#“I know this is wrong but I want 1 million views on pinterest every month ❤️”
weaponizedmoth · 3 months
Apparently blocking a person on Pinterest does fuckall cause I've blocked this AI art acc and they keep recommending me their stuff EVEN IF THEY'RE BLOCKED!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAA---
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cindylouwho-2 · 5 years
RECENT NEWS, RESOURCES & STUDIES, late June - early July 2019
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Welcome to my latest summary of recent news, resources & studies including search, analytics, content marketing, social media & ecommerce! This covers articles I came across from June 21 to July 13, although some may be older than that.
I may not be able to do the next update until early August, given the upcoming Etsy search changes and my schedule, but I will continue to tweet big news, & may do a short post or two here. 
On July 9, Etsy announced it would be giving “priority placement” in US searches to items that have no additional shipping cost starting July 30th. Obviously we don’t know how this will really work until we see it in action, but the outcry has been predictable. I summarize the facts in my blog post here. There is also an admin Q&A thread, a survey, and plenty of news coverage:
Etsy's Free Shipping Push Sounds Like a Marketing Gimmick (Motley Fool, through Yahoo)
Etsy faces backlash over attempt to push free shipping (Engadget) “And while a large business can take advantage of economies of scale to lower the shipping cost, that's not usually true for an individual crafter who may only sell a modest number of items.”
Etsy sellers aren’t happy with the platform pushing them to offer free shipping (The Verge) “Implementing flat shipping fees in prices can pose a challenge to international sellers who ship worldwide. Cambridge-based artist Katie Fuller, whose run her Etsy shop since 2015, says including the cost of shipping in her products would put her at a disadvantage. “If I [raise my prices], then I’ll be making my prices uncompetitive for customers elsewhere. Most of my customers are in the UK; it wouldn’t make sense for me to do it so it sounds like I can wave goodbye to my American sales.” 
Etsy Will Start Pushing Sellers To Include Free Shipping (Fortune)
Why Is Free Shipping So Important to Etsy? (Inc.) “... 75 percent of consumers today now expect their delivery to be free even when orders are less than $50 according to a survey published by the National Retail Federation earlier this year. That number has increased from 68 percent last year.”  
As marketplaces compete with Amazon on shipping, sellers are shouldering the burden (Digiday UK) “Like Etsy will soon do, eBay said it does prioritize items that ship for free in its search results and offers sellers pricing tools to help them better figure out how to factor in shipping costs.”
Etsy Stock Is Getting a Lift as It Jumps on the Free-Shipping Bandwagon (Barron’s) “Etsy stock rose 4.3% to $66.78 Tuesday afternoon as the S&P 500 was about flat. ... Roughly 70% of items sold on Etsy in the U.S. weren’t available for free domestic shipping in the first quarter, according to Etsy; it wants that number closer to zero.”
Remember, Etsy started boosting items that ship free to Canada in Canadian searches in January, but they never announced it, or gave us tips, or tools, etc.  We won’t know if the US version will work exactly the same way as the Canadian until the former is released; a short test in the US in late May-early June generally took the first three rows of search for free shipping items, even if they weren’t all that relevant. 
Just in case you didn’t receive an email, Etsy is making changes to their policies. They include the fact that all new listings will be set to auto renew as of July 25 (but you can change them to manual), and info about their advertising tools. Keep an eye on the latter - I think they might be releasing something new soon.
Etsy will be releasing upgrades to the sales tool in August, including the ability to offer sales in specific countries only. Hidden in that post is also a promise to increase international advertising & promotion: “We’ll also continue to invest in the success of our international markets. In the coming months, you’ll see increased marketing efforts across many channels, all aimed at bringing more buyers from your country to Etsy.” (I suspect this is related to the free shipping announcement which came a few days later; they want to reassure non-US sellers that they won’t lose too many sales.)
Etsy released new attributes and sub-categories again, including in Accessories, and Bags & Purses. 
Shops in vacation mode are now showing up in search, as of July 10. The number of shops found in a shop search nearly doubled, to over 2.8 million, but only about half of them have active listings. No word on whether or not this is a permanent change; for many years, shops with no active listings have not been searchable on Etsy. 
Etsy is working on personalizing search by using image recognition identifying 42 different styles, and the engineers involved are presenting a paper [pdf] on this topic at a technical conference. They are about to start testing this, so expect to see more personalized results soon. I need to do a short post on this topic alone, but right now I need do some more research before that will be possible. I found this interesting, though: “Since sellers don’t reliably convey a product’s style in their descriptions, scanning text alone produced results that were “okay but not great,” says Fisher.” Quit being unreliable describers, folks! 😁
A common question: how long does it take to get to page 1 of Google search? Answer: it depends, plus it might not even be worthwhile if the search doesn’t convert. The article explains why. 
How to fix the 5 biggest SEO mistakes website owners make.
Writing a title for Google search is very important, and many people do it wrong. Here’s how to do it correctly. 
Long-tail keywords: definition, why & how. And even more on why you definitely should aim for very low-volume keywords. (I do a lot of this.)
Somewhat advanced content: how Google's neural matching works, and how to optimize for it. “Based on the information Google has given us about neural matching over the past nine months, it appears to be most active when users have a problem they don’t know how to describe... To capture these opportunities, you need to know what problems your target audiences are facing. You also need to pinpoint what information is going to solve their problem, help them accomplish tasks and make decisions.”
Link building doesn’t require a lot of technical skill, but it does involve marketing skill. Or some public relations (PR) skill. [video & transcript] Remember, some types of links are definitely better than others. (If you don’t know what link building is, read this.)
Advanced content for people who code their own sites: Google says you won’t be able to use “noindex” in robots.txt as of September. (Bing never recognized it.)
How to game Google to make negative results disappear. I don’t expect anyone here will be paying for these services, but it is useful to see what you are up against when you are trying to get your own website to rank. More of us may also be up against AI-generated spam in Google rankings sooner rather than later. Someone is always trying to game Google. 
Was there a Google algorithm update around June 19th? Maybe. The big update at the beginning of June hit the Daily Mail hard, and the so-called “diversity update” apparently didn’t change much.
CONTENT MARKETING & SOCIAL MEDIA (includes blogging & emails)
The best time to post on social media depends on the platform, your target market, and what you are posting.
Sell health products? Beware of the changes to Facebook’s algorithm, which are designed to limit views on fake health claims. 
Facebook outage gave insight into how their machine learning process describes your photos. “... a lot of internet users don’t realize the amount of information that is now routinely extracted from photographs”. 
Facebook will be reformatting their Business Page layout, & removing some sections, so make sure you check this out & move any content you want to keep by August 1. 
What works best on Instagram has been changing; here’s what you need to keep up with. Brand engagement rates on the platform have been dropping this year, likely due to the increased competition. Get some of that traffic back with 8 SEO tips for Instagram. 
Want people to watch more of your YouTube videos? (Pro tip - that’s part of the search algorithm, so you should.) Here’s 3 things you can do to get people to stick around longer. 
LinkedIn has some good marketing tools, including ad tools & analytics. They’ve also recently changed their algorithm to show you more things you might be interested in, as opposed to just the things that go viral site-wide, among other changes. 
Twitter ends tweet geotagging, supposedly due to low use. 
A judge in Hawaii ruled that repinning a photo on Pinterest can infringe copyright. 
Retailers are spending less on YouTube ads overall, possibly due to the US struggles for brick & mortar stores, as other sectors are actually spending a bit more than the previous year.
Amazon’s share of the online ad market is expected to increase to 8% by 2023, compared to 3% now.
For tracking activity on your Facebook page, set up Facebook Analytics & Facebook Attribution.
Advanced content: new coding tools in the Google Search Console. 
Amazon’s Prime Day is actually 2 days this year - July 15 & 16. Apparently it is now the official start of back to school shopping for many people.
Beware of Alexa if you care about privacy & data retention: Amazon admits that Alexa data is kept “indefinitely”. “...for Alexa requests that involve a transaction, like ordering a pizza or hailing a rideshare, Amazon and the skill's developers can keep a record of that transaction. That means that there's a record of nearly every purchase you make on Amazon's Alexa, which can be considered personal information.” (Google Home is not necessarily better - they are letting subcontractors listen to your random conversations, not just your instructions to the device. “According to the whistleblower, the recordings presented to them are meant to be carefully annotated, with notes included about the speakers presumed identity and age.”)
Walmart’s ecommerce division may lose as much as $1 billion this year. Their brick & mortar business is still doing fine, however. 
You can now “try on” Gucci sneakers through its app. Expect to see more of this happening fairly quickly, which is something that people who sell clothing, accessories & jewellery should be watching closely. 
A. C. Moore is launching a new handmade marketplace, which you can sync to your Etsy & Zibbet listings. So it looks like that was their reason for investing in Zibbet a few years back. It’s not yet clear that they’ve put the work in to make this successful, but we’ll have to wait to see how it looks once it is launched, and how much they advertise it. 
Dark patterns: how websites manipulate people into buying things they weren’t shopping for. [NY Times article - paywall after your limit of free monthly articles.] “... researchers developed software that automatically scanned more than 10,000 sites and found that more than 1,200 of them used techniques that the authors identified as dark patterns” including outright lies. 
Call-to-action phrases [infographic] that can help your pages convert. These work on web pages, emails, social media etc. My favourites are in the “lower-risk” section; I don’t think enough articles focus on this aspect of conversions. 
Wedding gift buying may be changing as traditional wedding registries drop in popularity. Apparently lots of people want cash to pay for their own expenses & trips now. 
MISCELLANEOUS (including humour)
Great list of marketing definitions you will find helpful if you do much industry reading & research. (Pretty sure I posted this before, but it has been updated.)
Chrome is becoming more & more like spyware; the author suggests using other browsers. 
The Wayback Machine now compares current web pages to their previous versions. “One of the best uses of this feature I can think of is to track changes in privacy policies.”
How not to design a payment app: make it easy for anyone to change the password. 
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yeunarchive · 6 years
hello , hello my name is veer, she/her and living in the gmt+1 timezone. anyways this is yeun minsu / hellcats mechanic and fighter ,  resident firestarter , who won’t hesitate to light up your car if you are mean. here is a pinterest board and under the cut , you will find his biography , and some wanted connections ideas at the end. i hope to go through all the intro posts in the tag , but in the meantime give this a like / hmu in the ims or discord V.#6252
┅ ☆ ★ ✮ ∟ ‖ jeon jungkook. 21. male. he/him ‖— the familiar scent of ash coming from a car engulfed in flames , the match in his hand , a kiss on the throat. 」YEUN MINSEOK “MINSU” is planning on attending the next race ?! i won’t lie, i’m pretty excited to see their BLACK & YAMAHA YZF-R1M in person. i know people say they’re really  QUICK-LEARNER , PROUD & DETERMINED , but don’t you think they come off way too IMPULSIVE  , CORRUPTIBLE &  RESENTFUL ? i hear they’re always blasting GOOSEBUMPS by TRAVIS SCOTT ? oh well, they’re a member of the HELLCATS so i guess i shouldn’t complain. ┠ veer , gmt+1 , 21 & she/her ┨
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trigger warnings for arson and infidelity.
the runt of the litter, the black sheep in a pack of wolves. from a young age, minsu was disdained by his mother ; an animosity that began shortly after his birth, as the infant was a result of a wayward affair that his father had with one of his secretaries - and his mother never made a secret that he was no son of hers, words sharp and cutting as diamonds through teeth. yet in many ways, she was the only mother he has ever known. she never mistreated him, but was cold and avoided him whenever possible, viewing him as a living reminder of the one time that her husband had dishonoured her. though his mother was not his birth-mother he would still be raised alongside his three-elder siblings ; attend the same private schools they had, subjected to violin lessons , private tutors ,  but he would always be marginalized, it was an unique experience, minsu would sit at the dinner table alongside his family, but when important guests came to visit the the manor, in order not to offend him, he would be hidden in one of the many rooms or shuffled off to stay with his crooked uncle. this way of upbringing was the root of his selective muteness, an unwillingness to speak around members of his family - he would speak to the maids, the stranger on the street and sometimes with his father, but that was very few words at best.
in a family of cut-throat politicians, minsu was not the only black sheep - his uncle having always felt short of his brother’s  accomplishments grew his envy into benevolence, but for the wrong sort of people , running an illicit automobile shop out of spite and where the back of the shop turned into a fight club at night welcoming all degenerates, misfits, and hell-seekers. but most of all welcoming him. god help the outcast, for he fell as icarus had for those who gave him a little bit of love. Weak-willed and naive he was ; his muteness hadn’t given him a chance to find his voice and personality until much later. it was easy then, for the scorned brother to manipulate him and turn him against his family. at first, minsu observed with crossed arms from the sidelines of the shop ; watching how his uncle went about his work and observing how he had a team of 5 men working on the cars in the front and another select 3 arriving at late hours with random cars, which minsu later realized were stolen from the streets. 
he was thirteen and for the first time, he spoke to someone within his family that was not his father - asking his uncle if he could teach him. after that, it did not take long for some sort of father-son relationship to be build - with his uncle learning him the workings of a car ; tidbits of basic restorations ; changing tires and engines. once, he was fifteen , he got to learn more about the illegal side: how he had to cover an entire track of stolen cars very carefully, how to make fake receipts from a manufacturer for part items of a car and sell the rest of the parts to a wrecking yard. and between the hours were the work in the shop ended and the fighting hadn’t begun yet , his uncle trained him , passed down his technique for a powerful right hook. at the car shop, minsu became was he was. kept his lips shut now even towards his father - never talking about the corrupt things he saw, but waiting with beating heart to return again.
