dojimakaichou · 1 year
CLOSED STARTER for @stingslikeabee.
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In the morning, Melissa came to get him. She was accompanied by a handful of human soldiers. Feeble scraps of mortal life who couldn't stop a bear, let alone protect their queen ― and Daigo hissed between his teeth at all of them. As the beast predicted the day prior, the horses were too spooked to allow him to mount them. Instead, the dragon opted to run. He kept pace with Melissa's mare easily, which only unnerved the pitiful guards more.
At the first sight of the palace, Daigo felt his insides twist. Dragons didn't have the same anxieties as humans. That this was the day of his wedding meant very little to the dragon, who possessed no notion of this event's historic importance ; instead, he rather hated the feeling of being confined in such an artificial home. The fake lighting stung his eyes, and the overwhelming odor of human combined with others like obnoxious perfumes and cooking spices suppressed his sense of smell. He pressed closer to Melissa in the entryway for these reasons, scaled fingers seeking her own.
A servant came forward and hesitantly introduced himself : Sasaki. Though his voice was weak, his will was quite strong. The queen had selected him to be the king's chief aid once he arrived. Unfortunately for the poor man, Daigo would not be moved from Melissa. With the understanding that pressing the creature could spook him, Sasaki backed away, and the decision was made that the bride and groom would be prepared for their ceremony together.
The aids assumed that piecing together Melissa's elaborate, breathtaking gown would take up the bulk of their time . . . but their previous calculations failed to account for the difficulties of dressing a dragon. Daigo was no easy charge, and his bride was ready long before him. After watching the fifth attendant to work with the future ruler nearly get bit for dragging cloth too harshly over the patches of scales on the creature's human figure, Melissa shooed the servants out of the room. Another breach of tradition that made many of them murmur, but she didn't care. Her soft voice soothed the dragon, who was eager to have her near. Daigo nosed into her hair, breathing deeply, while she coaxed the rest of his shirt on. Melissa was respectful of where his body was different, and her gentle fingers were able to finish getting the minimal amount of clothing on him with no further trouble. The battered pair of trousers that he wore down from the mountains were set to the side. Daigo trembled under Melissa's hands. This was all too much stimulation for him ― nonetheless, he would carry on for her.
For the dragon, the rest of the day was a blur. He sat through the ceremony fairly calmly thanks to the presence of the queen at his side. The boring messages about marriage and unity left little impression on the beast. Daigo occupied himself with picking at his outfit instead.
What followed the wedding proper was a large celebration with a grand feast. It was obvious that this was the greatest excuse for glee that Solaris found in years. The dragon also sensed the thick relief that ran under everything. While no one dared to use vocabulary similar to DEFEATED, there was a shared feeling among the guests that the threat of many generations that usually hung over them was GONE. Placed into a human - sized shape that they could familiarize themselves with and gossip about. Daigo was able to ignore the bulk of the chatter ; the intensity of the music, which added to the dense noise filling his sensitive ears, helped to drown it out, anyway. Melissa was pulled away quickly by social obligation, and the dragon busied himself by examining the floral arrangements around the outskirts of the hall. For a time, they calmed him, reminded him of the fragrant strains he grew in the corners of his lair.
Daigo was holding a bloom he plucked when the queen found him again. It appeared that the beast was at his limit. Whispers in her ear informed her across the room that her husband was chasing away nosy aristocrats and innocent well - wishers alike. The cracks in his shape were starting to frighten some of the attendees, as well. Daigo's half - halo of amethyst was sunk into his brow and hair, and his irises were exceptionally bright. He eyed Melissa warily at her approach, unsure if he was about to be reprimanded for the crawling scales now covering his arms. Instead of greeting her verbally, the dragon moved to tuck his flower behind her ear. It was a dark purple, and he liked the color on her.
