#[ i still need a tag for the best boy ]
unexpectedbrickattack · 11 months
heehee (pepstavo under the cut)
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#arts#mine#saucy#pepstavo#easing everyone in w the cute shit first#can u believe i forgot about this???? CAN U BELIEVE IT ???#this is like one of the first things i drew back in like April i think#i still love it tho#recently i have been drawing them doing some heehee shit instead of the cutesy shit so i need this to stay humble#remember my roots…#anyway if ur still reading this hooray u get bonus stuff like usual w my tags#giving him a huge praise kink. he is doing SUCH a good job he is doing the best job EVER#this would be a bit further in their relationship (pending™️) where the intimacy walls are slowly being worn down#so hes seeking out touch and affection and all that goodness instead of reflexively flinching away#and gus SEES this so hes trying so hard to encourage him like BLEASE….i did not dick around for months for this to NOT pay off#he is a patient man but theres only so much patience one Can have#and that patience IS rewarded#its funny bc i write gus as like. a top. a general Dom bc he is both patient and assertive#and hes met someone he GENUINELY w his WHOLE chest wants to bottom for and he cant do it bc this bigass dude is a lil princess™️#and so for now he is being the big boy but hes like counting down in his head when theyre able to get to a space comfy enough for him#where he gets to get his back blown out (its soon)#i hope that doesnt make it seem like hes only being nice to get dicked down bc he is actually always this nice#and full of love bursting at the seams#which results in endless praise and pdas and being a bit more playful than usual (bc he is a silly lil joyous gnome; its built in his dna)#so peppino will simply have this forever :)#okay mwah#i will slowly upload my stuffs since twitter is exploding and anyone who isnt niceys about this will be obliterated#like for reals
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grandcovenant · 5 months
carlo's inherent tragedy as a character means that if he hadn't died young he would've gone through something worse. the horrifying realization that he inherited his father's personality <3
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b4kuch1n · 1 year
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fuck it sk8 sketches from da sketchbook. get sk8ed idiot
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felix being referred to more or less exclusively as "your soldier" in-game speaks to how little the writers put into his character beyond his noggin full of sith secrets & his relationship with the consular; still, i do find it kind of sweet and funny, in a way. he's not a republic soldier, not even your personal bodyguard; he's your soldier. the consular is a small nation-state in and of herself
#accurate.#felix iresso#swtor#jedi consular#open tags for My Rant:#going back through rishi and doing the cute little holocron quest got me brooding - as i often do - on my best boy felix#that the writers could not think to give him anything in KOTXX that wasn't Torture Angst is deeply shitty but a little understandable.#all the other consular comps kind of have a way forward that isn't consular-related when the consular goes away#nadia has the jedi. zenith has balmorra. tharan has his old illustrious career. qyzen has little baby clan and also his religious directive#meanwhile felix isn't involved with your order or a supergenius or a politician or even someone with a lifelong goal#he was a guy doing his best at a dead-end job that turned into a far more enjoyable but still lowkey dead-end job#i would argue they could (should) have sent him to ossus but i can see them balking because Doc was already there#that's a little narratively redundant especially bc Doc has an extremely useful set of non-martial skills you would want to center#when telling a story about survival and persistence against the odds like with ossus#(also he was in the group of companions second-closest in proximity to the emperor in base game)#HOWEVER.#because i am immensely sexy and cool and have a huge brain i think i've cracked it#the way to give felix a compelling story post-consular is to put him the fuck in charge.#no longer your soldier or anyone's. his own. maybe even in charge of a large group of people in need of someone to follow#considering he used to be really good at that#a group like...idk...maybe the rest of the people incarcerated on his prison colony?#much to think about.
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tarotofbadkitties · 10 days
Art's lucky that Patrick is a better man than him. When Tashi comes to him in a tizzy the night before their big game, she entrusts him with the task of saving Art by any means fair or foul. Now Patrick knows Art's an emotional wreck because Tashi is, even if she tries to spin the tale that it's just about getting him back on his feet so he qualifies for the US Open. He knows that demolishing the likely-terrified Art he'll encounter in the morning and throwing the match for him like you do to cheer up a kid would both destroy him.
He could end Art's career and get him back for what he did to him (and Tashi) in one full swoop, but he doesn't. He decides to have mercy on him and do the only thing that hasn't been done before to get Art back to life, and that's to give Art back his serve and tell him about the affair with Tashi. Choosing to both be honest with him about what's at stake, and give him inspiration to play some real fucking tennis turns out to be what he needs. I think more men would let their wives cheat in peace if their wives' boyfriends looked out for them like that.
