#[ oooohhh this is such a great prompt thank you so much for sending this in! ]
solarisgod · 6 months
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  the shining constellation sits by the vulpine lady, admiring her feral beauty. micah is still amazed to finally met ahri in person after knowing her from their dream. although as much as time was greatly taken for the first grand meeting, she ▬▬ with fire in her thorn bearing heart and ferocity in wildest spirit, was worth the wait. even as these teeth and claws are shown, gleaming, love in light still took her hands. ( the world should fear how much kindness they bear against its ever cold cruelty. ) while celestial blessed with the soft starlights above, @vulpesse quietly tells micah : ❛ you have two faces. one you wear for the world at large, and the one you wear for those you love. ❜ micah holds their cheek in contemplation, head tilting to side. ❝ what if one have many faces? ❞ a whisper from infinity, ❝ what makes them? ❞
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micah starts to thinks about themself and themself and themself and ▬▬ i am one of the many, but i still don't know where do i begin and me continue and myself end. all of these faces that i have since my / our childhood are not truly mine to start with. i can not remember what my own looks like right now. i hope that i do not look so sad. I want to be more happy. micah caresses their cheek, trying to remember self-love. ❝ i hope even with every faces that they have, in all of the white noises that they made to perform more than to kindly exist, they can still be loved entirely. i would love them. [ … ] whichever you choose to wear for me, i will love you anyway. ❞ micah understands the need to be in different veils. the world, it sees, grins, eats. micah is many to survive it, live ( and how it shudders at infinite light in i, you, us. )
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cutegirlmayra · 7 years
Emotion Sonamy Prompt
Couple: Sonamy
World: Sonic X (loosely based off of. Mostly for Sonic’s character traits.)
“No!” Amy’s head shook, her fists up towards her, as electrical waves sparked different parts of her mind, coming from a secret mechanism that was tucked under headband without her knowing.
In her frenzy, unable to control her words or emotions, Sonic slowly advanced to her, seeing she was getting dangerously close to a cliff.
“Amy... Just think a sec..” Sonic was taking the moment very seriously... He knew something was wrong with Amy, she may be dramatic sometimes, but not hysterical.
He held a hand out, but she once again, in a violent movement, shook out her body to try and get him away, stepping back as some pebbles fell the depth of the cliff behind her foot...
“Urk..!” Sonic bit down on his teeth, a sweatdrop dripping down, seeing that this was getting dangerous fast!
He couldn’t talk her out of it, she was too far gone in... in whatever was wrong with her!
He had to move fast, to where she couldn’t react fast enough to fight back.
He narrowed his eyes and waited a second...
Something in him not wanting to have it come to this...
“Amy,.. just calm down. What’s wrong?” Sonic held out his hands, trying to talk to her.
Her swinging of her body never stopped, as she gripped her head, and then finally remained still. “Leave me alone.... alone... all alone...” She was muttering nonsense, so far as he was concerned.
He lowered his head.
“GO AWAY!” Amy’s abrupt shout made the ground under her begin to crack, and Sonic’s immediate instinct couldn’t be held back anymore.
“You leave me no choice..!” Sonic dashed forward, fast enough to get a hold on each arm.
“Let me go! Let me go!” She wasn’t even able to look at him, it seemed, as her whole body fought against him, moving back towards the edge.
Sonic used every bit of tension in his body... wishing he didn’t have to be rough with her... but she wasn’t making being ‘the nice guy’ easy!
He quickly tried to thrust her behind him, but her stance was unmovable. There was some sort of frenzied power she was summoning up, and she was even proving a challenge for him!
“Erk...A-Amy...” he suddenly saw her jolt, and looked up to notice a spark from her headband. “Huh..? Hmm.” he glared, realizing his next move.
He pulled her arms forward and himself back, using her energy against her, as she fell forward and grabbed her headband.
Since the mechanism was connected underneath it, he saw it slip a little, with chords and without thinking, immediately disconnected it, ripping it off her head.
The result of which was painful, as the chords were sucked off her skull and started flinging around sparks in the air, before Sonic let Amy stumble forward.
