#{ *Unlisted muse; Penny Parker. }
Caught in a Web
{ *Penny Parker starter for @wxbsofhxnor }
There are different kinds of people in this world. Some good..some, who exploit the good.
Unfortunately, so far in her life, those were the only kind of people that she’d come across.
The scientists that had created her didn’t care what they had to do to get their “materials.” Who got hurt, or in trouble in the process. And there were quite a lot of people who got hurt...if you counted all of the countless clones that had exploded or died painfully due to faulty genetic engineering and careless practices.
In almost an ultimate irony, it was because of these people’s careless and near-moronic behavior that she was put together in a way that kept her stable enough to live past the first few days of her life. Which was, and was not, a good thing for her.
Given that she was now considered so valuable, they put her in a cell on her own much of the time for observation. Attempts were made to train her so she could use her powers well enough to please bidders, but she was so skittish and hard to work with, that not much progress was made with her, before something rather unexpected..happened.
She escaped.
Something that was never meant to happen.
However, with all of their other faults, the people in charge of watching her failed to notice that a window towards the ceiling was broken. This was how she’d gotten out - how she’d gotten all the way from their labs, to where she was now. Not that they’d thought about it, but she’d been paying a lot more attention to what was on their screens than they thought she was. And while she didn’t have a name to go off of, she did have the memory of what his costume looked like. Hopefully, that would be enough. Because she had to find someone, anyone, to tell them what was going on. With everything that she’d seen and been through already, she knew it had to be wrong.
* * *
Where she was now, was cornered in an alley. She’d been living out on the streets since escaping, and was cold, tired, and hungry. The only money she had was because she found it on the ground - and she didn’t even know what it was. She’d just picked it up because it was shiny and she liked it.
It was only when two rather large and imposing figures had approached her and started to taunt and berate her, trying to get money or other valuables out of her that they thought she had ( though it was obvious that she didn't ) that she learned what the little metal object was called.
A Penny.
"A penny? That's it?" One of them snapped, grabbing her shoulders. "C'mon, you've got more than that, dontcha?" he demanded, while the other served as a lookout. Being cornered like this and met with such violence, scared her into a defensive mode. Which is why one of them got webs to the face - one of the few hits she did manage. Unfortunately for her, it only made both of them that much more angry and violent. As did when she disappeared - or, at least, most of her did - her clothes were still there and visible.
"Holy-- What are you?!"
The yelling went somehow unnoticed by everyone else, leaving her feeling that much more vulnerable and afraid. 
Am I going to die?
The thought ran through her head about a million times, at lightning speed. There was no one here to help her now - no one to save her. She was going to die, and she wasn't even going to be able to warn anyone. Her message would go undelivered. How many more people were going to get hurt and sold off now?
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