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#So I'm putting all this in tags because I'd prefer it not get out into wider Tumblr. I pondered even posting it but I think some of y'all#are following the drama and/or praying for my family so I figured I'd post an update. Just pretend there are commas and it's all readable.#Got a hearing date today. February 6th. Now I need to get affidavits and medical records. Not much to do in the way of affidavits because#either he made sure no one saw anything or I made sure. (Shame is a heckuva thing.) I really need the medical records from the assault.#Can't get them because I am currently without ID. I am currently without ID because I have had a beginner's permit for ~10 years now and#those have to be renewed in-person every year. Can't get to DMV to get it renewed because... no car. Can't use Uber because you have to#provide your own car seats and where am I going to put three car seats while I'm at the DMV? Can't use bus because... bus lines.#...it's stressful.#Also I'm still not sure about the theology of all this but it's also impossible not to see the Hand of God in freeing me and the boys from#this man so either God will help me work out the theology of it later or I'll ask Him when I get to Heaven.#Practically speaking I will not ever permit him and the boys unsupervised contact again if I can help it because he WILL neglect them#at best and physically hurt them for his own amusement and/or beat them up because of his temper at worst.#...anyway any and all prayers are appreciated.
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ren-144p · 5 months
Hi! Silent admirer of your RE stuff (it's been so long since I've played these games, but you've been re-inspiring me!) - so I'm curious about "Madrid, 1996" for the WIP asks? 👀
ohh god— going for the only one legitimately named and simultaneously the one most unpolished bdhdjsjkl
as of right now, “Madrid, 1996” is a series of snippets intertwined with meta about itself and records of my convos with @bennidraws (which is what started it all!!), written somewhat as a branch of my luis study project. set entirely pre-games, it follows the story of Luis and Carlos who meet, by chance, at an Umbrella conference, and in two weeks develop a particularly deep relationship. Carlos falls in love with an older man freshly out of a personality crisis, Luis falls for a repressed boy who's just discovering himself for the first time, and both of them turn each other's world upside down. contains dog imagery, yearning, cigarettes, and—on many occasions—Carlos' dog tags clinking against Luis' cross
it's rough and unpolished and not even fully planned out, branching within itself into multiple endings. but i've been chipping away at it when i'm not working on anything else and i feel like eventually something will come out of it. too much love has been put into those conversations for the fic to amount to nothing ❤️
“They ever give you a break, soldier boy?”
Carlos turned towards the voice, surprised to see anyone out of the building at this hour, especially in such a downpour. It belonged to the same man he had seen earlier, except the well-cut suit was nowhere to be found, now replaced by an intricately decorated leather jacket and a pair of well-worn jeans. He held a single cigarette between his teeth and a lighter in one hand, looking at him with curiosity through the hair falling into his eyes; and chuckled, clearly having noticed Carlos' persistent gaze on him.
“You look like a rabbit in headlights,” he teased, weaving the lighter between skilled fingers. It lit up with a quiet click a moment later, and Carlos took a while to admire the way the flame illuminated the man's face when he leaned into the light.
"No breaks.” He watched how his thin lips curled around a puff of smoke. “The shifts are short though.”
The stranger hummed, as if amused by the answer, and leaned back comfortably against the wall before extending a pack of cigarettes towards Carlos.
“Care for a smoke?”
“You should come find me later, soldier boy. When your shift is done,” the man said, throwing the butt of his cigarette on the ground. “Room 102. On the fourth floor,” he added with a wink, turning back, but Carlos' hand wrapped around his wrist before he could go.
“Who am I asking for?”
The stranger smirked, leaning in so close their noses almost touched.
“Name's Luis,” he said, a teasing note in his voice. “And who am I waiting for?”
and, as a bonus, a bit of the relevant note i made for this part (and for what's supposed to follow)
something about the terrifying act of inviting a stranger to your room, something about that stranger being a soldier; something about being invited to a hotel room by a man older than you, and something about the confidence with which he does it.
the way every night spent with a stranger might've been your last; the way he didn't know if he was gonna wake up the next morning, and then he did—and then they both did.
