#⟡♛ galar’s strongest champion 「 kira 」
galarianace · 3 years
|| @lostchampxon​ 
⟡ ═══ ♛ ═══ ⟡ It's easy to stop by when you're neighbours : Hop and her have been over each other's place so often over the past 10 years that the other's house is practically their second house. So ringing his door is familiar territory, and she hardly even waits for it to properly open to utter a- "Hi! Is Hop home ye- oh!" Eyes widening slightly in surprise, she pauses.
         ˙ Since there was no sound rushing to open the door from the other end, she'd assumed it would be Hop's mom or the grandparents - not the older brother who's not home nearly as often as the boys’ mother would like.
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         ˙ "Didn't know you were back home, Leon! Hop in? Or is he still at the lab?" if he’s still at the lab, she’s willing to bet he didn’t know Leon would be home, either.
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galarianace · 3 years
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“Sometimes the best way to keep an eye on your man-ya, is a leash.” Especially if he wanders off if you take your eyes off of him for three seconds.
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galarianace · 3 years
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“I don’t really know bout all those champs who defeated evil organisations or anything. All I know is that our Leon managed to keep em away for YEARS, ya. And that’s a whole lot better than anyone else got.” 
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galarianace · 3 years
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⟡ ═══ ♛ ═══ ⟡ "If it's Sinday, does that mean I get to order TWO cakes-ya???"
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galarianace · 3 years
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⟡ ═══ ♛ ═══ ⟡ "Alola always sounds real fun with it's festivals and stuff, ya? And they got some real interesting regional Pokémon there too, can't wait to check it out some time!"
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galarianace · 3 years
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⟡ ═══ ♛ ═══ ⟡ "Is... is there something with my cheeks-ya? Everyone's always squishing them???" The woes of a champion who’s squishable cheeks generally get used like some sort of battery recharger.
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galarianace · 3 years
@iruludavare​ x
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“Hmm... I always did wonder why she didn’t just deliver it herself-ya. But later I thought that maybe the guy it was meant for couldn’t see her? Which would be pretty said too, ‘cuz she had to wait all that time...”
“The man said that the girl was someone he played with as a kid-ya. Though he also said she was ill. He asked me if she looked healthy and I said yah...” she trails off. Fact that the ghost had been a young girl made her think that she must’ve died shortly after that, and that Frank had never found out and just hoped that she’d gotten better and was living a good life. She didn’t really want to inform the old man that no, Paula was NOT, in fact, well. And hadn’t been for a long time.
She shakes her head, “I think his grand-daughter could see her-ya. Was talking to someone he couldn’t see and everything. Probably just thought his granddaughter has a pretend friend or something.”
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galarianace · 3 years
|| @yourchampion​
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⟡ ═══ ♛ ═══ ⟡ "?? Wait, ya ain't dating Raihan-ya?" she blinks once, twice- "Internet said you've been together for like," pause, ponder "Tw-nay-three...? Years now...?" is he joking right now???
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galarianace · 3 years
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⟡ ═══ ♛ ═══ ⟡ Humming while fastening her bag onto her back~ Her mum may not have agreed to the notion all that much, but she's been pushing to get her way, so now here she is! Ready to visit her mum's hometown!
         ˙ Floaroma is beautiful based on the photos she's seen, and definitely the reason why Lillian has her beautiful garden. Though there are a few other towns she plans to visit as well, and a few areas with specific Pokémon, Floarama is definitely the main place! Taking up five days out of the two weeks she'll be spending in Sinnoh!
         ˙ She's also curious about poffins - she only knows the way her mum taught her. Maybe there are other ways to make them, as well?
         ˙ Either way, she can't wait to see the town her mum was born and raised, even if Lillian herself hasn't set foot in it ever since leaving!
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galarianace · 3 years
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Wears her Leon shirts like half the time--
Unless she agreed to meet Leon, then there’s a possibility that she’ll wear her one Raihan shirt or one of her many more generic / Pokémon things, because she thinks it’s awkward to wear his face when she’s seeing him.