Her headband in one hand, and the mechanism in another, he quickly threw down the headband and broke the mechanism with his knee. “Ruah!”
Amy breathed heavily, as she followed the energy of being pulled forward and ran into the forest.
Sonic looked back to see she still wasn’t herself, and put a hand forward to rush after her, before hearing Tails...
“Sooooniiiccc!” Tails waved, flying down, and watching Amy disappear into the dense forest. “..What’s going on?”
“....” Sonic looked down, worried.
“Sonic..?” Tails turned his attention back to Sonic.
“Take this.” He gave Tails the device.
“Ah,..! This..?”
“I’m going after, Amy.” Sonic took off into forest.
“Wait! What is..!? Aaand you’re gone.” He sighed, before feeling a spark on his hand. “Ow! ...huh?” he looked at the device, and then nodded, turning around and flying off. “Knuckles! New plan! Meet me back at my place!” he spoke into an ear piece.
“But what about-?”
“Not now! I think something might have happened between Sonic and Amy! And I think this device might have a connection to it.” he held it up in front of him, and then narrowed his own eyes in conviction. “Hang on, Amy! Sonic!”
Furthering her run, the effects of the device started to wane, and she looked around her, before breaking down in tears, falling and losing all the adrenaline she had once had. Being able to think clearly, she looked around, gripping her head. “What... why did I do that..? Why was I...?” she felt so vulnerable, clinging to her arms to hold herself, she just wanted secure shelter, something to help her calm down.
As she cried, she looked around and started to get back up, clumsily, and dashed away.
Falling again on her face, she slowly looked up through the pain of the impact to faintly see a tree with a dark hole just under it.
She crawled to it, seeing some form of protection and comfort in it, and immediately brought her knees up and held her hand near her face. She was confused, not sure what had just happened, but was extremely upset about something, and couldn’t understand why.
“What would have Amy dash off like that?” Knuckles asked, as Sonic raced through the forest, taking any path, any direction... Amy’s headband held tightly in one of his hands.
“I don’t know... all I do know though, is that this device-” suddenly, his readings zinged to life, and he quickly looked up to his monitors. “Ah! Of course!” he quickly dashed to another monitor, typing things fast as a blue dot, moving wildly around the board, side to side, and a pink dot blinked a while away from him.
“Tails..?” Knuckles walked up to him, “Care to let me in on your discoveries?” he folded his arms, and made a bit of an offended face.
“R-right, sorry. It’s just...” he quickly turned on his communicator.
As Sonic dashed to and fro, he heard the mic on his ear turn on, and Tails’s worried voice flicker on. “Sonic! I found out what happened to Amy!”
Sonic turned to look back to the sound.
“Amy’s somehow gotten this thing to latch onto her head, it then sends pulses like sparks into certain parts of her brain, triggering emotional distress. Amy’s having an emotional episode she can’t just naturally come down from! You have to her find! She’s probably slowly coming too, but that doesn’t mean her body still won’t be suffering from the effects. You’ve just gotta make sure she’s okay, Sonic!”
Sonic, with every bit of being in him, ran quicker.
“I have her on my monitor, move west.”
As if on command, Sonic kept his face forward, and immediately turned to the direction.
“Now Southeast! Not so fast! Stop! It says she’s right around there somewhere.”
Gripping her headband, Sonic walked around and couldn’t see anything. “She’s not here, Tails.” Sonic kept a low tone, before his ear flickered at an odd sound. “Wait.. I’m getting something..”
He clearly... was hearing sobbing.
“!” his eyes widened quickly, and he took out the ear piece, “Found her. Keep the garage open, I’m bringing her in.”
“Sonic! Be careful! She’s still in a lot of emotional distress and discord! You need to be patient.. and... please, be kind! She can’t think straight, nor control what’s she feeling!”
“...Thanks for the heads-up Tails. I’m going in without you.”
“...R-right.. be careful...”
The communicator flickered off, and Sonic stopped right in front of the tree.
He slowly bent down, and moved under.
Her whole body quaked at the sight of him, and she kicked herself further into the tree. Her eyes looked terrorized, and shifted over him a billion times.
As he watched her, he completely forfeited the whole ‘talk it out’ strategy from before, and slowly moved in closer.