his affiliation with fire began in his childhood. locked inside his father’s office and not allowed to leave until the guests were gone , minsu found a gold zippo lighter in one of the drawers ( which he soon claimed to be his ). playing with the lighter too much and tempting his bitterness to be  relieved with each on and off flick as he watches with a sort of amusement. eventually, the leather armchair flared with beauty ; orange and red flames burning like the pits of hell.3 he was so captured, that he didn’t notice the fire alarms above his head , until he was drenched from head to foot , until the maid stormed in and there was no choice for him, but to be exposed to his family’s guests. not soon after he became fixated with the thrill of creating fires , through his bad habit minsu was able to expel some of the rage and frustration that he had within him. 
ripe in his adolescence , his uncle’s drinking caused him to swerve down the wrong road and he went comatose for months. his father hid the scandal from the tabloids like they had hidden him. never coming to visit at the hospital and leaving minsu to be the only one to take care of him. screw the upper class ; all it would take was a match and a few cunningly words planted in his head by his uncle and a war against his own family was declared. he stole 2 million dollars from his family and watched the white manor go up in flames. the world was exploding in violent red and the match had been in his hand. “bravo.“ he could hear his uncle’s voice in his head, and minsu could not help but be proud, and as the hours ticked by he found himself on the rooftop of an obscenely high building, his arm outstretched like an angel ready to fall from the sky.
that night he killed a part of him - minsu never truly felt that he belonged amongst his pretentious family and their position in the 1%. his approach to life was far grittier , harsher,  his own personal violence. he was a boy like arsenic with a cigarette tucked between pouted lips. a young rich kid , ( who never belonged in his family’s house ) had been given his uncle’s shop to rub shoulders with criminals. the hellcats found him in the center of glory and gore , the same boy who had been fixing their car was participating in the raw underground fight , and there were plenty of old rich men willing to bet on him. 
wanted connections :
THE INFLUENCE ( closed m/nb. kings. ) :  it was terrifyingly easy for minsu to fall in the need of someone to look for as guidance. it was the blame of how he had been raised , a way of growing up that allowed him to find his own voice far too late , leaving him with a certain want of having a role-model. for a while it had been his uncle to whom he had displayed a certain devotion , but now it is your muse. must be a member of the kings , just because i love drama and minsu has always been the type of person to pit the world against him , believing that it his crime to have no place on earth where he belonged. which also means that he is not totally devoted to the hellcats.
WATER IS THICKER THAN BLOOD ( open m/f/nb. hellcats. ) : they carry themselves like siblings , and have a way of capturing attention. they are often found not far apart from one another. your muse is someone who pulls minsu back when he gets too far , but also won’t hesitate to step in during a fight. however , even friends need a hard punch to the face every now and again , and minsu definitely put your muse through a lot. your muse is someone who has been known to loudly stick up for minsu even at the worst of times , when he does not deserve it.
with that said, i’m open for any other plot you had in mind !!
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thedivinefish · 4 years
TGIWednesday and clearing dark energies from your space
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TGIWednesday News
Mercury retrograde begins again today through Nov. 3rd  and before that we're coming up on another full moon on Halloween night.  Never ask, "What could possibly go wrong with this?" because they will show you! Instead, I like making statements like, "We will make it through all of this with grace and ease."  "Every day in every way, regardless of circumstances - my life improves!" And "Regardless of world events, politics, or even the weather; my life will stay on track and with each passing day I will be rewarded!"  Wow, these came through as fast as I could type! Please know that clearing yourself and your home is a daily occurrence and some days are better than others. I believe life is like blood sugar/blood pressure and a lava lamp - constantly changing.  So it's important to check in & fish out and try to influence the change to go your way.  
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Remember that this month we are offering the Dark Energies Audio MP3 at a discount Click here for an automatic 20% off!
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Also, you can truly benefit from some AMAZING free clearings for entities etc that were a part of yesterday's live show. Watch this replay with my guest Gosia Lorenz.  For the local folks, this Friday I will be LIVE in person at Dr. Charla Tempone’s Tampa office. ☎️ (813) 873-7773  Call this number to get on my schedule there.  And the final announcement is that we are VERY close to releasing our newest MP3 (and the latest addition to our Money series) called MyBeliefWorks™ for Experiencing a Bountiful Harvest. This will include over 130 clearings for aligning with and inviting in money flows of plenty so you can have more ease and fun receiving, growing, having and spending money; allowing you to have greater wealth to joyfully share with others knowing that Spirit will always provide and you will have more than enough. Stay tuned!!...
TGIWednesday Download
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~ CLEARING DARK ENERGIES IN YOUR SPACE ~ I believe, think, know and feel that as I read or hear this now I am clearing my body and my space of all dark energies.  I know, when, where, how and why to ask spirit and the light to clear out any negative beings and to bring more light into my world. I am ready, willing and able to move forward clear of dark entities and any and all dark energies and I am asking in all languages and throughout all timelines.
LIVE Appearances - Free Healing
You Wealth Revolution's ALL NEW Global Awakening Project™ online event is happening now.
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Join nearly 1 million people who will experience a ‘high vibration’ energy field as 40+ top teachers, healers, and scientists (including myself in November) will reveal their #1 quantum energy activations to instantly help YOU and  Get Your '639 Hz Abundance & Harmony Kit™' Gift + The Global Awakening Project™ LIVE Event Access — FREE FREE TO REGISTER & Get Your Free Gift!
 Tampa Office Sessions
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THIS FRIDAY October 16th from 10am-4pm  Please call their office directly at  ☎️ (813) 873-7773 in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes $38 or 30-minutes $68. If you’re new to working with me, I suggest you schedule 30 minutes. SWANN HOLISTIC HEALTH SOLUTIONS I'll be offering sessions at Dr. Charla Tempone’s NEW office at Swann Holistic Health Solutions
403 S. Habana Ave. Tampa, FL 33609 Just south of Azeele next to Skin Savvy http://www.ctholisticsolutions.com -------------------------------------------
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Friday sessions are back to being phone-only for folks that I usually see at Kodawari until further notice. You can book time with me in the shop and schedule online.   3965 Henderson Blvd Suite C Tampa ☎️ (813) 999-1874 http://www.kodawariyoga.com/
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
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Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack OCTOBER 14th "Today I will live in the vibration of faith and the ability to rise higher and live freer than ever before. I will bask in the spirit of all that is and blend into the frequency of the power of the universe while living in faith and in favor."
The Jimmy Mack Healing Show
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NEW VIDEO FORMAT! WATCH IT LIVE  TUESDAY'S at 4pm EDT / 1pm PDT Watch and Participate (via Comments) during the Live TV Show streamed on Goldylocks Productions YouTube Channel, Facebook Page and Periscope.   NOTE: You will need to log into your YouTube (Google) or Facebook accounts to comment. If you watch the Live show from any other location other than the 3 listed below, your comments will not be seen by the Show Host or Producer. https://www.facebook.com/GoldylocksProductions https://www.pscp.tv/Goldylocks168/follow Or watch all live and replays in the archives here: https://thejimmymackhealingshow.com/
Instructions for the VIEWERS: 1.    One reading/message per person. The first question posted will be answered, so please think about your question carefully before posting it.  2.    If you want a longer and more detailed message, please book an appointment with the Show Host.  3.    Spirit does come through and gives messages that can apply to many, not just the person asking the question. 4.    It is not required nor should be expected that every question or comment will be addressed by the Show Host. 5.    If you have any issues with the show host or show format, please contact the Show Producer... not the Show Host. 6.    Contact the Show Producer, Rev. Tiffany White Sage Woman via email: [email protected] Yesterday's Show - Watch the replay here! Special Guest Gosia Lorenz | www.gosialorenz.com
October 20th - NO SHOW THIS WEEK
October 27th Rev Debbie | Our resident trans medium communications with your loved ones in spirit. Visit her Facebook page
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**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
From the Fish Box
Q & A With Jimmy Q) "I am considering getting the VIP prayer service and noticed on the sales page it saying it would be most helful and effective to keep the list brief. I have done it in the past and you said to give your top 10 issues to work on and I was just wondering if a lower number like 5 would be more helpful or recommended now?"  - Sean
  A) "Up to 10 is fine……I never know what’s going to happen but we seem to have better “luck” with clients that do one liners and 10 or less. To do say 5 does not mean we’ll have better luck with 5 rather than 10 I am sure you understand what we’re saying." - Jimmy
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Nightly prayers include COVID-19. Each night we work on scrambling the frequency for everyone on the prayer list. Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
The 30-day service is now being offered exclusively  and you also have the option of selecting an ongoing subscription ($95/month) which is managed through PayPal only.
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers. *NOTE if the MDP Service was purchased via a special telesummit or radio show offer, prayers will be limited to BUYER ONLY - and will not include family members or pets.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day! 
Sign Up for 30-Days - $99
Go deep sea "fishing" with Jimmy!
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Level 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime! Click here to watch the Mastery video playlist
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
For those who aren't familiar, here's the list of the MyBeliefWorks™ audio library. 
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Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better. Don't forget... you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
Abundance Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe COVID-19 Clearings Creative Spark Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives The Gold Coin Healing Physical Body Healing Mental Stress Holiday Stress
Increasing Intuition IRS & Tax Time Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss Windfall Youth & Vitality *MySwitchWorks Videos
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​ ​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Download the My Liquid Fish® Starter Kit (*Updated May 2019) Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® Watch Free Videos on YouTube Weekly Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2020 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.smbeconnected.com  
Stay connected!
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  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
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divinefishingtips · 4 years
TGIWednesday and clearing dark energies from your space
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TGIWednesday News
Mercury retrograde begins again today through Nov. 3rd  and before that we're coming up on another full moon on Halloween night.  Never ask, "What could possibly go wrong with this?" because they will show you! Instead, I like making statements like, "We will make it through all of this with grace and ease."  "Every day in every way, regardless of circumstances - my life improves!" And "Regardless of world events, politics, or even the weather; my life will stay on track and with each passing day I will be rewarded!"  Wow, these came through as fast as I could type! Please know that clearing yourself and your home is a daily occurrence and some days are better than others. I believe life is like blood sugar/blood pressure and a lava lamp - constantly changing.  So it's important to check in & fish out and try to influence the change to go your way.  
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Remember that this month we are offering the Dark Energies Audio MP3 at a discount Click here for an automatic 20% off!
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Also, you can truly benefit from some AMAZING free clearings for entities etc that were a part of yesterday's live show. Watch this replay with my guest Gosia Lorenz.  For the local folks, this Friday I will be LIVE in person at Dr. Charla Tempone’s Tampa office. ☎️ (813) 873-7773  Call this number to get on my schedule there.  And the final announcement is that we are VERY close to releasing our newest MP3 (and the latest addition to our Money series) called MyBeliefWorks™ for Experiencing a Bountiful Harvest. This will include over 130 clearings for aligning with and inviting in money flows of plenty so you can have more ease and fun receiving, growing, having and spending money; allowing you to have greater wealth to joyfully share with others knowing that Spirit will always provide and you will have more than enough. Stay tuned!!...
TGIWednesday Download
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~ CLEARING DARK ENERGIES IN YOUR SPACE ~ I believe, think, know and feel that as I read or hear this now I am clearing my body and my space of all dark energies.  I know, when, where, how and why to ask spirit and the light to clear out any negative beings and to bring more light into my world. I am ready, willing and able to move forward clear of dark entities and any and all dark energies and I am asking in all languages and throughout all timelines.
LIVE Appearances - Free Healing
You Wealth Revolution's ALL NEW Global Awakening Project™ online event is happening now.
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Join nearly 1 million people who will experience a ‘high vibration’ energy field as 40+ top teachers, healers, and scientists (including myself in November) will reveal their #1 quantum energy activations to instantly help YOU and  Get Your '639 Hz Abundance & Harmony Kit™' Gift + The Global Awakening Project™ LIVE Event Access — FREE FREE TO REGISTER & Get Your Free Gift!
 Tampa Office Sessions
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THIS FRIDAY October 16th from 10am-4pm  Please call their office directly at  ☎️ (813) 873-7773 in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes $38 or 30-minutes $68. If you’re new to working with me, I suggest you schedule 30 minutes. SWANN HOLISTIC HEALTH SOLUTIONS I'll be offering sessions at Dr. Charla Tempone’s NEW office at Swann Holistic Health Solutions
403 S. Habana Ave. Tampa, FL 33609 Just south of Azeele next to Skin Savvy http://www.ctholisticsolutions.com -------------------------------------------
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Friday sessions are back to being phone-only for folks that I usually see at Kodawari until further notice. You can book time with me in the shop and schedule online.   3965 Henderson Blvd Suite C Tampa ☎️ (813) 999-1874 http://www.kodawariyoga.com/
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
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Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack OCTOBER 14th "Today I will live in the vibration of faith and the ability to rise higher and live freer than ever before. I will bask in the spirit of all that is and blend into the frequency of the power of the universe while living in faith and in favor."