The way he relaxed at her suggestion that they leave spoke volumes about his level of discomfort. He rumbled appreciatively at her. Daigo clung to the queen as she guided them out. Their disappearing backs prompted the conversation in the hall to shift. THE WEDDING NIGHT. A topic many of the aristocracy clutched their pearls over and that the court discussed with pale faces.
Daigo stepped over the threshold to Melissa's rooms and exhaled loudly. He had never been here before, but he recognized it as her space. The scent of the royal, which he practically ached for, was thick in this place. It was quiet and significantly calmer than any other atmosphere of the day, and Daigo responded well to that.
As soon as the main door closed, the dragon reached up. His clawed hands curled into the front of his shirt. Snarling, Daigo removed it in shreds. He was sick of being stuck in these decorative fabrics ( what he saw as itchy, pathetic excuses for hide ). The dragon let the remains of his top fall to the floor, where he bared his teeth at them. Fingertips combed through his tresses and loosened the few clips and braids there. Everything needed to go. Only the beast's trousers were allowed to remain for now. They were loose enough. Daigo shook out his head, grumbling.
FINALLY. He settled and forcefully huffed out a stream of warm air. Daigo stretched leisurely. Once he was satisfied, he reached for Melissa. Even just brushing his palm against her arm brought a sense of refreshment to the dragon.
"Today . . . made you my wife ??" he asked quietly, drawing up the lessons she gave him in his lair while the official arrangements were being made elsewhere. " ― or do we have to produce an heir first ??" Daigo wrinkled his nose thoughtfully, fingertips going under and lifting Melissa's chin. His visage was still ever so slightly distorted, and the dragon's voice was colored by a curious vibration. "That is next, isn't it ??"
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dojimakaichou · 5 months
To welcome the king back to his human home with tattered clothing and holes in fabric was nothing unusual; human garments lasted very little on the dragon, if he managed to salvage something at all to at least hide the most important bits. But a golden feather stuck to whatever left of his cloak was... New.
And Melissa had very good suspicions about the origin of that particular item.
"Daigo," the queen picked the feather up, trailing after her husband with a slightly amused glance, "Did you happen to run into Shun earlier today?"
★. ―
In response to Melissa's question, the old thing huffed — loudly. He shook his head out of frustration and rolled his shoulders as he pushed into their bedroom. Shreds of fabric fell down around his feet ; clearly, the dragon was not interested in preserving whatever was left of his clothing.
Daigo crawled onto the bed and began to paw up the blankets, sheets, and pillows into a makeshift nest. It was the best he could do without running away to his lair. The ancient then threw his scarred body into the strange bed he had made. There were thick, protruding spikes trailing down his spine that looked similar to his horns. They trembled, matching the beast's mood.
Suddenly, Daigo groaned — and out came the reason for his silence. A mouthful of gold, shimmering feathers plopped onto the covers with a sickly wet noise. The dragon wrinkled his lips. They tasted foul.
Melissa suppressed a soft laugh as Daigo tucked his head back down, black eyes shining ominously. With a sigh, she sat next to him. Melissa drew her palm down his back, marveling ( as always ) at the transition between his scales and false flesh. Daigo rumbled appreciatively. The Queen inevitably brought her hand up further and gently moved some of the dragon's tangled hair. She dug her nails into the base of those great structures.
"I am sure you were right, my dear, whatever you two fought about," Melissa murmured.
Daigo growled, low and rattling. "He is useless," the ancient said. " — barely a dragon. Even his smell is wrong. Were he hatched from a stomach egg, I would accept it . . . but I know he came from us, eraesthyr. Azumi spoke of his egg mother, once ; I have heard of her."
Melissa carefully leaned over Daigo and kissed the tip of his exposed ear. Her husband hissed out a hot breath in response, but the Queen knew the behavior to be friendly with her.
