#[[ 🖇 : ]]
thegreyunderstanding · 2 months
Praying Drunk
Our Father who art in heaven, I am drunk.
Again. Red wine. For which I offer thanks.
I ought to start with praise, but praise
comes hard to me. I stutter. Did I tell you
about the woman whom I taught, in bed,
this prayer? It starts with praise; the simple form
keeps things in order. I hear from her sometimes.
Do you? And after love, when I was hungry,
I said, Make me something to eat. She yelled,
Poof! You’re a casserole!—and laughed so hard
she fell out of the bed. Take care of her.
Next, confession—the dreary part. At night
deer drift from the dark woods and eat my garden.
They’re like enormous rats on stilts except,
of course, they’re beautiful. But why? What makes
them beautiful? I haven’t shot one yet.
I might. When I was twelve, I’d ride my bike
out to the dump and shoot the rats. It’s hard
to kill your rats, our Father. You have to use
a hollow point and hit them solidly.
A leg is not enough. The rat won’t pause.
Yeep! Yeep! it screams, and scrabbles, three-legged, back
into the trash, and I would feel a little bad
to kill something that wants to live
more savagely than I do, even if
it’s just a rat. My garden’s vanishing.
Perhaps I’ll merely plant more beans, though that
might mean more beautiful and hungry deer.
Who knows?
I’m sorry for the times I’ve driven
home past a black, enormous, twilight ridge.
Crested with mist, it looked like a giant wave
about to break and sweep across the valley,
and in my loneliness and fear I’ve thought,
O let it come and wash the whole world clean.
Forgive me. This is my favorite sin: despair—
whose love I celebrate with wine and prayer.
Our Father, thank you for all the birds and trees,
that nature stuff. I’m grateful for good health,
food, air, some laughs, and all the other things
I’m grateful that I’ve never had to do
without. I have confused myself. I’m glad
there’s not a rattrap large enough for deer.
While at the zoo last week, I sat and wept
when I saw one elephant insert his trunk
into another’s ass, pull out a lump,
and whip it back and forth impatiently
to free the goodies hidden in the lump.
I could have let it mean most anything,
but I was stunned again at just how little
we ask for in our lives. Don’t look! Don’t look!
Two young nuns tried to herd their giggling
schoolkids away. Line up, they called. Let’s go
and watch the monkeys in the monkey house.
I laughed, and got a dirty look. Dear Lord,
we lurch from metaphor to metaphor,
which is—let it be so—a form of praying.
I’m usually asleep by now—the time
for supplication. Requests. As if I’d stayed
up late and called the radio and asked
they play a sentimental song. Embarrassed.
I want a lot of money and a woman.
And, also, I want vanishing cream. You know—
a character like Popeye rubs it on
and disappears. Although you see right through him,
he’s there. He chuckles, stumbles into things,
and smoke that’s clearly visible escapes
from his invisible pipe. It makes me think,
sometimes, of you. What makes me think of me
is the poor jerk who wanders out on air
and then looks down. Below his feet, he sees
eternity, and suddenly his shoes
no longer work on nothingness, and down
he goes. As I fall past, remember me.
- Andrew Hudgins
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sunniewr · 4 months
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⠀ׅ⠀⠀| ͜͝ |͞| ͜͝ 🎂 יִיִ⠀ ࣭ ͡꒱⠀𖹭 ֹ ⠀𝙰ֹᥒ𝗀ᥱׂׂ𝗅᪾⠀︵͜⠀𝅚𝅛᮫𓊤⠀𐙚࣪𝓂⠀ׅ⠀
ㅤㅤㅤ ͝ ͝ㅤ ─꯭ׂ─꯭┄    ★⠀─꯭ׂ─꯭┄    ⠀ ͡࿙࿚ㅤ⠀᳞⠀࣪
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bound-vivisection · 2 years
hello sir! i was wondering if you have any 24/7 dynamic headcanons to share? i just. love the 24/7 dynamic and im living through your steddie posts lmao
hope you are well <3
- 🖇
Oh boy do I!
I am doing good thank you so much for asking. I hope you are doing well too. 😊
So we all know that this is Steve’s first d/s dynamic, but what a lot of people don’t know is that it is also Eddie’s. Most of what he knows is self taught and because of this sometimes he doubts himself. Steve is always sure to clear those thoughts from Eddie’s head though.
