#⠀monoceros caeli ✦ 21.11⠀
salsflore · 8 months
mikachi fic #02 (lie) except it kind of reads like those sad facebook posts where after a couple argues, one of them dies and then the other regrets it. but um its ok
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its never usually this quiet between them.
though they were laying beside each other as usual, with neither really saying anything to suggest some sort of unhappiness, there was an air of malaise that was hard to miss, and even harder for ajax to ignore.
so he opts to confront it directly.
“are you okay?” he’s trying to be lighthearted in the way that he approaches it, to cover up his own feeling of awkwardness. “not still mad at me, are you?”
finding no point in lying about it, mika just shakes her head, choosing to be as vague as possible with her answer. at least, until he questions her further. “n - no, i’m not. i’m just... thinking about some stuff, i guess.”
partially relieved, ajax relaxes a bit better, enough to inch a little closer. “okay, fine— if not that, then.. what’s wrong?” he turns to face her, who’s looking up at the ceiling.
“i just get worried sometimes.” mika admits, and though she’s a bit embarrassed to do so, she rather this than lie. “when you’re away, doing whatever. about your safety and — um, i don’t really know how to say it, but i hate that i can’t like, guarantee anything, y’know.”
“oh, mika.” he pauses, wondering if that was really all there was to it. he knows she’s trying not to delve too deeply into it, but he just can’t help but want to pry. ajax reaches for her hand, holding it in both of his. “you... worry for nothing. so long as you’re still here, and with me, i’ll come back to you. always.”
“don’t you trust me?” he kisses it gently, an act of reassurance. “i’ll return everytime.”
she blushes a light pink, though still has her own doubts. mika sits up, but he continues to hold onto her hand. “i mean, yeah, but... its not just that.”
“i hate... that there’s so much i still don’t know about you. all those things you’re involved in, the things you’re getting up to. i - i mean, i’m not dying to know about it or anything, but sometimes i just wish you weren’t—”
he interrupts, “hey, hey, it’s fine, i know. and i’m sorry, i wish i could be more open about those things too,” ajax moves closer, “but its, um, complicated. i think it’d be best for you to not be involved anyways. at least, not any further than dating a harbinger.” he slips in a joke in hopes of lightening the mood, but it doesn’t seem to uplift her much.
still a little gloomy, mika sighs. “...can i ask you something?” and he squeezes her hand as a ‘yes’, slightly nervous in his anticipation.
“am i your first priority?”
its a selfish question, she thinks, knows, but she can’t help herself from wondering, and when he hesitates to reply, that’s enough of an answer on its own. “nevermind, i guess its kinda stupid i even ask.”
“i know that when it comes down to it, you’ll always hold the tsaritsa’s aspirations above all else, won’t you?”
“forget it, its not your fault.” she assures, not really having it in herself to be mad at him right now either. the last thing she wanted to do was upset him too. “but i don’t want to continue this conversation anymore, at least not right now. so if you don’t mind..” slipping out of childe’s grasp, she gets up and out of bed.
“wait, where are you going?”
wanting to clear up what was probably his immediate concern, mika swats her hand. “i just need some time to myself.”
“okay.” childe, though reassured, can’t help but sigh, realizing he can’t rebut what they already both know to be the truth, and can only watch as she leaves.
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TAGLIST ✧ @moonlitdeerr @byakuyas-darling-backup @lovinglin @violetsareblue-selfships @forevergarden @gorouwife @pretty-shining-star @lost-in-azalea-forest @littlestpetship @yumelamb @pudding-shrine
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salsflore · 8 months
i had this thingy from my notes so i added onto it and stuff but didn’t really finish it ♪ i wanted to post it anyways :3
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its moments like these that he cherished the most — the quite, intimate ones where they’re cozied up together to settle down after yet another long day. it had became somewhat of a routine for them. sometimes, during particularly difficult days, this routine of theirs became the only thing childe could bring himself to look forward to.
not like he’d ever admit that, though..
“ajax..” her hands reach to cup his face, cold to the touch in a way that reminds him of home.
while caught off guard by the use of his name, he refrains from saying anything about it and leans into her touch, his hands going over hers. “yeah?”