The Jimmy Mack Healing Show
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NEW VIDEO FORMAT! WATCH IT LIVE  TUESDAY'S at 4pm EDT / 1pm PDT Watch and Participate (via Comments) during the Live TV Show streamed on Goldylocks Productions YouTube Channel, Facebook Page and Periscope.   NOTE: You will need to log into your YouTube (Google) or Facebook accounts to comment. If you watch the Live show from any other location other than the 3 listed below, your comments will not be seen by the Show Host or Producer. https://www.facebook.com/GoldylocksProductions https://www.pscp.tv/Goldylocks168/follow Or watch all live and replays in the archives here: https://thejimmymackhealingshow.com/
Instructions for the VIEWERS: 1.    One reading/message per person. The first question posted will be answered, so please think about your question carefully before posting it.  2.    If you want a longer and more detailed message, please book an appointment with the Show Host.  3.    Spirit does come through and gives messages that can apply to many, not just the person asking the question. 4.    It is not required nor should be expected that every question or comment will be addressed by the Show Host. 5.    If you have any issues with the show host or show format, please contact the Show Producer... not the Show Host. 6.    Contact the Show Producer, Rev. Tiffany White Sage Woman via email: [email protected] Yesterday's Show - Watch the replay here! Special Guest Gosia Lorenz | www.gosialorenz.com
October 20th - NO SHOW THIS WEEK
October 27th Rev Debbie | Our resident trans medium communications with your loved ones in spirit. Visit her Facebook page
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**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
From the Fish Box
Q & A With Jimmy Q) "I am considering getting the VIP prayer service and noticed on the sales page it saying it would be most helful and effective to keep the list brief. I have done it in the past and you said to give your top 10 issues to work on and I was just wondering if a lower number like 5 would be more helpful or recommended now?"  - Sean
  A) "Up to 10 is fine……I never know what’s going to happen but we seem to have better “luck” with clients that do one liners and 10 or less. To do say 5 does not mean we’ll have better luck with 5 rather than 10 I am sure you understand what we’re saying." - Jimmy
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Nightly prayers include COVID-19. Each night we work on scrambling the frequency for everyone on the prayer list. Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
The 30-day service is now being offered exclusively  and you also have the option of selecting an ongoing subscription ($95/month) which is managed through PayPal only.
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers. *NOTE if the MDP Service was purchased via a special telesummit or radio show offer, prayers will be limited to BUYER ONLY - and will not include family members or pets.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day! 
Sign Up for 30-Days - $99
Go deep sea "fishing" with Jimmy!
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Level 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime! Click here to watch the Mastery video playlist
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
For those who aren't familiar, here's the list of the MyBeliefWorks™ audio library. 
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Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better. Don't forget... you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
Abundance Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe COVID-19 Clearings Creative Spark Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives The Gold Coin Healing Physical Body Healing Mental Stress Holiday Stress
Increasing Intuition IRS & Tax Time Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss Windfall Youth & Vitality *MySwitchWorks Videos
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​ ​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Download the My Liquid Fish® Starter Kit (*Updated May 2019) Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® Watch Free Videos on YouTube Weekly Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2020 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.smbeconnected.com  
Stay connected!
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  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
0 notes
TGIWednesday and clearing dark energies from your space
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TGIWednesday News
Mercury retrograde begins again today through Nov. 3rd  and before that we're coming up on another full moon on Halloween night.  Never ask, "What could possibly go wrong with this?" because they will show you! Instead, I like making statements like, "We will make it through all of this with grace and ease."  "Every day in every way, regardless of circumstances - my life improves!" And "Regardless of world events, politics, or even the weather; my life will stay on track and with each passing day I will be rewarded!"  Wow, these came through as fast as I could type! Please know that clearing yourself and your home is a daily occurrence and some days are better than others. I believe life is like blood sugar/blood pressure and a lava lamp - constantly changing.  So it's important to check in & fish out and try to influence the change to go your way.  
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Remember that this month we are offering the Dark Energies Audio MP3 at a discount Click here for an automatic 20% off!
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Also, you can truly benefit from some AMAZING free clearings for entities etc that were a part of yesterday's live show. Watch this replay with my guest Gosia Lorenz.  For the local folks, this Friday I will be LIVE in person at Dr. Charla Tempone’s Tampa office. ☎️ (813) 873-7773  Call this number to get on my schedule there.  And the final announcement is that we are VERY close to releasing our newest MP3 (and the latest addition to our Money series) called MyBeliefWorks™ for Experiencing a Bountiful Harvest. This will include over 130 clearings for aligning with and inviting in money flows of plenty so you can have more ease and fun receiving, growing, having and spending money; allowing you to have greater wealth to joyfully share with others knowing that Spirit will always provide and you will have more than enough. Stay tuned!!...
TGIWednesday Download
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~ CLEARING DARK ENERGIES IN YOUR SPACE ~ I believe, think, know and feel that as I read or hear this now I am clearing my body and my space of all dark energies.  I know, when, where, how and why to ask spirit and the light to clear out any negative beings and to bring more light into my world. I am ready, willing and able to move forward clear of dark entities and any and all dark energies and I am asking in all languages and throughout all timelines.
LIVE Appearances - Free Healing
You Wealth Revolution's ALL NEW Global Awakening Project™ online event is happening now.
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Join nearly 1 million people who will experience a ‘high vibration’ energy field as 40+ top teachers, healers, and scientists (including myself in November) will reveal their #1 quantum energy activations to instantly help YOU and  Get Your '639 Hz Abundance & Harmony Kit™' Gift + The Global Awakening Project™ LIVE Event Access — FREE FREE TO REGISTER & Get Your Free Gift!
 Tampa Office Sessions
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THIS FRIDAY October 16th from 10am-4pm  Please call their office directly at  ☎️ (813) 873-7773 in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes $38 or 30-minutes $68. If you’re new to working with me, I suggest you schedule 30 minutes. SWANN HOLISTIC HEALTH SOLUTIONS I'll be offering sessions at Dr. Charla Tempone’s NEW office at Swann Holistic Health Solutions
403 S. Habana Ave. Tampa, FL 33609 Just south of Azeele next to Skin Savvy http://www.ctholisticsolutions.com -------------------------------------------
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Friday sessions are back to being phone-only for folks that I usually see at Kodawari until further notice. You can book time with me in the shop and schedule online.   3965 Henderson Blvd Suite C Tampa ☎️ (813) 999-1874 http://www.kodawariyoga.com/
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
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Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack OCTOBER 14th "Today I will live in the vibration of faith and the ability to rise higher and live freer than ever before. I will bask in the spirit of all that is and blend into the frequency of the power of the universe while living in faith and in favor."
The Jimmy Mack Healing Show
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NEW VIDEO FORMAT! WATCH IT LIVE  TUESDAY'S at 4pm EDT / 1pm PDT Watch and Participate (via Comments) during the Live TV Show streamed on Goldylocks Productions YouTube Channel, Facebook Page and Periscope.   NOTE: You will need to log into your YouTube (Google) or Facebook accounts to comment. If you watch the Live show from any other location other than the 3 listed below, your comments will not be seen by the Show Host or Producer. https://www.facebook.com/GoldylocksProductions https://www.pscp.tv/Goldylocks168/follow Or watch all live and replays in the archives here: https://thejimmymackhealingshow.com/
Instructions for the VIEWERS: 1.    One reading/message per person. The first question posted will be answered, so please think about your question carefully before posting it.  2.    If you want a longer and more detailed message, please book an appointment with the Show Host.  3.    Spirit does come through and gives messages that can apply to many, not just the person asking the question. 4.    It is not required nor should be expected that every question or comment will be addressed by the Show Host. 5.    If you have any issues with the show host or show format, please contact the Show Producer... not the Show Host. 6.    Contact the Show Producer, Rev. Tiffany White Sage Woman via email: [email protected] Yesterday's Show - Watch the replay here! Special Guest Gosia Lorenz | www.gosialorenz.com
October 20th - NO SHOW THIS WEEK
October 27th Rev Debbie | Our resident trans medium communications with your loved ones in spirit. Visit her Facebook page
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**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
From the Fish Box
Q & A With Jimmy Q) "I am considering getting the VIP prayer service and noticed on the sales page it saying it would be most helful and effective to keep the list brief. I have done it in the past and you said to give your top 10 issues to work on and I was just wondering if a lower number like 5 would be more helpful or recommended now?"  - Sean
  A) "Up to 10 is fine……I never know what’s going to happen but we seem to have better “luck” with clients that do one liners and 10 or less. To do say 5 does not mean we’ll have better luck with 5 rather than 10 I am sure you understand what we’re saying." - Jimmy
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Nightly prayers include COVID-19. Each night we work on scrambling the frequency for everyone on the prayer list. Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
The 30-day service is now being offered exclusively  and you also have the option of selecting an ongoing subscription ($95/month) which is managed through PayPal only.
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers. *NOTE if the MDP Service was purchased via a special telesummit or radio show offer, prayers will be limited to BUYER ONLY - and will not include family members or pets.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day! 
Sign Up for 30-Days - $99
Go deep sea "fishing" with Jimmy!
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Level 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime! Click here to watch the Mastery video playlist
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
For those who aren't familiar, here's the list of the MyBeliefWorks™ audio library. 
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Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better. Don't forget... you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
Abundance Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe COVID-19 Clearings Creative Spark Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives The Gold Coin Healing Physical Body Healing Mental Stress Holiday Stress
Increasing Intuition IRS & Tax Time Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss Windfall Youth & Vitality *MySwitchWorks Videos
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​ ​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Download the My Liquid Fish® Starter Kit (*Updated May 2019) Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® Watch Free Videos on YouTube Weekly Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2020 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.smbeconnected.com  
Stay connected!
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  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
0 notes
TGIWednesday and clearing dark energies from your space
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TGIWednesday News
Mercury retrograde begins again today through Nov. 3rd  and before that we're coming up on another full moon on Halloween night.  Never ask, "What could possibly go wrong with this?" because they will show you! Instead, I like making statements like, "We will make it through all of this with grace and ease."  "Every day in every way, regardless of circumstances - my life improves!" And "Regardless of world events, politics, or even the weather; my life will stay on track and with each passing day I will be rewarded!"  Wow, these came through as fast as I could type! Please know that clearing yourself and your home is a daily occurrence and some days are better than others. I believe life is like blood sugar/blood pressure and a lava lamp - constantly changing.  So it's important to check in & fish out and try to influence the change to go your way.  
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Remember that this month we are offering the Dark Energies Audio MP3 at a discount Click here for an automatic 20% off!
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Also, you can truly benefit from some AMAZING free clearings for entities etc that were a part of yesterday's live show. Watch this replay with my guest Gosia Lorenz.  For the local folks, this Friday I will be LIVE in person at Dr. Charla Tempone’s Tampa office. ☎️ (813) 873-7773  Call this number to get on my schedule there.  And the final announcement is that we are VERY close to releasing our newest MP3 (and the latest addition to our Money series) called MyBeliefWorks™ for Experiencing a Bountiful Harvest. This will include over 130 clearings for aligning with and inviting in money flows of plenty so you can have more ease and fun receiving, growing, having and spending money; allowing you to have greater wealth to joyfully share with others knowing that Spirit will always provide and you will have more than enough. Stay tuned!!...
TGIWednesday Download
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~ CLEARING DARK ENERGIES IN YOUR SPACE ~ I believe, think, know and feel that as I read or hear this now I am clearing my body and my space of all dark energies.  I know, when, where, how and why to ask spirit and the light to clear out any negative beings and to bring more light into my world. I am ready, willing and able to move forward clear of dark entities and any and all dark energies and I am asking in all languages and throughout all timelines.
LIVE Appearances - Free Healing
You Wealth Revolution's ALL NEW Global Awakening Project™ online event is happening now.
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Join nearly 1 million people who will experience a ‘high vibration’ energy field as 40+ top teachers, healers, and scientists (including myself in November) will reveal their #1 quantum energy activations to instantly help YOU and  Get Your '639 Hz Abundance & Harmony Kit™' Gift + The Global Awakening Project™ LIVE Event Access — FREE FREE TO REGISTER & Get Your Free Gift!
 Tampa Office Sessions
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THIS FRIDAY October 16th from 10am-4pm  Please call their office directly at  ☎️ (813) 873-7773 in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes $38 or 30-minutes $68. If you’re new to working with me, I suggest you schedule 30 minutes. SWANN HOLISTIC HEALTH SOLUTIONS I'll be offering sessions at Dr. Charla Tempone’s NEW office at Swann Holistic Health Solutions
403 S. Habana Ave. Tampa, FL 33609 Just south of Azeele next to Skin Savvy http://www.ctholisticsolutions.com -------------------------------------------
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Friday sessions are back to being phone-only for folks that I usually see at Kodawari until further notice. You can book time with me in the shop and schedule online.   3965 Henderson Blvd Suite C Tampa ☎️ (813) 999-1874 http://www.kodawariyoga.com/
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
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Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack OCTOBER 14th "Today I will live in the vibration of faith and the ability to rise higher and live freer than ever before. I will bask in the spirit of all that is and blend into the frequency of the power of the universe while living in faith and in favor."
