#🧸.penetration giving
darlingpwease · 10 months
Oh dear just trying find some more Yandere Xie lian
... words are modest enough to work, but we can work with it /pos
the flower and the butterfly
you're too stunning; how did someone like me get you?
𔓘 unhealthy behaviour (mutual dependency, gaslighting, clinginess, obsessiveness, possessiveness, manipulation), mild religious themes (worshipping, allusions), abandonment issues, touch starvation, domestic routine, forced relationship / kidnapping if you squint [?]
𔓘 heavy petting, rough sex, hypersexuality, role playing, CNC, mild primal kink, body worship (r.), praise (r.), hyperstimulation (g.), fingering (g.), breeding (g.), mild cum inflation (g.)
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Xie Lian was mind-blowing. Not only in his appearance or behavior, which made him look like a timid coquette or a charming maiden, but also in the fact that you definitely do not want to test either his patience or his nerves, especially if you know him from the time when he was His Highness the 'eccentric' Crown Prince, who loves bright clothes and funny conversations, in which his warm hands were always reaching out to you, as if you were a continuation of his own body, — and you must admit that little has changed since that time, at least for you.
Xie Lian was still as charming and full of life, it's just that his temperament and disposition became colder and easier — for anyone but you, however. He still loved physical activities and delicious food, he still loved to emotionally warm and take care of you, he still allowed you to guide him and relied on you to solve logical problems, trusting your advice and words — and did not forget to wrap around you like a vine around another firmly standing plant, and the fact that his figure was just as flexible and slender, while soft palms could rest on your shoulders or chest, only made you feel even more as if you were hugging the first beauty of the Celestial Empire.
... Xie Lian did not like solitude or mundane things, the 'earth' that could pollute, — rather, he was that social aerial butterfly who loved to fly from flower to flower, despite how down-to-earth and firmly standing he was. At least not before.
Previously, he valued his status highly, worried about people's opinions, was afraid of public discussion and was more like the very flower that wanted to attract attention to itself, blooming stronger and stronger than a butterfly. Rather, you were the butterfly — the one who was able to attract the attention of a beautiful and alluring, but unable to move flower, only trying to grab you and lock you in, so that you would not go anywhere else. But for you, he has always been a fragile but luxurious flower, which you took care of as the apple of your eye, taking care that no one plucked and turned him over — after all, you have been with him since childhood, his most faithful companion, so it was natural that you were especially deep and intense related to him; so much so that no one even understood how you manage to be so synchronized and mutually supportive at the same time, as if it is worth separating you, you both will die even at dawn if cannot be sure that will meet again soon, but if you believe, you will never die before see each other again.
You couldn't deny that you spoiled Xie Lian with your determination mixed with almost imperiousness, while Xie Lian gave you too much of this unconditional acceptance and warmth for you to just give it up. He was everything, your everything, but it was nothing strange — nothing more than the relationship of a butterfly and the sun.
You only found out that your 'sun' was a flycatcher when the petals closed over you, leaving you inside forever.
Xie Lian valued social status most of all, always cared highly about people's opinions, was always afraid of 'what people would think', he lived for people. But when he was really bad, only you stayed and didn't go anywhere, even if the scratches from his nails still sometimes hurt like a phantom on your skin, — you will never dare to blame him, seeing with your own eyes how something breaks that you swore to protect your whole life, and that you won't give up no matter what. Because that's your goal. You will never give up, even if it means dying.
Xie Lian also knows that it is he who will protect all the time that he will have, no matter how little or much.
You have always affectionately almost teased him for how driven he is and easily obeys your will, like a duckling following a parent duck, but he also learned a lot during the time you guarded his back from attacks and shielded him from words. You were always in front so that he could follow you, keeping and guarding. You've always told him that as long as you breathe, nothing and no one can hurt him unless you die.
Butterflies are not meant for a harsh life. Butterflies should fly, eat nectar and dance in the air. Xie Lian loved butterflies and he loved you. And he never hid any of this, even if the second fact definitely confused you and made you brush it off when he brought you flowers or peeled fruit with a playful smile, 'as if you couldn't do it yourself' or 'as if you were a person of royal status'. Xie Lian never denied it, even though he knew it wasn't true.
You were his Deity.
His Everything.
And when the petals close, plunging you into eternal darkness, he knows what he's doing. After all, a sun like you is able to hold and shine even in the deepest nights, and it promises that you will not go out.
You are the most precious thing he has left
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𔓘 Xie Lian is very clingy — from the day you first met, bumping into the burning gaze of beautiful eyes, and until the very last day, which is never destined to come, he is always by your side just as you are by his side. Xie Lian hates to separate — never — and is always looking for reasons why you should stay together. Contrary to his gentle introversion, he feels really good only when he holds you in his arms or when your hand rests on his waist — and never in other cases. His pure adoring gaze never leaves your figure, fearing that one day you will leave him or leave him, no matter whether by your own will or someone else's, and he will never allow this — and the fact that there is no one in the world who could be his competitor or rival, given his strength, only makes the situation even worse for any of your attempts to leave his side at least for a moment.
When his slender elegant fingers take you by the shoulders, entwine around your waist, gently take your arm, wrap your fingers, or when his nose burrows into your neck, buries itself in your thigh, finds peace on your lap or hides rosy cheeks in your chest, — you know that you have no chance to get out of his sticky, strong embrace, as if your body was first his and then yours, “just like my heart...”
Xie Lian never allows you to leave him even for a moment — if there is a need for you to be disconnected, then he will rather give up everything than let you go. Not you. So many people have already left him — he won't survive if you leave too. Please. You're the only thing he needs. He feels so good. Isn't he good enough? Why do you want to leave? Isn't your cute little house perfect? Isn't the backyard garden laid out for you delightful? Isn't the way you live an ideal for you too? No, you can't. You have to be there.
You both gave up everything you had to stay together.
You promised that you would follow him in life and in death, for better or for worse. You are his and he is yours. And the fact that his hands never leave you, and his gaze never comes down from you, only confirms this. After all, can you refuse him? You swore — officially and unofficially; you followed him on sunny days and rainy days, through rivers of blood and deadly storms, when he was loved and when he was hated, but your will, mind and heart were adamant, despite fleeting thoughts and desires that could disturb you. And now you want to leave him?
It's your responsibility. It's your duty. You can never leave him.
... This is an order.
𔓘 Even if Xie Lian can sometimes fall into capriciously childish, desperate attempts to keep you, if he sees that you are trying to brush him off or want to leave him, no matter under what pretext, using his authority as the 'crown prince' and having a chance to make childish tantrums if you are too overwhelming and he knows that it will be effective — but otherwise, if Xie Lian is not subordinate, he is, at most, democratic and ready to share responsibility with you. Otherwise, he prefers to follow you in an almost 'sacrificial' manner and go wherever you tell him or wherever you go. If you say go west, he won't even look east; if you say sugar is black, he won't even think about saying it's white.
Despite his emotional playfulness and slight eccentricity associated with the desire to get emotional feedback, Xie Lian never seeks to take away power or responsibility from you, entrusting himself into your hands like a fluffy fragile cat who is sure that you will take care of him exactly as he deserves, and knowing perfectly well that even if your treatment will be 'unfair', then it will mean that he was bad and must improve.
Undoubtedly, he will be offended and will try to get fair treatment, but if you insist, he will only nod and obey. He is not someone who is interested in a power struggle or a change of power dynamics in a relationship — being behind you and with you is much better than against you or ahead of you. Xie Lian has never had any difficulties helping you and presenting things, even if it is clearly morally wrong or aggressive actions, — despite his peacefulness, there are things that are above the norms of morality or understanding of ordinary realities.
And there is nothing special that you are this 'thing'.
The flower never condemns the butterfly for what it does before it gets on the flower, or what it did while it was on the flower.
You are caring and affectionate enough, giving him small gifts (especially things that remind you of the past, like familiar flowers or small hairpins that he would definitely have worn in the past, even if he now mostly keeps them as his most precious things) and taking care of those household chores that he cannot, trying to preserve the memory of his beloved mother through the absence of such 'ordinary' skills, and you accept him as he is — while he accepts you as you are, without objections and questions.
You've been together for more than eight hundred years — doesn't that mean you've already had a diamond wedding eight times, even if you're still not married?
“It doesn't matter,” Xie Lian purrs softly when you point this out, hiding his face in your chest, wrapping his strong thin arms around your waist like a warmed cat. “If you want, we can officially get married. But we're not going anywhere from each other anyway.”
You have nothing to say to him. Having given up everything that was, following your impulse, entrusting everything to him when Xie Lian gave you everything he had in despair, so that you would not abandon him — you could no longer imagine your life without him, you did not know how to live without him. Just like he is without you.
You yourself do not notice when you become as close as a married couple; when it becomes natural for you to stroke his head on your lap, braid his hair and weave flowers and ribbons there, when you let him take care of your hairstyle and clothes, when you absentmindedly adjust the bandages on your hands — the same as at him — or look at him, leaning your shoulder against the door jamb, while he happily hums, doing his thing, although you are sure that out of the corner of your eye he is still watching you. When he hugs you on the back while cooking, takes care of your house and garden, watches you mend clothes or sweep while he fixes doors and windows; when Xie Lian hugs you in a dream, nervously enthusiastically huddles with a shy giggle while he thinks you are asleep, or briefly kisses your cheek before going to bed, and you are sure that he thinks that you are asleep, but you do not have the courage to try to even gently stop him.
In the end, there is no need for this — he has already become like a husband to you for a long time anyway, giving you his body, heart and mind, and you can only accept and give in return, taking care that Xie Lian knows that you love him and take care of him, no matter what.
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𔓘 It doesn't matter to him what your sexual preferences are. Do you like dick? Do you like pussy? Are you top? Are you bottom? It doesn't matter — Xie Lian is always ready to meet you in any position and in any form, as long as he feels that you are as excited as he is, even if at first you can be sure that he is 'innocent' and 'pure', given his external and internal manifestation and attitude. But even if you are the first for him in every sense, he knows what he is doing and what he should do — more as an instinct than as a theory or, moreover, practice, although he is not above eavesdropping or fleetingly asking even when he was Crown Prince.
He is in a strong connection with his body and knows what can excite him or how to please even a lying log — especially if you are less sexually active or need a long warm-up — and even if the violent blush does not leave his cheeks while he nervously touches your body, openly admiring, Xie Lian gives his best until he feels that you seize the initiative and get involved in the process, digging your fingers into his hips while his stomach takes your shape and gives you a view of you inside him, feeling how wet and tight he is even if he can't help but hiding face behind hands, whining and moaning your name, mumbling something like 'deeper' and 'stronger' mixed with 'yes yes like that' and 'please please please' when you press his face into the pillow while fucking him.
His body is more than responsive and sensitive to you, and even if you pull his hair, spit in his mouth, spank and leave bites and hickeys all over his body, Xie Lian looks at you with adoration and worship, constantly thanking and admiring, as if unable to shut up from euphoria and delight, screaming your name and 'how good it feels' for him even while he is drooling and almost crying, trembling all over, but unable to stop squeezing and wrapping strong legs around your hips, locking you inside his supple heat.
No matter what, Xie Lian will never stop worshipping you, and during sex it gets even worse, as if the way his pussy or dick drips and practically makes a puddle even on the sheets is not enough — but when you just push inside once and he immediately comes, writhing on you, gasping for air, digging his fingers into your skin while his body tries to recover, and begs you not to stop, even though you see how sensitive Xie Lian is still, you try to be gentle to him, massaging his body until you drive inside at a confident but gradual pace, letting his wet tight walls get used to you inside and stop squeezing and massaging you so convulsively, as if he worships you, shamelessly begging you to never leave him and stay forever in this position, is not enough.
At first you try not to be too passionate and persistent, but by the end you are more likely someone who needs careful care and rest than he is — it's hard to exhaust someone so enduring and enthusiastic about the fact that he is with you like Xie Lian, even if you try to keep up with him, giving all of yourself, but in the end you are almost always on the more vulnerable side than him if you let him be on you before you spent enough time to prepare and his exhaustion, kissing and licking, stretching his wet squelching walls until you make sure that at least at about the same level after a couple of orgasms, watching as he tries obsessively trying to snuggle up to you and take you in — but can only stay under you, feeling how your fingers fuck him while you try to satisfy him with your tongue, assuring that you are only 'preparing him', although you both know that this is only an attempt to superficially satisfy him even before the beginning.
