#“They were endgame 😔” He was an abusive lunatic
caterpillarinacave · 8 months
I’m sure I’ll be crucified for this, but way some people in fandoms like The Tudors talk about people like Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boylen and Jane Seymour a) is disappointing, b) gross, and c) reeks of internalized misogyny 
#Gonna go on a rant here but before I start: I love The Tudors and I love Anne Boylen. Also ignore the spelling mistakes it’s fine it’s intag#It’s just the rampant vilinaizing of Jane Seymour and the need to set it up like Anne did nothing to Catherine is just#Sigh#You know the fact that she was horrible to Catherine of Aragon doesn’t mean she deserved her fate right?#None of those women deserved their fate they were abused by a lunatic on power#And despite that people automatically even in these fandoms see blame on the woman#There’s is someone to blame!#king henry viii!! He’s to blame! Literally all him#Jane Seymour wasn’t an awful witch her lured Henry away from Anne and Anne wasn’t an awful witch who lured Henry from COA#Henry was an awful man who took pleasure in chasing women#Also the way people get so caught up on whether Henry liked Anne best???#Why the duck does it matter??? Didn’t Anne deserve so much more?#I’m not sad they didn’t stay together I’m sad anne had the misfortune of crossing his path#“They were endgame 😔” He was an abusive lunatic#There’s no one to blame but him#Also news didn’t travel the same way#And I’m really sick of all the “Jane Seymour could have saved anne”#Like duck she could#“She had hold over Henry” girl she literally didn’t#Which we know because she did once fall to her knees and beg him not to do something#And he made it very clear if she ever did that again she was done for and#And it was medival England#It was the kings word or nothing#Katherine Howard likely didn’t even know her cousin had been beheade#To try and fight the king#for Anne#who was so controversial and harshly tempered#who the king had decreed to be traitorous?#That would literally be impossible#And yeah WE know that Anne was obviously innocent
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