"I tolerate him," Daigo continued, "because his mate is useful to you and for our hatchlings. I do not enjoy it. If I am to share my territory with another male, I would prefer . . . "
The Gem Demon dropped off, though Melissa understood his unfinished sentiment. Daigo was such a marvelous creature, as old as the gods and as large as a sprawling city, but he was not immune to feeling lonely. He had found companionship in his wife, whom he adored fiercely, and their children — however, they would never truly understand what it was like to be something else. Beyond the confines of weak bodies and limited minds, as Daigo said. There were colors they could not see ; sounds they could not hear ; and whole worlds of knowledge unavailable to them. Currently, the only other being in the palace that would be able to comprehend any of what Daigo referred to was Shun.
Their friendship was rocky, at best. Melissa glanced over at the gorgeous feathers on the bed, shimmering in the light of the room. They shone like the sun. It was different than the earthy, pulsing glow that Daigo's floating half - halo of amethyst and scales possessed. A stark reminder that the two beasts, while dragons, hailed from different deities. That they had both chosen radically different paths when confronted with humans didn't help, either.
"I appreciate that you allow him here, my King," the Queen replied quietly, pressing her lips briefly to Daigo's broad shoulder. "I know you are upset, Daigo — why don't you go hunt tomorrow ?? I will come visit you after my duties are done in the fields. It will be just the two of us ; I promise nothing with feathers will intervene."
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dojimakaichou · 1 year
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SENT FROM @stingslikeabee​ ―             ( from here / always accepting )
how can i be angry looking at you? (any verse!)
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★. ―
Melissa sighed quietly as her fingers moved through her husband's hair. She was sat up in bed with a few pillows behind her ( which her aching back appreciated ). The figure of her beloved dragon was partially - wrapped around her. These intimate moments and the fact that he had been sleeping not long ago meant that his human visage was shaky ; the most notable indicator of that was the long tail that extended from the base of Daigo's spine and curled atop his legs.
Melissa's hand lowered to stroke the scales on the dragon's neck. He grumbled appreciatively and nosed into her belly. The interaction made the baby inside stir, and its mother laughed softly.
Daigo was taking his duties as a father - to - be quite seriously ― though he tended to respond to her pregnancy with a rather dragon - centric frame of mind. Her rounded stomach was affectionately called "the egg," and Daigo was dedicated to keeping both it and Melissa very warm. It was because of him that the queen only used a few thin blankets to cover up with now despite the thick snow and chilling temperatures outside.
A dark eye blinked, opened, and peered up at Melissa. Daigo grinned tiredly from where he was tucked into her. In preparation for the baby's arrival, which Azumi said could happen whenever the little one liked, he had slaughtered and feasted on a slew of livestock yesterday. Provided he packed away enough meat, the dragon could go without food for weeks ― something he was prepared to do in order to not miss a moment of time with Melissa or their hatchling's arrival.
The queen smiled, digging her nails affectionately into her lover's thick flesh. He was already quite the nuisance ( fondly meant ) : keeping a hand on her belly under tables ; standing immediately with her at all times ; snarling at anyone who got too close to her or reached for the egg without warning. Azumi occasionally sent Shun to peel Daigo off of the royal, but these distracting field trips never lasted long.
It's a dragon thing, Azumi said once, with an amused expression that signaled she remembered something similar. Daigo was responding to the change in Melissa's scent and acting according to his instincts. This was just another reminder that, while his act ( appearance aside ) could be convincing, the King of Solaris was no human or half - breed.
"Melissa?" Daigo murmured.
"Hm?" the queen replied.
He lifted his head then and propped himself up on a bent arm. Daigo gently tugged up the fabric of the night dress she wore to sleep in ; his hand pooled her few covers into her lap to compensate for the act of unveiling her stomach. The dragon placed his fingers onto her bare belly and blew warm air toward it.
"Is the egg hatching today?" Daigo asked, glancing up at Melissa.
She placed her palm on top of his and shook her head. "Not that I can tell, darling," the royal answered. "I promise that you'll be the first to know."
"I want to meet our hatchling," came the almost childish complaint from her husband. Daigo yawned.
