#[ my hobbies include loving cassia and crying into my hands about ash semi-daily ]
redstringraven · 9 months
For the OC Ask Game I don’t know much about Cassia or Ash, so could you answer #20 for Cassia and #23 for Ash? owo
i absolutely will and i adore you so much for asking about them, thank you!! c:> !!
oc ask game
20) a nostalgic memory from your OC’s childhood? (cassia)
the first trip she ever got to go on with her mom and her dad, hands down. i think i've mentioned in passing that cassia's father, oliver, is a train conductor. he's often out of town due to this, but he calls very regularly at night, so he can talk to both cassia and esme (her mom) before they go to bed. when she was old enough that she'd be able to appreciate sight-seeing and experiencing new places, meeting new people, oliver and esme decided to make a little trip out of his occupation. while she doesn't remember all of the details, cassia has fond memories of getting to see new towns, watching landscapes pass by, talking with various passengers alongside her father and getting to hear their stories, and the constant rumble of the train lulling her to sleep. she doesn't get to relive this memory often, as esme is very high-anxiety (especially after the triceraton invasion), but cassia will always treasure the magic and whimsy that came with getting on her first train, getting to see her dad's "workspace", and getting a small taste of just how big the world really is.
23) what are your OC’s biggest flaws and biggest strengths? (ash)
so SPEAKING of anxiety-- ash is a very high-anxiety/fear person, which means that she also tends to be a very pessimistic person. she worries a lot, she often expects and anticipates the worst, and she can be a little dependent on gwyn when it comes to making decisions (like, beyond the fact that she's the one trapped in an inanimate object). i guess her biggest flaw in 'present' is that, despite still being sentient and conscious in the shapeshifting weapon she's in, she considers herself dead and doesn't expect a resolution. gwyn is the one clinging to optimism and hope--the idea that she'll find a way to get ash's spirit/soul/consciousness out of the weapon and into a new body. ash... has quietly accepted her death... but she's given up on arguing with gwyn over this for gwyn's sake. as for strengths, ash is often five steps ahead of the immediate problem (the 'plus side' of expecting the worst) and vigilant/aware of solutions or escape methods should gwyn--or those around her--need them. she can be quite analytical, good at troubleshooting as well as piecing together tidbits of information and conversation she's overheard when people thought she wasn't listening (leaning into the fact that to 90% of the people she and gwyn meet, she's just a dagger in a sheath; most people never realize she's sentient). she's very good of keeping track of resources and getting priorities in line. ash is also just... loyal. there were many times 'disowning' gwyn throughout their childhood would have benefited her or helped her status in the community, but she never did.
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