#🌀. botdb
samuskitchen · 2 years
bottom of the deep blue. (8)
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⇒ mermaid!suna x siren!reader
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summary : sirens, creatures of unmatched beauty and cunning charm, they lure men in with their voices and grace, taking advantage of all the gullible fishermen and pirates. mermaids, the peacekeepers of the deep blue sea, naive and kind to a fault at times. a fated encounter between the two underwater dwellers leads to a difficult situation and a love that shouldn’t be.
warnings : character death, mentions of blood , somewhat graphic description of flesh being uhh eaten?? , mentions of torture, cruel treatment, description of mutilation, mental breakdowns, just a lot of death and fear.
genre : mermaid au, pirate au, angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, betrayal
a/n : i’m so sorry it took me so long to post the final chapter, after this there’ll be a short epilogue that i’ll probably post later on in the week, and then i might take a break from writing a series (i have more planned but i wanna work on the ideas more) so i’ll probably release one shots for a bit!! pls reblog or comment or send me a message in my inbox if you enjoyed or had any criticisms đŸ«ŁđŸ«‚đŸ«‚
w/c : 2.7k
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rintarou shifted awkwardly under the harsh glares of your sisters, each one of them taking their time to inspect him carefully.
“yn never talked about you, but we knew when she’d come back later than usual, a bright smile on her face— we knew it had to be because she met someone.” the eldest broke the silence.
suna swallowed back his guilt at her words, he knew you cared for him, that there was something slowly blooming between the two of you, yet that didn’t stop him. he realised his selfishness cost him the one thing he desired most, freedom wasn’t above the water surrounded by people who had no care for him.
he realised too late that freedom was with you. spending hours in your little cave, hidden away from the world and the burdens you both carried, freedom was holding your hand as the two of you sat on the rocks together watching the sunset or running through the markets.
rintarou took far too long to realise that freedom was with you.
“i’m sorry
” suna wished he could do more or say more to even the tide, but the damage had already been done, you had been ripped away from your family and the life you had grown accustomed to, albeit a life you didn’t want to live, however you were safe and your safety should have been his biggest priority.
your sisters stare at him, gaze stone cold and filled with judgement at the fidgeting merman who could only bow his head and lay a hand on his heart if only to show his sincerity for what has happened. his apology is not enough.
“you expect us to accept your foolish apology and move on? our sister is being harmed and by the time we find her, she may very well be dead. your remorse is not needed, your help is needed.” the eldest spoke to him, her tone sharp.
rintarou nodded and lifted his head up, gazing back at her. “i know where she is, i can lead us to them. if we go now we may be able to make it to them before the sun rises. these humans are weakest at night.”
“good. we will need every advantage to rip their throats out as slowly and painfully as possible.”
the ocean was bustling in the night, all types of creatures came out to hunt for their meal or travel the vast waters for a new place to stay. the group of sirens led by the merman sped through the currents, ignoring the fish that would scramble out of their paths.
“they should be further ahead. once we make it under the boat, remember the plan. rintarou you make your way back onto the ship, we will start the melodies as soon as you give us the signal.”
rintarou gives a short nod, and with that the group pushes forward, speed increasing as the urgency to get to the travelling boat rises. if they’re even a little late it could result in the end of your existence and if that happens, rintarou would accept any punishment your sisters had ready for him.
after a few more minutes of swimming the group sees the large paddles of the ship below the water, lying dormant as most of the crew must have finally been allowed rest. rintarou takes this as a good sign, and with a small smile he swims closer to the boat.
they all slow down once they make it to the first paddle, with quiet nods the group splits off, your sisters surrounding the boat, and rintarou swimming over to the side where the large ropes had been thrown over.
rintarou turns to your eldest sister, giving her an appreciative nod before swimming up to the surface. with a deep breath he begins the climb, at first it had been a struggle with the fact that he had to carry most of his tail weight, but the further up he got and the more he dried off, his human legs had finally formed again.
he tried keeping his grunts as quiet as possible, but climbing the rope while being hit with the strong ocean winds was something he had not been prepared for, so with a final grunt he throws himself over the edge of the boats barriers. eyes searching for a sack or long fabric he could tie around his nude waist before finding you and confronting yuuji.
much to rintarou’s luck, he found a pair of abandoned pants, most likely from a drunk crew mate. he slipped into the pants and sprinted down to where you were held the last time he was on the boat. with a speed he wasn’t used to and a strength he didn’t know he had, he threw the doors open and ran down the stairs.
his heart stuttered at the sight of your empty cage and the blood soaking the ground. his legs felt weak and with a choked gasp he fell to his knees. a hand raising to his mouth to cover the sobs that threatened to spill out.
i’m so sorry, i’m so so sorry yn.
after a few agonisingly quiet seconds, he sharply inhaled and slowly began rising again. he’d kill that bastard yuuji first, and once he’s delivered the lifeless corpse of that wicked captain to your sisters, he’d let them have their way with him, it was what he deserved after all.
rintarou turns back to the entrance, feet dragging as his hands shook with both an anger and sadness he’d never felt before. one foot after the other he climbed the stairs slowly, hands gripping the bannister as he made his ascent.
“well, you sure are desperate.” rintarou’s head snapped up at the sound of yuuji’s voice.
there, right in front of the door, stood captain yuuji. he had a twisted smirk on his face, a tone filled with cynicism and an evil glint shining within his eyes. and trapped within his arms, was you. your legs had formed and rintarou couldn’t bear to look down at them, keeping his head up he examined your shaking body, hands gripping yuuji’s arms tightly as he tightened his own grip around your throat.
you were alive. rintarou felt his body relax just the slightest bit, stifling a sigh of relief. he cleared his throat and returned his gaze back to yuuji, glaring at the man who continued to smirk down at the weak man at the bottom of the staircase.
“if i remember correctly, i said i'd kill you the next time i saw you. isn’t that right rintarou?”
gulping back his fear, rintarou holds his ground. “you’d like that wouldn’t you, yuuji? unfortunately for you, that’s not gonna happen.”
with a deep inhale, rintarou brings his fingers to his lips and let out a loud whistle, running up the rest of the stairs, he shoves yuuji aside, ripping you away from his side and dragging your shaking body to the edge of the ship, pushing your body behind his as the air begins to fill with the soft and beautiful harmony of the sirens below.
yuuji’s eyes slowly widen, hands moving to block his ears, screaming for his men to help him, his hands grip his ears tightly, nails digging into his flesh and scalp. yuuji’s legs begin to shake, he runs to the doors of the crews’ bunks, kicking the door open, screaming for his men to wake up.
the ship falls into chaos, men shouting to each other, glasses falling and breaking, kegs spilling over as the men scramble to get up at the begs and cries of their captain, who falls further and further into a breakdown.
yuuji sobs the louder the sirens’ song gets, his men go silent, the chaos stops. one by one the men line up along the sides of the boat. yuuji shakes his head, his trembling lips repeating the same begs of ‘no’ as his men slowly climb over the edges of the ship.
 no, no, NO! stop, please — i’m sorry, please no more!” yuuji falls to his knees, hands still gripping the sides of his head, his body is hunched over, tears and drool and snot fall over him as he rocks himself, his cries drowning out the splashes and screams of his crew.
you grip rintarou’s arm, watching the man who tormented and tortured you so harshly for days, fall into a madness you’d never witnessed before. his cries and screams were far more heartbreaking than the pleads of the dying crew mates, if he hadn’t hurt you as much as he did, you’re sure you would’ve felt more remorse.
rin purses his lips, brows drawn together as he watches the mighty captain yuuji become nothing more than a blubbering fool, crumpled on the ground shaking in fear as death looms over him. the men in the water grew silent. most, if not all of them, were dead by now.
yuuji, noticing the silence even through his breakdown, slowly lifts his head up, hands leaving his ears. his sobs grow quiet, but his body still trembles from the held back cries. “i-i’m so—sorry. please, please don’t hurt me
an uncomfortable silence stretches out over the ship, you push yourself closer to rintarou, cheek pressing against the muscles of his broad back. “tarou
 what’s going to happen to him?” your voice was quiet, shaking as you shivered against him.
“cover your ears, yn
” rintarou gulps. eyes gazing out to the other side of the ship, where your sisters finally climb over the edge, human legs replacing their large tails, they hobble slowly over to yuuji, who slowly turns to look behind him.
he gasps, body flying backwards as he scrambles away from the women who began surrounding him. his screams return, a sound so loud and piercing that even as you press your hands closer to your ears, his wails break through the barrier. you clench your eyes shut, pressing your entire body into rintarou to block out the sound.
yuuji begs like no man ever has, screams as he’s torn apart, he pushes and shoves against the sirens who feast on the man who lost everything twice. he grips at the floorboards of his ship, wide eyes staring up at the sky, whispering and whimpering prayers to his God as he feels the teeth and nails dig further into his flesh.
before he falls into his eternal slumber, his gaze falls onto rintarou, he sees part of your shaking body, and with his last breath he utters a singular phrase, one that rintarou would never be able to utter to you. through and through, yuuji hated sirens and he’d continue to hate them wherever he ended up on the other side.
rintarou turns to you, kneeling down as his hands gripped your wrists, gently pulling them away from your head. “it’s okay, it’s over now. everything is over, you’re safe.” he tried giving you a warm smile, muster up the courage to look you in the eyes, do anything to give you the comfort you so desperately needed.
” the call from your eldest sister snapped you out of your trembling fear. glistening eyes locking onto the worried ones of your sister. your lips trembled, legs shaking from the overwhelming emotions and pain. slowly, step after step you dragged yourself over to your family, hands flying to hug your sister with your remaining strength.
you could only bring yourself to mutter apologies as your sister held you back tighter, her comforting hold and her hand which caresses the top of your head finally gets you to break. your own wails cry out among the ship, gripping onto your sister tighter than you ever had before. your other sisters gathered around the two of you, whispering words of comfort, some checking on your physical health, others petting you.
for the first time in a long time, you felt the touch of others that had no malicious intentions, the gentle touch and caress of people who loved and cared for you. you were safe and you could finally feel that safety.
“it’ll be okay, yn. we will fix everything, you are safe now.” your eldest sister mumbled into your hair as she held you closer.
you nodded against her, hands still gripped onto her like a child too afraid to leave their mother’s side, too fearful of the wonders the world may hold. you experienced the human world, and you realised that maybe humans didn’t deserve the sympathy you so easily gave them.
“don’t think we’ve forgiven you for running off with that horrid merman though. so many fish in the sea and you go for that?”
you let out a soft laugh as your sisters began berating your taste in men, rintarou’s jaw dropping as they criticised every bit about him from the other side of the ship. he self-consciously crossed his arms over his chest and slumped down, knees pulled up as he lets his head rest against the barrier supporting his back.
“i’m still here, y’know
” he muttered.
after being healed by the strange old human lady by the shore and being brought back to your home, you continued to stay by your sister's sides. helping them hunt the men who tried crossing the ocean.
rintarou, however, could not say his return was as welcomed, nor was he happy to be back in the mermaids’ kingdom.
being stripped of his title, rintarou bowed his head in front of the king and queen who could only glare down at the ex-knight in training. he had a hand placed on his heart, the other arm behind his back as he stayed in that position, awaiting the news of his punishment.
“rintarou. not only did you break one of the most sacred rules of our kind, you visited the land of the humans, but you also had relations with a siren! this act of rebellion is disgraceful and taints the image of all mermaids and men alike. for your crimes you should be dead.”
rintarou nodded, still bowing as the king continues to criticise the man. “however,” rintarou lifts his head up ever so slightly, his gaze locking onto the king’s. “because of your
 relationship, with that siren girl, you have allowed a new pact to be created between both civilisations, and for that i will not punish you with death. you will be banished from the kingdom, sent away to live out your eternity above land with the humans you so desperately wanted to be like. no longer will you be a man of this kingdom. this is as far as my mercy will go. should you be seen in the waters, we will not hesitate to execute you.”
rintarou’s lips trembled as he once again silently nodded, raising himself to his full height, he mumbled a thank you to the king, before being forcefully grabbed by the guards on both arms.
“i hope this serves as a lesson to the rest of the kingdom, if they wish to parade as humans, they will face the same punishment as this fool!”
on his way out of the castle and soon the entire kingdom, rintarou keeps his gaze down, ignoring the judgemental whispers and the harsh words thrown at him by the citizens of what was once his home.
when he made it to the gates of the kingdom, rintarou lifted his head to get one final glance of the place he’d never see again, the friends he’d never get a chance to be with, and the opportunities he could’ve had. with his final glance he notices all of his friends from training lined up by the gate, smiles of sympathy and sadness cloud their features as they say a final goodbye to their friend.
he feels his heart break. the regret of his actions finally hitting him full force as he’s finally pushed out of the gates, the large structure slamming closed to finally show that he is no longer welcome. a final goodbye is heard from his friends before he swims away to the surface, looking back at the kingdom every so often to watch it grow smaller and smaller.
rintarou finally learnt what greed could cause for a man, and for that, he could never regret anything more.
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taglist: @lomlsuna @akaashiwife @plixy @on-crows-wings @1-800-s1ya @sabztov @keiji-in-a-can @tamak00 @erintaro @bertqut1 @usermins @yanihatesu @rntrsuna
198 notes · View notes
samuskitchen · 2 years
bottom of the deep blue. (epilogue)
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⇒ mermaid!suna x siren!reader
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summary : sirens, creatures of unmatched beauty and cunning charm, they lure men in with their voices and grace, taking advantage of all the gullible fishermen and pirates. mermaids, the peacekeepers of the deep blue sea, naive and kind to a fault at times. a fated encounter between the two underwater dwellers leads to a difficult situation and a love that shouldn’t be.
warnings : mentions of past trauma, phantom pains, saying goodbye.
genre : mermaid au, pirate au, angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, betrayal
a/n : the conclusion of ‘botdb’ this feels so bittersweet. my first ever series, finally coming to an end. thank you so much to everyone who read it, and to everyone who had shown any interest whether it be through comments, reblog a or asks. AND TO THE PEOPLE IN THE TAGLIST đŸ„č but i think the person who deserves my thanks the most, is my best friend and long time tumblr moot, mimi 😭 my 4lyfer fr, if she didn’t laugh at my spelling mistakes, you guys would have instead. sihsjshsk jokes jokes !! but everyone say thank you mimi, if it wasn’t for her, half my fics wouldn’t exist ( she fr helps me brainstorm and plan everything )
w/c : 1.4k
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after rintarou’s banishment, life went on, over the years the relationships between sirens and mermaids had slowly begun healing, the hatred turning into a tolerance for one another, and soon a friendliness flourished under the deep waters waves.
you’d spend hours looking up at the surface on the water, never getting close enough to break it, you’d never had a reason to go back up there, not even your curiosity for rintarou could make you face the world that almost harmed you beyond repair.
you were content under the blanket, in the life you lived, with the friends you had made, the surface no longer had meaning, your life was more than just killing sailors and pirates. you could freely explore the vast ocean, knowing you’d be safer even in the darkest depths, than you had been even a foot above the water.
though you regretted many things after your traumatic experience with rin, you couldn’t regret loving him. the raw emotions he had evoked from you in the short while of knowing him, the love he made you feel. you were thankful you learnt what that could feel like. more thankful that you could experience it again.
it seemed like the merman from rintarou’s kingdom were quite the charmers.
shinsuke had met you exactly a year after your return home, a year after the banishment of one of his best friends, and a year after you had closed yourself off. the first twelve months after the events had been the hardest, getting used to working with a tail that would never be as good as it used to be, and a mind constantly clouded by thoughts and the loop of the pain you had gone through. even years after the events, your scars would ache from phantom pains. yet shin stayed by your side.