The Jimmy Mack Healing Show
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NEW VIDEO FORMAT! WATCH IT LIVE  TUESDAY'S at 4pm EDT / 1pm PDT Watch and Participate (via Comments) during the Live TV Show streamed on Goldylocks Productions YouTube Channel, Facebook Page and Periscope.   NOTE: You will need to log into your YouTube (Google) or Facebook accounts to comment. If you watch the Live show from any other location other than the 3 listed below, your comments will not be seen by the Show Host or Producer. https://www.facebook.com/GoldylocksProductions https://www.pscp.tv/Goldylocks168/follow Or watch all live and replays in the archives here: https://thejimmymackhealingshow.com/
Instructions for the VIEWERS: 1.    One reading/message per person. The first question posted will be answered, so please think about your question carefully before posting it.  2.    If you want a longer and more detailed message, please book an appointment with the Show Host.  3.    Spirit does come through and gives messages that can apply to many, not just the person asking the question. 4.    It is not required nor should be expected that every question or comment will be addressed by the Show Host. 5.    If you have any issues with the show host or show format, please contact the Show Producer... not the Show Host. 6.    Contact the Show Producer, Rev. Tiffany White Sage Woman via email: [email protected] Yesterday's Show - Watch the replay here! Special Guest Gosia Lorenz | www.gosialorenz.com
October 20th - NO SHOW THIS WEEK
October 27th Rev Debbie | Our resident trans medium communications with your loved ones in spirit. Visit her Facebook page
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**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
From the Fish Box
Q & A With Jimmy Q) "I am considering getting the VIP prayer service and noticed on the sales page it saying it would be most helful and effective to keep the list brief. I have done it in the past and you said to give your top 10 issues to work on and I was just wondering if a lower number like 5 would be more helpful or recommended now?"  - Sean
  A) "Up to 10 is fine……I never know what’s going to happen but we seem to have better “luck” with clients that do one liners and 10 or less. To do say 5 does not mean we’ll have better luck with 5 rather than 10 I am sure you understand what we’re saying." - Jimmy
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Nightly prayers include COVID-19. Each night we work on scrambling the frequency for everyone on the prayer list. Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
The 30-day service is now being offered exclusively  and you also have the option of selecting an ongoing subscription ($95/month) which is managed through PayPal only.
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers. *NOTE if the MDP Service was purchased via a special telesummit or radio show offer, prayers will be limited to BUYER ONLY - and will not include family members or pets.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day! 
Sign Up for 30-Days - $99
Go deep sea "fishing" with Jimmy!
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Level 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime! Click here to watch the Mastery video playlist
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
For those who aren't familiar, here's the list of the MyBeliefWorks™ audio library. 
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Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better. Don't forget... you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
Abundance Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe COVID-19 Clearings Creative Spark Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives The Gold Coin Healing Physical Body Healing Mental Stress Holiday Stress
Increasing Intuition IRS & Tax Time Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss Windfall Youth & Vitality *MySwitchWorks Videos
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​ ​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Download the My Liquid Fish® Starter Kit (*Updated May 2019) Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® Watch Free Videos on YouTube Weekly Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2020 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.smbeconnected.com  
Stay connected!
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  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
0 notes
 Do you have a social media marketing plan?
If your answer is no, I want you to ask yourself the following questions:
Do you want to connect more with your target audience?
Are you wondering how to create relevant social media content consistently?
If you plan your social media content strategy, not only does it keep your marketing on-brand, but it also makes it more likely that you’ll reach your business goals.
In this article, you’ll discover how to create an effective social media marketing plan for your business.
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First though, let’s run over the social media strategy definition: 
 A social media marketing strategy is an overview of everything you plan and hope to achieve on social media. It guides your actions and lets you know whether you’re succeeding or failing. The more specific your strategy is, the more effective the execution will be.
 Now we know what it means, let’s get into the tips.
P.S. To get started mapping out all these tips, be sure to download the free content calendar template by clicking the image below!
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  #1 | Understand How Your Ideal Customer Moves From Awareness To Conversion
Whether you’ve been in business for 10 weeks or 10 years, defining your target customer is crucial. You may think it’s easy to define your target customer. Don’t you just base it on the usual demographics, like age and gender?
You need to go beyond just identifying their marital status, where they live, and what their hobbies are.
We live in the era of “experience”. That means you need to give your customers an experience they’ll fall in love with. Think about Uber and Airbnb. They have grown to be successful companies because they provide a great customer experience while fulfilling a need.
Put yourself in the shoes of your target customers. What is their first thought when researching a product or service? How do they progress from there?  And most importantly, what’s the final question they ask before making a purchase?
I know this can be difficult to wrap your head around (especially when it comes to social media marketing). So to better understand, lets analyse two hypothetical customers, Michelle and Jack. 
Michelle is a creative entrepreneur and a visual learner (both in her business and life). She’s passionate and inquisitive, always asking questions before making a decision to buy a product or service. Some of her research methods are:
Calling her friends on the phone
Searching in Google
Searching in social media
Michelle’s way of finding answers is through a Pinterest infographic or an Instagram post.
This is how you might identify Michelle’s thought process when purchasing a product or service:
Early ==> What is?…
Middle ==> How do I?…
Late ==> Where can I?…
Jack is more analytical and methodical when it comes to his career and home life. He’s more interested in facts and figures than Michelle; but like Michelle, he talks to his friends and uses Google to collect information. He prefers LinkedIn’s approach to getting answers to his questions. 
This is how you might identify Jack’s approach to purchasing a product or service.
Early ==> Do I really?…
Middle ==> What’s involved?…
Late ==> How much?…
The three stages in the customer acquisition journey are always the same, but with a different human approach. Your ideal customers are asking different questions. Your business can build trust by answering their questions and providing valuable content. This can come in the form of:
Blog posts
Take the time to do market research and understand how your target customer thinks. This way, you’ll better understand what content will resonate with them and how you can earn their trust. This is the start of your social media marketing plan.
#2 | Decide Why You’ll Use Social Media For Business (+ Identify KPIs)
Think of KPIs as goals. Defining a goal for your social media efforts is crucial. Because without a goal, you can’t assess the successor failure of your plan.
Here are three potential goals you may have and how to measure them.
Build a Community
Let’s say you’ve spent 12 months building a closed community of people who have engaged with you and bought your product or service. You’ve grown a private Facebook group to 350 members. This may not seem like a lot (considering you have a database of 15,000+ email addresses), but the group is by invitation only and full of nurtured customers.
These are the metrics you can measure when looking at the growth of this specific community:
Number of group members
Engagement on your live videos
Engagement on your daily posts
Questions your group is asking
Increase brand awareness
The biggest reason business owners use social media is to build brand awareness. The average person will spend over 2 hours a day on social media. This is why brand awareness is a key goal for businesses.
Let’s say Twitter is your platform of choice. These are the metrics you could measure to assess brand awareness:
Follower count
Mentions and shares
Top tweet (to help you understand what content your audience engages with the most)
Top mention
Profile visits
New followers
You can find this data in Twitter Analytics.
Boost engagement
Engagement is the second most important metric businesses use to measure social media success. Boosting engagement helps you build brand trust, recommendations and perception online. Engagement is especially important on Facebook and Instagram because their algorithms prioritise posts with higher engagement. These are shown in the feed before posts with less engagement.
For this KPI, you’d want to analyse engagement metrics similar to those discussed above. Also take a closer look at the number of community members who reach out to you on a daily basis through retweets, like, questions and any other communication.
#3 | Choose The Best Social Network To Engage Your Audience
If you have a social media channel strategy that targets every network, you won’t see the results you’re looking for. Especially if you don’t look at each platform’s demographics.
Before deciding which platforms to invest your time in for your social media marketing plan, do some research to find out which social networks attract your target customer. You want to focus on two key areas: network demographics and reciprocity across platforms.
Here are a few facts about each platform.
Facebook has over 1.56 billion monthly active users
79% of online adults use Facebook
The breakdown by age is 18-29 (88%), 30-49 (84%), 50-64 (72%), and 65+ (62%)
A higher percentage of online women use Facebook (83%) than online men (75%)
Facebook users watch more than 100 million hours of video content on the platform daily
Since the launch of Facebook Live, there has been a 700% growth in video views, with people spending 3x longer watching live video than they do recorded video.
Twitter has 330 million monthly active users
24% of online adult men and 25% of online adult women use Twitter
80% of Twitter’s usage is through mobile
22.5% of Twitter users are between the ages of 25 and 34. The next largest age groups are 35-44 at 19.5% and 45-54 at 17.9%
Instagram has over 1 billion monthly active users
38% of online adult women use Instagram compared to 26% of online adult men
51% of Instagram users access the platform daily
35% check the platform several times a day
In 2016, Instagram released a new feature called Instagram Stories which now has 500 million daily active users.
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Nearly one-third of adult internet users are on Pinterest
45% of online women use the network versus 17% of online men.
LinkedIn is the B2B social network leader and has 250 million monthly unique visitors
The network has members in 200 counties and is available in 24 languages
31% of online adult men use the network versus 27% of online adult women
40% of users check their account daily
2 new members join the network every second
More than 1 million LinkedIn users have published long-form content on the platform
160,000 long-form posts are published each week.
YouTube is the second largest search engine and boasts 167.4 million unique YouTube users per month
400 hours of YouTube video is uploaded every 60 seconds
80%  of 18-49-year-olds watch YouTube
YouTube is a male-dominated network at 62%, with females at 38%
The user breakdown by age is 18-24 (11%), 25-34 (23%), 35-44 (26%), 45-54 (16%), 55-64 (8%), 65+ (3%), and unknown age (14%).
Snapchat has 301 million monthly active users
The majority of users are younger than 24 years old and a sizeable portion are between the ages of 13 and 17
A quarter of Snapchat users access the service more than once per day
Social media marketing tips: Consider Social Network Reciprocity
After looking at the demographics for each social network, consider the reciprocity across the main social media platforms. For example, if your target customers’ chosen network is Facebook, how likely are they to use Twitter as well? Pew Research has a good breakdown of the percentage of users of each social media platform who use another social media platform.
#4 | Research Content Topics
Decided which social networks you’ll focus on? Now it’s time to start planning the content for your social media marketing plan. The content you create needs to be specific, relevant, and unique, and not all about “you” as a business.
If your goal is to create content that’s either the next big thing or a viral sensation, that’s not realistic. It’s also the wrong way to approach content creation. Instead, focus your efforts on creating a social media content plan that will engage your audience.
Now that you know who your audience is and where they hang out, get engaged in a two-way conversation. Find out what kind of content your audience wants to consume. Here are some ideas to gather feedback:
Send DMs on Instagram
Run a Twitter poll
Create an audience questionnaire
If you create a questionnaire, decide what you want to achieve and choose your questions accordingly. To encourage more responses, consider offering an incentive for completing the questionnaire.
Top tip: Typeform is an amazing, free tool for creating professional-looking questions and tracking results.
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Another way to get the creative juices flowing is to talk to friends, family, and colleagues. Even if they aren’t invested in your business, a conversation may spark content ideas you haven’t already thought of. If your friends or family happen to be your typical ideal customer, that’s even better. Don’t be afraid to ask for their input.
Also look at your competitors - but don’t spend too much time on this. 
Follow your competitors online and see what works for them. Maybe it’ll work for you too. Don’t copy their ideas or content, but do find inspiration for your own content. Create a Twitter list or save images to a collection on Instagram to segment the content they’re sharing so you can easily find it.
Top tip: Feedly is an amazing tool for researching your industry online. It can bring together hundreds of great pieces of content that can spark ideas for your own.
#5 | Plan Your Content Calendar
After you’ve done your research, the next part of your social media marketing plan is to create your pillar content. This can come in the form of a:
Blog post
YouTube video
Podcast episode
All my pillar content goes on this blog (and yours should too!), so let’s stick with that example.
First, decide which target customer the content is designed for and then choose a topic. Get specific with topics in your industry.
Next, choose a blog article title. Be sure to choose a keyword for your post and include that as early on in the headline as you can. Pay attention to what type of headline it is and the selection of words that you choose.
Further reading: This Is Your Ultimate Guide To Writing Amazing Headlines
Finally, outline the content for each section. Break down your pillar content into four sections:
Introduction: start with an interesting fact/statistic
Body: divide the information into bite-sized chunks
Conclusion: summarise the topic
Call to action: download a free guide or join a free challenge, for example.
Once you know what content you want to create, you need to create a content plan. Luckily for you, I’ve made a template for you based on what I use that you can get access to by clicking the image below.
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  Now you know the pillar content you’ll be creating, when it’s going live, as well as where you’ll share it. Next is to start developing the micro content you’ll publish on social media.
Top tip: Include Video In Your Social Media Content
When people hear information, they’re likely to remember only around 10% of it 72 hours later. If you pair an image with this information though, people retain 65% more in the same amount of time.
Using video in your social media marketing plan can increase your click-through rates, and including a video on a landing page helps boost conversion rates. Here are some types of video to incorporate into your social media marketing.
Live Video
Since the introduction of Facebook Live, many businesses are turning to real-time live video marketing to connect with their customers. Instagram also released its own live video feature, as well as Instagram Stories.
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On-Camera Video
The traditional way to market with video is to get in front of a camera and start recording. Use on-camera marketing to give your target audience an insight into your world.
As we said earlier, YouTube is the second-largest search engine in the world. Use this to your advantage and start making YouTube videos. Think about starting small with a welcome video or a short introduction to a blog post.
Plus, with YouTube cards, you can add a link to a lead generation product. You can also encourage your audience to watch another one of your videos or subscribe to your channel.
A screencast is a video recording of your computer screen. It’s a great way to run an online training or record a PowerPoint presentation.
Photo Montage
If you’re new to video marketing and prefer to stay off-camera, consider creating photo montages. Use a tool like Animoto to tell a story through a collection of images, with an overlay of text and music to give it a professional feel.
Think about using animation for explainer videos or even sketch-type videos. Animated video is slightly more complex than some of the other video options, but you could still give it a go if you’re feeling adventurous.
Hybrid Video
A hybrid video is a combination or on-screen video and screen sharing. Talk directly to the camera to engage with your audience and then share your screen to show important information in a presentation. Try tools like Zoom, Skype and YouTube Live.
#6 | Build Trust Through Consistent Engagement
The purpose of having a social media marketing plan is about more than just publishing content.
