#✉.shang qinghua
darlingpwease · 10 months
It would be funny if the system did allow reader to become Shang Qinghua disciple and make him a father figure to them as a little treat for being the author.
Shang Qinghua would be a father who will spoil reader. Bonus points reader knows some memes because Shang Qinghua taught them.
Reader probably doesn’t take him seriously at times but is protective of him.
Reader: He may be an idiot but he’s my idiot.
Shen Yuan is probably smacking his fan at Shang Qinghua for this (or perhaps he’s jealous because reader won’t be his disciple like he expected)
shang qinghua is my lil meow meow<33 deserves to be called daddy tbh he is the author after all /hj /affectionate
creator's favourite<3
reader: wow hehe silly guy who thinks he's my dad... I love it in shifus.
♡ unhealthy behaviour, pet names, mention of violence, adoptive family themes, parent/child dynamic (and some pinning from shen yuan but you can treat it as you want); drabble + headcanons
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But more seriously, SHANG QINGHUA actually looks like someone who will be a good father to his cute little darling sweetest summer baby boo that he sometimes just wants to put in a box and shake or put in the palm of his hand and watch with wet eyes, trembling.
He was doing research... And it's normal for men to get carried away with cute things... And gosh — who can say that you are his favorite character and no one can be your fan even more than he is?
(one may try to compete, but he prefers to ignore the existence of Cucumber Bro, although he admits that in some things he has a taste, especially with this cute art, similar to how he represented you, as his pfp.)
(he also puts your art on his pfp, because no one else can be your big fan.)
It's not that you are described in any way at all or look especially against the background of other characters — apart from the fact that he may be too self-indulgent when he describes you as candy for eyes whenever you appear, as if you are a character from a much better story, but what can he do??? — and your backstory may look like one of those that he created for a long time and thoughtfully, as if connecting the pieces of a puzzle, putting his mind, heart and hours into you that he could have spent sleeping instead, but!
He doesn't regret it.
Even in the morning, when he slept for only two or three hours, he does not regret that for just a few hours he said to himself, "it's okay, it's okay, just a couple more words and that's it..."
Every author should have two favorite characters in the story — one whom he wants to associate with himself (or next to whom he wants to associate) and one whom he wants to wrap in a blanket, put on his chest, kiss on the forehead and saying that they are gorgeous and beautiful. After all, for the audience, he has a beautiful cold cultivator and a fateful passionate demoness, so he can have his beautiful cold demon and his charming bright cultivator, right?
Perhaps you are not part of Binghe's harem (not his cutie!!! too precious!!! his baby can't be part of something like that!!!) and such a detailed study, which is hidden behind your description, does not make much sense, but it makes him happy, especially when he can introduce you to the narrative, briefly describe or invent what you can say. His cute little meow meow, who is Luo Binghe's senior fellow disciple under Shen Qingqiu's care (no you don't need that character development where you experience bullying!!! he has the right to be delusional in his works!!!), and tries to do something to the best of your ability, even if there is little you can really help...
... You die in a battle against demons. Although in his drafts a plan of how you actually survived, it was also not very pleasant for him to write this scene, even if it was pleasant to describe an emotionally strong reaction, — and subsequent plans for revenge and murder also had some therapeutic effect, — but no, brother Cucumber, he does not feel any pleasant feelings at all from having killed his pet! And he is not at all happy that he killed the only worthy character!!
And your death was not at all predictable because of how pure and catchy you were!!!
"... Maybe a little delusional after all," SHANG QINGHUA thinks when looks at you. Small, with a straight back and an indefinite peak, although he knows that you will become a member of another peak, and this realization for the first time causes him damage to such an extent that he wants to cough up blood. He just wants to get on knees, hug you and shake, but instead can only watch — and when the System says that he can get you as his disciple, since he has already become the head of the peak?
Yes, your participation in the plot is important, but not to this exte–
Not a word more — he doesn't hesitate for a second!
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SHANG QINGHUA treats you like a mother hen with an egg, wanting to just constantly take you in arms and kiss cheeks like a proud father, and for sure he has... moments where you allow yourself some tenderness because of which he falls to the ground, covering face, as if you killed him with charm, while you look down on him — at first frowning and worried, then you just pull him up yourself.
At some point, you even begin to like it; one day you even allow yourself to call him 'father' — but when he almost has a deviation of qi from what you call him, you never do it again, even if now he definitely desperately wants to hear it again. But — no way; how will you explain to the head of Qian Cao Peak why your father shifu looks like this? It would be extremely embarrassing, especially if you still had to drag him.
(you still unwittingly unconsciously call him that several times, though — and each time SHANG QINGHUA understands that if he dies right now, he will die happy.)
