#(and yes i don't actually know what the fridge is like yet bc i'm in student housing so i do not control the new kitchen)
seawitchkaraoke · 7 months
Discovered that I can just.... make homemade fries really easily and now i am liviiing
(literally just... cut potatoes into fries shape, mix with some sunflower oil, salt and whatever other seasoning you want (i like paprika and some garlic) and bake for like 30-40 minutes at 200°C)
what other foods am i missing out on that are actually super simple? what other things have i fooled myself into thinking are hard to do?? this is literally 1 ingredient plus seasonings
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chenyann · 1 year
Kiss me like you mean it!!
All NRC Boys♡
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|°Rumor:Seems like you're stuck under the mistletoe with some certain boys~ let's see how this goes shall we? |°Rumor warning:gn!reader, cussing, kissing,suggestive(?) But still sfw,ooc(?),Spelling error and othro is platonic as always. |°Ads:I know I havent done half of the list of the count down! But things down go as planned sometimes. I hope yall enjoy this as much as I enjoyed making it! [Countdown list here!] (Also if I hear about how this is one day late I'm gonna steal ur fridge)
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He wouldn't be the one to point it out so if you want to kiss him you will have to tell him what yall  are standing under.
Once you do tell him, he just blinks.
You're just standing there like a fool. 
“Riddle, you don't need to” you muttered as you waited, there is a giant elephant in the room and its that mistletoe. If that mistletoe wasn't there you wouldn't have asked and embarrassed yourself. “Riddle….?”
you were embarrassed okay, I would be embarrassed too if I told someone there was a mistletoe, implying that I wanna kiss them and they just stay quiet. Making me look stupid while I wait for a reply.
Don't think he won't, because after you told him he didn't need to, made it a challenge. He is swallowing his pride and he is gonna kiss you gosh-darn-it!
He is giving the quickest peck on the corner of your lips and bolting away with the excuse that he saw  ace breaking rule 147.
(Ace didn't do anything plz go help him)
Oh he noticed it
He just stands there not knowing what to do.
Should he give you a kiss???  Should he ask you??? Should he just not?? Guys, is he panicking???
Cater is in the corner just giving him a thumbs up-
Cater isn't helpful at all during this situation-
Then you make the situation worse by pointing it out
Should he just???? 
He asks if he can kiss you [“omg but i hate tr*y, I would never”  I don't wanna hear this grinch haired man slander again]
Once you give him consent he will give you an alright kiss-
It's kinda messy and quick, he kind of kissed more of your cheek than your lips but hey it's a start.
Would 100% move his glasses as a way to play it off. Lucky for him Cater comes by and saves the day before trey embarrasses himself-
“Seems like Cater needs me for something. I'll talk to you later.”
The most smug grin is on his face when he noticed the mistletoe.
“Oh, y/n~” Ace teased while pointing up towards the mistletoe. He kept eye contact while he kept joking about his cheek kiss. 
He has zero shame.
That is until you actually give him a cheek kiss, how he is as silent as a mouse after you made the move. Until he realized he could have actually gotten a kiss on the lips.
Before you walk away he grabs your hand, omg this is ur main character moment!!
He doesn't say anything.
He just stands there like a little goober^^ (plz have someone help him) 
After standing there for five minutes he finally says something,“Another…….” you're there  just processing it. Did he really just ask- no…demand another kiss???
Yes. Yes he did. When you comply and give him another kiss he is happy as a claim!
He will tease you ALOT though-
“wow y/n, YOU wanted to kiss me that badly huh” he teased with a giant smile, pink tinted his ears and cheeks but it seemed like he hasn't noticed it yet.
But if you love him enough try not to mind it, it's out of love promise<3
he won't notice? I think ??? It's half-half I'm sure he would but another part of me thinks so-
So for the sake of the headcanon I will say that you noticed before he did! 
Once you point it out he is like: Oh! Oh……
That's the best way I can explain it-
If YOU give him a kiss (which you should bc I don't think he will be able to give you one) he will be very happy! He will also say you didn't need to, but deep down he was hoping to kiss you one way or another.
Tells his mom about it, his mom is delighted to hear about how his love life is going!!! Suddenly he has to go bc his mum is calling him.
“Oh, thank you y/n but my mom is calling bye!”
Cater will pretend not to notice it.
But if you do ask him first he will pretend that he just saw it.
“Oh! Y/nnie I didn't even notice it!”
I think he would ask you where you want to be kissed and if you wanna be kissed because he is very supportive of consent! (Consent is cool guys)
Makes it the most hallmark type of kiss he can. He will hold your cheek with his hand, maybe even brush some hair away from your face, even go as far to hold your waist???
 All I'm saying is he will make you feel like you are the center of the universe. That you are the most special person in this domain.
