#(I wanted more of Sanada. A LOT MORE)
twinsand · 7 months
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hecksupremechips · 3 months
To also go off of the point about cop!akihiko being annoying to me I gotta say that Akihiko as a character is very hit or miss with me because of how different adaptations of p3 will subtly alter his character. I felt like in portable with the femc route he comes off best, he’s a bit of a hothead with an obsession with fighting, but he’s overcompensating his strength so he doesn’t feel as weak and helpless as he’s been in many situations. He defines strength in a very literal sense, being physically strong and using that to protect others, but he’s lacking in emotional strength as a result. And in particular in this version I think he’s portrayed as a bit more goofy and sweet in a sense. He cares deeply for you as a friend and leader but he struggles with finding the words to describe how he feels. Hes kinda naive and gullible and has trouble noticing his surroundings. He has no clue what he’s doing but his heart is in the right place. I think he just comes off much more human and he has flaws, many many flaws, and that makes him all the more lovable
But then in other adaptations and spinoffs it’s like. They look at him through some hetero male bullshit filter and seem to view him as a lot more admirable and cool. Like in p3 dancing, theres literally an event where he’s talking with Junpei and Minato and they’re gushing about how perfect Akihiko is and how he doesn’t seem to have ANY flaws at all. And it becomes clear his inability to flirt with women just gets added as a way to make sure you, the Straight Male Player, don’t get insecure being next to such Perfection because at the end of the day, you’re still more charming and sexy than he will ever be because you’re better. It’s a “flaw” that’s only there to shield a sensitive male ego. And then in arena I mean, come on. He’s overly beefy and is a damn cop and travels the world and loves Protein™️ it’s his whole personality and he’s so clearly meant to be seen as hot but like, he’s just some shitty hetero male fantasy. Hes what the writers deem to be a Perfect Man that every guy wishes he could be, but don’t worry he’s still bad with women so you don’t gotta worry about him stealing your property- I mean, girlfriend!
And though I’ve not played reload and don’t really plan to anytime soon, judging from his social episodes they seem to have a similar problem. Akihiko comes off as a lot less approachable, like the year age gap is just too much of a barrier to get to know him properly. And he doesn’t have that dorky sweetness he has in portable, he’s just that perfect hetero male fantasy guy and don’t you fucking worry- he still has his protein powder with him
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linagram · 6 months
[ 𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚝-𝚝𝟸 𝚟𝚘𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚍𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚊 #𝟶𝟷 ] 𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚖𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚗𝚘 𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎
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the second trial is getting closer and closer to its end. it's time for miki to finally meet jackalope, learn more about how this place works and who she's going to work with in the next season.
(also she has her hair down now!)
(the door opens)
Miki: *sighs*
Miki: Well, uh..
Miki: I guess it's over.
Miki: ...
Miki: It's.. kinda lonely now.
(sound of Miki sitting down on her bed)
Miki: This is so..
Miki: *starts crying*
Miki: This is not.. fair.. 
Miki: Eiji-san.. had worked so hard.. 
Miki: A-and now..
Miki: H-he'll be fine, right? I mean, we don't have anyone who can treat him, b-but..
Miki: I-I asked Chiba-san, but she's not a doctor, she's just the oldest one here..
Miki: A-and I can only d-do first aid stuff..
Miki: T-thankfully, it's just a broken arm, it could've been much worse..
Miki: But still..
Miki: .. Why is Eiji-san the only guard that the prisoners can touch?
Jackalope: Good question.
Jackalope: Okay, before you try to hit me with anything-
Miki: WHO ARE YOU?! 
Miki: Or.. uh..
Miki: "I.. I knew there was something wrong with this place, but I didn't expect to see this rabbit thing-"
Miki: ...
Miki: .. Rabbit thing?
Jackalope: Here we go again.
Jackalope: Oh-
Miki: Are you the rabbit that Hiyuu-san mentioned?!
Jackalope: S-stop shaking me-
Jackalope: .. Hiyuu?
Miki: Uh.. You know..
Miki: The third guard.
Miki: Wait, why am I even having a conversation with you? How can you even talk?!
Jackalope: Let's talk about that later.
Miki: I literally want to know why we can talk like this!
(sound of Jackalope jumping down on the bed)
Jackalope: Anyway. 
Jackalope: So, you're Miki, right? 
Jackalope: Yeah, you're definitely the cutest one out of all the guards we have this time.
Miki: .. How many guards do you have exactly?
Jackalope: Eh, there was supposed to be one more, but he couldn't handle the pressure, so..
Miki: .. What do you mean by that?
Jackalope: Actually, maybe I should explain how exactly we chose the guards this time. I don't think anything bad will happen if you learn more about this.
Jackalope: Also, I just trust you more than that Eiji guy. There is a reason why you're the "goddess of this place" after all, haha.
Miki: B-but what happened to the fourth guard-
Jackalope: So, you have probably already noticed that there's some kind of pattern if you think more about the connection you and Eiji have with other prisoners.
Jackalope: Two prisoners in particular. 
Miki: .. Eiji-san and Kei-san are brothers. Me and Asahi-san are siblings.
Jackalope: Exactly. So, why do you think we decided that we should choose the prisoners' siblings as the guards?
Miki: .. No idea. 
Jackalope: Well, you might be thinking that we did it out of some kind of sadistic urge to make you two judge your own siblings, however, Eiji hates Kei and would love to see him die.. or at least that's what he says, and it took you some time to remember that Marito is actually your brother.
Miki: How do you know his-
Jackalope: It isn't actually that entertaining, especially if we consider how you two tend to vote everyone. Eiji would still vote Kei guilty no matter what and you would do the opposite with Marito and forgive him every single time.
Jackalope: Also, this is just.. tasteless to me. What we need is actual judgement, even if it's based only on the prisoners' looks, and not your connections and relationships and how much you will cry when it's time to vote them guilty.
Jackalope: Though you have to agree that you have.. certain relationship dynamics with some of them. I bet it's getting harder to make decisions because of them.
Miki: So.. Why did you go for the prisoners' siblings?
Jackalope: The answer is simple, really.
Jackalope: Because it was easier.
Miki: .. Huh?
Jackalope: Think about it. What, you think we just found you all in a minute?
Jackalope: Yes, this prison might work in some mysterious ways that are impossible for someone like you to understand, but we had to find ten murderers who live in completely different cities and towns, wait for the right moment to send them here, make sure their family, friends and loved ones didn't find out and we also needed to find guards to judge them. Not one guard, but more, because this time we needed to see how the trial would go with people who have completely different morals.
Jackalope: So, then we found out more information about everyone's family members, we learned about you and Eiji, and we were like..
Jackalope: We need to put these two in the same room and see how it will play out.
Jackalope: But we still needed more than two guards because there was a possibility of you two refusing to work together and we didn't want a 50/50 result, so..
Miki: What is a "50/50 result"?
Jackalope: So yeah, we just decided that it will be easier to choose the prisoners' siblings as the guards because we wouldn't have to think too hard about it.
Miki: ...
Miki: U-um, sir, I don't know your name..
Jackalope: Oh, right, please forgive me for not introducing myself earlier, haha. Call me Jackalope-
Miki: A-anyway, sir, that's kind of lame.
Jackalope: Huh.
Jackalope: No, no, I want you to elaborate.
Miki: Well.. I thought that there would be more thought put into.. 
Miki: You know.. All of this.
Jackalope: But we did put a lot of thought into it! 
Jackalope: For example, we've even chosen-
Jackalope: .. Ahem. I did agree to tell you about the siblings part, but I have to stop myself here. You're lucky that you're cute and it's hard to say no to you.
Miki: "I just wanted to learn more about the fourth guard.."
Miki: S-so, the fourth guard is-
Jackalope: We actually weren't sure if we should make you and Eiji the prisoners or Kei and Asahi.
Miki: ... What?