Your backstory is definitely the story of an orphan or an abandoned child, even if it has some noble origin, and it's hard to deny that being immediately in the adoring and pampering presence of the head of An Ding Peak, who deals with all economic affairs and supplies in the sect, being literally the peak of logistics, is a little overwhelming... at first. Someone may view An Ding Peak as useless or meaningless, but when all the supply, procurement, economic transactions are circulating around one peak, and this is not something secret...
... can't your loveable father afford to pamper his beloved child?
You were such a sweet and smart disciple who always follows him (at his request, but you could also theoretically disobey him, so he should reward you anyway!), how can SHANG QINGHUA not try to make you smile and be spoiled?
He knows how bad life was for you, he described it all himself, so he only makes amends to you, even if you definitely do not know because of whom in some sense you had such a past, but only look at him as a parental figure who is always ready to help, protect and pamper you. SHANG QINGHUA always brings your favorite food (which you share! wow! this is definitely fate!), gives you the best, sometimes even unparalleled, clothes or things of the best quality — and never neglects you, as if your very presence activates in him all this incomprehensible desire to protect and adore you.
Does he spoil you too much?... Yes — but you forget one fact: he is also the proud father of one little sweet celestial whom he wrote especially for himself and now can shamelessly love them! Period!
Perhaps the only thing SHANG QINGHUA violently opposes is your fights with anyone, even if you are a head disciple and a member of a sect that, in addition to the economy, is often forced to deal with the dirtier and borderline gray or obviously black things common in the world of cultivators, — but SHANG QINGHUA knows that the sect will be destroyed much earlier what will you become the head... so what's stopping the two of you from just living your life together? Somewhere in a house near the city or in a small but rich city, where you can spend your life in a carefree and moderate pace until old age next to him, needing nothing and never shedding tears... a small pond for you or a garden where you can grow whatever you want, or a place where you will raise small or not-so-small animals...
SHANG QINGHUA is not the most active or aggressive person, he does not seek to expand influence at all, as the original owner of the body did, but when he gently combs your hair, looking at your straight back, he understands that this is impossible if he wants you to survive. Yes, he described that you 'didn't die' and even put forward several ideas about what happened to you after, but now, looking at you, none of them suits him. Why should you suffer? Isn't what was in the original novel enough for you? Don't you deserve to live in comfort and safety?
He is your father — not in the biological sense, but in a much more important way, in both of his lives, and it is natural that your future falls on his shoulders, since he has made the past for you and takes care of you in the present. He would prefer a calm, trouble-free life with the flow, but when SHANG QINGHUA looks at you rejoicing at his gifts as if for the first time or trying to take part of his responsibilities and difficulties to help, how can he think only of himself?
Maybe that's why he's here — to make you happy and make sure you'll never be sad again. After all, SHANG QINGHUA gave you his soul, so it's natural that he could even overcome reality itself and time to be there — and if you think about it like that, then everything falls into place!
His ability to take you as his disciple and almost-child, his need to pamper you, his adoration...
He loves you so much that his heart bursting.
“Shifu, why are you lying down again???”
Papa will protect you.
Shen Yuan really tries not to get angry, but when he sees SHANG QINGHUA shamelessly purring and spoiling you, clearly mocking him about the fact that you love him as your 'dad' shifu, the desire to hit becomes much stronger.
It's not fair, okay? After all, you were originally supposed to be his disciple; that's why he called you, wanting to see his beloved spousefu character — only to find out that you are not his disciple. Perhaps it was then that he realized that something was wrong — just as SHANG QINGHUA understood it, who later heard at a secret meeting that Shen Qingqiu, who woke up after a fever, asked about you for some reason, thinking that you were his disciple, and was amazed when he was confirmed several times that no, this is not so, you are a disciple of another peak.
A disciple of another peak? No, it's– no, it's possible, but unlikely. Since Luo Binghe is already studying at the peak, then at about this age he should already have had a connection with you, right? It's strange if the semblance of 'white moonlight' for the protagonist still did not exist at the peak, although your first meetings probably should have already happened. Isn't that about when that meeting should take place where you save him from mockery by appearing in time as a 'famous young phoenix under the guidance of Shen Qingqiu' and saying your cool speech?
Isn't that when you first demonstrate yourself as a domineering and self-aware beauty, but also able to be modest? Where your 'presence alone is enough for everyone to immediately disperse, let alone look or words'? Where were you still an unblemished white lotus that made Luo Binghe take an example from you, whose gait was 'as silent and graceful as leaves dancing in tandem with a wandering wind in a silent bamboo forest' and 'voice similar at the same time to the purring of a well-fed tiger inspecting their mountain in search of the next prey to playfully tear it apart' and 'like the first gentle snow showering everything around like a blanket, covering and forcing all living things to be silent and heed the serenity and greatness'?
These were some of his favorite scenes, excerpts from which he regularly reread and kept screenshots in the "favorite" in the phone gallery!
