#[ Greedy Post RP ]
miidnighters · 6 months
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I came back to RP in October of this year and I honestly have just been blown away by the community that's still here - I'm so lucky to have connected with this community of people who not only write excellent things with me, but put other excellent things on my dash for me to devour.
I just wanted to say a little thank you and shoutout for making re-entry so easy and enjoyable <3 I love you all and I cannot wait to have a million threads apiece with each of you because I'm so greedy and I'm just looking at you all with little grabby hands. I want to like every starter call you ever post and send in every meme but also. Don't want to be a lunatic you know.
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Writing with you makes me so happy! I really enjoy each of your characters and this interwoven storyline they all have together - how you can reference other characters and have them drop in and out and still be 'canon'. Love it.
@briillicnt / @grcveyacd
I love the dynamic we've created with Tristan and Hartley - I really enjoy writing with you and exploring all the little facets of their relationship. I can't wait to do more, especially exploring all the characters on your multi!
@exquisitexagony / @cursedvessels / @distantsongsofjoy
Sami has my whole heart and you know this. I love their characterisation and whichever of my characters they get paired with is absolutely chefs kiss because each pairing has such a unique dynamic that I love playing with. PLUS all the characters on your multi?? All of your characters are exquisite and I love them.
What can I say about Eve - even before you were writing with me I was reading your other threads and thinking about how cool you were so the fact that we've crafted this relationship between Bella and Eve? It's amazing to me and I love exploring not only their relationship but also the wider universe.
@laidbear / @92328 / @svetlna
I have mentioned before but I'll say it again, each of your characters is so fascinating to me and I love them so much. I am always blown away by the depth and facets of your characters, and the way they interact with mine. Amazing - I could live in your blogs for the next 100 years and never get bored.
@cxldblxxded / @yxkanna
Another set of amazing, multifaceted characters. I think your development and wider thinking about your characters is so interesting and I love reading all of the extra tidbits because it makes all of your characters feel that much more real. Looking forward to hopefully more interactions with Cad & K.
Aaah honestly all of your characters are so good and I love that you think about them not only in a BG3 sense but also in a wider fantasy sense which makes them so fascinating to me. Also, the fact that you will occasionally use real dice rolls to decide what happens in-reply? Iconic.
I love you, I love your characters, I love all the things we've talked about for Flynn and Jamie, and the things we've started putting together for Isaac and Callisto. Writing with you is so fun and I can't wait to explore some of your other characters.
I am loving what we're starting to build between our girls. Your characters and your threads are so interesting to me - like, how do you come up with these concepts? I also love seeing all of the supplemental content you post like moodboards and other things - just the way you think about your characters? Amazing.
August is my child now I'm sorry I don't make the rules. i think it's so interesting how you've managed to take a character that by virtue of being young would be undesirable to a lot of writers and make him so loveable. I can't wait to write more with him.
What a woman. What a concept. Such interesting (and well done) writing. I would kind of like to set up shop in your blog and never leave? Also, your goodnight posts about whatever way Rainer's fallen asleep/done herself in that day make my whole afternoon.
These characters are ridiculous and I say that with all the love in my heart. I love the concept of the dual-muse reply where both Ruth and Funke feature and I think that both of them individually are really well-crafted, interesting characters to read and write with. ETA: Aaah I didn't have time to get on my computer and fix this after my Moment this morning but Conrad should also be tagged here not down below 😳😳😳
@littledevilinside / @notladylikes
Okay so I know we only started writing recently but we went absolutely 0-100 with threads and I already love what we have going on with Isaac and Lorelei. Such a good, wholesome dynamic - Lorelei as a character is so interesting and I can't wait to dig a little deeper with her and the others on your multi.
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Here are some people I don't write with (as much yet)/am still in the planning-plotting stages with/just plain admire and devour their threads/OC meta every time they're on my dash
@byanyan | @recitedemise | @kxllerblond / @multiimistakes | @ohshadow | @radicalrascals | @tewwor | @nightiingaled | @sorrowsick | @fuckedcowboy | @draconisa | @kurjaks | @hungryyheart | @penddraig | @praybird | @mvnces | @moonromantic
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honeydewresortaskblog · 5 months
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Calling dibs on this girlie now before someone else inevitably takes her, you greedy greedy bastards.. /JJJJ
Answers to any asks will be #customerserviceresponses
Status Reports will be #resortstatus
OOC will be #OOC
Interactions/RP threads will be #mallowsocializes
Any sort of solo story posts or insight into Mallow is #lorepost
I hold rights to ignore any asks, DMs, or rp prompts if they make me uncomfortable, please respect my boundaries, thank you!