a reminder that good things came with time, you regained your strength, your passion, your soft touch. life was better with someone to love, someone who fulfils your silly little fantasies. sure, he wouldn’t bring you treasures from above, but he’d bring back different rocks he’d found on his journeys and always had a story to tell. he’d teach you about the other kingdoms’ customs and would take you with him to the places he knew were safe.
his love for you was pure, the softest and sweetest love you could have ever wished for. shinsuke loved you hopelessly and endlessly.
so, when you suggested visiting the surface after decades of avoiding it, with the intention of finally checking in on rintarou, shinsuke asked to come with you. he vowed to keep you safe, to protect you from harm, and though it was to visit his old friend, after knowing the pain he caused you, shinsuke exercised extreme caution.
the trip to the surface was a nerve-wracking experience, though it was short and quiet, you could feel the heavy pounding of your heart, and when you finally reached the top, you took a second, clutching shinsuke’s hand tightly before breaking past the barrier of water.
sucking in a deep breath, you gazed at the same rocks you had been taken from, the rocks where it all began, the rocks where you decided you loved rintarou.
your eyes moved past the rocks to the buildings that now surrounded the shore, it was quiet— empty, however, it was different. it was nothing like the shacks and villages you saw all those decades ago. these had more structure, it looked sturdier, more detailed than before.
shinsuke squeezed your hand, silently asking if you were okay. with a slight nod, you pulled the both of you towards the ledge, letting him pull you out of the water after his tail had dried into human legs. your arms still felt weak despite the anxiety leaving you.
within a couple of minutes, the two of you were running down to where you remembered helen’s shack being, mermaids and sirens had no awareness to the modesty of humans, but from what you had remembered, your nude forms would be heavily looked down upon, so the both of you ran as fast as you possibly could down to the rundown little shack of the woman who had first greeted you into the human world.
with deep breaths you pushed the shack door open, thankful that it was still here. your eyes gazed around the room, landing on a blanket that you could use to wrap around yourself, and a discarded towel shinsuke could wrap around his own body.
after calming down, you fully took in your surroundings, lips pursing at the sight of fresh mermaid scales drying out on the counter. a bucket of water below it, and a pair of boots haphazardly thrown off on the floor.
the feel of the shack had changed, it no longer felt like the working space of a woman who held an unusual amount of knowledge of the world beneath the sea. it had a more homey feel to it, more like a shelter.
your thoughts were broken by the shack’s door swinging open, letting the light in to illuminate the figure standing by the doorway. a figure you were hoping to see.
rintarou?” your breath hitches. he hasn’t changed.
rin looks equally as shocked, not expecting to see you in front of him after years of no contact. he lets out a shaky exhale, taking a slow step forward, and then another, and then a few more before he makes it in front of you. a hand moving up to cup your cheek.
“yn?” his eyes soften, his body relaxes, his other hand aches to cup your other cheek. to hold you, to hug you.
a smile slowly spreads across his features as he examines your face, you hadn’t changed, you still looked as soft and sweet as the day he had met you. with a love-filled exhale, he looks past you, gaze locking onto shinsuke’s who had already been staring at him.
“hello, rintarou.” the two continued the mutual eye contact, before shinsuke broke it, eyes trailing down to the hand that was still cupping your face so gently. rin’s gaze trailed down to his own hand, quickly lurching it away from you, breaking you out of the emotional trance you were locked in.
the tension was high, the pain was sinking in. rintarou was alive, he was alive and he still loved you. and that fact hurt you more than a stab from any pirate ever could.
he loves you, but you couldn’t love him. not when you had shinsuke, not when everything you had ever wanted to feel was felt because of a man who had loved you so passionately without breaking your trust, without placing his selfishness above your own safety. shinsuke was worth the hardships and mistakes you had lived through.
rintarou was not.
“what are you two doing here?”
shinsuke speaks up for you, walking up close enough to place a gentle hand on your shoulder. you sink into his warmth. “we wanted to see how you were. see if you were still alive. i’m glad you’re doing well, we should leave now.”
“i’m glad i could see you two again. even briefly. yn
 i have the rest of eternity to apologise for what i did, please let me. i will spend every hour of the sunlight and every second under the night sky atoning for my mistakes, so long as you don’t hate me for what i did to you.”
you were shocked, and from the sharp inhale from shinsuke, you could tell he was too.
 i— i don’t hate you. i forgive you, i forgave you long ago. when the pain stopped hurting and became a memory that i could lock away. live your life without the guilt of what has happened. eternity is a lot less bearable when you have regrets.”
you move to hold shin’s hand, squeezing it tightly before pushing past rintarou, your heartbeat quickened and your breathing stuttered. you needed to leave, to get back below the surface, back into the comfort of the cave you had found so many years ago.
the surface wasn’t a place you would willingly come to often, if ever at all. but, you’re glad you could say what you needed to say, and leave rin with a final goodbye before you both went your separate ways for the rest of forever.
what you had gone through was hard, but saying goodbye was harder.
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tags : @lomlsuna @akaashiwife @plixy @on-crows-wings @1-800-s1ya @sabztov @keiji-in-a-can @tamak00 @erintaro @bertqut1 @usermins @yanihatesu @rntrsuna ( bolded, could not tag!! )
148 notes · View notes
samuskitchen · 2 years
bottom of the deep blue. (4)
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⇒ mermaid!suna x siren!reader
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summary : sirens, creatures of unmatched beauty and cunning charm, they lure men in with their voices and grace, taking advantage of all the gullible fishermen and pirates. mermaids, the peacekeepers of the deep blue sea, naive and kind to a fault at times. a fated encounter between the two underwater dwellers leads to a difficult situation and a love that shouldn’t be.
warnings : incredibly mean!suna, naive reader, mentions of death, mentions of blood , mentions of being captured, allusions to assault, mentions groping and torture, cruel treatment.
genre : mermaid au, pirate au, angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, betrayal
a/n : ONLY A FEW MORE CHAPTERS LEFT UEHUEHUEHUE I AM SO SAD TO SEE THIS SERIES END, but i’m excited to get into some modern!au content, especially single dad!sakusa :>>>
w/c : 3.5k
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rintarou never felt he was a corrupt or cruel person, just a man with dreams and goals that needed to be achieved. yet, the journey to the special cave in the depths of the ocean felt so wrong. for once he wasn’t going there as an escape from something, or to see you — well, he was going to see you, but not for your comfort or simple presence.
you were very special to him, his feelings aside, you’d be the key to his escape. he could finally live the life he’s dreamed of, a life above the same boring ocean. he’d watch the sunset and the moon rise, count as many stars in the sky as possible, learn the patterns and colours of the world that has been inaccessible to him under the dark blanket of water.
sure, he was being selfish by trading your life for a taste of adventure, but it was a necessary sacrifice, he appreciated the friendship the two of you had formed but some friendships weren’t made to last. this was one of them, and he knew you’d never forgive him the minute he handed you off to captain yuuji and the scummy pirates on the ship. though, part of him still held a very soft spot for you, he knew he couldn’t leave you all alone on a ship full of men who’d been hurt by your species, he would watch over you from a distance whilst still enjoying all the gifts life had blessed the humans of the world with.
when he notices the surrounding area morph into one that he’s grown used to over the past few months, he uses it as motivation to push himself faster against the waters pull. making it through the caves entrance and eventually pushing through the opening of the pool, water splashing against the walls of the cave. rintarou pushes his hair back and spots your curled up figure on the small ledge.
“i knew i’d find you here.” you silently stare down at his figure bobbing in the pool, you gave a disinterested hum, you didn’t move— couldn’t move. rintarou’s face was a reminder of your regrets, a reminder of your losses.
he reminded you of why mermaids and sirens were never to be mixed.
“c’mon, pearl. don’t be like that, i'm sorry for what i said!” rintarou grabs onto your hand, waiting for you to pull it back, scoff at him, give him any sort of reaction.
you continued to lay silently.
rin chokes down a gulp, your lack of emotion or reaction causes him to rethink his plans, you had essentially become a shell of what you once were. not a single sound escaped you, not a grunt at the nickname or a groan at his touch, the only thing that could be heard from you were your gentle breaths. we’re his words really enough to cause this?
he sighs, wrapping both of his arms around your waist and hauling you up, pulling you into the water beside him. “yn? what if— what if we ran away?” you blinked at his words. once. twice. before your eyes widened.
“r-runaway? where would we even go!?” rintarou smiled at the quiver in your voice, clearly you couldn’t hide your excitement. he pulls you below the pools surface, pulling you along to the entrance of the cave and out into the vast oceans depths. “rin- where are we going?”
“we’re running away, i found a place for us on land, you’ll love it! but we have to hurry, your sisters might be looking for you-“
 you’re taking me to the humans home? we’re going to stay together?”
he hums and nods, eyes quickly scanning your surroundings before he boosts himself, swimming up to the surface with a speed you’d never seen before. his grip on your hand was excruciatingly tight but maybe it was just his nerves, you both were doing something completely forbidden within your worlds— breaking the law and if word were to spread, you both would be breaking what little peace remained between sirens and mermaids.
yet you couldn’t bring yourself to care, seeing the bright shine of his eyes, his wide grin and the way his hair waved behind him the faster he swam up, his tight grip on your hand as if he was afraid to let go of you - afraid to lose you. he held you like you were a lifeline or the key to a pirate’s treasure chest. rintarou made you feel important.
so you blindly followed him, using your own strength to swim at his pace, with a smile that matched his own and a newfound excitement bubbling in your chest from the mere thought of escaping your forced image and cruel life as a blood thirsty siren. you just wanted to live in peace, and if a small house in town by the market, surrounded by other small houses and people was the way to accomplish peace, you’d spend the rest of eternity with rintarou by your side living a mundane life.
you both broke through the surface, joyous laughter bursting out of you before you could even think about it. you turned to rin who had already gotten out of the water, and had begun the process of putting his clothes on. once finished, he reached out a hand for you to latch onto, pulling you out of the water and gently resting you on the rocks.
“i can’t believe we’re actually doing this, rin! what do we do first? do we have to go to the town’s market and get food or— or do we buy new clothes? can we go see helen too!? or maybe—”
“yn,” rin sighed, shaking his head, he kneels in front of you gently cupping the side of your face. he smiles when you nudge your head further into his hand. “i lied.” he whispered.
you feel your brows furrow, body slowly tensing the longer you let his words sink in. “what
what do you mean, rin?” you laughed lightly, he was obviously joking, or maybe he was leaving you behind and just need courage to come back to the surface?
you gulp as his hand slides off of your face, he lets out a tsk before putting two fingers in his mouth to let out a chilling whistle. you shuddered at the sound, wincing at its shrill volume, but that was the least of your worries when out came a group of pirates, all smirking down at your vulnerable and shaking form.
a low whistle sounds from behind rintarou, and slowly, a man dressed in a long yellow coat decorated in an assortment of chains and jewels and belts comes into view. his hair was a striking blonde and he had both his ears pierced, he truly looked intimidating. and with the way he looked down at you with a sinister smile, he knew you were fearful of him.
“y’know, suna. when you promised me a siren, i didn’t think you’d find one so pretty, so—” he traces the side of your face with an uncomfortably warm hand. “innocent.”
he clicked his fingers and turned towards the shore, two men flocked to both your sides in a hurry, hastily gripping your arms as they began dragging you along the sharp surface of the rocks, paying no mind to your attempts to escape or your whimpers and gasps of pain as the rocks cut into the flesh of your tail. you turned to look behind you, wide eyed and tearful as you locked your gaze into rintarou.
“rin, please! help me, PLEASE!”
he looked away.
your arms ache, chained to the ceiling of the humid cell, not enough water to help you breathe, but just enough for you to not turn into your human form. the room felt suffocatingly stuffy, like you had been gagged and the only way to breathe was through the minuscule gaps within the cloth tightly pressed into your mouth.
the cuts from the sharp rocks that cut into the fleshy meat of your tail continue to sting and burn the longer your tail stays pressed against the small puddle of salt water lying beneath your writhing body. you whimper whenever the metal of the chains grinder against your skin, or when you’d move your body slightly only for the splinters of the wood beneath you stabbed into your wounded tail.
how could rintarou shamelessly put you in such a vulnerable position for the likes of such a vile person. what had rin been offered that could’ve made him betray you to such an extent. to be able to let a man like captain yuuji harm you with the biggest grin, as if he was seeking retribution against you. or your people.
you choked back a sob, you could feel the grimy hands of the pirate men roam your body even when no one stood near you, you could feel the phantom touches on the places they had placed their hand previously, where they roughly pulled at or groped, the sinister smirks and maniacal cackles the more you struggled and whimpered. the degrading words they threw at you when they began chaining you up.
rintarou suna watched it all happen, sitting pretty on a keg filled with who knows what.
his reaction no longer mattered, whether this hurt him or not did not matter, what mattered was the pain you were subjected to and how you could escape. these men weren’t going to allow you any sea water, you knew their plan. could tell what it was the minute they had you chained. they were going to dry you out as much as possible, keep you in your siren form until they could harvest your most potent scales, keep you in as much pain as possible. you were nothing but an animal to harvest, to use until you became useless, then maybe they’d throw you back into the sea and let you live the rest of eternity swimming without dignity nor any respect. your family would not take you back in after this, and you could not bear to face them after running away and falling into the very situation they had warned you of for so many nights.
your chest squeezed at the thought of your family, would you ever get to see them again? your sisters who cared so deeply for you, who only strived to teach you how to be a better siren, to do your job and to keep you safe. they only ever loved you no matter how tough it seemed or how far away they could feel at times. you took it for granted, being chained up on the bottom of a ship filled with scummy pirate men made you realise a life with your sisters was far greater than any adventure you could’ve gone on with rintarou. a life with your sisters would’ve been safe, a little gruesome but after the treatment you’d faced at the hands of these
 men— you couldn’t help but think maybe all those pirates you had eaten deserved it.
your whimpers turned to small cries, your tears dripping from your eye down the curve of your cheeks one by one, till it became constant, like a waterfall built into your body only ever accessible from the worst pain possible. the physical pain could be overcome, yet the sinking feeling of being alone, trapped in an unsafe foreign territory with no ally— no saviour, you were truly fearful of what the outcome of all of this would be. rintarou wouldn’t help, he’s the reason you’re chained up like the meat on the hooks you had seen that one joyous market day.
funny how things could change so drastically. the man you thought you were falling in love with was now the same man who threw you to the metaphorical sharks, who planned on using every last drop from you until you were nothing but a shell. rintarou made you realise, today, that there really was a reason mermaids and sirens weren’t meant to mix. and that mermaids weren’t as innocent and kind as they liked to pretend to be. maybe naive, but not innocent. not when rin could watch you be harmed in such a cruel way without the slightest twitch on his face.
rintarou suna was dead to you.