Steve and Eddie can always be seen having some form of physical contact. Not only is this because they love affection, but because it make it easier to secretly use the “tap” system when they are in public. (2 taps slow down, 3 stop). This is not only great for public play, but also in tense situations where one might get anxious.
Speaking of public play almost nowhere is safe. Steve genuinely can’t go to The Hideout without popping a boner because of how many memories he has of Eddie getting him off in different places of the club.
Steve is shy when it comes to saying what he wants and how he feels, so Eddie loves asking him questions where Steve has to verbally answer with more than just yes or no. “Do you want me to spank you with my hand or the paddle baby? Use your words for Daddy.”
Eddie choosing Steve’s underwear for him everyday, if Eddie forgets or can’t choose for some reason then Steve goes without them.
Despite being a brat, Steve doesn’t actually break his rules very often. He just like to ride the fine line of Eddie’s rules. Eddie knows this and has a specific lost of “funishments” that he uses when Steve wants to be put in his place.
Eddie will only give a punishment after he has discussed with Steve as to why he is receiving it, and after punishments he is quick to praise the boy about how well he did, and about how he is forgiven.
Steve has accidentally slipped up and called Eddie “Daddy” several times in front of Nancy and Robin. Both girls gag every time.
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daintydongyoung · 11 months
Baeee helloo i finished the series (the one of renjun) along with the rest! I'll send them in two separate ask (three member per ask) so it's easier for youuu 🫂🖇 hope you like emm
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it's not even a question i always love everything you write omg you have a golden pen fr 🫂❤️🖇
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and markfuxking lee STOPPPPP
the mc didn't just call him DUDE in the middle of the deed deadasss 😭😭
you prolly know this song but yeahhhh
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bisexualgoth · 1 year
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dykefagoth -> bisexualgoth
dan ★ bisexual bigender tme ★ he/she ★ 22 ★ white + polish ★ autistic adhd ancom ★ blood & horror enjoyer
terfs and zionists fuck off and die
under 16 don't follow
icon / stop time / eyes / i have no phone
i don't tag bones / blood / gore. if that bothers u closest thing u can blacklist is #🫀. my tagging system is a fucking mess at the moment lol sorry
typos are frequent bc im dyslexic :) you're welcome to correct me (in fact please do) but if you're gonna be rude about it i will kill you
i am autistic. if anything i say sounds rude or mean there's 90% chance i did not mean it that way. if we have a misunderstanding im always open to talk it out in private. im all niceys i promise my brain is just wired wrong <3
minors blacklist #5265
blank blogs or hp url = block, ageless = softblock
transandrophobia truthers & pansexuals & bi lesbians etc just know that i think youre annoying as hell
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tinogiehd · 1 year
this is a topic i have strong opinions on in general because ive always hated the idea of coming out. its completely heteronormative but it at least made sense way back and in like the early 2000s because it encouraged other queer people to come forward and accept themselves and gave young queer kids role models
but in 2023? u want a mcyt to? come out? just for u? like if people want to come out thats obv great for them if it helps them but its such a stupid thing to expect from every lgbtq+ person
while i have come out to 1 or 2 people personally, the people close to me just started pointing out how gay i was as a joke and then just . accepted it . like no srs stupid stressful convo they just accepted it an adjusted their wingman abilities accordingly
people expecting every queer mcyter to come equipped with a 45 minute long power point on their queer trauma, journey, and labels are like actually crazy I think. that's the type of mindset that kept tubbo in the closet, and helped perpetuate the response to dream, and made people so afraid of acknowledging ranboo's very clear coming out as a coming out as well. like it's genuinely something that we've seen can be dangerous and is just generally extremely weird. And when people don't fit into that formula they get written off as panderers or everything being a bit for funsies or however else people want to call them queerbaiters without saying the word queerbaiter
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haruhikage · 11 months
having such a silly time !! <- girl who is anxious abt absolutely everything at all times
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bluexiao · 2 years
Some essentials I think you'd like to bring to a dorm:
Your own pair of indoor slippers. Trust me when I say your feet will get dirty pretty easily, even though you're indoors.
Towels. At least three face towels and two body towels will do. Change your face towels at least once or twice a week, your body towels you can change once or twice as well.