And the way Xie Lian jumps on you, impulsively kissing mixed with bites and purring about how good it is for him and that you are both perfect for each other, you are exactly one, only further assures you that you can just lean back and enjoy seeing how his juices and sperm flow down your skin until his body can't stop moving, as if his life depends on it — and how sweetly painfully he whines when you abruptly turn him over and take control of the rhythm, driving into his supple soft body, looking for any intimacy and connection with you.
Damn it, you are sure that one day you will become just one with him if he continues to squeeze you just as adoringly and as if trying to suck you inside while you stretch him with squelching wet sounds, hearing only encouragement and delight no matter what.
𔓘 Xie Lian can spend hours biting, kissing, licking and playing with your body.
In general, the prospect of staying in bed with you all day does not bother him at all — perhaps even thousands of years will not be enough for him to show and tell you how perfect and amazing you are, and how enthusiastic and hot he is does not help too much when his soft hands explore your body, rubbing and 'warming' in every sense, he is much less shy and ruddy than before, — which makes you wonder how much sincerity or games were in all his words to excite you, — especially when he almost shamelessly bares his body, as if proud of your love marks, even if just a few hours ago Xie Lian was blushing crimson, hiding face behind by hand, shyly taking your hand while you were rubbing between his thighs, stimulating yourself rather than him, since it is always wet and slippery between his soft thighs, as if even your palm between them is enough to make him aroused and ready, without needing any other simulation at all.
There's nothing awkward (or at least not awkward enough for him to refuse) for him to show you his body; even if Xie Lian doesn't think he's the most attractive, his body is what always turns you on, and he knows it, even if he can't figure it out. If you adored your body, it would make more sense to him than your strange passion for his own, but Xie Lian does not complain at all, secretly enjoying the fact that you find his imperfect body so exciting, even if he still turns to things like beautiful erotic underwear and devices like a collar or role-playing games to to excite you.
Some of these games excite and stimulate even more than sex itself — especially when you senselessly breed him outside your house, giving yourself to confirm your right to his beautiful tender body, biting and pressing into the ground until his knees weaken, becoming nothing more than prey in your hands, even if he is in any moment can get out, it doesn't matter whether using force or a safe word, — the sensations are too pleasant and intense to even think about it, letting you drive in and use it, it doesn't matter if he is a 'prey' or a 'capricious prince'.
When his clothes show a lot more skin, or when you see a blush on his beautiful cheeks after hard work, or when he clings to you trustingly hotly after a hard day, looking with innocent, darkened eyes into yours, you really don't know whether you should admire or be embarrassed, knowing how subtly and frankly he pulls you by the strings — and knowing that you just need to show a little skin or interest so that he immediately responds, more than interested in everything that you are ready to give him.
You don't know of any couple where at least one member was as obsessively adoring and enthusiastic as Xie Lian, who is always on a 'low start' regarding everything that concerns you, but when he squeezes you tightly while you gently press on his stomach, lovingly teasing that he is still 'soft', Xie Lian, blushing shyly and biting his scarlet lip, only complains coquettishly in a weak voice, looking away, that you just don't 'care' enough about him — and you really have nothing left but to take care of him.
Take care of him very carefully.
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svngiem-remade · 1 year
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🧸 pairing. lee minho + afab!reader
synopsis. camping is you and your boyfriend's favourite hobby— waking up to beautiful sceneries, exploring untouched nature and enjoying a barbecue dinner! Oh, and also the sex. The sex is great.
🌙 wc. 1.5k | warnings. smut content ahead, established relationship, I almost dare to say smut without plot, but I tried so pls don't be too harsh—
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smut warning. implied penetration, creampie, oral (f receiving), fingering, clothed sex.
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No matter if summer or winter, if hot or cold— the second you and your boyfriend realised you had two whole days free of any schedules, you’d hop in your car, which you’d fill to the brim with camping equipment, a bag of clothes for the both of you in the backseat and a bag of food and drinks at your feet, then head to your favorite camping site, which was a good four hours away from your apartment; it was a very exhausting snowy and slippery drive, but the scenery you got to wake up seeing in the morning was definitely worth it.
After paying the entrance fee, Minho parked the car inside the camping site, taking a deep breath and slumping back on the driver’s seat with his eyes closed, finally being able to rest after the long drive. You turned your body to face him and smiled, extending your arm to move a strand of your boyfriend's long hair away from his forehead, which made him look at you, “Wanna help me set up the tent or you wanna go ask the reception to give us some wood for a bonfire?” he asked softly, his face barely visible in the darkness, the cloudy weather outside plus the sun starting to hide behind the tall mountains in front of you casted a shadow over his face, though his brown eyes somehow still managed to sparkle with their usual cheerfulness and malice.
“We both know you’re ten times faster setting the tent up by yourself, Min.” you snickered, “I’ll go ask for the wood and be right back. Don’t miss me too much.” you joked, your palm moving to rest on the handle of the car door, ready to leave the vehicle, when he suddenly grabbed the back of your head, turning it towards him to keep it in place as he hovered over the central console and leaned towards your speechless form with a smirk, his lips brushing over yours.
“Impossible. I already miss you, but don’t worry, you’ll make it up to me later.” he purred, and you felt your cheeks warm up.
As you sat on the foldable gray camping sofa you’d brought from home, hugging your knees against your chest with your chin on top of them, you stared up at Minho, who was busy grilling your dinner on the barbecue in front of you with a concentrated pout as he lightly moved his hips left and right to the rhythm of the music playing from your phone, causing a small grin to make its way on your lips.
When he slightly hovered over the grill to pick up a piece of meat to taste if it was ready to be served, his round butt fully grabbed your attention, with it being splayed right in front of your eyes, and you, being a butt lover yourself, couldn't resist the temptation to squeeze it, “Are you butt-dialing me? Because damn, that ass is calling me.” you then pinched it with a giggle as he side-eyed you and munched on the meat, though you could clearly see him biting back an amused smile.
He rolled his eyes and suddenly took a slice of zucchini from the grill, flipping around to hover over your sat figure, shoving the vegetable in your mouth with a mischievous smile— his almond eyes looking into your wide open ones as his hand gently squeezed the side of your thigh, his fingers slowly tracing them up and down, “I’m cold, can I use your thighs as earmuffs?” Minho whispered while his index and thumb took a hold of your chin, slightly raising your head up, “Now that I think about it, my nose is pretty cold too, can I bury it inside your pretty folds to warm it up?” he continued, the hand on your thigh moving to the side to tease your sex, which was covered by a pair of light pants and underwear, given it was almost summer and it was starting to be pretty hot outside at all times of the day.
You bit your lip to hold back a moan when he moved his fingers down your lips, circling your entrance through the layers of clothing, “M—Min…” you whined as you looked up at him with a furrow in your brows, humming happily when he met your pouty lips with his own, him harshly sucking on your bottom lip.
Then, he stopped, “Mh, maybe later, I’m hungry for food now.” he murmured in your mouth, his fingers slapping your drenched cunt before going right back to grilling, as if nothing had just happened— the only difference was the painful-looking bulge protruding through his black knee-length shorts only a few inches away from you.
However, that ‘later’ came much earlier than you’d expected, since around fifteen minutes later he cut dinner short by throwing you inside of your tent in a swift motion, all while grumbling and whining because you’d apparently teased him too much for his liking.
As soon as he zipped the tent up, which he’d set up in an isolated place, already knowing you’d end up fucking like rabbits in no time, Minho tore your leggings on the crotch and moved your flimsy underwear to the side to finger your wet hole, prepping it to take him as your tongues intertwined, your hands fumbling with his shorts and underwear to set free his hard length before pumping him with your fist, “You’re s—so hard, shit—” you moaned and clawed at his bicep.
“Fuck, I need you now.” he mumbled, four fingers deep inside of your cunt, his other hand on the mattress pinned next to your head as his eyes tried to focus on yours in the darkness to see if you were ready, his cock twitching in your hands st your next words—
“Take me then.”
And like countless of other times— moans, whimpers and the sound of skin slapping against skin bounced off the walls of your tent in the middle of the forest, for minutes on end, the mattress under you holding your bodies as you both came in each other's arms multiple times, “Be good and open your legs wide for me now, kitten.” he panted as he slowly pulled out of you, a soft whimper exiting your lips at the sudden feeling of emptiness.
You thoughtlessly obeyed him, pinning your elbows down on the air mattress below you and your feet to your sides, a shiver running through your body when you felt your and his cum slowly dribble out of your stuffed hole, your cloudy and watery eyes trying to focus on your kneeling, barely visible, boyfriend in front of you fisting his hard cock, “What are you…” you asked softly, feeling your cheeks heat up rapidly when you could feel his eyes fixed on your sex, glistening under the soft moonlight pouring in the tent..
He licked his dry lips, his fingers sticky from both your releases slowly inching closer to your abused heat, “Oh, don’t mind me— I’m just enjoying the show before I feast on it.” he smirked as he ran his index between your folds, a satisfied hum reverberating in him when you squirmed from overstimulation under his touch.
Without warning, he collected the cum slipping out of you with two fingers and stuffed it back inside, which made you whine and jerk your hips towards his fingers, “Keep all this inside for me, will you, kitten?” he whispered, his pupils widening when they noticed you’d started slowly rolling and fucking yourself on his fingers, “So pathetic.” he groaned lowly, though his cock twitched at the sight.
“AH! Holy Hell—” you swore under your breath when Minho suddenly dipped his head down with a grin and gave your cunt a long, wet lick from bottom to top, swirling his tongue around your puffy clit and sucking on it roughly, “Oh my God— Min— Oh fuck—” you moaned loudly, clasping your thighs around his head when his hot tongue thrust into your heat.
Your head fell back as you started grinding on his face, helped by him when he grabbed the sides of your thighs and slightly lifted your bottom up from the mattress, and though you couldn't see it, you could feel a string of wetness connecting you to the sheets, “s’ fucking hot—” he muffled in between your folds, his dark, lustful eyes looking at how your chest heaved up and down quickly, registering in his mind how your sweeter than honey, but still borderline pornographic, your moans sounded and how you clenched around his long tongue with every thrust.
Then, you came without any warning whatsoever, your slick squirting on his face as he helped you ride out your high with his fingers, his other fingers collecting some of your release dripping down his chin, licking his fingers the moment after as your hazy and watery eyes stayed fixed on him, “Shorter feast than usual, but absolutely delicious nonetheless. I think—” he smirked, lowering his head once again until he was face to face with your cunt again, your eyes rolling back in pleasure when his hot breath hit your abused folds, “I think I’mma go for a second serving now.”
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please reblog, comment and like, feedback is very much appreciated, plus, I love reading your thoughts!
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taglist: @strayingawayy @shinsosmatcha
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© SVNGIEM, 2023.
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shcyc · 2 years
! 生日快乐
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synopsis: kazuha birthday drabble! happy birthday to me and my twin 😚🧸
cw; nsfw, oral (giving), vaginal penetration
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his birthday is the only day he lets you pamper him like a baby; will be so excited that you planned his whole day and enjoys every second he spends with you
ends the day with a small birthday party with all his friends, just people the two of you know sitting together and being in each other’s presence — pulls you away from the crowd after a while to properly thank you for the day, littering kisses all over your skin, telling you how grateful he is for you
impatient because he wants to go home after you told him you have a “special surprise” for him after you push him away and drag him back to the party
almost begs when the two of you reach home as you tie his wrists and blindfold him before pulling his pants down to suck him off — he thinks it’s so fucking hot that you want to be in control this time, taking your time to pleasure him with your mouth and hands, sending him to cloud nine
the sensory deprivation leads to a more sensitive body than usual, so when your lewd words and warm pussy sinks onto his cock, he cums on the spot
somehow manages to untie himself while you’re taking your time teasing him, flipping the two of you over in an instant and pushing himself so deep that you choke on your saliva — “thank you” and “I love you” spills from his lips, dick aching and threatening to cum once more
tells you this is his best birthday ever, and will be sure to make yours even better than his
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prpfs · 7 months
i forgot the emoji, sorry >.<
heyyyy, looking to develop some ocs.
you think shy characters don't have a personality? give me a chance and let's see what you think then. i swear they're more interesting than they sound like. i suck at writing blurbs.
Muse A is quiet. Think force of nature but it's the way that a stream can carve a mountain if you give it enough time. Responsible. He gives off the impression of being very wise and being very no nonsense. Very much a poet and a scholar. Mother hen. Either a tragic hero or he genuinely does not give a shit about the world. Pretty emotionless on the surface. Looking to pair him against someone who makes him feel a lot of things. Break himmm
Muse B is quite similar to Muse A, the only difference being that he is very loudly pathetic. Preens himself like a peacock, and mopes around like a wet cat. Emo. Depressed. Musician. Can be very whiney and stubborn. Perhaps someone can scare the living shit out of him or bring life back into his life / give meaning to his life again. Or both.