“naw what a pathetic little siren, aren’t you s’pposed to be the big bad wolf of the sea? i would’ve bet you’d been able to take down my whole crew, again, yet here you are.” his chilling voice grew louder the closer he stepped towards you, walking out of the shadows cast into the uncomfortably hot room. captain yuuji kept that grin he had worn earlier, you’d never get used to the shivers it’d send down your spine.
biting back a scoff you turned your head to face the wall to your left, examining the useless details in the boards, the marks and small holes most like from knives, the scratches against the wood or the chipped polish. you couldn’t care less about the man standing right outside of your cage examine your every move as if you were a rare species that had never been seen before.
though, giving him the benefit of the doubt, not many people saw sirens long enough to study them, or life to tell the tale. they were truly dangerous creatures, the fear around them hadn’t been unwarranted, but for you it was unwanted. now you were realising why maybe being feared wasn’t as bad as you thought it was. the men who no longer feared you were the same ones keeping you captive, using you and your body to help heal themselves of illnesses, cure themselves, grant themselves many more years in this world before they passover.
yuuji tsked, you could see him slowly shake his head as he stepped even closer to your small cage, a long arm reaching in to grip your hair tightly, roughly yanking you until your face was slammed into the cage, your arms bending awkwardly to accomodate to the enemy angle. “you’re g’nna need to learn some basic etiquette if you expect to make it in this world, pearl. wouldn’t want someone to hurt ya over your poor manners.” he pouted at you, yet it was clear he felt no sadness for what he had done.
“please— let me go
” he hums inquisitively at your mumble, turning his face to the side and bringing his pierced ear closer to your lips.
“could you repeat that, doll. don’t think i quite caught that.”
you pursed your lips, glaring at his form as hard as you could. “i will not beg for a man like you.” he slowly turned his head back to look at you again, tongue jutting out to lick his bottom lip, slight glare in his eyes as he searched over your face.
“you have a lot nerve, you cursed creature. you’re in my territory now.” he slammed your face further into the cage, all you could was whimper at the pain of the metal digging further into your cheeks. a drop of blood escaping your cheek the more he presses your face into the rugged bar of the cage.
“you’re going to give me what i want, whether you do it willingly
 or not. you lost that privilege the minute your pretty boy up there, traded you in for that spot.” he loosened the grip on your hair, giving you a half hearted bow and a tip of his pirate hat before stepping back towards the stairs and disappearing up them. leaving you to feel the bruise blossom on the side of your cheek where the new cut lay fresh. another drop of blood built up and slid down the side of your cheek, leaving you in the silence save for the drips and drops of blood hitting the floorboards.
you wouldn’t be leaving anytime soon, that much was clear.
you couldn’t tell how long you’d been trapped in the small cage, arms still forced to stay locked above your head. time worked differently underwater so you’d made the assumption that the darkness meant the end of a day, it was when the ship was the most silent, no pirate shanties, no cheers and boisterous laughter. it was the moment when you’d feel a semblance of peace after being captured. the only time you could look out the small batter window and see a glimpse of the moon and stars, you’d tried your best to count the stars but there were only so many you could see through the small slab before you ran out of stars to count. the sound of the sea would lull away the pain, letting you focus on the one thing that would bring you a sense of serenity, the only thing that had helped give you comfort. no matter where the ship travelled off to, the minute you were in the water you’d know the way home— if you had a home to go back to..
it was when you were dozing off for the first time since being put into the cage, that you noticed the sound of light footsteps and the subtle freaks of the worn down floorboards. they got closer and closer to the stairs that stopped near your cage. at first you eyed the stairs with one eye opened, half lidded and barely focused on the figure coming closer, though when you realised it was rintarou you couldn’t help scoff at his new form. his new clothes, his two legs, the sword buckled tightly to his belt.
“how long are you going to play dress up, mermaid.” even the mention of his species made your stomach churn, you couldn’t help but be repulsed by him and the other prissy mermaids that ruled the oceans as beautiful peacekeepers.
he sighed, squatting down before your trapped form. “yn— i just, i need you to know there aren’t any hard feelings
 just a guy who needed the key to freedom, think about it like a pirate and his treasure. you’re my treasure.” he placed a finger under your chin, tilting your head up to lock your gazes.
“if i was truly your treasure, why would you give me away to bad men.”
“because those men offered me more than you ever could, a fair trade for an eternity of freedom away from my duties in the guard? a life where i could see the ocean from above the water, why would i ever pass up an opportunity like that? if a siren scale was enough to grant me that, who knows how much a whole siren could guarantee me.” he tapped your chin before standing up in a swift motion. “like i said, no hard feelings!”
“you are a liar, rintarou. you— you told me that day that i was running away, that you were focussing on your responsibilities, yet you are the one who gave someone else’s soul away for your own escape! i did not run away from you that day, i left you behind because i knew you were going to be no good. your words hurt me, but your actions hurt much more. you are letting them harm me and torture me for some stupid scales that you could have bought off of helen, or asked me for! i would’ve given you one.”
“i needed more than one, yn.”
“no you wanted more than one, because you wanted to gain more. you are selfish, rintarou!”
“and you are a fool, yn. you call me a liar, yet i remember telling you that nothing good ever comes from naivety. but, here we are.” he looks down at you coldly, gulping down any other words or feelings bubbling away from within, trying his best to ignore your large fear filled eyes, the irony that a siren could make such a gentle doe-like expression.
he shook his head and turned away from your cage, ignoring your choked sobs and the rattles of your chains as your body shook from your silent cries. rintarou got what he wanted, no matter how much he cared for you, you would never be worth more than his freedom.
he had an eternity above the ocean to let the guilt eat away at him, right now he had an adventure to enjoy. he wouldn’t let his betrayal go to waste, not when there was so much to see. not when the sky burst with a plethora of colours in the hours between sunrise and sunset, or the way tiny little lights would guide the sailors to discover something new, something foreign that left the sailors and pirates surprised and thrilled as they learnt more about the world around them.
“i truly am sorry, treasure. but i cannot let such an opportunity slip through my fingers.” he whispered out, his back against the door of the entrance to the deck you’d been residing under for the past four days.
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taglist: @lomlsuna @akaashiwife @plixy @on-crows-wings @1-800-s1ya @sabztov @keiji-in-a-can @tamak00 @erintaro
226 notes · View notes
samuskitchen · 2 years
bottom of the deep blue. (6)
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⇒ mermaid!suna x siren!reader
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summary : sirens, creatures of unmatched beauty and cunning charm, they lure men in with their voices and grace, taking advantage of all the gullible fishermen and pirates. mermaids, the peacekeepers of the deep blue sea, naive and kind to a fault at times. a fated encounter between the two underwater dwellers leads to a difficult situation and a love that shouldn’t be.
warnings : naive reader, mentions of death, mentions of blood , mentions of being captured, mentions of torture, cruel treatment, brief description of mutilation.
genre : mermaid au, pirate au, angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, betrayal
a/n : i think the last few chapters are gonna be pretty short, like 2k-3k cuz im really busy with work and i just broke up with my boyfriend so that’s fun đŸ€© oh well. let me know what you think about the chapter!!!
w/c : 2.2k
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it was never his intention to hurt you, rintarou didn’t want you to be chained up and stripped of your very identity every waking hour of the day, however it was his actions and selfishness that led to this situation. you were to be chained and tortured from sunrise til sunset — or until captain yuuji deemed you too unwell to handle anymore harm for the day.
rintarou wasn’t a horrible person, but he was an idiot. when yuuji had first promised not to kill him in return for a siren scale, rin was blinded by the idea that maybe if he gave yuuji more than what he asked for— he could get a bigger reward. freedom.
unfortunately, rintarou didn’t take into account the fact that the extraction of those scales would be by force, not a single drop of sympathy from the sleazy pirates. your screams pounded against his skull, your begs and cries for him to help or for the crew mates to stop and to leave you alone, they clung onto him from the moment he woke up to the moment he once again fell into a slumber.
he knew what he needed to do, he needed to find an opportunity and use it to get you out of that cage and back into the water where you’d ultimately be much safer, and maybe if the two of you were lucky, you’d be accepted back into your family and he wouldn’t be a dishonoured guard.
however, rintarou knew that was wishful thinking.
getting you out of the cage wouldn’t be the hard part, and your sisters accepting you wouldn’t be an issue either. what posed a threat was the act of getting you off the ship and into the water especially now that the crew had stunted your legs from forming. he would have to drag you and use all his body strength to get your heavy tail off the floor, but it could be done.
he just needed a little bit of patience, and a lot of grovelling.
with light footsteps, rintarou picks up a bucket and fills it with sea water, if your legs couldn’t form the next best option was to keep your tail wet so you wouldn’t die of dehydration. the ship was dead asleep save for the captain who seemed to never close his eyes. yuuji was locked away in his quarters, paying no mind to what rintarou was doing— not that he could even see the scheming merman.
rintarou sprints to where you were locked up as quietly as he could. his goal was to not let any of the water drop while also keeping the attention off of him, and he thanked whatever God there was for letting him complete at least one task successfully.
he makes it to your cage and mumbles a small greeting, following it up with an apology before he threw the entire bucket’s worth of water all over you. you could only gasp at the sensation of being hit by a large wave of water.
thank you.” your reply was dry as you blinked rapidly to clear up your eyesight. “what do you want?”
rintarou clears his throat, choosing to ignore your short tone and icy glare. he sends you a sheepish smile. “so, i have a great idea!“ he got himself situated on the floor in front of you, leaning back to rest his body weight on his hands.
“i think the only advantage we have is our sleep schedule being drastically different to that of a human’s. pirates are also heavy drinkers, so i was thinking i could get them drunk— they pass out, i get the keys and we jump overboard?”
you hummed half-heartedly, thinking over the plan in your head, it didn’t seem horrible, but it did seem like it could go wrong very easily.
“and when would we do this?”
rintarou stayed silent for a few seconds, lips pursed and brows furrowed as he went over the remaining timeline before the final harvest. “i don’t really think we have enough time to perfect the plan, we’d need to do it as soon as possible
 m-maybe tomorrow night?”
“no— it’s fine, tomorrow after they come down to harvest your scales again, i’ll suggest we celebrate about how much profit we’re going to make, then once they’re drunk enough i’ll get the keys from them.” he nods at his own words, setting them in stone and preparing himself for the day ahead of him.
“yn, i hope you know i truly am sorry. my apologies can’t take back the hurt i’ve caused or make up for betraying you, but i do regret what i’ve done. when we get out of here i’ll spend the rest of eternity making up for what i put you through. i promise.”
“i don’t need your promises, rintarou. i just want my sisters back.” you look away from the man, who had put his hand through the opening of the cage, curling his hand until only his pinkie was left outstretched.
rintarou keeps his hand held out to you for a few more seconds, before dropping it, he knew you wouldn’t reciprocate the action.
“i’ll get you out of here, yn. just
 hang in there.”
you kept your head turned away.
rin watches closely as the two usual crew mates make their way down below the deck, sinister smiles on their faces and an empty bucket in each hand. rintarou’s brows furrowed
 why did they have two buckets?
light on his feet, rintarou takes quiet steps towards the door that leads to the room below the deck, heart beating just a little faster than before and his breath hitching as he picks up on what the two of them were saying to you.
“count your hours, pretty. the last thing you’re gonna see before captain yuuji guts ya is us!” they cackled, shoving one another and slapping their thighs as if what they said had been the peak of comedy.
you remained silent, head down turned and eyes trained on anywhere but the two men standing menacingly above you. they scoffed at your lack of reaction.
“stupid siren, bitch. i’m gonna make sure you feel the pain my comrades felt when you ate them alive.” he spoke lowly, crouching down before you and roughly gripping your jaw from outside of the cage, he sneered at the sight of you.
rintarou bites his nail, you no longer had a few days— they wanted to speed up the process, they wanted you dead by sunrise.
pushing himself away from the wall, he slithers into the room, clearing his throat to announce his presence. “lovely evening, isn’t it?” he pulled out one of the chairs that had been stacked in the corner of the dimly lit room and sat on it, resting his arms against the backrest of the chair.
“y’know, just a word of advice— the longer you take to kill a siren and the less you harvest their scales, the more potent they become.” he smiled brightly at the two men who looked to him, then turned to each other. mulling it over in their heads for a second before slyly smirking back at rin.
“anything to cause these leaches more pain.”
rin’s bright smile drops into a stiffer one, he pays the backrest once before jumping off the chair, biting back a grimace at the sound of your newly beginning screams. he spotted the key on the shorter man who remained seated by the cell door with the bucket clutched tightly in his arms and the keys dangling from his hip.
with limited time, rin runs back up to the upper deck, frantically searching for the alcohol that had been stocked on the ship. he didn’t need to get everyone drunk, just the two who had been assigned to harvest your scales from you. racing across the large ships deck, he makes it to the far left corner of the ship, where many new boxes and kegs were placed on display.
he was sure the two men weren’t the pickiest, pirates weren’t known for their refined palates. grabbing two bottles in each arm, rintarou sprinted back towards the door to the lower deck, ignoring the groans and shouts of protest from the crew mates manning the deck. they’d be asleep soon enough anyways. the sun had begun setting and the sky had now been engulfed in a pretty purple hue.
he made his way down the steps and loudly dropped the bottles of alcohol onto the chair he had previously sat on.
“boys, it’s your lucky day— look at what i snagged!” he holds one of the drinks in his right hand, raising it as a toast to the men. the two of them looked at each other, the bucket half full of your scales, then back to rin who now shook the bottle tauntingly at the men.
with a satisfied nod, the men pick up the bucket, lock the door and take a seat on the floor with a bottle each, taking large swigs until eventually the bottles are all empty. the two drunken idiots giggle and murmur to one another, laughing about how they got the privilege of drinking the special alcohol, rin paid no mind to their blabbers.
when he was sure they were far gone enough, he snagged the keys from the short man who was now passed out face down on the moistened floorboards. rintarou tip toes his way to your slumped over figure, holding back a gag at your mutilated tail, you had essentially been laying in a pool of your own blood, tears and discarded scales. he didn’t know if you’d be able to handle the pain of the salt water seeping into every tiny cut and crevice on your heavily injured tail.
with a shaky breath rin unlocks the cage, and makes quick work with you, grabbing your limp arm and slinging it around his shoulder, muttering a quick apology at what was about to happen, before dragging the rest of your body, your heavy tails scraping against the harsh texture of the floor, you bite back cries of pain even in your weakened state. you could cry when you were free.
rintarou uses one hand to push the door open, the other still tightly gripping onto you. he peeks his head out and when he confirms the area is empty, he uses the strength he built up after many nights training in the royal guard program to haul your body closer to the ledge, once you were in the water things would be easier.
but easy wasn’t a word that rintarou liked much. as the two made it to the edge of the ship they hear a loud and amused sigh, heavy footsteps slowly making their way towards the two. rintarou curses, turning to look over his shoulder at yuuji who slowly claps the closer he walks towards them.
“i’ve gotta say, im impressed. you actually almost made it.” pulling his pistol out from the place beside his hip, he had the gun pointed straight at rintarous chest. an icy grin on his face.
“unfortunately for you, im not as dumb as you think. drop the siren, rintarou.”
the two men held eye contact, a silent battle fought only with harsh glares.
“let her go, or i shoot the both of you.” he cocks the gun, eyes still firmly locked onto rin’s. the merman could only gulp. he looked at you, your eyes no longer half lidded, your body more alert now that there was an active threat placed in front of you.
you looked so
rintarou sighed, letting go of your arm and letting you drop to the floor with a cry. he stepped away from your body, ignoring the weight of your hurt gaze.
“if— if i leave her here, if i promise to stay far away from the ship
 will you let me go?” his eyes are down cast, a frown prominent on his face. he closes his eyes at the sound of your choked gasp.
 w-what—” your broken whisper is stopped by the sound of yuuji’s loud cackles, the blonde man clutches at his chest tightly as his laugh becomes more hysteric.
