#“my stubbornness will put up a fight//but i don't deserve to win it” however is for meta knight in particular
starflungwaddledee · 3 months
Song quiery/request: Starstruck and Meta? o:
starstruck and meta knight (gen... ish?) ; liar by the Arcadian Wild
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i sense deception to come, honestly, truth and i are never one coz i am the lying man, and i have made you my next victim oh, i need you to see through my act, to tell me i'm wrong, to take off the mask or else i'll be left in the lie, and i'll deceive my way straight to demise
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prettyboykatsuki · 2 years
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pt 1. s2, ep24, bkdk vs allmight.
✫ disclaimer: this is a complicated scene. my analysis is meant to be a break down of each characters choices and why they made them more so than it is talking the ethics of the fight which i personally feel are questionable.
also i write meta for fun and because i enjoy it so please be kind lol.
this is... an interesting fight to say the least.
this fight is one of the most controversial in the series and i think that's for good reason. i don't know how to feel about it as it stands, but i am gonna discuss what i believe the fight was attempting to execute vs how i think it could've been handled better.
in terms of the series - and the relationship between bakugou and deku, this is the first time they've faced each other in any regard since their first fight. bakugou as a character is arrogant and stubborn, additionally coming off an unsatisfactory failure in the public eye (sports festival). deku on the other hand is dealing with the mantle of being the successor to allmight, carrying on his legacy
each character in this fight is doing the thing most necessary to their growth - facing all might as an obstable. for bakugou, defeating all might is an arrogant wish that he pins his self worth on. for deku, his worship of all might as a figure prohibits from reaching his pontential.
bakugou's arrogance and izuku's insecurity are parallels for one another. in many ways - i think this scene is meant to symbolize that the two of them are tied down in a similar way.
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partially, i think bkgs frustration in this is so multiplied because he understands that the both of them share all might as the pinncale of succsess, albeit in different ways. when you factor in bakugous general resentment to deku it's a recipe for disaster.
this fight is rough. it requires more delicacy from the teachers. while i understand what the necessity is, i find the brute force difficult to sit through. i think as viewers we're meant to take that into consideration and be uncomfortable with the severity. the most interesting part to me is this
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"i wonder why he's in such a hurry"
i think for bakugou, working with deku means resigning defeat. admitting deku has improved exponentially in a short amount of time. in his quest to reign indifferent, he puts himself and his win at risk. he can't place his own frustration. it's uncomfortable and gutting.
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its important to note that deku extends his empathy to kacchan willingly here. despite how much of a jerk, deku lends empathy when bakugou doesn't deserve it and still discusses how much he admired bakugou for that urge. a scene later, all might acknowledges bakugou's anger completely.
"i know why're so angry. it's because of young midoriyas sudden improvement, isn't it?"
allmight then makes this comparison between them, that bakugou is wasting potential. many people focus on the punch that made bakugou throw up, but i actually think that line was more impactful
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bakugou proceeds to do something interesting. he takes in, and understand all mights points. for the sake of his pride, he says something along the lines "if i have to get help from that scum, i'd rather lose."
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this reaction from deku is.. interesting to say the least. of all the things that could've made deku angry, it's bakugou saying he would rather lose that makes izuku retaliate. that makes izuku pick bakugou up and run into an alley. what izuku is most frustrated with is bakugou ever admitting defeat, because it goes against who bakugou is in a way that's fundamental.
but we established it earlier, didn't we - that deku feels frustrated by bakugou frequently. however his admiration for bakugou's capabilities are more important.
im gonna analyze the latter half in another post, but esentially - i think the first part is explain well here. the latter half explores character intent. there is one specific bit i want to analyze
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dragontamer-nia · 3 years
Max [Parental figures and fighting spirits]
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Max and Judy Mizuhara 
Max Mizuhara is the child of two very different people. 
On one hand, we have Taro Mizuhara: a cheerful and friendly man who lives a simple life, owns a little hobby shop, and has taken a passion for a kids' game which requires a certain degree of technical knowledge. He's basically a mechanic, he has a rather small but very functional training ground in the basement of his shop, and he encourages Max to do his best, but most importantly to have fun with his friends. 