Melissa laughed. Between the cold and his massive meal, Daigo was barely functional. It was adorable, in a way. By tomorrow, he would likely be up and raising hell as normal ― but for the next several hours, if left alone to sleep and relax as he pleased, his temperament would be as docile as a lamb's. When he was awake.
"It's going to be soon, Daigo," Melissa assured him, patting his hand. "Will you let me up, please? I need to speak to the court this afternoon regarding that land dispute on the southern border, and . . . it takes me a little longer to get ready these days."
The dragon gave his wife a wounded look and hunkered back down into his spot. As Melissa sighed, he snaked his full arm over the swell of her middle. Daigo buried his visage with a dramatic huff. His tail thumped on the bed.
"Daigo," Melissa repeated. She couldn't help the bit of frustration that suddenly welled up in her. The queen was hopelessly fond of her beloved, but there was a kingdom to manage beyond their door. "Daigo." His name, firmer this time, came clipped from her lips with an unusual sternness.
Her husband reared up then, eyes wide. Daigo searched her face, clearly startled by the way she spoke to him, and grumbled at her.
Melissa laid a palm against his cheek. The dragon turned his features and nosed into it, grateful for the soothing touch and offering of her scent. He wasn't sure what he did to cause her voice to color with faint anger. It could have been the way the hatchling made her feel as Azumi often referred to ( and therefore not really related to him ). Nonetheless, the old thing just wanted to make it right. Daigo's vulnerability, which he only shared with her, broke Melissa's brief irritation.
"How can I be angry looking at you?" she murmured. She accepted a kiss from him as an apology. "However, I do need to leave our bed, Daigo. If you want to stay with the egg, you may, but it is going to see my advisors shortly."
The dragon hissed, though the vocalization was not aimed at his wife. He sat back against his folded legs and stared at her blearily. Once it was apparent to the tired ancient that his wife was not going to back down, Daigo climbed over the base of the furniture. Scaled fingers scratched at his full belly, and his tail dragged on the floor as he walked. Melissa cupped her hands beneath her stomach and shook her head in amusement at him.
"Daigo," she called, tone affectionate. He paused with his hand on the door. "You need clothes."
With a rattling groan that could be easily mistaken for an incoming storm front, Daigo pressed his forehead to the wood and sagged into it. Melissa laughed.
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dojimakaichou · 1 year
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SENT FROM @stingslikeabee​ ―             ( unscripted ask / always accepting )
Melissa's long nightgown made soft rustling noises as she moved from one bedroom to another, looking for her children. Kazuya was not in bed, but maybe he had gone to the kitchens to find some late snack before sleep time; the twins were also not in their beds, and that made the queen frown for longer - their nightly routine was usually more predictable. Thinking about what had possibly happened, the monarch returned to her chambers to confer with Daigo - it was unlikely they were in danger; growing up with a dragon for a parent, particularly an ancient one, was the best protection they could ever ask for. Humming in deep thought, the woman pushed the door to her bedroom open and walked to the bed, only to stop at the sight that greeted her. There they were - her entire family, together on the royal bed and sleeping in an endearing mess of limbs and funny angles. Daigo was at the center, and he somehow curled protectively over the youngest girls, Kazuya find a spot behind him in a way that somehow already indicated that he would grow to mirror his father's visage and build when he got older. Even the youngest of them all was close by - the cradle with Edgar had been brought closer to the bed from where it usually stood, and everyone seemed to be resting safely and soundly. Melissa smiled, heart swelling pleasantly - it was such a cute sight, even if it temporarily left her without room on the mattress without adjusting some of the current occupants, but it didn't matter. Seeing all they close and happy was the greatest gift she could ask for; the fact that Daigo had grown to be a quirky but unquestionable great parent was a source of never-ending admiration, too. Motherhood had definitely brought a protective side out of Melissa, as her husband fondly remarked; but it was as if the more ferocious side of the dragon had always been prepared to look after his precious hatchlings. Slipping off the outer robe she was wearing and climbing onto the bed, Melissa gently nudged Kazuya to have the boy move and use her as a body pillow instead, allowing the queen to be in bed with all her beloved family members. While getting comfortable (with their oldest somehow not even blinking into consciousness), Daigo stirred - but as soon as his eyes found the figure of his wife, he relaxed immediately. "I love you," Melissa murmured softly from her position, unable to reach for a kiss but only to preserve their children's precious sleep. Daigo surely knew she meant it all with her heart.