“i just realized you have such pretty eyes.”
childe gives a bashful smile and feels a blush creep onto his cheeks, so he looks – but doesn’t pull – away. he laughs, a little awkwardly, and squeezes her hands gently. “ah, you think so?”
“yeah!” she hums, leaning in to place a kiss on his forehead. they were so captivatingly blue, yet so lifeless, devoid of innocence. still, they were one of her many favorite things about him.
“huh..you’re not usually this nice to me,” childe notes, “don’t tell me– there’s something you want, isn’t there?” he gathers the courage to face her again, though he’s still a little red in the face.
“c’mon, not everything i do has to have an ulterior motive behind it.” mika reassures, caressing his cheek with her thumb. “but since you seem to like it so much ~ maybe i could try to compliment you more often?”
“well! so long as it remains genuine,” he exhales, beginning to play around with her hair. “then i suppose you’re more than welcome to boost my ego some more.”
“will i get anything in return?” she questions, and childe frowns, replying with: “is my presence not enough of a reward for you?”
“...not really, i think a kiss would be better.”
“fine. then..” childe leans in to close the distance between them, tucking her hair behind her ear before kissing her forehead. he decides its not enough, and swipes a kiss off her lips afterward. “enough?”
“not quite ~ but that’ll suffice for now.”
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salsflore · 7 months
no clue where i was trying to go with this but seeing him did something to me and i Had to do something about it. my hands were tied!!
wc: 871 I AM LOSING IT
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disappointment stings her when she looks at him for the first time in a while, as he lies in bed bruised, even stitched up some places, with bandages all over his wounds. there’s a frustration building up in her fists as she balls them, and there’s bitterness in her throat when she tries to think of what to say.
mika carefully settles down into the empty chair beside his bed, and the sound of its creaking was enough to stir him awake. she hadn’t even been that loud.
when he comes to, realizing she’s there, a wave of guilt washes over him briefly. to be seen in such a sorry state — how embarrassing.
what was the point of trying to hide if she’d seek him out anyways? how did she even know he’d be here? he had a few quetions of his own, but he was almost scared to be the first to speak, in fear she’d blow up.
to be honest, there was so much she wanted to express too — but when he looked at her like that, it all flew out the window, offset by all her concern.
her gaze softens, and so does her voice.
‘why didn’t you listen to me? i told you not to go.’ repeats in her mind as she asks if he’s okay, reaching to carefully take his hand and give it a kiss, sighing in relief when she’s reaffirmed by the fact he’s real, and not a hallucination conjured up by her own desperation.
“well, i’m still in one piece, aren’t i?” childe laughs, relieved to know he was spared an earful, even if only temporarily. “don’t tell me you were actually worried? about little ol’ me?”
his reply, initially meant to reassure her, made it seem so inconsequential, and now her effort to suppress her anger is falling apart. “of.. of course i was worried. how could i not be?” there’s a lump forming in her throat, and she can barely stop herself from starting a whole rant.
“listen �� i’m sorry,” he notices her upset [ of course, she’d never been that great at hiding her emotions ] and scooches over to make some room for her. “let me make it up to you?” childe offers, and she begrudgingly accepts, crawling in to fill up the small amount of space he had to offer.
“i’m alive, and you’re with me. isn’t that all that should matter, hm?” with his limited capacity for movement, all he can do is wrap an arm around her, pulling her the tiniest bit closer. “you don’t need to stress so much anymore.”
“that’s.. easy for you to say.”
“i hate that you always have to leave, and it kills me that i never know where you are. if you’re in danger, who you’re with — are you getting enough sleep? are you eating well? i’m just completely clueless, and i hate not being able to do a thing about it.” her voice gets quieter, “sometimes you’re even gone for so long that, for a while, i end up doubting you’ll come back.”
somehow, he’s feeling a little touched. this might’ve been the most honest she’d ever been with her feelings. childe pauses to think on what to say, and when he decides on it, sighs before he speaks.
“come on, trust me a little more. trust that i can look out for myself, trust that i’ll return — because i always will, you know. even if it means i have to crawl my way back to you.”
he kisses her once, and its magically enough to dissipate the anger that was beginning to bubble up. was she always this tractable?
