#[gives a character a slit eyebrow a piercing and bisexuality] this is my guy now
enthyrea · 8 months
Please tell me about your oddly detailed backstory for javy coyote machado 👁️
who am i to deny!!
(tagging @calkale, @blood-suits-and-tears, and @rebel-fight bc they also asked about him)
to start, a lot of my hcs are branching off of @boasamishipper's lovely ideas about javy, but with some personal changes here and there.
sooo i think javy and his family are from new orleans, louisiana but were displaced to austin, texas bc of hurricane katrina in 2005-- they end up moving back to nola but after javy graduates from high school. while they were in tx, javy enrolls at his local high school and he's your typical quiet transfer kid but excels in his classes so well he ends up tutoring this blonde kid that sits next to him in calculus (yes, it's hangman lmao). his mom, geneviève lafitte, is afro creole french, and his dad, joão, is afro portuguese, so he speaks both languages often. he's got two younger siblings, adelaide and sebastién.
his family was pretty well off before the hurricane but most of their stuff was destroyed in the floods. as a result, he ends up learning how to cook so he can help his siblings get dinner while his parents are working late more often than not.
eventually, he becomes best friends with jake, slits his own eyebrow (his mom faints), joins the football team, and gets matching ear piercings with jake in the summer of 06. (jake's parents find out and make him take it out, but javy keeps his) he realizes he's bisexual after he goes on a shortlived but fun couple of dates with a classmate. though he doesn't know the term for it until much muuuuch later.
he breaks his leg during their senior homecoming game, losing his sports scholarship in the process. jake also loses his recruitment because he drops the team to help take care of javy (carry his books to class, drive him to school, etc etc)
he ends up going to tulane university in nola, and after graduation, decides to join the navy to help support his family. jake follows him like a lost puppy.
i mention this briefly in my macheresin fic (which you should read hehe shameless plug) but javy gets his callsign after performing some particularly slippery maneuvers (lots of ducking and weaving) and a squadmate says he's like wile-e-coyote. it sticks after that. him and jake end up in the same TOPGUN class, and javy wins first with jake second.
i could talk bout this guy forever so pls if you wanna know more my askbox is always open and i like him a very normal amount
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