#šŸ›Muse || Beat
a-musing-mixologist Ā· 2 years
@lollipopsandgunshotsā€‹ asked:
ā€œI often find myself questioning how youā€™re still alive.ā€ - Uzuki, to Beat
Random Dialogue || Accepting
Ā  Ā ā€œMe too, yo.Ā  But ainā€™t look a gift horse in da eye.ā€
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Ā  Ā  Ā Ā ā€œThough I guess we ainā€™t exactly been alive for mostā€™ve da time we known each other.Ā  But I get whatchu sayinā€™.Ā  Really tho ... I worked hard tā€™ be strong, for Rhyme.Ā  Anā€™ then, for my friends.Ā  Told myself I ainā€™t never goinā€™ down witā€™out a fight, anā€™ I ainā€™t yet.ā€
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šŸ› šŸ¬ šŸ˜ž - for Haru
FOOD QUESTIONS FOR THE MUSE HARU EDITION -> Because I can't stop rotting over him
šŸ› - Whatā€™s your favourite kind of restaurant? Italian, Chinese, Greek, etc.? --- "Mmm, I'm more of a "stay at home save money and make your own food" kind of guy but I'm never one to turn down cajun cooking. Maybe its because it reminds me of home and sometimes I get to shit on it, since nothing is as good as Ma's. I also go to my local Korean shop, not sure if that counts as a restaurant, but I'm close with the owner, he's an old ass grandpa."
šŸ¬ - What is your favourite kind of candy/sweet/cake? --- "I have to pick just one?" Haru laughs as he leans back with a snort, "I guess chocolate then, covers a lot of ground and is damn good with almost everything. Chocolate cake, icecream, all of that. Oh! Shit--my ma makes a mean cherry pie too, counting that-" Someone enjoys sweets.
šŸ˜ž - Is there something you hated in your childhood, but now you love it? --- There's a beat of silence as Haru thinks on the question, he wasn't a particularly picky person, even as a kid he ate everything; granted that was due to his mother not letting him leave the table until he did but.. He closes his eyes and taps his foot on the ground while he sighs, then it hits him. "Carrots. I used to absolutely hate them--don't get me wrong I ate them and I like them now but..."
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cynthiaandsamus Ā· 1 year
šŸ‘¼ šŸ›šŸ’ƒ (For Cynthia and Samus)
Ask muse how good they are at..
šŸ‘¼ - babysitting šŸ› - cooking šŸ’ƒ - dancing
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"Jokes aside I am pretty good at babysitting, Samus not so much, she'll probably keep them well and in line but they may be under a laundry basket with her on top of them if they misbehave too much. I'm good at cooking, Samus can cook a bit but mostly basic stuff that she can make fast. As far as dancing Samus definitely has me beat thanks to those lessons she took from Shantae..."
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šŸ› - Whatā€™s your favourite kind of restaurant? Italian, Chinese, Greek, etc.? //for all yr muses <3
"I would have to say either French or Italian. Nothing beats handmade pasta...though I wouldn't say no to some creme brulee either."
He scoffs "I don't need to go to restaurants, I've got my own personal chef. If I had to choose, I suppose I'd go for Italian. Only if they serve a good panna cotta, however, otherwise there's no point."
"Can't say I care much about where the food's from, I enjoy steakhouses though! Not looking for anything fancy, just a big plate of steak and fries." He will order the biggest thing on the menu and eat it all. Plus dessert, of course.
"Ah, well, I don't really have a preference, I suppose. Food often ends up being a bit of an afterthought. I don't really go out to eat all that often anyway... I do enjoy Polish cuisine, but really any restaurant will do. I'm not picky."
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a-musing-mixologist Ā· 2 years
Battle Mechanics
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Ā  Ā Ā ā€œHellz yeah keeps ya on your feet, yo!ā€
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a-musing-mixologist Ā· 2 years
It's fast, the way his hip brushes against his, the bump which leads into a nudge, nudge to him eventually reaching in, fingers lacing and taking hold of his hand. " This is okay right? " He asks, a minute laterā€¦.he's pushing himself up on his toes so his lips can press against his cheek for a quick kiss. / xoxo for beat
The light pressure of Neku's hip against his is enough to give him pause, but before he can process that, cool fingers are threaded into his own, and it's that little action that turns his brain to static fuzz. It's a few more seconds before he processes the other's words, and another moment before his mouth manages to catch up with his brain.