“yeah? even when you’re six feet under?” there’s sarcasm in her tone, but he answers seriously.
“no, because that..” childe taps her nose, “will never happen!” and smiles when she grumbles, but doesn’t swat his hand away like usual. was it because she’s afraid it’d hurt? “why? because i’m far stronger than you think, my love.” the harbinger coos, beginning to run his hands through her hair.
it does wonders to soothe her, and mika almost despises how easy she was to pacify. with him, at least.
“..seriously? look at yourself. you reek of ointment.” she comments, and he rolls her eyes at her. right, he’s still yet to tell her much of what actually happened, or the details of how he ended up in this state — but he decides to keep it that way for now.
the explanation could come later, he thinks.
“w - well..” childe chuckles, “i’d say this one is different, given my opponent this time around was simply formidable! nothing like the likes of which you’ve ever seen.”
“don’t care. if i find you in this state again, i might just end up finishing you off on its behalf, seriously.”
“are you threatening me? don’t be like that. it won’t happen again, i swear!”
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salsflore · 8 months
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sat quietly to the side of the makeshift archery arena, mika watches intently as childe lands what was probably his fifth or sixth bullseye.
they’d been at it for about half an hour or so, and while she enjoyed the crisp, cooling breeze — she was beginning to get bored of merely watching him from a distance which, though it went unvoiced, became evident in her yawns and stretches.
childe takes notice of this, of course, and stops for a quick breather, setting the bow aside before going over to her. “you okay?” he asks, with a sheepish smile, reaching to pat her head. “i feel bad, making you sit here to do nothing. why don’t you join me?”
“err,” she hesitates but ultimately refuses, shaking her head to save herself the very much likely embarrassment, “nah — it’s fine, i’d probably be like, super bad at it anyways.”
“just a few rounds, please?” he’s intent on convincing her, and she loathed the idea of disappointing him, so its not like it took him much for her to sigh and say ‘okay, fine..’
his pitiful expression turns into one of excitement as he takes her by the arms and pulls her up and along to the practice area, just a few steps away. “it’ll be fun! trust me. and who knows.. you might even be a much better archer than i am!”
he lets go of her to pick his bow up, handing it to her. it was a sleek silver with gradient blue accents that almost appeared to glow; pristine, unusual in its design, and also much heavier than she expected.
thankfully though, its not enough for her to struggle with. mika positions herself on the spot he’d designated for himself, using a little flower on the ground. “n - now how do i do this..?”
“like this.” he takes a moment to help her out, minimally adjusting her stance and nocking the arrow for her. “there you go!”
feeling both nervous and excited, she readies herself for that perfect bullseye she was secretly hoping for. a little unrealistic, given it was her very first time – but she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t hoping a little.
though it was a bit difficult, she manages to pull the bowstring back, launching the arrow and watching in anticipation as it... flies right over the target.
her first instinct is to just crumple up into a ball on the ground, but she’s left standing there instead, immediately and absolutely dying from her unnecessarily exaggerated embarrassment.
she looks over at childe, who’s trying his absolute hardest to hold back a laugh [ not like he found her failure funny, more so her reaction ] upon noticing her visibly flustered expression as she begins to fret, stammering an apology, which he interrupts.
“it’s fine, it’s fine, i promise! it was your first time – so just, just calm down a little, okay?” he lets a small laugh slip, and takes a step behind her. “i’ll help you.”
now he’s closed whatever little distance they had between them, and it’s getting harder for her to maintain focus. its not like this was the first time, yet...
“like this.” a new arrow is nocked once more and, instead of simply guiding her this time, childe places his gloved hands over hers to correct her stance where necessary. “then... you let go.”
bulls— err, well, nevermind.. but at least with his guidance, the arrow was able to actually hit the target this time, instead of just avoiding it completely.
“close enough..” mika remarks, and sighs, lowering the bow once he lets go of her. “ah, whatever! i give up. here,” she offers it back to him, and he takes it.
“you give up too easily, and that won’t do ~ how about this: if you get a single bullseye, i’ll reward you with a kiss?” he teases, hoping for a reaction..
but she ends up directly rejecting him instead, shaking her head with a huff. “no way. that’s even more of a reason for me not to do it — i’d really rather just watch you.”