To establish yourself as a thought leader and trusted resource in your industry, you need to engage in two-way conversations. The more open you are and the more you use social media for customer service, the more likely your audience will feel safe. This takes them one step closer to purchasing from you.
On average it takes 8-12 “touches” before a potential customer will buy from your business. 
With this in mind, think about the ways you can use a social media communication strategy to shorten the process and turn a potential customer into a paying customer that much quicker.
Here’s an example of that flow:
Meet a potential prospect at a trade show
Follow her on LinkedIn and Twitter
Comment on one of her LinkedIn posts or tweet one of her posts on Twitter
The prospect sends you a direct message through LinkedIn
You ask for her email address and arrange a 30-minute discovery call
The call goes well, so you set up an in-person meeting
After your meeting, you send a follow-up email and agree to start working with the prospect
#7 | Measure Progress And Adjust The Plan
Measuring your success is the final step in your social media marketing plan. You need to know if your efforts are delivering results for your business. This breaks down into three different areas: conversion, reach, and engagement.
Conversions help you determine whether you’re driving traffic/email subscribers/sales from social media. If you’re not, you’ll need to change things up.
To help you analyse your conversions easily and efficiently, you can use a Google Analytics dashboard. This will then give you all the social data you need to measure conversions.
Reach is the number of people you have had an effect on with your content. This metrics helps you gauge how well your social media content is resonating with your target audience. Here are some ways you can assess reach on the different social platforms:
Connections on LinkedIn
Followers on Twitter
Followers on Instagram
Likes on your Facebook page
Views and subscribers on your YouTube channel
Website visitors
Finally, look at engagement metrics to see how many people are interacting with you online. Here are some metrics to measure:
Clicks on social media posts
Retweets and mentions on Twitter
Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn shares
Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn comments
To Finish
As of June 2017, the number of worldwide social media users reached 2.89 billion people. The question is, what are you doing to stand out from the crowd?
Putting together a social media marketing plan can help you increase engagement, build  trust with your audience and help your business thrive.
Don’t forget to download your social media marketing plan template below!
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  What are your thoughts? Do you have a social media marketing plan for your business? What tips can you offer for create a successful strategy? Please share your thoughts in the comments below!
  from Blog https://ift.tt/2O8ZZuj via IFTTT
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dramabus2-blog · 5 years
How My Partner & I Make It Work As Total Financial Opposites
It seems like every time a lifestyle publication has a headline that reads “top 10 signs you’re headed for divorce,” we’re only reading about the negative ways having a different approach to finances impacts relationships. There are rarely any blog posts or advice columns focusing on the couples that make it work even when they are on opposite ends of the money spectrum. While it is true that money is a huge part of any relationship and can often be a sour subject for couples, it is possible to work through your different philosophies on money on finances and come out on the other side unscathed and stronger as a team. Here’s how my husband and I do just that:
1. We have separate and joint accounts
This isn’t earth-shattering advice, but it is an easy way to combine a lot of our financials while still maintaining our own autonomy over money. My husband and I did not have a combined account until we had been married for a year. When living together while dating, I had all of our combined bills — power, water, Internet, etc. — auto-drafted out of my checking account. Every month, he would give me cash for exactly half of our combined living expenses. We were each responsible for our own individual expenses, such as my student loans.
To this day, that is still how all of our bills are paid. We decided to open a joint money market account at his bank after we were married in order for us to contribute to shared savings, and it was the start of our emergency fund. Since then, we’ve grown our savings and combined expenses where we could, such as adding me to his car insurance and dropping mine. My husband and I both have separate checking accounts and credit cards, and as long as the bills are paid and we are contributing to our savings, we mostly don’t care how the other spends their money. Charlie is the guy who wants to splurge and build out a home theater with a projector and screen and surround sound, while I am an impulsive shopper and can walk into Target needing one thing but leave with 12 things I could definitely live without. It doesn’t matter that he thinks Target is a money trap, and I would be perfectly fine with a plain old TV — we know that we won’t face criticism or judgment when we come home with those purchases. Our only real requirement over individual accounts is that our credit cards are paid off in full each month, and that neither one of us is feeling financially strapped. We are able to acknowledge if one month we went overboard and are open to insights on how to reign it in without it leading to an argument.
2. We regularly check in with each other over any concerns and make big financial decisions together
When we first got married, Charlie would get defensive if I criticized some of his spending, and would accuse me of trying to infantilize him. The phrase “I feel like you are making me ask for permission” was very common the first year or two of marriage. After saying “I do,” it suddenly became “our” money, not just my mine and his. While we had maintained separate accounts, It felt like “our” money being used to buy a $700 motorcycle helmet, and I felt like he wasn’t helping out enough with “our” day-to-day purchases, such as groceries or pet food. I started thinking about how I was the one spending my money on his food, toilet paper, and vet bills, while he wanted to spend his money on things that only interested him and acted put out when I would ask him to pay at the grocery store.
We were, at times, very critical of each other, and I often became resentful if I felt like I was spending more money on necessities for us both while he only seemed to care about what he wanted. However, after taking a step back and trying to see things from his point of view and asking him to see them from mine, we began actively making an effort to keep communication open and remain calm. With that, we were able to come to some basic agreements on certain aspects of our financial lives. After two large purchases he made that I felt were completely unjustified, we made it a rule to discuss any purchase that would be over $500 — even if it was coming out of our own individual checking accounts.
I know that, since coming to that agreement, I have helped him realize that just because he wants something doesn’t necessarily mean he should get it at that time. On the other hand, he has helped me learn to loosen up a little bit, enjoy life as it comes, and quit keeping score. These days, when there is a large purchase being discussed that we don’t see eye-to-eye on, we have multiple discussions in an attempt to reach a fair compromise. Most recently, my husband has become obsessed with a very specific car with a $36k price tag. His only justification to me for why he should be able to get it is “because I want it!” Which is not a good enough reason for me. We’ve had multiple conversations about this car, and I finally came to see that I could lay out 100 reasons we shouldn’t get it — all he would say is how much he wanted it. We finally came to an agreement that when my car and student loans are paid off in the about years, he can make that splurge. I asked him to stick with the car he has now so that we don’t take on any more unnecessary debt, and that the day my car is paid off, he can walk into a dealership and get his dream car. It gives him something to work towards, and he has two years to save money or help make extra payments to existing debt in order to pay it off sooner. Neither one of us feels cheated or angry; instead, we have made a firm decision that makes us both happy.
3. He reminds me constantly how lucky we are to be where we are financially
In a roles-reversed situation, I desperately want to move out of the house we are renting and into a place with all the modern luxuries and potentially a shorter commute. I don’t care if we end up living somewhere outrageously priced. I just want out. The catch is, we are renting from a family member and have an extremely low rent. We live in a quickly growing area and it is not uncommon for studio or 1 BR apartments to cost $1,000+ a month. We pay $600/month for a 1,600 square foot house on 5 acres of land. Deep down, I am able to be logical and realize it would be nothing but regrets if we didn’t ride it out until his family decides to sell.
However, I am guilty of wanting to keep up with the Joneses and tend to focus on what’s wrong with our house instead of how lucky we are. The house was built in 1955, and while it has “good bones,” the walls are made of plaster and are starting to crack, and the windows are creaky and do nothing to help with energy costs. The bathroom has no ventilation, so I am constantly fighting mold buildup, and there is so much wood paneling on the walls and ugly carpet covering hardwood floors. In the era of Pinterest, I can’t help but want to live somewhere nicer, and I cannot stress this enough…more energy efficient. My husband constantly reminds me that before we moved into our current rental, we struggled to pay our bills and still have a semblance of a life. We moved into this house about three months after we got married, and the relief was almost instantaneous. In the five years we’ve been renting from his family, we have saved a significant amount of money that we never would have dreamed of otherwise. We were able to get out of the cycle of living check to check and we are able to indulge in things like a vacation once a year and dinner out once a week without stress.
So yes, while I’m dreaming of fancy kitchens and bigger bathrooms, my husband is there to gently remind me that what we have is perfect and not everyone is as lucky as we are and that usually brings me back down to earth.
And finally…
4. I am his reminder that we have long term goals to work for when he wants to indulge his FOMO/YOLO tendencies
My husband turns 36 this year, and before March of 2019, he had zero to show in terms of a retirement fund. While he’s never worked anywhere that offered a 401k, I’ve been begging him to open an IRA at our bank for years. I use the same old cliche everyone does: You’re just losing out on all that compound interest! Or you need to have a million dollars in an account by the time you retire! While I am very lucky to work for a company that offers a 401K and matches a percentage of my contributions, I didn’t really understand that value until I started getting closer to 30.
However, my husband likes to say that he’s never going to retire, so he should be able to spend his money now on what he wants. That is where I come in to remind him that there are many reasons for needing that “safety net” as we age, such as rising healthcare costs, potential for injuries or illnesses rendering him unable to work, and the ability to afford a reputable and safe nursing home when that time comes. We don’t plan on having kids, so we have to make sure we won’t have any financial strain as we age. He also stubbornly resisted life insurance policies for each of us, and if I didn’t make doctor appointments to check out any ailments and keep him healthy, he would never seek medical attention for anything.
Generally, he prefers to live in the moment and not stress about all of the boring and tedious parts of life. I am able to help him see that we don’t have to stop living in the moment completely in order to be prepared for the future financially — we just have to be smarter about our expenses and paying down debt while also being able to save. My husband likes to tell me that I stress too much over everything, and I tell him he doesn’t stress at all over anything. Once we were able to put our egos and pride to the side and effectively communicate with 100% transparency, we have found ways to let our differences with money help us grow as a couple.
Liana is a 30-year-old nurse living in North Carolina with her husband, their dog, and their cat. She is hustling hard to pay off her student loans early and start saving to buy a house. She also has an unrealistic dream to one day have a dog rescue, with the sole purpose of being surrounded by a ton of dogs all the time.
Like this story? Follow The Financial Diet on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for daily tips and inspiration, and sign up for our email newsletter here.
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Source: https://thefinancialdiet.com/how-my-partner-i-make-it-work-as-total-financial-opposites/
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gertrudejnieves · 4 years
Funnelvio Review – What Exactly Is “Funnelvio”? Should You Get It?
Funnelvio Review – 
Clone Any Funnel With Just 3 Clicks, Create Unlimited Ultra-Fast Loading Pages With 99.9% Uptime Securing Profitable Funnels. If Canva Built A Funnel Builder – It Will Be Like This.Watch The Below Video To See Why You Need This…
A well-planned sales funnel is the backbone of virtually every successful online business and yet, very few online businesses have one. Most businesses find the whole process of building a funnel too complicated. Some have tried, but failed to see any major increase in sales, revenue & profits.
Why is that? Well, the #1 reason is that they all are still using Funnel Builders that are built on old architecture, and are slow, unreliable, complicated & very expensive.
There is a new Funnel Builder platform that will going to change this all from today. It’s called “Funnelvio”.
Top Marketers agree that this Funnelvio is the fastest and most reliable smart funnel builder in the world with a built-in smart check-out cart system, a page importer and many more features on the market.
It was designed by marketing experts. The creators of Funnelvio (i.e. Kyvio Team) have launched 2 massively successful software in the last 6 months – Mailvio and Meetvio and Funnelvio are the 3rd release in their premium ‘Vio’ series – where they are planning to release software and systems to help their customers completely dominate online marketing.
Let’s dive into my “Funnelvio Review” on this page.
Funnelvio Review – Product Overview
Product Name Funnelvio Product Creator Neil Napier Launch Date & Time [2020-Jul-29] @ 11:00 EDT Price $77 to $97 One-time Bonus Yes, My Best Custom Bonuses Refund Period 14-Days Official Site https://getfunnelvio.com/onetime Product Type Fastest Funnel Builder Skill All Levels Recommended Highly Recommended
What Exactly Is “Funnelvio”?
“Funnelvio” is a reliable and fast ‘Smart Funnel’ builder technology that creates fast loading mobile responsive marketing funnels with never seen before Drog-and-Drop page builder. Funnelvio’s brand new editor is truly drag ‘n drop. It’s so smooth to use, that you will instantly fall in love with it. The level of flexibility and precision you get with this builder will make your competitors think you hired an expensive designer. Imagine if canva made a page builder – that’s what you are getting here. Which will result in well-designed pages.
The brand-new advanced funnel builder technology,
Build With Templates: Create as many funnels and pages as you like using the 160 gorgeous templates pre-loaded in your Funnelvio account.
Build From Scratch: The flexible drag ‘n drop builder gives you instant ability to build a page from scratch! No need to use a template if you don’t want to.
Import And Build: This is by far my favorite option. You can import another funnel and use it’s designs as inspiration to build your own funnels.
Quick switch to see the page in mobile, desktop and tablet view – customize as you go and publish pixel-perfect pages for all types of devices.
9.6 Total Score
A True Never Seen Before Funnel Builder & Editor
Funnelvio - The modern Funnel Builder helps you create Funnels and Pages that load at an ultra-fast speed. It has a built-in Cart system that allows you to sell products with PayPal and Stripe and built-in Page Importer that lets you import any page online and build your next page in minutes. Funnelvio helps you increase your business revenue instantly with stunning pages packed into a powerful funnel with any number of pages that you want. And an easy customer journey - from placing an order to upselling them additional products or upgrades that you offer all the way to a hassle-free checkout cart. Nothing comes even close when you compare Funnelvio with the existing traditional Funnel builders.
