suchagallabitch · 2 years
your untouchable burning brighter than the sun
Ian and Mickey wake up at the Alibi the morning after their first-anniversary party. Mickey thinks Ian looks beautiful in the sunlight.
based on the word prompt: sunshine by @gardenerian
Read on AO3 or undercut!
/ˈsənˌlīt/ noun
direct sunlight unbroken by cloud
Ian and Mickey’s first-anniversary party went down in Gallagher history as one of their best parties ever. For the first time in what seemed to be forever, all bad blood was forgiven. No sibling rivalries or screaming matches broke out. No verbal reminders of past childhood hurt or uncomfortable thoughts of the future were brought to light. Just music, joy, family and of course, a lethal amount of alcohol.
After the Tesla burnt, the fire department and tow trucks eventually came to the hipster's rescue, shooing everyone to get out of the way and go back into the bar. Nobody had to be asked twice.The booze was starting to settle deep in everyone’s bones, feeling loose but still lucid enough. They were pleasantly surprised by Arthur who had ordered a catering amount of food, starving. He said it was a gift to the husbands but since he didn’t know them, no one really bought that excuse. Carl drunkenly exposed his partner saying how Arthur hated all the Polish food and really he wanted to impress everyone around him as he seriously considered buying the building.
The good mood of the kind gesture followed through. A musical flow developed in everyone after another shot set in. Debbie drunkenly sang the lyrics out to ‘A Thousand Miles’.
“Making my way downtown” She freely wiggled around, arms wrapped Franny to her chest. The little girl laughed and laughed as her mom pulled her away and spun her around.
“Walking fast faces pass and I’m homebound!” Tami joined in across the bar. For just a moment the hostility between the two was completely dissolved.
Everyone else eventually joined in on the impromptu a capella karaoke for the second time that night. Ian included, completely hammered off of four beers- the wonderful side effect of his medicine cocktail.
“Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles, If I could just hold you tonight” Ian crooned as the song came to an end. He grabbed Mickey’s hand and the two drunkenly danced around the bar's empty space. At one point Ian knocked Mickey into the pool table. Mickey laughed, clinging onto Ian’s jacket, the two impossibly close. Lips left lingering soft kisses anywhere they could land. No rush or hungry need to take it further, just there soaking up the love. Ian’s hand’s settled to grab Mickey’s head, holding him in place. Sometimes Ian needed a physical reminder that Mickey was actually there, that he wasn’t going to wake up and have him gone. But Mickey was there alright. His lips were desperate to find a place on Ian’s skin anywhere they could.
“Hey, I know it’s your party boys but don’t you be fuckin in the middle of my bar! I will kick your sorry asses out!” Veronica yelled in their direction, more occupied with the drink she was pouring than actually carrying out her threat.
Mickey’s lips were still pressed against Ian’s jaw. He snorted, breath reeked of alcohol, hot against Ian’s stubble. Mickey dissolved into a laughing mess, looking up to meet his husband’s eyes. Ian looked happier than he had in a long time, Mickey made sure to cherish the look on his face, keeping it pressed firmly in the back of his head for the rest of time.
Everyone around them was chattering and dancing and laughing. Even Liam had lightened up, having some faith that Frank was okay out there.
The night dragged on and on. Lip and Tami were the first to leave. Lip stepped in once he saw that Tami was getting a little sloppy. Hauled her, Liam and Freddie off for the night. Debbie was next. Franny had passed out on one of the bar’s back booths around midnight. After Debbie had thrown up in the bushes -Veronica made her go outside, she didn’t need the stench of vomit ruining her chances of selling- she also decided it was a good time to leave.
Slowly the rest of the bar patrons and the polish dancer's Mickey had hired trickled out between two and three am.
That left only Tommy, Carl, Kev, Vee and of course, Ian and Mickey in the bar. Kermit was there too but he was passed out, slew across the pool table.
“Hope he dropped dead the stupid motherfucker” Mickey spat his way, swaying with Ian once more as their celebratory night came to an end.
Ian and Mickey had snuck away to have a quickie, took them a few minutes of readjusting their clothes to realise everyone else was gone. “I’m going to sleep” Vee pointed a shaky finger at them. “Y’all better not be fuckin in here again, you hear me?” Her eyes were half-closed and heavy-lidded, barely standing upright.