"Someone remembers," SHANG QINGHUA thinks, rubbing his nose after sneezing — and smiles affectionately when you carefully throw a cape over him before returning to his business next to him, deliberately ignoring shifu's loving gaze. You really are a hardworking little thing, aren't you? Of course, what his child should be like; although not at all like your daddy, but you still take great care of him, even if you don't give him some expensive gifts and don't try to physically serve, unlike him. But he likes it — to take care of you, pamper you, try to accustom you to his culture and jokes, teach you some things that later become 'internal' and are not familiar to anyone else.
... Almost no one else is familiar with them.
“You yourself know they were supposed to be my disciple.”
“... The author has the right to make changes to the work.”
Shen Jiu– No, Cucumber Bro looks up at him because of the slight difference in height, and there is such obvious discontent and irritation in his eyes that SHANG QINGHUA is sure: if it were real, acid would dissolve him right now so that the earth would open up and swallow what would remain of his body.
“Don't you think that such an intervention will have consequences?”
What are the consequences? That you can't pamper them now and take advantage of their care like I do?
“Are you jealous that they call me 'baba' and not you?”
Shen Yuan still hits him with a fan from the heart, but does not answer anything — and SHANG QINGHUA does not dare to continue teasing or pressing button, even seeing how annoyed he is, not wanting to admit that yes, damn it, he is angry that his favorite character, the thought of which caused and causes euphoria, got not him, but SHANG QINGHUA.
You don't really call him ''baba' — but if you did, his heart would immediately stop and there would be a serious deviation of qi.
... Hmm...
He definitely found something with which he will pester you now — and the way Shen Qingqiu looks with jealous irritation, clutching a fan in his hand, only adds to the situation of fire.
Even if you don't have the slightest understanding of what's going on.
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darlingpwease · 11 months
Shang Qinghua, who created you as his little pet, you know, like an 'eye candy', in which he guiltily indulges himself; something like a "moral pet" for Luo Binghe, who must die to add drama and blood, as well as more reasons to find solace in the arms of wives, even if he actually "drags you away" in his notes (and adding a huge number of small details and traits to make you a well-developed character, even to the point that sometimes he sat until midnight, figuring out how to develop you better, even if he obviously shouldn't be so keen on a minor character), because he gets too attached to you, because you practically become his charming little thing that he wants to pick up and shamelessly spoil, and maybe take you as an example for the hero of his new novel...
... His feelings are so confused when he sees Shen Qingqiu, the villain of the novel, monopolizing and courting you, his precious cabbage, because it feels so wrong; even if he made you cute, it doesn't mean that this guy should be so clingy to you? what the hell? why is Shen Qingqiu trying to eat his eye candy so shamelessly?? why is he interested in you at all???
When he realizes that it's SHEN YUAN — wow, the same guy who said he was 'interested in the plot' even though his avatar was art with you! — Shang Qinghua does not know whether he is embarrassed or outraged, feeling like a father whose precious beloved child is being kidnapped to someone else's house as a spouse, and the adoration with which SHEN YUAN looks at you only makes him even more angry. He didn't give you his blessing — hey, if he knew, he would have made you a disciple of Anding Peak or made Shang Qinghua your father figure! He is against such a relationship! You are his little, precious cabbage, on the development of which he spent nights instead of other things, because he was too passionate, you can't just become this guy's spouse! You...
Do you even have filial piety?!
... SHEN YUAN, stop looking so happy being the dual partner of his precious child!
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darlingpwease · 10 months
we have already talked about this with shen yuan, but imagine that SHANG QINGHUA returns to his world after the main storyline was completed without his consent, and he is absolutely broken, because he finally had someone close and dear who loved him and with whom he felt a family, — only to find you in your kitchen, cooking food,,,,
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darlingpwease · 10 months
I didn’t know I needed to see cumplane squabbling over a cute little meow meow of a disciple like divorced parents, but now the idea is rotating inside my mind like a microwave.... Thank you for the brainrot
hehehe<3333 you are welcome, my dear; they definitely are~
in the original world they couldn't openly tug you like a rope because you were 'just a character', but now that SHANG QINGHUA is brazenly and shamelessly ('deservedly'... and 'shamelessly' yes) appropriated you to himself, as if he has some right to have you be his disciple and not SHEN YUAN'S, SHEN YUAN will not leave it alone.
listen– maybe he is not your 'creator', but this does not mean that he don't knows your preferences and tastes; SHANG QINGHUA experiences a mixture of incomprehensible feelings when SHEN YUAN lures you with favorite food / things or treats you like your second parent, pulling you for hugs and stroking your head, — he is shixiong of your shifu, after all, — but as soon as you turn away they immediately start their messy cat fights.
look, I'm sure at some point things get intense enough for them to ask who do you love more<////4 they are exactly the kind of fans for their meow meow who was unfairly killed/removed from the storyline and they can't help but pamper and adore you — and you really appreciate this is even if sometimes you feel like a toy in the hands of two children,,,,
(when each of them tries to squeeze you to him and from this you find yourself squeezed between them, it's cool though)
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