Jackalope: Or, you know, Kei and you, Eiji and Asahi, whatever.
Miki: W-what? Why?
Miki: W-why would you have a problem with making that choice?
Jackalope: Well, I think you already know the answer.
Jackalope: I mean, you all are murderers in some way.
Miki: ...
(sound of Miki falling on the floor)
Jackalope: Aw, don't look so sad. You already knew that-
Miki: But I.. But.. 
Miki: B-but Marito is alive! He's here! I didn't kill him!
Miki: I still think I'm a terrible sister and he deserves someone better than me, but..
Jackalope: Oh, Miki, you know I'm talking about someone else.
Miki: ...
Jackalope: We both know that Marito wasn't your victim.
Miki: ...
Miki: Well, Eiji-san can't be a murderer. He's too good for that.
Jackalope: "Good"? *laughs* You're way too pure for someone like him.
Jackalope: You seriously think a normal guy would have so much fun punishing everyone? And would be so experienced with coming up with ways to torture people?
Miki: E-even if he did kill someone, I'm sure he had a reason-
Jackalope: And so what? He's still a murderer.
Jackalope: You are a murderer. He is a murderer. The prisoners are murderers too. 
Jackalope: Milgram doesn't care about how you guys did it and why. You all had something to do with someone's death. Whether it was a direct murder, whether it was driving someone to suicide, whether it was causing someone's death by inaction, whether it was an accident, whether it was self-defense, this prison doesn't care.
Miki: .. But this isn't how a normal prison works. This isn't how normal trials work.
Jackalope: And you already know this place is anything but normal.
Miki: .. Is Hiyuu-san also a murderer?
Jackalope: Hm.. Kind of, but not really. Though he is partially responsible for someone.. almost dying.
Jackalope: And because of you and Eiji being more.. direct, we made you two wake up first.
Jackalope: Actually, if we count the fourth one, he was the one who woke up first, but.. There was a reason for that.
Miki:"We weren't the ones who woke up first?!"
Jackalope: There also was another reason why we went for the siblings, but this one.. Yeah, I'm not going to talk about it much.
Jackalope: So let's just say, it would be easier for us to make some.. changes to the trial.
Miki: "Changes"?
Jackalope: Well, for example..
Jackalope: If you keep asking more questions, maybe one day you will be the one waking up in a prison cell and waiting for your brother to judge you.
Miki: B-but you were the one who decided to tell me all this!..
Miki: Wait..
Miki: What.. does this all mean?
Miki: Actually, who are "we"?
Miki: You're wearing what looks like a guard uniform.. But I don't think you're one of the guards..
Jackalope: Haha, no, I'm not the fourth guard-
Miki: ...
Jackalope: See? You all are murderers. Simple as that.
Jackalope: Oh, right, it's time for you two to properly meet each other.
Jackalope: I know you two have already met in person..
Jackalope: Even though I had told him not to leave his room..
Jackalope: Anyway, meet the third guard of the Milgram prison: Kuroki Hinode!
(the door opens)
(sounds of Hinode's steps)
Hinode: I really could just use a screen for this, but it'd be very rude..
Hinode: Hello, Miki-san. It's very nice to meet you again like this.
Jackalope: So, how are you doing?
Jackalope: Not good, huh? Understandable.
Jackalope: But hey, at least it was Yurika who broke your arm. I can't imagine how you'd react if it was Kei.
Jackalope: Well, I doubt you'll be able to participate in the voting process this time. 
Jackalope: Anyway, see you-
Eiji: .. Judge..
Jackalope: Hm?
Eiji: I still.. 
Eiji: Need to judge them..
Jackalope: Hey, I admire your diligence, but we already have a guard with health problems, so-
Eiji: Well, what else do you expect me to do?!
Eiji: I'm not just gonna lie here!
Eiji: If I can't judge them, WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?!
Eiji: !
Eiji: .. It hurts..
Jackalope: *sighs* I really wish you could be more obedient. Why can't you just follow the others' example?
Eiji: .. Did you do something to me?
Jackalope: Huh?
Eiji: Nobody can touch Miki. But they can touch me perfectly fine. 
Eiji: And if I remember correctly, this started to happen only when the second trial began.
Eiji: So.. Again, did you do something to me?
Jackalope: .. Seriously, why do you remember our first meeting so well?
Jackalope: Now, where was that thing.. 
Jackalope: Right. Anyway, you'll forget everything in like five minutes, so I can just say it to you right now.
Jackalope: Eiji, I mean this in the nicest way possible. 
Jackalope: Your punishments are creative. I really wish I could see you punish more prisoners after the first trial.
Jackalope: But no, there wasn't even any fight between you and Miki. You've just let her save like seven prisoners.
Jackalope: So, uh.. You don't really make a good guard.
Jackalope: And you didn't give us the result we wanted, so..
Jackalope: Yeah, this is your punishment.
Eiji: ...
Jackalope: Anyway, have a nice dream.
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sasorikigai · 1 year
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This is an obligatory John Wick: Chapter 4 review; it will most likely be extremely biased, because first and foremost, I am an utmost fan of Hiroyuki Sanada’s work, and I have special appreciation and affection for his chemistry with Keanu Reeves (47 Ronin is one of my absolute favorite movies). 
Spoilers Alert!
Objective, nearly-indisputable review of the film: 
The fourth installment literally embodies all the culmination of what John Wick franchise stands for, as I dare say it stands above all the action films in regards to how much variety is there, how much visceral and adrenaline-filled action choreography was there, and also, remarkable camerawork and stunt people work. Chad Stahelski’s prowess as a stuntman definitely shows as John Wick world expands globally. 
Most notable action sequences are definitely the ones taking in Paris, specifically the one around Arc de Triomphe and on the steps of Sacré Cœur.  
The ensemble cast, including martial arts movie icons Donnie Yen (Caine), Hiroyuki Sanada (Shimazu), and Scott Adkins. Also, definitely enjoyed the new character ‘Mr. Nobody,’ and Rina Sawayama as Shimazu’s daughter, Akira. Bill Skarsgard as the Marquis de Gramont, the all-powerful member of the High Table (aka the criminal council Wick is waging war against) was a remarkable villain as well. 
John Wick vc.: “CONSEQUENCES.”
Killing begets more killing, and also vengeful hatred (credit scene). Shimazu Koji is killed by Caine trying to protect his daughter and John Wick. Eventually his daughter will want to take vengeance on her father’s killer. 
Subjective, extremely biased review of the film: 
I was very excited to know that Hiroyuki Sanada’s character was an old friend of John Wick’s, Shimazu Koji, who had trained with him. He also runs the Osaka Continental Hotel!  I had more than a mere speculation that he is going to die (just like any other films Sanada has done - he has a reputation of being Japanese Sean Penn), but Shimazu died so quick and not really an hour in the movie??
I also thought Caine and John Wick’s chemistry and complicated relationship was much more compelling and intricate than the relationship between Shimazu and Wick. Obviously they exude gravitas, grace, and geniality when they share the screen and I thoroughly enjoyed that, but I really wanted to see them engage more in action sequences (preferably together, defending one another just as Wick and Caine do later in the film). 
Otherwise, truly appreciated the significance of the scene they shared in the beginning (Shimazu serving Wick tea, then Japanese whiskey, I believe). And the dialogue they engage is short, but philosophical and it truly shows Shimazu’s ‘spirit of Samurai,’ as Sanada called it. 
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 5 months
Autistic Anime Boys Prelims - Propaganda Division - Group 9
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Shinpei -
"Has a tendency to ignore his emotions in high stress situations in favor of looking at everything logically, even when it is detrimental for him to take that approach. Keeps meticulous track of everything that happens around him."
Sunny -
"Sunny has been told that his face is not expressive. He doesn't talk a lot and he often gets lost into his imagination. He is a great listener and recalls a lot of information being told he has a great memory (he is able to remember a whole speech about flower symbolism that his friend told him) He is compared to a cat."