They both gave her a nod, trying not to dissolve into nothing but drunk giggles again. “Good, lock the door when you leave” she dropped her finger, turning around to go to the back. Kev and the twins were in the room upstairs since their house was mostly packed up and neither parent was sober enough to make the walk home. She intended to join them. She wobbled up two of the steps holding onto the railing for dear life. Then her voice sounded one last time before she was gone, “And make sure Tommy doesn’t drink me out of money here!”
Both men looked over to the aforementioned Tommy. He was completely gone. Body stumped haphazardly across the floor. Kermit on the pool table was directly above him. For a second Ian swore he could see Kermit’s drool land dead centre on Tommy’s wrinkled forehead.
Ian gave a little snort at the scene, waving to Carl as he walked out the front door. Then his attention was back onto Mickey.
They were way too drunk to drive, way too stupid to remember Uber existed.
At some point in the night, they figured that sleeping in the back of the ambulance was their game plan. The mattress was still in there and despite the extra furniture that cramp the place up, they had slept in worse and tighter situations before. So the rig was a great place to sleep until the morning came. Problem was, they didn’t make it that far.
“I fuckin love you so much” Ian’s rough hands manhandled Mickey to face him once again. Their lips crashed into each other. Ian felt Mickey repeat the affirmation against his lips. Satisfied, Ian gave one last drunken smile before he folded over, sitting in the dead centre of the ground.
“The fuck are you doing?” Mickey asked but took no time in following his husband’s move.
Ian shrugged, falling backwards. His back hit the wooden floor with a noticeable ‘bang’ . That was gonna hurt like a bitch in the morning but Ian didn’t care he was too drunk, too happy to care about anything but the feel of Mickey’s hand reaching out to grab Ian’s thigh. Mickey followed Ian’s lead laying in the space next to him, albeit a little gentler. He scooted into Ian, both staring up at the water stained ceiling.
Mickey didn’t remember falling asleep. The last thing he remembered was Ian’s arm grabbing his shoulder as the ginger placed one last kiss on Mickey’s brow. A small undetectable ‘thank you’ followed as Ian pulled away, laying straight again.
Then just like that, it was morning again. A golden hue engulfed the dingy bar as the sun poured into the room through any crack it could.
From the window directly to the right of the sleeping men, behind them from the upper window of the booths as well as the paint and grime-covered front windows and door. Mickey wiggled uncomfortably as the sun attacked him. He couldn’t remember one time where the bar had so much natural light, he figured it was probably his hangover that made him feel the light settle in around him intensely.
Mickey woke up before Ian, that rarely ever happened. He gave a huff, which hurt his incredibly dry throat. Arm haphazardly slinking up to block the sun, still arm muscles screamed at him in pain. He shielded his sensitive eyes as he yawned awake, fighting his body for consciousness. The first thing he noticed was how uncomfortable he was. The sun seemed to have a vendetta against him, not relenting any, even with his hand pressed up against his forehead. Warm rays flowed directly into his eyes, making his hangover headache all that much worse. He tried to sit up, took him a few tries between the lack of support and Ian holding onto him. He finally managed, moving to stretch his neck he felt his spine crack in eighty different places. Fuck his back hurt. They were fucking idiots to spend the night camped out on the sticky bar floor. Ian was still fast asleep beside him. He laid on his back pretty much unmoved the entire night. His neck had rolled over to the side, his right cheek pressed against the cold dirty hardwood floors. He had a small wet spot slightly off the centre of his chest. Mickey figured that’s where his head was. So he tended to drool a little, Ian’s shirt would be fine.
He wanted to let Ian know how much he resented him for dragging him down with him but he stopped himself half way through the action, arm raised above him, mouth agape. The arm that’s purpose was to shake Ian awake limpy fell back to his side, lips pressed tightly together as he looked down at Ian. the soft lines of his face, the slight lip curl as he smiled in his sleep. The pure annoyance he had just felt completely dissolved into thin air. His breath hitched a little as Ian’s nostrils flared, a little groan pushed out of his lips as he shifted. Mickey figured that his weight not pressed against Ian was going noticed finally. His hand was still on Mickey. His fingertips sleepily pressed against Mickey’s hips. Mickey had half the nerve to lay back down against his husband, no matter how uncomfortable but he couldn’t seem to move. Completely frozen in place as he watched Ian. He looked gorgeous under the sun’s light.