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sm64mario · 4 months
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hey, it's mun again. i was a little dramatic last time i did one of these but it's been about a month or two and i've calmed down a bit and y'know i feel like i've gotten comfortable with letting the mask down and just kinda bein' frank with you fellas, so let's get down to business.
i activated tipping for this blog! i do not need money. i am some fat cis white guy who's very lucky to have a mother who can feed me while i make bad life decisions. but, if you decide for whatever reason that you have a few extra coins lying about, and you'd like to toss 'em to a blatant shitposter, i'd be thankful. i was thinking about maybe doing like a 'wario post' for each one i get because i feel kinda greedy about turning it on but that might be leaning too into the gag.
was also considering making a sideblog for roleplay purposes. i think i deleted all of the older posts where i'd write paragraph long replies to my old rp partners but i miss it and wonder if i still have it in me. i'll shill it if i ever make it happen.
currently, the queue is set for two posts a day, and i'll occasionally add an improvised post or two if inspiration strikes me, but i hope the blog isn't too stagnant or anything! the quiz cards should help shake things up, and i'll occasionally try to find neat stuff from mariowiki or TCRF as well, but you know the drill by now - it's just mario shitposts and good feel. also, i realized i should probably start IDing the photos i personally post, so i'll try to add those.
my main blog is @absolutedingus, but i tend not to make original posts or queue or tag stuff on there, so don't feel obligated for follow or interact with it. if you have any pressing questions, concerns, or notices for me, please consider sending them there! in the future, i may link it in my description, but i worry it'll look too clogged with the disclaimer already there.
thank you for reading to the end! i'm not sure how to wrap this up. i like my wii u.
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dmbakura · 1 day
doing this meme with V cuz I FEEL LIKE IT WEHHH. warning for necrophilia, minor incest implications (with Bhaal) and SA mention 👍
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1. vers-bottom, and very much a sub.
2. he's a dark urge so you can imagine violence and gore gets him off but even without the durge stuff he's still quite morbid. he has a bit of a silly side in bed too tho and if you can make him laugh (with terrible gallows humour especially) he's all for it. turn offs? uhh he doesn't really like chivalrous hero types at all and anything like that is likely to just make him really bored.
3. he's kind of a rapid fire cummer 🤨 lord have mercy that boy can squirt
4. his chest is pretty sensitive, especially around the scarring. his ears and neck as well
5. again, offering him gore, either killing someone/something or hell, even just talking about it really gets him going. but if you ACTUALLY want to get to know him, paying attention to his emotional needs and offering him a place to spill his thoughts and he's pretty damn easy lmao. he's not hard to seduce at all, he's quite lonely.
6. uhh pre tadpole, actually quite a lot. he kind of worked it into his killing schedule 💀 again, he's pretty lonely and doesn't feel safe with a lot of people so he only really found solace in dead bodies. post tadpole, after meeting Astarion, Abdirak, Halsin, etc he has way too many boyfriends to really bother with it at all
7. V would answer "yes". he probably likes riding the most, anything where his partner can touch him or look at him easily
8. 🧍‍♂️I don't really know if having sex with dead bodies counts as losing virginity. but anyways his first real sexual encounter with another person was at the temple of Bhaal. he got there late teens/early 20s and was curious and did it with another cultist
9. anywhere. bed, floor, sacrificial altar. he doesn't care and not much bothers him in terms of comfort
10. yep... it's not so much that he has an exhibition kink (I mean maybe a little) but he literally just doesn't care if he's caught
11. loud, extremely loud
12. ehhhm... I guess the closest thing is he learned a magic penis spell and uses it sometimes?
13. he *generally* prefers receiving. being a bhaalspawn, he's somewhat afraid of what he can do to another person, hence post tadpole he's pretty passive in sexual encounters with say- Astarion. however, he also has streaks where he REALLY wants to please his partner, so yeah i guess once he's more comfortable with his own autonomy he's more comfortable giving and being in control.
14. pretty often once he's with his boyfriends... you can imagine lmao
15. he wants to be understood, he wants someone to be able to handle him and make him feel like he won't fly out of control. he gets really comfortable when people take him seriously and pay attention to his needs. he's been neglected a lot of his life and he tries to portray himself as a mindless killing machine, but he really just wants to be known.
16. starved. he's a bit like Astarion in the sense that might come across as a mindless hedonist, but he really wants genuine connection and he's quite greedy for it when it's offered to him.
17. he doesn't have tits or a dick so idk what to put here 💀
18. pre tadpole: Bhaal. worshipping Bhaal. utter devotion to Bhaal... yeah he desperately wants the approval and love of his father and it comes out in really unhealthy ways. post bg3 if he somehow finds the time to masturbate he's doing it while thinking about either Astarion, Abdirak or Halsin.
19. he prefers men but he's open to pretty much anything else. I'd probably classify him as bi with a male lean. he thinks women are hot too and kind of laments he doesn't have many female partners 😔 maybe I should give him a girlfriend too.
20. pain REALLY gets him off. he usually likes being punished or rough treatment during sex, and then being thoroughly taken care of afterwards. specifically he likes his pussy being spanked. also likes being bitten.
21. currently doing an RP with him where he and Astarion sneak in Gortash's bedroom and have sex 💀 but honestly there's probably been weirder places
22. neck probably. V would just say "everywhere. kiss me everywhere."
