#🧨.city hunter
ppnuggie · 2 years
YOUR PREDATOR HEADCANONS ARE SO GOOD!!! I really love em sm! May I request maybe hcs of fugitive, jungle hunter, assasin and city hunter with a mate or s/o that likes to overwork themselves out of boredom? Maybe their mate usually goes on duo hunting missions with them but they start to notice they also take solo missions even if they just finished one?? they tend to forget that their human and humans need rest smh-- I am very sorry if this is too specific and you can ignore this if you want-- Make sure to rest and take your time in writing other more requests, I hope all goes well for you and overall take care of yourself!!!
(Almost forgot to mention the gender but gender neutral is a-ok to me)
      PREDATOR x gn human reader
    『 fugitive ,, jungle hunter ,, AP ,, city hunter ,, gender neutral human reader 』
  -> predators w/ a gn human s/o who overworks themselves out of boredom
  — fluff ,, sfw ,, crack ,, comfort ,, slight tw for bad health behaviors
  — ahhh tysm !! 🥹🤲❤️ im so glad you like my writing 😭😭🤲 ill do your request np ! <33 tysm for requesting too btw !! so far its all been okay ,, been more sleepy then usual but thats bc of school 🙄🙄 tho i was half asleep on the bus tryna write this so there might be some spelling errors 😭
fugitive ::
• he worries over you often when you do this ,, as there are many dangers out in the universe and you’re so fragile 😭❤️
• he at least insists that you let him tag along ,, just to make sure he can at least protect you from something that might happen
• he makes sure you at least rest too ,, he knows the capabilities and limits of humans’ bodies ,, especially if its you
• he does nag a bit but other then that hes just worried over your safety <33
jungle hunter ::
• the moment he sees you taking hunts ,, hes puffing his chest in pride at how strong his mate is ,, look how awesome they are !
• but when he learns of the fact that youre taking them more often then you should without regarding your health ,, he thinks to himself about the situation
• the moment you get back from a hunt ,, hes standing there with his arms crossed and a huff ready to be puffed out his mouth
• hes equivalent to a mom scolding her kids ,, except hes scolding you for disregarding your needs before he decides to spend more time for the rest of the day with you
ap ::
• he wont notice ,, hes busy as ever and doesnt have much time to bother wasting ,, so he wouldnt be aware of your habit
• until hes free for once that is ,, looking all over the place for you and getting grumpy about the fact he cant find you
• he definitely wouldnt admit it ,, but he did think you were stolen from other yautjas or another alien species out there
• not until he notices you coming back from a ship with other yautja who go on hunts does he catch wind of whats been happening
• like jungle hunter ,, hes gonna be there to complain and fuss about it ,, not so much as a ‘i was worried’ sort of way but more of a ‘you dare leave me to myself without notifying me of where you go?’ sort of way
city hunter ::
• hes like jungle hunter at first ,, proud of you but he’s definitely gonna make fun of you and discourage you from hunts
• saying youre too weak and puny and fragile to take on hunts ,, that you should leave those to actual yautja and not to your little human self
• he finally shuts up about it when you come back from back to back hunts ,, tapping his foot as he watches you make your way towards him
• hes definitely a karen about it ,, leaving him for multiple hunts for too long without even a kiss or hug or goodbye or at least mentioning how strong he is 😤😤
• hes gonna give you the silent treatment before he decides youve been punished enough and immediately asks for affection in the worst way possible 💀
• aka this mf grabs you and drags you to your room to just lay in bed and cuddle ,, and maybe eat all your snacks whilst hes at it yknow
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apkville1 · 7 months
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ppnuggie · 2 years
Hello :D I'd like to make a request if that's ok, I made sure to read the rules and masterlist before requesting ^^
May I please request a headcanon of city hunter, scar and celtic (separately) with a gender neutral s/o who likes skulls that look similar to dinosaur fossils especially carnivore types (like a t-rex <3), but their quiet about that subject to others because they think it's childish-- I hope this one is ok,, take your time in writing and make sure to rest, thank you ! <33
      PREDATOR x gn human reader
    『  city hunter ,, scar ,, celtic ,, gender neutral human reader 』
  -> boys w/ a gn human s/o who likes skulls of carnivores
  — fluff ,, sfw ,, crack
  — omg 🥹🥹 my first predator ask !! tysm for requesting omg 😭❤️❤️ and for reading rules ,, im ,, 💍 😤 makes me rlly happy tbh :D tysm tho !! im tryna get some sleep in but school’s starting back up 😭💔💔 posting this today bc there desperately needs to be more predator content ,, and i got a boost of motivation 💀 i didnt realize it said ‘similar to dinosaur fossils’ so i just any sort of carnivore skull in general 😭💔💔 so sorry