On the other hand, we have Judy Mizuhara: an ambitious, strong-willed woman, whose research and abilities have made her rise from the already prestigious position of university professor to the director of the most important and reputable research centre for beyblades, where she has all the resources, funds and technology she could ever need to work with at her disposal. We know the PPB is held in such high regard that her role requires her to answer directly to the goddamn Secretary of State. 
And… Taro and Judy love Max. However, while all we can gather about Taro's opinion on this whole "taking beyblade seriously and winning the world championship" thing is that he supports Max because he wants to see him happy, we know exactly what Judy thinks. 
She thinks Max doesn't have what it takes to be a champion. 
Max's crisis is, in a way, the opposite of Rei's: while Rei at one point already had everyone believing in him, and had to prove that the his actions are atypical but ultimately right, Max has to prove that he is worth believing in because the way he is is right; and that his fighting spirit is just as tough and resilient as everyone else's in this field, if not even more so than most, but his friendly, kind and bubbly personality throws people off. 
And the fact that, of all people, it's his own mother who rejects him almost crushes him. Judy loved him when he was just her fun, adorable child, but when he dared try and assert himself as a person with dreams and a fighting spirit, suddenly she turns her back on him. 
Worse yet, Judy has new children in America. Kids she personally chose as the best in the whole US. Kids who lived and breathed to follow whatever she said. Kids who are very explicitly competitive, who are sports prodigies and know it, who parade around wearing their sports' uniform like a badge of honour, knowing that they're just so much better than anyone else that they're backed up by the effin government... and people love them. They are stars, they are heroes. And so, people shower the All Starz with admiration and attention, and the All Starz love the glory Judy has granted them, and Judy loves them in return and supports them. 
Of course, not only has Max to deal with whatever is going on with his mother's behaviour, not only has he to endure his mom's new, arrogant kids, he also has to face their feelings of jealousy: after all, he is the coach's actual son. And he's a nobody. This is Max, the son of their beloved coach? He's weak, right? Not a trace of ambition, no competitiveness at all, only smiles and "lEt'S bE NiCe tO eAcH oThEr". Why does Judy love this guy? 
Poor Max is having the worst time of his life as the finals for the A block approach, and the night before the finals Kyouju bluntly tells him that he shouldn't fight at all in the coming matches. "They have your data," he says. "They don't have Kai's data," they all say. Max knows what's up: his own team is starting to believe in the All Starz, they are starting to lose faith in him too. What is his team thinking? Would the PPB not have taken his data, had he been stronger, had he been like Kai? They, his own team, his friends, think that even giving Max a mere chance at proving them all wrong would jeopardize their chances of reaching the world's finals, and they’re not willing to take that risk. 
Max is not the type to lash out at people and impose his own world view onto others, as Takao would, but he knows this is an injustice, he knows he doesn't deserve this treatment. Max storms off, leaving the rest of the team appalled: clearly, no one expected nice, friendly Max to react so strongly. They do eventually change their minds after the team finally understands just how badly he needs to. 
Because, after running on the roof of the hotel to get a bit of fresh air… Max finds his mother there. 
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Judy thinks she's being objective, because that's what she's used to as a scientist: research is based on numbers, and numbers tell her that Max truly doesn't have a chance. But she's also a professional, and the spot she was put into requires her to not help her own son at all. She can do absolutely nothing but accept that Max is bound to lose, and Max has got to understand this as soon as possible.
Judy knows what it takes to rise to the top, because she has done it. Cold and merciless, ambitious and strong-willed, tough and resilient: she is a champion, in her own way. And she didn’t obtain the most prestigiuos position in her field by being nice; this is why, when choosing the players who would represent the US in the world tournament, she selected kids with a competitive background, who are capable of being cold and merciless when required. And now that her own son is competing against the PPB, a big machine that receives all the funding they need, a whole building full with equipment and any machine they could possibly think of to study their opponents, gather data, prepare a strategy, keep their bladers in top condition… she doesn’t want Max to even try and enter this ruthless race to the top. He is nice, and she accepts it and loves him for it, but... he’s too nice to survive in this world.
I think Judy is the one who chose this role for herself. She knows Taro. She knows she has to be the realistic and disillusioned parent to balance him out, because Taro is just so carefree and happy, with no trace of ambition or fighting spirit, and Max is just like Taro. 
This is why the necklace is important. 