Muse C is quite similar to Muse B, but differs in his self-confidence. He still hates himself, but he knows he gets shit done, and thus does not take shit from anyone else. vil scoenheit-esque.
a few things about me~~
21+ F
lazy lit. i can break the discord word limit multiple times if i feel the inspiration to or if my partner does the same, but i usually stick to 2-6 paragraphs when replying.
my default response time is 1-3 days. if i'm invested in the plot, i usually reply after minutes/hours. very open to doing rapid fire :). i am looking for a partner who can respond at least once a week.
i love worldbuilding , complex characters (or characters who are just like that,) and character development. would like a 50/50 smut to plot ratio. this can be negotiated.
looking only for mxm at the moment. (trans/nb characters welcome!)
very open to trying out new kinks + looking for dark themes/dead dove content.
my guys will be switches or bottoms. don't worry, i'll give you plenty to work with. they have plenty of personality, charm, quirks, and baggage. lots of baggage. i am just more comfortable playing the character that gets penetrated.
i would like an ooc relationship! but i give the enthusiasm i am given. i can only send you so many memes before it gets awkward.
bonus points for monsterfucking and omegaverse.
this got too long, oops-- if my boys piqued your interest or if you're interested in writing with me, like and i'll hunt you down!
like if you're interested and anon will get back to you
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darkdoverpseeker · 5 months
heyyyy, looking to develop some ocs.
you think shy characters don't have a personality? give me a chance and let's see what you think then. i swear they're more interesting than they sound like. i suck at writing blurbs.
Muse A is quiet. Think force of nature but it's the way that a stream can carve a mountain if you give it enough time. Responsible. He gives off the impression of being very wise and being very no nonsense. Very much a poet and a scholar. Mother hen. Either a tragic hero or he genuinely does not give a shit about the world. Pretty emotionless on the surface. Looking to pair him against someone who makes him feel a lot of things. Break himmm
Muse B is quite similar to Muse A, the only difference being that he is very loudly pathetic. Preens himself like a peacock, and mopes around like a wet cat. Emo. Depressed. Musician. Can be very whiney and stubborn. Perhaps someone can scare the living shit out of him or bring life back into his life / give meaning to his life again. Or both.
Muse C is quite similar to Muse B, but differs in his self-confidence. He still hates himself, but he knows he gets shit done, and thus does not take shit from anyone else. vil scoenheit-esque.
a few things about me~~
21+ F
lazy lit. i can break the discord word limit multiple times if i feel the inspiration to or if my partner does the same, but i usually stick to 2-6 paragraphs when replying.
my default response time is 1-3 days. if i'm invested in the plot, i usually reply after minutes/hours. very open to doing rapid fire :). i am looking for a partner who can respond at least once a week.
i love worldbuilding , complex characters (or characters who are just like that,) and character development. would like a 50/50 smut to plot ratio. this can be negotiated.
looking only for mxm at the moment. (trans/nb characters welcome!)
very open to trying out new kinks + looking for dark themes/dead dove content.
my guys will be switches or bottoms. don't worry, i'll give you plenty to work with. they have plenty of personality, charm, quirks, and baggage. lots of baggage. i am just more comfortable playing the character that gets penetrated. hello, subxsub relationships--
i would like an ooc relationship! but i give the enthusiasm i am given. i can only send you so many memes before it gets awkward.
bonus points for monsterfucking and omegaverse.
this got too long, oops-- if my boys piqued your interest or if you're interested in writing with me, like and i'll hunt you down!
like if interested !
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nashibirne · 2 years
Sweet Nashi, congratulations on your approaching milestone!🏆 You are a treasure to this fandom, and I'm very happy to have you in my life. 💕
Character: Walter
Theme: fluff to smut 🥺👉👈
Thank you 💕🧸💕
Marta, sweetie, thank you so much for your lovely words 💜 and for the ask.
I have to admit I racked my brain about the theme you requested, because I wasn't sure what you were aiming at. So I decided to take it literally and give you a headcanon about how things go with Walter, when fluff turns into smut. I just hope you like it 🙏🏻
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Pairing: Walter Marshall x you (female reader)
Warnings: smut! 18+, NSFW, sex, vaginal sex, oral sex (f receiving)
Unbeta'ed, English isn't my first language, there will be mistakes!
My masterlist
My headcanon masterlist
Divider by @firefly-graphics
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Walter Marshall is a man of many facettes.
He may be a broody grump at first sight but there's much more to him.
Besides being witty, smart and caring he's also pretty hot blooded in the best sense of the word.
You realize this on your second date when things escalate quite quickly
It starts off sweet and fluffy. Walt is a good cook and so he invited you over for dinner. You enjoy your meal and the conversation is flowing easily, the tone flirtatious, the atmosphere relaxed and cozy.
At some point you find yourself in his strong arms and the kisses you share are soft, sweet and sensual.
You somehow expect him to stop before things heat up too much and to take things slow, because he has been so reluctant asking you out and surprisingly shy so far.
And really, he breaks the kiss, leaning his forehead against yours, taking a deep breath.
"Don't stop," you whisper before he can say anything
"I won't be able to control myself, if I don't stop now," he says softly, without looking at you.
"I don't want you to control yourself."
He locks eyes with you now, a frown on his handsome face.
"You don't want to take it slow?"
You shake your head and your voice is firm when you answer him: "I want you to take me, Walt. I want to be yours."
Your words make something inside of him snap.
The next kiss isn't sweet anymore, it's pure passion and desire. It's tongue and lips and teeth, it's kissing, sucking and nibbling.
Walt doesn't just undress you, it's more like ripping the clothes off your body in a rush of ecstasy.
He's impatient, he shows you that you're driving him wild and how much he wants you with every touch, every lick, every playful slap and bite.
You don't even know how you end up on his couch, naked, whimpering, squirming, with his head between your legs.
You just enjoy the sensation of his mouth on your pussy and his extraordinary skills. You have never cum harder from oral sex, never before has someone eaten you out with so much hunger.
Walt is intense in everything he does, he's having his ways with you unconditionally, uncompromisingly.
He doesn't want you to do anything besides touching him. He just wants to worship your body, to give you pleasure and to mark you.
Your satisfaction is what he's focused on and your lustful moans and cries are what he's getting off on.
The way he bites and sucks on the sensitive skin of your neck, your breasts and your inner thighs is a bit painful but it turns you on so much, you feel like you're about to lose your mind.
When he finally penetrates and fucks you, it's like an invasion. Your body is flooded with lust, need, pleasure and passion and you surrender without any resistance.
He's wild, almost feral but he's also very attentive and blessed with a good instinct.
Walt senses how you're feeling, what you need and want, by intuition and so he slows down, when he realizes that you need time to get used to his size and girth and he goes harder, when you urge him to give you more by grabbing his butt or lifting your hips.
You lose count on the orgasms he gives you, you just know that he fucks you all night long, that you make love till dawn.
When he's done with you and his eyes that were dark with lust turn back to blue, he's sweet and soft again, taking care of you, caressing your body, showering your face with sweet kisses, praising you for making him feel so good.
You cuddle up to each other and fall asleep, both exhausted and very satisfied.
The last thing you hear before drifting off to sleep is his dark voice in your ear.
"You're mine now, angel. All mine," he whispers tenderly and you couldn't agree more.
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@lunedelorient @inlovewithhisblueeyes @willkatfanfromasia @mis-lil-red @agniavateira @kebabgirl67 @omgkatinka @legendarywizarddetective @summersong69 @taebfada @xxxkatxo @artandotherdelights @notabronte @littlefreya @luclittlepond @eldarwen333 @marantha @liliumdream @enchantedbytomandhenry @greensleeves888 @witcherfan @margauxmargaux07 @radaofrivia @m07belzen @a-little-counter-esperanto @starstruckkittyangel @mary-ann84 @sillyrabbit81 @emelinelovesjc @wheretheriversrunintothesea @kingliam2019 @pandaxnienke @littleone65 @coloraturadiva @cynic-spirit @captainbucky-yt @diegos-butt @cavillsthighs @ysmmsy @identity2212
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seraphdreams · 3 years
𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧 𝐣𝐚𝐞𝐠𝐞𝐫.
smut - 🍰| dark content - 🎀 | suggestive - 🍓 | fluff - 🧸|
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hatefucking. 🍰
oh how eren hates his pretty little roommate.
voyeurism with armin. pt. 1 | pt. 2. 🍰
what’s better than eren fucking his sweet girl than showing off to his friend, who in turn fucks you as well.
eremika threesome. 🍰
eren and mikasa both take you.
god complex. 🍰🎀
don’t forget to call him by his name when he’s deep in it!
hard dom! thirst. 🍰
eren as a hard dom.
baby-trapping. 🍰🎀
he’s horrible and you know it, but he just doesn’t want you to leave…yet.
grinding on him. 🍓
at the club…with him.
baby. 🍰
car sex with the man who you know cares the least about you.
erejean! thirst. 🍰
eren and jean love teasing you.
double penetration. 🍰
eren and jean both take you.
face-fucking. 🍰
suck it right the first time or don’t suck it at all.
touch-starved eren. 🍰
he craves every bit of you.
he’s a winner. 🍰
eren fucks you after a basketball win. (drabble.)
what’s better than spending the night in with mr. jaeger? (drabble.)
tattoo artist eren. 🍓
eren being the one to mark you up for the first time. (moodboard)
insatiable. 🍰🎀
eren takes you to connie’s get-together where he suggests the group uses hard drugs. who knew you were a newbie when it came to things like this? it’s okay, eren’s there to guide you.
spoiled rotten. 🍰
eren and jean give you anything you want, even things you don’t ask for. eren thinks it’s too much but jean thinks it’s perfect; it’s not your fault you look so pretty in your new gift, just as they had planned.
you bully, be nice. 🍰
you’re eren’s favorite little cheerleader, how can he not wanna pick on you every chance that he gets? seems you’re not as smart as you try to appear.
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moominnyu · 3 years
neko no koneko [lee juyeon]
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🐇🎀 mature content ahead !! minors don't interact
🎀🧸 — pairings: catboy!juyeon x gender neutral reader.
🎀🧸 — tw: cursing. making out. handjob. reader penetration (no mentions of reader's genitalia). one (1) mention of breeding. reverse cowgirl? cowboy? cowperson?unprotected sex. creampie.
🎀🧸 — wc: around 4200ish (damn ma)
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juyeon's tail lashes about in annoyance, his glare fixed on your moving frame as he lays comfortably in his sunny spot on the window nook. sun rays kiss the honey skin of his abdomen, and he knows he looks like an absolute snack with his baggy crop top and low cut sweatpants, perfect for you to just sneak your hands down or up whatever thin piece of clothing he's wearing and just have your merry way with him. it's what he initially wanted, but it's not what you're doing.
you are ignoring him, keep doing so, walking from the living room to your bedroom to the bathroom and back to your room, busying you attention away from him with cleaning the whole house on a damn sunday.
“juyeon!” it's the first time you talk to him in that hour, the sound of your voice makes him perk up with an unintended mrrp!, “i told you to stop throwing your clothes on my desk!”
his shoulders drop a few centimeters in clear dissatisfaction, his ears fall flat to match his mood at your scolding tone. he turns to face the window when he hears your footsteps, arms resting on the frame and head falling on top of them. he's not really in the mood to hear you preaching about dirty clothes... again.