“but isn’t that way more boring?”
“well, i mean, you’re pretty good at it, so–”
“pause. is that a compliment i’m hearing?” he sets the bow down, “huh! i never thought i’d live to see the day.”
“would you rather i lie to you, or..?”
“c’mon, don’t be like that. i’m just saying, its rare of you to be so nice to me.” childe jokes, and throws his arms around her. she resists, to no avail. “makes it all the more sweeter to hear.”
“...you’re welcome, i guess.” she mutters, awkwardly hugging him back. not like she wanted to or anything, it’d just be rude if she didn’t, right? [ or at least, that’s what she tells herself. ]
“am i skilled enough for it to warrant a kiss, too?” there’s hope in his voice, though he already knew her answer. mika’d always been pretty predictable in that regard.
“maybe.” she says, but he manages to sneak a kiss off of her anyways. she whines in annoyance, but doesn’t do anything to stop him when he leans in for another, either.
he taps his foot, “i’m expecting more later, by the way.. like, a little reward for everytime i land a bullseye.”
“i hope you miss terribly, then.”
childe squeezes her. “how mean,” he lets go of her and picks the bow back up. “but its more satisfying this way, to prove you wrong.”
“so... be sure to watch me closely, ‘kay?”
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TAGLIST ✧ @moonlitdeerr @byakuyasdarling @lovinglin @violetsareblue-selfships @gorouwife @pretty-shining-star @lost-in-azalea-forest @littlestpetship @yumelamb @pudding-shrine @sxaras @mellys-insectarium @ghostictreat
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salsflore · 8 months
Mika! so glad i caught you! here! this is for you! someone special dropped it off at the insectarium! 🐝🦌 now i must hop along! the woods aren’t going to frolic through themself!
Dear Mika,
Hey! There’s the one I love so much! Been a while since I sent a letter, huh? Don’t worry, I’ll never forget about you. I just wanted to update you and let you know that i’m always here for you. I know I seem to really get on your nerves all the time, but I really do love you and all this annoyance is just how I show that! Or maybe i’m just so handsome and charming that you pretend to be annoyed to not show it… who knows! You’re a mystery to me and I love you for it. I’m not sure next time I’ll be seeing you but you’ve never left my mind.
I’m sorry this letter is a little shorter, on a bit of a time crunch! But I needed to slip it to you to make sure you know i’m always with you.
- With Love,
🐳 Childe, Your favorite Fatui Harbinger
omg hi melly sorry for the late reply i was busy planting bombs in the woods you frolic in. also can you ban this piece of shit from the insectarium? thank you. no one read the tags its private and personal
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salsflore · 7 months
sfw self shipping alphabet w/ childe for mikachi anniv! be warned this is incredibly long because... 26 questions and i might’ve gotten a bit carried away. post
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(A)CTIVITIES ― What do they like to do with S/I? How do they spend their free time with them?
i think ajax would really like to spar or train with her because he’s fucking crazy but since he knows they wouldn’t enjoy it, he’d be fine doing.. literally anything else, even like, just existing in their presence while they each do their own thing. that’s good enough for him.
(B)EAUTY ― What do they admire about s/i? What do they think is most beautiful about them?
everything because i am perfect and god-like in his eyes (idk i just cba to come up with anything)
(C)OMFORT ― How would they help s/i if they feel down/have a panic attack/etc.? How often do THEY need comfort? Do they accept comfort easily?
i think he’d stick to her pretty closely when she’s feeling upset :) i tend to distance myself whenever i get in a mood (which! probably isn’t very helpful) so he’d stay and hold her whenever it happens, but wouldn’t try to verbally comfort her. just staying like that, in silence, until she feels like talking about it.
for childe... if he’s just feeling upset or grumpy then he’ll also distance himself, however, unlike me, he actually appreciates the alone-ness and will usually feel fine after sulking a little in private. if he’s having a panic attack or feeling anxious then it’d be the opposite: he can’t bear being alone and wants to be held tightly, to be reassured, etc.
initially he was pretty reluctant or just hid his issues from her, but over time he’s gotten better at asking for, and receiving, help.
