#ᴇʀɪꜱ ʜᴀʟᴇ
‘ you look like you just saw a ghost.’  (Eris)
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Eris straightened her shoulders before exhaling through her nose. "No, I had to deal with a difficult client, and I would be happy if I never saw them again." She didn't want to care for specific interactions and usually did everything to avoid them, but this one had caught her off guard. Barging into her office and demanding an appointment. It went against her basic rules. "What bring you by?" Eris asked before reaching for her phone to start looking through emails. Her eyes scanned the text to determine what she might need to respond to.
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informationbrcker · 2 years
❝ so is that a ‘no’ to solving this with murder…?❞
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If looks could harm Eris’s piercing gaze might have been fatal when she turned to look at him. “Yes, I don’t need the damn Scooby Gang sniffing around my work. Plus, if I get in contact with a few people, we can have some other parties handle the drunken fool…” she mumbled before getting her phone out to make some calls to take care of this pesky problem. Giving the hand signal to her security to move the unconscious body, she lightly pressed her foot into the man’s ribs to make sure that he was in fact out cold for the time being….
“Stupid bastard…”
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qanedanegros · 5 months
‘ if you don’t terrify people a little bit, then what’s the point? ’ - @ eris
Her  whole  job  was  to  terrify  people  with  the  information  she  collected  on  them.  It  was  a  simple  job  but  it  gave  her  so  much  power  over  things.  Influence  grew  and  grew  for  her.  Now,  she  sat  on  her  own  operation  and  with  vetted,  loyal  employees  who  she  took  care  of.  They  would  take  care  of  her  and  got  her  all  the  information  she  could  use  and  would  make  sure  Eris  would  know  of  the  conversations  below  at  her  club.  "Of  course.  If  you  don't  then  everyone  will  try  to  walk  all  over  you,  use  you,  and  so  much  more."  Eris  agreed  with  a  smile  and  poured  herself  a  glass  of  wine.  "Would  you  like  some?  I  don't  mind  sharing  if  you  don't."  She  chuckled  while  sitting  back  in  her  chair. 
Hands  resting  in  her  lap  as  she  observed  him  for  a  moment,  trying  to  see  what  all  she  could  learn  about  him  in  this  moment.  "Is  there  anything  you  wish  to  discuss?  Business?  The  weather?" 
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“   there’s  no  greater  blessing  than  looking  at  my  child   &   seeing  your  eyes .   ” (I saw this and had to, Eris ofc)
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Eris had been holding Niko while watching the nurse write on the whiteboard information about her and her newborn son. Her body had endured such an intense feeling of giving life and exhaustion was creeping into her body along with hunger. Yet, she hadn’t stopped smiling or speaking to their son. “He’s beautiful, isn’t he?” Eris asked Kira, before turning to face her. Reaching her hand out to take Kira’s hand in hers. The faint sound of other new parents and babies could be heard, but in this room, it was all about them. Their special moment.
Eris never thought that she would be a mother, but that had all changed. The time had come and for nine long months; she carried their son. It had all been worth his moment.
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informationbrcker · 2 years
“Those who know the truth do not necessarily live by it…”
Eris couldn’t help the little smile that came to her lips. “No, they sell it to make money or earn favors with the right people. The truth is sellable..” She shrugged before tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear and continued to look through some more paperwork that had gotten turned in from the previous night after their shift. Checking to see if anything interesting had occurred while she had been busy with last night’s appointments and clients.
"Have you got some truth to share?"
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informationbrcker · 2 years
Can we just appreciate Gemma and Steven just coming to approach a grumpy Eris and she’s just like soft but still grumbles.
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informationbrcker · 2 years
What next are you going to steal my underwear?
I've never even noticed you wearing any when we're around one another.
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informationbrcker · 2 years
Eris ‘Let me step on you’ Hale.
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informationbrcker · 2 years
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Hushed whispers were the first thing that she heard as the pounding in her temples soon turned into a throbbing. Squeezing her eyes, Eris attempted to rid herself of the pain that was becoming a nuisance with each passing second. The voices mocked her and chuckled low before she felt one of them threading their grubby fingers in her hair and yanking her head back. Eyes snapping open, Eris was met with familiar green eyes that haunted her nightmares. “There’s the little goddess. Finally, awake Eris…” His voice made her swallow hard and fear was clear as she struggled to get out of his grip. The hot tears prickled at the corner of her eyes and gritted her teeth before she went to speak…
“William. I don’t remember you making an appointment…” Eris spoke through gritted teeth. Trying not to show anymore fear but he could read her like a book. The smirk on the man’s face only confirmed that, and the grip on her hair cause her to groan in pain. Digging his fingers more into her hair, he kept a tight grip. A shiver ran down her spine from her bare feet, touching the cold cement beneath. Where had he taken her?