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On the other hand, the Leon ball comes along to the pool and beach whether he’s there or not.
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galarianace · 3 years
Theme : Halloween Type : Rushed Drabble Pairings : None Summary : Hop, Kira and Leon hanging out at the Stow-on-Side Halloween festival.
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Stow-on-Side had become near unrecognizable compared to the last time Kira had been here. Despite the dark sky, the town is plenty alight with a variety of litwick shaped candles, combined with various Chandelures drifting through the busy plaza. A Gengar is performing a mock battle against a Aegislash over at one end, while on the other side of the path Kira can see a group of Alolan Marowak perform several dances and tricks. Signs are scattered around the plaza to direct people to various events.
Dolencia floats around her, the Misdreavus letting out small, happy sounds at the sight of fellow Ghost Pokémon all over the place ; Kira can only imagine how long it's been since she's seen that many Ghost Pokémon together. Not since Ecruteak, she'll bet.
"Hey, hey! Over here!"
Even in costume, Hop is easy to recognize -- for someone who's known him for years, that is. His Dubwool costume is rather a good one, she thinks! Kira's seen the spotted woolen suit he's wearing in the store, and she can't help but be a bit envious about the warm looking woolen scarf around his neck, but she's pretty sure the horns are something he crafted himself - very well, at that! It's a perfect match with the Dubwool peacefully laying in the grass beside him. Dubwool maintains eye contact with a nearby Sableye and has yet to look up even at the new arrival, but no matter - because Dolencia wastes no time in floating over to him and demanding his attention instead. Kira reaches the two a few seconds after.
"This place looks great-ya! Almost forgot I was supposed to look for you."
"From the look on your face? I'd say that wasn't an 'almost', mate."
Kira shrugs her shoulders with a sheepish grin in response, then looks around. "Lost Lee already-ya?"
"Aye," folding his hands behind his head, Hop lazily taps the ground with the toe of his shoes. "Got recognized early on, lost him to the fans."
"You mean you abandoned him."
"Eh," Hop's casual shrug doesn't stop his grin from widening. "We'll pick him up later. I'm starving, how bout you?"
Kira shakes her head with a small snort "Absolutely."
The prices of the food stalls being cut some for people wearing costumes is a nice way to get many people participating in the event. But even if that weren't the case, Kira would've still taken advantage of it being Halloween anyway: it's always better to be able to go out without being recognized! Though, judging from how easily Leon got caught, she's guessing he went with his Charizard outfit. Again. Like every year. No wonder he got caught.
As for herself? The tattered Mimikyu poncho is nice and warm in the night, and while it hides most of the bell-shorts jumpsuit she's wearing underneath, the striped stockings poking out from under it are not. For the occasion she hasn't done her usual side swept way of styling her bangs. Instead her fringe hang down straight, the edges of the strands touching her lashes. It's a bit annoying, but it helps avoid people realizing who she is. Simple black gloves and comfortable black boots finish the look. It's cozy, and easy to move in - just the way she likes her outfits.
"There's a lotta people running 'round like Lee again this year too-ya?"
"Seen some you's too. Could've come in your regular gear and no one'd know." snort
"Ehh... I'm gonna have to pass on that one. Seen a you run around yet?"
"What? Why would anyone dress like ME?"
"Hum... Maybe I should, next year. Oh! Wanna dress like me? Bet ya can fit in my skirt-ya!"
"Ugh... Please stop. You're too much." GROAN.....
The food stalls come ripe with ghost-pokemon themed treats of various sorts. Kira's especially interested in the 'Creepy Dreepy Icecream'! But she'll save that for later, after they've gone through some events already and have the time to simply sit back. Instead, she has a Pumpkaboo spice beverage, and a large bag of Yamask candies to share with Hop and, once they find him, Leon.
"Think we should find your bro yet-ya?"
"Probably, before he tries to find us. We both know he's pants with directions."