“next time you leave your dirty clothes elsewhere but the laundry bin, i'm donating them to charity,” your voice gets farther away from him as you disappear back into the room, leaving juyeon on his own, to submerge into that loneliness, embrace it as his own and prepare for his eventual death.
you'd call him dramatic, he knows, but the pain of rejection is too much to handle for his faint heart. not only you're ignoring him now, he already woke up to an empty bed, had breakfast on his own because you had to ‘go grocery shopping’, he's kicked out of his bedroom because you have to clean it, and now he's being forced to stay put and not follow you around like he would prefer. having his ears and tail ripped off would hurt less than this, it's just pure torture for him.
a few minutes after, that he spends staring at the outside world, you come by and place a small bowl with cut up fruit by his side, without saying a word but giving a gentle pat to his head as you walk back to the kitchen. he glances at the little round pieces of watermelon and mango with a small pout on his lips. he decides he's not gonna eat them, even if they're his favorites, he's gotta stand his ground and show his displeasure with your unforgivable behavior: he knows you know, but one does not, under any circumstances whatsoever, leaves a needy catboy on his own, specially if that needy catboy is lee juyeon.
so there he sits, on his knees, watching out the window with a consuming boredom. hours pass until you're finally done with the chores and come join him on the small nook with a heavy huff, the sun long down and the house now squeaky clean. you glance at him briefly, and then notice the bowl by his side, fruit still untouched, “you didn't eat your fruit,” you mumble, reaching out to pop a piece of watermelon into your mouth, “i cut them so you wouldn't be too hungry before dinner time.”
he tries to not look, he really does, he's gotta stand his ground, is what he keeps repeating to himself, but your tone is soft, quiet, a bit disappointed, even, and he can't help that his eyes and head move towards the sound of your voice almost on a subconscious command, his little ears twitching in response, “you kept ignoring me earlier,” he says, despite his initial intentions of remaining quiet and aloof enough for you to cling all over him and beg for an explanation for his gloomy mood, to kiss him, hug him, touch him until he eventually voices what he's been purposefully keeping quiet.
“is that what you felt?” juyeon closes his eyes when you reach your hand to scratch his chin. his plan is thrown out the window immediately when you place a little kiss to the tip of his nose, watching with tenderness as he scrunches it up, “and here i was thinking i was doing you a favor by keeping you out of seasonal cleaning.”
“i could've helped,” his words aren't as honest as they sound. juyeon hates seasonal cleaning— and just cleaning in general, the dust makes him sneeze too much and he claims he's allergic to disinfectant—, but you appreciate the sentiment.
“next time then,” you say.
juyeon watches with a little pout on his lips as you stand on your knees and reach to close the window and pull the curtains closed. he's a bit disappointed in himself because he couldn't keep up his little act; he knows the best rewards come when he makes it a point to act as insufferably hurt about your supposed neglect as he possibly can— you always make sure to love up on him until he's his happy, sweet little self again, and he's learned to take this as an advantage, but god knows his resolve is weaker than he would want to admit, he's already lost the second you sat by him and scratched his chin. he didn't stand a chance.
he cups your cheek with his wide palm to draw your attention to him, upturned eyes come to gaze down at your lips, his constant object of desire, the tip of his tongue pokes out to wet his own, “make it up to me,” he murmurs, his free hand pulls on your waist to drag you to his always welcoming lap, “let me have you to myself now.”
he hums in appreciation when he finally feels your soft hands settle on the bare skin of his thin waist. he's been waiting all day for this; this intimacy, this proximity, your scents mixing together like they should always do, your eyes only on his as they should always be. “i missed you all day,” his breath hovers right over your lips, his hooded eyes staring at the plush skin with that recognizable look of longing that you've seen plenty of times.
you chuckle, pulling slightly away from him when he tries closing the small distance in between your lips, “why didn't you get up to help, then? we could've spend some time together while folding clothes.”
“hate folding clothes,” juyeon shakes his head. his big hand presses flat on the back of your neck, pulling your head close to his once more.
long nails scratch your scalp as his hand crawls up the back of your head, fingers tangling with your hair as he grabs a fistful of it and forcefully pushes your mouth against his. he seems to take great pleasure in the way you yelp in surprise, evident in the contended purr that makes his throat vibrate, his tail standing stiff as he presses his chest against yours.
his tongue meets yours, urgently, needy, juyeon immediately tilts his head to deepen the kiss, the grab on your head gets tighter when he tries to guide you to do the same. his tongue circles around yours, once, twice, before he's enclosing his lips around yours, teeth grazing the wet muscle as his hips buck upwards. with a lack of patience unique to those of his kind, his hands quickly move to anchor your hips against his lap, forcing them to roll slowly on top of his groin.
as always, it takes him nothing— nothing but the meeting of two tongues that circle around one another, nothing but the wet, smacking sounds of an intense kiss, nothing but the roll of his hips against your crotch, to have juyeon panting, broad chest that heaves up and down as his body temperature rises and his usually gentle self is replaced by that much more desperate and animalistic one that takes over on most nights.
he doesn't waste a second, even when he pulls away from you for some very needed oxygen, he's already pressing his lips to your jaw, trailing them down to your neck with wet, fleeting kisses. you chuckle at him when you notice he's stopped forcing you down onto him, and is now rather moving his hips upwards to meet yours, his teeth grazing your soft skin, eager, the urge to mark you up, press himself to you and just have you for himself is primal.
“this isn't the kitten i know, what happened to please and thank you?” you murmur against his lips, the palms of your hands feel the shiver that creeps up his waist, “have you forgotten your manners? do we have to go through asking for permission again?”
something about it sounds tempting, perhaps the hidden threat laced with your honey voice, a promise of what could be coming for him if he did, in fact, happened to forget his manners, the reminisce of nights spent with burning, tied up wrists, blindfolded eyes and an annoying coil that he was absolutely forbidden from snapping— a situation anyone else would probably consider dreadful, yet, to this day most of his fantasies are shaped around it, the absolute humiliation and vulnerability of being so exposed, of being at your far from lenient mercy.
and, again, something about it sounds tempting, but stubborn juyeon has other plans in mind, plans that he isn't as keen as dropping out the window like his previous one, “no, i didn't,” he shakes his head, ears flat. his breath hovers over your neck again, hands resting on your waist, “i told you, i just miss you,” he toys with the fabric of your shirt, long nails that rake over your spine and lull over the idea of simply tearing the annoying piece of clothing off of you, “come on, just let me touch you. please.”
and so you comply, and juyeon is thankful. you accuse him of being stubborn, but his ten fingers wouldn't be enough to count the times in which you denied him of taking care of you to focus on his own pleasure. he never minds— who is he to deny pleasure when it comes knocking at his door?—, but there's a deep, dormant but primal need to be the one to take you that he sometimes can't ignore.
he takes your shirt off when you raise your arms, tossing it somewhere on the floor to eventually pile up with the rest of your clothing. he avoids your reprimanding gaze, “i won't just leave it there, i promise,” he says, you know, like a liar.
ghostly touch trails down your neck and chest, wet lips following the invisible path after his fingers. his thumbs graze over your nipples, ears perking up in interest when he hears the way your breath stutters when his spiky fangs poke against the sensitive skin of your neck with intent to mark. you feel him pant when he reaches down to press his lips to your chest, tongue lapping over your perked nipple, hands now on a possessive lock on your hips as he tries to grind you down on the stiff constriction in his sweatpants.
if the dark spot staining his sweats wasn't enough proof of his excitement, the twitch of his cock every time you grind down onto him and the way in which he seems to breath you in and swallow you up, hungrily, with a desperate need to devour you whole are nothing but further confirmation of the greedy desire that overcomes his body. to him, it's just heaven— his tongue that circles around your hardened nipple and the possessive hand that reaches for the other to pinch it and twist it, the way you almost silently gasp and arch your back to him. chest swelled up with pride and cock painfully hard against your crotch, his little ears twitch in a burning thrill about being the one with the upper hand for the very first time.
his back and tail arch when your hands creep up his thighs to play with his hard cock. immediately, his movements become stuttering, the lips once attached to your nipple part when he whines lowly, eyebrows furrowed as he drops his gaze to the far from shy hand that grips his member through the material of his sweats.
he pants, little whines breaking past his glistening lips as your hand moves up and down. you eye his reaction with a greedy hunger of your own— his hooded, darkened eyes, the slight jerks of his hips and tensing of his thighs, his body always reactive to your burning touch. he seems to become rather fixated in the movements of your hand, watching the tip of his cock disappear and reappear under his pants, blushing red from the tip to the base, the deliciously looking veins throbbing and pulsating each time precum leaks out and pools at the slit, only to be smudged by the hard press of your thumb against it.
juyeon shudders when you pull his pants down and wrap your hand around his cock, his eyes fluttering shut and ears falling flat in concentration at the all-known, greatly welcomed and constantly desired softness of your palm against his scorching skin. with one of your hands fondling his balls and the other pumping his shaft, you lean towards him to press your lips to the skin of his neck, juyeon immediately keening and whimpering as he moves his head to the side to grant you access, his nails digging on the skin of your thighs that he grabs for grounding, leaving crescent shapes on the softness of your skin. he moans out loud, shamelessly, throwing his head back and stiffening his tail when he feels your fingers wrapping tightly around the neck of his penis, squeezing the head and pressing your thumb against his little slit; a pleasurable pain that seems to threaten to rip him open, that shocks a violent wave of electric, melting pleasure through his whole body.
his breathing becomes shallow, almost hyperventilating, and he grabs both of your wrists with each of his hands, desperately trying to halt your movements, “stop— stop it,” he mewls, voice on a broken crack, “i'm— i'll cum.”
“isn't that what you've been wanting?” juyeon shakes his head with a little shiver when he feels your lips stretching into a smile against his skin. you pull away, “oh? don't wanna cum?”
“of course i wanna cum,” he relaxes his tense body when you retract your hands from him, watching with sad eyes and droppy ears as his red cock twitches around nothing, thick drops of precum drip down the engorged tip. it takes him all the self-control he has, and probably more, to hold on and even reject the release he's been craving, “i just wanna... wanna cum in you.”
your thumb slides across his lower lip, trailing down to his chin to hold his face towards you. you place a kiss on his awaiting lips, “you know what to do, then.”
after you climb off his lap, he's as eager as ever to run off to the bedroom, his tail up and even slightly waggy. he discards his clothes along the way, t-shirt falling somewhere near yours and pants thrown on the table. you hear him ruffle and move around in the room, and you dread to think that he's turning it upside down again after all the effort you made to clean and rearrange it. you forgive him, you think, watching as he comes back with the little bottle of lube he's been looking for, a smile that stretches his cute lips up and twitchy ears that denote his excitement.
juyeon kisses your lips briefly as he works to unbutton your shorts, sliding them off your legs along with your underwear and throwing them, again, on the floor. he climbs back to the window nook, perhaps now too cramped for the two of you, grabbing your hips to bend you on all fours over his thighs. you feel the cold lube drip down your entrance, juyeon's oiled finger spreads it around evenly, carefully.
“can— can i?” his breath is ragged, voice soft. his big hand travels up your skin to your waist to straighten you up until your back is against his chest, his chin comes to rest on your shoulder.
you nod and he thanks you with a little nudge to your cheek, you feel his chest vibrate when he purrs, pants that become heavier the more excited he gets.
his tail replaces his hands as it wraps around your waist, his hands now working to line up his cock with your awaiting hole. the tip breaches your tight entrance as he continues to softly guide you down to the base. juyeon is so obnoxiously, insufferably— and goddamn deliciously— big. so big, in fact, that no matter how many times you have sex, no matter where exactly you're taking him, you just can't seem to get accustomed to his size, to be fully able to take in his cock at once, without having to feel the pain of the stretch or the awkward gag every single time. he takes pride on this, of course he does, you hear it on the way he groans lowly when your walls shiver around his length, eyes rolling back and hands gripping the flesh of your hips, and you're breathless, losing your composure from the way it fills you, slowly but still unrelenting.
juyeon whines as he finally bottoms out, parted lips press against your shoulder when you throw an arm around his neck, your hips rolling softly, accomodating to his size. His hips threaten to buck up, your soft walls engulfing him and clenching around his throbbing cock, his trembling thighs somehow manage to hold themselves in place, juyeon knowing better than to speed up and move to his own accord; it would only make you force him to wait longer, to hold on for way more than he would even be capable of.
“come on, juyeon,” you encourage him, hand reaching to pet in between the two little ears that are set back in full concentration, “you can move.”
he does as asked, of course, his hips thrusting upwards slowly, as if testing the waters. his breath stutters alongside his movements, nails dig on your skin when he hears your breath hitch, your body shiver as you slam back down against juyeon's heavy balls, spreading your legs for a better angle.
juyeon's mouth falls agape as his face contorts into one of sinful pleasure, a trail of drool hitting the skin of your shoulder as he seems to melt against your body when you start to roll your hips, pulling yourself off him, until only the tip is inside, before you bounce back down hard, burying the cock inside of you in one swift motion, with a lack of patience that could even rival his. juyeon keens and mewls, the heavy breaths that you let out are nothing but a boost to his arousal, to the overwhelming pleasure that washes over his sensitive body.