“you truly are a bastard, y’know rin, i really liked you. sure— whatever, you wanna live so badly? go jump, but if i see you anywhere near this ship, i will make sure your death is a slow and painful one.”
rin let’s out a relieved sigh, sparing you one last glance before preparing himself to jump over, he shivers at the fire burning behind your heartbroken gaze.
“oh, rintarou. before you go,” yuuji lets a bullet fly straight into the fleeing boy’s shoulder, watching in satisfaction as he falls overboard with a shocked gasp and a cry of pain. “foolish boy.” yuuji places his gun back by his hip.
he turns to look down at you, examining your weak body as you lay silent on the floor. if you weren’t a damned siren, yuuji would think you were quite the beauty. with a hum, he turns to knock on one of the cabin doors, getting the men inside to drag your body back into the lower deck cage, ignoring your pleas and begs for them to let you go.
on the way back up, the two drunken fools were dropped by yuuji’s feet.
you wouldn’t be the only one begging for your life tonight.
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taglist: @lomlsuna @akaashiwife @plixy @on-crows-wings @1-800-s1ya @sabztov @keiji-in-a-can @tamak00 @erintaro @bertqut1 @usermins @yanihatesu @rntrsuna
176 notes · View notes
samuskitchen · 2 years
bottom of the deep blue. (7)
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⇒ mermaid!suna x siren!reader
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summary : sirens, creatures of unmatched beauty and cunning charm, they lure men in with their voices and grace, taking advantage of all the gullible fishermen and pirates. mermaids, the peacekeepers of the deep blue sea, naive and kind to a fault at times. a fated encounter between the two underwater dwellers leads to a difficult situation and a love that shouldn’t be.
warnings : naive reader, mentions of death, mentions of blood , mentions of being captured, mentions of torture, cruel treatment, brief description of mutilation.
genre : mermaid au, pirate au, angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, betrayal
a/n : the way this couldn’t even hit 2k
 it is quite a bit of dialogue tho so.. enjoy!! i’m gonna try and drop the last two chapters within this week and next week and then i’m gonna take a break with writing.
w/c : 1.9k
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your lips quiver, your arms burn from being locked into place above your head yet again, your body feels heavy and your tail has gone numb. yuuji stares down at your pathetic form with a satisfied grin. he lets his men continue their abuse, cut after cut they continue to fill the bucket.
you whimper and gasp and cry from the pain, pleading wouldn’t work with such cruel, heartless men. they were thirsty for vengeance and you were the perfect target to release their pent up frustrations on. with your tail raw and stripped of nearly all of its beautiful iridescent scales, they let you have a moment to catch your breath, they wouldn’t kill you tonight — not when captain yuuji had a better plan on ending your life.
with a wave of his hand his crew left you two, scurrying out of the room with cruel grins and quiet comments, you wouldn’t die tonight, but captain yuuji would surely make you beg for it.
it was a tense silence once the room was cleared of all the loud pirates, and you couldn’t tell if that was for the better or worse. yuuji examined you, watched you like you were a predator ready to attack — and if you weren’t so battered and weak, you’d understand his caution. with a short inhale, yuuji took one step forward and then another, walking slowly until the light of the moon illuminated his face. he was looking down at you, smirking at your state.
“you truly are pitiful. to think mankind is so fearful of something as weak as you.” he sneered. with an unimpressed chuckle he threw the cell door wide open, dragging your limp body out and dropping you carelessly. “i’m in charge, i hold the power. you will fear me.”
you whimpered and groaned and squirmed, he could only laugh at your feeble attempts of pushing yourself up. he pressed his foot down against your back, pushing hard the more you tried struggling under his weight. “poor little siren-bitch. who would’ve thought you’d be betrayed by the same man twice!” he lets out a loud laugh, giving another harsh push of his foot.
his laughter dies down and the weight in your back lifts, you hear him take a step back, you feel his gaze leave your body. “y’know
 i lost everything that day,” he takes another step back before slumping against a nearby wall. “i lost my crew — my friends. my title, my power, i lost my power. shit, i even lost myself at some point.” the quiver in his voice was painfully obvious even from where you were lying practically dead on the ground.
“i tried moving on, i got back to shore and settled in a town. i drank every night and slept through the days, but it worked.” he pulled a knee up, resting his arms on it with his eyes trailing back over to your quiet form. you both locked eyes. “then i heard about another attack, and then i saw you, and i knew you were far too beautiful to be a mere mortal, and then i saw your legs and how awfully you tried hiding the scales. your pretty boy toy wasn’t doing much of a good job either, saw him slip out of the water with a long tail trailing behind him.”
a breathy chuckle falls from yuuji’s lips, he pulls up his other leg before resting his forehead against the tops of his knees. his fingers tap lightly against the floorboards. “when he brought you to that spot— when i saw you looking around so brightly, thinking you’d runaway or see the human world again
 i,” he took a deep breath through gritted teeth, giving you a toothy grin. “i wanted you to feel every ounce of pain you made me feel, i wanted to kill you so slowly you’d be screaming for me to put you out of your misery. and it was because you were so
 weak. i knew i could break you.”
your heart stuttered at his closing words, his mologie burning a vivid image into your brain, the pain he went through, the suffering you knew you had caused. except — you didn’t have a choice, it’s not as though you’re in control of your destiny, and the minute you tried you were thrown into a ship with a deranged pirate who’s thirsty for the blood of all sirens to be spilled. you were damned to suffer whether it be by the weight of your burdens or the hands of humans, you could never win.
mustering up what little strength you had left, you offer him a strained smile. “i never— i never wanted to hurt you,” you pause to choke down a breath of air. “i never wanted to hurt anyone. i always begged my sisters to leave me out of it
 that’s why— why i believed rin so easily. because i believed he’d get me out of that lifestyle. i didn’t see the need in hurting humans, i never wanted them to suffer
you shifted a bit, pushing against your forearms to support your upper body, you looked at him with a mirror image of the cruel smiles he’d send you. “you showed me why humans don’t deserve mercy.” yuuji sneered at your words, he pushed himself up, sending a strong blow to your stomach before turning to leave you. he paused at the doorway, sparing a quick glance over his shoulder.
“i’m going to make sure you suffer the same pain i did, you vile creature.”
rintarou pushes through the underwater currents, swimming faster than he’s ever swam before, he’s gasping and groaning and growling under his breath at his ignorance and naivety. you were right, he was far more of a fool than you’d ever be.
in record speed he makes it to the cave where the two of you had spent many days together, escaping responsibilities and making many new memories with one another. rintarou knows that after everything he’s done, there’s no way you could possibly forgive him, but he’s much rather have you hate him for an immortals lifetime than die by the hands of the people you wanted to cherish.
he picked up the pace, a new burst of energy getting him through the final stretch before he broke through the large seaweed and school of fish. there in the centre was a group of siren’s each one cleaning off the flesh of another dead fool.
rintarou clenched his hands and settled his nerves, he needed to do this, he needed their help and he knew he needed to save you.
“ahem—” before he could finish clearing his throat he had already been surrounded. “hello before you kill me, i know where yn is!”
the sisters looked at one another, almost as though they were talking telepathically to each other, rintarou would have been impressed if he hadn’t felt so threatened in their presence.
the eldest looking siren swam forward, giving him a firm nod. “welcome, now where is my little sister?”
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taglist: @lomlsuna @akaashiwife @plixy @on-crows-wings @1-800-s1ya @sabztov @keiji-in-a-can @tamak00 @erintaro @bertqut1 @usermins @yanihatesu @rntrsuna
156 notes · View notes
samuskitchen · 2 years
bottom of the deep blue. (5)
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⇒ mermaid!suna x siren!reader
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summary : sirens, creatures of unmatched beauty and cunning charm, they lure men in with their voices and grace, taking advantage of all the gullible fishermen and pirates. mermaids, the peacekeepers of the deep blue sea, naive and kind to a fault at times. a fated encounter between the two underwater dwellers leads to a difficult situation and a love that shouldn’t be.
warnings : naive reader, mentions of death, mentions of blood , mentions of being captured, somewhat graphic description of torture, mentions groping and torture, cruel treatment.
genre : mermaid au, pirate au, angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, betrayal
a/n : i am so sorry for how horribly written this chapter is, i’ll try and do the series justice by making chapter 6 a much better one, but majority of this chapter was written after work and i was either half asleep or just really out of it, which is also why it’s such a short chapter 😔
w/c: 2.1k
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yuuji never considered himself a bad man, if anything he felt as though he was more like a vigilante. he was a hero without a cape, no credit required for his good deeds. one siren dead meant hundreds of sailors could live, it wasn’t even something he had to consider. since that cursed day where he watched all his men die by the hands of those devils, he vowed he’d never let another die. he couldn’t lose his people for the satisfaction of those creatures, without sirens the world would be a safer place and he was willing to put in the work to destroy them.
he smiles at the sound your broken gasps and your shrill cries the more they rip off your scales, forcing you watch as they ground it up, blowing it in your face, wasting the scale and forcing you to go through another wave of pain as they pulled off another. yuuji had his chair sat facing you, he had one leg over the other while holding a cup of beer mixed with the shimmering powder of your grounded scales.
three men were assigned to harvest from you, three men who had shown no fear against you, they gripped at your skin without a sign of care, their grimy fingers digging into your soft flesh, their nails biting through your skin leaving crescent marks. the man standing behind you held a blade to your throat, pressing it further into your neck the more you writhed in pain. the two men harvesting your potent scales had no problem letting their hands— roam, your body.
you were petrified.
never in your life had you ever experienced such a cruel fate. nor had you ever felt so disgusted in your own skin, you could feel the phantom touches of their fingers on the bruises littering your arms and stomach, the images of them pushing you down against the splintering floorboards as you screamed for them to stop, the searing pain of your scales being forcefully pulled out of your body would be a pain you’d never forget. the longer the three men held you down, the more you could feel the ghost of their breaths against every inch of your shivering body.
you whimpered as the final scale for the day had been pulled off. twenty scales. every day was another twenty, by the end of the week you’d have no scales left. rintarou was aware of this, he kept his back pressed tightly to the wall, hearing your cries and whimpers of pain had him gripping at his chest tightly. he would whimper his own silent apologies into the air, knowing he was the reason you were there, in that position with the captain watching your vulnerability with an amused smirk, and the three crew mates pushing and pulling against you.
with a final sigh and his hands curling into tight fists, he bites his lip in thought before pushing off the wall and walking away. he couldn’t stand your screams any longer.
your chest heaved, you choked and gagged on the air around you, it had been only three days since you’d been captured but with everything that had happened to you, it felt like an eternity. you were begging for them to let your tail form into human legs, pleading that if you stayed in your siren form without water any longer— you’d die. but they could only laugh as though you had just told them the funniest tale.
you could still hear their taunting laughs from the deck above, their mocking tones repeating what you said, their comments about letting you die. you curled in on yourself, your lip quivering the longer you tried holding back your tears. humans weren’t the creatures you thought they’d be, they weren’t kind and compassionate or understanding. they were cruel hearted monsters, they were selfish and only ever cared for themselves and their people.
you missed your sisters.
humans weren’t worth saving and you regret ever trying to help them.
in your pitiful silence, you heard the signature creak of the floorboards, the sun had long set by now and the only light left within the cold room was from the little slither of light from the moon. you stayed curled up, ignoring the light patters of someone stepping closer and closer to your cowering frame.
“yn?” it was rintarou.
you turned your face away from him, eyes trained on the wooden floorboards stained with drops of your blood and the smallest amount of sea water, teasing you and your desperate need for it. your tears soon joined the liquid puddle, silently trekking down your face til they landed on the floor.
rin sighed, taking a seat in front of the cage’s door. he slid a plate towards the barred prison cell and silently waited for you to at least acknowledge the food. you continued to focus your gaze on the floor. he tapped the floorboards, eyes flitting to every corner of the room to avoid looking at your battered and bruised body, he knew he wouldn’t be able to walk away from you if he looked at you for longer than a minute.
he clears his throat. “i— uhm, i brought you some food
 and i know it’s not much, but i was able to get some sea water.” he picks up the cup and tilts it towards you, still waiting for an acknowledgment of his presence. your body lay limp, however your eyes followed the movement of his hands and the urge to let him pour the water over you was far too strong, you couldn’t handle the suffocation any longer.
your tail twitched as you pushed yourself up on your arms, still refusing to make eye contact, but offering a small ‘thanks.’ rintarou hums in acknowledgment and pours the water over you, letting it soak into your scalp and run down the skin of your arms, moving to pour the rest out onto your tail. you sighed in satisfaction, it had been days since they started drying you out and this was the first time you’d felt alive since being thrown onto the ship and into this cage.
“was it worth it
” you mumble out, breaking the awkward silence that lingered in the room.
rintarou gulps and put the cup down slowly. “i’m sorry.”
“i do not want an apology, rintarou. i want an explanation. was it worth it?”
” his silence continued to stretch for another few seconds before he gave a solemn sigh. “no.”
you couldn’t hold back the exasperated scoff, body sitting up straighter, your tail flicked in agitation. “and you expect me to believe that? what is wrong with you, rintarou? one day you treat me like i am your friend, and then the next you have me caged up in a pirate’s ship being brutally beaten just so you can live a life you were never meant to live.”
“you asked for an answer, i gave it. i regret my decision, but— but i was blinded, i was selfish and i was a fool to think that i could live happily above the sea while you were forced to be tormented and tortured. i am so sorry, yn.”
“leave, rintarou. you make me sick, not even a week ago you had called me the fool for trusting you, yet now you are on your knees for me, calling yourself a fool for trusting a twisted pirate. i hope that when i die in here, you are stuck helplessly trying to save me as i slowly bleed in your arms, maybe then you will realise the gravity of your foolishness.”
rintarou’s eyes slowly widened at your morbid words, heart sinking and hands shaking at the thought of watching you slowly bleed out as he made pathetic attempts at trying to save you. a mermaid scale may have been potent for a humans minor injuries, but it couldn’t help a siren, nor help them to the extent that you’d need.
what is wrong with you.” he got up from his position and began making his way back to the stairs, leaving you to bask in the tense silence you had created.
you could only give him a tired smile in response.
“sir— captain, what do you intend to do with the siren once you’ve taken all her scales? surely you’d just throw her back in the sea?”
yuuji raises a brow at rintarou’s suggestion, a loud laugh bursting from his lips as though rintarou had told him the funniest tale he’d ever heard.
“throw her back? and have her bring her other cursed siren sisters? you are very funny, rin. no of course we wouldn’t just throw her back, we’d kill her and only then would we throw her back.”
rintarou let’s out a nervous laugh, letting yuuji slap the back of his shoulder in what he hopes is a playful manner. with the rate that these men were harvesting your scales at, there’d be none left by the end of the next week, which also meant there wasn’t much time to save you before they ended up killing you once you were no longer of use to them.
he let yuuji slide past him, watching as the captain left out the door and headed towards what he assumed would be back to the captains quarters. rintarou sighed, running a hand down his face, a hand landing on his hip and his right foot tapping agitatedly. he needed to get you out of that cage and off this ship as soon as possible. the only problem that remained was how he’d do that and what he could do to avoid being caught.
with hurried steps, rintarou sprints down the stairs towards your holding cell, sliding down onto his knees and frantically pulling your face into his hands and closer to his own. with a tight grip he mumbled and muttered words and sentences you weren’t able to make out due to his incoherent babbling.
“rintarou? are you
are you okay?”
“yn— i need, i need to
” he took in a gasped breath. “i need to get you out of here, t-to save you. i need to save you!”
“and how do you expect to accomplish that?”
