ppnuggiex ยท 10 months
HIHII i see yoy dont have obey me content yet,, want me 2 change that๐Ÿ˜ผ๐Ÿ˜ผ HOPE IM NOT DISTURBING U OR ANUTHINGF AND ALSO HOPE URE HAVING A NICE SUMMERR
but anywayy could i req hcs(and maybe a small scenario๐Ÿ™‡โ€โ™€๏ธ) of solomon and simeon(MAYBE DIAVOLO AND BARBATOS IF U WONT MIND,, IDM IF U DONT THO HUHU) with an insomniac/sleepy s/o that accidentally slept over at their place๐Ÿ˜ป IM SORRY IF U DONT UNDERSTAND,, BUT AS IN THEY WERE INVITED TO THEIR ROOM BUT COULDNT HOLD BACK FROM SLEEPING SINCE THEY HAVENT SLEPT๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿ˜ž
sorrei 4 making this so long,,im chatty asf for an introvert omg๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ BUT YEYESY THAT'S ALL๐Ÿค๐Ÿค LOVE UR WORK VHAI VHAI๐Ÿ™‡โ€โ™€๏ธ
ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€OBEY ME x gn reader
ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€Žใ€€solomon ,, simeon ,, diavolo ,, barbatos ,, gender neutral reader ใ€
ใ€€ใ€€-> side characters w/ sleepy or insomniac s/o
ใ€€ใ€€โ€” fluff ,, sfw ,, comfort
ใ€€ใ€€โ€” HIII OMG TYSM โ™ฅ๏ธโ™ฅ๏ธโ™ฅ๏ธ glad to have my first obey me ask :) i am having a great summer ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ช though i start school next week ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ so not too happy about that ,, tysm for requesting though :D i did all of them ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ and its alr !! no worries abt being chatty ๐Ÿ˜ i dont mind it one bit !! heres the request tho :) hope you enjoy <3
- solomon
| โ€ข he knows how the brothers run you ragged ,, and so he doesnt mind if you happen to fall asleep whilst staying over with him
| โ€ข if anything ,, it gives him an excuse to stay with you longer ,, stealing a few extra hours ,, and if one of the brothers do call he can say youre asleep
| โ€ข solomon did call you over so he can teach you more about a certain spell you had questions about
| โ€ข he'd pick you up from where you had fallen asleep and take you to his room ,, placing you under the covers so you'd be comfortable and warm at least
| โ€ข he'll place a kiss to your head and then go to the kitchen and make you something ,, until simeon stops him
- simeon
| โ€ข he wouldnt mind one bit if you happened to fall asleep ,, hes thankful for it really ,, since he knows how hard you work and how little time you get to yourself
| โ€ข he just wants you to be happy and healthy ,, and being well rested goes with that
| โ€ข simeon would make sure that youre comfortable ,, put a blanket over you and a pillow under your head
| โ€ข whilst your sleeping he makes you a little snack for you when you wake up ,, so you can have something to enjoy and refill your energy with
- diavolo
| โ€ข he had finally gotten some free time with his tight schedule and didnt waste a moment before he invited you over to watch some movies from the human world he's been interested in watching
| โ€ข barbatos helped to make popcorn and other snacks for you both ,, and even gave diavolo a quick tutorial how to use the remote and the tv ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€
| โ€ข diavolo isnt too upset that you fell asleep halfway through the movie though ,, hes mostly upset you havent been able to take care of yourself and in result its made you lose sleep
| โ€ข he keeps you under the cover and all cuddle up though ,, pressing many kisses to your head as he finishes up the movie
| โ€ข he might also nap with you when he gets a little too cozy
- barbatos
| โ€ข he already knew how tired you were before he invited you over ,, really it was the whole reason he did
| โ€ข having a little free time to himself for a bit ,, after finishing his duties for the hour that is ,, he invited you over with the intention of you sleeping
| โ€ข he made a special tea blend that increases melatonin and is meant to put people to sleep or make them drowsy ,, really just in general help them sleep
| โ€ข he'll coax you over to his bed and let you sleep whilst he finishes his duties for the upcoming hour
| โ€ข barbatos also has a few treats left out for you on the bedside table ,, with a spotch of tea to help awaken you and restore your energy
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helloimamistake ยท 2 years
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arklayraven ยท 2 months
You accidentally send a rat/mouse emoji to Barbatos, and he's already at your door, kindly asking you to open it to have a talk. ๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ๐Ÿญ
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deviljesterlamb ยท 8 months
Lesson 25 Nightbringer spoilers
Barbatos hating the number 8 now because of Solomon, is a funny thing to think about.