“Well did you enjoy cay cay's little treat?” Cater teased with his signature smile, he grabbed your hand and gave it a quick kiss before running off. “I HOPE YOU DID, BUT CAY CAY JUST SAW A PERFECT PHOTO OPPORTUNITY BYE BYE!”
He actually fell asleep under it. But he still points it out while you're under it- “herbivore, look up.” oh he enjoyed how the expression of your face changed so quickly.
I honestly think he doesn't really care about these things, he just wants to toy with you. So if you were to give him a kiss, he wouldn't care that much about it.
But if you demand a kiss that's when he is a bit cocky and much more awake. “The herbivore is finally getting bold huh?” he teased, with half lidded eyes as if he was falling asleep. Oh he will make you work for that kiss y/n, he will tell you to bring him a drink and maybe some food, trying turning the music down ect ect. 
But after all that work he will give you a kiss, but not on the lips tho…
He will kiss the corner of your lips just to play with ya!
If you want a more proper kiss be ready to do more chores though, but hey ruggie seems to like that idea he is already hitting the buffet table!!
Once you do those chores (again) He will give you a kiss on the lips, not too quick but not too long. It wasn't enjoyable when Leona started to pinch you though-
After all of that Leona just goes to his room to sleep because the party is too loud.
He is doing things for Leona, getting some random loose change that fell off the floor and checking out the buffet– so to put it in simple terms he is busy, but that doesn't mean he isn't observant. Oh he noticed that mistletoe, yes and he has a great plan. *add grinch smile here*
“Y/n! There is a spot right here” ruggie shouts as he sees you wandering around like a headless chicken. “Thanks ruggie” you said as you sat down with him. 
He is gonna play off that he didn't just trick you to sit under the mistletoe with him, after sometime of silence he speaks up about the mistletoe.
You're just looking up thinking about how you didn't notice it-
If you give him a cheek kiss he would be okay with it, he won't pester you into giving him a kiss on the lips but he really wished you did.
BUT IF YOU GAVE HIM A KISS ON THE LIPS HOOT DOGGY, he is very happy about it!!! His ears are perked up while he mutters incoherent words. 
Then the moment gets ruined by Leona texting him, you can hear a faint “really now Leona” from ruggie yet in the end he complies, but not before giving you another sweet peck on the lips!
I don't think he will really notice-
But he does notice it when you walk under it and comment on the decor. 
He will actually comment on it now. Like oh! A mistletoe- 
After getting some courage he will ask if you want to be kissed but it's somewhat shy, like there will be moments where he goes silent because he doesn’t know how to explain properly.
His kisses are actually very sweet, it's quick yet filled to the brim with love. Jack will also scowl at anyone who makes jokes about you.
I feel like he would want to keep that moment to himself, that is until he heard the not so hushed whispers of a group of first years.
“see, he did it pay up ace” “Epel you cheated!” Ace mumbled by the booth, Deuce looked at those two and back at yall hoping yall won't hear them. “I DONT GET THE PLEASURE PEOPLE GET BY THIS” you heard sebeks booming voice say, Jack sighed as he walked off rubbing the back of his neck.
This party is at the monstro lounge. He knows every little thing that was set up here and- WHY IS THERE A MISTLETOE IN HERE!?
Azul avoids it like the plague, he won't take it off mid party because people seem to enjoy it (pretend they're females there too)  but it doesn't help when the Leech twins start pestering him about it-
“Azul did you put that up..?” one asked while the other butted in “You should go under it with shrimpy!” Azul felt years fly off his life trying to explain to those two– well, mainly just floyd. But jade wasn't any better!
Now here he is under the mistletoe with you, like he is feeling like he is the center of attention and that there are eyes staring holes through him. When in reality he is just very nervous.
You just point out the mistletoe and then he starts panicking. 
(Side note if you want someone to leave you alone just start acting crazy. "THERE'RE IN THE WALLS, CHECK THE WALLS!" They are going to leave you alone, or call the police but at least you're not with them anymore) 
You will have to be the one to kiss him. But first, consent- listen this man is literally having a panic attack, calm him down, inform him that nobody is judging him and then ask for consent. Your first priority is to calm him down and your last one is that kiss.
“ummmmmmm……..” Azul said after you asked him, his eyes dart around making sure that nobody is watching him- he kept silent until he slowly nodded.
When you kiss him he kisses back, azul is no longer tense and he is mainly just sinking into the kiss. That was until yall heard a certain pair of eels snickering to themselves and whispering (very loud) to each other. 
Azul adjusts his glasses before stomping to them and dragging those two in the vip room. Likely to try to lecture them (he fails)
Azul kissing you was actually quite soft and cute, he was a little timid at first but then got more bold with time.
Don't kiss him. Just don't. He will point out the mistletoe but just run away.
“Oh look, it seems we are under a mistletoe” he teased you with a sharp tooth grin, a grin that said he was up to something. 
You're just looking around confused.