“i-i don’t know! but— i’ll think of something. if they come down for another harvest, please do whatever you can to stop them. sing, hypnotise them, bite their hands off— just do something!”
you looked at him with concern, his behaviour was so strange, so foreign. you’d never seen rintarou so frantic, so scared of something. you pushed his hands off of your face, moving to rest your back against the wall of the space you had been forced into. only looking up at him when you had fully situated yourself further away from him.
“they’re going to kill me
 aren’t they?” it was something you had tried coming to terms with, you knew you wouldn’t just be kindly given back to your sisters, and yet the idea of your death looming closer brought on a new sense of fear. sirens were immortal beings, to an extent. they wouldn’t die of old age or sickness, but a mortal man could kill one if he had enough motivation, and you were unfortunately given directly to the one man who had the power to do that.
rintarou looked down at his hands, his knees raw from sliding across the wooden floorboards, the palms of his hands stained with his teardrops the more he began crying. he was pathetic, he knew giving you up would mean your health and safety would be at a great risk, yet he still did. because rintarou suna, the merman who spent most of his days training for the royal guard, wanted freedom— and he was willing to give away even his most precious treasure to the cruel pirate men, if it meant he’d live the life he thought he deserved.
after spending days listening to your cries and whimpers, however, he’d come to realise the life he wanted was with you. travelling the land, seeing the many new things the markets could offer, building a life maybe a family with you in a place that could’ve been perfect - safe, for the both of you. rintarou let the guilt and regret fester in him, you were going to die and it was his fault, but

he couldn’t continue to wallow, he had to get you off the ship, and he’d do whatever it takes. even if it ends up killing him instead.
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tags : @lomlsuna @akaashiwife @plixy @on-crows-wings @1-800-s1ya @sabztov @keiji-in-a-can @tamak00 @erintaro @timeless-tende
182 notes · View notes
samuskitchen · 2 years
bottom of the deep blue. (3)
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⇒ mermaid!suna x siren!reader
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summary : sirens, creatures of unmatched beauty and cunning charm, they lure men in with their voices and grace, taking advantage of all the gullible fishermen and pirates. mermaids, the peacekeepers of the deep blue sea, naive and kind to a fault at times. a fated encounter between the two underwater dwellers leads to a difficult situation and a love that shouldn’t be.
warnings : incredibly mean!suna, naive reader, ïżŒmentions of death, mentions of blood , mentions of being captured, short chapter !!
genre : mermaid au, pirate au, angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, betrayal
a/n : LAST CHAPTER FLOPPED SO HARD CUZ I DIDNT REALISE I WAS SHADOW BANNED, k think we’re okay now tho?? anyways this is a shorter chapter but i promise the next chapter will make up for it đŸ€­
w/c : 2.2k
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it wasn’t fair. you felt like you were kept on a leash for the past month, your sisters continue to give you useless tasks and you’re more than certain it’s because of your one outing with rintarou.
this had been the longest time you’d spent away from the cave and from rin, you felt like you were forgetting his voice from the lack of time together. the increase in hunts also began taking its toll on you, your hands shook at the thought of killing another sailor and your stomach churned at the idea of eating their flesh. your breath would hitch and you’d stutter when forced to go with your sisters.
they even forced you to— “contribute more” placing you on the front lines to lure the men in. claiming your innocence would confuse them into thinking you were a mermaid. taking advantage of you. your sisters were taking advantage of you, and your lack of backbone. there’s only so much a person can take before they lose it all.
you were so tired, this was the most you’ve ever had to work, the most you’d ever killed, and the longest you had gone without support. you wanted to see rintarou again. needed to see him again.
so you did, your sisters be damned.
it’s late, you can feel the fatigue cracking in your bones but this was the only chance you had. you snuck out of the den where your sisters slept peacefully, praying you didn’t have to come back anytime soon, you knew the repercussions for running away, you weren’t a child, but to you the risk was worth the reward. you’d see your rin and the cave you two shared.
swimming through the dark depths of the ocean was much easier as a siren than any other underwater creature, you were feared, even with your pacifist attitude you were still feared. the fish would part for you, the underwater insects would scramble for a place to hide. you suppose it’s a privilege for your getaway plan, to not be stopped or distracted on your journey to the pretty mermaid man who gave you everything you wanted.
the journey wasn’t as short as you remember it being, but you soon stumbled upon the opening of your small cave and with a burst of adrenaline you sped towards the entrance. pushing yourself out of the water you saw the inside was bare, save for the jewels growing out of every corner of the enclosed space. obviously rin wouldn’t be here so late at night

yet you couldn’t hold back the pang that reverberated in your chest, it was sharp with disappointment and sadness.
when did a mermaid become so important to you?
you pulled yourself onto the ledge and let your tail sway idly in the pool below you, a frown etched onto your face, so much had happened in such little time. it was overwhelming, you couldn’t begin to reminisce on what you had gone through, every new thing rintarou made you experience was overshadowed by the hundreds of men you had to kill. their blood could never be washed away no matter how strong the underwater current is, you could still see the red cloud burst from them surrounding you in a blanket of blood. they’d look you right in the eyes, begging for you to let them go, they had families, lovers, friends they wanted to see again. you robbed them of that, you robbed them and the people in their lives.
you were a monster

you are a monster, you’re sick and twisted and cruel, you're no better than your sisters or the other sirens who rule over the other parts of the ocean. you weren’t a pacifist, you were a cold blooded killer. how many men died at your hands? men you couldn’t ever bring back, because the mortality of a silly little human was so fragile. you began shaking, you killed so many people.
so many humans. the silly little people from the world above the seas, humans who gasped and gaped at the prettiest jewels or the softest dresses, humans who created the most delicious foods from anything edible they could find, the humans who were so resourceful to create cities out of the materials left for them. the same humans who risked their lives travelling treacherous oceans just to discover the world. even the most selfish humans were pitiful and almost endearing, was a map marked with an ‘x’ and the promise of treasure worth risking yourself and your men?
you couldn’t choke down the sob that clawed viciously at your throat, your hand covering your mouth as you wailed and mourned for the loss of so many innocent, and maybe not so innocent, people. their fated ends should not have been by your hands. you couldn’t take that guilt anymore. it wasn’t fair.
you wiped at the tears steadily coming down, dropping your hands to grip the rocky ledge you sat upon. when your palm meets the ledges surface it knocks into a small trinket of sorts, the clinking sound of metal hitting rocks brings your attention down to the surface of your resting spot.
there, next to a withered flower, was another pretty little clip. a starfish this time, with little pink diamonds in the suction cups of the stars' little arms.
it was from rintarou, he had come, he had waited and he’d left you a gift.
you couldn’t keep wallowing in your self pity, you needed to see him again. and with a newly found motivator, you tightly gripped the clip and threw yourself out of the cave. pushing through the oceans strong pulls, you force yourself to go faster than you ever had. to go to the border of a territory that had orders to kill any and all sirens on sight.
it was a risk you were willing to take to see your favourite little mermaid.
back pressed tightly against a boulder, you placed a hand over your racing heart, the sounds of the royal guards patrolling the areas growing louder every so often as they passed by you. you risked a peek back at the gate, eyes gliding over each guard's face. you knew rin would have to be there somewhere, he told you he’d been training to be a guard all those nights ago.
so you waited, very impatiently, peeking out the side of the boulder every so often in hopes of finding rintarou for even a second. yet you never managed to. it almost felt like a sign, your sisters would be up by now, probably looking for you and you knew if they caught you, you’d never experience the life you fantasised about every night after ripping that life away from another man.
it felt like hours before you felt a hand harshly yank you away from the boulder, their other coming up to clasp around your mouth to hide the shocked gasp that involuntarily escaped your parted lips. the attacker twisted you around, bruising grip getting tighter as they stared down at you with such anger and rage. harsh glare burning your body inside out. such a foreign look for such soft creatures.
“are you an idiot!? why would you come here, if it had been someone else you’d be dead right now.” there was a quiver in their voice, a light shake in their body that caused their grip to falter.
it was rintarou, your rintarou.
“‘m sorry, rin— i couldn’t find you at the cave, i missed you.” mumbling guiltily, you try and pull his hand off of your arm, not wanting to be scolded by yet another person you cared about. you wanted it all to stop, you wanted to be free of the harsh words and tones of anger and disappointment.
“yeah well, you’re not the only one who’s been busy. i have real responsibilities to focus on, i can’t just keep babysitting you when you can’t handle your own responsibilities.”
you gaped at him, eyes wide and mouth parted. your heart sunk at his words, stomach twisting with the horribly uncomfortable feeling of guilt and anger, were you really just a chore for him? did the day spent above ground mean nothing?
“if i was such a nuisance, why'd you agree to take me to see the market? or buy me the starfish clip?” you pushed past him in frustration, wanting to get back to your safe haven away from rintarou and your sisters. maybe you could go back to helen, explain your predicament and pray she doesn’t hate sirens enough to throw you back out to sea.
rin scoffs at your actions, a condescending chuckle following after. “of course you’re running off again,” he swims closer to you, hand gripping your arm again. “hey, how many men did you kill in the month we didn’t see each other?” he had a grin on his face, but his eyes darkened and the rage behind his gaze was piercing through you.
“leave me alone, rintarou.” and with a final pull, he let you go. eyes glued to your retreating figure. he bites back a scoff.
“nothing good ever comes out of naivety, yn.”
suna places the trident on the rack, lined with many more, undressing himself of the gear given to the royal guards in training, all his mind could focus on was the pitiful look of desperation on your face. you were a disgrace to the strength and threat of sirens, how could someone so weak be from such a strong group? and how did you have the power to make him feel like he was infinitely weaker in your presence?
shaking his head free of those thoughts he leaves the training room. he didn’t need you, he didn’t want you either. he’s a mermaid training to be in the royal guard, if it got out that he was infatuated with a monster he’d be stripped of his title immediately.
he couldn’t risk his power for a woman he met a mere few weeks ago.
with a sigh he swam away from the royal military outpost, towards the gates of their kingdom and up towards the surface, ascending slowly to his own safe haven away from you. away from his responsibilities. away from anything that made him think about his pathetic future. when he made it to the rocks he immediately began dressing, already used to the feeling of the human legs he’d been bestowed with above the sea. he was quick, careless, he needed to be away from the water as fast as possible.
with a final tug on his boots, rintarou sprints along the rocks, the water crashing against the bridge lights up like crystals under the blazing summer sun, the breeze from the ocean pushed against his face, his hair, his loose clothes. he felt so free, so unchained without anything or anyone to worry about. he would let nothing stop him from experiencing this feeling, this freedom, for the rest of his life.
except for a fish net, thrown over his tall body, forcing him to the ground. his face bashing into the edges of the sharp gravel, leaving cuts and scratches on his normally unmarked skin. rintarou struggled against the nets, his desperation to be let out raising the longer he stayed trapped. he couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t see anything, his focus stuck on the heavy pounds of rope laying on him.
“well well well, we caught ourselves a big one boys.” a sinister voice called form above rintarou’s heaving body. “think the captain would wan’ a word with ‘im.”
“i always knew there was something— fishy, about you.” the captains loud boisterous laugh resonates throughout the wooden cabin, rintarou grimaces at the attempt of a joke, not in the mood for humour when he’s forced to kneel on the harsh wooden flooring of the ship with his hands tied tightly behind his back.
captain yuuji presses the tip of his blade under rin’s chin, dragging the blade down to his adam’s apple, letting the sharp point rest there as he crouched down in front of the trapped merman. “i’ve heard some things about you underwater monsters. i’ve seen things too
 siren scales, incredibly rare and even more dangerous to find them, the reward far greater than any man could ever dream.”
yuuji stands back up, slowly walking behind rintarou, blade tapping against the ground tauntingly, suna gulps in anticipation as yuuji presses a firm hand into rintarou’s freshly dried strands, gripping his hair tightly before yanking it back, forcing a pained hiss out of suna. “tell me how to get a siren scale, and i won’t kill you.”
through shuddering gasps rintarou let’s his gaze slide up past yuuji’s hands to his sharp eyes, shooting icy glares at the vulnerable man on the floor. rin smirks, a laugh mixed with a scoff escaping him before he could stop himself.
“how ‘bout i bring you a siren— and you give me a spot on your crew.” with a quirked brow rintarou let his half lidded gaze fall back to the floor, grimacing at the pang of guilt that pierced through his chest.
nothing could stop him from achieving freedom.
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taglist : @lomlsuna @akaashiwife @plixy @on-crows-wings @1-800-s1ya @sabztov @keiji-in-a-can @tamak00 @erintaro
180 notes · View notes
samuskitchen · 2 years
bottom of the deep blue.
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⇒ mermaid!suna x siren!reader
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summary : sirens, creatures of unmatched beauty and cunning charm, they lure men in with their voices and grace, taking advantage of all the gullible fishermen and pirates. mermaids, the peacekeepers of the deep blue sea, naive and kind to a fault at times. a fated encounter between the two underwater dwellers leads to a difficult situation and a love that shouldn’t be.
warnings : mean!suna, mentions of blood, mentions of death, torture, lovesick hopeless romantic reader :,), naive reader
genre : mermaid au, pirate au, angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, betrayal
a/n : i cannot get over the idea of suna as a mermaid, but like not the stereotypical soft and naive mermaid, he’s like a total jerk đŸ˜©đŸ˜© also i’ve never done a taglist but if enough people want to be tagged i’ll make one!!
start : 07 / 07 / 2022
end : 11 / 12 / 2022
update schedule : every 1-2 weeks
taglist : closed !
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0. prologue
1. fateful encounter
2. harp in the sky
3. foolish
4. where it hurts most
5. we could
6. heartbreak a thousand times
7. never coming back
8. it’s never what it seems
9. epilogue
322 notes · View notes
samuskitchen · 2 years
bottom of the deep blue. (1)
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⇒ mermaid!suna x siren!reader
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summary : sirens, creatures of unmatched beauty and cunning charm, they lure men in with their voices and grace, taking advantage of all the gullible fishermen and pirates. mermaids, the peacekeepers of the deep blue sea, naive and kind to a fault at times. a fated encounter between the two underwater dwellers leads to a difficult situation and a love that shouldn’t be.
warnings : mean!suna, mentions of blood, mentions of death, mentions of ptsd, lovesick hopeless romantic reader :,) , naive reader, suna says something that’s kind of racist to sirens
genre : mermaid au, pirate au, angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, betrayal
a/n : CAPTAIN YUJI IS MY DEAREST TERUSHIMAAA, except he’s like anti siren :,( other than that i’m excited for the series to progress, theres one chapter that i am so excited to write and post, it’s literally why i started this series đŸ˜Œ IF YOU ENJOYED PLS LET ME KNOW IN THE COMMENTS, REBLOGS OR MY ASK BOX AND THE TAG LIST IS STILL OPEN!!
w/c : 3k
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an ocean, calm and steady, a clear sky and a sun that shines a million sparkling patterns onto the waters below it. a ship lays on the calm sea drifting slowly with minimal effort, it’s not a big ship, surely not impressive enough for other pirates to respect them, but it was able to hold a small crew of men. barnacles and algae littered the bottom of the ship, stuck to the wooden structure stubbornly.
the captain holds an intricately detailed golden spyglass to his left eye, scouring the horizon for any sign of a safe haven, a place to dock and collect themselves after being on the open sea for days.
he sighs, a king and heavy one that leaves his men dropping their shoulders and kicking their feet. another bust, because of course the hastily drawn map wouldn’t hold any merit. he stuffs both the map and spyglass into his coat's deep pockets, gripping the wheel tightly in both hands as he moves to turn the ship left.
some of the crew continue regulating the deck. most of the men, though there weren’t many of them, opted to fiddle with a barrel or drink their boredom away with the beer left out from their small feasts. however, this was exactly what they had signed up for when joining captain yuji’s ship. they knew their captain was a spontaneous man, one without a plan and too much excitement to just live, that he’d willingly dive head first into danger if it meant he’d get a minute of adrenaline from it.
yuji continues guiding the ship, making turns every so often expecting to see something, anything. he taps the ship's wheel impatiently, his foot mimicking the taps of his fingers and his eyes narrowing on the horizon.
finally, his eyes catch sight of land with a tunnel of sorts, and a spot of green through it. he shouts for his men to prepare as they near the tunnel knowing there wouldn’t be any real danger of not fitting through for their somewhat small ship.
the ship approaches the edge of the tunnel, yuji lets out excited hums, his foot now tapping along merrily as he bobs up and down with excitement. “get ready men, i have a feeling this will be worth it!”
they enter the tunnel.
after a few minutes the ship is slowly pushed out of the tunnel by a steady current, the ship rocks side to side gently by the winds in the shade of the cave. the boat is silent, not a single sign of life.
except for a wide eyed, heaving, traumatised yuji terushima who lay flat on the ships helm, a hand pressed to his chest as he released short and quick gasps, lip wobbling and eyes staring up at the sky which slowly reappears again.
the screams of his men ring in his ears like that of a cannon firing, it’s loud and it’s irritating and it won’t leave him alone. it makes him grip his hair and groan, he wants it to stop. he needs it to stop.
he sobs a loud cry, one that leaves his chest aching as he presses his palms against his ears. he can’t stand the sound of their screams, their begging, their cries for help as the sound of struggling in water and splashing continues. he thinks he despises the sound of thrashing against water now, but he knows he despises sirens most. he’s certain of it.
and as he lay on his cursed boat, alone and drifting pitifully on the quiet ocean waves, he knew he had a new goal as captain.
he’d never lose another man to those wicked sirens, ever again.