Ultra-Fast & Super Easy To Use
Reliable With 3+ years of 99.9% Uptime
Affordable at One Time Price
Special Launch Offer: Commercial License Included
30 Day Money Back. So, Try This For Upto 30 Days Without Any Risk.
There Is No Significant Con From Me.
User Rating: Be the first one!
Funnelvio Demo
Funnelvio Review – The Features & Benefits
Plug-n-play: A Complete Product Delivery System With All 4 options (Email, Redirect URL, File download, KPDN)
Up to 100,000 visitors per month (Unbeatable in this category)
Made Point-N-Click Easy To Serve Marketers Across All Experience Levels
No Coding Or Technical Skills Required. Fully Web-Based. Just Login And Profit
Seamless Social & Business Integrations: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Skype, Major Autoresponders, Google calendar and many more
Fast & Furious: Pre-Created Blocks Built On Google Cloud Pro. For Faster Implementation And Loading To Increase Profit By 57%
Fully Responsive: Mobile friendly fast loading pages
Goal Tracking: No External Split-Testing And Tracking Tools Needed
Get Quick Stats Per Funnel Page, Published Status, Active Split Test Status And A Lot More
Bar And Graphics To Show Revenue, Sales And Most Valuable Customers For 1-Glance Analysis
Create Unlimited Funnels And Pages
Advanced Technology Has Already Served More Than 20 Million Page Visits
Pick-N-Use: 200+ Pre-Done Modern Design Pages To Get You Started Immediately
Built-In Cart And Reporting System To Sell Products With PayPal And Stripe
Built-In Page Importer: Import Any Page Online And Build Your Next Page In Minutes
1-Click Share, Clone, Publish, Unpublish, Delete And Archive Funnels (Single Or In Bulk)
Create/Clone Pages In Multiple Languages With The Built-In Drag-N-Drop Editor For Non-English Speaking Audience And Skyrocket Sales
Create And Customize Buttons And Coupons To Skyrocket Conversions
Also Includes: A 5 Step Guide To Creating Your First Product AND A New Funnel Guide
About The Creator
This amazing product “Funnelvio” is created by Neil Napier. This man is not strange in IM anymore. He is well-known as a talented product developer in the online space.
Over $4M in sales via JVZoo alone
Sold over 100,000 units of different software & training
Generated over $7M in 7 years as a marketer
Creator of Kyvio, Meetvio and Mailvio – Backed By 20M Page Views and $5M In Customer Sales
Some of his remarkable products such as SyndRanker 2.0, FlowTraffic, Email Ramp, Mailvio 25k, Meetvio, MailEngageX, Funnel247, Webinar X etc.
In this new launch, Neil has teamed up with Dragan Plushkovsk and Simon Warner – JV Manager. These guys have also gained their reputation for many high-quality products as well.
I am sure you will enjoy using this mind blowing funnel builder technology. I really thankful to Neil for bringing this up to marketers like you and me.
Why Funnelvio & Why Not Other Funnel Builder Platforms?
Your current funnel builder is leaking profits and costing you way more than it should. I know – this may come as disappointing news, but i better tell you this now. Because the longer we wait, the more money you lose.
The current funnel builders in the market (including the big one that starts with c) do 3 things critically wrong (and that loses you money!). Their pages load slow. This means many visitors don’t even see your headline – let alone see the optin box or the buy button. So you lose money.
Their sites go down. Now this doesn’t happen all the time – but imagine if it happens while you are sleeping, or you are draining money on ads – not cool, right? But here’s the worst thing about them. They overcharge you. Like way, waaaay overcharge you.
Listen, I’ve been in the software business for 3+ years, and there’s one thing I know – technology, hosting and support are becoming cheaper by the day. There’s no way you should be paying $297 per month for software that is slow, and sometimes doesn’t work!
And in our marketing trend research over the past year, we found that most of the funnels you have built in the past are built on old architecture, and are slow, and so unreliable.
Also, the funnel builder you use right now (IF you have one) is more expensive than what you see on this page.
Here is what Funnelvio offer…
Ultra-Fast Page Loading Faster than anything out there
Real-Time Funnel Visualization Enabled
Watch the funnel take shape as you create it
Advanced Pixel-Perfect Drag-And-Drop Editor
Create the perfect funnel page with point-n-click simplicity
Funnelvio Review – How Does It Work?
Funnelvio works in 3 simple steps.
Funnelvio Review – Inside Members Area
Choose any one of the funnel type. You have 5 option to choose.
For this test, i am choosing webinar funnel. Next, set each page a roll. I am setting page 1 as my sales page.
Page roll set up complete for this funnel.
No, choose a template from Funnelvio. This is 100% done for you already. However, you can customize them.
Onece you finish customize the sale page, you have to customize all the other pages as well.
Once you complete the customization, just publish your funnel.
Now, you can see a complete stat such as how much hits your funnels getting and what is the traffic source and things like that.
Top 3 Features I Personally Like From “Funnelvio”
Feature #1: Brand New Drag-And-Drop Page Builder Tech
It’s so smooth to use that you’ll instantly fall in love with it. The level of flexibility and precision you get with this builder will make your competitors think you’ve hired an expensive designer.
Which is going to result in well-designed pages. And you know what well-designed pages mean by that? You ‘re going to make more sales. As a matter of fact, we have a V2 version of this builder in development, which will give you both block-based and freestyle drag’n drop building capabilities. And you’ll get a free upgrade to that.
Feature #2: Create Fast-Loading Funnel Pages
Funnelvio creates fast loading funnels and pages. Take a look the speed of a Funnelvio page. It’s amazing. Blazingly fast loading pages with 99.9% uptime powered by Google Cloud.
Feature #3: The Funnel Cloner
What especially caught my attention was being able to clone other funnels from elsewhere. I would find that extremely useful. This feature allows you to instantly copy/clone any page or a funnel in one click. You can customize everything after cloning those pages or funnels. Create and clone pages in multiple languages to skyrocket conversions by targeting customers from all over the world.
Funnelvio Review – The Pricing & Comparison
The features, the design and the performance of Funnelvio are unmatched in the market. And this is the reason that the introductory (incredibly low) one-time price you see here on this page today is for a very limited period of time.
In fact, once this special launch comes to end. Funnelvio would be priced at par with the other Funnel Builders out there, if not more…given its clear superiority.
Funnelvio is the future of online selling…traditional funnel builders don’t even come close. See the features and pricing difference for yourself below.
Funnelvio (vs) Kartra (vs) Click funnels (vs) Leadpages
For the price of $77 (limited time), you also get all these amazing bonuses for free.
Right now is your only opportunity to get Funnelvio (and these exclusive high-value bonuses) for such an incredibly low introductory offer. With stunning pages packed into a powerful funnel that adapts to your customers buying journey from placing an order…to upsell them additional products or upgrades that you offer all the way to a hassle-free checkout cart.
Funnelvio has proven to be:
Ultra-Fast & Super Easy To Use
Reliable With 3+ years of 99.9% Uptime
Successful in Delivering Extraordinary Results
Funnelvio Review From Users
Truly an innovative and versatile funnel. There are so many features I like are available with this funnel, the templates, cloning successful funnels, translating to other languages. No wonder it took over 15 months in the making, it is so far advanced . Neil, STOP! Funnelvio is crushing ALL other funnels.
Wow! This awesome technology is going to level the playing field for many smaller sellers/affiliates – now we can COPY & EDIT without having to start from scratch! Can’t wait to get my hands on this game-changer!
Funnelvio looks like a really useful and easy tool to create funnels. What especially caught my attention was being able to clone other funnels from elsewhere. I would find that extremely useful.
Funnelvio’s visual sales funnel builder is easy to use and has plenty of options available. Their great selection of mobile responsive landing page templates. They are some of the best I’ve seen, and really easy to edit and publish.
P.S. This is not the first time I am replacing a tool I had been using in the past with Neil’s product. He is known to over-deliver every. single. time.
In my 7 years in the industry, I have seen hundreds of tools hitting the markets every day. But, only a handful of Marketers out there work out of pure passion and Neil is certainly one of them. Until recently I had been using ClickFunnels. Because of limited features and an exorbitant fee structure I had been actively looking for a better alternative. Then a few months back Neil asked me to give Funnelvio a try and give him my feedback.
To see more user reviews, visit the official website.
The Upgrade Info & Links
>>> Upgrades Require Front End To Work <<< If  You Don’t Have FE, Pick It Up Using The FE Link Below. Without FE Your Account Will Not Be Created! You Can Get Any 1 Or All Upgrades Directly From Below Links After Front End!
Main offer (FE): Funnelvio Personal & Commercial (CLICK HERE)
Upgrade 1: Funnelvio Unlimited Yearly & Onetime (LEARN MORE)
Downsell: Funnelvio Unlimited Sites (LEARN MORE)
Upgrade 2: Smart Academy (LEARN MORE)
Upgrade3: Funnelvio Templates Yearly & Onetime (LEARN MORE)
Upgrade 4: Meetvio Pro Yearly & Onetime (LEARN MORE)
Funnelvio Review – The Good & Bad
Good Things
Blazingly fast loading pages with 99.9% uptime powered by google cloud
Create unlimited funnels and pages, serving 100,000 visitors per month
Built-in checkout and reporting system to sell products with PayPal, stripe and more!
Built-in product delivery system delivers your welcome emails with products instantly!
Pick-n-use: 160 pre-done modern design pages to get you started immediately
Built-in page importer – import any page online and build your next page in minutes
1-click share, clone, publish, unpublish, delete and archive funnels (single or in bulk)
No coding or technical skills required. Fully web-based. Just login and profit
Bad Things
Everything is satisfied me for the price i paid for the Funnelvio. No issues i found until now.
Is There Any Guarantee?
You have been covered by 14 full money back guarantee. Create a few funnels and watch your profits grow. And if at any time during this period, you feel that Funnelvio doesn’t meet your expectations somehow just drop  a message to Support Desk and get your full refund processed instantly.
Final Words
Funnelvio is the best option for entrepreneurs just starting out, as it allows you to build your own mobile responsive website from scratch with their simple drag and drop editor, as well as landing pages and a lot of other profit maximizers.
Every time I plan to buy a product – I turn into a CIA or NSA level research analyst. and do a thorough check of not just the product and its competitors but also of the product creators and their overall rep.
I feel if they have done it once, they will do it again. In this case, too, I ran my background and probably know more about this man’s business than he himself (lolll). Seriously – there’s no better Funnel builder out there at the moment at least.
Funnelvio – My Custom Bonuses
Note: These are my custom bonuses for “Funnelvio” You can’t find these bonuses anywhere else on the internet. I hope my bonuses will help you get best results with this product.
How You Can Claim My Custom Bonuses?
STEP 1: “CLICK HERE” or Click on any one of the buttons advertised on this page and it will take you to the official sales page.
In case if you see a message like below, check my name (Partha) and affiliate id (#764589) and approve the change.
STEP 2: Order the product from official website.
STEP 3: Send me you purchase receipt to below email id. You will get your bonuses within 24 hours.
F.A.Q. About Funnelvio
Funnelvio is FASTER!
Funnelvio is RELIABLE (99.9% uptime), and
Funnelvio is AFFORDABLE! Simple as that!
Absolutely. Funnelvio supports multiple languages. You can create funnels and pages in French, Spanish, Italian, and of course, English.
Dump it! Sorry to be so frank but to develop and remain ahead of the competition your business needs to adapt to new technologies. In terms of usability and the ability to achieve high performance, Funnelvio is a miles ahead of other funnel builders. Perhaps most importantly – you can do it at a one-time low launch price today.
Funnelvio comes with a 14-day money-back guarantee. You can always ask for a full refund within that period and go back to using your old expensive and wonky funnel builder.
Funnelvio is a part of Kyvio – so if you already have Kyvio, check your email (or our Kyvio group) and you will see more information about how to get your copy of Funnelvio.
from SPS Reviews https://spsreviews.com/funnelvio-review/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=funnelvio-review from SPS Reviews https://spsreviews.tumblr.com/post/624997757987536896
0 notes
jerometbean · 4 years
Funnelvio Review – What Exactly Is “Funnelvio”? Should You Get It?
Funnelvio Review – 
Clone Any Funnel With Just 3 Clicks, Create Unlimited Ultra-Fast Loading Pages With 99.9% Uptime Securing Profitable Funnels. If Canva Built A Funnel Builder – It Will Be Like This.Watch The Below Video To See Why You Need This…
A well-planned sales funnel is the backbone of virtually every successful online business and yet, very few online businesses have one. Most businesses find the whole process of building a funnel too complicated. Some have tried, but failed to see any major increase in sales, revenue & profits.
Why is that? Well, the #1 reason is that they all are still using Funnel Builders that are built on old architecture, and are slow, unreliable, complicated & very expensive.
There is a new Funnel Builder platform that will going to change this all from today. It’s called “Funnelvio”.
Top Marketers agree that this Funnelvio is the fastest and most reliable smart funnel builder in the world with a built-in smart check-out cart system, a page importer and many more features on the market.
It was designed by marketing experts. The creators of Funnelvio (i.e. Kyvio Team) have launched 2 massively successful software in the last 6 months – Mailvio and Meetvio and Funnelvio are the 3rd release in their premium ‘Vio’ series – where they are planning to release software and systems to help their customers completely dominate online marketing.
Let’s dive into my “Funnelvio Review” on this page.
