#愛月 ひかる
berserkerbarbie · 9 months
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The Rose of Versailles -Oscar- by Cosmos Troupe 2014
scanned from the Ouki Kaname Sayonara Scrapbook
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avfanatics · 3 months
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Minatsuki Hikaru 皆月ひかる
 [Actress review]
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kojintekinamatome · 2 years
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sakamichi-steps · 1 day
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sakamichibeeldarchief · 4 months
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yuzukahibiscus · 2 years
Performing in the Musical “The Fantasticks” – Aizuki Hikaru interview
(Source taken from: Enbu)
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Surpassing gender and age, pursuing a captivating expression to captivates people
Since the first premiere in Off Broadway in 1960, there have been continuous performances in these 42 years of time till 2002, “The Fantasticks” is the longest-running musical in America.
Known for his musical “Cyrano de Bergerac”, French playwright Edmond Rostand wrote this story interweaving the essence of Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” and “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” based on the verse play of “Les Romanesques”. This is a timeless masterpiece conveying a message that emerges from love and life that everyone experiences.
This musical would be directed by the next-generational, skillful director Ueda Ikko, who would newly repackage this Toho musical, and would be performing from October 23 to November 14 at Theatre Creation.
Amongst all the performance characters and previously active as the former Takarazuka Revue Star Troupe Otokoyaku Star, Aizuki Hikaru will be performing as the role “El Gallo”, a wanderer who both toys with and leads the Time.
This was the first musical for Aizuki Hikaru after her graduation. Now, how does she feel about this new production? How will she approach this? We will introduce more of our conversation including her memories in her Takarazuka times in the interview of “Enbu October issue”
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Because it is played by a female, the charm of the role El Gallo enhances in fantasy
— How did you spend you everyday after graduating from Takarazuka? Have you taken it slow for a bit.
Yes. I did slow down for a bit, I think.
— Among those, could you tell us your decision on performing in this musical “Fantasticks”?
When hearing about the role El Gallo, I was told that this is a role that has always been played by males, this time when it will be performed by a female, the story would expand to increase the components of fantasy. This made sense to me, wouldn’t I be able to make use of what I’ve done in the stage of Takarauka before? That’s what I thought and therefore decided to perform in this.
— Because many have been expecting this musical, since the premiere opened in 1960, there’s a long line of the tremendous record of shows for 42 years since 2002, how was your impression for this production?
Just because of this reason, there must be so many people supporting (the musical), I thought there were various things to learn in approaching this musical. Now, I’m in the stage of thinking about the focus of the role El Gallo (note: This interview was in late July). This is a role with mysterious charms, you could say (El Gallo) confuses and charms the heroine a little, there’s a scene where (El Gallo) seduces her. Acting a role like that, I didn’t think about whether (El Gallo)’s a man, a woman, how old they are. I was thinking about pursuing a performance that charms people, surpassing gender and age, and I will continue to prepare for this little by little.
— While being excited for this approach of yours in enhancing the stage performance, there are really vibrant cast combinations in company, how does it feel being in this new group?
I was very nervous. Even if this is obvious, it’s because I don’t have experience being in the rehearsals for external performances, the first moment when I entered the rehearsal room, I thought I was extremely anxious.
— After your graduation, you performed as a guest in Tamaki Ryou’s concert. Thinking that was your first performance, how did you feel in the rehearsal room at that time?
Because at that time I was a guest, so I only had just one day of rehearsal with Tama-chan (Tamaki), it feels that it ended very briefly (LOL). For me, I didn’t have a clear idea of how the rehearsals in external performances were like. In September, I would be in the concert by the Takarazuka OG seniors. Being in those rehearsals, I thought there would still be new discoveries but I’m now not at that stage (of being in rehearsals of external performances yet).
— So this really feels like a beginning for you then.
It does. What would I be thinking about? I myself am also very excited.
— The production will be performed in the Theatre Creation, which is opposite to the Tokyo Takarazuka Theatre. Takarazuka fans already know this, but what is your impression of Theatre Creation?
Since it’s obviously my first time standing on this stage, but as someone who’s always comes to watch this theatre, it’s a theatre of very comfortable size that there’s an impression you could convey your everything there. This time I’ll be standing on the stage of this theatre, how would it feel when I’m now acting instead? I am again very thrilled about it.
There is acing in the root of all expressions
— Even though you just said it, this is your first time participating in the musical. How do you feel about playing a new role?
It’s simply excitement. I’ve performed in an audio drama a few days ago, the story is quite very deep and apart from feeling it was fun, that was again another challenge.
— Now, “the story is quite very deep and you feel fun”, was there a time when you realized this fun in acting, or was there a time where that consciousness changed for you?