“yn? you did not eat as much today, what is wrong?” the eldest siren moves closer to the youngest, hand caressing her cheek with a worried look adorning her beautiful face.
“it’s nothing, sister
 i’ve just not had an appetite lately!” you give a strained grin as you pulled back from her touch, gently pushing her wrist away. “well, i hope you guys enjoy the rest but i’ll be off, don’t wait up on me!” you rushed off in a hurry, grateful that the tides were on your side for once and pushed you towards your little sanctuary away from your role in the underwater world.
entering your dry cave you eyed the opening of the pool carefully, trying to see if you could spot a blurry figure sitting cockily on your ledge again. however, the coast seemed clear and you were relieved to finally have a moment alone again.
you pushed past the water, pulling yourself up and sitting on the ledge hurriedly. it had been so long since you could come back, every day you’d be forced to wait with your older sisters as unsuspecting men drifted into the dark tunnels with their boats, the ships being the only thing to make it out of the tunnels in the end.
you move to lay yourself flat against the ledge. back flat on the surface with your eyes staring up intently at the twinkling crystals. your own little stars. a cosmos away from the pressures and expectations of your society. no one to force you to be a monster, no one for you to harm. just you and your own little world.
a grimace makes its way onto your face, you hear the echoes of their screams in your mind and you begin shifting uncomfortably. you didn’t think you’d ever get used to their pleas and cries for mercy.
sirens were never merciful.
you clear your throat, shaking your head as if to get rid of the thoughts and sounds plaguing your entire being. trying to get yourself to think of something else, anything else, begging silently for something to help distract you.
and like a blessing or maybe a curse, you hear it. a ripple, the currents moving and pushing against something. someone? a head breaks through the surface, the culprit's hair lays flat against his eyes though he doesn’t need eyes to know you’re lying on your ledge.
“hey pearl, miss me?”
of course it was him.
“what do you want rintarou, i thought we had already established this was my spot. why are you here?”
“mmm, if i remember correctly i said i’d be back, did i not?” he pushes the hair out of his face, slicking it back until he was certain it wouldn’t fall back down and block his vision, the muscles in his arms and chest flexed with his movements, it makes you gulp and divert your eyes, a heat spreading in your belly that makes you blame it on the screaming man you had tried to digest a few moments ago.
“what’s wrong, pretty? you don’t look very happy.” you still refuse to look at him but you know he’s smirking, it seeps into his tone.
“leave me alone, rintarou.”
“i’ll leave if you tell me your name,” his sly smile returned again, sharp eyes enticing you to answer him, as though he was the siren manipulating you into fulfilling his wishes. “or i could just stay here and keep you company, i know how much you adore my presence.”
he cackles at the glare you give him, manoeuvring himself to float on his back, hands resting on his chest and his eyes glancing over at you every few seconds. he definitely wasn’t going to leave

“you’re such a nuisance, are you sure you’re a mermaid? i think you’d fit the siren life much better.” you grumble.
“did you just indirectly call sirens annoying? and here i thought you loved your job, what, the fishermen aren’t satiating your insatiable thirst for blood?” his tone was light, he was teasing you, but you still felt a pit forming within you, a guilt consuming you from the inside out.
at your lack of response he looked back at you, noticing your doleful gaze trained on the pool below. he hums, a small smile growing on his face. he swims closer to your ledge, his piercing eyes still trained on your deflated form which was in a more upright position than before. he rests his forearms on the ledge and his head on his forearms, gaze still focused on you.
“did i perhaps
 say something wrong?”
you cleared your throat, shaking your head quickly. “no it’s fine, you’re right! but uh, it’s getting late i’m sure so i really must head back, my sisters are probably worried by now.” you push yourself off the ledge, diving back into the pools water and rushing off without waiting for another response from the intriguing yet beautiful merman.
you’re sure he’ll be there again.
“ah, there she is! i was starting to think you’d never come back, pearl.” you’re greeted by the same teasing tone as all the other times. of course rintarou was waiting for you in your special cave.
“i think it’s time i find a new cave.” you mutter under your breath, ignoring the large grin rintarou sends you as you pull back from your beloved ledge.
“what’s wrong with sharing?”
“i don’t want to share with you.”
“what’s wrong with me!?”
you can’t hold back your amusement at his defensive behaviour, glad to finally see a side of him that isn’t his usual cocky attitude. he huffs at your giggles but he lets a smile grace his face at the sound of them, he’d never seen you smile before. now he understood why you were a siren, he’d truly never heard a more beautiful and melodic sound before.
the two of you stayed in a comfortable silence, letting the cool water lap at your skin as it gently shifted, the caves air felt nice on your exposed skin and the luminescent jewels added to the scenery, you came to realise you preferred rintarou when he wasn’t speaking.
“so, pearl,” you groaned at the sound of his voice, throwing your head back in annoyance. “am i ever going to learn your name?” he pressed.
“why is it so important to you? it’s the only thing you’ve consistently asked for since we’ve met.”
he snorts, “well i’d like to know the name of my new friend, unless you want me to keep calling you pearl?”
“we aren’t friends, and i don’t want you to think you’re more important than you really are, we’re merely acquaintances.” you tried to keep your voice steady.
his face dropped if only slightly, he purses his lips and looks at you somewhat dejectedly. “yeah, okay.” the new silence that settles over the two of you is much less comfortable than the first time, you couldn’t help but feel guilty at the way he looked now. his eyes were downcast and he’d let his tail tap against the ledge gently almost as if he’s in dire need of an escape from this situation.
“is there a reason you don’t want to befriend me?” his voice was quiet, small, he looked as though he was embarrassed to be even asking such a silly question. you sighed, fingers lightly tapping the water, a nervous habit you picked up after your first kill.
“you stole my cave
your head snapped up to look at him at the sound of his scoff, he glares down at your form which is still submerged in the cool water of the pool. he pulls himself back up into a seated position, hands tightly gripping the ledge as he stares you down.
“are you kidding me?” he looks at you in disbelief, almost as though he’s challenging you to prove him wrong, he takes your silence and guilt ridden face as an answer. “you’re not even going to give me a chance, just because i found your stupid cave? if you want it so bad then keep it, i don’t know why i tried so hard with your kind anyways.” he pushes himself off the ledge this time, his eyes stayed locked on yours, the look in them was intense and angered, he was beyond upset, and you didn’t understand why.
sirens and mermaids weren’t meant to get along anyways, he’d lose nothing by leaving you and your favoured cave alone. but you’d lose the only non siren companion you’ve ever had in your young life, maybe you could share your cave, it’s not as if sirens were greedy, they’d share the blood and flesh of them they were feasting on with each other, your sisters always made sure everyone was fed and full by the end of a hunt even when they had less than the others.
so maybe you could share with rintarou. the pretty, cocky, sly mermaid who got on your nerves so easily.
“my name is yn
” you let your eyes focus on something else, not able to withstand the pressure of his eye contact anymore.
he let out a breathy laugh, pulling back a bit, “that wasn’t so hard was it, yn?”
you felt your insides flare at the sound of his voice calling your name. sirens may have alluring voices that entice and seduce men, but it would never match that of a mermaids call, so soft and gentle.
“no, i guess not.” you smiled softly, still not having the courage to look back at him. “i’d like to try being friends with you, if that’s okay?” you look up only for a second, too nervous to hold his beaming gaze as he smiled brightly.
“of course it’s okay, yn.”
over the next few weeks your sisters continued to hunt the foolish pirates and fishermen who dared to cut through the tunnel, you were forced to participate in every hunt and after you all finished eating you’d retreat back to your cave where you’d find rintarou waiting patiently for you. some days you’d break through the surface of the pool and find him playing with a fallen jewel, other days you’d find him impatiently tapping his tail against the ledge.
the two of you continue this little routine, building up your unconventional friendship more and more through the weeks. sometimes you’d bring him a pocket watch or a spyglass dropped by the men, or you’d bring back a piece of jewellery they had been wearing that would suit rintarou. the two of you began exchanging gifts, what rintarou found above land on the shores whether it be a washed up bottle or a coin, he’d bring to you and what you found would be given to him. it was sweet.
your sisters, however, began to notice your ever growing collection of items found above land, they’d tinker with the glass bottles curiously or examine the gold coins you stashed away. they would ask where it came from and your only response would be ‘from a friend.’ you couldn’t bring yourself to tell them about rintarou even if you really wanted to, you couldn’t risk them forcing you to cut him off or have them hunt him the next time you need to feast.
you resorted to calling him your ‘friend’ and though that wasn’t enough to fulfill their curiosity overall, it would be enough for now. every night you’d tell your sisters about the adventures rintarou went on, how he’d been able to see the lives of mortals above the surface of the deep blue sea and how they’d interact with one another. you told your sisters about the types of food found in the place called a market, and how the coins you collected were used as valuables to trade. every piece of information rintarou fed you about the world above the water was regurgitated to your sisters who listened to you intently. your eldest sister played with your hair and watched in amusement as you explained every detail with bright eyes, while your other sisters got ready to sleep, using your stories to lull themselves to sleep.
you were so envious of rintarou, sitting beside him and gripping his hands when he’d mention something that had your curiosity bubbling over, he’d smile at your reactions and continue, what you assume is, over exaggerating his stories adding details you were sure didn’t happen or meeting people you just couldn’t fathom existing. he’d talk about the food he’d tasted and the drinks he’d drunk, his distaste for beer and how wonderful coconut water was. you pleaded with him, begging him to take you the next time he goes and all you were met with was a hum and a pat on the head. he waved you off with a “maybe, but then i’d have to be responsible for anything that happened to you.”
“that’s not fair! rin please i promise nothing bad’s gonna happen.” you pouted at him, hands gripping his bare shoulders tightly, shaking him as you continued your pleads.
“rin?” he smirked.
“rintarou, is that the only thing you got from what i said?l
he sighed, pushing your hands off of his shoulders, the smirk still present on his face. “if i knew you’d be begging to spend so much time with me i would’ve told you these stories sooner.”
it was your turn to shove him away, a small huff following your actions, putting a small distance between the two of you on the small ledge, you turned away from him but you couldn’t help the small flutter that filled your chest. you cursed at your foolish heart for betraying you so easily.
rintarou gripped your chin, turning your head to face him again, letting his hand rest on your jaw as he stared down at your deflated form in amusement. “don’t pout so much, i promise i’ll take you someday. maybe not the next time i go though, we still need to get you some human clothes.” he gestured down to your current state.
“really!? you’ll take me? is that a promise?”
he holds out his pinky, just like he told you the humans did to signify an unbreakable deal.
“i pinky promise”.
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taglist: @lomlsuna @akaashiwife @plixy @on-crows-wings @1-800-s1ya @sabztov @keiji-in-a-can @tamak00
224 notes · View notes
samuskitchen · 2 years
bottom of the deep blue. (0)
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⇒ mermaid!suna x siren!reader
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summary : sirens, creatures of unmatched beauty and cunning charm, they lure men in with their voices and grace, taking advantage of all the gullible fishermen and pirates. mermaids, the peacekeepers of the deep blue sea, naive and kind to a fault at times. a fated encounter between the two underwater dwellers leads to a difficult situation and a love that shouldn’t be.
warnings : mean!suna, mentions of blood, mentions of death, torture, lovesick hopeless romantic reader :,)
genre : mermaid au, pirate au, angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, betrayal
a/n : here’s the prologue!! i’m planning on posting weekly, not sure on the specific date but i’ll figure it out :D please give me some feedback in the comments or inbox or reblog the fic!! also note, the mc is supposed to be essentially the stereotype of a mermaid (naive and wide eyed to everything) while having the appearance and role of a siren.
w/c : 1.4k
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a fog settles over the calm waters, a deafening silence only broken by the sound of the water breaking against the small row boats paddles. two young pirate men trying to desperately flee their crew's ship through the dark ocean's water as the large boat gains on them.
the fog thickens till neither man can see the silhouette of the boat, the waters ease as their paddles slow and they sit in a fearful silence waiting for the large ship to break through the fog.
it never does.
both men relax in their respective spots, trembling hands dragging down their faces in relief as they smile in disbelief at one another. too relieved at their escape to even notice the waters have pushed the boat further out into the dark foggy water.
a hum breaks the silence next. soft and sweet melodie’s fill the air while the water around the boat shifts and pushes into the wood, something dark begins to break through the surface of the blanket of water.
a woman, with long black hair and the most alluring eyes, she smiles sweetly at the two men, who can only look at her in awe. she pushes herself closer to them, continuing to hum as she holds eye contact with the man with the blonde hair. she takes note of his pierced ear, a fleeing tyrant

the siren pulls a hand out of the water, distracting the blonde headed pirate by cupping his left cheek, looking up at him through her long lashes. a second woman appears on the other side, just as beautiful as the first.
the melodies grow louder.
the song is a beautifully haunting sound, echoing out across the expanse of the ocean. the two men were far too easy to seduce, and much more easier to manoeuvre into the water where all the other sirens were waiting below the surface.
their screams were short, not given much time before they too were dragged under the surface. the only indication of human life within the area was the now abandoned boat and the shredded pieces of clothing tainted by a pink colour.
they stopped thrashing the minute they were dragged below.
you wiped a shaky hand against your mouth, biting back the tremble of your lips and fighting the urge to make your discomfort known. you pulled away from the group who continued feasting on the two fools, the sight of their gaping mouths was enough to twist your stomach uncomfortably.
 i’ll be in my usual spot.” you gave the girls a tight smile before speeding away, trembling hands clenched into tight fists by your sides. it didn’t take you long to find your small safe haven, an underwater cave filled with luminescent crystals and clams and pearls that you couldn’t help but admire every once in a while.
within the cave was a dry ledge, a pocket of air surrounded by the natural beauty of the sea. you would spend hours resting on that ledge, eyes unfocused with a hand resting on your stomach while the other one lays in the water beside you. it may have seemed boring to your group but for you it was a moment of escape from the pressures forced onto you. you didn’t want to be a killer, feared by all the oceans animals and creatures, you wanted to be able to fall in love and speak to a human and hear about their adventures above the water on the dry lands.
alas, there wasn’t much you could do about your current predicament, so the cave was the only place you could go for a moment of silence and to be alone to fantasise what could’ve been.
your head breaks through the surface of the caves small pool and you brush the droplets of water off of your face, a smile present when you look up at the crystal coloured ceiling. however, as you drag your eyes down to the ledge the smile on your face drops.
why was there a merman laying on your ledge, peering down at you with half lidded eyes and a sly smirk?