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dangans-ur-ronpas · 14 days
i read 'the gender of mona lisa' and i feel. both extremely seen and yet incredibly infuriated
#the gender of mona lisa#SPOILERS in the tags but uh#the whole premise is that in this world people dont have a defined sex until they turn 12#and the main character is 18 and hasn't gotten a sex yet#and also their two best friends (one guy one girl) confessed to them at the same time#and it's a really nice story and dialogue where they're conflicted on what they want to be and why can't they just stay the same#and if choosing either one of their friends means they need to adhere to one gender or the other#there's also a caveat where if you don't choose to a sex (by hormone treatments if your body doesn't present as one sex) by age 20#then 'something bad' will happen i.e: you die#it's thought provoking and sad at times but also very frustrating. i get the author is japanese and this is very much a sort of reflection#on japanese ideals of sex and gender...and a more open reflection at that#considering how there's a lot of questioning on what DEFINES femininity and masculinity#but i dont like how the author makes it out that not choosing it this horrible tragic thing. and that you can be one or the other#but still have interchangeable feminine or masculine traits which is fine!! be a girl with boy interests and vice versa#and also enraging as hell. like ive seen this rhetoric from terfs where theyre like. 'dont be trans!! just be a lil girly or boyish!!'#the one character that was written who DIDNT choose to be one or the other killed themself which was? really really saddening#and also pissed me the hell off!!! this shouldnt be a punishment!!!!!#man..........oh well. i digress. it was an interesting read despite it all
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echo-bouquet · 11 months
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Okay, so the one time I'm not really trying I actually draw a decent piece of artwork? Fine, be that way.
Anywho, meet Ash of Blue Maiden, one of the many Links from my still-as-of-yet-unnamed-AU. One of the first I designed and finished, and one of my favorites to play around with.
(Also I don't consider this drawing to be a good rep of his personality, this was just the best drawing I made so far)
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hauntingblue · 10 days
Why is this flashback happening now... whi is it centered on mista.... do not kill him too please..... I do not care that much about him but Jesus christ....
#is this an alrernate world where fugo takes care of giorno and only mista and giorno die??? like the complete opposite... oh well trish too#WHY#OH MEVERMIND THIS IS MORE FUCKED UP#MISTA TRIES TO STOP BUCCIARATI FROM DYING AND SHOOTS AT THE ROCK TO CHANGE HIA DESTINY#BUT HE ENDS UP SHOOTING BUCCIARATIS BODY ON THE COLISSEUM!!! AND HE DIES THERE!!!#(kinda by his hand)#talked too soon maybe bc it got destroyed by the crashing on the floor but still.... it started to change there#trish and the turtle scared me so much omg... enough...#trish and mista no......#nvm relationship scare they are just fucking around#THATS IT????#the flowers for abacchio and narancia and the zipper for bucciarati... omg#how mad are these grown men swearing loyalty to a 15 yo boy#i need more clousure..... mista reacting to bucciarati dying too... swearing loyalty to giorno too???#also this was the best jojo season simply bc of the writing#like there is a plot and themes relevant to it and even if they are superficial and there are still incongruences in fights (jojo constant)#the characters have some depth and the relationships are meaningful#like jotaro was cool just bc of the characters but this one is good bc of the writing too.... i dont rmember the first 2 lmao#but josuke was missing the two seems like#anywaya that is my opinion#also the classic jojo style consolidated here#also we need to stop the killing of the better secondary characters bc they have the meaningful relationship with the main one#and it has more meaning if they die.... we cannot end another season without the main characters best friend just bc their death hits better#kakyoin caesar bucciarati...... i mean bucciarati makes sense but still narancia could fill the role#and like giorno needs to appear again him becoming a gang star seems like a beggining......#josuke is out there too.... and idk about jolyne yet so sshhh#talking tag#watching jojo
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ywpd-translations · 2 years
Ride 690: The walk home from the graduation ceremony
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Pag 1
2: That day
3: While outside it was getting completely dark, for the first time in a while the three of us went home
4: while being sent off by everyone
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Pag 2
1: Koga-saaaaaan
Oi, Sadatoki, weren't you crying super hard last year too?
Are you cryin' too much, too, Hotshot?
Teshima-san, thank you so much!!
Graduation ceremony day
Are you for real!? Starting from tomorrow, Aoyagi-san really isn't coming here anymore!?
2: He'll come, right? He's just pretending it's the last time
…. no.....
He's not.... coming, Issa
Hahaha, I think!! They are, Danchiku!! Haha
… Alright....
3: Huh!?
4: What, Danchiku, for some reason I'm suddenly crying so much!? Why!?
Calm down, Issa, now that's just how you....
Why, I'm just looking at Aoyagi-san's back gettign smaller!? It's just the same thing as always!?