“fu—fuck,” juyeon trembles in pleasure, voice rising a whole octave, his arms wrapping around your waist possessively, chest pressed against your back as if he wishes to melt right into you, be swallowed up whole by his beloved. he feels his orgasm right there, the familiar ache of his throbbing cock, the shaking of his whole body and the frantic moves of his hips that so desperately search for that sweet, sweet release.
you can't see his face properly, but you can imagine it; the thin trail of sweat that falls from his temple, the furrowed eyebrows and the open mouth, you can picture it by his high-pitched whines and hiccup-like breaths right against your ear, the body glued to yours that continues to shake but never once threatens to let go. as your desire to watch him fall apart even further grows, you speed up your pace, shaking your hips eagerly and feeling your own toes curl and your eyes flutter closed at the stretch, the feel of his textured, veiny cock rubbing against your g-spot with every one of his messy thrusts mouth-watering, mind-blowing.
“fuck, you're doing so well, juyeon,” and he can't help the little mewl followed by a purr that escapes past his lips at your praise. his heart swells and flutters, he loves being praised, loves being a good kitty for you.
juyeon's arms fall back to your thighs when he feels them tremble, supporting your whole weight by placing his hands below them and propping you up, finding a pace of his own. you moan, biting your lip to try and conceal the pitiful whine that rips past you as you bounce on him. the sound of skin slapping and juyeon's own grunts match his unrelenting, unforgiving pace, cat-like pupils blown wide and mind completely blank, overtaken by the pleasure of pounding his twitching cock into your warmth.
his breath hitches when he feels you tighten around him, his own mouth imitating the soft, sighing moans that you let out, a jolt of electricity running through his body and forcing his thrust to stutter, clumsily, before he's just as quickly brushing it off with a choked out chuckle, an adrenaline-filled rush of confidence takes over his body “who is who's kitten now?” juyeon's heart tugs at how cute his human is, with their hands clutching his forearms for dear life, tear-stained lashes and body shivering and twitching as he bounces you down on his cock.
“fuck— fuck off,” you retaliate by clenching down on him, making juyeon's body tremble and thrusts stumble once more.
“i'm— I'm so close,” he chokes out, his eyes half-lidded, words slurred together by a low groan. to see you, feel you and have you, his master, his owner, so vulnerable and so at his mercy does things to his already inflated ego. he's definitely gonna bury this image in his memory, use it as an advantage, “need to give you my kittens” he mewls, his lips trailing down your neck to your shoulder, “please, please, let me cum.”
he's still asking for permission, like on command, his own eyes swelling with tears when your wet, warm walls clench around him as you squirm. you turn towards your spoiled little kitten, your gaze holding his, adoring, full of love, but still not being able to help the little teasing smirk that forms on your bruised lips, “that's, ah, embarrassing to say after such confidence boost.”
“nng, ah,” he shakes his head, pitifully, his pace faltering as his thighs and lower abs begin to burn, his resolve and desire to push you both and him over the edge as fast as he can his motivation to continue his assault against your own hips, “i'm— i'm sorry! please, just let me cum!”
“go ahead,” you coo, “be a good kitten and cum.”
juyeon shakes as he cums repeatedly inside of you, his orgasm rocking his whole body, ripping hiccups and sobs from his lips, staining his red cheeks with tears as he grips your hips and moans incoherent babbles of your name. even after emptying out his thick load inside of you, he doesn't slow down, lifting his hips to slap against yours despite his trembling body and the raw, overwhelming sensitivity of his every nerve. he pulls away slightly, so he can cast his gaze down to where you're connected, watching his cock disappear into you, his hot semen squelching and dripping out of your entrance.
you feel your own orgasm approaching, too close, too fast, “fuck, yes, juyeon,” you can't help but cry out, as juyeon continues to thrust his cock in and out of you, guiding your hips to slam against his, wishing to wreck you completely just as you always do to him.
as he whimpers, pants and moans from the overstimulation, your orgasm washes over you, mind blowing, shaking you to your core as juyeon helps you ride it out, slowing his hips so that he can brush your g-spot with more accuracy, making your body tremble and your back arch as you spasm on top of him. the sight is enough to force the moan stuck in juyeon's throat to draw out, sensually, feeling his balls tense and clench as he empties them once more, filling you again until you're overflowing with his cum, so much that it trails down his balls and stains the soft mattress below you.
juyeon's back falls against the window, his tail wraps around you after he successfully pulls you on top of him, arms encaging you against his heaving chest. you stay in each other's embrace for a while, trying to catch your breaths and get yourselves together, before you're mustering up your strength and rising yourself off from him, pulling him out of you.
juyeon looks up at you, eyes closing and opening again leisurely, in a slow blink kitty kiss. he calls you back to him and purrs happily when you lean in to place a fleeting kiss to his plump lips, “thank you,” his voice sounds muffled against your lips, tired and worn out, “i love you.”
shivers travel down his spine when he feels you pepper his jaw and neck with gentle kisses, your hands going to his head to gently tug on his twitching ears. you smirk, “you certainly didn't think we were finished, did you?”
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🐇🎀 — luna's notes: i'm back hihihihihihi 🤭🤭 like back fr fr this time 🤭 i had a bunch of stuff going on these past weeks, with school and my personal life and just my mental health in general, i was really one minor inconvenience away from committing sewerslide 🤧 but i'm back again after what felt like years, i'm feeling considerably better now, so that's a good thing both to my mental health and my motivation to write. this was requested idk how many centuries ago, so i'm sorry for the wait </3 i love y'all and i missed u<3 also this is not proofread, as i wanted to post it as soon as possible. i'll check it out after a quick nap and fix my mistakes if there's any.
y'all rn:
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akjsksajak love uuu<3
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darlingpwease · 1 year
Aki BRAINROT btw???
Thanks to shokan sharing his ideas and that post u reblogged,, all I can think of is subby hybrid!Aki 🧍
With pretty puppy Aki being sensitive, he can't help but tremble whenever you get too close to him,,,
Puppy boy Aki going into heat and just keeps on beggin you to just stuff n breed him,,,,
Maybe he gets embarrassed when you give him a small kiss from time to time, but when you guys are fucking he just can't stop clinging to you???
My brain in rotting help
-panna cotta
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CONTENT WARNINGS: unhealthy behaviour, established relationship, interspecies relationship / xenophilia, begging + drooling, pet names + mild name-calling, mild light pregnancy topic (talk), very light 'master/pet' teasing (talk), collaring [aki]
hypersexuality, sex marathon, heavy petting, semi-public sex (alleyway, balcony), light pet play, mention of free use, sex during mating season (heat), unprotected sex / breeding, deep penetration + belly bulge, rough treatment, hyperstimulation (g., r.), praise (g., r.), cum inflation (g.), cockwarming (r.), mention of oral sex (r.)
DARLINGS: dog hybrid!aki hayakawa x human!reader; dom!reader, top!reader
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Aki is not exactly the hybrid that you would think of when saying "good boy", even if he, well, was actually a boy, and sometimes he was even good, so both of these necessary conditions were met, but you were always worried that if you told him something like that, he would think about you as a pervert with strange fetishes, — if he doesn't bite off your hand for such words, he seems very wild, — so you just tried not to cross paths once again and not stare too long at his fluffy ears and long fluffy tail, which Aki waved charmingly when thinking about something.
You were just not close enough and not sure that he liked it at all, too little work experience; even when the tactics changed from "avoidance" to "cooperation", while his ears pricked up when he heard your voice or enthusiastically waved his tail when you were around, you preferred a slow pace, as if thrusting your palm to the dog and letting it sniff you before confidentially giving you a paw.
(although sometimes he almost provoked you to stroke him between fluffy ears and say that he did a great job.)
Aki was a dog who preferred when your hand was stretched out to him for sniffing before he gave you a paw — and when you roughly push into him, forcing him to cling to the balcony, hoping that no one would think to go out in the morning and look at the neighbors above, until his thoughts mix and turn into desire— need for more, harder, rougher, until his belly is full enough and his thighs are sticky with sweat and you, until his tail is restlessly rubbing and beating against you, trying to force you to drive into him all the way and ignore all the pathetic whining that he makes when it's too much for him, when he's almost choking, drooling, feeling how his body ache from the last time, — but whimpering so that you don't stop, scratching your skin with claws, blindly kissing where he can. Even when Aki cums, trying to snuggle up to you as hard as possible, breathing heavily, sticking out his tongue while you lazily push into his body for the last time before gently moving away, making his thighs become even more slippery and sticky without you preventing his excruciating emptiness.
And, perhaps, unlike him, you hope that someone will see you on an empty morning balcony and notice what a needy whining mess you can make him instead of that strict hybrid that does not allow anyone to even touch his ears or tail, let alone pull them or hold them, but while you are busy to fuck him senseless — and make him cum just from the fact that you scratch him behind the ear while make him warm you, not allowing to move even when he starts to need it.
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When you tell him for the first time that 'he is a good boy' while fucking him in a dark alley after a task, being unable to tolerate his attempts to jump on you from overexcitation,
this is enough for Aki to cling to your hands with enthusiastic whining, squeezing his thighs, almost suffocating while his body trembles in your hands, — and never talk about it again, shamefacedly pressing fluffy ears to his head and growling softly when you tease, stroking and calling him a good boy, — but never tries to dodge the touch and does not tell you to stop.
Never tells you to stop.
Even when you pull the leash, pushing Aki to slightly tilt his neck back, exposing it for you, he silently obeys any of your actions and words, never questioning them and not making you to wait; treating him like your pet, hearing his stifled whining when you hold the leash tightly while he diligently licks you, trying to give you as much pleasure as possible, as much as you can get from his body, soft and accessible, too accessible when you breed him in a room in a random break in response to his provocative weakening the knot of the tie that hides the collar with your initials.
Even if Aki wasn't a pet, — wasn't a pet at all, wasn't an obedient and attention-hungry pet at all, — something about him made you whisper in his ear what a good boy he is and what a diligent puppy he is when you cum into him again, filling his stomach, making him drool and press ears to hair, pressing hand to mouth just not to get too loud, deafly realizing that now he will have to walk around like this for the rest of the day — and immediately forgetting about it when you ask who is a good boy and, having received a satisfactory answer, saying that good boys receive a reward, feeling his fluffy tail tossing from side to side. But it's really hard for you to resist him when Aki's short claws cling to you while he whines, whimpering, almost begging you not to stop and never leave him, no matter what happens, while his legs tightly wrap around your hips, almost forcing you to stay in place inside his hot sensitive body, hearing only hot breath and quiet incoherent nonsense, breaking into a squeal when you remind him how deep you are in response to his obsessive attempts to snuggle even closer, sticking to your skin, not even moving his tail in an effort to maintain a painfully close pose.
Even if Aki is constantly blushing from kisses and his hands are sweating when you take them, as if you didn't breed him in the room half an hour ago while other hunters were celebrating, hearing his hoarse encouragement not to stop and enthusiastically intoxicated words about how fucking good he feels and that nothing makes him as high as you do, the way he tries to merge into one with you every time, as if trying to wrap himself around you and stay pinned forever, always makes you feel too excited, seeing his wet eyes and ruddy red face, looking at how his hair is disheveled while his ears are constantly twitching, especially when he cums, wagging excitedly with his tail, as if persuading you to grab him and cum inside, filling his pretty belly until he carries your puppies.
You just have your own personal limits that Aki will always be able to break — just like convincing you to fuck him to the point that his brain shuts down an hour and a half before meeting others, growling that you are only his master and he is only your dog when you hold his legs apart, teasing that he always ready for you and with the same success you can just press his cheek to the floor or wall and fuck at any moment — and not hearing any refutation, even if his cheeks are burning with shame and not only with it.
You have no excuse why you're late — and no excuse about why Aki walks strangely.
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Aki is so hot, so wet, so needy when his thighs are wet and sticky, when his face is constantly rosy with desire while he begs you to just fill his painfully needy body, stretch him, make him your own, until the only thing he can think about is the puppies that you put by the time his body can't be without you, breeding him during every heat and out of it, — as if the fact that he almost does not get off you is not enough for him anymore, but you can't refuse when you see him drooling, almost crying from excessive sensitivity, forcing to cum even faster, squeezing you tightly inside, but pushing his hips harder while you dig fingers into his thighs, not stopping even when Aki obediently lies under you, not moving, allowing you to handle him as you like, whining and happily wagging his tail with delight.
When you hear him begging you to breed him, drunkenly looking at you, as if intoxicated, wet and hot, reaching out to you for a kiss so unlike his usual self, that even his hungry wet kisses seem so unknown, not at all like his usual ones, but no less sweet, as if forcing you not to stop kissing him while you cum in him again and again, even when you feel that you are reaching your limit — but feel how Aki is fidgeting under you, definitely feeling that you won't be able to do more soon, but still unsatisfied and greedy for more, needing more, even if your body can't bring it to it,
it doesn't matter as long as you don't stop and leave him, don't leave him empty, don't leave him alone, keeping Aki as close as he physically can be.