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Max's fighting spirit doesn't just derive from the fact that he wants to prove his own progresses to Judy. He quite literally inherited his mother's fighting spirit. Max is just as ambitious and strong-willed, Max is just as tough and resilient. Who decided that someone cocky like Michael, or cold and merciless like Judy, is clearly inherently stronger than someone like Max? Max is having none of this shit, and he's having none of this shit as nicely as he can, because he will not bend: Max is not worth believing in even though he's nice and friendly; Max is worth believing in because he's nice and friendly, and it's perfectly fine, thank you. 
And Max proves that Judy was wrong about him, he proves that everyone was wrong about him, and the moment he does, the moment he finally wins against Michael and secures the path to the finals… 
He's just happy. 
At this point, Max would have every reason to brag. He'd be justified to take the spotlight, flip the bird to the All Starz - the kids who really thought the BBA guys were just a bunch of noobs - and laugh right at their dumbstruck faces. 
But the thought of doing so doesn't even cross his mind. He smiles and he's happy, and his team is happy for him, and they all celebrate the fact that Max has won. 
On the other side of the stadium, Judy is forced to face a hard truth that she, deep down, had always known: there's no number understandable by a computer that can describe how fucking stubborn and creative the both of them can become to reach the goals they have set for themselves. 
As she smiles at her own blindness, she walks to Max to congratulate him, and as Judy recognizes and owns her mistake, Max simply smiles and lets it all go, water under the bridge. Because that's who Max is.
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The fact that, at some point, someone in the production crew decided to include Kyouju openly glaring at Judy in this fundamental shot is very telling in my opinion LOL
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my opinions about all the peaky women
• polly gray
is the woman i respect the entire serie. she speaks wise words, knows how to handle, strong woman, can see your future with one eye. you don't want to fight with her she always find a way to win. however she will be in fight with herself in s6 for whos side she wil choose i believe she will be strong in this period. definitely she is a mother that everyone needs in life. love her respect her.
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• ada shelby
at first i didn't like her in the beginning. she was in my eyes to obsessed with freddie that she forgets herself. but later she learns how to deal with it and became to a wise grown woman. perfectly has the best glow up than anyone. can say whatever to tommy and she is not afraid of it. fearless queen we stan.
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• grace burgess
probably everyones favourite woman for tommy. what i like from her was her singing. quit remember me on tangled when she was singing in the pub. is smart to bc she found where the guns were. and she was the only one who could put a smile on tommys face. but i didn't like how she went married to another one while she is still in love with him. thats literally an exile she did to herself. but i shouldn't forget the fact she saved him so yeah i love her but not so much like everyone does.
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• may carleton
the cutest of the cutest. literally did anything wrong except only loving tommy. she was the first i stanned. you can't say anything bad about her. she loved him even he said that he loved grace. i think that was real love. maybe i wrote 100000 tweets about she should must come in s6. but sadly after watching antonys interview i don't think they will put may back. sorry for the may stans. we can say there was a horse girl that came and went with style.
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• tatiana petrovna
never understand why y'all love her. had i seen different scenes than you or are we watching the same serie? doubt in myself. never liked her. hmm she is a psycho the fact she used tommy when he was in the sadness of graces dead. yes i'm always here for strong woman but not in this way. but uh her mother seems the same so i can't blame her to much. y'all probably will hate me after this tweet.
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• lizzie stark
i'ld like she divorce tommy and marry me. i'ld give everything she deserves. tommy don't deserve her. he is still in with grace and he doesn't see lizzies patienceful love. maybe john would treat her better if they married i could see that john literally loved her. but yeah she made a mistake but she learned about it and is now the queen of the shelbys. lizzies story is more like in real life. maybe thats why she is mostly acurated character to me. and i kinda want that she takes over the company bc why not. polly, ada and lizzie could do it. s6 could be a woman season and i hope anthony will give us this serve. for the ones who still refuse; its called lizzie supremacy people its lizzie world and you just live in it.
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• jessie eden
the underrated woman of all. i do not love her but don't hate her. actually don't know what i should feel about her. all what i love from her is her voice nothing more. maybe if she had more screentime i'ld love her. she is cute but can't make it in the top category of the peaky woman.
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• esme shelby
however it was first a forced marriage i think esme and john really loved each other. the cutest baby face she own. cute but stubborn to listen to tommy. don't have much to say more about her.
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• linda shelby
is definitely a bitch. i still confused if she is good for arthur or not. maybe arthur doesn't deserve her bc she wanted arthur to be good. but she self isn't that angel. uhhh....