Mickey always felt that when the sun rained down on him it made him appear harsher. Bright blue eyes with no detectable pupil, jet black hair that sucked in the light, ragged clothes that were exposed for how torn and grimey they really were.
Ian on the other hand was the complete opposite. He glowed under the sun’s warm light. Skin vibrant with colour, freckles peaking anywhere they could, consuming the boy's flesh with the soft small dots. His eyes were always lighter in sunlight, more of a bright green than anything. His red hair glowed mercilessly. Mickey always thought that Ian looked beautiful in the sunlight. That he was the type of person that an artist would see passing on the street on a summer day and stop because his beauty needed to be captured and saved forever.
He was glistening in the sun, golden. He looked untouchable.
He fought and tore and shook that last thought from his head because they weren’t true. Because he wasn’t untouchable. Ian was Mickey’s for the rest of time, and he was Ian's. Ian was his husband. Had been for an entire year and a day. It felt good to remember that fact. But Mickey needed it to be more than a thought, he needed to touch Ian. Even though Mickey had touched him millions of times before, in that moment his skin was burning, Ian’s soft skin the only cure.
His hand was wobbly as it extended outward, partly from the lingering effects of all the drinks he had from the night before, partly from the pain in his aching back but he didn’t care. He was so caught up in Ian. Had been for a whole decade at that point. He needed to feel his husband’s soft skin against his fingertips if it was the last thing he ever did.
His body leaned on his right arm, wrist throbbing in protest from the sudden weight being put on it. He didn’t care. His free hand was still on Ian’s forehead, wiping away the sweat coated hair that stuck to him. Finally, Mickey felt whole again, touching Ian.
His hand seemed to stop shaking as his fingers landed comfortably on Ian’s sunkissed skin. He felt stabilised. He remembered all the times he had done that very same move over the years. Back when his feelings for Ian left him confused and even conflicting at times. Touches were fleeting. Fingertips ghosted over Ian’s hair in secret. Ian was always asleep when the touches of vulnerability came. The gestures were fast and jagged so Ian wouldn’t stir. So that Ian didn’t know Mickey was even there. But now he felt so different. Because he knew that wasn’t the case anymore. There wasn’t a shadow of a doubt that he loved that man. Mickey needed Ian to know that he was there.
Mickey tried not to reminst on the past. There were only a handful of good memories surrounded by a sea of hurt. But once those old memories reared their ugly head, it was hard to stop the flood.
Mickey thought back to the Alibi. How the old bar had been there for so long. Predating him and his entire family. Terry would spend more of his time sitting on one of the bar stools bitching at Frank than he did at home with his family. Mickey was incredibly thankful for that.
He started frequenting at the Alibi when he was eleven, following his older brothers in, bringing Terry another beer. He continued to go there since then as Kevin was the only bar in town to serve the clearly underage kid. The Alibi had so many toxic memories. Yevgeny's baby shower afterparty was the most prevalent one. But Mickey figured maybe it was a whole full-circle moment there.
When he was young he got his brains bashed in and bloody for being gay. Now his entire extended family used the same venue to celebrate his marriage to a man. Maybe that was growth. Or maybe it was the sunray penetrating his already pickled brain to get him to think it was funny. All the same, he was glad that Ian was there lying beneath him.
He was proud of his accomplishment. Being able to pull off the entire surprise party without Ian suspecting a thing or the Gallagher’s running their big stupid mouths. It was a new development, that he found himself craving doing things for his husband. Like it was a little game. Seeing if he could outdo himself once more. Because, as cheesy as it was, Ian was his sunshine on a dim day.
Mickey wished he could tell Ian how beautiful he was. Looking back he supposed he could have, the only thing holding him back those days was himself. He just couldn't bring himself to say those words. Maybe one day. He thought. He had already come so far, he was sure that he could grow more. Instead of declaring his love out loud for his husband's incredible beauty Mickey just smiled to himself. He guessed he didn’t need to keep those feelings buried away but he also couldn’t really vocalise all those thoughts. His whole life consisted of moments where he wished he could tell Ian things but something deep down inside of him always stopped him.