He would make you kiss him, or maybe he would kiss you if he was feeling nice-
(the short y/ns)
Of course you would give him a little kiss kiss, but he doesn't help one bit. You are trying to kiss him but he doesn't lean down, he doesn't offer you a boost. He won't help you one bit, he just looks down at your suffering with a grin. HE THINKS ITS FUNNY!? 
You were just there hopping until you finally gave up, but no. Jade will finally give you a kiss and it's a good one too trust me. He may just nibble your lip to keep you on your toes, he will pull back slightly so you can feel his breath on your lips. Was it worth it though???
(For the tall y/ns)
He will just swoop down and kiss you, again another hallmark kisser. But of course he will tease you, before actually kissing you. When he does kiss you, he will kiss your hand and try to walk away. But if you really want a proper kiss you will have to stop him and demand a kiss, because he won't do it unless you stop him. When he swoops down and kisses you he will also nibble your lip and maybe even hold your wrist for a good measure. 
He then walks away before you can say anything, walks away to his little gossip group (Azul and floyd).
But nonetheless that kiss was honestly very nice, short yet nice, perfect but not robotic. Honestly it felt quite amazing.
“jade where were you?” Azul asked with his eyebrow raised, jade puts on his usual business smile while looking back at you still under that mistletoe. “I have no idea what you mean Azul, I was with you this whole time.”
He is definitely the one that points it out.
Another one with no shame.
He is very much demanding a kiss, his mood will change quickly once you say yes-
“Awww koebi-chan you're so sweeettttt!” Floyd said as he slicked his arm around your shoulders from behind, “floyd if you keep standing behind me I can't kiss you” you muttered as you squirmed around in his hold. 
(For the short y/ns)
He will be kind and lean down for you, unlike another eel we know. But he will actually pick you up because he was quote-on-quote tired of leaning down.
So now you're just being held, the kiss had ended three minutes ago but floyd just slung you over his shoulder and now you're stuck there.
(For the tall y/ns)
He will look at you waiting for you kiss him and when you do he is enjoying it! His kiss is very greedy and sloppy. He also bit your lip multiple times-
But not when you go and pull away, now that's no fun.  He would grab your hand so quickly and pull you back to him, then he hears Azul call for him. He picks you up and throws you over his shoulder and now yall are off to find his boss.
“ah there you are floyd– why is y/n on your shoulder?” Azul asked, “Oh hey Azul, can you tell floyd to put me down” you felt floyd's grip tighten as you asked Azul that. Floyd huffed and sat you down “you're no fun shrimpy”. 
Promise to make it up to him later okay!
Oh kalim
The boy that is literally like the sun<3
He didn't notice because he was way too busy buzzing around going place to place greeting everyone! (Actually kalim is the host and he hosted it at the lounge-)
Jamil is somewhere we don't know where tho-
But as soon as kalim sees you minding your own business he goes straight to you, apologizing to everyone he bumped into while running towards your direction. 
Oh he just loves seeing you at the parties he throws!
Seeing you at his events gives him such joy that nobody can compare too♡
“y/n! You made it!” kalim said, still quite far away from you. He is practically yelling across the room over everyone but nobody seems to have minded it. “Oh, hey kalim!” you said, watching him run towards you with a big smile. That was until he got hit in the face by a random plant-
You're silent. He's silent…
“Oh y/n it's a mistletoe!” kalim beamed at the small plant. “Would you like your kiss?” you asked. Kalim of course said yes bc like??? Who wouldn't say yes???
He will giggle during the whole process because he is so happy! Once you get close enough he will hold your face in his hands. His kiss is very very sweet. It's like finding a warm sunny spot on a cold day. It's filled with happiness and lots of energy, he still has your face in his hold while yall pull away. But instead of letting go he showers you with little kisses across your face with a big smile on his.
That moment lasts a while until jamil comes out of nowhere-
“kalim I was looking for you” Jamil said after a long sigh, “Jamil guess what! There was a mistletoe and- ” kalim started but before he could finish Jamil cut him off. “We can talk about that later just hurry up and come with me”
He waves bye to you and everything<33
But someone help Jamil tho, he has had to listen to kalim go on and on about you for the past few hours-
Jamil is too busy getting gray hairs to notice a small plant hanging from who knows where.
So you will have to point it out y/nnie<3
If you do catching him on his break of babysitting kalim and just so happens he is under the mistletoe with you then you better speak up fast-
When you tell him he is a mix of embarrassed that he didn't notice it and like what do you mean by kiss?
“jamil look what we are standing under. '' You teased, he looked up and saw a small plant above yall that looked a little too similar to a mistletoe. “is that a mistletoe..?” he muttered to himself as he looked back at you patiently waiting for your little kiss kiss.
He complies after some convincing, his kisses are quite indescribable. It's soft yet quick, cool yet it has a venomous bite to it. There is no telling what he really is trying to convey with that kiss, at first. 