"Ack... Let's find him fast, I ain't touching that damned forest just because he wandered in there or something-ya."
"Still not over Glimwood Tangle, huh, Kira?"
"Ugh... I'll NEVER be over it."
Fortunately they find Leon right where Hop left him - signing yet another one of his trainer cards. Kira's a bit surprised to see he has his Dragapult besides him, rather than his Charizard. Was that Leon's attempt to go unrecognized? But the Gigantamax Charizard outfit he is wearing for the fifth year in a row most certainly cancelled that attempt. The orange turtleneck with its torn edges and diamond patterns, combined with the scarf that looks like flames suit him as well as ever. Personally, Kira's always liked the tailed, orange pants the top come with, and his usual cap has been exchanged for one that fits the outfit.
Once Leon catches sight of the two waiting for him, he apologizes to the crowd still lingering but excuses himself to join the festivities ( as they should, as well! ), then jogs up to Hop and Kira. "Sorry, sorry. Wait long you two?"
"Not really," Kira holds up her bag of treats. "We didn't wait at all-ya. But I'll share the loot."
"And I got you this." Hop holds up the drink he got for Leon at the stall. He was certain Leon would be thirsty after dealing with his fans a while.
"Thanks." Accepting the drink with a wide grin, Leon looks at the two before giving a nod. "Right then! Where do you two want to go first?"
A sign catches Hop's eye. "The Photobooth's just over there. Let's start there." He pointedly ignores the face Kira makes in response to his suggestion and instead links an arm through Leon's, to make sure he doesn't lose him in the crowd. "C'me on! Line's not that bad yet!"
The photo area is bigger than Kira remembered it was last year. There are a few different backdrops, and several ghost Pokémon are floating around for people to take photos with. However, the line Hop drags the other two towards is one with a set backdrop where photos are taken with the Pokémon trained for the job. From the corner of her eyes, Kira barely manages to read the warning listed :
"That one looks like fun!" Leon decides after reading the sign. It shouldn't be anything bad - it's supposed to be for people of all ages. "We should give it a try."
"Nay nay, you guys know what my face does when it comes to photos!" Kira groans, shaking her head.
"Just blame a ghost." Hop snickers, tugging her along.
It's hard to keep pouting when she sees the sort of photos that get made. Sometimes the ghost Pokémon startle the person just as the photo is taken, and other times they pull a funny face. It seems to be left entirely up to the Pokémon's discretion as far as she can tell : no one appears to be giving them any signs as to what to do. Though the line isn't too bad - it's still long enough for them to finish their drinks and have a few pieces of candy as they wait.
However, it's a good bit harder for Kira to relax when it's actually their turn. The camera before her is hard to ignore, even with Hop and Leon at her sides. She glances over at Hop-- just in time to see Haunter lick him in the face. A burst of laughter escapes Kira's lips before she can stop it while Hop lets out a sound of complaint just as the photo is taken. Leon missed it - but his smile comes as easily as it always does on photos. It's only after they receive the photo, printed thrice, that they realize a Gengar is doing Leon's famous Charizard Pose behind them. Laughing, Kira carefully tucks her copy in the shoulder bag kept under the poncho.
"Wasn't too bad, was it?" Leon smiles, ruffling her head a bit.
Her hair messes up underneath the hood, drawing forth a squeak from Kira, who quickly tries to tame the strands that are already trying to stand up. "Guess it wasn't-ya." she agrees. "You okay Hop? It uh- It likes ya." her cheek twitches as she bites back a grin.
"Oh sod off." Despite the words, Hop's eyes betray his amusement. The photo had been fun to do, just as he'd hoped. "Right! Where to next, huh?"
Leon takes a glance around, briefly reading the signs. "How about-"
A shriek cuts him up, and he instantly straightens up. Years of running towards sounds of utter terror as the one heard just now driven deep into the psyche of the former Champion- only for him to pause when he realizes what exactly happened.
Hop squints his eyes a bit to see better. "Isn't that Miss Opal?"