Yuki -
"He has difficulty communicating with other people and suffers from extreme social anxiety, feeling like he's drowning when placed in uncomfortable social situations or scenarios where she doesn't know how to respond. This also causes him to go red in the face and clench his jaw, which other characters wrongfully interpret as him becoming angry. Through meeting Haru (and getting pulled into his plan to save the world), he becomes friends with him and Natsuki and develops his own strong interest in fishing."
Meursault -
"not only is he based on the character from camus' l'étranger who has actual scholarly debate on him being autistic, meursault is just… so autism. hes this stoic, terse guy with resting bitch face who doesnt really seem to fully process that he isnt showing any emotions and that that offputs people, and hes very blunt and literal with things. once another character asked if he had metal for brains as an insult and he responded by telling him the exact chemical composition of his brain to show that it is not metal. once the other characters made food so bad that when he tasted it he went on a minute straight long monologue about how much it sucked. he then proceeded to cook his own food which the giant evil chicken monster man that was judging the food tasted and said was so intensely done to the letter of the recipe that it was too boring. hes like if autism was a guy and that guy was french."
Zack -
"does things based almost solely on whether or not he wants to, at one point in the series, he doesn't tell the rest of the cast that he can fly a spaceship because he doesn't feel like it. he also take everything everyone else tells him seriously, such as when another character he knew as a kid said they were going to get married one day, he took it very seriously and was confused when said character tried to confess her feelings again and he said he thought their promise from when they were kids was still on."
Joujirou -
"This boy is autism incarnate. No social skills, no normal pain perception, complete weirdo. He even has a special interest which becomes a mild issue when he joins the main cast lol."
Alus the Star Runner -
"He’s a three-armed wyvern gunslinger with cool goggles and a lightsaber. Need I say more? …Okay then. Alus was born as a mutant cripple and rejected by his kind but managed to overcome this and rise up to become Flying Reptile Indiana Jones. He’s famed as the greatest adventurer in the land, but also struggles to keep up a conversation and prefers to remain on his own (which is especially unusual for wyverns, who usually gather in giant flocks). He has exactly one (1) friend, whom he completely fails to understand as a person but still values and respects immensely. Despite his difficulties with social interaction, he’s repeatedly shown to be incredibly resourceful and intelligent, with a single-minded drive and persistence unmatched by anyone else in the series. (Also canonically asexual, because who needs a family when you can fight dragons perfectly well on your own?)"
Mamoru -
"the ORIGINAL autistic magical boy."
Shizuka -
"he's the most emotionally intelligent & mentally stable member of the cast & he's in love with the least emotionally intelligent & most emotionally volatile character ever. he's constantly got the vibe of looking into the camera like he's in the office while he's dealing with everyone else's bullshit. he's so steadfast & loyal that it makes me want to cry. he's so bad at expressing himself in a way that other people understand that for the longest time the boy he's in love with thinks that Doumeki doesn't even like him."
Idia -
"He’s a shut-in weirdo with long messy hair, a sleep deprived look in his eyes, and one of the few students to have a hoodie as part of his school uniform. He’s a prodigal tech genius with the vibes of burn out and depression. He’s usually quite meek around people, but when he clicks with a conversation topic, he gets all energetic and fired up and sometimes a bit haughty too. To avoid going out of his room and interacting with people face to face, he invented a mobile tablet with text to speech. He stays up all night playing video games and while he has trouble with IRL relationships, he’s made a genuine friend out of one of his gaming buddies (who he doesn’t realize is actually one of his classmates). He stans an idol group and once got into a hacking war against some dorm mates over it. He rebuilt his dead brother as a robot who has become somewhat of a therapist to him. The only reason he went out on a holiday vacation with school acquaintances is due to the location being featured in an anime, then bonded with the one guy’s grandma when he realized his favorite girl was based on her. For the Halloween celebration, he convinced his dorm to theme themselves after his favorite B horror movie, constantly infodumping to people about it and going all out in recreating the special effects. In Book 5, he has a minor background arc of being forced to do public speaking. In another Halloween event, he was forced to be a back-up singer and managed to pull through despite the social anxiety. He’s the most autistic student in all of Night Raven College and possibly in all of Twisted Wonderland too."
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randoimago · 6 months
Hello, hope you having a nice day!
Can I request a childhood to lover for Mitsuru, Yukari, Fuuka, and Akihiko
Childhood Friends to Lovers
Fandom: Persona 3
Character(s): Akihiko Sanada, Fuuka Yamagishi, Mitsuru Kirijo, Yukari Takeba
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): Here you go! Massive spoilers to the game !!
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You got to see all the tears that Akihiko shed as a kid. He really was a crybaby when he's cry over you and Shinjiro teasing him or when you would go out of your way to buy something for Miki that Akihiko couldn't.
You also saw the tears after the fire and when Miki passed. You both shed so many tears until Akihiko was the first to stop and promise that he'd get stronger. He didn't mean to grow distant, he just wanted to become stronger to protect those he cared about, to protect Shinjiro and to protect you.
You joined SEES with him and he was glad to have you and Shinjiro still by his side. But then the other incident happened and Shinjiro left and Akihiko felt more alone. He made you promise that you wouldn't leave him - something that he cringes about since and gets flustered when thinking of. But you instantly promised him to stay and it made his heart beat faster than he thought possible.
It isn't until he's trying to get Shinjiro to join back up that he realizes what he feels for you. He always thought it was just love as a really good friend. But Shinjiro teases and taunts him about not asking you out yet and that causes Akihiko to pause and really think about his words. And then he lost Shinjiro and now he can't lose you. All of his feelings come out like a dam being broken and he can't stop it, nor does he want to. Hearing that you love him back feels like he's finally let down the heaviest weight he's carried.
Fuuka has hid out at your house many times, promising her parents that you both would study. Which you do a little bit of just so she doesn't have to be a liar. But it's mostly her having fun and hanging out with you instead of being stressed about the pressure from her parents.
You were one of the only people that she talked to and was open with. Fuuka was so shy with everyone else, but you always made her feel comfortable and happy. And you were by her side when the bullying started. She tried not to bring it up, she didn't want to worry you. But then she vanished.
When Fuuka came back, she did her best to explain what she could to you. It was difficult - how does she even start to explain shadows and Tartarus? But she does her best as she doesn't want to lie and hide from you anymore.
And that includes her feelings. While she tried not to think about it, not wanting to confess when she wasn't proud with herself, she eventually does. It's scary and she doesn't want to lose you, but she knows she can't hide it any longer. You reciprocating her feelings causes her to sigh in relief and when she can make chocolates without accidentally poisoning someone, she'll gladly make you some.
Growing up together was definitely interesting. You two became friends because you were both taken to the same festival together and learned you lived relatively close. As kids, you both didn't quite realize how different your lives were, you were just kids.
As you grew older is when the differences made themselves more clear. A lot more was expected of Mitsuru. She had to learn to be more prim and proper, not that she minded. But you continued to be so different from her and she liked it. She enjoyed the differences you both had.
Going to the same high school together had given you two another reason to hang out since Mitsuru was constantly busy now. She tried not to drift away from you, she didn't want to lose you. But with SEES, with the Kirijo Group, and with Tartarus, a lot more was stacking on to her plate and it was tougher to find time for you. But she still did her best.
It wasn't until her father was murdered and she shut down that feelings came out. You helped snap her out of it. You were the one that said your feelings first. And while Mitsuru still had so much going on, she appreciated that. She promised you that once everything was fixed, you would learn everything and then you both could go on an official date. Just please, wait a little longer for her.
Your house was her safe space after she lost her father and her mother started leaving her behind. There's been so many tears that she's shed in front of you and so many times you've both fallen asleep cuddling because she needed that affection.