She duck her head down, “Don’t!... D-don’t come near me... I... I’ve never wanted to be alone... as much as I do right now.” she had her hands under her, as they shivered and she couldn’t control their shaking. “I... I want to be alone.. I want to be shoved under this tree and never come out! G-go away!”
“....You’re never alone... Amy.” Sonic just normally moved into the space available, and watched out for any resistance.
Surprisingly, she only flinched and brought her knees up again, trying to keep as far from him as possible.
“Ohhh... oooohhh...” Tails paced back and forth, clearly agonizing over the scenes of what Amy must be going through, according to his data.
“So... Amy’s having a bit of a crisis... and turning into a mess. It’s not like this hasn’t happened before, right..? She’ll be alright, the thing’s off her head, anyway.” Knuckles, not doing a great job of comforting, was trying to point out the positives to him, hoping to calm him down. “And this is Sonic we’re talking about. You know how Amy is.” he shrugged, as Tails furiously whipped around.
“NO! You don’t understand at all!” he quickly moved over to the broken device, and put a plastic bowl over it.
“This is Amy’s brain.” he explained, and then hit something on the keyboard.
Suddenly, A thousand sparks, mostly centered in one general direction, flew up at random moments, striking similarly to the same area.
Tails looked more serious than ever, “If this thing wasn’t broken, I’d calculate it’s speed to be 20 shocks per minute, which is mostly aiming for the trauma side of the brain. Whoever implanted this here, wanted this to cause a meltdown in it’s victim. In other words-! Even Sonic hasn’t deal with this kind of fragile imbalance Amy must be displaying! Her emotions are taking over and draining her. This literally is trying to simulate stress! Do you know what happens in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?” Tails was almost shouting these things now, making Knuckles worried, seeing as Tails was also losing it over this.
He looked at the machine, seeing it’s effects burn a small portion onto the plastic bowl...
“The brain naturally creates a channel, literally carving it into itself, for stress that can’t be naturally released. Amy couldn’t naturally release this strain on her side of the brain, and because of where it was aimed, it literally PAVED A HIGHWAY in her mind! Making it easier for her to suffer from it again and again! Messing with the brain is never an easy fix! Sonic-!”
“Will find a way!” Knuckles finally blurted out, dropping his hands in the exasperated gesture. “Look. I may not be as fancy with mechanics as you are, Tails. But I know Amy. She’s tough. And I know she’ll find a way to... release or whatever you were saying, the stress from her head.” He put his hands on his hips, and waited for a reply.
“...But it won’t go away that easily...” Tails looked down, doubting...
“Let’s face it. Sonic’s probably not there for an easy fix, either...” Knuckles folded his arms. “He’s probably just as worried as we are... he’s just trying to stay calm and think things through. Isn’t that what you’re always telling us?”
Tails closed his eyes, accepting that this was as much help he could give Amy right now, and there was nothing he could do. “You’re right.” he lifted his head, and looked back to the screen. “If anyone can set Amy, even just a little bit back to her right self... then... she’ll be okay.” His eyebrows bended back, afraid his friend may suffer longer than just the coming out of the moment... it was an episode alright.. and he had no idea how long that thing had been on her head, and how long it had kept her from wondering about it...
“...Amy? Do you remember that time you were scared to jump... over the ravine?”
Sonic was laying on his back, hands under his head, as Amy continued to try and breathe calmly to the side.
“.. I... I don’t.” she admitted.
“Huh? Really? Oh... well, you were very brave.” Sonic smiled, remembering the fond memory.
“I told you not to look down, but of course, you did anyway, and even then you trusted me to catch you. It wasn’t a long drop or anything, but I held onto you tight, and in the end, you thought it was fun.”
He turned back to look at her, “You sure you don’t remember that?”
“My head hurts.” she quickly responded, clutching her hand to her head.
“...Hm.” Sonic got up a little, moving over to her.
She flinched, “No-!”
He caught her hand gently, “Just... relax... Amy. I’d never hurt you.” he didn’t like having to say that. It left an uncomfortable feeling throughout his being...
He normally would never have to say that, it would have just been obvious.