Issa.... those are your feelings
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Pag 3
4: The last walk home from high school
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Pag 4
1: I looked back and thought about that
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Pag 5
1: …. what is it, Junta
2: …. Teshima
3: …. no
4: I don't know, I wonder
5: You know, so many things happened
And I thought they might not realize right away
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Pag 6
1: But they were crying
2: At the end.... Kaburagi
3: …. yeah
You saw?
5: I was about to cry too
8: He was so stupid and reckless, it was troublesome
Haha, you took care of him well
You got attached to him!
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Pag 7
1: Lately he looked forward so much to practicing with you!
2: Let's go riding, Aoyagi-san!!
Oi, this is a library room
Let's practice, practice!! That's alright, right? You can study later!!
Don't be so loud
And no, I have exams
3: Let's take exams next year!!
…. oi
Come on!! Come on!!
4: If possible, I wanted him to look forward to it before the Inter High!!
5: Right
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Pag 8
1: And what about you, Junta...?
Huh? Ah, for me? A kouhai who was almost crying?
2: Crying, huh.....ah, uhm.... parting from them felt lonely, but
I felt more like I was finally running, after being pulled
Someone special....
3: The first years , you know.... they have Onoda as a climber, and Naruko as a sprinter
No one relied on me
Just one person... who would say they admire Teshima-san's running!! I would have like that....
5: Everyone admires you
But they didn't tell you
6: Are you serious, someone said that!?
They didn't say it
Huuuh!? They didn't!? Then how do you know...
Because I felt it
That's too ambiguous
This is the last time the three of us will go home like this
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Pag 9
2: …. Koga!
3: Junta, Aoyagi....
4: Going back home only the three of us like this - it's probably since first year that we didn't do it
Yeah, that's true....
It was the three of us when Junta made that sparkling water from the vending machine downhill explode
Wha- don't bring up these boring things.....
6: That day your uniform got all sticky...
Not mine
Mine neither
Uwa, you're so bad!!
7: …. uhm
Back then, I
Every day
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Pag 10
1: I thought that I wasnìt good, that I wasn't good
4: I struggled, I insisted, I worked hard, but it still didn't do me any good
5: Back then, Kinjou-san and the other second years were getting stronger every day
And I could do nothing but confirm that distance
6: And you, in the same grade as me, were a first year joining the Inter High
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Pag 11
3: Back then, when I looked up, even the ceiling felt far away
I was so far from being active in races, and I thought so many times that it was impossible for me to run in the Inter High
5: And now, I was made captain, and we got two championships in a row at the Inter High
6: Ah, that's a miracle
I can't even believe it myself
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Pag 12
1: I think I'm really glad I didn't quit racing
2: I'm quitting road racing once I enter high school
Maybe I can even get a part-time job and chase after girls
3: I'm glad I kept racing
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Pag 13
1: Here, this is the vending machine of Junta's incident with the drink
Waaa, what, and here I thought I would make you forget about it with a nice talk!!
I wouldn't lt you
2: Might as well!!
4: Oi, Koga, wait
5: Here, open it!!
On your own!!
Are you kidding me.... his eyes are lighting up
6: Don't walk away!!
7: Dammit, alright, I get it
Alright, let's go again!!
8:  Our graduation's....
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Pag 14
1: Champagne fight!!
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Pag 16
3: Actually, back then, your bike, Aoyagi..
It was a good chain oil
4: I had no talent
I tried to quit biking many times
7: I was just so unhappy with wanting to be admired and noticed
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Pag 17
2: But, the steps I didn't take while looking at the ceiling
3: Working hard with Aoyagi, and seeing them one by one before my eyes
Before I knew it, I was moving forward
5: It's been two years
Back then they were first years, when we lost the battle against them during training camp
6: Secretly, I really felt like “I'm getting closer to the Inter High”
8: When we were third years, Koga...
I thought I couldn't go to the Inter High unless I surpassed you
9: And I could pass you... I thought I would surpass you
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Pag 18
2: I thought that
The conclusion of an overwhelming path isn't one victory of defeat
I did my best, and it's over, and I didn't realize until I looked back
It's been three years I really felt
3: Well.... this graduation might still be on the way
See ya
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Pag 19
1: Thank you, Sohoku...!!
3: The next time I'll climb this slope I'm not gonna wear a uniform
5: What time is the bus, Junta?
Uhmm, 19:15, I think – ah, dammit, we have to hurry, let's run
We shouldn't have brought our bikes back home
Koga, what time is it?