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Barbatos: Number 8...The nerve of that sham sorcerer. Just the thought of being connected to that number upsets me. Imagine the insult felt of being number 8 on a list or on anything in fact now!
Jayce, who's bday is on July 8th: ...Haha yeah...Imagine...
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Asmo's clothes!! For the cloak thing I used the nice fabric and trim that feels illegal to use because it's too cute to waste. I'm running low on black lace so I used white for the inside but one piece was kinda short and I make these things clothes so they aren't full on pussy out so Asmo also has a little skirt. It'll make more sense once it's on him
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sheepmc ยท 1 year
It was quite a weird vibe you've felt. Barbatos came into your room earlier, telling you Lord Diavolo wants to talk to you right now. And of course, you obliged. Now you're walking with Barbatos to Devildoms castle, not only that, but also now to Diavolos private room which confused you even more.
Infront of the door, Barbatos stopped and knocked on the door. "Young Master, the beloved Sheepy is here.", he said while knocking.
"Ah! Come in!", you heard from the other side of the door.
Barbatos opened the door and the two of you got in. Diavolo got up from his desk and walked towards you - embracing you in a hug.
In the hug you could hear Barbatos locking the door - and in this second - Diavolos hug got tighter.
"Sheepy.. we wanted to see you because..", you felt Diavolo averting his gaze to Barbatos.
The next second you felt Barbatos embracing you from behind.
".. because the two of us got the feeling you need to be disciplined, dear. You are quite a menace but we both are very sure you aren't anymore by the time we are done with the punishment for you.", you could nearly feel Barbatos mischievous smirk on your neck.
"So.. bear with us, Sheepy, will you?~ We are doing this cuz we love you!"
~ ๐Ÿ’
I swear I've been good please no I beg
Vi goddamnit you are going to kill me
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clavicula-ovis ยท 2 years
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ย  ย  ย ยป ยป @pluviacuratioโ€‹ย โ "Take my hand." Xavier! โž
ย  ย  ย From:ย Random Dialogue Prompts || Always Accepting!
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ย  ย  ย โ€บโ€บ Seeing faires roll around was always something Xavier looked forward to; Devildom culture would shine brightest here, fun facts and tidbits would crop up with history lessons, and to top it off he would have the chance to make irreplaceable memories with those he cared for. It just so happened that Bella had invited him to come along to this one, a faire dedicated to the demons of the deepest forests and celebrating their myriad of ways they protected and nurtured the lands of the Devildom. Many rare herbs would be available for purchase, and he would not miss his chance to grow his arboretum โ€” and with all the brothers disinterested (except for Satan, who was elsewhere) โ€” it fell to Xavier to keep an eye on her.
ย  ย  ย โ€บโ€บ It was about when they arrived that Bella had extended a hand to him and asked him to take it; a very sound idea to make sure they didn't get separated. So his own half-gloved hand slipped in to hers and held on firmly, his green-hazel eyes shimmering with delight.
ย  ย  โ Of course! โž โ€บโ€บ he spoke with a beaming glow on his face. โ That way, we wont be separated. But I might still end up drifting a bit if we run across any rare plants, so I apologize in advance...! โž
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shall-we-die ยท 9 months
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{A sudden sweetness}
#Part 1 ๐Ÿ“ || #Part 2 || #Part 3
What will be their reaction when you suddenly pat them on the head after a hard day and tell them "Good job, darling."?