23. he was sexually abused by Kressa Bonedaughter during his captivity in the colony. he only remembers this when meeting her again and he Doesn't Take It Well
24. as mentioned above, yes. Abdirak basically makes it a requirement when they have their penance sessions LOL
25. decently often. not really all the time tho. it just sort of happens when it happens
26. so V had? a weird experience with being trans? his self consciousness only sort of came into play AFTER he got bonked on the head by Orin and lost his memory. his senses got scrambled, he was kind of surprised (?) he didn't have a penis? so for whatever reason he got a bit thrown off about that and thought Astarion might be weirded out by it, even though Astarion wasn't. he was also really unimpressed when he got his period and just went "how the fuck did i deal with this again?"
27. V likes a drawn out session... so long, ideally.
28. as mentioned above, he has a silly side. I've drawn this with him cracking puns while Astarion fucks him as well
29. I've mentioned it before but Orin did his top surgery and it was part mastectomy and part murder attempt. he got some pretty sick scars out of it tho!
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angeart · 2 months
That whole RP snippet WHY would you say I could skip that, my heart
as if I could skip it, I am also a greedy anon I would read literally everything 👀
noted! :3c
me and link make many mini rps, they're very fun and i love writing them to bits. very enriching. helps us get through the day and also further helps us shape and develop the au!
currently we're playing around with a scene post-return to hc where grian wants to make a nest (they still tentatively live in a hidden underground bunker though). they have so many tangled, complicated feelings about home and safety and permanency. they deserve some good things, after everything they've been through <3
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medicus-felini · 3 months
 ᓚᘏᗢ Hello darling angels !
It's been a bit quiet around here   &   I decided to pull this boat around a bit, hear me out.
I am going to pause every ongoing thread [ unless you reach out to me in DMs/Discord ]   &  open a new starter call in another post. Reason as to why is that I really lost track of everything and can't get a grasp anymore. So see it as a clean start so lil ol' Fungi can manage her threads accordingly. 
If you'd like to plot something out, I am all here for it. Again, dm me   &   we figure things out u///u !
I never would have imagined for Linn to be so popular given the fact she is an oc and rp communities tend to be a bit skeptical towards them. It makes my heart bloom,   &   the op-community is  BY FAR  the most accepting place I've come across yet. ♥ Thank you all so much. You make this experience heavenly.
That being said, thank you again for reading; it is nothing personal. I do not hate or feel bored by our threads; it just got too much,   &   my greedy ass didn't know when to regulate tehehe . . . Keep an eye out for the new starter call; I will link it here when it is ready.
Kisses kisses [ MWAH ]
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blogger-yura · 11 months
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Entry #48 July 31st '23
#YurasLife #DailyYura #Birthday2023 #Food
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𝐃𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐘𝐮𝐫𝐚 - Happy Birthday to Me!
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Happy happy birthday to me! Ah! Another year has come and gone. How insane is that? Have you guys felt the weight of the years coming settling lately, or have you felt the weight of the years passing go away? (*>∀<*) It's truly curious, isn't it? How time can run the same speed for everyone and yet feel so different!
This year, I'll admit, I feel lighter. I've also been a bit more excited over birthdays. Mine, specifically. If you've been around a bit, you know my thoughts on birthdays, how it has always been more a celebration of growth with friends and family than actually something for myself, a gathering for all, not me. I guess I just never had something or someone I looked forward to spending the day with... But this year? I was greedy with it. Just a little! But still greedy, I think!
Although I'm posting a little late, I'd still like to share how the day was like with you!
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I got so many surprises, too! At the restaurant we went to for dinner, the corn dish! And at 12AM, not one minute later, everyone at my doorstep singing happy birthday! My favorite gift, if I must say, was the silliest little thing. San always knows how to surprise me, got me some fun little surprise balls, and they had the cutest looking little kittens inside! He said they're collectibles, so now we have to get them all! ゚+.゚(*´∀`)b゚+.゚
Another thing I loved this year was my family visiting, it's been a while since I spent a birthday with them! I believe that made it super duper special, too. It was great having them over for a few days and making the moment memorable, I miss them dearly even if I do see them regularly.
For you, what's the best way to spend a birthday? Is there anything you do religiously every year for yours? Since I moved here, my friends and I have always tried to wake the other up with surprise cake at unholy hours! Just some months ago, we sneaked into a friend's house at 4AM! It's always fun and makes for the weirdest, improvised little parties.
Ah, with all of that being said, I farewell July! It's been a fun, exciting month for me! Lots of birthdays, fun times, and memories made ♡
How did July treat you this year? Are you happy or sad it's come to an end? Even though I'll miss it, I'm excited for what's to come! Can't believe we're already so close to the end of the year. Gotta make the best out of the time we've got left!
Alright, my beautiful readers~. I'll go now and set you guys free! Have a lovely day ahead, and as always, we'll see each other soon!