You still have time!!
6: I'll go with you!!
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Pag 20
1: April
2: Cherry blossoms are dancing, and the seasons reach spring for the third time
I'm nervous...
Let's take a picture
I'm all stiff...
I wonder if there'll be scary senpai...
New first years enter Sohoku, too
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onlyhuis · 1 month
hellos it’s 🍜 again whee bc i saw ur post on jun’s hands so i uh have more pics :3
also yes i don’t have weibo acc but saving the pics is so easy, also i saved jun’s funny lil spongebob dubs from there lol. also also he has so many pics he doesn’t put on other platforms so more jun content :D
okies i’ll be off now time to actually continue writing my jun fics
hope you have a good day!
link (sfw) - pics also below
no bc these are CRAZYYYYY theyve been putting him to WORK lately literally every day i see him filming for a new show or doing a new brand deal or being an ambassador for some new thing like give this poor man a break he needs a nap 😭 however i love love loveeeeeerhiuerfehyfhus new jun pics so i will happily take them all i hoard them in my camera roll like a squirrel with nuts
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kimuramasaya · 5 months
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Masaya Instagram update (24.01.18)
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you'd think the percy jackson trailer would make me excited to watch it but no it just reminded me that actually i hated half of the characters from the book
#i know that annabeth is a popular character but I cannot stand her percy deserves better#he really said annabeth was the most powerful demigod like percy you blew up a volcano nico can command armys of the dead#was she even the most powerful because she is smart? not really everyone demigod in that series is smart#justice for grover though he deserves better#am i going to watch it to see my boy nico? oh yeah absolutely#now that I'm past my im not like other girls phase i can safely say rick did the aphrodite cabin dirty they also deserved better#you know who else deserved better? sally jackson#posideon was still into sally she absolutely should have gotten back together with him and then his wife undersea polycule#i might not watch the series but i will watch the part where sally gets rid of gabe#poseidon really speaks of sally in such a reverent tone he respects her so much and sally gets married and is pregnant again?#absolutely not rick did her dirty sally deserves to have a god in her back pocket#i did hate that some of the demigods got together and the excuse was oh theres no dna so its technically not in*est#come on their 12 and in need of therapy let them not date#the clarisse/silena achilles/patroclus parallels though *chefs kiss*#wow i really got long winded in the tags but you know percy deserves better and so does sally#and percy should unionize the demigods and people should stop being mean to the hades kids#because they are the best and also have the sickest powers hello they can travel through shadows? my anxiety is jealous#i also disliked thalia yet i don't know why#percy nico bianca and thalia should have teamed up and been like see dads it's entirely possible to get on
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i solemnly swear not to write a fic with a similar premise as one ive done in the past but also i like it when people slow dance.....
#snap chats#im thinking of those geezers again.... forgive me father.....#im making my fanfic in the tags fuck it. no one read these im being cringe but i need to be free#anwyay.... i want yokoyama to show me the tally chart for how many nights arakawa and jo stay late at the office alone#just_the_two_of_us.mp3 right and i hope arakawa has a lil radio playing music#maybe some songs they'd play in the background of his stageplays... maybe even a lil miyamo haruki...#we call that a callback heh.... cause i ref'd her b4..... moving on....#i hope arakawa gets that Boss Sense and knows jo's done with his work for the night and invites him in his office#and i hope when he walks in a new song starts and then arakawa gets A Look right#just a small aside a small laugh like Oh Akane Never Liked This One but then goes on how she was still happy to dance with him to it..#and jo just. 🧍‍♂️ . like how does he respond to that. just smile and nod boys smile and nod. except jo doesnt smile he just nods#AND OF COURSE THE LEGALLY REQUIRED QUESTION 'do you dance jo' and no ! he does not. never has most likely never will#until that night anyway <3 one 'it's easy' later and they're just squished in that space between arakawa's desk and the couches#and it just nice bro... maybe arakawa talks a bit bout the song/s that are playin and the genre as a whole#jo wont say much.. he's very much a listener and thats ok hes always happy to lend an ear to arakawa#yk.. just regular things to do with your co workers haha...#i hope jo opens up about his music preferences... of which i dont know what they'd be sincerely#the comedy bit of my brain only imagines metal/rock but i truly wouldnt know...#if he likes art then he might like the same kind of music arakawa enjoys.. my fave bit they can be art enjoyers together....#lmao bye arakawa thinkin to himself What A Nice Moment and jo's just trying his best not to literally step on his toes#or just fuck up in some way like my man RELAX this is supposed to be RELAXING#would arakawa notice how tense he is omg. making myself insane the more i type I WILL NOT OPEN A GOOGLE DOC I REFUSE#the visions will just have to torment me... i must make more arasawa asap...#i have another dorky vision in mind that's a sequel to that comic i shat out a couple nights ago... its short but its cute i think..#maybe tomorrow as a warm up or after i do a lil of comm stuff... for now gn.... i love old people....
