#⋆ ࣪ 𖥔 . leobelle
viilpstick · 5 months
Anyway...... Letting the fact that I'm gonna have to watch 112 episodes of an anime because I got attached to a single character... (do not remind me that I'm behind on One Piece I'm aware) lemme summarize the leobelle timeline:
- before Isa went to RSA (she was 15 while Leona was 17 at the time) her father and Leona's brother (or his father, I'm not sure who was king at the time) arranged their marriage for political reasons
- during Isa's first year in RSA their relationship wasn't that great but she tried to keep things civil, until she started learning throughout meetings and events of RSA and NRC that Leona was very intelligent and cunning — she admires these traits — but that made her dislike him even more because he didn't put these traits to good use; Leona was neutral/negative towards her this time
- during her second year she became a housewarden and Leona and her were forced to meet more bc now they were representatives of their dorms in each school; I'm assuming during these times Leona finds out about how people belittle Isa
- Isa falls in love with Neige during her second year, basically the situation in your story happens, what I wanna add tho is that through that he learns about her loyalty towards their engagement even if she makes it known she doesn't like it, and he appreciates that loyalty even if he won't say it; Isabelle starts to see Leona in a different light for trying to comfort her — in his weird Leona way
- I don't think any important stuff happens in between their second and third year, but they do start seeing things they admire/like about each other but are too stubborn to voice it; Isa specifically states that she still dislikes Leona and that he's a rude lazy man while Leona starts acting less mean towards her and seems to enjoy her reactions more; during this time their chess games start and this is where they start keeping track of who wins and loses
- during their third year Leona's overblot happens, and Isabelle snaps bc she gets worried; with this she gives him a scolding while forcefully visiting NRC; she spends some time witch Cheka to let him rest and have peace — Cheka loves her btw he calls her auntie already lol
After his overblot things are yet to get detailed, but I do know after it their kiss happen, and they stay a long time ignoring their feelings and what that kiss meant; I do like the idea that right before book 6 they start dating though
UGHHH *eats them* ADORABLE
i love enemies/rivals to lovers, i love leobelle
eu te amo leobelle, eu te amo
This actually helps me to think of Malline's timeline, but i can't tell bc of a crucial thing on the fic so let's skip a bit
-Adeline and Malleus are dating during their third year (before book 7)
-One reason to his oveblot it is because Adeline would leave RSA since her dad came back for her "apologizing" and she finally saw as something to reconnect with him.
-Adeline promise to Malleus to stay and that's final, and they get back together
(@justm3di0cr3 she ask me to tag her btw)
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viilpstick · 6 months
Casual Tuesday with leobelle brainrot
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viilpstick · 4 months
You must be asleep bc different from me you have a normal sleep schedule 😍 read this when you can anyway-- I'm having the fantasy au brainrot once again UGH. Love leobelle sm
“If you keep sneaking in like this the guards will surely find you.” Isabelle said, not minding to stop her reading as the pirate captain made his way inside her room at the palace. He soon and without a care in the world sat down in front of her on another chair, taking off his hat and passing his hand through his hair.
“As if. And stop irritating me. Do you know how annoying it is to climb all the way up here?” He asked, Isabelle lifted her gaze, stared at him for a moment and chuckled, slowly turning the page of her book. “What?”
“Nothing. You look positively medieval in those rags.”
“As if you don't like that.”
“Please.” She rolled her eyes, but had an amused smile on her face. “I am engaged. I don't look at other men.”
“Yet you let me sneak into your room frequently very easily. Aren't you such a great fiancée?” Isabelle loudly closed her book and got up, a bit annoyed at what he said.
The worst part was that Leona was correct. She claimed she wanted to be the most faithful wife for her kingdom’s wellbeing but she couldn't help but let her emotions guide her everytime she saw the runaway prince’s face.
“It's your fault for running away and becoming a pirate. You could’ve been my fiancé in that guy's place."
“I thought you hated our engagement?” Isabelle glared at him and he smirked. Leona got up, walking towards the princess. “All I'm trying to say is you don't look as happy as you try to appear.”
“Wha- oh, please! And I assume you are? Being an outlaw and all?"
“Better than with my family, yes.”
Isabelle's eye twitched and she sighed, resting her back against the wall.
“What is it, Leona? Why did you decide to visit this time? You want supplies or something?” She asked, looking up to stare at the pirate. He walked in front of her, a hand resting beside her head, pinning her against the wall. She made sure to not let it show how it affected her.
“Not exactly.” The lion beastmen looked down, grabbing Isabelle's left hand and staring at her diamond ring. “I came to say this doesn't suit you.”
“It doesn't?” She laughed. “What suits me then?”
“My shirt, for once.” Isabelle took her hand out of his grasp and pushed him to the side, wanting to get out of his reach in annoyance as her face went red. Leona gently but firmly grabbed her wrist, making her look back at him with a frown. “Come with me.”
“What? Me? With you? Where?” She couldn't believe what she just heard. Was he really telling her to go with him and become an outlaw? To travel to unknown seas and lands and meet all sorts of different cultures? To find new customs and people? To see all types of legends and myths?
…She hated how appealing it sounded for her.
“Anywhere. We’re pirates, who cares.”
“No, no- you're a pirate. I'm- I'm a princess with a duty to fulfill.” Isabelle took her wrist out of his touch once more, her skin missing its warmth, but she refused to give in. “I am to stay here, marry and help my country prosper.”
“And be stuck with a boring prince all your life? Nowhere to go, just stay stuck here?” Leona refuted, walking closer to her, making Isabelle walk a few steps behind, anxious. “Would you really enjoy that?”
“H-hey, who knows! And he isn't that bad.” She tried to defend her fiancé, but both of them knew she didn't mean any of it. “He’s… ok.”
“You don't even love him.”
“Well, how do you know that?”
Leona stayed quiet for a moment, their eyes locked and Isabelle held her breath. Not once did any of them blink. He finally decided to have courage and speak: “because you love me.”
Isabelle widened her eyes, her cheeks growing red and she couldn't move. How did he- no, no. That was just a joke Adeline used to say, nothing more, nothing less. There was no way she was in love with a brute, brainless pirate. He was wrong, like he was with everything else.
But... other than a brute he was also soft. And held her like she was the most precious jewel. And looked at her like she was the only woman on earth. And kept coming back to visit her despite knowing he could get caught.
Goodness gracious.
“Just… come.” He grabbed her left hand again, using his free hand to take off her engagement ring and let it fall to the ground. He looked down at her expectantly. “Let's live an adventure.”
Isabelle looked around her, biting her cheeks as she was filled with doubts. She didn't want to let her father and her kingdom… but wasn't it an adventure all she longed for? Her entire life, wasn't knowing the entire earth what she wanted the most? And staying with Leona, wasn't that what her heart wished for everyday?
“Oh for goodness sake, Leona.” She scratched her head. Biting her lip. “Fine, ok! Let's go, before-”
And soon enough, his mouth was on hers, finally getting the confirmation his feelings were reciprocated. Isabelle wanted to push him away, they needed to escape quickly before someone came to check on her! …But just a few more minutes, maybe. Just one more minute, and she would let go. One more minute and she would take her hand off of his hair, one more and she would order him to take his hands off her waist and neck.
One more.
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viilpstick · 6 months
It's all carefully thought out >:) me and @midnightmah07 had the silliest idea on the story and how we have all the characters for which ill make a post about later skskja
I love silly ideas😼😼
Pls mark me in the post if you don’t mind 🗣️🙏
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