With love, -Yura ♡
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💗: @clubwnderland [💙] @jinju-oc @moonlightchn @kimheebby @nana-n-nono @coffeexdreamcb @silcntxnight @livealittleoc-cb @minsour-r @multi-esme @urtwice @san-cb @reve-rv @domrachaa @oppositesattraxt @lunaaofthemoon @badbf-cb @thepatchedpaw @domxbot @the-hellhounds @monsterhigh-cb @theinvitation-bot @hwangroyaltycb @welcometosector1 @multi-joong @vanilladaises-rp @beastfights-starting @halloween-idols @redlight-cb @yourmysticalgirls-cb @theonesxcb @hybridsheltercb @3rachabot @kardpackcb @beaconhillsxbot @yandereyeri @glamrockpop-cb @angelsxdemons-cb @screamcb
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eye-m-always-watching · 4 months
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[Yaoiverse roleplay blog ran by @raphaels-zone] [Admin only knows English but will provide translations due to the nature of Purgatory, feel free to correct translations. All blogs associated can be found linked in this sheet.]
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Things to be 〈 AWARE 〉 of about 『 The Watcher 』; (TBA)
⛓ Will respond to any pronouns, sometimes defaults to speaking in the Third Person
⛓ It is very serious and will not tend to joke with posts or interact unnecessarily with sinners.
⛓ The Watcher is all-seeing. The Watcher is watching. YOU are my enemy. Repent.
⛓ The Island of Purgatory used to be a Federation Experiment, It was Reset and Left to Rot. Due to this The Watcher does not hold much care for The Federation.
⛓ The Watcher is an unknown entity, it is not entirely machine but it is no more entirely flesh either.
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🃩 # Judgement calls ; I answer ; general posts
🃩 # Watching ; Waiting ; end of thread
🃩 # Incoming Calls ; asks
🃩 # Repentance ; Reflection ; Flashbacks
🃩 # eyes closed ; out of character / ooc
⛓ # Yaoiverse - Roleplay General Tag
⛓ # Straightverse - Angst/Heavy Rp Tag
⛓ # Yuriverse - NONCANON interactions
⛓ # Sexoverse - Suggestive Tag
#false prophet ; blind faith (Sneeg) ; @theholyfork
#once a sinner; always a sinner (Axozer) ; @yaxozer
# spared by Death ; punished in Life (Natalan) ; @deaths-obedient-servant
# dirty feathers ; tainted purity (Duxo) ; @lapaloma-dearriba
# poisoned waters ; rippling tides (Condi) ; @shapeshiftingdreams
# blinding lights ; greedy mouth (Jack) ; @radioactive-television
# (Tiba) ; @hidden-maple-leaf
# a fool's wish ; deceiving dreams (Ethan) ; @servermaid
# a wishful fool ; hiding truth (Mynthos) ; @jus-de-mynthos
# (Soring) ; @soaringchu
# (Kenny) ;
# blood covered hands ; shared guilt (Pac) ; @packedtazer
# fast to lift a shield ; faster to swing a blade (Jvnq) ;
# in sheep's clothing ; a devil's skin (Shubble) ; @shubblehood
# flames of desire ; a rose's thorns (Gauxinim) ; @voce-e-solteiro
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Dearest Memories;
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garlculean · 8 months
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𝐄HI A TUTTI !!! Say, if you're interested in starting a RP with your good ol' selfish and greedy man W A R I O then please, like this post and I will get around to making us a little short starter. Interested in something longer? Feel free to then send me a IM and we can plot something out together⸺ ANDIAMO!
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prpfs · 8 months
I’m once again looking for other Baldur’s Gate 3 18+ roleplayers! Not replacing anyone, I’m just greedy and hyperfixating hehe
I’m searching for MxM rps with me as Astarion. Please be comfortable with at least the topics canon to his backstory - I am looking for some serious dead dove and hurt/comfort scenarios.
Like this post and I’ll reach out :3
like if you're interested and anon will get back to you
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angel-avaria · 3 months
"Fuck... No idea how you got in here but..." the woman looks around the empty studio room, "I have time for a few questions....a few."
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Avaria takes out her phone and checks for missed calls from her employer. "Make it quick."
Avaria is a former exorcists angel, who was cornered in Cannibal Town a few years ago during an Extermination. Her pretty face and fit body caught the attention from a certain moth, who she in the end sold her soul to. Saving her life but selling her soul, a hell of her own choosing.
Her name means, greedy liar.
She died at 24
Her fashion sense is actually grudge/goth
Her appearance has changed due to her stay in hell
Her ears are white wings
Her golden eyes glow in the dark
Her pale-gold skin is covered in freckles and patches of a darker color
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She was run over by a car, doesn't remember
She used to be a top girl but never enjoyed the remarks
°• ♡ •°
I should note that I do work a 40h per week job and that my timezone is CET//UTC+1. Also I will be honest.... I neglected her for a WHILE.
So posting maybe wonky, and seem random! Please do not use explicit nsfw, flirts are okay within reason. Please do not use any slurs you cannot reclaim, even then I'd prefer the use of none. Please do not dig to deep into lore, if I am interested in a plot I will act on it!
