#[ inscriptions for those long passed and those who remain || headcanons/musings ]
octhbroken · 2 years
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And here we are. I see that I have no option for messing with the "legacy" post editor here; that kinda pisses me off, but whatever I guess.
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octhbroken-a · 2 years
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More Munday Asks
@fxtelism​ Inquired: 13. Give us a random headcanon (for one of your OCs?)
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In her main verse, when she isn’t hovering somewhere she can keep an eye on Silas, Mila gravitates towards areas with water. Rivers, lakes, canals, the ocean, anywhere is fair game-- though she tends to gravitate more towards lakes. And one in particular; a place called the Lake of Tears. For a long time the exact origins of that particular lake has been fought over-- but the main reasons that particular lake is a spot she goes to with or without him, is because that spot was a favorite of her entire group of friends where they had the majority of their best shows... and because that was the place she was killed. Considering the majority of what she has left at this point though, no one can really blame her.
Bonus; her showing up there is also the direct reason a legend of a specter haunting the lake started up.
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octhbroken · 1 year
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@ancientforged Inquired: Is your character more likely to remove a problem/threat, or remove themselves from a problem/threat?
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This is honestly one of those questions that has a different answer depending upon which muse you are asking about-- limiting it to my currently listed muses (because I have a lot more than what I just have listed), things would likely be as follows. Thrown under a read more purely for the fact that I'm doing eight/nine muses on this.
Muses that are more likely to remove a problem/threat -
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Hands down, Silas tends to deal with all of his problems by removing them-- and considering what most of them are, it isn't overly surprising. Things like the Divinity Engine, the Svafrlami, and a number of other things in his world (especially when they know just what he happens to be) aren't just things that he can "walk away from"; even if they can't kill him, the things that they can still do-- mainly to the world and most of the people in it-- is horrifying. Which admittedly is something that people would likely think he wouldn't bother concerning himself with, what with how things have gone for him; but he still feels an obligation to do things because of the very thing that he had once set out to do so long ago with his closest friends, and if you add the fact that he has a family now into the situation that reasoning only grows that much stronger.
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Much like Silas, Elster tends to deal with most of her problems by dealing with them-- though rather than sharing the feelings he has on things, it is largely because of the facts that she was designed specifically to do just that (since her model line was designed to be on a two person space craft launched into deep space, where she would have to do most of the maintenance and work) but also because of the fact that she had been locked into the nightmare that she had been in for so long. It is literally do or die for her, which is actually very ironic for her considering she was... denied death, when after finally managing to complete the task laid out for her in that endless nightmare she stirred in the remains of her ship. And considering the fact that she managed to repair it without perishing a second time, it isn't much of a stretch to say that things really enjoy kicking her.
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Alastor more often than not tends to deal with most of his problems, though he isn't a fool about things. Though that tends to expand to only things of "lower" positioning in the grand scheme of things, such as bearing witness to something that he... dislikes from lower strength demons/humans or the subject of boredom, which he actively seeks out things to combat with; as for when demons foolish enough to seek him out for a fight appear, that is where things can differ. Anyone less than a fellow Overlord who fails to actually amuse him with their attempt is... swiftly dealt with, though with the usual lack of effort he puts into dealing with such events the fate of his assailant is often a coin toss. If they manage to entertain him, he will derive great amusement from the encounter and very likely draw it out before ending it once it has begun to bore him-- more often than not with the death of the one who assailed him.
Now when it comes to issues with those more powerful than him, or at the least right around his strength, he tends to be far more restrained. In the case of the latter he could easily slip back into the spree that he is most infamously known for, but more often than not he decides merely to leave (with one exception, even if he won't start an open fight due to the fact that he would be at a numbers disadvantage). He sees no real point in entertaining the aggravation that they tend to cause him, though in the case of those stronger than him he will more often than not pay the modicum of respect they deserve depending upon who they are.
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Being two personalities of the same person, it makes sense that these two would deal with things the same way-- though it would also make some sense if they didn't. But considering their position as the captain of the Hyperion, head of a massive squad of Valkyries, and effectively a third party not fully affiliated with any of the three big groups in the battle against the Honkai (though he frequently works with AE, to the point where it would be easy to make the mistake of him being affiliated with that group), he has to deal with most of his problems head on. Though in the case of Liam proper that extends largely to just the tasks related to his position and those who have their own work, such as Himeko and Theresa who frequently attempt to sneak their work onto him or otherwise break rules he put upon the ship. Against a number of the different Valkryie on his ship though, such as HoV, he takes more after the second stance even if he can't really just walk away from it.
