#(blows u a kiss)
nuks · 1 month
good afternoon!!
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beauforte · 21 days
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kindleaf · 25 days
hiiiiiiiii. so you Are PHD in erlin studies but your mind is able to make connections and find patterns in the narratives so fast its marvellous. when you make posts its like you weaved a tapestery of ideas that make me say "oh!" out loud. its thrilling to follow you for all your ideas and art. (also give the word i will take up my sword against any wierd anon)
[ask game]
MINTAAAAAA I'LL CRY.. ilu it's always such a delight to talk to you and read your ideas and writing. i'm very glad i met you :-) mwah
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neverallnorman · 1 month
“Hey. Norman. Look at me.” 
dissociation starters ! | accepting
The world isn't there, not quite. He can see it, but it's distant, hazy -- a film in black and white, the television fuzzy with static. Colors are too muted or too bright. His limbs weightless yet impossible to move.
And he hears her, a voice he's spoken to a million times, but she's watery and far away. Her hair the color of the copper pennies at the bottom of a water fountain. As though being puppeted by an outside force, Norman slides his gaze to her, smooth as butter sliding across a hot pancake. She's talking to him, he realizes. Look at me.
He is. Isn't he?
Norman should say something. Open your mouth and talk, a part of him begs. He can hear the rain outside, tip-tapping on the roof of the motel office. Hissing along the gravel driveway.
He isn't hurt, not physically. Later, he'll recognize that the power surged, a lightbulb burst. Mother's hands in his hair, cupping the side of his face. Just a game.
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He's five years old. The closet is too small for him and his mother both. His father breaks a glass, calls his mother something horrible and ugly that he's too young to understand yet. He counts slowly to ten in his head. When he reaches eleven, his father will pull him bodily out of the closet and drag his mother by her hair across the floor.
So he stops counting. Never reaches eleven. He's freshly eighteen and standing empty as one of his birds. He looks real, but peel him open and he would be hollow inside.
Shout into him and he would echo.
When he speaks, finally, his voice is flat. His eyes meet Emma's, but there's no light there, no real recognition. Like holes.
"--What happened?"
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chilschuck · 2 months
`✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ good morning lovelies! i managed to snag some more stuff for my chil ita bag and i’m so excited…. picking out a rosette too
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mischiiefs · 2 months
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deputyrook · 3 months
🌵 🧩 🍄!
🌵 ⇢ share the link to a playlist you love
I'm going to shill my own playlist here and say this super long nostalgia playlist of songs I was obsessed with from ages 4-14. It runs the gamut from Hilary Duff to Creed to Linkin Park!
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
Definitely if there are no paragraph breaks, or the punctuation is... wrong/missing. And while I like first person perspective in original fiction, I usually don't like reading it in fanfic. I'm pretty picky in general when it comes to reading fanfic though tbh
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
hmmm one of my favourites right now is durgetash, and I definitely headcanon that it is durge's first real relationship (and their first real partnership outside of the cult). I think the bhaal temple is likely VERY protective of the bloodline, so particularly where you have a female durge, the expectation is that she is super careful/sheltered about relationships and sex. I headcanon that every time before Gortash that she had feelings for someone, the Urge took over and killed them, so when she first realizes that she Feels a Kind of Way she is pretty concerned she'll end up killing him. I think forcing herself not to is the first inkling she gets that she really can resist her father's temptations.
Thank you for the questions!!! 💕
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villalunae · 5 months
erectile dysfunction
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nauti-ca · 2 years
fucking LOVE your malevolent art!!! more pls and thank u! ok that’s all! ily, random stranger on the internet! go drink water!
THANK U SO MUCH … i love YOU random stranger on the internet !!!! johnarthur malevolent has consumed my brain like nothing else and im so glad ppl are enjoying it ;_; <3
just for you sweet anon .. a sneakpeek of the next piece im working on >:)
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astrumocs · 4 months
psst seiferrr how are uuuu?
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"Oh, ah.. hello. I remember you... you spoke to me a long while ago."
"I am alright... I am still searching for my friend, but I know I will find her soon. And I have only died a couple times since I've gotten out, so... not so bad."
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pealingpetals · 1 year
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sneaky peek at something im rendering tf out of right now
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nonsupe · 6 months
the marshall's were prominent figures in panem. president and first lady in a world slowly coming back to its legs after too much spilled blood, putting the pieces back together again in their own controlled way. everything seemed to fit perfectly now, everything had an order and a precision that hadn't existed in the technical way it does today. and it was because of them. it was like they took everything in their hands and shaped it to work to their will, and if not by that will then by force. there was a vice grip over panem and recently reformed districts, it's been that way for as long as shiloh can remember.
because all of what he knows of an essence previous to panem was everything his mother told to him, who had a sufferers perspective. she lived in those dark times before panem had a real leader. his father had a similar story to hers, but he had an easier time growing accustomed to the changes as they happened while he was hiram marshall's personal bodyguard and hearing the plans spoken in closer proximity to him than almost anyone else. he knew what was coming and how to prepare for it.
it turn, some would say shiloh has the same luck. being close to the family as changes are made, as things were discussed in close enough proximity to him that he knows of the oncoming announcements before the rest of the people do. if only because he was hired, thanks to harry's own recommendation to the right people, to protect them during these times of change and dangerous politics when anyone could decide to take matters into their own hands and fuck it up again.
though his job was mostly to keep up with the son, leon, and keep him out of trouble and harms way, from making poor decisions that would keep him in those predicaments or something that would reflect poorly on him and the family. he was warned, of course, by those who were already familiar with his antics. warned by harry to mind him and watch for that gleam he gets in his eye when he was about to make a decision, especially an unwise one. but even with all the advice .. nobody could have truly prepared him for @antisupe.
" you're gonna get us both into trouble one day, " he says, and he can't resist the smile that comes with it. its not strange to be friends with a ward, right? " and you may be the only one who could charm your way out of it. "
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chepsi · 6 months
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femmestuck · 1 year
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my beautiful and beloved best friend!!!! yes :)
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snaketrue · 10 months
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memories are hazy, they shift in and out of his mind, foreign concepts, liquid to solid. solid to gas. no : that isn't right. brows furrow, he's looking for someone, the word Help scrawled in the muck of subconscious, whatever drew it there leaving a trail for him to follow. ever curious, the bird flies.
❛  so, what brings you here today ?  ❜
“ i'd guess you aren't a doctor of the mental variety ? ” he questions @nightmdic though really he wouldn't be so lucky on his first attempt, but then doubts he needs one anyway. “ i think i've caught a sort of bug, parasitic in nature . . . that isn't what you asked. ” clarity comes and goes, the shadow king sits just behind his eyes, he can only block him out for so long. . .
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is he injured ? he isn't sure, he's been outside himself so long it's hard to tell. oliver flexes each finger individually, wiggles them as though he is playing a piano against his knee. his toes are next. no flood of pain aside from the lingering throb behind his eyes, the weeping gash across his right side that hasn't quite bled crimson into his suit jacket yet. ( ah yes, that. )
“ i'm bleeding. ”
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leatherforhell · 10 months
today is @streetslost appreciation day everybody go tell Kylie you love her
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