#( figured they'd know of each other but maybe not know each otehr ... or ran into each other here and there in the past )
lgcjaesun · 9 months
an lgc university starter for @lgcnayoung
for jaesun, it was extremely odd to be attending prom, at least in this context. he had honestly never been interested in things like this, despite being quite a social person, but when he was in school, he preferred to keep his dancing to the practice room. however, seeing that this prom was for everyone, it at least made him feel a little less awkward about being here and part of it.
he was wandering around the space, admiring everything that was going on around him when he accidentally bumped into someone. "oh my gosh, i'm so sorry!" he exclaimed as he looked to the other. "are you alright?" he realized that he recognized her, though he didn't know if it was a bit creepy that he did. "nayoung, is it?"
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