After a few moments goes by and he gets out of his shell, his kiss becomes more tender and warm. To the point it felt scalding, not in a bad way, oh no. It felt like the warm sun had blessed you with its touch. You felt him get more bold in the kiss as he grabbed your hand.
That was until his perfect moment got crushed by kalim, he goes on auto pilot and tries to find him before he does something dumb-
I think he would notice it, would he go and point it out tho? No, I didn't think so.
But when you somehow teleport near him and point it out that's when he shows interest.
Is this planned..?? Is it that you wanted to kiss him this while time and now was the prefect moment…?? Oh he is very smug now, you just unknowingly gave him an ego boost..
“Vil look we are under a mistletoe” you exclaimed with a smile, he looks back at you with a bit of suspension before looking up at the small plant. Could you have really planned all of this out….yes– just look at you being with joy about getting to kiss vil
“Y/n did you plan this” vil said with a smirk, amused at your attempt to get his attention. (Even tho you didn't even do anything and that you in fact didn't plan this) “no?” you said feeling a bit on the spot, “nonetheless ill play along” he says before gently grabbing your jaw.
He is a great kisser- 
Guys we all know it, he is an actor and he sure as hell knows how to kiss someone and make it feel amazing.
He has grabbed your chin, looked deep into your eyes and gave you the most toe curling kiss ever. It made you feel like you are on cloud 9 with the most precious things in life! His kiss felt like the spring of life and you were in full bloom, it was soft and elegant, slow and passionate. It was certainly amazing.
He will tell you to run along after the kiss, it's not that he didn't like kissing you. He enjoyed it alot but what he isn't gonna enjoy are those rumors about him dating you but then again, he doesn't think they're half bad.
He noticed it too, he was actually eyeing it for the past 10 minutes.
He is another one to have no shame-
He will see you by that mistletoe and he is sprinting to it just to get your kiss, he didn't want anyone else stealing that kiss. 
“Oh hey epel-” you said as you saw him, okay epel act cool like you didn't notice it so y/n can kiss you.“We are under a mistletoe.” FUCK! 
You look at him, he looks at you. It's awkward. 
“Did you want a kiss?” you asked, epel just nodded and you took it as a yes. You give him a kiss on the cheek and-HOLD IT! don't act like you're about to get away with giving him a kiss on the cheek.
He is grabbing your wrist and demanding an actual kiss. 
If you do give him a kiss on the lips he is very very happy
He also brags about it to the other first years but we won't get into all of that now ^^;
He will now ask for another kiss at the most random times just to show off to everyone.
Definitely tells and tries to get advice from his lovely granny<333
He sees it, I actually think he was the first one to ever notice it being there. Now he has made it his mission to find out something he has been wondering for a long time.
Are your lips soft?
Listen it's not in a weird way okay, normally he can tell every little thing about everyone just by watching them but you, he just can't for some reason the only thing he can focus on is your lips. 
He is like the human version of Pepé Le Pew with that mistletoe around.
So naturally he sets a trap for you like the amazing hunter he is!
“salut trickster! ” Rook says from right behind you, “Oh hey rook” you said as you finally noticed that he was behind you, you turned to look at him only to be met with a cheeky grin. “rook…? What are you up to? `` you asked, “non non mon ami, you wound me because I'm up to nothing!” Rook exclaimed with a fake pout, “mais.. (but) while I have you, I need your assistance with something.”
You knew Rook was up to no good when he asked that, but you agreed. Now here you are standing by a wall while Rook talks to vil about something.
Vil has no idea why rook is suddenly talking about how he reminds him of a peacock but he listens-
After rook is done with his little "chat" with vil he walks back to you but, oh my! Is that a mistletoe!
“Oh mon! It seems like we are under a mistletoe trickster!” Rook gasped, as he put his hand to his mouth. Acting as if he was in shock, he stared at you dramatically.
He feels so excited getting a kiss from you!!!! He is practically buzzing with excitement, his eyes are watching your every movement. 
When you kiss him he is very happy. 
He will be someone who makes the kiss special, it would be a little long so he can feel the softness of your lips a little longer, he will be the type to hold your chin. 
Once yall pull away he is showering you with praise about how soft your lips are. 
Then swoops away because he saw epel damaging his beauty-
He didn't even come- so there is no headcanons
Well in some reality Ortho pulls out a giant beam and threatened idia to go to the party in person. This is how it would be like!
That mistletoe has to be in a corner because that's where idia has been this whole time. You walk up to him being the kind soul you are<3
He stinks of hot cheetos and energy drinks. I'm sorry yall didn't need to know that-
But nonetheless you wander up to him, that's when you notice it– the mistletoe. 
“isn't that a mistletoe” you asked yourself, idia looks up at the plant as his eyes grew wide. “do you know what that means idia?” you teased, but when you looked back at him he was even more pressed on the corner. You noticed how it looks like he was shaking.