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★. ―
Daigo didn't agree with many human practices ― too much social pressure to do this or that ; too many formal regulations ; and very little in either category made sense. They had a way of complicating everything. Even the simple, necessary tasks like eating and drinking were unnecessarily complex ; food and drink could only be taken at certain times and were often dictated by who attended the meal.
Perhaps, tonight, the dragon reached a breaking point. He was tired of being bound by these frustrating rules that made living in this skin so hard. As he lounged on the sofa with their youngest son in his arms, awaiting his wife to come back to their quarters . . . Daigo felt the spark of his irritation give life to an idea.
Quietly, he shifted his weight and stood. Edgar cooed sleepily, belly full of milk provided by his nurse recently. The little one remained oblivious to his father's small act of rebellion. With the prince secured in his grip, Daigo approached Kazuya's half - opened door. A clawed hand gestured for the boy to get up out of his blankets. Frowning quizzically, Kazuya hesitantly followed his parent down the hall. His hands reflexively grasped the dragon's twitching tail.
The twins were far less questioning of Daigo's summons. They expressed no hesitation and immediately scrambled out of bed. Hikari snuggled into her father's side with a giggle, staring up at him, while Yayoi ducked under Daigo's tail to pester Kazuya.
Snorting pleasantly, Daigo took their brood into the bedroom he shared with Melissa. He set the baby tenderly inside of his crib and then shifted the furniture closer to the spacious bed. A soft huff answered the infant's laughter. Edgar was far too fragile to take with them, otherwise Daigo would have opted to bring him farther in the idea. Then, the dragon began to collect the others. His strong arms lifted each child like they weighed nothing. One, two, three ― as fast as he was able, all of the older children were deposited onto the blankets in a pile of short horns, dark locks, and fine nightclothes. Daigo crawled after them.
He snuggled into the girls affectionately, well aware that Kazuya did not like the same kind of attention. Hot air blew across their faces, which made Yayoi yell playfully. Soon, the twins came together to rest against Daigo's middle. The dragon's body curled into a crescent shape ; his tail completed the circle. Soothing rumbles issued from his cavernous chest as Kazuya found his place against the arch of his father's spine.
Daigo yawned, exposing his lengthy forked tongue, and sank into the bed. He issued a long sigh worthy of any dragon, suddenly at peace with his choices in his "human" life. This was just a bad day, and their hatchlings had a knack for making those better. Still, Daigo couldn't help but feel satisfied with his accomplishment.
These were dragonkin : human children with scales and slitted pupils and fire in their bellies. They deserved experiences that fed their wild blood. Such as this. A true clutch of dragon hatchlings always slept together ― why should their precious brood be denied anything different ?? Daigo's tail tip twitched near his nose. Oh, he had been upset . . . that particular appendage wouldn't have shown up otherwise.
The ancient thing was fast asleep when Melissa joined them. He was vaguely aware of Kazuya disappearing from his back. It was enough to rouse Daigo, who issued a low growl in reply to the movement to ask if the boy was alright. Melissa's scent filling his nostrils answered the dragon's questions before his eyes even found her. Luckily, the twins didn't wake up as their father craned his head to glance over his shoulder.
I love you.
Daigo blinked slowly in response, glowing gaze alive with the adoration he felt for the woman laying there. "Eraesthyr," he muttered, grinning toothily in the dark.