It was no wonder that she'd end up being a bit clingy to you growing up. At some point, she does try to distance herself because she doesn't want your relationship to turn sour or unhealthy because she's too dependent on you.
When she was spending time away from you, she realized how much she misses you. At first she thought it was just because you two are really good friends. But then she realized that it was more than that. Yukari definitely had some conflicted feelings after that realization.
Held her feelings back for the longest time because she was afraid of losing your friendship. It isn't until she does find her confidence and place within SEES that she decides to go for it. At hearing your feelings returned, it makes her laugh just because her worries seem so silly now that she knows you love her back.
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dulcesiabits · 1 year
a sign of affection.
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summary: a collection of (one requested, the other picked by me) drabbles for a anniversary celebration for my blog, taken from a prompt list! (ft. goro akechi, haru okumura, rise kujikawa, akihiko sanada).
notes: 685 words, drabbles, fluff
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Goro Akechi
❛ is that my shirt? ❜
Akechi freezes at the sound of your voice. “No,” he says stiffly, dropping the shirt he had been hugging onto the floor. “What are you doing here?”
You shrug. “Club got out early, so I thought I would stop by.” You walk into his room, and Akechi can’t meet your eyes.
“You should have given me notice. It’s quite rude to barge in, unannounced.”
The incriminating fabric is still pooled on the floor, but you plop down on the bed next to him without giving it a second glance. “I’ll remember next time. But you know, Goro, if you get lonely...” You pull him into a hug before he can react, and he instinctively leans into your warmth. “You can just call me.”
He holds you tightly without a word, burying his flushed face into your shoulder. Damn it. He should have never given you a spare key to his apartment... but it’s hard to regret it when you’re here with him.
Haru Okumura
❛ you can hold my hand, if you want. ❜
The crowd swells around you, and her voice gets lost in the noise. The afternoon rush at the train station was always crowded with students and employees making their way home, rendering any conversation fruitless.
“What?” you say.
“I said--” But she’s cut off again as a man shoulders his way past the two of you without an apology.
“I’m so sorry,” you yell. “Maybe we should move somewhere else.”
Haru looks down, and you try to shove your way closer to her. Someone curses at you, but you ignore them as you lean towards Haru-- and then she slips her hand into yours, fingers lacing together as she tugs you closer.
“We should hold hands for now. It’s too crowded,” she says, giving you a brilliant smile. All you can do is nod in response, face warm, as she leads you through the crowds.
Rise Kujikawa
❛ i was worried something happened to you. ❜
Rise flings her arms around you, ignoring Teddy’s and Yosuke’s protests as she barrels past them. You’ve just finished a particularly dangerous dungeon, and the scrapes and bruises littering your body seems to have incensed Rise’s sudden outburst.
“I’m okay, Rise,” you reassure her. It’s hard to return her hug when she has a death grip on your torso, but you manage to maneuver your arms around her.
“You! And Chie! and Yosuke! You’re way too reckless! Next time, you have to be more careful. Promise?”
“I promise,” you say. “I’ll always make it back to you, okay? No matter what.”
For a little while, it’s just the two of you, lost in your own little world... if you can just ignore Chie yelling at Yosuke and Teddy for making gagging noises at you and Rise.
Akihiko Sanada
❛ i’m here for you. don’t forget that. ❜
Akihiko clears his throat, the sound echoing in the empty classroom. He had offered to wait until your clubs were done so the two of you could walk home together, and now, he sits perched on the edge of a desk as you pack up.
“What brought this on?” you tease him, sliding your notebooks into your bag. “Did something happen while I was gone?”
“No, it’s just... You’ve been working really hard lately, and... it’s a lot, right? The Tartarus expeditions on top of work, and clubs, and school.”
“I’m okay! You and Mitsuru work twice as hard as I do, anyways. I can handle this much.”
Your words haven’t convinced Akihiko, who watches you with frustration. Before you can react, he leans in and kisses you. Your pencil case falls to the floor with a thump, but neither of you pays it any mind as he pulls back, resting his forehead against yours.
“I mean it,” he murmurs. “If you need anything at all, you have to tell me. Your burdens are my burdens. Don’t forget that.”
His eyes are clear as you breathe a soft “okay” against his lips, and you lean in to kiss him again.
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amateurletariat · 2 months
Okay so thanks to @doberbutts I started watching Shogun(2024)
And yeah, the newer adaption is uh..really graphic about some things. Human soup was not an exaggeration at all. And because I have a slight special interest in japan I ended up watching it all, and then started in on the 1980 version.
Holy shit some things went way hard, and some are just mild as hell, and then others are entirely different.
First, the version of the 1980 show I found has no subtitles for the japanese like at all. It was itentionally done like that for the scenes with Blackthorne, where we're supposed to be as lost as he is. But this one has none at all and I'm honestly loving that, even if it's not supposed to be like that, which I dunno
One major thing that stuck out was the lighting. 2024 is so. fucking. dark. you literally can't see anything more than once. Like a silhouette is all you get.
Then you have 1980 with modern spotlights hanging in the rigging of the ships 🤣 I mean like super fucking obvious, whole ass white light shining straight down onto the ropes. It's great, sincerely.
But the big differences in story and presentation are what I wanna go into(some of the more spoiler-oriented stuff) so go below the cut if you want more
2024-Starts off with written exposition, then goes to the Erasmus, with the dying crew feeling lost as hell. Captain has already given up and Blackthorne gives him his pistol. You can guess what happened. Fast forward a bit and we see the boat coming to shore and a lone Japanese man watching it before local samurai gather to see what this beat to hell ship is doing here. Ship is boarded and the crew are taken ashore. Cut to Osaka castle and we already get to meet Lord Toranaga (played by my man Hiroyuki Sanada) and the members of the court. In this version we also meet Fujiko's husband, whereas in the 1980 show he and their son were only mentioned in passing. The whole human soup thing is graphic af. I mean....Yeah....Dude bashes his own head in and we get to see that.
1980-Starts off with verbal exposition, and after a much happier intro, we cut to Blackthorne waking up in a Japanese-style room. This is where any cinematic reference to Japanese language and culture begins. Also captain is still alive but sick as hell, and one of their captors ends up in the cell with them. Seppuku ensues. Toned down the soup scene SO much, but added a second one where we only had the one guy in the 2024 version. A lot more outright "behave or we hurt your crew" exchange.
I'll add more later just tired rn
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malachiexists13 · 1 year
Gay Or Nay?: Ikemen Series Edition
86% voted yes, 14% voted no, so here’s the post. Reminder that these are MY impressions of the characters, and this is entirely a joke. No need to take me too seriously. If you disagree with me, that’s fine. No need to argue, just make your own post. 
Also small spoilers for my ikemen ocs series.
Ikemen Sengoku
Nobunaga Oda 
Have you SEEN his right and left hand men? He’s either an ally or bi-curious. Can’t decide. 
Masamune Date 
He flirts with Mai to hide his homosexuality /j 
Nah, I’ve seen how he admitted that he’d kiss Nobunaga. He’s gay. Bisexual if you please, but gay. 
Mitsuhide Akechi 
Is that even a question? Have you somehow not seen the way he flirts with Hideyoshi? Let’s be honest, he’s bisexual. 
Keiji Maeda 
Idk him well enough to judge that. 
Hideyoshi Toyotomi 
I know a lot of people are going to want me to say Hideyoshi is gay because of Mitsuhide... But honestly, Hideyoshi gives me the vibes of someone who says gay shit without realizing its gay. He seems more like a very supportive ally to me. 