When I accepted this role, rather than having a clear direction, because I’ve already had experience in Takarazuka for the many elements of singing, dancing and also acting. It’s really a lot of it, so I thought this wouldn’t be possible if not having the core of acting. No matter how wonderful your voice is in singing, without feeling (the core of acting), it would simply end at “that’s a beautiful voice”, and so is the same for dancing. For the show also, when I try to express what the scene is trying to depict, in the end all of this is connected to acting, “it can only be like this” I thought, and from then, I gradually felt that acting can go deep and can be fun.
— I would also like to ask about Takarazuka Revue when you found this fun in acting, now what’s the first memories you remember when hearing “Takarazuka”?
It has to be the rehearsal rooms. It’s the place where I spent the longest time in, so it’s nostalgic. If I can go to a place I want once again, surprisingly rather than the stage it’s actually the rehearsal room.
— You’ve put in your heart and effort into this musical. Just knowing about El Gallo role this time, you mentioned about wanting to surpass gender and age, the roles played Aizuki-san in Takarazuka did surpass ages, because there’s many dynamic roles you’ve done. From each of these roles, did you think that you were playing a human rather than playing as a role?
I think it’s because there are really many roles that I can't detach from their various characteristics (and I can't just play them as a human). Especially in my latter Takarazuka life (possibly implying Star Troupe times), I have a lot of these roles.
— So thinking about you role of El Gallo this time, apart from this role being fun, are there any more difficulties?
 I think it’s fun to create the role myself. When the style is not fixed, that is up to the performer to have fun, and because I’ve had quite some experience in such roles, I hope to relive what I’ve accumulated into this role.
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Because the Takarazuka “Otokoyaku” is not realistic, that’s why its presence is so unique
— How does it feel to continue pursuing the charm of “Otokoyaku”?
You could achieve this optimum coolness that real men can never have. What I mean is, there’s no such man in this world right? (LOL)
— Ah, that’s for sure! (LOL).
Even for me, after graduating, there’s not even once that I can meet someone cooler than the Takarazuka Otokoyaku (LOL). That’s why it’s really not realistic. Even though usually there won’t be such men in real life, when females do otokoyaku, everyone’s pursuing for the male image in our ideal. That’s why it’s so unique, and what you act certainly gives you some reward, “Everyone, there’s no such men like that in real life!”, you may have said something like that (LOL). Because there’s no such thing in real life, that’s what makes the Takarazuka Otokoyaku good.
— As you said even though this is definitely a charm in an unrealistic space, what’s your ideal in pursuing the male image?
An intelligent and a man with inclusivity. Because I really like those kind of roles, I also pursue to be an otokoyaku that has inclusivity.
— Amongst that, I’m sorry if this question is going to be difficult, but do you have any roles in mind that you love especially a lot?
Even though I’ve received such question before, it’s really difficult to choose.
— I see! I’m sorry!
Even though I have various roles that I have fond memories of, the one that purely comes to mind is possibly “WEST SIDE STORY”, which I quite love (my role) Bernard.
— Ah, I can feel that charmful otokoyaku image in (that role)!
I love playing (Bernard), because I thought he was a charming man, in that sense I have some memories of it.
Pursuing what’s to be seen in “FANTASTICKS”
— Now, you’ve mentioned you’re not in the next stage rehearsal yet, how are you spending your free time?
I’m very thankful to be involved in interviews like these, if my schedule is free then I will go to training or I’d fill up my schedule to have numerous dates with friends. On the other hand, whenever there’s a free day, I’d always be at home doing house affairs. I’m basically an indoor person, I love to spend the time slowly.
— As you mentioned in those days, when it’s time to start rehearsals for the new produciton, even though there’s no detailed schedule of anything yet, do you have any dreams of wanting to do something?
I really am excited and love participating in magazine work or modeeling work. Because I really love fashion, doing these kind of works would make me feeling various emotions of wanting to try these out. Also, because fans are such a very special and important presence to me, because everyone’s here that I’d work hard. Even after my graduating, fans never stopped supporting me, tihinking back this feeling is so strong, I’ve always thought of creating opportunities to meet with everyone. But from here I’ve been in various kinds of stage performance, I can’t say that I’m in that state of continuing to do more. In this sense, I’ll do my best in the musical stage of “FANTASTICKS”. Standing on this stage, I’d feel various kinds of emotions, what would I be seeing? What do I want to do more? I’m also anticipating for that and wanting to know more.
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あいづきひかる〇Born in Chiba-prefecture. Entering the Revue in 2007 as a 93rd, assigned to Cosmos Troupe.  From handsome and cool roles to the villains, she’s achieved popularity as a unique otokoyaku star. After being in Senka, she transferred to Star Troupe and was active as a core member, later graduating from “Yagyuu Scrolls”/“More Dandyism!”.  Starting performing as a guest in 2022 “Tamaki Ryou’s 1st Concert 「CUORE」, she would later perform in Theatre Drama City’s 30th anniversary concrt “Dramatic City Yume (夢;Dream)”. This musical will be her first musical after her graduation.