“who are you and how did you find this place?” you kept your distance from the merman, eyes flitting over his sharp features, he looked as charming and beautiful as your sisters within your group, but held an innocence within his eyes that did not match that of a tritons dull and anger filled gaze.
“how did you find this place?” the smirk and half lidded look never dropped from his face, you gulped down your saliva, eyes darting to the jewels behind him, you’ve never spoken to a mermaid or merman before but you were sure they were not supposed to be able to make you feel this nervous.
you stayed silent, eyes falling to the chain hanging from his neck, a simple shark tooth hanging from the area. he had golden eyes and soft-looking brown hair that laid flat against his head above the water.
“a-are you a mermaid?”
“merman.” his response was blunt, he switched his position so that he was no longer laying down but instead staring down at you from a seated position, hands on either side of him grasping the ledges edge.
you pouted a bit, swimming a little further backwards to create a distance between the two of you. “aren’t mermen and mermaids supposed to be super nice and naive?”
he hums, smirk returning as he eyes you. “aren’t sirens supposed to be sexy and alluring? how are you supposed to seduce a sailor?”
“i don’t want to seduce anyone! and even if i did, i bet i’d even be able to lure you in.” your tone was raised and defensive, your arms crossed to cover your chest as you glared up at the rude merman who keeps taunting you.
“anyways, like i said who are you and how did you find this place? this was my place first, and i don’t want to share with some jerk merman who can’t even muster up a smile.”
“calm down princess, i was just pulling your fin,” he gave you an insincere smile. “the name’s rintarou, currently in the middle of training to be a royal guard. but life is so boring as a mermaid in the guard, i needed a place to go to find some peace.”
you studied his face, your own pout never slipping as you held his gaze, he raised an eyebrow at you, his hands toying with a nearby jewel. “congratulations i guess, could you please leave now? i’d like to spend some time alone in my cave.”
“i don’t see your name on it.” he looked around, making a point to closely examine the walls of the small shelter.
you bit back a groan, teeth sinking into your bottom lip and your arms crossing as you glared at the merman. his gaze returned to you, in which he sent a coy grin. “what’s the matter, pearl? you seem tense.”
“i-it’s none of your business. if you won’t leave then i’ll just find a new cave myself.” you go to dive back under the water's surface but quickly stop when you notice the strange merman slipping into the small pool with you.
“fine im leaving, you can keep your dumb cave
 are all sirens this childish?” he mumbles out the last part.
“yeah well, i’m pretty sure i’ve met piranhas nicer than you, rintarou.”
he snorted, swimming closer to you til you were both chest to chest. your heart rate picked up at the close proximity with the pretty merman with the golden eyes, who only looked back at you with that same half-lidded smirk from before.
“cute. by the way, i don’t think you ever told me your name, don’t you think that’s the least you could give me in return for letting you keep this cave you claim to be yours?”
you purse your lips, shaking your head before swimming around him. “i don’t owe you anything, now leave.” your back stays turned to him but you know he’s still there, his presence is strong and his breathing is even.
“then i guess i’ll get it the next time i see you. until we meet again.” you turn around and he dips below the water before you can reply, your eye twitches and you can’t hold back the scoff now that he’s gone.
“what an invasive creature.” though you couldn’t help the warmth that threatened to grow in your stomach at the thought of meeting a mermaid, or in this case merman, again.
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taglist : @lomlsuna @akaashiwife @plixy @on-crows-wings @1-800-s1ya @sabztov
206 notes · View notes
samuskitchen · 2 years
bottom of the deep blue. (2)
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⇒ mermaid!suna x siren!reader
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summary : sirens, creatures of unmatched beauty and cunning charm, they lure men in with their voices and grace, taking advantage of all the gullible fishermen and pirates. mermaids, the peacekeepers of the deep blue sea, naive and kind to a fault at times. a fated encounter between the two underwater dwellers leads to a difficult situation and a love that shouldn’t be.
warnings : less mean!suna more cocky dorky mermaid!suna, lovesick hopeless romantic reader :,) , naive reader, uncomfortable interaction with a man, oblivious reader?
genre : mermaid au, pirate au, angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, betrayal
a/n : SORRY FOR THE LATE POST, i’ll try and be more consistent in the future! also the descriptor “milky” isn’t for the skintone, it’s for the skin texture, i feel like if someone had developed legs after having a tail their whole lives, their thighs and upper legs would be like ‘milky’ soft 💀 hope they longer chaoter makes up for the later post!
w/c : 4.6k
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“close your eyes.”
“and what will closing my eyes achieve?” you huffed as rintarou kept holding whatever was in his hands behind his back.
“it will achieve the purest reaction when i unveil what i’m hiding!” you feel your chest tighten in happiness at the endearing look on his face, eyes beaming brightly with a pretty grin.
“ugh fine,” you give him a teasing pout before squeezing your eyes shut, putting both hands out you make a grabbing motion as you impatiently wait for him to give you what he kept hidden.
he snorts and slaps your hands down, which in turn gains an annoyed whine from you, he however ignores this and clears his throat signaling for you to finally open your eyes and uncover what he’s been hiding from you.
when you slowly peel your eyes open you’re met with what you assume is a light blue dress, it drifts and sways in rintarous hands as he holds it in front of your face. the grip he has on the garment is tight and he shakes it side to side a bit before pulling it away from your face, showing his grin again with the dress now by his side.
“so? what do you think?”
 it’s— nice?” dumbfounded, you grabbed the dress from him and held it up in front of you again.
“what am i meant to do with this? sirens and mermaids don’t really require any clothing down here,” pressing the dress tightly against your chest you look down at the piece of clothing with a small smile. “oh, is it another gift? thank you rin, i’ll be sure to add it—”
“no you loser, i'm taking you to the surface, mermaids and sirens may be okay without clothes but humans aren’t. we need to blend in!”
a beat of silence passes, rin stares at you expectantly while you stare back at him in disbelief. you feel your lower lip tremble and your hands gripping the dress begin to shake as your heartbeat becomes erratic, your head swims with thoughts and fantasies about the world above the sea, where humans lived freely, where nature blossomed and allowed creations like trees and hundreds of different flowers to bloom in the seasons. there were so many things you were dreaming of seeing, things you wanted to smell, foods you wanted to taste, music not only created by voice but by instruments. living vicariously through rin wasn’t enough anymore, you finally had the opportunity to experience everything you’ve ever wanted. rintarou was a gift and a blessing to you.
“yn? do you— not want to go?” his voice came out quiet, questioning, a small thrown adorning his charming face. your heart dropped at his sadness, you rush to comfort him.
“no it’s not that! i’d love to go, especially with you! it’s just, i never believed i’d actually get the chance
” you gave him a tight lipped smile, hands gripping his tightly, eyes examining every movement or twitch on his face.
“does that mean you’ll wear the dress?” his voice was still small but the frown was now replaced by a small teasing smile.
“anything for you, rin.”
you both rendezvoused at your little cave, sharing a nod and a mutual smile before pushing yourselves towards the water's surface. the closer you got to the light, the more the excitement burnt in your chest, like fireworks right before they exploded. you grip onto rintarou’s hand and break the barrier, your eyes pushing through the blanket of water first, focused on the pink hues in the sky. clouds dotting the canvas.
you stared in awe and amazement at the sky as it shifted colours, the pinks and peaches made way for a light purple, hints of blue mixed into it all. you couldn’t help but gape at the beauty of the world above the bottom of the deep and dark sea.
rintarou watched you watch the sky, eyes soft and warm at the sight in front of him. never had he seen someone so dangerous look so innocent and excited, he felt the need to keep you close, watch over and protect you from the bad things he never explained about humans. he should have warned you about their wicked nature, but he couldn’t bring himself to destroy your bright little fantasy. he’d keep you safe.
“we should get to shore before it’s too bright, the market should have enough shade until your eyes can adjust to the brightness.”
“but it’s not that bright! i want to see the palm trees and the flowers rin!”
he laughed, clasping your hand and pulling you towards a secluded rocky area. “and you will, but we need to make sure you can adjust to the sunlight before we do anything too crazy.”
humming along to what he says you grip his hand tightly back, your eyes scanning the horizon to catch a glimpse of the human world. when you two made it close enough to the rocks, rintarou hauled himself out, letting his iridescent tail form into two human-like legs. the only sign of his unusual heritage being the remnants of his pretty pearly scales that fade back into the skin of his calves. you realise then that he has the whole form of a human, you snap your gaze away from his care body, your whole body burning up from the embarrassment of ogling him.
rin smirked down at your reaction before pulling on the trousers he left out to dry, only reaching down to grab your arm once he had put on his loose fitting white shirt. when both your arms were gripped into his, he pulled you out of the water, helping you rest your back against the rock without cutting the flesh of your tail on the sharp edges. he grabbed one of the cloths he set aside with his clothes the day before, dabbing it onto your tail to soak up the moistness and progress the drying.
“what does that do?”
“it’ll help you form your legs! that is
 if sirens can form legs— though i assume they can if mermaids can?”
“wait, does that mean there’s a chance i won’t get legs like yours?”
“i mean it’s a possibility, i’ve never really looked into sirens before.”
your heart sinks, you look down dimly at your tail, the sun began rising higher and higher causing the light to bounce off of your tail and plaster the pretty colours on the rocks around you. yet you couldn’t find it in yourself to gape. “so
 this is it? this is the most i can experience?” your watery gaze lifts up to rintarou’s figure standing above you, giving him a wobbly smile as a teardrop finally escaped.
you move to push yourself back in the water, only stopping a millimeter before your tail could touch the waters reflective surface. it was only the strong grip of rin’s hand on your arm and the line of separation that began forming at the fin of your tail that stopped you from giving yourself the final push into the water. you watched in shock as two feet began to form, your tail changing more and more into that of a bi-pedal human. you smoothed your hands over the milky soft texture of your new legs, you pressed your hands against the large rock below you using all your strength to stand.
what you didn’t account for was the fact that you’ve never had legs before. so when you finally pushed yourself up, your legs gave out immediately, causing your body to fall forward into the ever so cautious arms of rintarou. he gripped your shoulder with one arm as the other secured itself around your waist, his hold being the only thing keeping you up. you once again felt the embarrassment from earlier as you realised now you were the bare and vulnerable one in front of him.
with a gasp you push him off of you, grabbing the dress from his hands before your weak yet heavy legs dragged you down once again. dropping your body against the boulder below you, you yelp in pain at the scratches that litter your legs, a sharp pain shooting it’s way up from your palm burning even stronger at the salt water that seeps into the gash along your hand. you quickly throw the dress on, assuming your head goes through the larger hole before throwing your two arms through the other two holes left.
“i’m sorry! i was just surprised. are you okay?” on your hands and knees you drag yourself towards rin who sits up from his position on the rock a little further away from you. he groans as he wipes his hands on his trousers.
“it’s okay, im fine.” he pushes himself up, pulling you up once he gains his footing again. “are you okay? if we get to the shore there’s a lady i know who’ll help you patch that up.”
you gulp nervously, looking down at your stained palm. feeling a little form in your stomach. “a lady?” you don’t mean for it to sound so desperate and displeased, and obviously a sly man like rintarou would speak to other women. you shouldn’t have made yourself feel so special.
he bites back a laugh and grabs your hand before pulling you in closer. his arms moving to pull you onto his back. you fight back for a second before giving up, noticing the smile placed permanently on his annoying handsome face. “no need to be jealous, pearl. elderly women aren’t my type.” you tense at his teasing.
“i wasn’t jealous.”
he only hums in response, the smile present in his tone.
“so this lady, does she know you’re a mermaid?”
“she’s never asked but i’m certain she has an idea. i pay her in my tails scales. they’re very useful for mortal beings, the dried scales of a mermaid have healing properties so they usually use them for medicine.”
you nod along to what he says, arms tightly circled around rin’s neck as he continues explaining the resources you underwater dwellers could supply to humans.
“and what about siren scales?”
rin’s pace slows for a moment, he clears his throat, gripping the bottom of your thighs a little tighter. “uhm, well, you know i don’t actually know
 i’ve never asked!” he ends his sentence with a strained chuckle, confusing you.
“well we have similar tails don’t we? wouldn’t that mean they’d have similar-”
“look, i’ve never asked so i can’t answer that question okay?” he lightly snapped at you, causing you to close your mouth. you lowered your face into the crook of
his neck, nodding silently.
he sighed and gave a quiet apology. the two of you continued walking towards the shack which grows larger and larger the more you walk. your head perks up again when you guys finally make it to the door of the shack. a hand painted sign with writing you can’t read and a splatter of a hand print plastered onto it.
you tap rin’s shoulder lightly, gaining his attention, making him turn his head to face you. “rin, what does that say?” you mumble into his shoulder, one finger outstretched to point to the sign.
“it says ‘beware of the witch.’ it’s a warning to keep away other humans.”
“why would she want to keep away other humans?”
“maybe she just doesn’t like humans. y’know, like how mermaids don’t like sirens.”
“but, you like me?” you tilt your head at him, eying him curiously.
he sputters, moving his hands from under your thighs to grip under your knees instead. playing everything off with a cough he nods. “yeah well, we’re different.”
“good different?”
“great different.”
you’re happy with that response, once again lowering your face to his neck, letting your chin rest on his shoulder with your head resting against his own. you hum happily.
rin pushes the door open, carefully placing you down onto the floating bed nailed into the corner of two walls. you feel the fabric swing at the weight of your body, you smile down at it, using your arms to sway yourself a bit more. “rin, what’s this?”
“it’s a hammock, it’s like a bed without any support other than the nails or rope used to keep it up.”
you mumbled out a small ‘wow’ and continue swaying as rintarou moved towards the back of the shop. calling out for a ‘helen’ you ignore him as you look around the shop, jars filled with dehydrated scales and scales in jars filled with what you assume is sea water. there are different plants found from the depths of the sea only creatures like you or rin could reach, further confirming your suspicion that this lady, helen, knew suna was more than just a pretty boy with a cocky smile.
“oh? is that my favourite scavenger?” a little old lady, adorned in jewels you’d recognised from your cave and scales the same colour as your partner in crimes, walks out of a door in the back of the shop. she wore a long dress and what rin would call, an apron. she gave him a sweet smile before locking onto your curious gaze.
“and you must be yn? rin’s pretty little girlfriend.” she gave the same sweet smile to you that she had given him. you bit back a smile at her words, “pretty?” you mumbled.