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• gina gray
uhmm i can't say anything bc anya playing her. but she is an interesting character and something in me saids she uses michael so im so excited what her steps are. i need more to see what she is about to doing. all we know she is a danger for the shelbys. can't wait to s6.
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sleepy-sunlight · 5 years
"Don't you dare" for Cullen x Inquisitor
Of course! I thought I’d be plenty of fun to write something with this prompt and had so many different possibilities! I just hope you enjoy what I’ve come up with and have a fantastic day dear
“Don’t you Dare”
Cullen was not sick.  
The Commander of the Inquisition’s armies, did not get sick.
It was simply an impossibility.  
His schedule, already threatening to burst with its constant business, couldn’t handle the irreparable damage that an illness would inevitably cause.  
So, Cullen elected to just, not be sick.  
Sure, his head throbbed like someone were banging a mace against it, his bones rattled as if they may break at the slightest pressure, and his throat left his voice drier than sandpaper, but he most assuredly wasn’t sick.  
The conclusion he’d come to however, wasn’t nearly as well accepted by others.
Josephine for one, had turned out to be quite the nag.  
“You look like you’d collapse at the smallest breeze.” She had once said as he staggered into her office, only able to give her a small dip of his head before he glanced back to his papers.  
She pursed her lips and rose  from her seat, settling her hands on her hips. “You know Commander, you’re much more charming when you answer those speaking to you.”  
“You wouldn’t understand me if I tried.” He rasped.  
“What was that?”  
He almost laughed.  
He scribbled it down onto one of the few documents he hadn’t drowned in his reports, the fellow advisor having to stifle a snort.
“Feeling a little under the weather, are we?” She scoffed. “I hope you have a plan on just how you’re going to hide that from your darling Inquisitor. They can be quite the worrier, if you hadn’t noticed.”  
Her cheeks puffed out with amusement as she spoke. “And seeing how often you stare at them… it’d be hard to believe there’s something you haven’t noticed.”  
Did he perhaps make a rude gesture involving his middle finger? Yes. Did he regret it? No.
With most others he’d be a polite statue with a brooding expression but Leliana and Josephine somehow managed to bring out the snarkiest parts of him he didn’t even know was there. It was like having his sisters pester him all over again – if one was a deadly assassin and the other an Antivan diplomat.  
“Don’t get upset with me for pointing out the obvious,” She mused. “You may as well go and try to get a head-start on resting. Nothing heals the body like sleep.” 
Can’t sleep. I need to keep working. He scribbled onto his parchment.  
“Well, maybe this is your body telling you to take a break,” She frowned. “If you even know what that word means.”  
Wars don’t stop to take breathers. Neither will I.  
She rolled her eyes and approached him so that she could set a comforting, firm hand on his shoulder.  
“If wars are the only thing that inspire you these days, no wonder you’re so close to crumbling.”  
She glanced up to him and her gaze held a rare sincerity, nothing like the façade he’d seen her hold far too many times with fellow representatives of state.  
“Please reconsider, for your own good.”  
The words had lingered with him since, and even then, standing in the war room the next day, while his pride had won out, guilt still managed to tug at his chest.  
She hadn’t treated him any differently but a sort of knowing enveloped her all too clearly.  
And with your arrival, she struck him a single glance and the tiniest hint of a smug, awaiting smirk.  
She really was one of his sisters in all but blood, wasn’t she?
You came to the table with a highly held head and the familiar, gentle smile he’d come to know and not-so-secretly adore. You gave a bright wave with the free hand that wasn’t grappling a thick stack of documents, and your gaze almost instinctively traveled to him before your already rosy cheeks became that much darker.  
“Good afternoon everyone. I trust everything has been going well?” You asked, shifting your attention to your other dear advisors, rocking on the soles of your feet in anticipation.  
“Of course. My recent excursion with an Orlesian noble in fact has earned us a significant donation. I think it will be well spent towards reinforcing our inventories.”  
Leliana simpered and leaned forward against the table, once so curt and stiff now proud smiling like she held a secret she simply couldn’t wait to spill. “While Josie was off gallivanting in Orlais, I found the location of several secret hideouts near Denerim, Redcliffe, and Ostagar. My forces remain near, waiting for your command.”  