( Thank you for hatching them for us. )
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dojimakaichou · 1 year
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SENT FROM @stingslikeabee​ ―             ( unscripted ask / always accepting )
The monarch had left her delicate and expensive dresses at the castle, changing into gear more suitable for riding - only Melissa borrowed no horses from their stables; instead, she trekked uphill, taking the path that would lead the woman to one of the reserved fields where they grew livestock for Daigo to feed from when he had the urge to kill living beings. It had been the best solution for all the kingdom - it did not restrain his instincts and it caused no harm to the people and their own herds. That idea had also contributed to turn Daigo into someone more likened to a protector than a threat for Solaris - slowly, but surely, people were growing to whisper his name with fondness instead of terror. The figure of the gem demon was easy to locate - he had been in his original body for feasting, but Melissa's approach was sensed by his keen senses and magical powers, and Daigo had shifted into the more human shape for his wife when she got there. He had a look about him - the brunette knew it was the rush of the feeding; he still enjoyed feasting, but there was also something there. Given the way he sniffed audibly and all but pounced the queen to the ground, Melissa laughed and allowed herself to be taken captive in that display of animalistic instinct. The dragon dipped his head, face seeking her neck and inhaling her scent deeply while the queen ran her hands over his bare back, guided to the usual patches of scales and massaging him there, enjoying the sudden hug and not at all bothered by their embrace on the grass. It felt a bit like being back to his cave, as long as they kept enough distance from whatever was left from the dragon's last meal. "Hello, sweetheart," the woman said when their faces re-aligned, and she peered up at him with a mischievous smirk when he shifted above her and rumbled softly. The queen had a relatively good idea of what had caused the shift in the king's mood - she kept her own count, but Daigo's sense of smell was uncanny. He could anticipate certain changes in his wife's body that not even Melissa realized to be there. "It's time again, isn't it?" the woman said, digits backtracking to run over his hair, clearing the closest strands of some blades of grass to the extent she was able to, "I thought we could try for another hatchling."
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★. ―
Daigo was quite full by the time his beloved arrived. The massive shape of the striking amethyst dragon was crouched over his pile of kills ( now merely a pile of regurgitated bones ), muzzle scooching around the remains on the grass like a hatchling with playthings provided by its egg mother. There were long patches of darkened plants and deep gouges in the soil of the great field nearby ― all evidence of a fruitful hunt.
He would have continued with his whimsical endeavor if not for the scent that the wind carried to him. The dragon slowly lifted his head and opened his mouth, tasting the air. It was her smell, there was no doubt about that . . . but it was somehow even more enticing than usual. Daigo scattered the remains of his kills, which were suddenly worthless to him, as he rose up to look for her. Only a moment passed before his glittering eye found the figure of his wife. A low noise of greeting came from the beast's maw.
As he started to move toward her, Daigo remembered himself. This was a body she loved, but this was not a body she was capable of making love to. Another day, he would have greeted her as he was ― but her nails scratching over his scales or figure curled up against his cheek for warmth would not satisfy the instinctive want bubbling up inside of him.
Daigo quickly urged his form to change. It didn't take long for the dragon to shift, and he was able to run to the queen of Solaris with the visage of a man. In his enthusiasm, he leapt into her, knocking both of them onto the grass. The dragon made sure their fall ( though playful ) was gentle, and Melissa was surrounded by a pale shimmer of purple magic for a moment. Once he was sure that his wife was unharmed, Daigo bent his head.
Eager to confirm what he thought to be true, the beast sniffed deeply along the curve of Melissa's neck. Since he started sharing a bed with her, Daigo had learned a great deal about the way human women reproduced. This included, as he found out quickly, what many of the women in the castle called cycles. There were times when their bodies were especially fertile and others when their bodies purged all of the excess. Frankly, the dragon still didn't understand it perfectly. All he knew was that his senses responded to Melissa's cycles very naturally. During the brief window that her body was almost eager to conceive a child ( or create a hatchling, as he said ), she smelled . . . different to him. Sweeter. It was too incredible to ignore, and he often pouted after and begged for the chance to make love to her frequently on those days.