“Idia don't worry I was just joking with you ” you tried to calm him down the best you could, but his hair kept on flaming one-hundred shades. 
It was tense as you sat in silence in that corner.
He looks at you and you look at him, like does he think you're about to do something to him???😭
Yall just stare at each other.
“Idia…?” you asked as he started mumbling nonsense like “this so isn't a pro gamer move-” “I'm acting alot like Kari from Kairi won't speak because he is shy, yet gets a harem for some reason now someone tells how he did it ” “please I probably look so cringe..” He then went silent for a moment before hardly saying “...but this is my chance to be harmi from romantic hot boys academy club for the rich.”
Does he want the kiss or not???? He is sending mixed signals!!!!
“idia do want me to kiss you or not” Listen, you are getting fed up with waiting, does he want to smooch you or not!? 
He just looks around. Is he ignoring you? Kinda. He is just check if everyone is judging him or not, he then speaks: “yeah sure whatever”
That was a quick mood change. You suddenly get close and whoop his hair is now pink again.
You give him a peck and his head just flings away as soon as yall touch lips. “you must have low standards to kiss me lol”
Did he just insult you….?
“So I have low standards for liking you? I have low standards by wanting to kiss you”
He is now just a bubbling mess, his hair is wild pink and it almost feels scalding. He didn't expect you to answer like that. He is muttering incoherent things under his breath as he walked away-
he does notice it and he will tell you.
You give him a little smooch on the forehead and next thing you know he is gone. He is just with idia trying to get him to stand under the mistletoe so he can have a forehead kiss too<3
Actually his battery went up by 13 percent when you gave him that forehead kiss.
[Cue idia being dragged across the room by a small robot boy “Nii Chan, you are going under that mistletoe.”]
Oh he saw it, but he doesn't really know what it's used for? You being the kind soul you are, you explained to him that he has to kiss you.
He isn't saying no 
In Fact he will kiss you with no shame.
Another hallmark kisser, but this one brings off more of a black and white 1900s drama kisser. He is holding your chin, looking into your eyes and smiling down at you.
Will kiss you in the most gentle yet greedy way he could, he will pull away once you are out of breath. 
“Did I do it correctly, child of a man?” he mumbled not too far from your lips, his eyes had a certain glint watching your every move as you felt your face get hot. “yeah…” you muttered.
Now everyone is looking at yall bc you just kissed THE MALLEUS DRACONIA, *cue a crying screaming sebek*.
He will just be on his way acting like it wasn't a big deal, he doesn't understand why everyone is looking at you and him strange because he thinks that kissing under that plant was normal.
“child of a man, why is everyone staring at us like that?” Malleus asks with a hint of sadness in his voice, “Maybe because you kissed me?” he sat there and thought about what you said for a moment then spoke again: “So I did it wrong.” There was a small frown present on his face, “no Malleus, you didn't do it wrong.. it's just that you're a prince so you can do limited things in public.” you said, Malleus sat there for a moment before speaking “public, so I'll have to kiss you in private?......then meet me in my room in an hour, I'll be waiting for you.”
Would tell Lilia about it even though he was not too far away watching yall-
He knew it was there, because he was the one to put it up there-
Actually he even lead you under it and pretended not to know it was there😭
“Oh my, y/n look at what we're standing under! Fufufu, you know what that means right~” 
He gives you the most toe curling kiss, I swear those 100+ years of life gave him some kissing skills.
He will grab your jaw, maybe even play with your hair, he will also  let his hand trace your torso to tease you. But not once will he pull away from that kiss, he will likely pull away when you squirm abit too much.
You're just gasping for air-
“fufufu, y/n~! You didn't inform me you can kiss quite good”
He then went off somewhere when you weren't looking, but don't worry he will come back to tease you later.
He accidentally fell asleep under it, bless his heart. He was trying to stay up so badly too<33
Lilia had you look for silver because he didn't want him getting trampled-
“ah there you are, sliver- sliver wake up…?” you said as you patted him awake, his eyes softly opened as he looked up at you. “Are you alright?” Silver nodded in response to your question, he sat up and whiped the tiredness from his eyes as he observed his surroundings. 
He then finds the mistletoe, I think he is the type to point it out nonchalantly-
Then you noticed it, if he asks you if you wanted to kiss him nod yes trust me you won't be disappointed! 
If you do say yes, he will hold you ever so slightly and kiss you. The kiss is long but light, sloppy yet sweet. He will place his hand over yours for a sweet moment. 
He then hears sebek yelling for him so he has to go. 
“Bye y/n, we will talk later” he said as he kissed your hand and disappeared in the crowd.
He is one to notice it but act like it isn't there. I also think he wouldn't really care about human traditions unless Malleus is actually very fond of them, that's when he showed interest and his surprising vast knowledge of human traditions that his father likely showed him. 