Hazbin OC blog depute I guess. An angel in a moths trap, with no way home it seems. This was really made because I was reminded of her existence by @vxlentxno blog ngl-
°• ♡ •°
{Manager; @das-jaim3 }
{RP-Tag; #avaria◇ }
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the-evil-pizza · 6 months
listen folks, i am the first one to say that mister hoyoverse is a greedy little shit BUT!
i've seen people complain about the fact that hsr has the free 10 pulls per update while genshin does not. ...buckaroo, honeypot. they give the 10 pulls via screen simply because you CANNOT farm the same kind of currency in honkai star rail as you can in genshin impact.
GI is a open world exploration game, it focuses on you exploring the world and it shows with the rewards you get by doing it. Chests are everywhere, waypoints gives you currency, unlocking the map gives you currency. And genshin with all new updates and banner cycles usually adds a new part of the map to explore! THOSE are your pulls.
Meanwhile honkai star rail is a different kind of soup, it's a turn based rpg and the map also reflects it by being linear like classing rps and having chests distribution that's very similar to the one you could find in, say, ffx. You simply CANNOT get the same amount of currency via exploration as you can in genshin. So you end up getting most of the currency from world quests, story quests and, yes! The login bonus!
here's a screenshot with the free currency you can get in the genshin 4.2 update from this article by Abubakar Mohammed
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that's around 73
and here's the honkai star rail free currency screenshot for update 1.5 in a post made by user SoraHoshina
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would you look at that, the free pulls are 75! Basically the same!
My point being that hoyoverse isn't being more generous with the hsr players, it just got smarter at bamboozling their playerbase into thinking it. (Though, the quality of life hsr has... wish it in all your games mister hoyoverse please)
Remember the company like every other company is stingy and wants your money and they have the same blueprint with most of the things they do.
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dragmaballs · 11 months
About Aloisia
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Aloisia Kallista Erkengard is a half-dragon bratty braggart whose current goal in life is to acquire henchmen. Unfortunately, she sucks at everything and is very dumb.
...but if you take her at her word, she's a creature of great power.
She's also probably older than 19 at this point (she doesn't know for sure), she just thinks the Jared meme is very funny.
...Really, that's all you need to know. The rest can be inferred from just talking to her or reading her posts. This is just here to document it, or provide information for the curious.
[ Find me elsewhere in the RP sphere at @in-inertia. ]
TTRPG Background
Okay, I do need to clear something up—Aloisia isn't actually a DnD character. She's only made with DnD concepts in mind in the most abstract ways possible, and she's not from any of the DnD settings.
Aloisia is a half-dragon from my own setting, Oikos, the Archipelago of the Ancients. You know, like the yogurt. Which...incidentally, is the setting of my TTRPG campaign On the Horizon. Those familiar with OTH, namely my players, might recognize there's a bit of a time difference between that campaign and the modern day. OTH is set on the eve of WWI. Which means Aloisia is from...after the campaign's end. At least, she's from a possible future for the campaign.
As I said, OTH isn't a DnD campaign (and there's neither Sorcerers nor a Charisma stat in OTH) but...shh! The setting is viable for a Dungeons and Dragons campaign, so long as you can be flexible with your lore and make some changes to the spell lists (e.g. adjusting revival spells to only work on someone with Gentle Repose active on them, to mimic the lore mechanics).
I framed things the way I did because saying she's a Sorcerer is a lot more convenient than calling her an Enchanter and having to explain what that means.
Left without a family at a young age, she was discovered by her "adoptive" "mother" Celestine Erkengard when digging through her trash for food. Celestine was a college student at the time, and didn't have the desire or readiness to raise a child of…approximately eight to ten years, but she took her in because there was no alternative.
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I'll actually draw Celestine eventually. She still lives with Celestine, who takes care of her despite her being clearly capable of fending for herself. Celestine is still a single mother, despite now being in her early 30s, and part of that is because Aloisia slept with her most recent boyfriend. That's a good introduction to the kind of person Aloisia is. Aloisia is an irritable little tyrant, an annoying brat, and a gluttonous, greedy braggart who has nothing to actually show for all of her boasting. She acts like she's much smarter, stronger, wealthier, and overall more impressive than she actually is. The funny thing is, she does have some innate potential—her draconic blood allows her to be a very potent sorcerer. She just…hasn't actually done anything with that potential.
She doesn't know much about dragons, beyond that they're supposed to be deific creatures revered by all. And if she's basically a demigod, then people should be lining up to serve her. She learned pretty quick that asserting that to Celestine would get her a smack upside the head, but other people are surely to be less likely to react poorly.
More will come as I figure out more!
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systemadministratorclu · 11 months
Milo Thatch
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Tag: His RP posts will be tagged "muse: milo thatch" and will include the verse in parentheses.
Full Name: Milo James Thatch (no, the J is not 'just a J')
Age: Differs depending on verse/thread, but he always appears 32 (his age in the first movie)
Species: Human (also known as Terran)
Gender: Male
Hair/Eye color: Brown (his hair is considered light brown)
Medical: Low vision. Without his glasses, he only sees colors with very blurry undefined edges and some pronounced movement. He is also very allergic to carrots.
