Gu Yun/Changgeng from Sha Po Lang
Seo Doyoung/Han Dongsoo from Evilive (current one)
Kim Gaon/Kang Yohan from The Devil Judge
Lee Dongsik/Han Joowon from Beyond Evil
Koo Ryeon/Park Joonggil from Tomorrow
(one sapphic ship I shall not name - for the discourse is rampant about them- but it involves ladies and dragons)
Eve Polastri/Villanelle from Killing Eve (I am waiting for the italian dub to drop season 3 and 4 in dvd, I am too attached to it to budge)
(if that news about Kim Goeun and Jeon Doyeon starring in the same thriller drama is true I will make it my entire personality so be prepared for it)
9. is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
is there?.... man I have no clue. they are all true in my heart. I can be anal about it and say that I call bullshit on the main girl in True Beauty kdrama not ending up with the second-male lead if I really have to be mad about something but... meh? that’s probably it? the characters were too young for me to empathize with them but I guess that’s still something I think about from time to time?? I feel so silly saying this ahah
10. is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
honestly, ever since kun opened my eyes about soggy older men being bullied by grumpy older men I have changed as a person. I never disliked it per se but now everything has changed. I see the vision now. I see it. thank u kun :)
11. do you have any ship that, in the past, was considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
listen. I ship changgu. it’s Gu Yun’s fault to be such a cougar, what was a growing kid like Changgeng supposed to do? not fantasize about his godfather? who, I might add, is only, like, 8 or 9 years older than him and didn’t even want to take that role to begin with and they got together when both were above their mid-twenties anyway? try again tag game. these new fandom babies are eating my face like smooth lions as we speak. (I am joking...)
12. what was your favorite crack ship?
before I left the m/dzs fandom... I guess Wen Q/ing & Lan W/angji as a “beard for beard” situation. they are gay and they are not vibing on prom night, having to dance with each other instead of looking for people they actually like. maybe it’s best that I left the fandom ahah
13. who is the couple you read most fanfics of?
I don’t really... read... fanfics... anymore. usually I’m either in a big ship or a niche show/book with no in between. in the second case... it’s bad bc I feel the urge to WRITE for the fandom and ship in question, which means that I don’t want to read fics about it unless I have finished my own fic for it (bc I don’t want to accidentally steal other people’s ideas. my subconscious is an octopus I swear, it latches onto anything that moves in my brain. I cannot do that to someone else’s creation!); in the first case it works only if I’m not active in the fandom:
take Word of Honor: I write for it and for the main ship too, so I don’t read fics about it
take Evilive or Winter Begonia: we have so few fics in there I MUST WRITE for the main ship, so I don’t read fics about it (sometimes I do cave in tho, yes I am human)
take The Devil Judge or Tomorrow: I’m not active on either of those, so I can enjoy reading fics (only two, one for each fandom)
my life is a struggle ik. the most fics I have read for a ship is probably that sapphic ship I shall not name (evil women come at me!!) and bagginshield from The Hobbit (we are talking 10 years ago tho)
14. what most of your ships usually have in common?
across all genders and all gender combos, I have generally 3 vibes going on:
twice divorced, never married
long suffering banter, but fond
not related, not chosen family, but a secret third thing
(additional flavor: either the younger one is the bossy one or they are the same age and they are making it everyone’s problem at that)
15. what you absolutely hate in a ship?
I would say conformity. if I don’t catch any queer vibes from the main source then what’s the point? even in a het ship I must latch onto some gender magic of some kind. some pegging for everyone would be nice too. or no sex at all, for a change, why not?
thank u once more kun for tagging me! imma tag anyone insterested in doing this and @amethystina and @danhoemei is they feel like doing it or if they just want to have a look at my replies, no pressure!!
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