But then Lilia points it out (and has to explain the concept to sebek) 
He is very loud about the whole thing. "I GUESS I'LL HAVE TO KISS YOU HUMAN" He yelled, making half of the room stare at yall like you're some weirdos for announcing it.
Very bold until he actually has to kiss you. When the time comes he is kinda a mess, but being a knight (in training) of lord Malleus he has to do it (he doesn't) He is under the thought of 'Lilia told me about it so he obviously wants me to kiss this human and follow the tradition.' And he isn't really the wrong, Lilia just wants some drama tonight and what better cup of tea is sebek having is first kiss with the magicless ramshackle prefect<3
Gives you a quite nice kiss on the corner of your lips and bolts away.
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Any Sport in a Storm
Listen I didn't get the time to do this w the last 2 eps (even though I had a lot of thoughts and feelings believe me) but I'll do it now bc this episode was so cute? And it surprised me too! Let's see
all the coven heads ignoring him is unsurprising, tho Raine hesitating didn't escape me. even under Terra's control they seem a bit concerned
Belos being like a single working parent leaving notes on the fridge or smth
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so. the old golden guard sigil is also the Gravesfield sigil? I already had noticed it looks similar to the Emperor's coven symbol but the bird's wings are more closed. thinking...
grown witches let's stop bullying the literal teenager
"Little Prince" is the cutest nickname ever and if Darius is the closest thing Hunter will get to a mentor figure I love the idea of it going from a condescending name to an affectionate one. I love it
seems Darius and Eber are very involved in Belos plans? what are they doing
Darius knew the previous Golden Guard? He was his mentor?? There was a previous Golden Guard???
So I was wondering how or why he would be sent to Hexide, turns out it wasn't Belos idea at all. Makes sense
Willow is an absolute badass and I love her YES GIRL GO
HER DADS? awww jock nerd family!
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Luz dropping all the books really got me for some reason. my child
"spill it hermosa!"
I suspected Luz and Amity would be busy elsewhere, and really enjoyed their B plot! Theorizing just like us about the mysterious person, the answer was the simpler option
I had assumed Eda had brought the books and sold them at some point. It was smth like that but without Eda lol
Tiny Nose has a name now also? good for her
To the surprise of no one, he sucks at interacting with other kids but this is even worse than expected lmao authority! and rules!!
heck yea Jerbo fight the system!
Professor Homunculus is a big jerk. tho we already knew that
Glad our boi Hunter gets to show off a little with the flying skills, he's had a, uh, rough season. He also got attacked by Puddles
I thought Caleb was the name of the museum guy obsessed with witches but it was actually Jacob generic english man names got me confused my bad
"hm, I don't feel sick" oh you clueless child
Gus being suspicious and protective I love my son
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the Best and the Brightest I love them
Two "half-a-witch" witches huh? Loved the parallel but also ouch. Guess that's a common insult for kids who struggle with magic which is yikes
Skara tactical genius hell yeah!
"now I'm only scarred emotionally ;)" girl omg
I hope Viney and Jerbo can reconcile after this. He looked terrified lmao we take sports very serious here
I love Hunter's teleporting technique. sneaky boi
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TEAM SPORTS. TEAM SPIRIT. Hunter making friends!! and he came up with the team name! Cute and creative
"Icepack for Steve"
seems training for the emperor's coven is brutal. Yet to hunter it's whatever lmao oh boy
also one free day a year.... yikes
Darius pushing Hunter to make choices for himself let's gooo
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and he gave him a phone scroll thingy 😭 which means he can keep in touch. Typing like an old man
I hope he won't get in trouble for it but Belos is ancient af he probably thinks social media is the real dark magic so he'll never see it I guess
sewing is indeed a very helpful skill to have
so third time was the charm, after Luz then Amity tried to reach out it seems Willow and her team might be his first real friends!
what's his username I need to know
I already liked Darius as a fabulous jerk and antagonist but now I'm super interested to see more of him
also his past with Amity's dad SPILL THE TEA! bitter exes? former besties? rivals since forever? is it a one sided aggression thing? please I need it
and he follows him on social media just to scoff and mute him, petty king
obsessed with Amity and Luz showing up at the end like oh did we miss anything imporWHAT
Little Prince!!
So yeah, very cute and fun over all, and revealed more than I expected. S2 has been fantastic non stop. Glad Hunter got to have some fun bc I feel he won't for too long
oh, spoilers for the upcoming episode synopsis:
So next week we'll have Amity and Luz focus, and it seems Amity wants to impress her dad so we might get more Darius too! Show me the handsome witch again!! Not expecting to see Hunter next week but maybe more Willow and Gus. I love them. I do hope we keep seeing the Emeralds hanging out in the future as a club and having practice and playing matches, idk. also show them talking w hunter through the scrolls? it'd be cute
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bonny-kookoo · 2 years
Jungkook: Aggressor 🔞 (5)
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In which Jungkook doesn't care what needs to be done, or what bones need to be broken. He'll do anything, if it means he gets to put food on the table- and gets to keep you safe. He promised, after all.