โ†ฌ[Fandom]โ€ขโŠฐ {Obey me!}เฟ
โ†ฌ[Characters]โ€ขโŠฐ {Diavolo || Lucifer || Barbatos}เฟ
โ†ฌ[Warnings]โ€ขโŠฐ {None}เฟ
โ˜ฐ[Main list]โ€ขโŠฐ โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”ˆโ”ˆ{0009}โ”ˆโ”€โ•ฎ
โ•ฐโ”ˆโžคLikes/Reblogs are appreciatedเฟ
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โ€ข Diavolo would be taken aback by MC's actions and would be overwhelmed with happiness and affection.
โ€ข He may blush and be speechless for a few moments, before thanking them for their praise and affection.
โ€ข Diavolo would be moved by MC's tenderness and would feel like the luckiest demon in the Devildom.
โ€ข Diavolo's feelings for MC would be intensified and he would be motivated to be the best demon prince he could be in order to make them proud.
"Thank you."
โ€ข After being praised and affectionately treated by MC, Diavolo would be overjoyed and feel incredibly grateful.
โ€ข Diavolo would want to reciprocate MC's love and affection, so he might ask to spend some quality time with them or offer to show MC around the Devildom.
โ€ข Diavolo would be happy and content to be by MC's side, and he would be motivated to keep up his good work as the future demon king.
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โ€ข Lucifer was surprised, heโ€™s never been talked to like that before. His face was a bright crimson red as he couldnโ€™t help but blush. So, he glares at MC, as usual.
"I'm doing my duty as an Avatar. You do not need to praise me for such a trivial matter."
โ€ข And after he sees you're still smiling at him,
"Wh-what kind of demon do you take me for, MC!? I am one of the powerful lords in Devildom, not a house cat! Do not pat me on the head!"
โ€ข Lucifer may be surprised and embarrassed at first, but he will likely be pleased to receive the affection and praise from MC (He won't show it, no no no.)
โ€ข He might even be a little amused by the gesture but will appreciate it nonetheless. He is proud and stoic, but underneath all that, he too wants to be appreciated, loved, and comforted from time to time.
โ€ข Lucifer would react to MC's headpats with a surprised look, initially feeling slightly awkward at the show of affection (if it happens again). However, he would quickly come to appreciate the gesture and enjoy the feeling of affection.
โ€ข After a particularly busy day, Lucifer's appreciation for the comforting touch would be even greater.
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โ€ข Barbatos' cheeks would flush a warm shade of red as his heart flutters from joy. He'd find the touch so soft, soothing, and endearing, only wishing to stay in it a bit longer.
โ€ข He would be too much of a fool to even consider moving away from the comfortable embrace of MC's hand. The smile on his face would be more noticeable.
โ€ข His eyes shifted back down to you, smiling widely,
"MC, may I remind you, that I am just a butler, not your pet? Though the head pats and verbal appreciation is appreciated, this does not mean you own me."
โ€ข He pauses, looking at you with a teasing smile on his lips,
"Not that I don't enjoy the attention I am getting from you, MC."
โ€ข Barbatos would be left in blissful silence just experiencing the sensation as MC patting his head. He wouldn't move, unless prompted to do so. He would simply appreciate each soft touch and soothing words uttered. Even if he was just asked to pass a napkin or a cup of tea, he is not ready to let go of the intimacy.
โ€ข There are times he would close his eyes, feeling the comfort and tenderness in MC's touch. Even if he was called, he couldn't hear anything due to how loud his heart was beating and the butterflies in his stomach.
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sparkbeast20 ยท 1 year
Obey Me! Masterlist (Fics, Headcanon and Analysis)
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Seven Masters Masterlist (Series)
Master and Sins Masterlist (Series)
He Snaps Series (Halloween One-shots) All Seven Brothers Complete!