Ieyasu Tokugawa 
Idk but I can see him as like, panromantic or something. He also screams femboy to me but we dont talk about that 
Mitsunari Ishida 
Confused ally <3 
Ranmaru Mori 
Confused ally pt.2 + closeted ace 
Yoshimoto Imagawa 
Gay (they try to push so hard that he’s pretty, and no straight man is supposed to be that pretty /j) 
Sasuke Sarutobi 
Nerdy gay 
Kanetsugu Naoe 
Either indifferent so like, some kind of mspec or somewhere on the ace spectrum, maybe both, not too sure 
Yukimura Sanada 
Awkward gay (secretly dating nerdy gay) 
Kenshin Uesugi 
That one token straight guy who no one is completely sure that he’s straight or not. 
Shingen Takeda 
In my brain, major flirt = major bisexual so- 
I’ve seen other people write him as like, indifferent or pansexual so I’m leaning towards that 
Wdym? He’s homophobic- (THIS IS A JOKE. NO HATE TOWARDS KENNYO) 
Motonari Mouri 
Kinda gives me either disaster bisexual or ace/aro vibes. 
Ikemen Revolution
Lancelot Kingsley 
Gay but in the closet about it 
Jonah Clemence 
Confession time: I thought he was a woman at first LMAO- 
Edgar Bright 
He’s straight and an ally, but enjoys teasing the others 
I dont think he’d care tbh 
Kyle Ash
Didnt realize he was gay until after he started dating his boyfriend 
Ray Blackwell 
His whole thing about freedom and living how you want to or whatever makes me think he’s bi 
Sirius Oswald 
He’s an ally <3 
Luka Clemence 
Shy gay 
Fenrir Godspeed 
Overly supportive ally (especially since his gf is MTF) 
Seth Hyde 
Everyone thinks he’s gay, but correction he’s pan 
Harr Silver 
He’s pansexual 
Loki Genetta 
I dont know him well enough?? 
Blanc Lapin 
He’s straight, maybe a little curious tho 
Oliver Knight 
He’s another ally, gives me the vibes of someone who would punch a homophobe in the face for insulting his friend 
Mousse Atlas 
I chronically forget he exists, so idk 
Dean Tweedle 
The gay twin 
Dalim Tweedle 
The straight twin that gets confused for the gay one 
Ikemen Vampire
Napoleon Bonaparte 
As far as I’m aware, in history he had two different wives and he kissed the tsar (even apparently said if the tsar was a woman, he’d make him his mistress soo--) Napoleon definitely isn’t straight 
He’s straight and hates everyone equally (/j) 
Leonardo da Vinci 
Arthur Conan Doyle 
WHORE- this is a disaster bisexual 
Vincent van Gogh 
the supportive straight brother 
Theodorus van Gogh 
the angry gay brother 
Isaac Newton 
Too anxious to question his sexuality 
Jean d’Arc 
I like to joke that he’s bi but denies it because he hates men 
William Shakespeare 
not too sure tbh 
Osamu Dazai 
another disaster bisexual 
Comte de Saint-Germain 
I feel like he’d be omni. Like he doesn’t care, but still has a slight preference. Also supportive father figure <3 
Serious gay 
I pondered on this one for a long time.. and I still have no answer 
Johann Georg Faust 
Closeted gay who suffers with internal homophobia (i literally wrote a oneshot for him where this was the main premise-) 
Charles-Henri Sanson 
another bi guy 
Ikemen Prince 
Leon Dompteur 
straight but supportive 
Chevalier Michel 
Bro, it’s CANON that he’s pansexual (I think- idk. I played his route when it first came out in english so its been awhile) 
Yves Kloss 
I feel like he’s bi but doesnt really talk about it 
Nokto Klein 
He’s too slutty to be ONLY into women 
Licht Klein 
Straight but an ally 
Clavis Lelouch 
gay ass clown 
Jin Grandet 
Luke Randolph 
Sariel Noir 
I feel like he’s straight but also an ally, like he doesn’t care but absolutely will NOT tolerate homophobia 
Rio Ortiz 
Gilbert von Obsidian 
Silly little gay man <3 I can see him as like, pan or something. 
Keith Howell 
Excluding his “other” side.. I can see Keith as straight, but a supportive ally 
Silvio Ricci 
He’s homophobic (secretly not straight but in denial) 
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linagram · 10 months
[ meet the prisoners! (t2 edition) ] prisoner 005: sanada kei
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oh well. oh well it's his turn now isn't it.
(Warnings for descrptions of physical violence, toxic relationship dynamics andddd I don't even know how to describe this one, but uh. Just know that Kei is doing really bad mentally. Also that one bit about him making Yurika angry with his creepy behavior is mentioned again.)
General info.
T1 Verdict: Kei was voted guilty and was punished for his crime (even though Eiji and Miki still don't know why he's even here). His punishment was physical, just like Akio's, and now it's very hard for him to walk and he needs other prisoners' help, his arms are too weak and they're in constant pain, so he also needs other people to hold things for him sometimes. He's also got an eye injury and this is why he's wearing an eyepatch now. It's hard to say how serious that injury is, since Kei still can see some things, but he feels like he won't be able to see with that eye anymore if he doesn't get any help. He's also wearing a mask now to cover the lower half of his face and some prisoners find it weird that he would go that far to hide a few cuts on his face, however, he actually would love to wear a mask to hide his whole face and not just his mouth and nose and that's because his punishment had not only a physical effect on him, but a mental one too. Kei now finds himself embarrassing because of how weak and "pathetic" he looks and he doesn't want people to see him in that state. Sure, making people feel bad for him sounds fun in theory, but now that he's in actual danger, he's terrified and doesn't want people to think that it's his real self. He's too used to being the one in control and now that he's the one who's suffering (and because of his younger brother too!), he doesn't know what to do. And also, Kei is aware that he's not a good person. He knows it. And he always thought that his appearance was his only good quality. As long as he's at least somewhat good-looking, people will like him, right?.. But now that there's a chance of Eiji even taking that away from him, he's scared. Eiji also broke his sunglasses man, can't you let him have at least something?, but Kei still wears them because they're that important to him. His hair is also longer and more messy now and he wishes he could take care of it, but he doesn't have the energy to do that and it's hard to do anything when your body hurts so much.
T2 Personality: Kei still tries to act like his past self even though he's in so much pain right now. He still tries to make jokes, to act cool, to be the most fun and outgoing prisoner here, but it's hard. Even just smiling is too painful for him now. He also has to accept the fact that there's a chance that he won't be able to see with one of his eyes anymore. Because of all of that, his mood swings are much worse now and he's actually showing a different, more weak and vulnerable side of him, but not in the way that you'd probably expect. When something like that happens, he starts begging Eiji for help and asks him to protect him and even refers to Eiji as an older brother. He also starts saying things like "I want to go home" or "I want to see Mom again". He actually needs someone to help him calm down, because his tantrums are sometimes so bad, some prisoners think he will end up hurting someone one day. What's even more scary is that after he's done, Kei acts like nothing happened and still tries to act like his T1 self, though it's obvious he's not as energetic as he was before. 
T2 Relationship dynamics:
Kei really wishes Shun would just leave him alone, but at the same time, he really needs someone to talk to. Sure, thankfully, he has Reina now, but he also needs someone who.. well, will be more than just a friend to him? So yes, he still talks to Shun because he wants attention from him and he wants to feel like he still deserves to be loved and he's still attractive even though his hair is a mess, his sunglasses are broken, he has an eye injury and he can't even leave his cell without anyone's help. And Shun is more than happy to use Kei's insecurities and make him feel like Shun is the only person in this prison who gets him and who will accept him no matter what happens to him. Shun is also more than happy to remind Kei that Shun has more power in this prison now because of his verdict, so if Kei makes even a small mistake, he will regret it. Kei really tries to avoid him, but at the same time he still ends up coming back to him.