Tags/warnings: violence, angst, blood and wounds, mentions of abandonment and homelessness, bounty hunter!Jungkook, guns, wanted!Reader, crimes, murder, reader canceled someone's life subscription in self defense oops, jungkook is a little cold but he's soft inside trust me, I know it doesn't seem like it, there is a little fluff if you squint, put your contacts in its there I promise, swearing, listen it's not a children's tale haha, smut, protected bc yes, we wrap it even as criminals, handjob in a bathroom oops², dark humor, Jeon Bam as the best bodyguard of all times
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When you creep out of the bedroom the next morning, yiu joined its not morning at all- but there's noise, so you assume someone's definitely still here.
You squeak in shock when the dog from yesterday barks at you, making Jungkook appear almost instantly, large hand patting the dog's back. "Good job boy." He praises. "Go lay down." He commands, before he looks at you, pushing his tongue against his cheek before licking his lips. He probably was eating; it does smell like food. "I brought some takeout food. Hope you don't have allergies." He says, before he walks back, making you follow like a lost pet.
He almost thinks it's cute.
You stand still at the table, waiting for him as he slides a box of food towards you, plastic fork next to it. "Eat up." He says, and you nod, not wanting to be without respect, taking the food before you look around, unsure- before walking to sit in a corner. Jungkook sighs. "Come here." He says, getting up from his chair, and you shake your head. "Well fuck, I'm not letting you sit on the floor." He mumbles, sitting back down again, before patting his thigh.
Your eyes widen and cheeks redden, unsure- but you shyly do as he tells, sitting on his thigh, before you start to eat.
Jungkook honestly was taken a bit aback. He didn't think you'd actually sit down like that- but it seems like you're either very easy-going with strangers, or you have a weird favoritism for him. Either way-
You're really testing his self restraint.
He'd be lying if he said you're not pretty- you definitely are, and you can call yourself lucky that he's not one of those rabid dogs ready to bite anything they can reach. He can behave himself.
His theory however is quickly solved when the door opens loudly, old sliding door creaking under the movement, and you instantly jump up and run towards the bedroom, making Bam jerk up surprised. Seems like you're not too friendly with strangers after all, he thinks. "Damn kook." Taehyung laughs, baseball bat over his shoulder as he walks inside. "Did I scare your fucktoy?" He chuckles, and jungkook groans, closing your half-eaten meal for later as he smacks the older guy's hand away from it. "Even bought her food, pussy must be good." He mumbles, as Jungkook goes to put the food in the fridge.
"She's not my fucktoy." Jungkook mumbles before he looks at Taehyung. "What do you want?" He asks, and the older guy shrugs.
"Was bored." He says. "Heard you shot hansung in the face. The guy looks hideous let me fucking tell you." He laughs, leaning against a metal bar.
"He made it?" Jungkook wonders, cleaning the plastic fork for later use again as he puts it down for now.
"Probably not. Saw the medics pick up what's left of him last night though." He says, bored. "What's with the girl then though, if you're not screwing her?" He asks, and Jungkook furrows his brows.
He honestly doesn't know. At this point he doesn't want to send you away yet again, just to get into more trouble. You're a magnet for attracting such things- he'll figure out what to do with you at some point, he decides. "Dont know yet." He says. "I'll figure something out." He says, and Taehyung seems to have an idea, jungkook instantly shoving the older one out of his little home. "Absolutely not, put your dick in something else!" He scolds, watching the laughing friend leave.
He carefully walks towards his bedroom afterwards, opening the door- barely able to catch you hide underneath the blankets as if he wouldn't be able to tell. He sits down on the bed, calmly so. "He's gone now, you know." Jungkook says, and it's only then that you poke your head back out again, looking at him.
"Uh.. sorry." You mumble, unsure what to really say now, while he sighs, getting up, walking into the kitchen to get your food again, holding it out of reach for your hands for a moment though.
"Dont you dare get my fucking bed dirty." He warns- but you know there's no real bite behind his words. Not when you catch him commanding Bam to lay down at the bedroom door to keep watch over you.
Not when he's had every chance to bite already.
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doomedship · 3 years
Besides the Chenford mess, I’m also bummed by the way the women on this show have been portrayed in S4. One of the things that drew me to the show in the first place (besides Chenford) was the fact that you had badass WOC who had these storylines that weren’t a throwaway, and the fact that they're now just sidelined in favor of new/unnecessary characters is frustrating. And it sucks bc the people who are like “oh everything’s gonna be ok!! stop being negative” seem to be overlooking that.
Yeah, I've answered a few asks about this issue (see my women on the rookie tag if interested), and it's definitely something that's really been worrying me on the show. It's an issue far bigger than any ship concerns and is actually more important than angsting over whether Chenford will or won't happen.