Daigo rumbled softly as he hovered over Melissa. The dragon's eyes widened with excitement at her invitation to him. In reply, Daigo shifted his weight back and moved his face down her torso. He nosed into her lower belly with a grumble, inhaling the smell of her where it was strongest.
"Today would be very good for it," the dragon concluded after a short pause. His dark eyes flicked up to her face. "Trying."
Even that little word caused Daigo to shiver with anticipation. It was not just the idea of tangling together with Melissa that got him so worked up. The beast would be the first to admit that he also enjoyed what happened once they successfully placed an egg into her belly. She was always beautiful to him, but the sight of her carrying his hatchling only made her more so in his eyes. Knowing that she was marked in that way as his lover also fed into an especially primal part of the dragon's being and gave him immense pleasure.
( and that he loved the hatchlings once they arrived, as well ; being the father of the couple's current brood of three was what Daigo lived for. )
The dragon crept back up Melissa's body. He murmured something sweet in Draconic as he kissed her cheek. "I would like another hatchling, Melissa. As many eggs as you want to carry."
"Thank you, darling," the royal replied, laughing lightly. "Let's start with this one, alright ??" Her teasing was affectionate. With the dragon returned to her reach, she was able to tend to his messy mane again. A stray beam of sun caught his floating half - halo of priceless stones, and Melissa felt her breath catch simultaneously at the gorgeous purple light it cast onto his handsome face. It added to his otherworldly visage, whose draconic characters she constantly found herself drawn to.
Daigo noticed the change in her breathing at once and canted his head curiously. His right hand left the field and drifted to her face. Coarse knuckles grazed over her smooth skin as the dragon hissed with a strange degree of tenderness for his kind.
"I'm fine, Daigo," Melissa assured him quickly. You're simply incredible, that's all. She laced her fingers behind his neck and drew him toward her for a proper kiss. The beast was happy to oblige her.
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dojimakaichou · 1 month
Many would argue that it was not the queen's place to brush and style her children's hair - there were handmaidens, servants and other caretakers for that - but Melissa insisted. Besides, with the mixed royal line, personal care for many of the Solarian's heirs was something that full-bloodied humans still navigated with care.
On that particular afternoon, the queen had been braiding the long, dark hair of her youngest girls - the three of them wanted it done exactly like their mother, and the way they sat quietly and obediently while Melissa did one after the other was very endearing (to their mother, perhaps; servants from the palace would be creeped out by how eerily still they could be).
Once they were out, the monarch sighed with affection at the sight of her darlings looking so pleased and satisfied with such a simple gesture - just in time for the king to enter the royal chambers instead. Daigo found his personal treasure in that quiet contemplation, looking fondly at nothing - a state that his own magical presence disrupted, causing Melissa to look up at him in seconds.
"Their birthday is coming up, my love. Would you happen to have enough gemstones for new crowns? I was thinking about having copies of mine forged for them since they like to imitate the way I dress," the queen smiled and got up from the bed, parking herself close to her husband, "They were such precious babies when they were born and now look at them - it does make me feel old."
★. ―
Daigo lifted his hand and idly scratched his claws across the purple scales on his forearm. He rolled his head leisurely. Ahead of him was the door to the royal master bedroom, where his beloved wife's scent issued from.
— but it wasn't just her smell. The dragon narrowed his eyes as he drew closer and inhaled deeply. At the realization of what had momentarily confused him, he chuckled. Solaris' littlest princesses shared their mother's scent, and it was difficult to distinguish the four apart from each other when they were all together.
Daigo's hunch was confirmed by the sudden appearance of his daughters. Enodie, Soteria, and Melinoe, in pristine peach - colored dresses, slipped through the door. Their hands were clasped together. All at once, they saw their father, and the energy in the room changed.