(D)REAMS ― How do they picture their future with s/i?
he doesn’t really plan or look forward to anything, he simply takes it day by day with them, and doesn’t enjoy being swept up in any fantasies, lest he get disappointed. probably originally had one in mind, but realized it wasn’t possible, so he let go of it.
(E)QUAL ― Are they the more dominant or passive one in the relationship?
i don’t really know but i guess dominant?? he’d take charge because i couldn’t possibly xoxo
(F)IGHT ― Would they easily forgive s/i if they hurt their feelings? What are they like when they argue?
depends on in what way? like “you ate my food without asking” or “you just killed my entire family” like!! but i guess generally, for the simpler things, yes? he doesn’t like to hold onto grudges for too long, i don’t think.
as for arguing... if he’s already pent up with his own issues, then he might be prone to lashing out without thinking, since he feels especially hurt. most of the time, he prefers to de-escalate or avoid arguments with her as much as possible, which can come off as dismissive.. when it’s unavoidable and they do end up arguing, he’d probably internally freak out and assume the worst of the outcome??
(G)RATITUDE ― How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what s/i does for them, and do they make a point to thank them?
i’d like to think he’s pretty grateful now that he has someone to call ‘home.’ probably won’t make a big show of it or outright tell her (he knows i’d strangle him) there are just moments where he looks at me and appreciates me in silence ... :)
(H)ONESTY ― Do they have secrets they hide from s/i? Or do they share everything?
he’s usually open about most things, but — and you’d think being his wife would make it so this isn’t the case — i think he does harbor a few. the most major being what happened to him in those three months in the abyss ++ he initially hid the fact he was a harbinger, but later revealed it to her ^_^ she was like "ummm ok" childe also Tries to hide all his dealings associated with the fatui and whatever but. doesn’t always work
(I)NSPIRATION ― Did s/i inspire them to change somehow, or is it the other way around?
i made him worse. jokes aside no, i don’t think so?? if he were to change for the better would that mean leaving the fatui and no longer trying to take over the world. dude’s just like that its ok
(J)EALOUSY ― Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
sort of, but it stems more from his own fear of abandonment & insecurity rather than a lack of trust in her loyalty? if that makes any sense . . anyways he’d usually keep it to himself and kind of just >:| a little, but she’ll inevitably notice and they get to work it out :3
(K)ISS ― Are they a good kisser? What was their first kiss with s/i like?
i guess?? but god the first one was so awkward i think. they were each other’s first kiss (because i’m ill) and he was pretty awkward about it. i get a little silly thinking abt him being nervous and AGHHH.....!!
(L)OVE CONFESSION ― Did they confess to s/i, or was it the other way around? How would they confess?
i confessed to him actually, then got rejected at first because he didn’t want to risk being attached to anyone but oh well !! if he were the one to confess. well. i don’t know actually LOL
(M)ARRIAGE ― Do they want to get married? How would they propose, or would they prefer s/i proposes? What would the marriage be like?
he does! they were talking about it and he asked her what she'd do if he, hypothetically, DID propose. she responded positively and ajax then decides to just ... pop the question right then and there. he wasn't really thinking errr
for the actual wedding ceremony, they didn't have one, but they still plan on celebrating it in some way, with his family involved this time.
(N)ICKNAMES ― What do they call s/i? How do they feel about pet/nicknames?
oh em gee i love the thought of snezhnayan (russian basically) pet names but also i think he’d be pretty basic. seems like a “babe” or “honey” guy. he’d mostly default to just using her name, though! i think he’d enjoy pet / nicknames (so long as they’re not sickeningly sweet) but the most he ever gets out of me is “ajax.” maybe a little ‘my -’ before his name if i’m feeling nice
(O)N CLOUD NINE ― What are they like when they're in love? Is it obvious to others? How do they express their feelings?
i think it’d be pretty subtle at first. the only hints you’d get are an averted gaze or a faint blush. once his silly crush begins to develop into something a little deeper, he’ll force himself to distance himself from her, maybe get a little cold and avoidant, which she’ll misunderstand as him disliking her or something lol
(P)DA ― Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag about s/i and/or their relationship to others, or are they more reserved/shy about it?