Eiko is a bit better than Shun, but still treats Kei badly and she obviously enjoys seeing him in this state. She's more gentle with him, but if anything bad happened to him, she wouldn't even try to help him. And also, Kei knows exactly why she's treating him like this. Eiko never meant anything important to him and he never wanted to have an actual deep relationship with her, so why does she have to act nice now and treat him with kindness? She knows that if something like that happened to her, Kei would treat her even worse and he would find it exciting, so maybe people should stop hoping that she will be nicer to him? It doesn't help that she knows everything about his insecurities, so if he says anything wrong, she just reminds him that if he ever gets out of this prison, he won't hear anyone saying that he's pretty or hot anytime soon. What's really sad is that she actually thinks Kei still looks cute, she just wants him to think otherwise and keep asking her to give him more attention. There's also another reason why their relationship is like that now and Kei knows about it too.. But he can't do much to change it.
Kei is still alive and that fact makes Yurika so sad. Yes, Kei actually did make weird comments about her, so she had an understandable reason to attack him. Kei is still scared of her, but now that other people can also see that Yurika is not as innocent literally as she wanted them to see her, it does make him a bit happy. He can't deny that he's still attracted to her though, considering that he was brave enough to say something that made her so mad that if she got a chance to kill him, she would. 
Kei and Reina's relationship is surprisingly wholesome and Kei actually sees her only as a friend and honestly, she's probably the first real friend he ever had. They get along well because they have a lot of similarities, the main one being them trying to hide their real personalities. Both of them know they don't have to pretend when they're in each other's company, so Kei knows a lot about Reina now and Reina knows a lot about Kei (including their crimes). And yes, Reina knows about his relationship with Eiji too, but she still wants to be friends with him. Maybe she sees it as another similarity. She actually tries to protect him from Shun and Eiko and she uses her innocent verdict to request all kinds of things so that she can take care of him. 
Kei and Eiji's relationship is even more complicated now, even though Eiji finally got what he wanted (or at least a part of it) and punished Kei. Obviously, Kei is angry at him, but he also understands Eiji's feelings and now he has another reason to say that Eiji is just like him no matter how much he tries to be better. And also, Kei still wants Eiji to protect him, just like he used to when they were younger and if he's feeling anxious or panicking, he asks Eiji for help. Eiji tries his best to ignore him, but in a very sad and dark kind of way, he still cares about the guy who abused him both physically and emotionally, so if no one is looking, he will try to calm Kei down and make sure he's okay. He says he's just doing it so that Kei doesn't die before his execution, but it's an obvious lie.
Music info.
Milgram cover: He actually gets Tear Drop this time! But I don't think it would be that fun to listen to and I actually imagine his version to sound like he's having a really bad breakdown, the chorus in particular would sound like he's crying. The instrumental would also sound more slow and distorted.
DECO*27 cover: Watch this man try to distract you from his actual murder again and cover Psychogram so that you can focus on his relationship with a person he had kidnapped instead. I think the instrumental would be closer to Mahiru's cover! (Or maybe it would be a fun night club-like remix?? :'D) (Also yes, I know Rabbit Hole was right there. I know. And with YOUR help, he can get it as his T3 "Innocent" cover! <3 I'm just kidding, again, the choice is yours.)
Different Vocaloid producer cover: This one might be a bit sudden, but he gets Paparazzi Murder Party by Vane Lily! Come on, like, even from the title you can see that this song is perfect for him, haha. It's okay, he can handle a song that literally starts with "Hey, bestie". And fun fact: Kei is actually one of the prisoners who are completely fluent in English (and in his case I think he's actually slightly better at English than Japanese)! (Also I imagine the "Freak, you're such a freak" line being said by one of his victims) Can't believe he killed Hatsune Miku herself 😔 /j
His T2 Trailer Voicelines:
"Why, hello there. You know that it's too painful for me to even talk, right? Hey, Eiji.. How can you say that you're better than me after all of this? Don't even think of judging me for "hurting others for my own enjoyment". I refuse to believe that you did this to me just because "you wanted to punish me for my sins"." *laughs* "What, my cute little brother doesn't want to admit that he's a sinner as well?"
"Ah, these.. Haha, yeah, they're pretty scary, right? Oh well, it's not like they're real." *laughs* ".. Hey, why are you all looking at me like that?.. I-I'll be back in a minute."
His T2 Song Trailer Voiceline:
"Oh, what's this? Are you crying?"
Reina actually wanted to ask for something that could help Kei walk easier, similar to Yuno getting a wheelchair for Mahiru, but Kei refused and said that he's fine. Reina thinks he just doesn't want to admit that he really is struggling and needs help.
Kei's second image color was actually supposed to be a bright shade of purple at first, but I changed it to blue because of his MV's color symbolism and themes. Also, his T1 album cover would most likely have a gradient similar to bi flag which is a plus, haha. (And his T2 MV also has lots of pink, purple and blue too.)
Kei actually tries not to leave his cell that often and because of that, he doesn't always get to eat with the other prisoners, which is obviously not good. Reina is usually the one who brings him food in that case, but sometimes it's Eiji, though he does it only when it's late and (mostly) everyone is asleep.
He doesn't know if it's okay for him to hope that he will be forgiven this time. Actually, he's not sure if he even wants to be forgiven, because, uh.. If Eiji and Miki find out more about his crime and end up forgiving him, that will mean they saw him as someone who's weak and who can't protect himself. That's also the reason why he still refuses to talk about his murder.
I just think it's ironic how his T1 cover was After Pain and it was like him trying to make people feel sorry for him and vote him innocent, but now that he's actually in pain, he's not sure if he wants to be seen as weak and be forgiven because of that.
His mask is actually a reference to "Vampire" Miku's mask (and he also had that song as his T1 cover)! Same goes for the bandaids on his neck. 
Some of the accessories he wore before T2 are missing now (like his necklace or that thing with hearts on his belt) because they either got lost or broken after his punishment.
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selenacosmic · 9 months
Recently I have been seeing videos of dabke dance in Arab weddings. The music and the dance is so catchy and energetic! If the warlords are challenged to do the dabke dance competition, who do you think will lead the dance and possibly win their group? Also who's possibly screaming "My knees can't handle this!" ? 😂
(From what I saw, dabke is done by a group of men and I think the leader is the one who has to do the hardest leg moves)
Hi cherry! I found that very interesting, this will definitely fun to write!
The warlords doing the dabke dance.
Oda forces.
Nobunaga Oda.
We know that Nobunaga can dance well, so he could be the lead in his group. I believe he would have quite a bit of energy to keep dancing. Will hardly start to feel pain in his knees.
Hideyoshi Toyotomi.
Hideyoshi is one of the least likely to lead, he would be glad to have Nobunaga lead their group during the dance. Even if he wouldn’t be able to keep dancing, he would still do it for his group to win.
Masamune Date.
Masamune has a lot of energy and would love the dynamic of the dance, he has the potential to lead the dance but wouldn’t necessarily do it. He really just wants to have fun while doing. Will hardly start having pain in his knees.
Ieyasu Tokugawa.
He will get exhausted fast, Ieyasu wouldn’t be able to handle the dance steps for too long and would likely give up. He would get too tired to do it, that is unless someone challenges him, that is when he will give his all.
Mitsuhide Akechi.
It’s concerning how he manages to keep dancing for hours without getting tired, or at least he doesn’t look like it. Mitsuhide wouldn’t lead but would rather be part of the group.
Mitsunari Ishida.
He would get a bit clumsy with the leg movements, and would end up getting tired. Mitsunari wouldn’t be able to move his legs much after but would cheer everyone on the best way he could.
Ranmaru Mori.
Despite looking like he wouldn’t be able to handle it, Ranmaru would be able to keep up dancing for as long as he could. He would impress everyone with how skilled he is, might be because he is a ninja.
We know how excited Keiji can get in situations like this, he would be the most likely to pull everyone together to dance, bringing life to it.
Uesugi-Takeda alliance.
Kenshin Uesugi.