Bede covers his face with his hand, groaning as Opal cackles - something that doesn't quite help the view she presents. She's chosen a place with a single litwick candle to make her appearance, the lack of light casting long and dark shadows on her gaunt, aged face. Yet another terrified person scrambles off, pale as a sheet. What wizard? She's nothing like that! Seeing this, people would only think of her as a witch, wouldn't they? With an aggravated, yet resigned sigh, Bede shakes his head. He certainly wouldn't be surprised. His head jerks up when he hears Hop's voice, pale face contorting into a scowl when he sees the group. As if it's not bad enough he was dragged here despite the sour memories of the last time he'd been in Stow-on-Side.
"Ugh, I know it's Halloween, but that doesn't mean they gotta let him out." Kira scoffs, finally noticing the lanky figure standing a bit behind Opal.
"Be nice, be nice." Leon pats her shoulder in passing, heading over to exchange a few words with Opal who merrily greets him. If she weren't distracted with glaring daggers at Bede, who is glaring them back at her? Kira might've actually been impressed by how unafraid Leon seems to be of Opal's frightening appearance.
Hop sends a baleful look at Leon's back for leaving him with this mess, before he gives a resigned sigh and crouches down before Dubwool. "Guess it's up to you and me, huh, buddy?"
Hop is lucky that Bede doesn't seem too intent on provoking Kira. Apart from a few spiteful words ( which quickly stop once Kira swipes her thumb across her throat while maintaining eye contact with him ) Bede simply stays where he is - near Opal, away from Hop and Kira. It's a good thing too. Had Bede decided to try his luck to come closer, Hop's not certain he'd be able to confidently say that he'd be able to keep the peace. ( "It's fine-ya. People'll just think it's make-up, even if he IS covered in blood with pieces of bone showing." "What!? No!!" "... Hmph." ) Instead, Hop tugs at Kira's arm to draw her attention ( and if it tugs her even an inch further away from Bede? All the better! ) before pointing at a sign. "Let's do that next?"
With a final glower at Bede, Kira turns her attention to where Hop is pointing, before perking up. "Ah! It's that game  we did last year-ya! Guessing candy! We should do that!!"
Though a glance over Kira's shoulder shows Hop that Bede rolls his eyes with a soundless scoff, Hop's just glad that he doesn't actually speak whatever is clearly going through his mind right about now. Since it doesn't seem like anything will actually go wrong, he allows himself to fully turn towards the game. "Yeah! Lee can just come join us whenever he and Ms. Opal finish!"
"Heheeh~" Kira raises her fist with a grin. "If it's food, I'll win for sure!"
"Don't underestimate me!" Hop pumps up his fists in turn, crouching slightly in excitement "I got a whole lot of experience during my challenge! I'll show you the true might of a future Professor!"
"Hohoh~ Quite the rowdy bunch as always, hm?" Opal gives a small chuckle as she watches the two excited trainers join the line for the candy guessing game, resting her weight on her umbrella, handle clasped solidly beneath her folded hands. "No matter how often you tell those sorts of children not to hurry so much, they'll never stop running... Well, you're the wrong child to say that to, aren't you?"
Leon has the decency to look a bit sheepish as he chuckles, scratching his cheek. It's hard to say anything when she's seen him rush from here to there for over ten years now. Welp. Time to change the subject! "Finally found a successor you like, huh? Didn't think I'd see the day."
Despite the knowing twitch of her lips, Opal allows the new subject. "That's right. Try to keep up with this new generation, hm? Or it won't just be one person beating you, you pink-lacking boy."
Leon gives a laugh at this, shrugging his shoulders and raising his hands. "I look forward to it."
No- he's not a boy anymore as he'd been when she'd first met him. He's a man now. Who's seen more than most and who always seems to enjoy taking the world on his shoulders. Time sure seems to fly - something Opal herself is painfully aware of. The world is changing rapidly. "Off you go, before they leave you behind." she waves him off, painted nails gleaming in the dim lights before she turns to Bede. "Come child, we have our own places to be."