Funnelvio Review – Product Overview
Product NameFunnelvioProduct CreatorNeil NapierLaunch Date & Time[2020-Jul-29] @ 11:00 EDTPrice$77 to $97 One-timeBonusYes, My Best Custom BonusesRefund Period14-DaysOfficial Sitehttps://getfunnelvio.com/onetimeProduct TypeFastest Funnel BuilderSkillAll LevelsRecommendedHighly Recommended
What Exactly Is “Funnelvio”?
“Funnelvio” is a reliable and fast ‘Smart Funnel’ builder technology that creates fast loading mobile responsive marketing funnels with never seen before Drog-and-Drop page builder. Funnelvio’s brand new editor is truly drag ‘n drop. It’s so smooth to use, that you will instantly fall in love with it. The level of flexibility and precision you get with this builder will make your competitors think you hired an expensive designer. Imagine if canva made a page builder – that’s what you are getting here. Which will result in well-designed pages.
The brand-new advanced funnel builder technology,
Build With Templates: Create as many funnels and pages as you like using the 160 gorgeous templates pre-loaded in your Funnelvio account.
Build From Scratch: The flexible drag ‘n drop builder gives you instant ability to build a page from scratch! No need to use a template if you don’t want to.
Import And Build: This is by far my favorite option. You can import another funnel and use it’s designs as inspiration to build your own funnels.
Quick switch to see the page in mobile, desktop and tablet view – customize as you go and publish pixel-perfect pages for all types of devices.
9.6 Total Score
A True Never Seen Before Funnel Builder & Editor
Funnelvio - The modern Funnel Builder helps you create Funnels and Pages that load at an ultra-fast speed. It has a built-in Cart system that allows you to sell products with PayPal and Stripe and built-in Page Importer that lets you import any page online and build your next page in minutes. Funnelvio helps you increase your business revenue instantly with stunning pages packed into a powerful funnel with any number of pages that you want. And an easy customer journey - from placing an order to upselling them additional products or upgrades that you offer all the way to a hassle-free checkout cart. Nothing comes even close when you compare Funnelvio with the existing traditional Funnel builders.
Ultra-Fast & Super Easy To Use
Reliable With 3+ years of 99.9% Uptime
Affordable at One Time Price
Special Launch Offer: Commercial License Included
30 Day Money Back. So, Try This For Upto 30 Days Without Any Risk.
There Is No Significant Con From Me.
User Rating: Be the first one!
Funnelvio Demo
Funnelvio Review – The Features & Benefits
Plug-n-play: A Complete Product Delivery System With All 4 options (Email, Redirect URL, File download, KPDN)
Up to 100,000 visitors per month (Unbeatable in this category)
Made Point-N-Click Easy To Serve Marketers Across All Experience Levels
No Coding Or Technical Skills Required. Fully Web-Based. Just Login And Profit
Seamless Social & Business Integrations: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Skype, Major Autoresponders, Google calendar and many more
Fast & Furious: Pre-Created Blocks Built On Google Cloud Pro. For Faster Implementation And Loading To Increase Profit By 57%
Fully Responsive: Mobile friendly fast loading pages
Goal Tracking: No External Split-Testing And Tracking Tools Needed
Get Quick Stats Per Funnel Page, Published Status, Active Split Test Status And A Lot More
Bar And Graphics To Show Revenue, Sales And Most Valuable Customers For 1-Glance Analysis
Create Unlimited Funnels And Pages
Advanced Technology Has Already Served More Than 20 Million Page Visits
Pick-N-Use: 200+ Pre-Done Modern Design Pages To Get You Started Immediately
Built-In Cart And Reporting System To Sell Products With PayPal And Stripe
Built-In Page Importer: Import Any Page Online And Build Your Next Page In Minutes
1-Click Share, Clone, Publish, Unpublish, Delete And Archive Funnels (Single Or In Bulk)
Create/Clone Pages In Multiple Languages With The Built-In Drag-N-Drop Editor For Non-English Speaking Audience And Skyrocket Sales
Create And Customize Buttons And Coupons To Skyrocket Conversions
Also Includes: A 5 Step Guide To Creating Your First Product AND A New Funnel Guide
About The Creator
This amazing product “Funnelvio” is created by Neil Napier. This man is not strange in IM anymore. He is well-known as a talented product developer in the online space.
Over $4M in sales via JVZoo alone
Sold over 100,000 units of different software & training
Generated over $7M in 7 years as a marketer
Creator of Kyvio, Meetvio and Mailvio – Backed By 20M Page Views and $5M In Customer Sales
Some of his remarkable products such as SyndRanker 2.0, FlowTraffic, Email Ramp, Mailvio 25k, Meetvio, MailEngageX, Funnel247, Webinar X etc.
In this new launch, Neil has teamed up with Dragan Plushkovsk and Simon Warner – JV Manager. These guys have also gained their reputation for many high-quality products as well.
I am sure you will enjoy using this mind blowing funnel builder technology. I really thankful to Neil for bringing this up to marketers like you and me.
Why Funnelvio & Why Not Other Funnel Builder Platforms?
Your current funnel builder is leaking profits and costing you way more than it should. I know – this may come as disappointing news, but i better tell you this now. Because the longer we wait, the more money you lose.
The current funnel builders in the market (including the big one that starts with c) do 3 things critically wrong (and that loses you money!). Their pages load slow. This means many visitors don’t even see your headline – let alone see the optin box or the buy button. So you lose money.
Their sites go down. Now this doesn’t happen all the time – but imagine if it happens while you are sleeping, or you are draining money on ads – not cool, right? But here’s the worst thing about them. They overcharge you. Like way, waaaay overcharge you.
Listen, I’ve been in the software business for 3+ years, and there’s one thing I know – technology, hosting and support are becoming cheaper by the day. There’s no way you should be paying $297 per month for software that is slow, and sometimes doesn’t work!
And in our marketing trend research over the past year, we found that most of the funnels you have built in the past are built on old architecture, and are slow, and so unreliable.
Also, the funnel builder you use right now (IF you have one) is more expensive than what you see on this page.
Here is what Funnelvio offer…
Ultra-Fast Page Loading Faster than anything out there
Real-Time Funnel Visualization Enabled
Watch the funnel take shape as you create it
Advanced Pixel-Perfect Drag-And-Drop Editor
Create the perfect funnel page with point-n-click simplicity
Funnelvio Review – How Does It Work?
Funnelvio works in 3 simple steps.
Funnelvio Review – Inside Members Area
Choose any one of the funnel type. You have 5 option to choose.
For this test, i am choosing webinar funnel. Next, set each page a roll. I am setting page 1 as my sales page.
Page roll set up complete for this funnel.
No, choose a template from Funnelvio. This is 100% done for you already. However, you can customize them.
Onece you finish customize the sale page, you have to customize all the other pages as well.
Once you complete the customization, just publish your funnel.
Now, you can see a complete stat such as how much hits your funnels getting and what is the traffic source and things like that.
Top 3 Features I Personally Like From “Funnelvio”
Feature #1: Brand New Drag-And-Drop Page Builder Tech
It’s so smooth to use that you’ll instantly fall in love with it. The level of flexibility and precision you get with this builder will make your competitors think you’ve hired an expensive designer.
Which is going to result in well-designed pages. And you know what well-designed pages mean by that? You ‘re going to make more sales. As a matter of fact, we have a V2 version of this builder in development, which will give you both block-based and freestyle drag’n drop building capabilities. And you’ll get a free upgrade to that.
Feature #2: Create Fast-Loading Funnel Pages
Funnelvio creates fast loading funnels and pages. Take a look the speed of a Funnelvio page. It’s amazing. Blazingly fast loading pages with 99.9% uptime powered by Google Cloud.
Feature #3: The Funnel Cloner
What especially caught my attention was being able to clone other funnels from elsewhere. I would find that extremely useful. This feature allows you to instantly copy/clone any page or a funnel in one click. You can customize everything after cloning those pages or funnels. Create and clone pages in multiple languages to skyrocket conversions by targeting customers from all over the world.
Funnelvio Review – The Pricing & Comparison
The features, the design and the performance of Funnelvio are unmatched in the market. And this is the reason that the introductory (incredibly low) one-time price you see here on this page today is for a very limited period of time.
In fact, once this special launch comes to end. Funnelvio would be priced at par with the other Funnel Builders out there, if not more…given its clear superiority.
Funnelvio is the future of online selling…traditional funnel builders don’t even come close. See the features and pricing difference for yourself below.
Funnelvio (vs) Kartra (vs) Click funnels (vs) Leadpages
For the price of $77 (limited time), you also get all these amazing bonuses for free.
Right now is your only opportunity to get Funnelvio (and these exclusive high-value bonuses) for such an incredibly low introductory offer. With stunning pages packed into a powerful funnel that adapts to your customers buying journey from placing an order…to upsell them additional products or upgrades that you offer all the way to a hassle-free checkout cart.
Funnelvio has proven to be:
Ultra-Fast & Super Easy To Use
Reliable With 3+ years of 99.9% Uptime
Successful in Delivering Extraordinary Results
Funnelvio Review From Users
Truly an innovative and versatile funnel. There are so many features I like are available with this funnel, the templates, cloning successful funnels, translating to other languages. No wonder it took over 15 months in the making, it is so far advanced . Neil, STOP! Funnelvio is crushing ALL other funnels.
Wow! This awesome technology is going to level the playing field for many smaller sellers/affiliates – now we can COPY & EDIT without having to start from scratch! Can’t wait to get my hands on this game-changer!
Funnelvio looks like a really useful and easy tool to create funnels. What especially caught my attention was being able to clone other funnels from elsewhere. I would find that extremely useful.
Funnelvio’s visual sales funnel builder is easy to use and has plenty of options available. Their great selection of mobile responsive landing page templates. They are some of the best I’ve seen, and really easy to edit and publish.
P.S. This is not the first time I am replacing a tool I had been using in the past with Neil’s product. He is known to over-deliver every. single. time.
In my 7 years in the industry, I have seen hundreds of tools hitting the markets every day. But, only a handful of Marketers out there work out of pure passion and Neil is certainly one of them. Until recently I had been using ClickFunnels. Because of limited features and an exorbitant fee structure I had been actively looking for a better alternative. Then a few months back Neil asked me to give Funnelvio a try and give him my feedback.
To see more user reviews, visit the official website.
The Upgrade Info & Links
>>> Upgrades Require Front End To Work <<< If  You Don’t Have FE, Pick It Up Using The FE Link Below. Without FE Your Account Will Not Be Created! You Can Get Any 1 Or All Upgrades Directly From Below Links After Front End!
Main offer (FE): Funnelvio Personal & Commercial (CLICK HERE)
Upgrade 1: Funnelvio Unlimited Yearly & Onetime (LEARN MORE)
Downsell: Funnelvio Unlimited Sites (LEARN MORE)
Upgrade 2: Smart Academy (LEARN MORE)
Upgrade3: Funnelvio Templates Yearly & Onetime (LEARN MORE)
Upgrade 4: Meetvio Pro Yearly & Onetime (LEARN MORE)
Funnelvio Review – The Good & Bad
Good Things
Blazingly fast loading pages with 99.9% uptime powered by google cloud
Create unlimited funnels and pages, serving 100,000 visitors per month
Built-in checkout and reporting system to sell products with PayPal, stripe and more!
Built-in product delivery system delivers your welcome emails with products instantly!
Pick-n-use: 160 pre-done modern design pages to get you started immediately
Built-in page importer – import any page online and build your next page in minutes
1-click share, clone, publish, unpublish, delete and archive funnels (single or in bulk)
No coding or technical skills required. Fully web-based. Just login and profit
Bad Things
Everything is satisfied me for the price i paid for the Funnelvio. No issues i found until now.
Is There Any Guarantee?
You have been covered by 14 full money back guarantee. Create a few funnels and watch your profits grow. And if at any time during this period, you feel that Funnelvio doesn’t meet your expectations somehow just drop  a message to Support Desk and get your full refund processed instantly.
Final Words
Funnelvio is the best option for entrepreneurs just starting out, as it allows you to build your own mobile responsive website from scratch with their simple drag and drop editor, as well as landing pages and a lot of other profit maximizers.
Every time I plan to buy a product – I turn into a CIA or NSA level research analyst. and do a thorough check of not just the product and its competitors but also of the product creators and their overall rep.
I feel if they have done it once, they will do it again. In this case, too, I ran my background and probably know more about this man’s business than he himself (lolll). Seriously – there’s no better Funnel builder out there at the moment at least.
Funnelvio – My Custom Bonuses
Note: These are my custom bonuses for “Funnelvio” You can’t find these bonuses anywhere else on the internet. I hope my bonuses will help you get best results with this product.
How You Can Claim My Custom Bonuses?
STEP 1: “CLICK HERE” or Click on any one of the buttons advertised on this page and it will take you to the official sales page.
In case if you see a message like below, check my name (Partha) and affiliate id (#764589) and approve the change.
STEP 2: Order the product from official website.
STEP 3:  Send me you purchase receipt to below email id. You will get your bonuses within 24 hours.
F.A.Q. About Funnelvio
Funnelvio is FASTER!
Funnelvio is RELIABLE (99.9% uptime), and
Funnelvio is AFFORDABLE! Simple as that!
Absolutely. Funnelvio supports multiple languages. You can create funnels and pages in French, Spanish, Italian, and of course, English.
Dump it! Sorry to be so frank but to develop and remain ahead of the competition your business needs to adapt to new technologies. In terms of usability and the ability to achieve high performance, Funnelvio is a miles ahead of other funnel builders. Perhaps most importantly – you can do it at a one-time low launch price today.