While Kenshin isn’t one to get excited for dances, he enjoys how much energy he gets to spend while performing, so he will definitely get excited and lead a group. Given how full of energy he is, he would probably keep everyone dancing until they collapsed to the floor.
Shingen Takeda.
This man is tall… therefore he has very long legs, this could be a problem and get in the way. Shingen would certainly start off well but after a while his legs would get tired and ache. He would be able to lead a group if he puts more effort in it.
Yukimura Sanada.
He will be the one who will scream “My knees can’t handle this!” After a while dancing. He will try to escape kenshin since he knows he will be dragged into dancing.
Yoshimoto Imagawa.
Yoshimoto loves dancing, though the amount of effort and leg work this type of dance takes would tire him out. Given how exciting it is, Yoshimoto will practice more to be able to perform this dance better.
He is very strong and has a lot of resistance, so him getting tired isn’t a problem. On the contrary, just like Hideyoshi, Kanetsugu will follow his lord and keep dancing for the sake of his group winning.
Sasuke was a bit hesitant, since he knew his knees wouldn’t be able to handle that level of effort, but he would be able to dance for a while without getting tired.
Lone forces.
Motonari Mouri.
He isn’t one for dancing, but his competitive nature would motive him to make an effort to dance, even if his knees give in eventually.
Another one who isn’t one for dancing, Kichou would mostly join in to defeat the other groups. He would be able to lead his group.
Kennyo wouldn’t last much longer, his knees would give in and he wouldn’t be able to move his legs without feeling pain for a while.
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scarskelly · 22 days
Open The Introduction To Dragongate by Scar The Skelly [Z-BRATS]
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Next up, Z-Brats! I've had to put the notes under a read more because I have too much to say about Shun. Whoops.
Presentation Notes
Shun Skywalker
Has said that if he ever lost his mask, not just Shun Skywalker but Shun Watanabe would cease to exist (that he would stop wrestling all together – but let me stress this, Shun Skywalker is not a man you should trust at all, he lies a lot).
When I say ‘odd’ I mean he used to wear a very bright green bodysuit and mask (known to fans as the frog suit) and would startle his opponents by doing this weird arms out pose and yelling “SKYWALK!” He also used to walk and stand in a weird way, which you might think was just how he is, and that it’s rude of me to mention this, but it was an intentional decision as it has returned alongside the bodysuit in his latest run as top nutcase of the promotion.
He may have seemed like he was a normal dude during his time as the leader of Masquerade until the Mascara Contra Mascara match of 2021, but it’s hard to ignore how Masquerade’s wore Venetian masks (to disguise their true selves) and performed an unnaturally perfect group entrance. This all being Shun’s creative decisions.
If you want to know more about Shun, please check out this video by gutsdozer, it was the video that got me into Dragongate.
A beginners guide to Shun Skywalker
An analysis of Shun Skywalker vs Jason Lee from 2022
Shun Skywalker interview
By him acting like a cult leader I mean he’s manipulative, possessive, toxic, hypocritical, eccentric and loud.
Shun Skywalker is not the straightest man on the roster, and I swear I’m not mentioning this because of my own preferences when it comes to what I like in my wrestling. This is a legitimately significant element to his character that you need to know about. The most obvious example of this is his relationship with Jason, which can be read as an abusive romantic relationship. This is merely a reading and not explicitly canon, but it certainly feels canon given the amount of support this reading has been given. This includes: Kzy on commentary comparing Shun’s behaviour to an ex-boyfriend showing up at their ex-girlfriend’s place of work just to “check up on them”, Strong Machine J straight up saying on commentary “ladies, don’t date a man like Shun Skywalker”, Jae on English commentary consistently making similar comparisons and even an article on Yahoo! News reading “Jason Lee breaks free from his deranged ex-boyfriend to join Natural Vibes”. Shun himself regularly uses romantic language and songs when talking or posting about Jason. Back before Jason returned to him, he would talk about how even though Jason had “broke his heart” he only loves him more and knows Jason will come back to him eventually, which he did. Jason is not the only man he’s made these sorts of advances towards, his most notable other target being Jacky Kamei. At a contract signing once, Shun said that he wanted to run away with Jason and Kamei and get married to them. He has a ‘type’ of man he likes to go after: cute face, deep thinker when it comes to their wrestling, pleasant but also capable of being malicious. This could be seen with his targeting of Yuki Ueno at All Together.
For the longest time he was billed at much smaller than he weighs, assumedly because every time they tried to weigh him, he just teleported away. So, he was 90 kg up until Dead or Alive 2024 where he was billed at 100 kg.
Has been compared to a variety of different animals throughout his career, from a falcon to a jellyfish to a goat and even a mosquito.
Yes, he pads his ass big time. I assume it’s because he lands on his butt for a lot of his moves. When you take off all the padding, he still has an impressive ass though…not that I would know or anything hahahaha-
Yes, Seiya Sanada as in the Sanada currently in Just 5 Guys in New Japan.
Fun fact: He trained at Animal Hamaguchi’s gym and was close with Shingo Takagi.
The same Kai who caused the Dangerous Tekkers kiss, thank him later.
Jason Lee
Everyone in Natural Vibes really seemed to love Jason, all having a soft spot for him. He formed the dynamic trio J.J.J with Jacky Kamei and Strong Machine J.
As previously mentioned, he was a part of Kung Fu Masters, but has since said he never wanted to be in the "dumb comedy unit" and hated every moment of it.
Jason Lee Match Recommendations
Why you should be a Jason Lee fan
Jason Lee interview
Once again, I recommend watching gutsdozer’s video if you want to know more about the ‘Jason Lee Saga’ of 2022.
Used to occasional make appearances on English commentary alongside Jae when Ho Ho Lun was wrestling. Unfortunately, with his turn, it seems we won’t hear from him again. I personally hope he does just barge in when Ho Ho is gone and spend the time on commentary just shitting on everyone.
Borrows a lot of his heel traits from Shun.
He once had washboard abs but accepted the sumo genes and bulked up. He has said that he will never have the abs again and if anyone misses them, just to look at the pictures and video that exists of it and remember it that way.
Deceptively short, I thought he was much taller than he is (168cm or 5’6”).
ISHIN interview
Yoshiki Kato
The tap out didn’t count as a win because that’s not how exhibition matches work (you can’t win or lose; it’s just a time limit 'show off your talents' match).
Kaito Nagano has since retired from pro-wrestling due to a culmination of injuries.
The proud owner of an emo fringe and a nice ass (not like I’ve been looking or anything).
I refer to Kato and ISHIN as Z-Brats’ delinquents, just feels right.
Gianni Valletta
Additionally, he participated in The Real World Tag League 2019 with another DG roster member in Takashi Yoshida.
How do I know he’s on topic? Luis Mante and Dream Gate Champion sound the same in Maltese that they do in English.
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randoimago · 3 months
Akihiko with S/O That Acts Fine Despite Being Bullied
Fandom: Persona 3
Character(s): Akihiko Sanada
Note(s): So this is a request that I got a few days ago and deleted for whatever reason? Maybe I wasn't feeling it before? I don't remember, but I decided to write it. I might be missing some details from the original request, but this is what I mainly remember about it.
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The first time he saw you with bruises, he was concerned. He might have even tried making a joke about you being clumsy. But then you kept showing up with bruises.
He asked you about it, wanted to know what's happening and what's wrong. And then he hears you're being bullied. He can't help the frustrated tears that come to his eyes. How can you keep smiling despite your injuries? How are you acting like this is nothing?
Akihiko wants to be stronger to keep those close to him safe and with how injured you are, he feels like he's been failing you. Akihiko wants you to tell him who exactly is bullying you. Is it the girls that hang around him a lot? He really will beat himself up even more if he learns you're being bullied because of him.