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"'Course it is," he mumbles, a dopey grin spreading across his lips. Neku's breath is warm against his cheek, and god it's adorable how he has to stand on tiptoe to do it. He tilts his head to rest against Neku's, an arm looping around the smaller man. "Ain't like ya gotta even ask, yo."
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a-musing-mixologist Ā· 5 months
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a-musing-mixologist Ā· 2 years
Naughty or Nice? Ā  Ā 
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Ā Ā ā€œOh hellz yeah!ā€
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a-musing-mixologist Ā· 3 years
@lostprotag from x.
[To: Phonez]:Ā  What da hell.Ā  Why would I wanna do that?
[To: Phonez]: ... What we even talkinā€™ bout?
[To: Phonez]:Ā  Oh right.Ā  I aint know why I sent that.Ā  Guess it was interestin at th time.
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a-musing-mixologist Ā· 3 years
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@lostprotagā€‹ asked:
ā€˜ Ā if i keep my body moving and my mind occupied at all times, i will avoid falling into a bottomless pit of despair. Ā ā€™ for Beat
Parks and Rec || Accepting
Azure eyes rose to his boyfriendā€™s face.Ā  Was Neku being serious, or was this his idea of humor?Ā  Sometimes, it was hard to tell with that expression.Ā  Just to be safe, he slipped his arms around the other, pulling Neku against him.
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Ā  Ā Ā ā€œCā€™mon Phones, ainā€™t gotta be like that.Ā  You come so far.ā€Ā  He rested his head against the ginger nest of Nekuā€™s hair.Ā  As if he hadnā€™t felt the same way for the past several years.Ā Ā ā€œWanna kick my ass in video games or somethinā€™?ā€
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a-musing-mixologist Ā· 3 years
@lostprotagā€‹ from x.
He just laughed, whole body (and his passenger) shaking with the sound.Ā  How could he not be this happy?Ā  Maybe it was a small gesture, but to him it meant the world.Ā  It was Nekuā€™s way of saying it was their place now, that he wanted Beat here with him.Ā  That he was welcome no matter the time,Ā no need to knock.Ā 
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He set his partner down carefully, still grinning like an idiot.Ā Ā ā€œYou know you ainā€™t gettinā€™ rid oā€™ me now.ā€Ā  He was practically bouncing.
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a-musing-mixologist Ā· 3 years
@lostprotag from x.
Sometimes being around Neku did things to him, things he didnā€™t expect.Ā  Heā€™d honestly never had a horny teenager phase, heā€™d been too busy during most of that period with things like disappointing his parents, dying, coming back to life, watching his friend die again, and then searching for him for three years.Ā  Now that they were here, together, his body apparently decided it wanted to start playing catch-up.
Sometimes they could kiss, and they would be soft little things that left him breathless but content.Ā  Other times, it wasnā€™t enough to leave it at just that.Ā  Like right now, when he needed more. To feel Nekuā€™s body beneath him, to keep him there while they kissed until they were gasping for air.Ā  He let himself be pulled closer with a soft moan against the otherā€™s lips.Ā Ā 
Ā  Ā ā€œNeku...ā€Ā  Sometimes, rarely, he abandoned the favored nickname.Ā  In moments like this.
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a-musing-mixologist Ā· 3 years
"No stranger than square watermelons, in my humble opinion."
Ā  Ā  Ā ā€œFruits ainā€™t meant tā€™ be square, yo!Ā  Whatā€™s da point, even?ā€
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a-musing-mixologist Ā· 3 years
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Ā  Ā ā€œWho do Beat need tā€™ punch?ā€
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a-musing-mixologist Ā· 3 years
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@lostprotagā€‹ asked:
ā are you going to hide in my shoulder the whole time? or actually watch the movie? āž
Autumn || Accepting
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Ā  Ā Ā ā€œā€m watchnā€™ dā€™ mvie,ā€ he mumbled, face still smushed against his boyfriendā€™s shoulder, arms wrapped tightly around him.Ā  Well... he was listening to it at least. Despite having punched actual otherworldly monsters in the face several times, he didnā€™t deal with horror movies very well.Ā  How did Neku manage?
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a-musing-mixologist Ā· 3 years
Ā  Ā Ā ā€œLeast I ainā€™t get myself shot two times inna row.ā€
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