Even when you lie down on your back, you can't help but help Aki gently climb onto your hips, feeling him trembling with fatigue and excitement, hearing his enthusiastically relaxed exhale when you find yourself in him again, feeling how he greedily squeezes you, not letting you slip out even though he is wet and sticky, wagging his tail and keeping his ears straight from pleasure and a sense of rightness while you fill him up, even if you can't behave with him like another canine hybrid — it's not so important when he nuzzles your neck, lazily kissing, almost singing with delight when you stroke him, soothing, making it clear that you will be in the same place when he wakes up.
But, even knowing that you will wake up with Aki enthusiastically riding on you and whining apologies mixed with gratitude, giving you a great overview of mess caused by the need to be fucked until his body is perfect for you and is completely soaked, and knowing how shamefully grateful he will be when the heat is over, looking away but for some time feeling the consequences of constant breeding, including the fact that his body will react to your presence for some time, wanting to continue breeding,
you felt too happy.
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darlingpwease · 1 year
cw unhealthy behaviour, rough treatment, semi-public sex, degradation g. (slut, pathetic), penetration g., referencing yuuta's genitals as a 'womb'
obsessive YUUTA who does not cope well with his clinginess and neediness, but copes well enough when you fuck him during training until he does not even have the strength to take a weapon in hand, let alone look at you with wet puppy eyes from the fact that you chatted with MAKI for too long or looked at TOGE and not on him.
when he bites your neck and shoulders, hoping that you will be the only one who will not notice it, whining hollowly when you grab him by the hair and force to pull away, growling something about what a slut he is, so dependent on you that instead of being a 'sorcerer', you need to keep him as a breeding toy. after all, if he's so pathetic that you might as well give up the sorcerer's training in favor of teaching him to take care of you if YUUTA can't stop being such a pathetic one at least once and do something other than trying to get you to stuff his womb — or stop provoking you to fuck him in places where anyone can see how he whines, drooling, choking on any of your touch, but not letting you even slightly move away.
you don't know if you are training him how to become a good sorcerer or indulging his need to be squeezed as tightly as possible, as if trying to merge into one with you, even when his heart is beating in throat while you fuck him on all fours, saying something to his neck, but the only thing that YUUTA understands how empty he is when you leave him and how delightfully full and complete when his belly takes your shape.
you're actually not even sure if you're still acting like a senior, taking care of him the way you should, but YUUTA almost cries when you ignore him, saying that he understands everything and that he's sorry that he's not good enough, and you know that he's just manipulating you, — but you still give him extra training in his spare time, teaching him how to treat you if he wants to be good enough for you♡
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darlingpwease · 2 years
oh trans yuuta has me by the THROAT i need him to cockwarm SO bad
warm up
note: I wrote two options because I couldn't decide. also, trans guy yuuta, but since I don't know how to describe in a more explicit way, then like... yes.
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content warnings: established relationship, pet names (dog-like names, good boy, lapboy, g.), mild crying + drooling + begging, mild unhealthy behaviour (obsessiveness) implied
penetration giving, dirty talk, sex addiction implied, unprotected sex implied, mild pet play (puppytalk with yuuta), riding position / bottom on top, masturbation (yuuta, solo), cock(?)warming (r.), oral warming / oral sex (r.), praise (g.), light hair pulling (g.), mild orgasm denial (g.)
writing style: yuuta's genitals are not named in any way (unfortunately), but it is very clearly implied that he has a vagina, precum; both parts are small (less than 1000 words)
darlings: yuuta okkotsu x reader; top!reader, dom!reader; reader has a few 'vocal' lines
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It started innocently: rubbing cheek against your shoulder, wrapping arms around your body, airily gentle kisses on your neck to attract your attention. You have long been used to the fact that Yuuta is clingy, he has always been like that, so even when he almost began to wrap himself around you with all parts of his body, you just... continued to ignore him — until heard a dreary sound, something between a growl and a whine, and were practically forced to break away from business to let him know that you are listening to him and not ignoring at all.
Actually, you would never call Yuuta intrusive or "too needy", but sometimes he was definitely more sticky when felt that you were spending too little time together, especially if your work only got bigger with time, and cooing “I have a little more left, prince, give me more time” didn't help too much when you repeated it more than once in a few hours, making him even more sad — and out of control.
And although yes, Yuuta can help you in some way so that you do everything faster, but sometimes this help was pointless when only you can cope with things — or if he was too overexcited and could not really concentrate, constantly thinking about other things and losing touch with reality; in the end, he was looking for your intimacy, and even if he constantly brings himself to senses this is not too good for motivation, despite the desire for you to praise him. After all, Yuuta wants to be a good boy, even if his head is completely empty at such moments; but he really tries, asking you for clarification and doing everything possible, starting from massage and "bring-give-take away" and ending with direct intervention to do something monotonous or simple, if you can release earlier because of this and be less tired.
... But when you say that you know how he can help without putting too much effort mentally and without sticking to you in exhausting anguish, his desire to serve and a joyful gleam in eyes literally melts your heart — and Yuuta agrees even before you explain, almost wagging his tail with impatience.
In the end, he is always here to help you and fulfill your desires.
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Hot as a stove when you gently touch his hair, lightly massaging to encourage for the absence of any distracting movements even when his mouth is wet and full — Yuuta makes no attempt to move away, allowing saliva to accumulate in the corners of his lips. After all, the order was "be a good boy and don't get in the way of work," but if he's already desperate to touch you, then you'll graciously let him warm you up, making sure that when you're done, you'll definitely be able to take care of him the same way he takes care of you.
It is in his interest to make sure that you will be wet enough and satisfied with his work, so simple and uncomplicated that it seems impossible to spoil it — at first.
When you gently comb his sticky because of the heat hair back, removing them from the forehead, watching an excitedly ruddy face unable to even whine something in response, you can't resist teasing affectionate concern about his condition and feelings — but only get a mute assurance that everything is fine, even when you feel a small tremor in his body; overflowing with sweet longing from impatience and misunderstanding when will you put pressure on the back of his head to use his mouth, and not leave him in this position.
Sweet, wet, hot — something inside you fervently responds to his tearful loving gaze, full of attention and longing, but you have a work, even when feel him twitching slightly, rustling, and his face takes on an expression of shy impatience, being left unattended for too long; but you do not react in any way, despite his quick worried glances in search of hints of your discontent. But even when the quiet noise is interrupted by wet sounds, you do not react in any way — Yuuta has always been so unrestrained and sensual, full of this immense thirst and need from the slightest touches and hints, but you are understanding enough that even through the force of restrained moans pass by your ears.
Yuuta doesn't move, even when saliva drips from his chin, and you only lower hand down to stroke him, gently encouraging to continue caressing himself when he stops, abruptly recovering from your touch. But you don't say anything out loud, glancing fleetingly at his face from below from time to time; blissfully dreamy, with slightly trembling eyelashes, not at all confused with the task even when his breathing is slightly off, and the sounds become a little louder, mixed with muffled moans and soft attempts to snuggle closer to you.
Like a drunk looking for even more pleasure, even when your fingers get tangled in Yuuta's wet hair, pulling slightly, giving him what he wants so much; you can't see, but can hear and feel how he responds when shivers harder, with breath knocked out, blindly looking for even more affection and touching the skin to the skin; when his hand lightly touches your leg during excited ignition, probably dirtying the floor, he has always been such a mess
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Hot as a stove; quiet whining, but obedience — nothing but trembling and heavy breathing when his hand slightly touches you, frozen in place. Puppy plaintive eyes, glistening from tears appearing due to heat and overexcitation, burning rosy cheeks, even more tempting you to let him continue, feeling excitedly full of pity for his pathetic-confused look.
You weren't sadistic, at all — you liked to go along with his sloppily desperate desires and needs, indulging in various little things,
if it didn't go against your desires.
“Good boy.”
When you stroke his hair, Yuuta squints, melting with pleasure, like a puppy, relaxing from the unexpected tension — but immediately whines when he is pushed away, interrupting, forcing him to look up. His cheeks are soft — when you press on them to give him an additional understanding of the importance of your words, Yuuta trembles slightly, but obediently does not move, allowing you to choose the most comfortable way to grasp his face.
“You're such a good dogboy, aren't you?”
His eyes shine like lanterns covered with fog, and when he slightly sticks out the tip of tongue, showing understanding of what you are talking about — his breath freezes from the movement of your hand lower, to his chin, making him to follow the slow movements in impatient anticipation of your new touch to his bare skin.
Good boys don't cum without permission.
“Of course you are.”
Your fingers rub gently, making him to blissfully cover his eyes with pleasure, almost purring, not reacting even when you gradually raise hand up on his head — only to remove it when you stop caressing his hair, which causes Yuut to quietly sniff with hints of discontent,
“I'll be done soon, I promise,”
but instead of words or actions, just get more comfortable between your legs, showing no signs of disagreement, leaving a few soft, light, almost apologetic kisses on your thighs and groin — a quiet, affectionate purr reaches your ears, probably some words he said to himself under breath, but clearly addressed to someone. However, these thoughts are replaced by a hot wave when Yuuta touches you in love timidly — but immediately becomes more greedy, sticking even tighter.
Good boy.
Yuuta is purring something, but you can only hear the vibration coming from his mouth, even when his face regains that eager ruddy hue,
a very good boy,
and he himself listens intently to your every movement and sound, tightly squeezing and rubbing his hips against each other.
After all, he wants to help you.
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Yuuta squeezes restlessly, nervously, as if trying to absorb you and make you stay with him forever, — or, more precisely, inside him — and you would love to go with it, giving him his favorite strokes while firmly holding his still thin wrists, making him drool with every thrust, or making him clinging to your clothes uncertainly, panting pitifully, swaying on your hips in these shyly timid movements, with this wet expression of overexcitation and embarrassment from understanding that you are looking at him, even if he likes it,
but instead you have things that cannot be postponed even if you desperately want, and the quietly whining Yuuta, comfortably settled on your hips for a long time, even if you haven't looked at the clock for the last few hours.
... Yuuta is slender, with thin features, and when you put hand on his thigh, — which fits perfectly into your palm, — you can squeeze him tightly almost without any problems, as if his body was a toy in your hands, even if it was rather caused by his thin features — but "fit into him" and "fit him" were two different things, and even when you can hold him to you, not even letting him move away from your body for a fleeting moment, Yuuta still remained too hot and tight, squeezing almost painfully tightly, as if trying to express some growing burning dissatisfaction, but then gently relaxing as much as he can, slightly trembling; wrapping his arms around you, almost noiselessly whining into your neck at first in an attempt to attract your attention — but the longer you hugged him, letting him listen to your heartbeat and softly kissing your shoulders and neck, the more lazily sleepy Yuuta became, as if trapped in a sweet resin, unable to resist or fight in any way, but only gently wrapping around you in a warm drowsiness.
But his quiet breathing was rather soothing, involuntarily forcing you to relax, feeling so enveloped in the heat of his body, wet, overexcited even when you don't move, shuddering from the most fleeting touches to his sensitive body, squeezing you even tighter in a soft pulsation that makes your thighs dirty; especially when your hand goes lower, drawing an invisible path over his hot skin, making him moan indistinctly when fingers touch his groin, teasing, feeling him freeze inside, as if holding his breath — and exhales with a loud moan when you lubricate fingers in his precum.
Apologies that you will soon finish and take care of him are interrupted when he clings even more tightly to your clothes, leaning back, hiding the space in front of you, impatiently pushing his wet soaked thighs towards your fingers, whining pitifully satisfied when you start rubbing harder, trying to match his excited trembling, even if his impatient fidgeting and the hot pulsation inside rather hinders you, forcing you to constantly be distracted and stop only to hear whining about more; when precum starts to dirty everything even more, leaving traces whenever he jerks up slightly, trying to get even a fleeting touch of your fingers, almost causing you pain due to tight pressing — but even when Yuuta kisses you desperately sweetly, leaving a barely perceptible taste of peaches, you can only continue to rub him, allowing him to finish and start kissing on his own in a painful thirst for more.
Maybe it was all about his ruddy wet face, full of this nervous blissful pleasure when he couldn't take his eyes off your fingers, watching you play with him, forcing him to soak thighs even more; or when he wetly kissed you, almost choking in blind thirst from the thought that he would get what wants; or when he squeezed you, needy and hot, wanting something more than just warming you while you're busy, even if that was what he agreed to — when you finally pay attention to him, giving him just a little, it doesn't matter.