Appearance: He's about 5' 8" and pretty skinny, though he gained a bit more muscle on the trip to Atlantis and has gotten more since living there, as he's become much more active there. His eyesight isn't very good (everything looks blurry) so he has to wear glasses, which he only takes off to sleep or to wash. He wears a glowing light blue crystal pendant like everyone else in Atlantis wears. He also has a tattoo of a star on his left shoulder, as shown below:
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Sexuality: Gay
Canon-ish verse:
His parents died in a railway accident involving a bad fire when he was three. They shielded him with their bodies and died when a piece of debris fell on them. He sometimes has vivid flashbacks where he relives the accident, even to the point of acting/behaving as though he can't breathe (because his mind is telling him he can't). When he's brought out of one of these, he may cry some, then he usually sleeps for a while. In addition to flashbacks, he also still has nightmares about the accident and has a fear of trains because of it, though he hasn't told many people this because it's embarrassing to him
His grandfather took him in and raised him when his parents died, and this is where he got his love for all things Atlantis.
Throughout childhood, he was bullied and picked on for his small size, intelligence, and glasses. He had several pairs stolen and/or broken, leading to some instances of him getting lost or injured on his way to or from school. (this did not impede his education, the man graduated high school at age 11 and currently has two doctorate degrees in Linguistic Theory and Dead Languages //his mun, however, does not.//)
He had only one girlfriend and she eventually left him for someone with money who she thought was better-looking by actually taking Milo to some big gala the guy was holding and pretty much humiliating him (poor Milo was so hurt by this, he didn't remember how he got home). He's tried dating (women and later some men, which is how he found out he's gay), but was met with rejections and being stood up. This has left him afraid to tell someone if he has feelings for them because he doesn't want to be hurt again.
On the way to Atlantis, Lyle Rourke assisted him several times, such as getting him to the Aqua-EVAC vehicle safely (and getting him out of it when they surfaced and he was still in a bit of shock) and getting him food when he got sick after eating the meal Cookie had made. He found himself connecting more to Rourke on the trip, probably because Rourke was not picking on him or pranking him.
In Atlantis, Helga revealed herself to be a greedy treasure hunter and forced Milo to help her find the Heart of Atlantis, even having her henchman punch him before she left Atlantis. After Rourke and the dying king gave him a sort of pep talk, he led the others to retrieve the Heart, but was shot during the fight and injured. Rourke intervened before Helga or her goon could kill Milo on board the Gyro-EVAC balloon. Milo scratched Helga with a piece of crystal from the Heart's container, causing her to crystallize while Rourke attempted to carry him back up onto the gondola of the Gyro-EVAC. However, Helga chased them and caused Rourke to drop Milo. Milo was very badly injured when he fell from the balloon, having landed hard on the ground, including broken bones and some other wounds. He was retrieved by Rourke and returned to Atlantis, where Rourke admitted to a dying Milo that he loved him. Sweet said he couldn't save Milo, but after the city was saved, he was taken up and healed by the Heart of Atlantis, after which he admitted his love for Rourke and the two decided to stay in Atlantis together.
Heart of Atlantis verse:
This is pretty similar to Canon-ish, but it it's based on an idea running through several of my fanfics. In this verse, Milo's grandfather was actually Prince Talos, the younger brother of Atlantis' king. Not much is different from the previous verse (except that Rourke has confessed love for Milo, and Milo revealed his love for Rourke the night before they arrived in Atlantis) until they visit the Heart of Atlantis. Here, Milo is chosen as the Crystal's host instead of Kida. He found out after the battle for the Heart about his Atlantean heritage, making him royal blood (a prince) and thus an option to be chosen (in threads where he's married to Rourke, this means Rourke is also an option, as he becomes a royal prince consort by marriage). This also means that should something happen to Kida, or she decide to step down, Milo is next in line for the throne unless Kida has kids.
Currently just with @the-haunted-office but this version of him is kinda fun and could be used in other threads. He's 9000 years old (subject to change depending on plots/threads) and a tech genius //again, mun is not, mun just thinks the idea is neat//, having built an entire mainframe, server system, and data storage facility for Atlantis. He also can (and has) hacked into the most secure systems on Earth. He's also gotten himself some engineering knowledge and will sometimes actually invent things or build things for missions (ex: in an ask thing where he and Rourke stole the Declaration of Independence (don't ask), he built a specialized container to put it in and equipment to handle it with). He also figured out how to power an Atlantean flying machine on the surface using machine batteries (big vehicle batteries and such) strapped to it without impeding its flight too much. He also built the solar chargers for said batteries.