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8585vr · 3 years
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堀沢ゆい 枢木あおい 七美せな 小梅えな 皆月ひかる 一ノ瀬恋 松本いちか 小鳥遊ももえ 高城ひかる 五十嵐かな 新田みれい 神咲まい 冬愛ことね 香坂みりな 稲場るか 逢坂りの 心菜りお NATSUKI 河北はるな 田中ねね 高美はるか 阿部乃みく 高坂あいり 志恩まこ 笹倉杏 四葉さな 八乃つばさ 蓮実クレア 麻里梨夏
C1: C2: C3: C4: C5: C6: C7: C8: C9: C10:
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yugiri315 · 2 years
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koch-snowflake-blog · 4 months
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石川 澪は、日本のAV女優。プロダクションALIVE所属。 ウィキペディア
生年月日: 2002年3月20日 (年齢 21歳)
身長: 158 cm
スリーサイズ: 82 - 58 - 86 cm
デビュー: 2021年
ブラサイズ: B
モデル内容: AV女優
出身地: 日本
高校時代の部活はチアダンス部。部長を務め週6あるいは週7練習していたが、決して強い部ではなく、卒業してから同部は全国大会出場したという。一方で運動はある程度できるが、インドア派であり、(幼少時は)『TOKYO MXとBS11で育った』と語るほど新旧問わずアニメ作品を好む。「私にとってアニメは、大げさでなく生きる意味。この世界からアニメがなくなったら、死んじゃいます」とも述べている。漫��に関してもアニメ原作を中心に2022年時点で自宅に1,000冊、電子書籍1,000冊を保持している。石川は「セクシー女優の趣味がオタクなんじゃなくて、私の場合はオタクがたまたまセクシー女優をやっているだけ」と、これらの趣味について言及している。
舞台版月ともぐら 胸キュングランプリの感想として「舞台で演技をしたことがないし、そもそもみんなでイベントをするような経験自体が初めてだったので、会場に着くまでずっと緊張してた」「私たちはそんなに順位にこだわってなかったからね」と答えている。
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gdmtblr · 4 months
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February 13, 2024
My dog, "NICO" celebrated 1th birthday :-)
I always wish her health and happiness.
And dear Tumblr's friends,
Nico is always grateful for your kind messages and daily support🐶❤️
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berserkerbarbie · 6 months
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Elisabeth by Cosmos Troupe 2016 rehearsal vs. show
Luigi Lucheni - Aizuki Hikaru Madame Wolf - Reimi Urara
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avfanatics · 3 months
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Minatsuki Hikaru 皆月ひかる
 [Actress review]
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ari0921 · 10 months
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sakamichi-steps · 8 months
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sakamichibeeldarchief · 8 months
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g-men-movie · 1 year
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勝太たち 1 年 G 組の担任。一見清楚でいつも笑顔、生徒にも優しい美人な先生だが、言う ことを聞かない生徒に対しては性格が一変。普段の大人しい姿からは想像できないようなおかしなテンションで大暴れする。
私立武華男子高校の3年生。伝説の不良グループ【G メン】最後のヘッドで驚異的な強さを誇る。金髪リーゼントがトレードマークで、強さと茶目っ気を併せ持ち何かと訳知り顔で勝太たちを見守る先輩。
この度解禁となった連続キャラPV第3弾は、【ピュアなレディース・上城レイナ編】。勝太たちと一緒に青春を過ごすことになる“レディース”【多摩黒天使(ブラックエンジェル)】のヘッド・上城レイナ。G組メンバーに真正面から啖呵を切るような強気で大胆な性格。一方で、岸演じる勝太に密かに恋心を抱きながらもなかなか素直になれないという、恋愛には奥手でピュアな一面も持ち合わせています。 映像は、「てめえら、ぜってぇ許さねえからな!」と特攻服で啖呵を切るインパクトのあるオープニングからスタート。その後も「生きて帰れると思うなよ!」「ぶっ殺すからな!」と物騒な単語が並び、レディースのヘッドとしての素養を見せつけています。一方で、勝太を校門前で待ち伏せて、「12時に駅前に一人で来い!」と呼び出すシーンでは、緊張から声が一オクターブ上がってしまうなど、ピュアな一面も垣間見える。ラストの「別に好きだとか、そういうことじゃねぇからな。ぶっ殺すぞ!」は、レディースのヘッドとしての感情と年頃の女の子としての感情が爆発したシーンに。レイナの可愛らしさが詰まった15秒となっています。
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