“Lapboy, please—”
When he squeezes his hips even tighter around you, forcing you to gently hold him during the kiss — then only to hug him tighter with your hands, and if someone else were here, they would ask you to stop and relax the embrace, but Yuuta almost purrs, melting, snuggling even tighter even when this is impossible, even when he can't breathe,
looking for more.
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“A couple more minutes...”
Yuuta rubs his cheek against your shoulder gently, as if half asleep, but you can feel his heart beating hard after hearing these words — although touching his back makes him relax from the sudden tension.
“Everything okay? Do you need the lubricant before start?”
“Okay; no.”
Yuuta is hot — like a stove; you don't even need to cover yourself with anything to stay warm when you can snuggle up to him, or make sure he's pressed close to you. But when your fingers gently slide down his side, Yuuta stops snuffling, freezes — and almost immediately turns his face to you.
“... Don't look at me with those dead fishy eyes.”
“Finish it.”
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svngiem-remade · 1 year
KEEP IT ON | ksm
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🧸 pairing. kim seungmin + gn!reader
synopsis. you barely make it back to the dorms when the news announce that all public transport and streets had been blocked for safety reasons due to a snowstorm in seoul. you start to freak out, and your boyfriend is there to comfort you.
🌙 wc. 1499 | au. established relationship; smut with an itty bitty plot; fluffy at times; hints of hurt/comfort.
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profanity, dom!seungmin / sub!afab!reader, seungmin being a tease, fingering, use of pet name *pup* once, penetration.
After spending the whole afternoon studying over at his, usually, empty dorm, you and Seungmin would always go out on a date or take a stroll in the nearby park, trying to spend as much time as possible together before you had to go home for the night- your university was just too far away from his place for you to make it in time for morning class, so you’d pack your things and leave by dinner time.
But, apparently, Mother Nature was against that plan, since the cloudy night sky you and your boyfriend were taking a romantic stroll under suddenly turned into a full-on snowstorm, so harsh and cold that all public transportation and roads were blocked for safety reasons- and luckily, you’d made it back home safely, but now, you were freaking out. “Oh my God, I can’t miss tomorrow’s class- Attendance is mandatory, and, and- I’m gonna cry-” you rambled, pacing around the dorm’s living room as you tugged at your hair desperately, tears prickling at your eyes whenever you’d glance out the window, just to see the snowstorm getting worse and worse by the minute. “This isn’t fair! I’ll have to repeat this class and graduate later-”
Seungmin chewed his bottom lip nervously, getting up from the couch and engulfing you in his arms, giving you a warm embrace. “Everything will be alright, okay, love? Freaking out will resolve nothing. Let’s wait it out a bit, hm? Maybe the weather will get better.” he muttered with furrowed eyebrows, trying to think of a solution for your distress. 
He pouted when he felt his t-shirt quickly dampening with your tears, your sniffles and nervous gulps making his heart clench, “How about you check your email? Maybe your university has sent a link or something for those who cannot attend class tomorrow. I’m sure they’ll understand-” he proposed, and you gasped loudly, shaking off his arms from around you to pick up your phone from the coffee table, opening your email hurriedly as a strike of hope hit your heart when a notification from your university popped up.
Your boyfriend peered over your shoulder, trying to take a peek at whatever was written on the email you’d just opened with trembling fingers, “Hey, is-” he tried asking, but got interrupted by a happy squeal coming from you.
You turned to face him with a big smile, throwing yourself between his arms, “They sent all students a Zoom link to let us attend class from home, at least until it’ll be safe to go out again.” you said excitedly, looking up at him with a wide grin and leaving a long peck on his lips, “Thank you for not letting me freak out.” you mumbled happily, nuzzling your head on his chest. 
Seungmin peppered the top of your head with butterfly kisses, rubbing his big hands on your back to soothe you, since you still sniffled every once in a while, “I would never, you look way too stunning when you smile to let that happen.” he whispered, and you raised your head, leaning up on your tip-toes to press your lips against his plump ones. 
“Minnie…” you whined when he ran a hand through your hair and gently tugged at it, his other roughly kneading your buttcheek as his tongue played with yours. You shuddered when he pulled you flush to his chest to rub your heat against his growing bulge, your hands, which you’d rested on his chest, clinging to his shirt as you quietly moaned in his mouth. 
He smirked, sucking on your bottom lip, before pulling back and looking down at your face, “Since I highly doubt any of the boys will be back anytime soon, and you’re stuck here with me…” Seungmin slowly walked towards his bedroom with you in his arms, turning off all the lights on the way there, “We can be loud and have fun for as long as we like, hm?” he said, sitting on the edge of his bed and slotting you between his open legs.
Butterflies started flying around your stomach- it had been so long since you and Seungmin spent more than a few hours together on your own, let alone have sex. To say you were excited was an understatement. 
“God- Oh my God!” you loudly moaned with your eyes closed, your hand tightly gripping the sheet below you while you clawed your boyfriend’s arm with the other, which he had wrapped around your calves to keep your legs up in the air. 
He stilled his harsh, deep thrusts, making you whine and open your eyes, ready to plead with him to continue. You were too desperate, too close to your release to think about preserving the little dignity you still had. You were about to open your mouth, when he suddenly stuffed it with two of his fingers, telling you to suck on them with a nudge of his head- needless to say, you happily obliged, swirling your tongue on the tip of his long fingers as you looked up at him, your hums and lustful eyes making his cock twitch inside you. 
“Don’t scream God’s name, scream mine.” he said, teasingly rolling his hips with a grin. You whimpered as he moved his now slicked up fingers out of your mouth to play with your clit, which was tightly squished between your pussy lips.
“Shit, Minnie-” you stuttered when he pulled out all the way, still keeping your legs up and glued to each other with one hand, just to slam his cock deep inside your cunt once again, the sudden intrusion stretching you out and causing his tip to rub your gummy spot deep inside your hole, “Yes! There! Fuck-” you breathlessly said, chewing on your bottom lip with a pleasured scowl on your face as you arched your back, trying to welcome more of him inside your velvety walls.
He grunted, his thrusts becoming quicker and deeper as he chased both of your highs, “Where do you want me?” his eyes were fixed on your fucked out face and bouncy breasts, half-covered by the hoodie he’d given you that afternoon when you asked for something warm to wear around the house, now completely damp with sweat and some of his previous release, since he didn't have the patience to completely pull it off of you. 
“Tits.” you murmured, blinking your eyes open with confusion when he chuckled.
“If you kee-p clenching like this, I’ll have to come inside, pup.” he laughed, finally releasing your calves and opening your legs wide for him to nestle his hips between them, his thumb reaching down to toy with your clit expertly, making you see stars before you felt that familiar toe-curling, breath-taking sensation hit you. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you desperately reached for Seungmin’s hand, his soothing caresses on the back of your hand and soft pecks on your forehead making your brain and stomach go all fuzzy.
A few thrusts later, he finally shot his load on your chest- white, hot strings of his release painting your nipples white before he collapsed on top of you. With your hearts pounding, and your fingers unconsciously entwining, you leaned up to peck Seungmin’s cheek with a smile, your eyes never leaving his deep brown ones. But soon, you pouted, “I’m starting to feel sore already.” you complained, noticing the light sting and struggle you felt whenever you tried moving your legs.
Your boyfriend giggled, rolling to your side before helping you slide to the middle of his twin bed, “Aw, did I wear you out, love?” he mockingly asked you, a fake pout on his plush lips. You rolled your eyes, a scoff leaving your lips as you mumbled a small “shut up, Minnie”, trying to wiggle out of Seungmin’s hoodie to cool your body down.
“Keep it on.” he wrapped an arm around your waist and looked down at you with a pleading look.
You tilted your head, confused at his request, “But… it’s dirty and sweaty-”
He whined, “Please… ? Wanna see you stay in it until we take a shower?” he sweetly asked you, peppering your face with kisses in hopes of convincing you. However, you didn't need any more convincing.
You slowly slid the dark hoodie up your shoulders, “Sure, weirdo.” you answered, moving a hand to the back of his neck to play with his short hair, trying to ignore the pool of arousal that was starting to drip out of your folds once again.  
Seungmin snickered, “Sure, act disgusted all you want, but your dirty ass loves this.” he mumbled against your lips, his long fingers trailing down your stomach before dipping inside your gaping hole again- and you didn't even have the force to deny the very real accusation he was throwing at you in between needy moans. You just loved being completely surrounded by your boyfriend's scent, was that so wrong?
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© SVNGIEM, 2023.
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darlingpwease · 2 years
"he's like a dog that gives you his paw and let's you squeeze him regardless" <3
a boy who devotes himself-- body and heart -- to you is quite frankly, best boy. bestest boy. ive found the goodest boy, everyone can go home now.
as much as i love pampering the boy; being rough is so fun <3 and when he freely offers himself up to your pleasures whim? delightful.
he lies on the bed and takes whatever attention you have to give like the attentive companion he is-- wholeheartedly trusts in you, and that your treatment of him will be something he can lose himself in. never questions what course you'll guide him upon; reliability established from the beginning provides all the more reason for his blind trust-- and blindly does he follow your lead down a spiral of your carnality, soon all his to be consumed by (⭒ ์ ⲳ ์ )
whatever risqué thing you'd want to enact on him, he welcomes it <3 press down on his airways in spite of overestimulation forcing him to gasp for air, do it 'till his head pounds and his vision gets blurry; if you want to fuck him without decency in a crowd,, all that would resemble an objection would be a flushed, ruddy face and whines. go right ahead and screw him silly, love <3
even if people side-eye and mummer amongst themselves, it wouldn't particularly interrupt his high. if you're still by his side and satisfied, it's okay <3 always be by his side, and he'll do everything-- anything, to justify your desire in him
you could want him to do the most pathetic and disgusting things, and he'd do so in a heartbeat. fuck, you could use him as a urinal and he'd just be happy you like him that much. yuuta, your dear dogboy.
I'm glad that you appreciated line because I thought to remove it until the end during rereading, since it was written after I was distracted by something and then "oh! paw!.. probably wrote something about the 'animal theme'" </3
content warnings: kinda unhealthy dynamic (as always with him), pet names, poor yuuta but as I promised no angst <3
hyperstimulation (g.), dumbification (g.), oral sex (r.) + oral fixation (mention of Gojo & Toge), hard kinks (breath play, mention of piss kink), penetration giving, (semi?) public sex implied
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ajshaskhsjshs yessir,,,,, the best boy, so precious and dedicated to you that will do anything without hesitation or question — or, more precisely, let you do anything with him, but Yuuta still tries to please you, even if you make him bury himself in pillows and relax <3 it's time for pretty dogboys to keep their thighs spread and stay silly while you decide everything <33
Yuuta certainly tends to think too much — not good for his ability to relax, though; but luckily he has you, and you're willing to take on these terrible things and not let him think about anything until you're sure he's learned his lesson well <333
what should cute boys do?.. wrong, cute boys should lie down and be cute & dumb. if he can't answer even such a simple question, then why doesn't he stop thinking about something serious? there's nothing wrong with him not being good at it, it suits him to have an empty head♡
and you, in fact, do not humiliate him at all — you really appreciate your cute puppy, so desperate even from just stroking his stomach, and you take care of him; he does not need to try to be the same as you or look smart, you love him even if the only thing he will do is accept you and follow you <3333
(when you said "spiral of your carnality", I immediately remembered that old thing where Yuuta, even if he has a strong enough gag reflex, still tries to accept you until he buries his nose in pubic hair, and he sometimes gets so carried away with the process that he forgets to breathe until you push him away or he doesn't start to choke too much </333 sorry darlin')
(again a departure from the topic, but he seems to actually have a slight oral fixation? not like Toge or Gojo, but, you know, when Yuuta realizes at some point that the best way to make you feel good is with his mouth, and he soon begins to adore it; call it 'self-brainwashing', but it's just a coincidence that he so easily starts liking the same things as you, okay?)
ahhhhhhhh... big brain,,,,,, it would be so easy for you to put arm around his neck — he's not one of those overly "muscular-muscle-boys", you know.
of course, you take care of everything — in addition to consent, you specify what would be more suitable for him, and the poor boy is lost, because, well... your palm around his neck already seems comfortable enough? hhh, he doesn't care about anything else; listen, as long as it's you, he'll like everything.
of course, he has limits! but- he is always ready to review them, so you should not ask such questions, hahaha...