Will want to step in and stop the bullies himself. He'll help take care of your injuries but the next day at school, he is going to make it clear that he will not hesitate to throw hands at whoever keeps harming you (just starting with threats, he won't actually hit anyone unless it comes to that). He doesn't care if it'll ruin his image, he is going to make it clear that he cares about you and that he'll protect you with his all.
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@reo-the-leo @abellaheart-blog
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Weekly Wrapup 3/17/24 (late)
This Week's Rankings:
Jade Cargill - 81.4% smash
Chihiro Hashimoto - 73.6%
James Drake - 69.8%
Cody Rhodes (Dashing Era) - 69.3%
Brody King - 67.5%
Donovan Danhausen (no makeup) - 66.9%
Team XTreme (Matt and Jeff Hardy, Lita) - 63.9%
CM Punk (Straight Edge Society Era) - 62.7%
Yoshihatsu - 56.7%
Seiya Sanada (blond beard) - 52.4%
The Butcher and the Blade - 49.5%
Lance Archer - 48.1%
Dynamite Kid - 28.1%
Cowboy Bob Orton - 24.6%
Average smash rating this week: 58.2%
More stats under the cut, along with my observations, commentary, and some of my favorite tags...
Most total votes this week (most enthusiasm)
Brody King - 446 votes
CM Punk (Straight Edge Society) - 386
Cody Rhodes (Dashing) - 342
Donovan Danhausen (no makeup) - 325
Jade Cargill - 296
And least total votes this week (least enthusiasm)
Dynamite Kid - 135 votes
Yoshihatsu - 163
Seiya Sanada (blond beard) - 164
James Drake - 169
Cowboy Bob Orton - 183
The closest poll was the Butcher and the Blade, who lost 106-108
Top Tag Teams/Trios
The Golden Lovers - 80.4% smash
Unholy Union - 74.3% smash
Best Friends - 66.7% smash
Motor City Machine Guns - 65.5% smash
Team XTreme - 63.9% smash
There were no changes to the overall standings for singles wrestlers this week, and with 250 poll results, I think it's pretty unlikely we'll get a lot of movement in the future. I'm removing them from the wrap-up posts to save you guys some scrolling unless there is a change to the rankings.
The rankings for the three CM Punk polls thus far are:
Regular CM Punk - 67.9% smash (and 527 total votes!)
Straight Edge Society CM Punk - 62.7%
Ring of Honor CM Punk - 59.7%
You folks narrowly prefer Danhausen in facepaint (68.8% smash) to nakedface Donovan Danhausen (66.9%) And you strongly prefer SANADA without the blond hair and beard (69.7% smash vs 52.4% smash).
Apologies for being so late this week. No real excuse, just tired. The next wrap-up will also be late because I'm going out of town. If I'm not exhausted from traveling, I'll post on Monday. I have polls queued until then so the smashing and passing will continue.
And now for some of my favorite tags and comment
@cheveuxroux on Lance Archer: #saw him up close and can confirm he's very handsome in person#he has great skin which is a really weird thing to say about a wrestler
@heelhausen on Straight Edge Society CM Punk: #he has a messiah complex and brother I will be the devil tempting him after forty days and nights in the desert
@regalityandcoffee on Straight Edge Society CM Punk: #smash but im sitting on his face so he cant lecture me
@lghockey on Brody King: #this big meaty man can slap my meat lmfao
writing5novelsatonce on Blond Beard SANADA: #the only thing I want to do to this iteration of Sanada is put a deep moisturizing mask into that fried hair and that crispy beard
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prettyiwa · 10 months
Ix i need Shunpei so bad it’s sick 🥲
(Sorry for taking forever to answer this; I remember the art that came before this ask) (it haunts me)
You know, whenever I read Sanada as a character, I can't help but think about how once he chose you, that's it, yk? He chose you. He's stuck on you. His heart, his mind, both yours.
And so it's left me with this exes-to-lovers thing that I can't quite get out of my mind.
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❧ Ex!Sanada who agreed when you asked to separate because he believed it was what you wanted and because he wanted you to be happy.
❧ Ex!Sanada who understands that distance is tough and that his schedule leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to spending time together.
❧ Ex!Sanada who means it when he suggests remaining friends because having you in his life at all is better than never seeing or hearing from you again.
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❧ Ex!Sanada who is nothing if not patient, keeping his thoughts to himself when you start dating again, trying so hard to remain a friend, but of course that tired topic of "wait—you still talk to your ex?" comes up and you two stop talking.
❧ Ex!Sanada who runs into you some time later, openly and genuinely happy to see you again (and more than happy to learn that you're not seeing what's their name anymore).
❧ Ex!Sanada who convinces you to hang out with him more often because he truly, truly missed talking with you.
❧ Ex!Sanada who picks up on the fact that you still have feelings for him, too, and decides he has every intention of wooing you again because it still feels like it's your name etched on the side of his heart.
❧ Ex!Sanada who isn't afraid to play a little dirty because he still remembers what you like~
❧ Ex!Sanada who uses your voice kink against you, coming up behind you and leaning in in a low voice to ask what you're doing or how's it going and intentionally speaking softly so you'll lean in to hear better.
❧ Ex!Sanada who feels the way you react when he puts his hand on your lower back when he passes you in a small walkway.
❧ Ex!Sanada who intentionally stretches after you two have finished watching a movie or a show or something, never missing the way your eyes drop to where his shirt is riding up.
❧ Ex!Sanada who still waits for you to tell him you want him because he wants this to be your decision since you were the one who walked away.
❧ Ex!Sanada who would pick you up if you had a bad night out, dropping everything to make sure that you're safe and feel safe.
❧ Ex!Sanada whose first kiss with you again is tentative, a soft peck, and then another, a light tease until you kiss him back and then the gloves are off.
❧ Ex!Sanada who drowns you in affection because you're here in his arms again.
❧ Ex!Sanada who eats you out entirely for his own pleasure, getting lost in the sounds you make and the way your fingers tangle in his hair, wanting you to cum on his tongue no fewer than two times.
❧ Ex!Sanada who hopes to show you how much he still loves you, silently begging you'll give him more than the night to do so.
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Daiya no Ace Masterlist
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bengiyo · 1 year
Tokyo in April is... Ep 1 Stray Thoughts
Welcome back to MBS Shower Hour! I heaped praise upon them at the end of Jack o' Frost, and am so excited that we're doing this again for another year! This show intrigued me because it has two men reuniting after ten years when they were each the other's first sexual experience and maybe first love. I have a lot of thoughts about many boys definitely had their first explorations with each other, so this is very exciting for me. Moreover, this is from the same director as Our Dining Table.
Japanese actors are just so good. We've got Takizawa being nostalgic, and then thrown off by a lukewarm reception. We've got Ishihara clearly panicking when he sees Takizawa before slipping into his cool guy persona and running away. Then we've got Takizawa's frustrated pout as he reckons with the unexpected encounter with his first love and essentially being blown off as "just a classmate."
Seriously, we're not even three minutes in and I am already locked in.
More talent from Japanese boy bands entering BL, I see.
Interesting. Ren had a different family name ten years ago.
Really everyone is doing so well right out of the gate. The barely-concealed disdain in a corporate environment between Takizawa and his superior is palpable.
Ishihara must be good at his job if they tolerate him dozing off in meetings with minimal chiding.
Sanada is either incompetent or sabotaging Takizawa's reputation by not confirming the scope of the additional paid leave. Maybe both.
I really like that we're getting a look at their relationship as kids, and that they cast young actors for it.
It's notable that these scenes from the past show a genuinely mutual attraction between them. Feels like Ren was the one who wanted to touch first.
Mhmm. Should have listened to Takizawa yesterday when he tried to clarify the report, Sanada, but you had to be a horse's ass.
GOT HIS ASS. I see you, Ren!!
I know you're happy about being with Ren again, but a whole tub of ice cream??
Aw, he was really hoping they'd be alone.
Okay, Ren is definitely flirting.
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