given that he’s pretty prideful, he probably does. to his subordinates, especially. #sorry
(Q)UIRK ― What's a random quirk they have that impacts the relationship?
his criminal activity + thirst for blood but it’s fine. honestly? thats a non-issue. ignore that
(R)OMANCE ― How romantic are they? What would they do to make s/i happy? Are they cliché or rather creative?
in his head he might be somewhat of a suave, romantic gentleman but in reality his best effort would probably be like.. cliché one liners he read in a book one time. its ok. he tries his best to keep it fun and exciting for them both
(S)AFE ― Do they feel protected when they're with s/i? Do they like to keep s/i safe?
he doesn’t feel the need to worry about his safety, but sometimes worries about hers. its reasurring when she’s right beside him :) this is starting to sound a lot like 𝕴 𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖈𝖙 𝖞����𝖚 omfg
(T)HRILL ― Do they feel the need to try out new things to spice up the relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
he’s content with the way things are, but wouldn’t mind trying out new things?? whatever this means
(U)NDERSTANDING ― How well do they understand s/i's emotions? Can they anticipate how s/i will feel about certain things? Are they empathetic?
he knows her enough to tell how she’s feeling most of the time (accurately-enough) since he’s gotten used to her tells, but i don’t think he’s actually very empathetic. can he Anticipate it? probably not.
(V)ALUE ― How important is the relationship to them? What is it worth in comparison to other things in their life?
it is one of the most important things in his life — of course, including his family and... the tsaritsa herself. don’t ask him who’s more important out the two, that’d just lead to an argument xo
(W)ILD CARD ― Give us a random fluff headcanon!
he SOO keeps a little trinket or photo with him wherever he goes. maybe in his wallet or his pocket. in a modern au... she’s his wallpaper
(X)OXO ― Are they very affectionate? What are their views on physical affection (kissing, cuddles, etc.)?
really likes to hug and kiss and cling onto her, but its not a 24/7 thing, its mostly just when he’s tired from work and doesn’t really wanna talk, just snuggle for a little while :3
(Y)EARNING ― How do they cope when they're missing s/i?
NOBODY make fun of me but i’d like to think, when he’s struggling to fall asleep without her, he hugs a pillow and pretends its her. i mean what. haha i didn’t say anything??
(Z)EAL ― What kind of lengths are they willing to go to for the relationship?
no limits (unless its like "hey go punch the tsaritsa") i’d say crazy enough to kill people and take over the world but the thing is he’s always been like that. he’s a weirdo.
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salsflore · 1 year
hcs for how my babygirls would be when either of us falls ill. i just don’t wanna write individual fics but i like the idea ...
part 2 tba since i don’t want the post super long
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zhongli : when sick
i think he’d be pretty fine? will insist on distancing himself for the sake of not infecting her. probably also a “no worries, i can take care of myself <- despite being in absolute shit condition.” he’s an adepti so immortal(?) and it probably wouldn’t affect him badly, but in general i don’t think he’d get sick often.
maybe if it’s like when he’s overworked himself to the point of exhaustion, but not like he’s caught the flu or something
zhongli : caring for mika
very doting, i suppose. he’s trying not to be overbearing but it’s difficult + can’t help himself from worrying just because. will remind her to take her medication will continuously monitor her condition will constantly check in on her... though i’m not a very sickly person either actually. i’m just cool like that
* sids note: to avoid any potential angst i’ve decided my s/i (literally just me) would be like immortal too, but just because she’s immortal doesn’t mean she’s 100% immune from being sick, right!
childe : when sick
probably enjoys the attention like a loser. uses it as an excuse to get whatever silly shit he requests: i’m a damsel-in-distress, oh, maybe a kiss could help my headache.. yet at the same time he doesn’t really like to be seen as weak, will reassure her he’ll be fine in a jiffy! <- feels like dying
childe : caring for mika
ahhh... he’s such a good big brother i feel like he’d be used to it and take pretty good care of her. cooking her warm meals and doing his bestest to help her get more comfortable as she recovers or whatever, making it a point to make sure she takes all her meds and whatever....
but he’d also bug the shit out of her while he’s at it.