There was no need for secrets when it was only him. He knew them in a way that no other living being did, loved them fiercely for their uniqueness, and the trio of thirteen - year - olds always appreciated the quiet minutes with him. Enodie untangled her fingers from her sisters' and held up her braid. Daigo growled softly, gemstone eyes sparkling in the candlelight. His wife's work, no doubt.
Soteria crept closer. Every step was eerily precise. In front of her father, she opened her mouth. Inside were two rows of pointed, pearl - like teeth. These were thin and smooth, unlike the wide and serrated ones most dragons usually boasted.
Usually. Daigo leaned down, hands to his knees, and grinned. His own fearsome teeth flashed behind his lips. Usual did not apply to their girls. Soteria responded to his advance by throwing her arms around his neck — and suddenly her sisters were there doing the same. Daigo wrapped them up in a hug without complaint. He could feel their singular heart beating through their thin skin. They were delicate and sweet, practically dolls, but the dragon that had raised them knew better than to fall into such a trap.
Daigo nosed into Melinoe's cheek and huffed out hot air. She was cold to him ( as they all were ), and the contrast forced out another musical laugh. Enodie snuggled in closer. In between their murmurs of affection, Daigo's sensitive ears caught the whispers of something more. This was not a language anyone still spoke, and he had not heard it since he was newly - hatched.
You take good care of Mother, it said. The girls sighed adoringly.
Daigo grumbled appreciatively. "So do you three," he whispered, voice harshened by his use of a forgotten strain of Draconic.
His daughters held him tighter. They remained fixed to him until Daigo straightened his back. That motion seemed to dismiss the princesses. Soteria smiled, flat teeth glimmering. The dragon huffed at the girls as they left.
Inside of the bedroom he shared with his wife sat Daigo's greatest treasure. The old thing reached for her when she stood. He kissed the top of her hair and brought her into his side, where he trusted she would remain warm and safe. Having her there relaxed the beast. Daigo parted his lips to draw in her scent greedily. Their princesses had crafted a smell that was close to their mother's, but it was not perfect. Melissa had a tinge of the wild to her : of dragons' lairs and clear streams and bee hives and exotic flowers.
Daigo drew back from his wife ever so slightly. He used the side of his fingers to turn her head up. In her eyes, he could see a dark sparkle ; there was other magic possessing her. The girls — Daigo recognized their influence at once, but he did not try to draw it out of Melissa. They were desperate little abominations in need of a home, and the Queen of Solaris adored them. Whether or not they began as eggs in her stomach was a point that Daigo did not mind being blurred.
"They were . . . very small," the dragon said, dragging his claw tenderly across Melissa's cheek. "Look at how strong they have become, eraesthyr. I am proud of them."
Melissa laughed. "Mm, they are still small," she teased, resting a hand on his chest. "I do not mind, though — you have a tendency to produce giants, my love. Our sons, in particular. It would be nice to have a few of our children who I can look in the eye."
Daigo's lips peeled back with an amused hiss. Melissa smiled at the breathy noise and patted his breast. That reminded the dragon of her opening inquiry, and he nodded. "I have enough stones for their crowns," he finally replied. "Whatever you need, I will find. For their . . . hatching day."
He could remember quite vividly holding the squalling, leathery psuedo - dragon hatchlings in his arms the first day they were here. They were a mess, crying in the makeshift nest of clothing and stolen hay that he had made them while he looked for his wife. For Melissa, however, those memories did not exist — at least, not today. As far as his Queen was concerned, she had hatched them in the unusual way that human women brought their young into the world. One after another, strangely silent and charming daughters, inevitably swaddled and deposited into their exhausted mother's arms.
Daigo sighed and kissed Melissa's forehead. It didn't matter, did it ?? Their girls were loved regardless of their origin, and he was sure they would look adorable in the gifts that their mother proposed.
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