city hunter ::
• he wouldnt know if you liked them or not ,, just dropping anything he thought you’d like off at your door step tbh
• he did ,, however ,, notice how you’d put the skulls he dropped off somewhere in the open ,, where they could be observed
• he felt quite proud ,, puffing his chest out as though he had saved your life ,, planning to bring more for you to put up
• he does get a bit cocky tho 💀 bro came home beat up and instead of patching himself up and prevent you from having a heart attack ,, he simply presented a xenomorph skull ,, polished and shiny all for you
• thats when you had confessed your liking towards the skulls he brings you ,, only enlightening and feeding into his ego
• he purrs softly and hugs you from behind ,, though youre quick to scold him bc hes still injured n stuff😭 mf fix yourself up first at least smh
scar ::
• scar is more observant then city hunter is ,, though hes still young and not as smart to know if you like skulls or not
• he does talk and share stories about his brothers’ achievements ,, celtic and chopper ,, how theyve got a small yet nice collection of different trophies ,, chopper more though since he does wear some of them to show off
• the more he talks about his brothers’ trophies and his as well ,, he starts to notice you might have a somewhat fascination with them 🥴
• until he eventually gets you to admit you liked hearing the stories and seeing the skulls in person ,, though it was somewhat of a muttered confession
• he didnt mind you were shy about it ,, but he would never think of it childish to like something ,, only bringing his trophy collection so you can see his accomplishments
celtic ::
• although he is older then scar in a way ,, hes about the same as city hunter when he comes to noticing things about you 💀💀 just give him a moment ,, hes trying
• and like city hunter ,, he doesnt really consider whether or not you like seeing skulls of other creatures and just humans in general ,, only showing you his new trophy
• and instead of getting a kiss that he was waiting for and expecting to happen 😤🙄 he just got scolded for his injuries
• though when you do take a fascination in the skulls he shows ,, it only makes him more determined to bring more back for you ,, to do better on his hunts and prove himself worthy of being your mate
• he purrs when you get excited about seeing a new skull hes brought back ,, fishing it out and presenting it ,, as if it were about to be put in a museum
• give him a kiss for his accomplishments 🥹 he needs it tbh
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ppnuggie · 2 years
       PREDATOR x gn human reader
    『 city hunter ,, fugitive ,, jungle hunter ,, gender neutral human reader    』
  -> small n basic hcs of being the s/o to some predators :)
  — fluff ,, sfw ,, crack
  — since ive watched the predator movies i decided to start writing for some of them like i am with the alien series :D feel free to request ! kinda short -
  — these are also my first take at the characters ,, and sort of how i see them :) please let me know if any are ooc !!
city hunter :
• this dude is an asshole ,, before and during your time dating him 💀 bro dont give a fuck either
• hes the type to make fun of you for not being able to reach something thats too high up and then not help
• hes also the type to deny he likes physical affection 😑 then comes interrogating you on why you didnt kiss him when he walked in the door 🤬
• sometimes he takes you to see the other yautjas on the ship ,, sometimes
• mainly because theyre assholes to him and hes an asshole back
• greyback likes you though ,, thinks you’ll knock some sense into city hunter
fugitive :
• hes a wittle skittish 👉👈 so be patient with him ,, mans got trust issues bc of how he was treated before
• though once hes warmed up ,, hes like those feral chihuahuas 😬 mf stares you down and then walks away ,, that or he may shove you off if you run and hug him
• he also eats all your chips and oreos in the middle of the night ?? and puts the empty containers back ??
• he may or may not be jealous of any pets you have ,, bc then theyre soaking all the attention ,, and your attention is meant for him only !! 😡 dont laugh at that ,, hes serious !
jungle hunter :
• bro is wacko ,, mf barges in the door like hes being targeted by the fbi after he comes back from a hunt in the jungle ,, makes you wanna smack him bc he does it at 12 am 🧍‍♀️
• he also drops the trophies he gets on the carpet ,, so all the blood is stained in it and the room smells later
• youve pratically given up on trying to clean it ,, ready to put that guy to work ,, clean yo own mf blood 🤬
• though he does snuggle up to you after his hunts ,, the only downside is that hes sweaty and covered in blood
• you swear your bed is ready to grow actual legs and run away because of this
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