H.L. on the other hand is pretty much the opposite, not seeing any real reason restrain his stance towards anyone on the ship-- be they fellow Herrschers, Valkyrie, scientists, Ai Chan (though this one is definitely shared with Liam). He deals with any and all problems that he happens to face, to the point where some of those under their command have had to run interference to prevent things from getting so bad on the ship that it would likely end up being destroyed-- like the incident with Bella and HoV in the past.
Muses that are more likely to remove themselves from a problem/threat -
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Being perfectly honest, Paimon has the will to want to deal with problems that happen to come her way but... she really lacks much in the way of being able to do anything about them. Most of the time she has to rely upon others to help her deal with most situations, and that isn't taking into account her lack of combat ability-- the best she can do with a good chuck of problems is get someone to help her with them. That being said, a fair number of common problems that possibly come her way are things that she can take care of; things such as helping guide people when they are lost, carrying small amounts of things, and the like are things that she will gladly do herself if she has the chance to.
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Eula is another one that it really depends upon what particular type of problem she is dealing with; if she is dealing with something that her duty as the Spindrift Knight puts her up against, such as Hilichurls or any number of other things that seek to inflict harm upon the people of Mondstat (or really anyone else in Teyvat for the most part), she will actively attempt to deal with it herself. But when it comes to the things she has to deal with on a far more frequent basis, she prefers to just... let things go. Whether it comes from the public, or those she is supposedly connected to doesn't matter to her; unless things cross a point where she has to deal with it as a Knight, she will more likely than not just walk away.
Bonus category, Muses that are almost certainly one such problem
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I know I don't have much of anything up for her at the moment, but one person specifically cough Zefir cough and those who can recall one of the two previous iterations of this blog (probably back before I had it as a mixed multimuse with both OCs and Canon muses, but it has been long enough I can't really recall which one it was on) likely wouldn't be too surprised by this classification. Lycoris lives to be the problem/threat; killing, maiming, making people suffer in just about any way that she can imagine is pretty much what she makes her life's work, and she is very good at it. Though considering she was created pretty much specifically to do exactly this, that honestly shouldn't come as too much of a surprise-- instead what should come as a surprise is that even with as well as she took to that, is that she's elected to ignore the main reason she was created in pursuit of what she enjoys doing instead.
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Leviatha is another one that I don't have much of anything listed on, but she definitely ends up being in this category-- even if she can fall into either of the other two depending upon the situation. Her main concern is, much like Lycoris, pretty much doing as she pleases; which rather than killing, maiming, or otherwise causing suffering and destruction, she prefers to find people to add to her "collection". And she has been at this for a VERY long time, considering her own outer realm is a legitimate kingdom filled with all of the people that she has decided to just that with-- and then some. There are entire worlds that she has decided to latch onto, where not a single soul was left safe from her hands; and she can freely make use of all of them. That being said though if she perceives something as a threat or problem, depending upon the trouble it might cause her she could react either way; if it will cost her too much she'll likely just leave it alone unless there are large things at stake, and if she can more easily deal with it she will likely do just that.
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octhbroken-a · 2 years
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Sinful Ask Meme
@imaginariaarbor​ Inquired:  LACK OF PERSPECTIVE - A time my muse refused to acknowledge the impact of their words or deeds. For Silas—
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Surprisingly enough, there actually isn’t really any particular time that Silas happens to do this. Save for when he is “acting”, he makes no attempts to deflect the impact has on things around him-- near or far. And even when he is acting, it only lasts until he has decided that doing so has outlived its usefulness to him in the given situation; which more often than not leaves those who were with him on things shocked as all hell. Now that isn’t to say that he won’t try to hide such things if he has a strong enough feeling that the reaction they might get is unpleasant, or if it will do much more harm in other ways for someone else to actually know-- such as will most of the things he has done in the past with both Zhen and the children. Eventually thought they will learn.
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octhbroken-a · 2 years
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Sinful Ask Meme
Anonymous Inquired:  FRAUD silas?
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Oh, interesting one ‘non. Okay, so first and foremost, I’m leading off with a clear answer to the very last portion of that particular option; Silas has never and will never gaslit anyone. He will manipulate things and lie without so much as a second thought, but he will never attempt to establish a relationship with someone of any sort to control them. Which admittedly says something because he technically could right now if he so chose, but that is something for another ask. Back on track there is... a lot of different times he has lied quite heavily to others and manipulated things to achieve what he has set out to do, be it “good” or “bad”.
A clear example would one of the times that he set out to deal a pretty crippling blow against Gildi-- a group in his world that I will talk about some other time, but needless to say, they are NOT good people-- he found a woman who had a child that they had “cured” from a particularly alarming illness. She desired to meet with the local leader of the group to personally thank and offer them what little money she had as thanks for what they had done. Seeing an opportunity, Silas took advantage of the woman’s wish and assumed the roll of some low level member of the group who promised to arrange a meeting between her and that individual. From there, due to the fact that his face was known by higher tier members of the group, he both directly and indirectly manipulated individuals all the way up the chain to the man that the woman wanted to meet... and happened to get her that meeting, with the false stipulation that he come along with her as a “key” of sorts.