Funnelvio comes with a 14-day money-back guarantee. You can always ask for a full refund within that period and go back to using your old expensive and wonky funnel builder.
Funnelvio is a part of Kyvio – so if you already have Kyvio, check your email (or our Kyvio group) and you will see more information about how to get your copy of Funnelvio.
source https://spsreviews.com/funnelvio-review/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=funnelvio-review from SPS Reviews https://spsreviewscom1.blogspot.com/2020/07/funnelvio-review-what-exactly-is.html
0 notes
martechadvisor-blog · 7 years
15 Ways to Stop Failing at Social Media Marketing and Customer Support
Corporate social media channels have the potential to greatly extend brand reach and drive customer traffic to the website — and to create PR nightmares on a scale that was unimaginable even a decade ago.   
Social is definitely a double-edged sword. On the one side, social channels are great for pushing content out to an opted-in audience; for promoting products and services; for sharing company milestones, news, and awards.
On the other side, social media hands a megaphone to disgruntled customers, activists, and Internet trolls — and you have no control over what they say about your brand and when.
It’s essential to manage both sides of the social media game, lest you become a cautionary tale (like the infamous “United Breaks Guitars” debacle, where poor customer service from United Airlines inspired a viral music video that has reached well over 16 million views).
As I’ve researched some of the most egregious social media fails from major brands over the last few years, I identified five common categories. Avoid these, and you’ll largely stay out of the path of the circling sharks.
Considering that you probably have loftier goals than simply staying out of trouble in the social media world, I’ve followed up the fails with five tips for improving your social-media marketing efforts and five tips for improving social-based customer support.
Five Types of Social Media Fails
Posting to the Wrong Account. When something outrageous appears on a corporate Twitter account, it’s usually the result of an employee accidentally posting a personal Tweet to the company account. (This has happened to KitchenAid, the Red Cross, and the U.S. Justice Department.) Do you have any checks and balances in place to avoid this kind of innocent but costly mistake?
Copying-and-Pasting the Wrong Link. Both US Airways and an ESPN analyst humiliated themselves by inadvertently embedding unrelated (and wildly inappropriate) links into otherwise benign posts. Even though the ESPN example was deleted within seconds, somebody was poised to screen-capture the offending Tweet. Somebody always is.
Being Tone Deaf. Attempts to capitalize on international tragedies or troubling current events never play well on social. Recent offenders include the Seattle Seahawks comparing the Civil Rights struggle to a football game, American Apparel somehow mistaking a photo of the Challenger explosion for festive fireworks, and Kenneth Cole using the 2011 Cairo uprising to promote his spring collection. Learn from these mistakes.
Asking for It. Your goal may be to appear open and conversational, but attempts to actively invite social feedback can majorly backfire. Just ask SeaWorld how their #AskSeaWorld hashtag panned out, or JPMorgan Chase about #AskJPM, or McDonald’s about #McDStories. If your brand is already suffering from negative public perception, a hashtag campaign will only compound your problems.
Hasty Hashtagging. Before you blindly toss a hashtag into a social post, research why it’s trending and what it means. DiGiornio enraged the Internet when it inserted the #WhyIStayed domestic violence hashtag into a pizza Tweet.  Entenmann’s donuts made the same mistake by applying #notguilty to donuts, when the rest of the Internet was using it to vent about an outrageous verdict in a murder trial.
Five Tips for Better Social Marketing
1. Pay Attention to All Relevant Social Media Channels
If you've convinced yourself that Facebook and Twitter are the only channels you need to pay attention to, you could be missing out on great opportunities. Think LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest. Not every channel will be applicable to every industry, however, so don’t spread your team too thin trying to have a presence everywhere. Relevancy is key.
2. Measure the Right Social Media Metric
There’s really one metric that tops all others: referrals to the website. Having a lot of followers and fans means nothing — unless they are authentically interested in your products or services and likely to click through at some point. Gathering cheap, irrelevant likes through contests and other means won’t do anything meaningful for your brand.
3. Make Social Media Somebody’s Top Priority
If social media is nothing more than a side job for someone on your marketing team, you’re not going to get much value out of it. It takes dedicated effort over time to establish a strong presence, connect with relevant influencers, build a following, and learn what does and doesn’t work in your industry. That means putting social media at the top of somebody’s list.
4. Embrace the Unpredictability
Social media is unlike many other marketing efforts in that you don’t get to control it. Your social efforts will take on a life of their own, if you’re lucky. If you create something that goes viral, people are going to add to it and riff on it, and you just have to go with the flow. The goal is to create an environment where your customers can create messages about you, which means you don’t get to manage every aspect of the narrative.
5. Leverage the Rest of Your Employees
You have one person in charge of social media, and a couple of hundred other employees who could be contributing to the cause. If you really want to get a multiplier effect, make it easy for the rest of the company to be socially engaged and helping to promote your business. It never hurts to send out an email that contains links to your most recent online content, encouraging everyone to pick one or two items to share with their own social circles. Better yet, check out some of the social share apps like Smarp. Not everything will resonate with every employee, so the more options, the better.
Five Tips for Improving Social Media Customer Service
1. Have a Plan.
Customers who want to provide feedback or complain publicly about you are going to do it, whether you’re savvy at social media or not, whether you’re engaged and listening or not. It’s coming, so you better figure out what you’re going to do with it. My previous article for MarTech Advisor, “6 Reasons Marketers Should Be More Involved in Customer Experience” offers useful tips for navigating this side of social media.
2. Don’t Be Defensive.
If you messed up, own it immediately and empower your people to resolve the problem quickly. “We’re looking into it” simply doesn’t fly in this era of instant gratification. Customers want answers and solutions, and they want them now. As Forbes reports, “The Ritz-Carlton has for many years given staff  $2,000 of discretion (yes, this is per employee per guest) to be used to solve any customer complaint in the manner the employee feels is appropriate.” I don’t know what the right number is for your business, but give your customer support team some room to be creative so that small mistakes don’t escalate into big PR nightmares.
3. Always Be Listening.
People are talking about you online, and you don’t get to choose whether or not to engage. You must be listening and responding. Neglecting comments, concerns and complaints, even for a day or two, is the second worst thing you can do. What’s worse? Deleting them. The backlash will be swift and severe. Just ask Smucker’s.
4. Watch Trends in Complaints
Don’t think of social media customer service issues as isolated problems to be solved one by one. Somebody has to be watching trends. Is this the first time we’ve heard this complaint this month — or the twentieth time? Are we seeing the same problems coming through social that are hitting our other customer service channels? Make sure someone is aggregating the feedback, looking at the root causes, and forwarding the information on to someone who can correct the core issues.
5. Unite Customer Support and Marketing
I’ve said it before, but the two halves of corporate social media efforts (marketing and customer support) are intimately intertwined, and they depend upon each other for their ultimate success. Yet they are completely disconnected from one another in far too many companies. If you want to ensure that core brand values, voice, and visual identity are carried through every customer touch point, then the customer success team and marketing need to be joined at the hip.
This article was first appeared on MarTech Advisor
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divinefishingtips · 4 years
TGIWednesday and clearing dark energies from your space
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TGIWednesday News
Mercury retrograde begins again today through Nov. 3rd  and before that we're coming up on another full moon on Halloween night.  Never ask, "What could possibly go wrong with this?" because they will show you! Instead, I like making statements like, "We will make it through all of this with grace and ease."  "Every day in every way, regardless of circumstances - my life improves!" And "Regardless of world events, politics, or even the weather; my life will stay on track and with each passing day I will be rewarded!"  Wow, these came through as fast as I could type! Please know that clearing yourself and your home is a daily occurrence and some days are better than others. I believe life is like blood sugar/blood pressure and a lava lamp - constantly changing.  So it's important to check in & fish out and try to influence the change to go your way.  
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Remember that this month we are offering the Dark Energies Audio MP3 at a discount Click here for an automatic 20% off!
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Also, you can truly benefit from some AMAZING free clearings for entities etc that were a part of yesterday's live show. Watch this replay with my guest Gosia Lorenz.  For the local folks, this Friday I will be LIVE in person at Dr. Charla Tempone’s Tampa office. ☎️ (813) 873-7773  Call this number to get on my schedule there.  And the final announcement is that we are VERY close to releasing our newest MP3 (and the latest addition to our Money series) called MyBeliefWorks™ for Experiencing a Bountiful Harvest. This will include over 130 clearings for aligning with and inviting in money flows of plenty so you can have more ease and fun receiving, growing, having and spending money; allowing you to have greater wealth to joyfully share with others knowing that Spirit will always provide and you will have more than enough. Stay tuned!!...
TGIWednesday Download
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~ CLEARING DARK ENERGIES IN YOUR SPACE ~ I believe, think, know and feel that as I read or hear this now I am clearing my body and my space of all dark energies.  I know, when, where, how and why to ask spirit and the light to clear out any negative beings and to bring more light into my world. I am ready, willing and able to move forward clear of dark entities and any and all dark energies and I am asking in all languages and throughout all timelines.
LIVE Appearances - Free Healing
You Wealth Revolution's ALL NEW Global Awakening Project™ online event is happening now.
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Join nearly 1 million people who will experience a ‘high vibration’ energy field as 40+ top teachers, healers, and scientists (including myself in November) will reveal their #1 quantum energy activations to instantly help YOU and  Get Your '639 Hz Abundance & Harmony Kit™' Gift + The Global Awakening Project™ LIVE Event Access — FREE FREE TO REGISTER & Get Your Free Gift!
 Tampa Office Sessions
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THIS FRIDAY October 16th from 10am-4pm  Please call their office directly at  ☎️ (813) 873-7773 in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes $38 or 30-minutes $68. If you’re new to working with me, I suggest you schedule 30 minutes. SWANN HOLISTIC HEALTH SOLUTIONS I'll be offering sessions at Dr. Charla Tempone’s NEW office at Swann Holistic Health Solutions
403 S. Habana Ave. Tampa, FL 33609 Just south of Azeele next to Skin Savvy http://www.ctholisticsolutions.com -------------------------------------------
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Friday sessions are back to being phone-only for folks that I usually see at Kodawari until further notice. You can book time with me in the shop and schedule online.   3965 Henderson Blvd Suite C Tampa ☎️ (813) 999-1874 http://www.kodawariyoga.com/
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
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Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack OCTOBER 14th "Today I will live in the vibration of faith and the ability to rise higher and live freer than ever before. I will bask in the spirit of all that is and blend into the frequency of the power of the universe while living in faith and in favor."
The Jimmy Mack Healing Show
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NEW VIDEO FORMAT! WATCH IT LIVE  TUESDAY'S at 4pm EDT / 1pm PDT Watch and Participate (via Comments) during the Live TV Show streamed on Goldylocks Productions YouTube Channel, Facebook Page and Periscope.   NOTE: You will need to log into your YouTube (Google) or Facebook accounts to comment. If you watch the Live show from any other location other than the 3 listed below, your comments will not be seen by the Show Host or Producer. https://www.facebook.com/GoldylocksProductions https://www.pscp.tv/Goldylocks168/follow Or watch all live and replays in the archives here: https://thejimmymackhealingshow.com/
Instructions for the VIEWERS: 1.    One reading/message per person. The first question posted will be answered, so please think about your question carefully before posting it.  2.    If you want a longer and more detailed message, please book an appointment with the Show Host.  3.    Spirit does come through and gives messages that can apply to many, not just the person asking the question. 4.    It is not required nor should be expected that every question or comment will be addressed by the Show Host. 5.    If you have any issues with the show host or show format, please contact the Show Producer... not the Show Host. 6.    Contact the Show Producer, Rev. Tiffany White Sage Woman via email: [email protected] Yesterday's Show - Watch the replay here! Special Guest Gosia Lorenz | www.gosialorenz.com
October 20th - NO SHOW THIS WEEK
October 27th Rev Debbie | Our resident trans medium communications with your loved ones in spirit. Visit her Facebook page
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**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
From the Fish Box
Q & A With Jimmy Q) "I am considering getting the VIP prayer service and noticed on the sales page it saying it would be most helful and effective to keep the list brief. I have done it in the past and you said to give your top 10 issues to work on and I was just wondering if a lower number like 5 would be more helpful or recommended now?"  - Sean
  A) "Up to 10 is fine……I never know what’s going to happen but we seem to have better “luck” with clients that do one liners and 10 or less. To do say 5 does not mean we’ll have better luck with 5 rather than 10 I am sure you understand what we’re saying." - Jimmy
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Nightly prayers include COVID-19. Each night we work on scrambling the frequency for everyone on the prayer list. Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
The 30-day service is now being offered exclusively  and you also have the option of selecting an ongoing subscription ($95/month) which is managed through PayPal only.
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers. *NOTE if the MDP Service was purchased via a special telesummit or radio show offer, prayers will be limited to BUYER ONLY - and will not include family members or pets.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day! 
Sign Up for 30-Days - $99
Go deep sea "fishing" with Jimmy!
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Level 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime! Click here to watch the Mastery video playlist
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
For those who aren't familiar, here's the list of the MyBeliefWorks™ audio library. 
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Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better. Don't forget... you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
Abundance Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe COVID-19 Clearings Creative Spark Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives The Gold Coin Healing Physical Body Healing Mental Stress Holiday Stress
Increasing Intuition IRS & Tax Time Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss Windfall Youth & Vitality *MySwitchWorks Videos
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​ ​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Download the My Liquid Fish® Starter Kit (*Updated May 2019) Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® Watch Free Videos on YouTube Weekly Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2020 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.smbeconnected.com  
Stay connected!
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  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
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