Space verse (because why not):
Takes place after Canon-ish and Heart of Atlantis verses. Either one can be used as his background. A Star Trek-ish deal that kinda crosses with my Rovarians universe with Milo as captain of the vessel RSS Ulysses and the rest of the Atlantis cast as his senior crew (Rourke as first officer). Ulysses is a multipurpose Saturn-class heavy cruiser (think the Enterprise D from Trek) whose design is actually based on the submarine of the same name that started the trip to Atlantis (the space vessel is a lot bigger, though, as it has a lot more lab facilities and crew quarters and such on board. It has the standard warp speed drive, a high speed drive known as quantum slipstream, and the basically instantaneous transwarp drive (transwarp is only used when absolutely necessary, as it uses a lot of fuel and needs to cooldown and recharge before it can be used to "jump" again. The further you travel with it, the longer the time before it can be used again. This is why transwarp is reserved only for times when even quantum slipstream isn't fast enough). I can give you more details should we decide to do something in this AU
**The following are the same for all verses**
Personality: He's a very gentle and kind person. Initially, he's very shy and awkward, but in a sort of endearing way. He'll start to open up more as he gets to know someone and feel safer with them. This comes from getting picked on as a kid and being rejected and stood up, even when he tried to just make friends. He's afraid of being let down or hurt again. The exception is if he's nervous or you get him talking about something he's passionate about. Then it can be hard to get him to stop talking, as he gets really excited when someone takes an interest in something he likes, and he sometimes babbles when he gets nervous. He sometimes needs a bit of a confidence boost when trying something new. Regardless of all of this, he's a caring person and does his best to help others if he can. He's emotional and can sometimes be easily hurt or taken advantage of, and he sometimes cries easier than he'd like to admit. He's more outgoing in Atlantis, where he's gotten sort of a clean slate, probably due in part to the fact that he's helping the people rediscover their history and culture, and they have been nothing but good to him in return.
In a relationship: He's loyal and dependable and tries his hardest to be everything you want. However, he may keep some of his own feelings inside, afraid of seeming needy, even if his need is completely reasonable. If he gets someone, he's afraid they will decide to leave him when they find someone better. He'll get better about sharing things as he's with someone longer and he starts to realize that no, they aren't going to leave him, that they really do care about him. He very much wants to be loved and held and cared for, because it makes him feel safe and not alone.
*I mainly ship him with Rourke, but as with all my characters, I'm open to anything else if it happens. Please talk to me in DM first, though.
Trauma: He does experience nightmares and flashbacks sometimes. The three biggest incidents that cause these for him are the railway accident and fire that killed his parents, the Leviathan attack on the way to Atlantis, and the battle for the Heart where he almost died.
Other: He and Rourke occasionally visit the surface world to keep tabs on it and make sure there are no threats to Atlantis. They use whatever knowledge they gain to make sure Atlantis is able to protect itself in the even someone else finds their way down there. After all, the two of them and their group did. Because of their greatly extended lives, no matter what time they appear in, they do not appear to age at all. These surface trips are great opportunities for them to meet other muses.
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yuriko-mukami · 1 year
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moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny | controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | liar | impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry | greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky | absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | childish | callous | clingy | delusional | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cynical | cruel | depressed | deranged | egotistical | envious | insecure | insensitive | lustful | delinquent | overthinker | guilt complex | reclusive | reckless | nervous | oversensitive | perfectionist | pessimistic | naive
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave | patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky | intelligent | confident | humble | generous | merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | protective | proud | diligent | considerate | compassionate | good sportsmanship | friendly | empathetic | passionate | reliable | resourceful | sensible | sincere | witty | funny
art | acting | astronomy | animals | archery | sports | belly dancing | bird watching | blacksmithing | boating | calligraphy | camping | candle making | casino gambling | ceramics | racing | chess | music | cooking | crochet | weaving | exercise | swordplay | fishing | gardening | ghost hunting | ice skating | magic | engineering | building | inventing | leather-working | martial arts | meditation | origami | parkour | people watching | swimming | puppetry | pyrotechnics | quilting | reading / collecting | shopping | socializing | storytelling | writing | traveling | exotic dancing | singing | yoga | gaming | surfing
bold: always apply, bold crossed out: in certain situations or due to certain triggers, cursive: hidden but existing
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Tagged by: @lured-into-wonderland & @yumikosan
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Copy and make a new post, don't reblog.
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Love What You Love, Including Yourself.
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Under the Break:
My Sorting Tags
My Selfship Reblog Games
My F/Os
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•Blog Sorting Tags•
#Mental Health = Posts for keeping mental health.
#Self Love = Posts about loving yourself and allowing yourself to be loved.
#past reblog games = F/O reblog games made by others that I've played.
#my reblog games = F/O reblog games of my own.
#FO Positive = Selfshipping Positivity Posts.
#F/O Imagines = F/O Imagines.
#F/O AU = relating to one of my alternate universes where a selfship lives.
#F/O Convos = Goofing around with the Tupperbox bot in Discord
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•My Reblog Games•
The Wedding Cake Bakery
Reblog with up to 2 F/Os and I'll find wedding cakes based on their visual vibe!
Status: OPEN!
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•My Various F/Os•
Most of these blogs are Misc/RP/Aesthetic/Fandom blogs.
You can send asks to any of these characters via my Anomalous Polyverse Blog, simply say who you want to talk to before your message!
