#🔮.darling traveler amira
Stopping by to drop off some kisses for you, my Disney princess come to life 😚 <33
D-Disney Princess come to life, I'm
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You are so sweet, and your beauty matches just how lovely you are, yessums! 💛
How are you love?? You doing okay? Having a fun time?? Let Patchy know, please, oh please?? 🥺💛
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Idk if I’m the someone you’re remembering here but I know I’ve told you this and I still stand by it <33
You know, I have a strong suspicion it WAS you my darling Princess Amira! And for that, I thank you so much for saying such a sweet compliment to me, clearly I haven't forgotten it/it meant a lot to me 🥺💛
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potionpeddlerpatchy · 2 years
Do we pick the potion? Bc if so I’d like to use something that will make someone laugh uncontrollably for a fun little prank on shoyo please!!
You may pick the potion if you like, especially if you know what you want! I always love when a traveler comes in asking for my wares with a clear direction in mind 💛
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You couldn't help yourself, how could you? In your mind, Hinata Shoyo not only had the sweetest, most cute smile, but the best laugh you have ever heard. It rings like a bell, so crisp and sweet, through the air - the kind where you can't help but join in, and not because you're making fun of the owner's laugh either.
You sought it out when you heard the first time; completely stopping what you were doing to find it. And well, when you saw it was Shoyo how could the idea NOT pop into your head?
You sought out the peddler, the one who lived both close by and a long way away, to see what kind of wares she may have to offer to help you along on this little idea. And, as always, she did.
Mix it with some water and pour it over a person's head and they will be laughing until their sides hurt and tears fall from their eyes. The effects are temporary, she assured but could last up to a few hours. So be warned.
You had to admit the added bonus of seeing him all wet, clothing clinging to his toned body was a plus. But you really should have heeded the warning. Shoyo laughed for hours, and his clinging to your body made some of it fall onto you, and you laughed along with him.
To say your sides were sore the next day was a grave understatement, but worth it.
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want a potion?
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Popping in to say hi and remind you that I love you <333
And I'm here to remind you that I love you!!
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Patchy!!! Congrats on 600 lovely <3333
Your event is so cute as always. I really love how creative you are and would love to trade with you!!
I offer you this fic but also this series (bc I couldn’t decide) for one Rose Bottle of Diegesis if you’ve still got some in stock, please and thank you <33
Me and shoyo, depending on our mood, will either go on dates that are relaxing like a picnic and walk at the park/along the beach or on dates that are more upbeat like going to an arcade/theme park etc bc we’re both adrenaline junkies
My dream date would actually be more on the relaxing side: dinner on a yacht before sunset so that by the time we finish up dessert, we can slow dance and admire each other in the pinks and oranges of the sunset and then lay a blanket down and stargaze together
Hello Amira, I thank you kindly for your sweet and congratulatory words, I too am quite happy to have reached this milestone - even more so to have reached it with a friend such as you by my side 💛
And what wonderful offerings you have given me, I am quite blessed to be given such wonderful potions to enjoy. I can only hope my brew can measure up to what you have procured.
Now please, sit and get comfortable. I have a very special brew just for you.🔮
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“Wanna walk along the Pier after?”
Shoyo’s voice rang out to out, ultimately pulling you out of the scene state your mind had found itself, though not in a bad way, as you turned your gaze from view in the park towards his handsome face; slowly lowering the tiny paper cup that held your sparkling water.
You were currently lounging on a picnic blanket - with a beautiful spread of sandwiches, salads, and a few pastry desserts neatly spread in front of you - in a secluded part of your local park; one that was so well maintained with flower beds and hedges that you couldn’t help but feel at ease instantly.
The picnic was Shoyo’s idea, the man who pulled you out of your thoughts as you mindlessly gazed at nothing in particular. A spur of the moment idea that had come to him days prior, one he spent a few days prepping for with excited fever as he awaited the weekend, a day you would have off from work where he could take you out for a lovely little picnic.
“Just like in all the stories and shows we in to!” 
He exclaimed as you walked in on him making a potato salad; asking you to taste test it for him to ensure it was good enough. Your heart couldn’t help but melt when you heard all of it - ultimately finding a new way to fall in love with him once more.
Just like now, as he waited excitedly for your response to take a sunset stroll along the pier; you let out a little giggle at his eager expression, unable to help yourself, as you gingerly set your cup down on a stable part of the ground.
“I would love that” You replied, leaning over to press a gentle kiss to the corner of his mouth “and I love all of this, thank you baby.”
“The pleasure really is all mine, after all, I have the cutest partner to take on this date” Shoyo hummed back, eyes lingering on you for a moment longer before he sprung back to life 
“Now, if we hurry and pack up we can see the sunset over the ocean!”
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A potion for a potion, I hope this pleases you 🔮
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potionpeddlerpatchy · 2 years
Hi, my love. I just wanted to pop in and say hi and that I hope everything is well for you <3
Hi Princess!! 💛
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What a sweet little message! It really made my day better!!
I'm doing okay! Work has been good and I'm feeling pretty accomplished there - though it definitely leaves me exhausted and not able to write... but I'm managing!
How are you?? Please tell me, I really want to know! I would love to have a chat 😊
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potionpeddlerpatchy · 2 years
Coming to cuddle you right away pretty Patchy <33
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You are literally an angel and I will give you the world, okay??
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