“Oh?” Josie wrinkled her nose. “I didn’t realize we were competing Lily.”  
“You knew,” She snickered. “You just didn’t realize you were losing.”  
“I’m teasing…!” Leliana laughed. “But if we were competing, I’d be winning.”  
Before Josephine could snap another witty comment, you cut through with an amused lightness in your voice that only poured further through with your laughter. “Alright now, let’s give it a rest. We haven’t even given Commander Rutherford a chance to speak. Maybe he’ll throw you both out of the water!”  
Oh no. He thought.  
You beamed at him and he swore even the brightest rays of sunlight were dull in comparison to your warmth, his breath hitching and stomach fluttering with those awful butterflies he’d never confess of.  
“So… Cullen, what have you got to report?”  
He knew there wasn’t much of a chance this would end well, so he braced himself and took a deep breath, clearing his throat.  
“Well as of late…”
His voice sounded like gravel, coarse and dry like it were painful to utter a sound, and his throat already crackled and ushered forward another cough that he couldn’t quite swallow down.  
Your eyes had widened like saucers the very second he spoke, and your brows had knotted with concern by the time he’d finished.
“Cullen…” You were ripe with concern, Cullen biting the inside of his cheek with that tinge of guilt growing to a wave crashing against him. “Do you feel alright?”  
“I ah – I admit I feel a bit under the weather but it’s nothing I can’t manage.” He tried to soothe your worries with a crooked grin but your focus remained plastered to his dark circles and ragged breaths.  
Why did you have to care so much?  
Why did you have to care so much about him?  
He didn’t deserve it anyways; he knew that much.  
But his heart still swelled regardless.  
“Are… are you sure about that?”  
He couldn’t lie to you, but he certainly wished he could then.  
“I – I won’t let it get in the way of my duties. It’s nothing to fret over.”  
You folded your lips into a frown. “This isn’t a matter of whether you can still work. This is a matter of your well-being.”  
Josephine sighed. “I tried to tell him, Inquisitor, but I’m afraid you’ve simply hired a very stubborn man. He’s quite dedicated.”  
To his work, or to you? The distinction had become blurred.  
You rubbed at your temples and dropped your shoulders in exasperation. “The soldiers rest, Josephine and Leliana rest – even I have to rest! Our bodies need it. That’s how we prepare ourselves for the trials of tomorrow.”  
You visited him often throughout the day, filling his once quiet and lonely days with laughter and rambling stories of your childhoods and beyond.  
But every time you visited; you’d noticed one thing.  
“You aren’t resting.” You wrinkled your nose. “You’re hardly doing anything other than working!”  
“Working is what will allow the Inquisition to progress.”  
“We certainly won’t be progressing if the Commander of our armies dies from exhaustion – or this new sickness of yours!”  
Cullen wasn’t one to raise his voice. Neither was he one to let his frustration get the best of him.
But he did then.
His papers dropped as he slammed his gnarled, heavy hands onto the war table with a force that left its legs threatening to break beneath him.  
“I am not sick!”  
His words echoed and bounced off the walls like they were in a cave, hollow and imposing with a weight tethered to all of their shoulders. His shoulders dropped and a heavy sigh slipped from his lips, lifting up his head to meet yours.  
Josephine was set aback by his outburst, stumbling a bit away from the war table with a dropped jaw, trying to figure just what to say when venom still stung at the air.  
Leliana, had averted her attention away but her tightly wound fists and twisted expression revealed just how desperately she suddenly wanted to leave the room. She already had enough stress, this wasn’t worth the fight – especially not with the few people she considered her friends.  
However, you, on the other hand, locked a steely gaze onto him.  
You’d never looked so stern. After all, since you’d both met he’d come to memorize your smiles and rosy beam that could leave flowers blooming in your wake. Your anger had never been aimed towards him.  
And now knowing your scowl, he’d give anything to take it away.  
“I’m sorry I… I ah – I lost myself.”  
“Let me finish.” You snapped, beginning again.  
“Cullen, whether you like it or not, your body has limits and if you’re not willing to acknowledge that, then I certainly am.”  
Oh no.
If what he thought was coming, was in fact coming, it better not be.  
“There’s no need-”  
You rounded about the table, undeterred.  
“As your leader and Inquisitor, I’m faced with no other option…”  
He furrowed his brow and rubbed the bridge of his nose, his mind whirling and banging all at the same time in a horrid mangle of a storm.  