Hellhound's Diary (Cerberus, and Curse Dog!AU Masterlist)
Headcanons Masterlist
Random Fanfics! Masterlist
OM!Brothers When You Indulge In Their Sin: Asmodeus Version.
Never play with Dolls (Tiny fanfic)
Character Kinda Analysis
The Charming and Terrify Fifth born ๐Ÿฆ‚
The Silent and Gentle Sixth Born ๐Ÿ
My thoughts of Lucifer and Satan's relationship
Solomon: Is he consider Inhuman now? ๐Ÿบ
Satan's black spot in his eyes when in Demon form๐Ÿฆ„
Mammon's gold highlights when his in Demon form ๐Ÿฆ…
Barbatos' Soulless: Side to Side comparison of eyes ๐Ÿฆ‡
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books-and-catears ยท 2 years
Would it be too much to ask for a super fluffy thing comfort fic with Satan, Dia, & Barb?
Or like who ever u wanna do??? ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘ˆ
I just could use some comfort from my faves rn and ur one of my fave writers & friends I just thought I'd ask
And here's some cute bunnies for you
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From your easily flustered kitty ๐Ÿˆ๐Ÿฑ
I'll do you one better, I'll give you little snippets of all of them, with a suprise at the end. ;)
He heard your muffled crying through your door. Knocking urgently, he called out your name. "MC, could you open up please?"
"Just a second!" You appeared at the door, red tipped nose, dewy lashes and hastily erased tears.
Satan's heart burns. It burns with rage pondering the reasons for your sadness, it burns with the urgency to heal your hurt. But he knows what you'd say.
"Nightmares." You'd say. And that was all.
"I'm staying here tonight." Satan let's himself in, and takes off his jacket, putting it on a chair. "If you don't mind."
You shake your head. It's a welcome suprise. "I don't mind at all. Make yourself comfortable.
"Remember the movie you were talking about? The one you loved watching in the human realm?" Satan said, sitting himself down on the bed.
"Yes. The Princess Bride. I could watch over and over." You walked over to him. He smiled and gently pulled you by the hand, almost making you fall into his lap.
"Well I happen to have it my phone. Levi got it for me." He waved his phone around. "It's not too big of a screen but would you like to-"
"Yes!" You didn't need him to finish that question.
"I'm glad." He smiled again, "But you'll have to sit close to me. Very close, else you won't be able to see."
You chuckle, the first in a long time. And placed your head on his shoulder. "Indeed I should."
He wrapped his arm around you, tucking your head close to his face, his cheek against your forehead. You breathed him in. He smelt like happiness.
"This is a brilliant movie. This particular scene was so beautifully shot." Satan made remarks at intervals. Your eyes grew heavy. All the lost sleep, calling to you at once.
Satan noticed. "Want to call it a night, MC?"
"I love this movie...you remind me of Westley." You whispered, half asleep.
"MC..." His cheeks flushed red.
You started nuzzling into his neck, your arms seeking him. He pressed a kisses on your forehead, "Sleep, my Buttercup. I'll stay right here."
He found you sleepless, walking around like a ghost in the shadows of the castle windows. He followed you just like one.
You stopped at the balcony, closing your eyes, bathing in the moonlight. Diavolo felt his heart pound faster at the mere sight of you.
"Hello, MC."
He whispers as to not startle you. You turn back in suprise. "Diavolo, why aren't you asleep?"
"Barbatos told me the only way to get some free time is to finish work beforehand. So I just finished the last of my work for this month. " Diavolo sighs in relief.
You clap your hands a little, "Good for you! You deserve a long break." You cheer. His heart swells.
"If you can't sleep, would you like to join me on the roof for a while?" He holds out his hand. You nod and take it, he blushes.
Intertwining your fingers, he leads you up a spiraling staircase upto to the terrace. The sky was glimmered above, Devildom glimmered below. A crisp wind blew through your hair.