Bede scoffs under his breath, lips forming soundless complaints as he pushes himself up straight. Right. Back to being dragged around. He gives Leon a wary glance from the corner of his eye, but when the ex-Champion simply gives him a smile and a wave, Bede gives a curt nod in response. The tenseness in his shoulders lessens. At least Leon doesn't seem to harbor a grudge against him.
Leon watches the duo disappear in the throng of people, then looks around a moment. Let's see... Where were they again...? It's solely through the help of his Dragapult that he is able to turn in the right direction, in time to watch Hop and Kira taste and guess several candies while blindfolded. Arms crossing over his chest, he leans against a tree with a smile as he watches. It seems like just yesterday that he brought them here as little kids, when Hop and Kira had been doing all the events meant for children such as colouring pages contests, and other easy games with small prizes kids enjoy... They sure grew up well, huh?
He watches as they squabble about a flavor, the smile on his lips widening enough to show a hint of teeth. At least it's nice to know some things never change.
"Arghhh! I lost! I let down my guard and it all went to pot!"
"Heheeh~ Don't think ya can beat me when it comes to food-ya!"
"Just watch, next year I'll show you a complete defeat!"
"Keep dreaming~" giggle.
"You two done?" Leon pushes off the tree, eyebrows raised in amusement.
Kira raises a hand "Ah! We're done-ya!"
Walking and chatting, they try out several of the events - Dolencia soars in the contest of 'which ghost Pokémon can turn invisible the fastest', while Dubwool maintains a good winning streak in rope pulls -- until Dragapult joins the opposing force, that is. It's starting to get late. The activities aimed for children have already closed and most of the younger crowd has come and gone, leaving mostly teenagers and adults.
Kira smiles, feeding Dolencia one of the candies she bought at a stall recently. "We gonna stay all the way til the fireworks-ya? Or do you guys gotta head back early?"
"We should stay!" Hop turns to Leon "Right, Lee? You got time, don't you?"
Ever weak to those begging eyes, Leon reaches out and ruffles Hop's hair, careful not to touch the horns decorating it. "Of course I do." he just hopes Oleana won't come for him. She's honestly more terrifying to deal with than most Pokémon he's ever encountered. Yikes.
"Yeah!" Hop punches up his arms with a grin. "Let's go and find a good spot!"
"Too bad the mural's locked off during all this-ya. It'd be nice and high." Kira muses, though she can understand -- a crowd such as this in a mood more festive than sensible? The mural would only be at risk of needless damage. "... Think we could sit on the Dugtrio statues-ya?"
"Let's not." Leon quickly answers, before Hop can finish considering Kira's suggestion. "I remember there used to be a pretty good spot I used to check out the fireworks with Raihan and Sonia back in the day... Hmm..."
"Ahhh..." Kira and Hop exchange looks - if they let Leon lead the way? Nevermind a good view - they might wind up well out of town.
"Let's just find a nice place." Hop decides. "Doesn't need to be all that high, just has to be comfortable."
"Yah!" Kira agrees, nodding quickly.
Leon places his hands on his hips. "You guys-"
"Let's go!" Kira and Hop each grab one of his elbows, tugging him along.
With a roll of the eyes, Leon can't help but smile as he's being led by the arms. Cute kids~
In the end they find themselves a spot on the roof of the Pokémon center ( not entirely allowed - but they're not the only ones either - even a few of its workers have taken to the roof for this special occasion! ). Legs dangling over the edge of the roof as they eat the lasts of their snacks. The things she got for her parents are neatly tucked away in her bag.
"Can't believe the year passed so quickly-ya." Kira kicks her legs lightly, leaning back on her arms, eyes on the sky. A year ago they'd also gone to the festival, but back then she and Hop had been promising challengers while Leon had still been the unbeatable Leon. Now he's the swamped-with-paperwork League Chairman Leon.
"Can't believe so much happened in a year..." Hop groans, shaking his head.