🔮🌜Anomalous Polyverse🌛🔮
A mega-crossover purely-for-fun alternate universe involving my personal character living and interacting with all of my F/Os.
Polyverse Blog: @theanomalouspolyverse
(All tags lack spaces between the name and the emoji. I blame my OCD for that.)
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Romantic F/Os
Audrey Two (Little Shop of Horrors 1986)
-> Tag: Audrey🌱 Blog: @mean-n-green
The Warden (Superjail!)
-> Tag: Warden🌈 Blog: @splenderific-skittles
The Spine (Steam Powered Giraffe)
-> Tag: Spine⚙ Blog: @starlightsoliton
Angeldust (Hazbin Hotel)
-> Tag: Angel🕸 Blog: @glamspiderfluff
Jack O'Lantern (Billy and Mandy)
-> Tag: Jack🎃 Blog: @its-the-great-pun-kin
Beetlejuice (a composite version)
-> Tag: BJ🪳 Blog: @trashygeistinlove
Joker (The Batman series, The Dark Knight, and Tim Burton's Batman)
-> Tag: Joker🃏 Blog: @the-jokester
Patches the Clown (An OC)
-> Tag: Patches🤡 Blog: @patches-the-clown
Enoch (Over The Garden Wall)
-> Tag: Enoch🎃 Blog: @autumn-belle
Captain Michael Quinn (Project Blue Book)
-> Tag: Quinn✈ Blog: @lets-touch-the-stars
Hexxus (Ferngully: The Last Rainforest)
-> Tag: Hexxus☣ Blog: @toxic-mud
Invader Zim (Invader Zim)
-> Tag: Zim👽 Blog: @i-am-zim-2001
Mr. TopHat/Marcus Cochran (Are You Afraid of The Dark: Carnival of Doom)
-> Tag: TopHat🦂 Blog: @circus-scorpion
Yeshua (Fennah/Satellite City)
-> Tag: AlleyCat🎰 Blog: @eldritch-casino-cat
Lord Black Hat (Villainous)
-> Tag: Lord&Master🎩 Blog: @oh-dark-lord
Oogie Boogie (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
-> Tag: Boogie🎲 Blog: @nightmaregamblinman
Mammon (Helluva Boss)
-> Tag: Mammon💰 Blog: @greedy-evergreen
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Platonic F/Os
Vince Noir (The Mighty Boosh)
-> Tag: Vince👑 Blog: @sunshinesparkle-child
Hawkeye Pierce (M*A*S*H)
-> Tag: Hawk👁 Blog: @swampyflowers
Harry Vanderspiegle (Resident Alien)
-> Tag: Harry👽 Blog: @h-vanderspiegle
-- My Pet Regression Blog with Harry as my caretaker F/O: @an-aliens-pet
Rick Sanchez (Rick and Morty)
-> Tag: Rick🧪 Blog: @rickin-and-a-rollin
Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls)
-> Tag: IsocelesMonster👁 Blog: Coming Soon!
Bezel (Chikn Nuggit)
-> Tag: BezelTime🕰 Blog: Coming Soon!
Nandor The Relentless (What We Do In The Shadows)
-> Tag: Relentless🦇 Blog: @thevampirefam
Collin Robinson (What We Do In The Shadows)
-> Tag: Collin🦇 Blog: @thevampirefam
Guillermo De La Cruz (What We Do In The Shadows)
-> Tag: Not Guillermo🦇 Blog: @thevampirefam
Baron Alfanas (What We Do In The Shadows)
-> Tag: Baron Alfanas🦇 Blog: @thevampirefam
Barnaby (Billie Bust-Up)
-> Tag: Owly🦉 Blog: @spooky-noodle-bird
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Familial F/Os
Loki (Son of the Mask) (Father)
-> Tag: Loki🎭 Blog: @candy-coated-chaos
Fenrir (OC Version) (Brother)
-> Tag: Fenrir🐺 Blog: @fluffy-fenrir
Skoll and Hati (OC version) (Nephews)
-> Tags: Skoll☀️, Hati🌒 Blog: @puppypicnicofplanets
Hades (Hercules 1997) (Uncle)
-> Tag: Hades🏛 Blog: @plutos-blue-flames
Nadja (What We Do In The Shadows) (Big Sister)
-> Tag: Nadja🦇 Blog: @thevampirefam
Laszlo Cravensworth (What We Do In The Shadows) (Brother-In-Law)
-> Tag: Laszlo🦇 Blog: @thevampirefam
Crow T. Robot and Tom Servo (MST3K circa 1990s) (Adopted Sons)
-> Tags: Servo🎞 , Crow🎞 Blog: @robo-bros
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Misc F/Os
The Hitcher (The Mighty Boosh) (Antagonist)
-> Tag: Hitcher🪱 Blog: Coming Soon!
Early Cuyler (Squidbillies) (On and Off Antagonist/Frenemy)
-> Tag: Early🐙 Blog: Coming Soon!
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•●• Blog Owner Main Hub: @very-anomalous
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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