"I often come here to clear my head. The view is wonderful isn't it?"
"It really is. It feels like home, in a way, the human world never did." You sighed, "But the program is ending soon, and I'll be leaving soon..."
Your gaze turned meloncholy, eyes shining with intrusive tears and his heart tightened in his chest.
"MC, if you'd like to stay longer...I will make arrangements for you." He turned you to look up at him.
"I'd like to never leave. I'm finally happy for once, I don't want it to go away." You leaned your head on his chest and let your weight fall on him.
He wrapped his arms you, almost lifting you off the ground. "Then stay. You'll always have a home here. Especially with me."
He found you fumbling around in kitchen in dim light, trying to make as less noise as possible. Barbatos turned on a brighter light and beckoned to you.
"MC, I've requested you to call me when you need something, haven't I?" He beckoned to you.
You almost dropped the tea cup you were holding, startled. "I'm sorry I thought you were asleep! Did I make too much noise? Did I wake you?"
"Not at all. I rested too much in the afternoon, so I am sleepless now." He walked towards you, "If it's tea you want, please allow me."
"I'd like to help." You looked through the cabinets. "I'll get the cookies or biscuits to go with it."
"Are you usually this restless at night?" He asked as he brewed chamomile tea, his eyes furrowed in worry. "Or perhaps is something bothering you?"
"It's just human world stuff. Trust me you don't want to know." You said, arranging vanilla cookies on a plate.
Barbatos reached out and took your hand. "I think I'd really like to know. Please don't hesitate to share your worries with me, MC."
Caught off-guard by his sudden proximity and intensity, you simply nodded.
"The tea is ready. Lets go out into the garden, shall we?"
The garden looked vibrant with its glowing flowers and fireflies hovering over bushes. The air smelt like a mild perfume. You breathed in heartily, as you both sat at a table.
You both talked of mundane things first, RAD assignments, events, the brothers' newest story of chaos, comparing tea customs of the two realms.
"Now that we've dallied enough, I'd like to know what's really worrying you." He cupped your cheek. It was one of the rare times, he wasn't wearing gloves.
"I can't put into words without sounding silly." You held onto him for comfort.
"I highly doubt it is silly. I've yet to see you smile. Your actual smile, not the polite one you show Lucifer."
You actually chuckled at that. "How many times did you notice?"
"Enough to know, Lucifer is yet to make it into your good books. Now please stop trying to distract me from my queries, MC."
Caught again. There was really no escaping him. "Are you sure? I tend to go on endless rambles once I start, and I'm not sure if I'll stop or slow down."
"No worries, we have all night." He moves his seat closer to you.
"Hey, MC! Wake up, stupid!"
You stirred in your bed, looking up from your phone to look at the window. Thirteen had half of her body inside the room, grinning.
"Thirteen?! What are you doing there?! That's dangerous!" You jumped off the bed and to make sure she wasn't hurt.
"Stop fussing about me and get dressed." She pointed at your wardrobe. "We're going to go a bar and get drunk."
You glanced at the clock. "It's 2:45 am."
"Yeah! Perfect time to drink!" She said, letting herself in completely as you opened the window further.
"Why me, suddenly?" You asked.
"I'm stuck in a house with three angels. One of them is an emotionless stickler, one is a child and the other one hasn't updated himself since the 17th Century. I'm miserable." She whined.
"You're the only one I can have an actual conversion with and I need to get drunk to deal with the bozos back at the house."
"What a predicament indeed." You covered your mouth to not laugh too loud.
"Yeah yeah, your laugh is adorable but chop chop! Happy hour starts at 3 am!" She opened your wardrobe and picked out an outfit for you. "Your style ain't half bad. Lemme borrow your tops sometime."
You gushed at the thought of her wearing your clothes. "Yeah sure, anytime."
"Now change. What's taking so long?" She stood, crossing her arms.
"I can't change with you just standing there, looking at me."