"No kidding-ya." Kira sighs, then perks up. "Ah! Look! Over there! Right over there-ya!"
"Huh?" Hop looks to where Kira's pointing, but judging from Leon's proud chuckle, Kira can tell he already saw it- "AH!" and now, so did Hop. "S-someone dressed as m-me??" eyes wide, cheeks hot, he can only stare as someone is laughing with some other costumed people while sporting a familiar hairdo, and wearing a trainer suit with his number on it.
"They're looking pretty good-ya. Wonder if I nabbed the wrong one?" Kira grins, nudging Hop in the side with her elbow. “You sure you’re the real one-ya?”
"S-sod off." Hop flusters, though there's a trembling smile on his lips as he looks back up again, eyes a bit wet.
Leon smiles at the sight of them, then looks up at the sky as well. Sometimes Hop really underestimates how many people were rooting for him during his challenge, it seems. Or how many people wish the best for him, even now.
The fireworks start easy - just the one or two. But then the sky erupts in various lights. Some are shaped like ghost Pokémon and Pokéballs, while others come in colourful bursts. The fireworks seem even more magnificent than the previous times -- though Kira recalls thinking so last year as well. They stay there until the end of the show, together on the roof. Basking in the shapes showing in the sky, and the flavor of candies.
It's a little hard to get a taxi after the show - everyone wants to go home after all. But the weather is pleasant and the sky is clear. It makes the waiting time easier on them, though Kira can feel her energy crash the moment they manage to catch one and are on their way home.
"You lot had fun?" Leon chuckles, looking at the two droopy-eyed passengers seated on the opposite seat.
"Mhm, it was great-ya."
"It really-" a yawn breaks up Hop's words "was. Gotta do this again next year."
"Sure, if we're able to, let's." Leon agrees before looking out the window at the darkened scenery, the occasional houses and streets alight with lamps. He can see people around and about, no doubt heading home - like they are. Though some might be leaving for other places instead. No matter.
Glancing back at the two, he suppresses a chuckle. Kira's head is on Hop's shoulder, Hop's cheek on her head, both sleeping soundly. With a slight grin he closes his eyes again. He'll wake them when they're home. Resting his chin on his fist, he looks back out the window. It had been a good evening for the lot them them. He can't wait until the next time they get a chance to spend time together like this.
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galarianace · 3 years
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“If an opportunity presents, I REALLY wanna introduce Haup-- err, I mean, Hau to Hop-ya!! They’d click real well, for sure!!”
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galarianace · 3 years
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⟡ ═══ ♛ ═══ ⟡ "Stow-on-Side Halloween Fest... Sounds like it'd be fun-ya. I wonder who I should bring?" She looks over the flyer in her hands, taking note of some of the events that'll pop up, some of the contest that will happen. She can already see which ones she won't partake in, but- "Oh! Definitely wanna try the candy guessing game, heheeh~"
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galarianace · 3 years
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⟡ ═══ ♛ ═══ ⟡ “Hum… The week was pretty good-ya? Not a lot happened. Sure, there was the incident where the Scarmory kind of kidnapped me to its nest… and there was that tiiiiiiny mishap where a Greedent thought I was after its berries, which would’ve probably gone wrong if Heracles hadn’t launched a tree at it… And accidentally sitting on that Dottler was DEFINITELY my mistake, but… Yeah, all in all, the week could’ve gone worse-ya?”
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galarianace · 3 years
|| @nessawaterqueen​
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⟡ ═══ ♛ ═══ ⟡ "Wanna see Piers get even paler than he already is-ya? Show him a Skwovet." anyone who’s seen the matches where Kira completely wiped the floor with the Spikemuth gym with just Heracles knows exactly why this happens.
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galarianace · 3 years
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⟡ ═══ ♛ ═══ ⟡ "Uuuughhh... Rotommmm... It's too early....... Go a w a y...... Mute, muuuteeeeeeee..................." just kinda-- WAVES her arm in the direction her phone is cheerfully hovering while playing the Benny Hill theme.
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