but his cute expression when your hand wraps around his throat,,, his body twitches so sweetly when you keep holding, cooing something, but he doesn't even realize that — just feeling less and less oxygen coming to him; saliva flowing from his mouth, but he doesn't even think about stopping you or using a "safe sign", allowing you to make him lose touch with reality more and more, makes things around him blur more and more, as if he is looking through a cloudy glass, and his heart is pounding louder and louder in an almost frenzied rhythm,,,,,,
but if you push into him,,, Yuuta is so sensitive, but cannot make a sound, only whining and wheezing, almost whimpering; his face is so wet, with his tongue slightly sticking out, trying to inhale, but you hold him tightly, and a painfully hot knot gradually grows inside him, as if he is in an agonizing fever, which is getting stronger with each of your thrusts,,,,,,,,,
but when his body starts shaking even harder. too much, too little — he doesn't even understand what's going on, except that an unexpected painfully sweet wave is happening inside him, which is getting stronger and stronger with every second, not letting him relax,,,,,
in the end, Yuuta tries to tell you that he can continue — but he can't even think, only cling, mumbling something to make it clear that he is still desperately grasping at the elusive consciousness <333
apparently, you will have to slow down a little when you realize that he does not react to touch in any way — the babyboy has lost consciousness, but still tries to wrap around you and not let you get free. maybe it doesn't look very strong, and it's actually light, but it will be hard for you to get out of the tenacious embrace </333
good dogboys are not shy when they are fucked <3
Yuuta behaves like such an adorable puppy, whining and sticking out his tongue when comes again, but you bend him, not letting others see his adorable face when he clings to your clothes, something deliciously whining,,,, he is so shamelessly desperate when you fuck him, even if everyone around can hear his moans and pleas — when everyone around can see how good he is, and their eyes slide over him, and he should be ashamed, but he can't think about others when you are so close and deep, even if he should probably be at least a little ashamed — the boy loves attention.
after all, isn't it his wish that he never be alone? you are sure that no one will be able to ignore him when he is so loud and clearly enjoying what is happening, but even if you want to tease him, his brain is full of thoughts only about you, he does not even realize that there is someone nearby — and even if he did, he would not be able to stop.
people see, and he should want to tell you something, but only begs to be rougher and deeper — his body feels so sensitive and raw, as if every nerve has become exposed, and you are playing with him, making him go more and more crazy. he couldn't even imagine something so shameful before, but now he just refuses more and more decency, allowing himself to be used and enjoying this fact, too full of pleasure to even talk.
but he knows, he knows that it doesn't matter as long as you keep him close to you, cooing, how well he's doing, and how well you feel — there's nothing more important than these feelings and these words; it doesn't matter to him whether they call him a pervert or an animal, as long as you consider him yours a good boy and your spouse, with whom you want to spend all your lives.
as long as you hold his hand, it doesn't matter, and Yuuta doesn't know what he wants more — that you knew it or that it was his secret that you should never find out.
(I beg you,,,, you tell him that you want to try something, and he looks askance, waiting for you to offer it to him — and he is so inept at hiding it </3 he has a body, you have ideas, it would be nice for you to combine it you know </33 he is very hardy and strong even if he doesn't look like that </333 of course, he doesn't hint at anything, but he has broad views and an open mind you know </3333 maybe you could do something about it </33333)
no, but listen; yuuta & piss/cum play/inflation sounds a little too good?.. I see don't look at me </3
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darlingpwease · 2 years
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content warnings: penetration giving implied, rough sex, brat taming g., hypersensitivity, hyperstimulation g., light voyeurism, praise g.
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have you ever thought about the dynamics of kyojuro x reader x giyuu, but reader and giyuu are hypersexuals and constantly having sex, while kyojuro has a lower libido, but touch starved and has a moderate voyeuristic interest.
like, he's not so interested in getting physical pleasure, but he likes to see how his boyfriend's usually cold and impenetrable face gets wet and rosy while you make him cum again because he was such a good boy, or when you coo that you need a little help to prevent giyuu from squeezing his legs, on just in case, and kyojuro, of course, is always happy to help you; especially when you give him grateful kisses while giyuu twitches and fidgets under you, whining from the sensations.
or when you roughly grab his hair and drive his head into the pillow, growling that he should know what he can and cannot do, and that this is how naughty brats are treated, and kyojuro must surely feel bad for him — but looking at how hard his cock is, kyojuro understands that he's definitely enjoying what's happening, and looking at how majestic you look... he can't disagree.
or when you have an aftercare period, and you and giyuu are hugging sticky, since you can't just get up and are too exhausted, and kyojuro is already here with water to then lie down between you, and you and giyuu snuggle up to a cooler kyojuro, coming to your senses. after all, he's touch straved, he'll catch any moment to get touched, especially if it's a double hug.
or, listen, a short episode when he hears that you're kind of going to finish soon, and is getting ready for it? he just wants to take care of both of you, even if he's not the most skilled in the kitchen! at least giyuu always gets hungry after he recovers — and very full of energy, so he will help clean up the mess that has arisen.
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darlingpwease · 3 years
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cw interspecies relationship / teratophilia, pet names (pet, toy, human), marking, petting, rough sex (biting), unhealthy behaviour, dub-con / non-con, forced breeding, praise kink (g.), dumbification (g.), penetration giving
𝔡𝔞𝔯𝔩𝔦𝔫𝔤(𝔰): sea slayer! Zenitsu Agatsuma x monster [lamia implied]! Reader
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Zenitsu, being a hunter of sea monsters, never felt confident in this role, being too timid and fearful.
But when one day the sea monster pulls him into the water, purring and saying that such a pretty human can't help but be 'good breeding material', and that 'the cubs will definitely be beautiful and healthy', Zenitsu definitely feels too enthusiastic; he should pass out or scream, but shivers and blushes when you lick his tears, saying that your 'human pet should not cry!!! you will take good care of him!!!".
And when you kiss him, wrapping yourself around him, and take off his clothes to start breeding as soon as possible, Zenitsu only whines, especially when your cold fingers touch his warm skin, or when you squeeze him even tighter, purring that he is so cute and sweet, kissing his face.
You can't be so sweet, you're a monster.
And he has to resist to get out, in case you eat him, but you just laugh and purr that your pet can play as much as he wants before you breed him until he loses consciousness from stimulation; after all, because of the activities of monster killers, many died, so the two of you will increase the population! Or, if the impregnation fails, you will save him as a cute pet, because he is so pretty.
It is always good to have the soft and pretty mating toy that does not resist and wants to be bred.
He can only be cute and obedient, he does not have to think about something or prove something! A pretty human can be dumb and trust you and your decisions.
After all, if a pretty human was 'smart' and didn't want to mate with you, he wouldn't have come to your house. But you will make sure that the cute pet is always at home, happy and well fucked! He can just sit there, you will take care of everything!
Pretty mating pet just needs to keep his soft thighs spread and tell you if he feels uncomfortable. And when you touch his hard cock through his pants, purring that he is already ready to mate, such a lustful pet, Zenitsu gets dizzy, but whines, letting you kiss his neck and ears, moan and sob, slobbering; scratching you while you stroke his cock.
The weak, submissive pet, whining for you to kiss him. So needy and dumb. You are obliged to take care of him and breed him until he can no longer cum, whimpering that you have overfilled him, only to tremble and not be able to speak clearly while you give him even more.
When you lift his legs, Zenitsu twitches slightly, trying to snuggle closer to you, whining weakly, but his whining becomes an ecstatic moan when you stretch him with one push, which makes him grab your shoulders with an astonished expression, drooling, sobbing briefly.
And even when you start pushing even harder, biting his shoulders and neck, squeezing his nipples, the pet chokes, wrapping his arms around your neck while you fuck him, pinning him against the cave wall.
"M-more— more... please, mor— e"
And even if he's not too comfortable, his body is too busy with you to try to stop your thrusts into his hole.
Such a slutty pet.
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darlingpwease · 3 years
It consists of two small parts: a date with your mate (sfw) and your rut (nsfw).
𝔲𝔫𝔦𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔰𝔢: omegaverse au, a world where people make love instead of aggression (implied)
cw sex during heat / rut, knotting, penetration (g.), rough sex, size kink, unprotected sex, light breeding kink, once spanking, mention of male pregnancy
𝔡𝔞𝔯𝔩𝔦𝔫𝔤(𝔰): α! Zenitsu Agatsuma x top! α! Reader
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A long touch, a shy look, a slight blush; a nervous, rapid speech that for some reason you could understand, although Zenitsu seemed to be trying to make it even more confusing with every word. And although you understood that your mate is just very eager and wants to say a lot of things, sometimes he just needed to be stroked and relaxed.
To be honest, you didn't know that you liked alphas romantically.
Of course, some of them were very bright and it was hard not to feel sympathy for them, but it was a natural part of your nature. It was natural that you had various attractions for them, but a romantic attraction?
Even now, looking at how your mate ate his pancakes with syrup, purring and glowing with happiness, from time to time shyly looking at you in love, you could not help but be surprised and admired by the fact of falling in love with this alpha from all around you.
And although someone might have quipped that you fell in love with Zenitsu because of how similar he is to the omegas, but you understood that even in a drunken state you would not confuse Zenitsu with omega. Even if he smelled like omega. Definitely not.
He felt like a 'real alpha', even despite his behavior and appearance.
When you intertwine your fingers with his, Zenitsu chokes on a milkshake from surprise. But after a couple of minutes and your "reassurances", you continued the date with intertwined fingers, although he was still very ruddy and shyly looked away, leaning back in the seat.
Such a cutie.
And when you tell him about this, Zenitsu sobs with excitement and excitedly scolds you that you definitely want to stop his heart with such words and actions and should treat him more carefully. He is sensitive, you can't say such words to him without preparation!
... Still the most beautiful cutie who deserves the best treatment.
You leave the cafe a little later, being unable not to giggle at how prettily offended and ruddy he looks with his puffed cheeks and looks. Zenitsu inflates only more, but lets you hug him and purr to him pleasantness.
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You had doubts, but the sight of your partner trembling with excitement, fear and impatience definitely intoxicated you more than the smell of any omega in heat.
When you put your hands on his hips, trying to push even deeper, Zenitsu whines into the pillow, bending in the back even more, purring and whimpering, like your sweet, in need of breeding omega. But he was an alpha, and the realization that he still desperately wants your knot inside him until you overwhelm him with yourself made you even more excited.
When you push even harder, he responds with loud moans that make you dizzy — or maybe you are dizzy because of the smells and heat, which makes you want to drive even rougher until Zenitsu cries from hyperstimulation. Throw his legs over your shoulders and push into him until you stretch him into a knot, from which Zenitsu will sob, whimpering that you are too big for his hole, clinging to you, feeling so full and hot inside until you cum deep inside.
But you slap him lightly on the ass, and Zenitsu purrs, trembling, muttering something into the pillow, although you know that he likes rough treatment; after all, even if he is an alpha, he is still your adorable toy who likes to be fucked until he loses consciousness.
Maybe that's why you agreed to mate with him during your rut, when it would be too difficult for you to control yourself and your aggression.
When you push inside him again, Zenitsu squeezes you too hard, but the second push makes him cry out from the intensity, and although you are sure that he is now muttering about how rude you are, you can only press your lips to his shoulder, stopping ramming him, carefully moving inside his throbbing and squeezing; gentle stroking of his dick oozing with pre-ejaculate is enough to make him relax, although he moaned, feeling the fullness inside and your careful stroking of his knot.
"W-wai- I- wha-"
But he still whimpers and chokes when your knot goes inside him, stretching too much, which makes him tremble even more, twitching under you while his cock throbs in your hands. The pillow is opened by his claws, while he whines and slobbers, breathing even harder with each push, until the knot is completely in him, which makes Zenitsu dumbfounded puts his hand on his stomach, squeezing you even tighter.
When you cover him with your palm, Zenitsu realizes with a faint amazement that he has finished, without even realizing it because of his absorption in your knot.
"Y-your knot... I... I ac-cept?.."
Gently stroking his belly, filled with you, calms him down a little, but you still feel how he shakes and squeezes you tightly, as if you can get out of him. Your knot gets bigger and stretches him, but after you put Zenitsu on his side, it became more convenient to rub his stomach to make sure that you don't get too big.
A gentle caress and words of praise to Zenitsu is enough to relax a little more.
"... [Y/n], If I get pregnant, will you take responsibility for it?"
You freeze for a couple of seconds before you realize that he is asking this seriously. But when you tell him that he can't get pregnant, Zenitsu only blushes more.
"But if I get pregnant?"
... In the end, you make him cum a few more times before he relaxes and falls asleep.
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