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doctorbrown · 8 months
DOCTOBER '23 ⸺ 「 5 / 31 * ALARM CLOCK 」
November 7, 1955
Emmett didn't have the heart to wake the boy when he finally passed out, face-down on his living room couch and still fully clothed, shoes and all. He was only gone about twenty minutes—twenty-two, to be precise, according to the small collection of clocks hanging on the wall—to make up one of the unused and neglected guest rooms. He had more space than he knew what to do with, and the kid very well couldn't be sleeping on the couch for an entire week while he was temporarily displaced in this time due to the actions of his future self.
How could I have been so reckless as to send a kid through time alone?
So he left him there, hovering awkwardly over the boy for a moment before finally fetching a spare blanket from the closet and draping it over the exhausted time-traveller.
Marty's small collection of future gadgets were still on the chair where he left them, and it took all of Emmett's willpower not to start examining the strange items in greater detail, from the portable television studio to the device that looked like an odd transistor radio. You'll find out in time, he mentally chides himself, but the kid is still asleep and his curiosity is a powerful thing, so the next thing he knows, the radio is in his hands, much lighter than he imagined it would be.
He takes it with him into the kitchen, where he's set up multiple papers to begin his plans to modify the time machine. Normally, he would retreat to the garage to work on his project, as the environment there was far more conducive to the creative process, but he had reservations about leaving Marty alone in the house; what if the kid woke up, panicked, thinking this was all some horrible nightmare?
With so little time and the kid's very existence on the line, he sets to work, leaving the miniature radio on the table, which was now popped open, where a strange thin film canister labelled Van Halen, whatever that was, rested inside.
When he goes to check up on Marty again, a few hours later, the only difference between then and now was the position Marty was in on the couch and how tangled up in the blanket he had gotten himself. He looked just as sound asleep as he did when he first knocked out, and Emmett chuckles to himself—when was the last time he slept? He had serious doubts the kid would be awake any time before noon. Copernicus trots over, tail wagging, eager to check on their new houseguest.
❝Copernicus!❞ Emmett whispers as he puts his front paws on the couch, ❝Leave Marty be! He's had a hell of a day; let him sleep in unbothered. You can say hello when he wakes up.❞
Copernicus looks back between his master and his new friend, as if weighing out the amount of trouble he would get in for disobeying. Marty is new, exciting, and friendly, but—
❝Come on, boy! Let's get a start on breakfast.❞
Emmett sets the coffeepot on the stove with enough for two—does Marty drink coffee?—and fetches Copernicus' food bowl from the floor, yawning into the sleeve of his robe. This was not his first all-nighter and, if the existence of the time vehicle is anything to go off of, it will not be his last, either. He still has no real understanding of how the machine works beyond knowing that it does, and even if it will save him what will likely be years of struggle—thirty years, if he is to believe Marty's departure date is the very first test of the machine—he can't allow himself to break established history by obtaining future knowledge.
He sighs as the smell of coffee permeates the kitchen and promptly fills Copernicus' bowl with his favourite dry food.
Before he can set the bowl back down, a shout and the sound of something heavy hitting the floor causes Emmett to jump, sending dry kibble flying across the kitchen. He drops the bowl on the ground and hurries over to find Marty no longer on the couch, but on the floor, hair askew and wide-eyed and still hopelessly tangled in the blanket.
Copernicus is sitting on Marty's chest, tail wagging, and Emmett's eyes go wide.
❝H-Hey Doc. Copernicus kinda—❞
❝Copernicus!❞ Emmett chides, crossing the length of the room to pick up the dog and set him down on the floor. ❝What did I say about letting Marty sleep?❞
❝It's fine, Doc, really, I just wasn't expecting him to start licking my face, that's all.❞
Emmett kneels down as Marty starts to struggle against the blanket, brows furrowed as if to ask, may I? Marty nods, and he works on extricating the boy from his fabric prison. ❝Nonsense; you were exhausted, you need to sleep. I might have tried to wake you up when breakfast was finished, but that wasn't going to be for some time.❞
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