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salsflore · 8 months
this is actually a very short, unfinished mikachi fic but i’m posting it anyways... letting it go like i’m freeing a dove from a cage. because i cba to finish it lol
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under the starry night sky, the two sat on tianheng’s peak, overlooking the vibrant, bustling harbor in the distance. there was a slight, crisp breeze, perfect for the occasion.
they didn’t have much with them, save for a bag of two lanterns, sticks, and a box of candles and matches. mika begins to take out one of each item, then strikes a match, careful as she prepares the small candle to stick inside the lantern. once she lights it up, she pulls at the lantern’s ends and hangs it on a plastic stick.
its lustre seems to amuse her, and she can’t help but smile in excitement as she holds it up for childe, who had been sitting in silence all this while, to hopefully share in her delight.
“can’t believe i came all the way up here just for that,” he laughs, and she does the same, knowing it was really just a poor excuse for her to spend time with him. “but fine, yeah, i’ll admit: it is pretty cool.” though it wasn’t like it was a beaming, intricately designed lantern or anything — yet she seemed to derive great enjoyment from it anyways, despite that.
mika looks away and, at this point, he’s more focused on her than anything else. the way the light reflected in her eyes, and how she faintly smiled over it. he was easily far more captivated by that, than he would’ve been with any silly lantern.
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salsflore · 6 months
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we got him all dressed up fancy for this (=w=)
HEY. WOW god this is so late i am soso sorry because of that whole crazy thing but THANK YOU. SERIOUSLY.!!! i appreciate it so much from the bottom of my heart when people go out of their way to make things for me no matter how big or small... the fact you even cared enough to make this FOR ME? AHHH i'm so touched and i love you forever... you even gave him a flower crown... oh em gee were you the anon that asked me about my fave flowers... hiii!!!
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salsflore · 2 years
To my love, I hope you have been well.
As for me, my travels are always just a bit more lonely without you. However it is much more important to me that you are safe at home, and know I will be back for you soon, so there's no need to miss me too much. If it does happen, I hope the bracelet that comes with this letter serves as something to cheer you up.
It comforts me to know the sky we see will always be the same one, so look up at it when you think of me and I will surely be able to feel it no matter how far we are apart. And once I am back in your arms I will tell you of all my battles won, so wait patiently for my return.
I'm looking out for myself for your sake, so you should do the same for me. Look forward to gifts from Inazuma and many kisses and hugs, just for you.
Always yours (and nothing can change that),
MY GOD. I’M SHAKING YOU SO INTENSELY I LLVE YOUU... WOWOWOF.E.F.C GAHAHDBF.G.V.. I HATE THIS MAN...... i wish him nothing but misery PLEASE GOD I MISS YOU AOD ABSBA AGHHH H HFUCKCKKKKKKKK...... anon (i have an idea who this is) i’m gonna GET YOU AND SQUEEZE YOU /pos
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salsflore · 10 months
this was supposed to be a whole thinggg but idk a dark force took over my body and i passed out.
word count: 333 (wowow)
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it wasn’t unusual for him to find her like this, cooped up in her room and enveloped in a silent, near-total darkness, save from the bit of blue light being emitted from her phone.
said silence didn’t last for long, though.
“how much longer do you plan on sulking for?” childe interrupts, entering the room and shutting the door behind him. “because i think i’m starting to miss you, you know...”
“uh, but i’m not—”
“you are.” he takes up the space next to her, cozying up to her side. mika turns to face him in response, and he reaches to envelop her in a warm hug, a much needed contrast to the cold of everything else.
“i mean, why else would you be here so early?” childe hums, prepared to hold on to her in case she tries to pull away — but this time, she doesn’t, and actually holds him tighter.
“i dunno,” is all she can offer, but he knows enough not to question her any further. for now, that answer would have to suffice.
“okay, well, uh..” he exhales, allowing her to rest her head against his chest. “you won’t mind if i stay here though, do you?” childe sneaks in a kiss on the forehead, hoping it’d somehow aid in convincing her.
realizing there wasn’t much point in denying him — after all, she knew he’d find a way to stick around anyways — mika relents, telling herself its only because she doesn’t have it in her to reject him. not right now, at least.
of course there were other things too, not like she’d ever admit it to him or anything, but it was pretty soothing for her, to be held by him like this.
the silence falls over them once more and everything’s still dark, but she’s no longer cold when he’s holding her like this, and its enough for her thoughts to finally quiet down.
