#((obviously enzo is just play thing to her; but like. she'd never let him die))
musesoiree · 4 years
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     Family means quite a lot to Bayonetta. After spending her adolescent years singled out as a blemish to her entire world, it was a gift to have those few that truly didn’t care what she was and bonded with her anyways. Jeanne, her mother, and her father were the only ones she could call loved ones without fighting back the need to retch. So when it comes to other individuals relationships with their family, she may be more... sincere. With matters that abide by those lines.
     Of course, it will be spoken in that patented Bayonetta way, acting as though she couldn’t care less so long as it doesn’t become an issue she has to personally deal with, but her advice will come from an honest place. And, should she find out that someone is an honest and good parent, your likeliness of being killed by her just dropped to zero. 
     She’ll roughhouse, she’ll flirt, and she’ll poke fun, but being properly harmed by her is extremely unlikely. Now, deadbeats are a totally different story, they’re likely to get an even bigger boot to the ass. But those good souls that have their family in mind? You’ll get a.... nicer version of Bayonetta. Emphasis on the ‘nice-ER’ part. She won’t be changing to an entirely different person, but she’ll be ever so slightly less rude. She may literally be soulless, but she’s not heartless.
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