She groaned and turned around. "Oh god you humans and your weird rules. You think I haven't seen naked human bodies before? Honey, I'm death. I legit see y'all naked in the morgue most of the time."
You let out a laugh as you slipped into the clothes she picked. "That's a morbid thing to say before going out drinking."
"Whatever." She scoffed, "You're changed aren't you? Now let's go. Careful getting down, we don't wanna wake that old fart, Lucifer."
"We call him Lucifart for a reason." You said, following her out the window. She snorted in laughter.
"Now, we run. Lets go, slowpoke!" She grabbed your hand and ran. You almost toppled over but you paced yourself in time.
The streets were mostly empty. Orange street lights flooded the way as you both ran, wind in your hair, laughter loud and free.
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another-lost-mc ยท 5 months
๐Ÿ›ผ + ๐Ÿ„ + ๐Ÿฌ for the truth and dare game hehe
๐Ÿ›ผ โ‡ข describe your latest wip with five emojis
๐Ÿ„ โ‡ข share a headcanon for one of your favourite ships or pairings characters
Asmo wears a nurse outfit unironically when you get sick. He doesn't want any accidents to ruin his regular wardrobe, and he hopes that it'll cheer you up. (He also hopes that it'll entice you to get better faster so he can show you the real reason why he bought it in the first place.)
๐Ÿฌ โ‡ข post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
Most of my bad takes have to do with fanon (mostly nsfw) characterizations I don't buy into. I don't picture Lucifer as a mean dom daddy, I don't write characters (Levi/Satan/Barbatos) having more than one cock, I don't like Satan + pet play kinks, that kind of thing.
writer truth & dare ask game
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crazyyanderefangirlfan ยท 2 years
How they meet in order.
๐Ÿฆ‡Astrid & Diavolo๐Ÿ‰
She summoned him by accident. They agreed for a pact, she wanted power and he wanted a friend.
๐Ÿ‘Elly & the Demon brothers๐Ÿ˜ˆ
She was kidnapped to be part of an exchange program.
๐ŸIssy & Barbatos๐Ÿ
He walked her out from her meeting with Diavolo. During her meeting she wanted information on RADโ€™s students which the prince declined. After that he warned her to be careful on what she does and threatened her. She just accepted it as a challenge.
๐Ÿ†Gabi & Solomon๐Ÿช„
Though they first met on a one night stand, they properly met in Devildom where she was chasing a little D who stole her wallet. She didnโ€™t pay attention to her surroundings so she crashed into him, falling on top on his crotch.
๐ŸฐDani & Simeon๐Ÿ˜‡
Met during the exchange program, on the first day like shoujo manga.
@rainiishowers @sparkbeast20 @adrianasunderworld
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arklayraven ยท 4 months
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Barbatos from OM is canonly queer. ๐Ÿ’š
Edit/Update with sources/info:
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deviljesterlamb ยท 1 year
Solomon: Seems we've finally finished work. How about we--
Solomon: ...You think I'm pretty?
Jayce: ...
Jayce: ...I'LL KILL YOU.
Solomon: Haha! Love you too, Jayce!
Solomon, later that day: --and then Jayce called me "Pretty boy"! I was quite surprised to hear it from them, but was so happy it happened! That means Jayce does still love me a bit after all! Right?
Barbatos: ...Why are you here telling me this? As well why aren't you being digested in the stomach of a giant worm like I planned you to be?
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acaribeau ยท 1 year
Welcome to my Master List :3 I put links of everthing I think isn't shitpost or have something interesting. Please read the emojis to know their content.