Some time after that had been set up, things went exactly as the lady had expected them to-- right up until they happened to get into the meeting area, and the one she wanted to meet happened to see him. From that instant, things became a wire wind of blood and weapons fire that she couldn’t wrap her head around; and once everything was said and done, he was the only one left standing and the people that she believed saved her child lay scattered around as mangled corpses. Needless to say she didn’t take it well and even Silas didn’t take offense to it, instead owning up to the fact that he had shamelessly lied to and used her for such a massacre of an event. He also would have explained to her that these people were nothing but true frauds, and hadn’t actually saved her child (who had actually just been lucky enough to overcome the illness during the time that the Gildi had them), but given the stance that she had towards him and all of the carnage around them... he decided against even trying. It was clear she wouldn’t have believed him, so he decided that it would be best if she happened to keep thinking that he was some sort of monster.
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octhbroken-a · 2 years
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Major Tarot Arcana Headcanon Meme
Anonymous Inquired:  13.  death  :  is there anything in your muse’s life that they should be letting go of ? Silas
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Oh yes. There is a hell of a lot that Silas should be letting go of, being perfectly honest. For just the sake of this ask though I’ll just focus on one thing; the deaths of his two closest friends. The images of both those events still haunt him, even after the sheer amount of time that has passed since they happened and learning the truth behind everything that he was put through because through and through... he still views it as his fault.
Of the two, Terre’s death-- while still a very sore point with him-- is still the less impactful of the two though purely due to the fact that it was towards the end of the events in the past. The group had hunted down and killed four of the seven deities at this point, and had just wrapped up with the fifth (who happened to be a monster in terms of strength on his own); everyone was exhausted, and then both of the last two happened to show themselves. No one was in any condition to do much of anything, and after killing five of the seven old gods, the last two were done with it all. Terre, seeing only one chance for things to end in their favor, ended up engaging both of them at the same time to buy everyone else the time they needed to escape with his own death not even really needing to be said here. But all this said, the true issue with his friend’s death here comes after everything was said and done in the end rather than when it happened at the time; seeing just how much power he could make use of, he just can’t accept the fact that he was unable to use it back then. His friend wouldn’t have died, he wouldn’t have had to make a promise to him (which is a tale for another time) that he would inevitably be unable to keep, and he could have ended it then and there. But he couldn’t, and he has to live with that fact.
Now as for Mila’s death... that one is a lot more impactful on him. There was no battle going on for him and the group who had taken him in, he had no memory of the events leading up to the point where they had found him, someone he fell in love with, and nothing but good times ahead of them all. It wouldn’t be too much of a stretch to say that the impact his horrible luck and twisted divine intervention had on his life to that point had seemingly faded-- and then things finally happened. All seven of the old gods appeared before the group Silas was a part of now, with the intent of stripping him of it all through whichever whim of theirs won out in the end. But before they could do that, the decided that it would be fun to essentially repeat what had been done to him in the past and incapacitate him... which was where things really took a turn. Mila being Mila, without so much as a second thought, shoved him out of the way; and in the processes made the shot fatal with where it connected, much to the gods’ amusement. The seven of them then decided that this was much more fun, deciding to leave him holding her slowly dying form with naught but the parting words that “ she deserved it for getting close to one like you “.  The fact that she, someone who had never done anything wrong, could be killed with that justification is something that has gnawed at him since the day it happened-- and makes for quite the volatile reaction from him whenever she is brought up, even by the remaining two friends from that war that was waged.
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octhbroken-a · 2 years
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Major Tarot Arcana Headcanon Meme
Anonymous Inquired:  02.  the high priestess  :  how does your muse make decisions ? do they trust their instinct or would they rather trust their heart / their logic ? (Antra)
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Being perfectly honest, Antra is really the sort that trusts whatever their heart says when it comes to making decisions-- and as we all know that very rarely ends up coinciding with what the brain, which is more than a little ironic because usually it ends up being right most of the time. Fortunately it usually turns out well for them, allowing them to do what they had intended to from the start in a situation; though there are always those times where things just don’t go the way one hopes they will, and things backfire or cause more problems in the process. If you look through things with deity of hymns here (which I will get around to fully putting up sooner or later I swear) you can see a lot of those times where that particular line is crossed too, on top of the few times where sheer instinct happens to take over and forces them to do things. Usually when confronted with the sheer fight or flight response that the mere sight of a certain individual hits them with, regardless of whether or not he is actually trying to trigger it in the young deity.
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