Your own blanket, bedsheets and pillow covers. You'll need these once you get your own dorm. Make sure to have three or four different sets for the bedsheets and pillow covers, and have at least two blankets so you have a spare in case someone sleeps in or your current blanket is on the wash
Some baskets or any type of foldable furniture that can double as a storage device. You can purchase one of those seats that you can lift up, revealing some secret storage area you can put books and all sorts of things in. These are hella helpful.
Some glass, plates, spoons and forks that aren't easy to break. Try not to buy the types that are made out of ceramic materials or glass for cups and such, since those could be pretty hazardous and tedious to clean if ever they break on the floor. If there's no kitchen tools in the dormitory, I suppose you should buy some non-stick pans (these saved my life from endless scrubbing, I swear) that are maybe around 12 inches, some spatulas (that are not metal, those will scratch your pans. Don't buy the rubber ones either, please. That will burn your pan and the spatula), and maybe a small pot you can use to make soup and all that jazz.
That's usually the things you should bring to a dormitory. I'll list some other stuff I brought with me that was pretty helpful as well.
Headphones/earphones/noise canceling gadgets - It'll help you focus a lot on studies, and will help tremendously if you have roommates or a neighbour who's incredibly loud.
Sleeping mask - If ever your roommate is a night owl and opens the light at night (and you cannot stand it), this is a great option.
I hope you have a great stay in your dormitory. It's definitely quite the experience!
oh yes i def agree with the slippers one! i also have slippers back at home so i’ll probably buy a new one for my dorm~
and the foldable storages! that’s noted okok i agree i agree,,, and it’s a good thing my pods have noise cancellation plus i have sleeping mask too yay i’m all set !! (i think hahaha)
thank u vv much i swear🫶🏼🫶🏼
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wtf-is-religion · 1 year
pure land buddhist, greek/norse pagan and Faerunian pagan.
worship and work with lady Mystra and lady selune.
work with catholic saints and spirits of a folkloric, mythological and cryptic nature.
venerate and caretaker of my ancestors.
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Amitabha buddha
Sun Wukong
Guan Yin
Tara - green and white
Amitabha Buddha's birthday - November 17
Guan Yin's birthday - february 19
Ksitigarbha's birthday - juiy 30
Tara day - August 23
Sun wukong's birthday - september 16
Bodhi Day - December 8
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Greek/norse paganism
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Faerunian paganism
the apotheosis of midnight - September 15
the Mystery of the Night - every full moon.
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⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽ RELIGION ☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅
📿 = buddhism.
🦌 = norse paganism.
🏺= greek paganism.
🕊 = Catholicism.
🌌 = mystra worship.
🌙 = selune worship.
⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽ WITCHCRAFT ☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅
🪡 = witchcraft.
🎱 = divination.
🖇 = sigils.
🪶 = folklore.
✨ = astrology.
📚 = library.
🌿 = holidays.
⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽ SPIRITUAL WORK ☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅
🎋 = ancestor veneration.
🪷 = spirit work.
🪭 = saint work.
🦢 = angel work.
🎻 = demon work.
🐞 = elemental work.
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oshaviolater · 1 year
sup its oshaviolater >>>> ahkielos from here on good night
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sunniewr · 7 months
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⠀ᶻ  𝘇  𐰁⠀⠀⠀🐾⠀⠀ㅤ᩿⠀⠀⠀ゲ⠀⠀⠀⍴α𝗐⠀⠀⠀⪩⪨
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fatima666666 · 2 years
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daintydongyoung · 11 months
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ur bae ♡
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poooor bbie jisung 🥺🥺🥺🥺
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also chenle bae's bae damn ash how are you so smart fr bro 😭😭😭
also not him calling the mc a stubborn brat yes sir im a taurus and earth dominant person yes it's me it's me 😭😭😭😭
so what the party is trash he has better one for two to offer 👀
no srsly.
hyuck's tickets for you ash, ❤️😃
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sunflowerseraph · 2 years
Whoag...brain is in link mode
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tinogiehd · 1 year
expecting an official coming out from every queer person in the year of our lord 2023 is insane, my first gf and i literally did not tell a single soul that we were dating either people knew and assumed we were tgt because they had eyes or they didnt because they were homphobic. really helped avoid hate crimes because we just let people think wtv they wanted
paperclipogie based
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fleetingmoment · 2 years
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