He reached a hand and noticed the spots where the wires must have gone... and frowned deeply, seeing they had singed her hair.
“I... I remember... Metal Sonic.”
He moved his hand, immediately looking down to her.
She still was clutching her head, “I.. I remember his eyes... I remember how scared I was... I... I’m afraid. Even now I can see him!”
“Amy!” Sonic put a hand down, “Calm down!”
“No! I want to be alone! I want-... I want my head to stop throbbing!” she tried to push him off, but he ended up just embracing her.
As she fought him, he held her there.
The kicking, screaming, and crying was definitely not her, but from what Tails said, this was her body’s reaction to the mind’s distress. She didn’t have much control over herself.
When she finally lost the energy to go on, he lowered his head, his eyes completely shut and unseen in the darkness.
“...I remember that. I rushed in and saw you huddled up, much like this, and I remember the second you saw me too... and how fast that smile came on to your face.” He pulled back, and noticed she was exhausted.
He thought maybe she passed out, and even though that made his heart beat a second faster in panic, he had to say this... at least, it could be the last bit of comfort she hears before completely falling out of consciousness.
“... I would do anything... to keep that smile on your face always... Amy.”
He had to hold her under him as he crawled out, but after doing so, he felt her squirm, and realized she wasn’t completely knocked out yet.
“Ughh...” she blinked her eyes a bit, and then held onto him tight.
“...I ...” she breathed out, eyes still closed, as one hand found his arm, and held onto it with the last of her strength. “I remember this... you holding me... after all that... I felt so happy... so relieved.. for once in my life... I had someone to help me when I was scared... or lonely... or depressed... I felt... safe...”
Her head dropped.
“Amy..? Amy!” Sonic shook her, but she didn’t seem to be responding. “Dang it!” he quickly looped her around and held her over his shoulder, moving so fast that bridal style would have been a hassle.
Getting her to Tails, who did in fact open the garage door as he was told to do, rushed her in and immediately checked for drama signs.
For a few days, the team would keep one member with Amy, while they finished the adventure.
When Sonic finally found out the reasons behind the device, that it was a test to see if it could work, he was fuming with rage.
Needless to say... that adventure ended quickly.
It was Sonic’s turn this time, and as Amy walked out of her room, she saw him reading on Tails’s couch, before looking up and stumbling to his feet, and then slowly rising off his knees, having falling off the couch in his surprise, and the two stared at each other.
“...Morning.” Amy loosely smiled, before it faded quickly.
She was leaning on the frame of the door, and one arm gripped the other.
She still looked a bit timid and frightened, unsure of herself or her surroundings, but Sonic took a deep breath and tried to not let that get to him...
as it... did before.
“Heh. I think you mean afternoon.” he gestured to the window. “You’ve been out and back a few times from sleep, Amy... you never stay up for more than a few minutes... but... I am glad to see you moving again.”
“...I’m sorry.” Amy turned her head away from his. “I caused you all so much trouble... I made the adventure suck, didn’t I?”
“... It wasn’t an adventure, more like a nuisance.” Sonic folded his arms, and Amy squinted her eyes more shut. 
“But that wasn’t because of you. It was because someone had done that to you.”
Amy opened her eyes and looked back to Sonic, feeling uncertain.
“...Does that mean.. you found out..?”
“Yeah. But we can talk about that later.” Sonic walked up to her, “Hungry?”
“Famished.” she smiled.
For the next few days, Sonic was almost gentlemenly. He would move her chair out for her, act out funny scenes to make her laugh, and even bring her food. “Chilidogs! From the best place in town!”
She giggled, and Tails finally confirmed her emotional trauma was being treated well.
“It may always be a scary thing in the back of your head... but now,” He smiled, relieved at the results. “At least you can laugh again. And not feel like you’ve got something firing a railroad through your skull.”
For some reason, after that moment, Amy felt Sonic be more protective of her during Eggman attacks, but would always smile when she noticed it.
Not only was it showing that the trauma may have affected him as well, but it also showed he meant what he said.
“...You’re never alone...”
(I wrote this starting at 2 Am, it’s 3:30 am, goodnight everybody!)
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