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๐Ÿฆš-Lucifer ๐Ÿ’ณ-Mammon ๐Ÿ-Levi ๐Ÿฑ-Satan ๐Ÿฆ‚-Asmo ๐Ÿชฐ-Beel ๐Ÿฎ-Belphie ๐Ÿ‘-x reader ๐Ÿ”ฎ-Solomon ๐Ÿ‘‘-Diavolo ๐Ÿซ–-Barbatos ๐Ÿ˜‡-Simeon ๐Ÿ•-Luke ๐Ÿด-Mephisto โ˜ ๏ธ-13 โšœ๏ธ-Raphael
๐ŸŒ-og OM ๐ŸŒš-Nightbringer (if it isn't specified could be both) ๐Ÿ”ž-NSFW MDNI
๐Ÿ’˜-fluff ๐Ÿ’€-crack/humor โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ”ฅ-yandere๐Ÿ‘ป-creepy/horror ๐Ÿ”ช-gore ๐Ÿฅ€-angst
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Fanfics (#acari writes) AO3
Levi's Doll ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‘ - ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ‘ป
The vessels ๐Ÿ’ณ๐Ÿ‘ - ๐Ÿ‘ป๐Ÿ’˜
Empty room ๐ŸŒš๐Ÿ‘ - ๐Ÿฅ€
The Bomb ๐Ÿ˜บ๐Ÿ‘ - ๐Ÿ’€
Creation of Little D's
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Analisys (#acari overthinks)
Barbatos resented Diavolo for make him his butler
Angel Symbology - Wheat
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Theories (#acari with tinfoil hat)
Multiple time-travel in S1
Solomon is a nephilim
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Others (soon...)
HoL in 3D
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All short and long fics are cross-posted in my AO3. Not all I write with those # goes here, some are thoughts too raw at 3am or are a reblog in another's post, so if you want to read little thoughts...
Please leave likes, tags, comments, ask, DMs, anything n.n I would love to hear you no matter if it's criticism or a love attack๐Ÿ’• your words are my fuel to keep going :3
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wistcriax ยท 2 years
๐™–๐™ฃ๐™œ๐™˜๐™ก๐™ž๐™˜๐™ฌ๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™ฉ๐™˜๐™ง ' ๐™จ ๐™—๐™ก๐™ค๐™œ ๐™ข๐™–๐™จ๐™ฉ๐™š๐™ง๐™ก๐™ž๐™จ๐™ฉ
Requests are Open!
Rules: no NSFW, Obey Me! Content Only for now please.
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โš  - angst/triggering topics โœ˜ - Discontinued ๐Ÿ‘ - F!M!NB!MC โ„๏ธ - My OM! MC โœ’๏ธ - My TOT MC ๐Ÿ’™(or any color depending on character) - XReader
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Obey Me
All Characters
MC belling the demon brothers {๐Ÿ‘}
F!MC having a motherly voice (Older Brothers) {๐Ÿ‘} F!MC having a motherly voice (Middle Child) {๐Ÿ‘}
Annelie Telling How She Feels About the Brother {โ„๏ธ} {slight โš } {MC!MONDAY #4 by obeythedemons}
Brothers find Mammon's Therapist Tapes {no MC} {โš } {Requested} The Aftermath (Mammon's Therapist Tapes) {โš }
"We need to talk" {โ„๏ธ}
The Lady's Empress {๐Ÿ’™} prologue ch. 01 ch. 02 ch. 03 ch. 04 ch. 05 ch. 06 ch. 07 ch. 08 ch. 09 ch. 10 ch. 11 ch. 12
Lucifer's Punishment {no MC} {โš } sneak peak
Lucifer in a Corset
Meeting MC's Parents/Family {MC!MONDAY #5 by obeythedemons} {โ„๏ธ}
Brutal {no MC} {โš } โœ˜ sneak peak prologue ch. 01 ch. 02
Sick Ball of Rage {no MC} โœ”
Adventures with Annelie, Mammon, and Little D. 2 {โ„๏ธ} ep. 1
Blood Lipstick {๐Ÿ’–} โœ“
Solomon's Heartstrings {no MC} {โš } sneak peak
Gender doesn't matter with Love {๐Ÿค} โœ“
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Tears of Themis
Happy Birthday Mr. Wing (2022) {โœ’๏ธ}
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