solarisgod · 24 days
do you have any evidence of that ?
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 ❝ Yeah , I sure fucking do , ❞ I stick my middle finger at you , a lopsided grin now present on my face despite the fact we're still behind the prison cell glass . God , I've been WAITING to pull this card on you . You're the one who called Micah to come back to this hellhole before I had xem dropping your ass , right ? ─ I know you know that there is more than Micah in this body . YOU KNOW I EXIST . . . Good . I want you to remember my own speech ⅋ mannerism because when we free ourselves from the chains , I want you to know it will be me who will make this hellhole even worst . . . ❝ . . . I just remember you're blind but , uh , I need you to know I'm pulling the middle finger ─ ❞ 〘 Just execute us ─ 〙I hear Phobos in our shared headspace . Jeez , okay , okay , okay , stars above ─
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