William Light wasn’t the person to piss off and Eris had done that. Eris had helped someone locate their daughter and bring his acts to the light. Now she was paying the price. Eris was at his mercy and she didn’t want to admit that…
“One rule Eris. You had one fucking rule. Did you forget it?” He spoke, but his voice rose with each word, making her wince. “I bought you that fucking run down building that you made in a mediocre base of your operations. I didn’t ask for the money back! What did I ask for, Eris?” He asked before releasing his grip on her hair and walking around to face her. Still, Eris refused to speak and merely looked him in the eyes, but that had been the wrong. How did she know it was wrong? Simple. He had struck her hard enough that her head went to the side and she tasted blood. Had she bitten her lip before he struck, or was it from her cheek? Eris wasn’t sure, but she could feel the pain radiating from it. It was more than likely going to be red and bruised…
“What was the rule, Hale? Don’t make me repeat myself….” William spoke before one of his men handed him a cloth to wipe his hand and she lowered her head for a moment. Scared. Her heart was pounding in her chest and she wanted to cry. Eris knew he wouldn’t just let her walk out of her. No, Mr. Light was teaching her a lesson. A lesson that she wouldn’t come back from. No one ever did. She had witnessed that firsthand when he had worked under him. Now, she was the one who wouldn’t be coming back. They would take the Golden Apple for him and her staff… hopefully he wouldn’t dare do anything to them…
Eris went to think of some prayer that she might have heard as a child, but it didn’t come. Instead, a familiar ringtone filled the air and her stomach turned to ice. That was her personal phone. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
“Did you have some date tonight? Here, I’ll let them know you’re busy…”
“No! Please! No!” Another back-handed slap was felt across her cheek and she let out a whimper at the pain. Tears streaming down her cheeks at this point. Eris couldn’t hear the voice on the other line, and her face stung with pain.
“Hello? Oh, I’m sorry. Eris is currently busy with an appointment. I could take a message for you? Or I should tell you that if you want to speak with her one last time, then there’s a fee.”
“Don’t pay him a fucking dime!” She screamed, praying the other person might hear her, but her head was jerked back again and an icy blade pressed to her throat. The blade nicking her skin and she could feel the small thing of blood on her skin. It was a warning… “Don’t listen to him!”
Another sound echoed in the room and her scream rang out before William chuckled.
“I’m sorry but she’ll be a little busy. Boys, do what you want to her. She needs to learn a lesson…” William hit the red icon on the call and ended it with no goodbye and dropped her phone to the ground, crushing it under his shoe.
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informationbrcker · 2 years
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tumblr will not stop me from sharing thirsty thots.
*clears throat*
Eris likes to be marked up during sex. It's one of her favorite things along with having her hair pulled. However, nothing beats when she allows someone else (someone that she trusts) to have full control...
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informationbrcker · 2 years
“You're more fun than a lot of my friends. I enjoy spending time with you. Wish to do it more...”
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informationbrcker · 2 years
  ❛   i want you splayed out on the table like my own personal feast.   ❜ (Matt)
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His words caused her to squeeze her thighs together and heat to rise to her cheeks. Did he mean them or it was simply to tease her? However, she couldn’t help her think about the image that came with those words. Wanting to know just how he planned to devour her and how much she had thought about something like this. It went without saying that the man was attractive. The way his suit would hug his form and she could see how his muscles moved. Another shiver went down her spine before she pushed herself onto the table and move to unstrap her heels. “Do you want the heels on or off during?” She asked with a brief grin before straightening up and reaching behind her to unzip her dress and letting it pool at her waist. “Wanna help me undress?” Eris asked while unhooking her bra next and lifting her gaze to watch him every so often…
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informationbrcker · 2 years
you go down just like holy mary.
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informationbrcker · 2 years
No thoughts just Eris being the queen of closing the door when she doesn't want to deal with anyone...
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informationbrcker · 2 years
holds her hand gently and kisses it, then her arm, and works himself all the way up to her lips "sweetheart, ya work so hard let me make ya feel better."
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Her eyes fluttered close the moment his lips were on her skin. A shiver ran down her spine. “I have been working that hard...” She insisted but she wasn't going to turn down his affection. Chasing his lips for another kiss.
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informationbrcker · 2 years
“You have a lot of experience with this.”
Eris tilted her head to the side and pondered his words. “I just have been very fortunate to have experiences that most couldn’t handle. I’m sure you have your own that no one else would ever understand.” Placing her hands on her desk, she linked her fingers and smiled softly. Everyone had a story, but it didn’t always need to be shared. Especially hurts. She liked to keep some secrets, especially when they were about her. No one needed to know anything about her. “Are you needing someone with my experience for something?”
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