“aha, helen— she’s not my girlfriend! just
 a girl that i happen to be friends with?” he sounds unsure, arms crossed across his chest with his shoulders tensed up. “anyways that’s not why we’re here. yn slipped on our
 latest trip, and she got a pretty ugly cut on her palm, you think you could fix it up?”
you frowned at his wording, looking down at your blood stained palm. ‘ugly?’ helen walked around the display table in front of her door, hands on her hip as she made a ‘tsk’ noise using her mouth. your own mouth moving to mimick the sound.
“it does look bad, but it’s nothing a little bit of ointment can’t fix.” she pulls out a tin from her aprons pocket, twisting the lid and applying the cool jelly over your palm and the small scratches that littered your legs. it felt soothing at first, and like a crabs pinchers gripping onto your skin, the pain burst through your skin immediately. you gasped trying to rub off the ointment from your body but were held down by suna.
“stop, rin, it hurts— get it off!” you struggle against his hands, mumbling small pleas as the burning pain starts to settle.
“sorry, pearl. it’s usually like that the first time. but it’s an instant fix, see?” you push his hands off of you, looking down at your skin where the cuts once lay. it was again as bare as when you formed your legs.
“it’s fine
 thank you.” you mumbled, letting suna pull you up like a rag doll. he exchanged a few more words with helen, before turning towards the door, throwing a ‘thank you’ over his shoulder at her. only stopping when he reaches the nob.
“be careful suna, siren’s are incredibly valuable to the men of the seas.”
he gulps at the warning, knowing she had figured you out as quickly as she figured him out. shrugging it off he pulls the door open and walks out with you piggybacking him again. his hands back under your thighs again.
“what does she mean? why are siren’s incredibly valuable?“
rintarou ignores you, continuing his strenuous walk towards the market he promised to take you to.
you eventually got bored of his silence, and your lack of ability to walk. so you did what you thought was best, pushing yourself off of his back, your body weight pulling him the opposite direction causes him to lose his balance, hands dropping your thighs causing you to fall back and land on the sandy floor with a thud.
he looks back at you in surprise, scrambling to pull you back up. you slap his hands away with a groan, pushing yourself to be on all fours, slowly moving yourself up to put more weight on one leg. “rin, please teach me how to walk. you’re getting tired of carrying me and i’m getting tired of being carried!”
he sighs, pondering for a second before ultimately nodding. he gently grips your hands, slowly pulling you up, moving his grip to your forearms as you try and find balance on your feet. “can you feel your legs?”
you nod, bending your knees and twisting your feet. he nods along with you, “okay, can you lift your right leg for me?” you carefully lift your leg up, before immediately dropping it back down at the feeling of yourself dipping to the left.
“can you do the same with your left?” you lift your left leg up before placing it back down quickly. suna pats your arms and pulls you forward harshly, causing you to stumble. he lets go of your arms mid stumble and watches you move your legs to find balance. you let out a shocked gasp at his betrayal and continue you your stumble for a second longer before hitting the tree in front of you.
rin chokes back his own gasp, not expecting you to bash into the giant tree that has been behind him. he runs to grab you, pulling you up and biting back a laugh at your annoyed huff.
“just teaching you how to fly, baby bird.”
“i wanna go back home.” you pout, looking out at the ocean. a longing feeling settling within you. you missed your sisters.
“already!? but we haven’t even gotten to the market yet, it’s just this way i promise!” he grips your hand and begins running, dragging you along behind him causing you to stumble and flop like a fish out of water, trying to catch up with the tall, insufferable man.
“rin! please, slow down— i don’t know how to use my legs yet!”
the sun was high up in the sky by the time the two of you made it to the market, you finally understood why rin wanted you to stay in the shade so badly. the bright light reflected off of the shining sand, burning your eyes that hadn’t seen anything but the dark waters of the sea you lived in your whole life.
rin, being prepared for this, pulled out what he calls a ‘jacket’ from his satchel, placing the clothing on your head to block out the suns aggressive light from your eyes. giving you some relief from the pain that had been causing your eyes to burn up and dry out.
“i’ll make sure this trip is worth it, yn. we’ll get out of here soon. i should’ve been more careful of your circumstances.”
“rin, it’s fine. plus, didn’t you have to go through this too? during your first time on land?”
he pauses for a second, before he carefully shakes his head. “no, mine was pretty easy to get through. my eyes stung a bit and i definitely had weak legs, but i guess it affects you differently?”
the two of you make it to the edge of the market, you hear the loud chattering of people and in your excitement you throw the jacket off of your head. you gape at the many stalls lining the town, you see buildings stacked on one another, and places with tables outside, humans drinking from little cups and children running around. the smells of the market were driving your senses wild, something sweet from the flowers and the fruits and desserts around you, something that smells thick and smokey, making your mouth water and your stomach grumble. you glanced around, the colours were beautiful, stalls with little colourful roofs, and the plants you’d only dreamed of seeing.
“so?” rin grips your hand softly, a knowing smirk growing on his lips the more he watches you gaze around in astonishment. “does it exceed your expectations? fulfil your fantasy?”
you stay silent, listening to the people speak, the words blending together, the accents far too strong for you to comprehend with everything that’s going on around you. you feel the breeze from the nearby ocean on your arms and the grip of suna’s hand ground you. you turn to him with a bright smile.
“it’s better than anything i’ve dreamed of.” he returns your smile, nudging you forward to move into the crowd. the two of you begin walking down the streets, taking a look at everything around you, your wide eyed gaze locked onto all the aromatic foods and the brightest jewels you could find.
when you’d see something that you’d really want, suna would pull out a small bag of coins from his satchel and drop a gold piece onto the table. by the time you’d reached the final food stall, you’d already eaten at least five different fruits, a strawberry cake and, though you felt guilty, you’d eaten a fish flake too. as you walked rin would explain the different things you’d seen, the cakes and fruits, why the fish looked the way it did, and when you finally got to the trinkets you couldn’t hold back your excitement.
letting go of rin’s hand you ran, or stumbled, forward. knocking into a table with sparkling jewels and gold rings, unfortunately in your current accident prone state you also managed to knock into a nearby man who had also been gazing at the stall. he chuckles at your sudden intrusion into his space, gripping your arms to balance you out again. “well hello, pretty.” he looks you up and down, hands sliding from your arms to your own hands. you gaze up at him with wide eyes, heart beating rapidly and your breath feeling short. you gulped nervously and moved back, turning to look back at rin who eyed the man with a slight glare.
“ah, i see you’re spoken for. my apologies, miss.” he lets go of your hand, stepping back, eyeing you up once more before he moves to turn around. he quickly looks back at you, eyes focussing in on
the end of your long pale dress, locked in on the skin of your ankles. the shimmer of the scales that hadn’t blended into your skin.
his breath hitched. he turned away with the clearing of his throat and the tip of his hat towards rin.
you looked back at suna with a confused tilt of your head. he shook his own and nodded towards the stall. you let out a happy hum, eyeing the many valuable items curiously. “rin, look! isn’t this clip pretty?” you held up the little silver clip, it had the design of one of the nearby flowers, with a pretty pink jewel in the middle of it. you held it closer to suna’s face, eyes sparkling with joy. “can we get it?” you pleaded with him excitedly.
he sighed with a small smile and pulled out his coins again, eyes staring down at the half empty bag. “i need to teach you about money and how not to spend it
” he laughed nervously. placing a few coins down, he hurriedly gripped your hand and pulled you away from the stall, your eyes still fixated on the many other things on display.
“here, let me put that on for you.” suna broke your interest away from the stall when his voice cut through the silence between the two of you. you looked up at him inquisitively before holding out the clip. the two of you stopped walking, letting him take the opportunity to steady you, before sliding the clip near your ear, successfully pushing and holding the hair on your right side out of your face.
“how does it look?”
“it looks great, it’s pretty.”
“pretty?” suna nods to reaffirm what he said, but you just hummed. “am i pretty?” he pushes the rest of your hair off your shoulder, giving it a light squeeze.
“you’re always pretty.”
you nod, a happy little smile on your face. you link your fingers together, squeezing his hand. “rinrin?”
“rinrin?” he questions the new nickname.
“rintarou, what does ‘pretty’ mean? in the humans term.”
“i don’t think it has much of a difference from the way we use it, to be quite honest. it’s just used when you see something
you snort at his explanation, rolling your eyes as you kick at the sand. “we’ve been using that word all day.”
“we have, haven’t we?”
“hey, rin?”
he hums.
“thank you, for today and, for everything
 oh and the clip! i hope you know i think you’re quite pretty too.”
“well of course, i am a mermaid, if i wasn’t pretty what worth would i have down in the bottom of the ocean?”
you push him lightly and grumble as the two fo you continue walking closer to the waters. the setting sun reflecting off of it, creating a dazzling jewel like sparkle on your home.
“today was fun, remember when i said i wanted to go home?” you paused, your hands now behind your back. “i take it back. as much as i’d miss my sisters, i’d give anything to be able to experience life above the water for as long as possible.”
“i get that, that’s why i’m up here so often. it’s— it’s a different experience
 i’d probably do anything to live like the people up here too.”
you both make it back to the rocks, he looks you up and down once before pulling his shirt off, exposing his toned chest, which would normally be fine but after learning about the modesty of humans, you can’t help but feel bashful at his semi nudeness. you turned away, pulling off your shoes and dress before hurriedly throwing yourself into the water, begging in your mind that he hadn’t seen your bare body like before.
your head peeks out from the water, your tail already back to its original state, you eye rin who hides your belongings in a small nook between the rocks, before he too joins you in the water. “y’know, it’s pretty obvious when you’re checking me out.”
you sputter at his teasing accusation, slapping his shoulder as you turn away in embarrassment at the thought of being caught. “i wasn’t checking you out, i was curious as to what you were doing.”
“right. because the muscles on my back are so interesting? you were looking at just the muscles on my back
“goodbye, rin. i’ll see you tomorrow.” you gave him a kiss on the cheek and dived back under the water. not letting your newest regrettable moment eat away at you.
you left rin at the surface, diving deeper and deeper down to where you’d find your sisters. blissfully unaware of any conversation, or confrontation suna may get into.
you had your own responsibilities to attend to now.
“where were you!?”
“i- well, i was
“you had us worried sick! and not just that, you weren’t there for today’s hunt, we were one siren down and that cost us our feast. you knew today was another hunt.”
“i’m sorry
“sorry is not going to cut it this time, yn. your recklessness couldve endangered us all. you should not act so selfishly.”
you silently nodded, moving to your own sleeping area, feeling the eyes of all your sisters on your back as you slept facing away from them. you shut your eyes tightly, trying to bring back the happy mood you had from your day with rin before your sister’s lecture ruined it.
yet you couldn’t catch a break.
“who were you with?”
taglist : ïżŒ @lomlsuna @akaashiwife @plixy @on-crows-wings @1-800-s1ya @sabztov @keiji-in-a-can @tamak00 @kamikokii
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samuskitchen · 2 years
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samuskitchen · 2 years
BUT THIS CHAPTER MAN DO I FEEL SATISFIED LIKE YUUJI I'M SORRY BUT YOU DESERVED EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED TO YOU IN THAT MOMENT, Imagine begging for your life after threatening that of an innocent soul like sir, you have no room— not to mention the way he crumbled the SECOND he heard the singing was *CHEF'S KISS* I COULD NOT HAVE ASKED FOR A BETTER CONCLUSION AND ENDING FOR A CHARACTER LIKE PIRATE TERU AND HIS CREW
THEN WE HAVE THE SISTERS COMING IN SPEARS OUT, VOICES READY, MELODY PLANNED OUT FOR THIS RESCUE MISSION HELL YEAH! How they literally tell him straight up that "Bro we fuckin hate your guts for what you did to our sister but we can't throw you away bc you know where she is so get to it errand boy" 👌 and the way the started criticizing Y/N's taste in men 💀 they really wanna hammer it in to him that *no we don't like you. At all.* but I'm so glad they still care abt Y/N so much despite her probably almost starting an inter-merwar bc of some guy named rintarou 😭
Y/N MY SWEET SIREN LADY YOU ARE FREE NOW, FREE TO FIND ANOTHER MAN LIKE PLEASE LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES AND FISH OUT THOSE RED FLAGS BEFORE THEY HURT YOU AGAIN </3 BUT I'M SO HAPPY SHE'S OK NOW AND HER TAIL IS ON IT'S WAY TO BECOMING NORMAL AGAIN AHSHDHAJSHSHAJAH Siren Y/N learned a LOT about humanity during her captive days and they were NOT great like at ALL (ok maybe except for that weird healer lady) BUT I hope she would still be willing to give humans a chance because she needs to know that the rest of us (who aren't pirates, freak circus owners, corrupt zoo owners, yadda yadda yadda) aren't that bad, yk specifically the human me ;) we can be besties Y/N don't worry, I'll kick the shins of everyone out to hurt you <33333
AND FINALLY RINTAROU FUCKING SUNA..... you did pretty good, yeah I still hate your guts for being a SELFISH SEA TURD but at least you acknowledge that what you did was fucked up and tried to make it right even if it is going to stain your conscious and life records forever, I WILL SAY I'm impressed at how much he made me un-hate him, I mean he's still like the worst but yk less worst and maybe yeah, the punishment of him being banished to the human world forever and never being able to go back to the ocean is k i n d a s a d, cause I'm WEAK to tropes where it's like the last you'll be able to do or see something so that explains the crack in my heart rn :" But goddamn, he learned his lesson and accepted it with grief and regret *pat pat* you did well and I begrudgingly hope for your redemption and rebirth as a character
Yk, maybe the epilogue would end with them just seeing each other one day after years and being like "Hey" "Hey" and asking how they've been, then revealing how they've got their own lives both in the ocean and on land.... I mean it could also go the route where they try to make it work but I feel like that would take one long epilogue to explain 😅 but I really look forward to what conclusion their stories will reach, whether they fall in love correctly this time or learn from their mistakes and become better people respectively, I really want to say that you have made an *AMAZING* story of two people with similar dreams yet different ways of fulfilling them, Y/N simply wanted to run away and never look back with him but Rin wanted to have his freedom set in stone no matter what it took even if it meant having to sacrifice someone he was supposed to care for
Man, this conclusion is making me EMOTIONAL 😭 but I want you to know that even if it doesn't seem like there wasn't a lot of hype for this series, I'm glad I got to be part of the hype that was there :D I'm so glad I was one of the reasons you kept going strong with this series till the end :) I'll be patiently waiting for that epilogue so go at your pace! (Also, you are one of the reasons I decided to start writing on tumblr so thanks for being inspiring with this series <333)
i’m glad i was able to make you un-hate suna, he does deeply regret what happened and i hope one day i’ll be able to revisit this series and explore his grief more! spin-off series where suna lives eternity as a human and watches humanity evolve??? đŸ€­đŸ€­ jokes jokes (possibly)
“i really want to say that you have made an *AMAZING* story of two people with similar dreams yet different ways of fulfilling them.” STOP YOURE ACTUALLY GONNA MAKE ME CRY WTF 😭😭😭that’s so sweet of you i’m skdhwidnwk i really appreciate how much you looked into this story!!
IM SO GLAD YOU WERE PART OF THE HYPE TOO, the group of people who reblogged and sent asks or commented really helped carry this series and my motivation to finish it. i’m excited to write more for you guys and i hope i can do better with my next series :,>
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samuskitchen · 2 years
update tonight?
if i can write 3k in the next 5 hours, then, yes đŸ«Ą
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samuskitchen · 2 years
 new botdb chapter tonight
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samuskitchen · 2 years
the anon who wanted boba literally just guessed what’s gonna happen at the end of chapter 7 😭
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