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salsflore · 2 years
🎫 here's a gush pass ;3 feel free to gush about whichever f/o you want, however much you want, then send this ask to 3 other self shippers! /nf
time to use the second gush pass.... DO NOT LOOK!!! i'm going to bite you if you do (tumblr ceo will alert me if u look!! i will know!!! and then i will run over and shake you)
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childe.... childe why is he so. why is he so........ like that. why did they make him ugly come on........... i miss him his voice is DESPICABLE!!! i am NOT thinking about kissing him or hugging his arm or nuzzling his silly silly face or holding hands... but i AM thinking about murder. he is insane. horrible and insane. i love him soooo bad pleapsles.a...... i’d like to be normal abt this BUT I JUST CAN’T!! I’M STRUGGLING!!! i promise i’m trying guys pleeeekkkk.....
hes soo not cute. i do not adore him. what are you going on about! weirdo! (lying)
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salsflore · 2 years
To my dearest Mika,
Now, I know what you're thinking. Why leave you a letter when we're not actually apart? Well, that's because… It's our anniversary! I've been looking forward to today for months, so excuse me for being a little excited to tell you how much I adore you. I am so grateful to have you in my life. Every day feels a little brighter, a little warmer, so long as you're with me. Nothing else compares to the bliss of spending time with you, my love.
You're currently asleep as I write this. You look so relaxed, it nearly makes me want to lay back down and join you again. It's such a shame to leave the warmth of your arms. It's one of the places I feel safest, yet I must part from them all too early. It will be worth it, though. You'll be happier as a result and isn't that the most perfect outcome?
Mm, I could go on and on, but if I keep you too long the food will get cold. Haha, that's right, this letter was written to distract you while I made your favorite breakfast. Hurry up and get dressed and come to the kitchen. I'll be waiting~
And don't worry, I'll continue to gush about you once we're together again.
Your Ajax
Happy Anniversary, dearest.
[this is the letter i've been referring to, mika - hope you two have a lovely day today! ❤️ -- violetsareblue-selfships]
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i know he's insane and obsessed with power but man am i in love with him. he's probably going to give me food poisoning with his breakfast but babygirl i'd do anything for him
you guys don’t understand the way i reacted upon my first reading of this letter. i was so shocked and stunned and TAKEN ABACK and AMAZED that my heart dropped and my soul promptly left my body. you guys don’t get it at all i love him i love him AND I LOVE U TOO APRIL !! WOWOWOW THANK YOU !! HEHRJEJ you put such silly cute words together, made a silly letter, sent it to me and now its ruining my life /pos ( this will not go unpaid ..... just so you know ...... i have letters up my sleeves too .... my sleeves are uncomfortable because of it )
me. literally me
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this is probably the breakfast he made btw
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salsflore · 2 years
hey, i've been looking all over for you! i've got a letter here for you from a Mr. Childe ♡
"Hey cutie,
Miss me? Because I'm certainly missing you... what I wouldn't do to see your cute smile right now. It's hard to think about anything but your laugh, the way you say my name, how everything about you makes me melt. You've got me wrapped around your finger, you know that? All you need to do is ask, and I'd serve you the world on a platter.
I write to tell you that I'm safe— I know you worry about me running headlong into danger wherever I can find it, and I admit I can be a bit... reckless at the best of times. You know I love a good challenge but, for what it's worth, I'm doing my best to stay out of trouble just for you. And all four limbs are still attached! So I must be doing something right.
Anyway, I'm on the road back home. I hope to return to you soon... have your biggest, warmest hug ready when I see you. It's been far too long since I've gotten one, the road can be a lonely place. Until I see you again, my love ♡
Adoringly yours,
delivered with love by @daydream-sequence Courier Service ♡
screaming crying eating my fist destroying the wall becoming a fish facing god and fighting the universe rn. I LOVE YOU. THANJ YOJ.H AGH . . . . AHGGM giggling n kicking my feet in the air rn what about it? look away.. i love u mars thank u for the delivery !! wowowow this made my day :3
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