“Fuck” Ian groaned, finally starting to stir under Mickey’s loving touch. “Mick?” His searching voice was raspy, sleep riddled and a little confused.
“Right here tough guy” Mickey’s voice was gentle, he didn’t think he could bring his voice to be any louder if he tried. Hearing his husband’s voice Ian’s eyes finally opened, neck cracking as he blinked up at Mickey, vision obscured by the light ringing in from beside him.
“Fuck, we fell asleep here” He yawned, bawled fists raising to rub his tired, strained eyes. Normally Mickey wouldn’t waste a breath to snark back a “yeah, no shit” but he felt himself coming up short. Maybe all the partying wore on his ability to communicate or maybe the now year of marriage was making him sappy. Regardless, he ignored the urge. They stayed quiet, Ian pulled his hands over his eyes as the sun poured in. Mickey felt himself growing a little sad that he couldn’t see his face anymore
“Hey man,” Mickey crocked softly, the hand previously on Ian’s temple grabbed hold of his husband’s clunky watch, forcing Ian’s hand back down to his side. There was his beautiful face again. It took a second before Ian’s eyes focused on Mickey, a groan of protest as light hit him again.
“Look at me?” His hand pulled Ian’s face in his direction, away from the window. Ian leaned into the touch, a soft, barely traceable smile falling onto his lips. He squeezed his eyes shut once more, adjusting to the new light level. Then his green fell upon Mickey’s blue.
Mickey swallowed hard, trying to ignore the feeling of his heart beating through his throat and teeth. “You look really beautiful right now”. He said it. Took Mickey a moment to register that he actually did. But fuck it, he didn’t have to hide his feelings from anyone, not himself and especially not Ian.
Ian just huffed, a smile brighter than the sun growing, consuming all his features in its light. “Sap” his hand reached up from against Mickey’s hip up to his lower stomach, his fingers gave a little stroke.
Mickey leaned down, straining his neck to place a sweet kiss on Ian’s mouth. The kiss was gentle, but still full of passion. The unconditional love was like a light passing through the both of them.
When he pulled away he noticed Ian’s eyes were still closed, the faintest lovestruck smile took permanent residence between two rosy freckled cheeks.
Mickey hit the top of his shoulder gently. “Hey, don’t fall asleep on me here Gallagher. Got a whole ass apartment to sleep the rest of the day in”
“I’m not, it's just so fucking sunny in here”. Ian’s smile deepened as he peeled one eye open slightly to look up at Mickey. As long as Ian was in Mickey’s life, no matter how dark the room, that statement remained true.
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suchagallabitch · 2 years
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My dearest Mel, happy [so very belated] birthday! I started this little silly story back when the chicken lore was relevant but then I got covid and kinda fell off the face of the earth. But now it's your birthday (it's the whole month now sorry I don’t make the rules) and I have to get this out there. Inspired by this post from @sluttymickey & @mickeymilkovichenthusiast detailing dad farmer gallavich. Enjoy brothers, cousins and of course, chickens 💛🐣
There’s a lot of Cool Chicks out There
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suchagallabitch · 2 years
Baby Ruby/Autumn? Also, obviously paging Mel @gardenerian
*chanting violently* chicken lore Chicken lore Chicken Lore CHICKEN Lore CHICKEN LORE!!!
Chrissy!! I miss the chicken lore times! I hope all the ladies -except Henrietta fuck her- are doing good 😌. That’s gotta be Autumn carrying sweet beautiful Ruth. Maybe she wants Ruth to join them for dinner? They’re having mac and cheese Auttie thinks Ruth would like it! How could Mick and Ian say no to not only there daughters pleading eyes but also the chicken? squawking for dinner??
mx mel thoughts on the matter? ( @gardenerian )
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suchagallabitch · 2 years
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i would like to share my search history for my most recent ficlet thats coming soon.
@gardenerian you’ve unleash something with in me.
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suchagallabitch · 2 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELLE 🥳🍅💓✨🐓🎈 i hope you have the most marvelous day! you are a delight and a treasure and i am so so so happy to have met you ☀️ sending you every ounce of love i have!
MEL!!! YOURE SO SWEET!!!! every ounce oh okay 🥺❤️
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