“This really isn’t necessary I don’t-”  
You stopped him as you met him on the opposite end of the war table, reaching out to settle a gentle palm on his arm, so much smaller and softer than his own. It distracted him, if only for a second until he caught the inklings of a smile touching your lips.  
“Don’t you dare.”  
“Too late.”  
You didn’t even try to hide your toothy grin – there wasn’t any point.  
“I’m putting you on sick leave.” The second you uttered the command, Josephine scribbled it down for the records. It was official, there was no use fighting.  
“You’re relieved of your duties until I deem you to be of good health.” You winked, and as much as he hated it, Cullen’s cheeks turned red. “Enjoy the break.”  
He hated it.  
He despised it.  
There was so much that could be done! How was he expected to simply sit back and ignore it all? And for what? So Mother Giselle could force some herbal remedy down his throat?  
At least, that’s what he’d been expecting.  
Mother Giselle did visit, and she did send medicines of all sorts his way, but he’d found something he’d almost considered foreign in how long it’d been missing from him.  
Peace and quiet.  
No bustling soldiers barreling into his office with questions or deadlines littering his conscious in the latest hours of the night, but instead a simple breeze or  the faint creaking of the old weary floorboards were the things that greeted him in the morning – that and of course, you.
Your company was perhaps the only one he didn’t mind.  
He’d even worried you wouldn’t visit. Of all things to fret over.
The next day when the morning was still stained with nightly purples and blues you’d knocked warily upon the door to his office.
He’d expected a random soldier who hadn’t quite received the news, so finding you on the other end of that door did nothing short of send his heart leaping.  
“Inquisitor I-” He tried to croak out a curt welcome before you eased him back with a wave of your hand, moving inside.  
“There’s no need for official titles here Cullen. We’re friends.” You chuckled, folding your arms across your chest. “Have you settled in nicely?”  
It’d be an awfully long time since he’d had something like that.  
“Yes I – I’ve accepted it as well as I could.” He wrapped a sheepish hand around the back of his neck. “I’m… sorry for my behavior. I should’ve handled myself far better – it was rude, and none of you were deserving of that.”  
“Oh, it’s fine! You were sick, stressed, and frustrated. Anyone would’ve yelled at least a little in your situation. I understand.” You snickered.  
It was good to hear you laugh; it was a sound he’d never forget for as long as he lived.  
He was snatched from his thoughts in an instant.  
“If you ever try to pull a stunt like that again where you nearly work yourself to death; I might just lose my mind.” Your playful words betrayed the pensive glint in your expression. “I truly care about you Cullen. I don’t want to see you hurt yourself like that. You wouldn’t want me to push myself like that, would you?”  
He didn’t even hesitate.  
“Well, of course not-”  
Whatever puzzle pieces he hadn’t quite connected in his mind, snapped into place then.
“Ah… I see.”  
You chuckled, leaning against his desk with crossed legs. “You’re an amazing person, I’ll believe in that ‘till the day I die – but you’re still a person. And people need to take time for themselves. There’s nothing wrong with that.”  
His brain almost shut down after you called him an amazing person, but he hung in there, just barely. He just prayed you couldn’t see the red now creeping up his ears or hear his heart thumping like a drum against his chest.  
“Time for myself… r-right.” He cleared his throat nervously. “I’ll keep that in mind.”  
You stood up and reluctantly carried yourself to the door, not quite wanting to wrap your fingers around the knob just yet. “Good, I’m glad to hear it.”  
Cullen didn’t want to hear the click of the handle. He didn’t want you to leave.
“But uh – if it’s time to myself, I can spend it however I’d like, correct?”  
You peered back with raised brows only to meet him staring back at you, smitten smiles spreading from ear to ear upon both of your faces.  
“Then, would it be terrible to ask you to stay?”  
You never darted away from a door so quickly, but you tried to hide your excitement. You did a poor job of concealing it, but you tried.  
“Not at all.” You remarked in a cheerfully bright tone. “Just don’t get me sick?”  
“No promises.”  
But you didn’t move, you stayed right beside him, and you enjoyed that rare time of peace and quiet, together, with hands sneakily grazing close and your fingers somehow finding a way to entwine their pinkies together.  
And if this is what all breaks entailed, Cullen supposed he wouldn’t mind another.  
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