Because can Chenford happen in a satisfactory way, anyway, if they're unable to give a believable, respectful, empowering depiction of any female character on the show anymore? You can already see some signs that it's going in a concerning direction, given Ashley and the way Tim treats Lucy. If this continues, I'm not sure I even want it.
As you say, this did not use to be a show short of strong, interesting, successful women who had their own storylines, motivations, strengths and weaknesses. Andersen and Bishop were excellent examples of female leadership. Lopez, Harper and Lucy were previously shown to be such gutsy, independent characters leading their own lives.
Do any of them have storylines where they are the lead? No, not really. Do they have an on-screen presence that doesn't rely on supporting male characters? No, not really. Do they have skills and experience beyond those of male characters, yet end up sidelined and subordinate with limited involvement in the resolution of core plots? Yes, absolutely.
If any of the three female leads weren't here this season, it would have had such minimal impact because almost everything centres on Nolan or Wesley. What have the women actually been involved in? I'm drawing a blank on Lucy. Angela had a baby and got a fridge at work. Nyla trained Thorsen for what, one episode, then spent most of her screentime dating.
The interesting thing about the "stop being negative" critics is that I haven't seen any of them offer counter arguments explaining how women on the show are being treated well. And if there are no such counter arguments, then how can you not have an issue with this show as it currently stands?
I suspect for many they already know the issues are there but are just not willing or ready to look at them. And okay, you don't have to.
But you shouldn't try and shut down other people recognising and drawing attention to misogyny and lack of diversity.
Just saying "guys please I don't want to see all the negativity" doesn't fly with me.
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judesstfrancis · 2 years
wait okay actually oh my god I am not sorry about the oc posting bc I'm simply obsessed with the dynamic between a kid and their dad's eventual boyfriend like. oh my god.
like imagine sammy is coming over one night for idk reasons I don't have to come up with that yet so we'll just imagine anyway he's coming over one night and frank is like coloring in the kitchen and vince leaves them alone for a minute for once again reasons and sammy is like oh geez I am so going to screw this up and it's like sammy omfg it's 5 whole minutes relax. but anyway he walks up to her and he's like "so what's up uh. picasso?" and she looks up and him and scrunches up her nose and he's like "yeah fair. bad nickname I'll think of something else" and she's like "I'm coloring" and he nods very seriously and is like "I see. what is it" and she looks at him and laughs like it should be obvious and she goes "it's a mouse" and he's like "oh of course. naturally" meanwhile sammy is in the doorway watching his not yet boyfriend talk to his four year old daughter like they are partners at a law firm.
and frank watches sammy fumble for something else to say and he doesn't know what to say bc it doesn't really look like a mouse, she's four, but he's also not gonna tell a four year old that she's bad at drawing bc he knows enough about kids to know that that would be mean and also it isn't even actually a bad drawing it just. doesn't look like a mouse. anyway frank gives him a colored pencil and a piece of paper and looks at him very seriously and goes "we're drawing a mouse family that lives in a teapot in the woods" and sammy nods very seriously like this makes sense to him and says "yes of course. naturally" and he draws some mice in a teapot. and it looks very bad. and he's like kind of afraid of this four year old judging his art for some reason? bc okay he'll be honest her mouse didn't look like a mouse but the frog neighbor she drew that lived in the shoe in the woods next to the mouse family? dude
frank takes her job as an art critic very seriously, especially bc it's her dad's friend sammy and she loves her dad's friend sammy bc he's very silly and she thinks if she plays it up a lot he'll be very silly indeed. and he is. of course. bc he's sammy and he's talking to a four year old but as far as he's concerned this might as well be judgement day. frank declares his little mouse family in their little teapot house in the woods "very good. naturally" and sammy is like oh my god this kid just eviscerated me.
they trade pictures at the end of the day, of course. bc that's what u do when u spend the day coloring with children, u trade the pictures u drew. sammy facetimes vince one day, out of the blue. vince answers and sammy's like "hey, darling, put your kid on the phone" and vince goes to get frank and sammy can hear him say "hey kiddo sammy's asking for u" and he can also hear frank's subsequent shriek of delight and he feels a little warm even tho he still genuinely has no idea why she likes him so much. once frank's on the phone he's like "hey mouse check this out" and he turns the camera and there her picture is, with the teapot mice and the shoe frog, stuck to the front of his fridge with two little magnets on opposite corners, one mouse and one frog.
and frank goes nuts right bc like to her this is the highest honor. she's four years old, her dad's friend sammy's fridge may as well be the moma. but there vince is in the background, trying very hard to hide his smile bc it is way too fond, always too fond around sammy aguilar and he has no idea when that started to happen but that's a problem for later bc what he does know is this: sammy aguilar is not a man who is easily impressed. by anything. but he has a scribbled picture of rainbow mice and purple frogs hanging front and center on his fridge
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