#(my upper 20s body feels like it's actually in the 40s with how many naps I've had to take)
viridisgoblin-a · 2 years
     peeks in how is this side of the hellsite doin’? I’ve been a hell lot better but have sparked some muse back for Norman. Not gonna be amazingly active and I will most likely drop all threads since it’s been like a month + ( oof time flies when you have not been feeling well ) and may have a small reset of things unless we want to keep the dynamic between muses. I am also debating on archiving this blog and remaking it just to start fresh, not feel so stressed with everything. We’ll see. Like I said, idk how active I’ll be but gonna try for at least something once in a while.     Below cut is what’s been happening with me as of late
     Still without insurance which is the worst part. I’ve been feeling worse and worse, getting more and more dizzy by the day and have had constant abdominal pain. Unfortunately, I’ve had no luck in getting a new job, my super cool boss has moved to a different bookstore so who knows how the new manager is going to be. Social anxiety is kicking my ass and just making my health worse.      The only good things that have happened recently is the fact I got my consult about getting top surgery, just need to save up $11.4k to get it, and there is a possibility I may become a full-time employee if we do go to the projected numbers with our new program starting in the Fall semester--either that or I’m going to take a “manager” position where my old manager moved to specializing in course materials since that’s my forte, if the current guy continues down the path and gets fired.      I have been blog hopping a bit, but if you are interested in interacting with my other muses I have the Grim Reaper who has nothing going on really ( @reaperbound ) a multi for 4 demon bastards ( @demonforged ) and a murderous father who is secretly a furry ( @behindslaughter -- do note with this fandom I do not support the creator at all but I still like exploring the concept of the games. He can go burn in a pit )
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soysaucevictim · 5 years
I’ve been worrying myself sick lately... but the day finally came. And I still feel a level of uncertainty - the hard part of things is over for the time being.
June 4
I got up  around 7:30 AM again.
Socialized, went to Seeking Safety, did some Resilient Grieving reflection (but not a lot), and listened to music.
Still feel pulled in way too damn many directions. And I can’t even ENGAGE any of them until the hearing happens and what the verdict is going to be. And I’m so fucking frustrated, more with myself, that I just can’t make myself do that lately. I know it’s probably going to pass once The Day happens. And it will be SOME kind of relief (be it favorable result or not), once I have something to work with. I feel like no one is being patient with me, including myself, despite how clearly evident how much distress I’m in.
There’s some complex grief response shit I need to work on, the fear of getting my teeth fixed, the fear of learning to fucking drive, the fear that I don’t understand what the fuck my needs/priorities are (and the support I deserve towards them), the sense of falling far too behind on house work that needs to be done, the feeling of making excuse after excuse - that I’m not trying hard enough, and being too gawd damn frazzled to get my sleep (also medication & exercise) schedule somewhere fucking sensible again. And everything just feeds into each other and makes me want to fucking scream sometimes.
ANYWAYS... after getting home and getting distracted by the BS (because it’s the only way I’m able to fucking cope with this fucking thunderstorm in my head, atm)... I did at least get my exercise in. :I
First, today’s DD. 1′ basic burpees with EC. Manageable, despite under-sleeping. I also counted 20 completed reps by the end. Whew. :U
Second, Day 3 of the NC. “Strength“, meaning push-ups. Though I did think about going for 2′. I did 1′ (so Level 2). Which was a good call, since I was getting close to my PB & form got pretty messy. But I did count 42 of them in the time given.
Last, Day 3 of the PUP. Lower body work again - more distal stuff. I did have to drop down my left foot a few times during the leg swings because of fatigue making keeping balance real difficult. Probably also because I was too tired
Despite being too damn tired... I still stayed up till like 5AM with the same old BS. I’m a fucking mess. :/
June 5*
Been up since like 2PM. Meant to at least get up early enough to take my morning meds. Didn’t. So I didn’t take them at all! (Because I know you REALLY should try to keep that shit consistently spaced out... wild windows of hours is ill advised.)
Don’t have much to say about my day that I haven’t already.
Okay. I wound up doing all my exercise after midnight.
First, today’s DD. 20 matrix tilts with EC. Not a huge fave since it's pretty intense for the knees. But manageable.
Second, Day 4 of the NC. “Stealth“, meaning a wall-sit hold. This time I actually went for the 2′ duration, Level 3. It was fairly tough but very doable - given I’ve done this amount before. Also, watching Sanders Sides is a fantastic distraction from the burning quads. Pffft. :,D
Last, Day 4 of the PUP. Lower body work - but closer to the thighs/core. This was tough to get through. And I did have to pause for muscle recovering in tthe later half/quarter. The side leg raises didn’t stay very high - but oh well. Did the best I was able to do for the day.
Now. I sincerely doubt I’ll be going to the facility “tomorrow”. Since I wrote this bit past 3AM. =_=
June 6*
.I wound up staying up til like noon. Opting not to go to the facility today and sleeping til almost 6PM.
Same old noise after that. Wound up doing my exercise past midnight again, though*. :I
First, today’s DD. 60 turning kicks with EC. I always enjoy combat work. I tried to make sure to not let the foot drop until the side was done. Did wobble a few times but was able to keep it going. :D
Second, Day 5 of the NC. “Grit“, meaning up/down planks. I went for 1′ again and counted 16 reps in that time (counting each direction as one rep). This was certainly difficult, but I did pace myself and think to wear some long sleeves. JUst happy to not scrape up my elbows today. :P
Last, Day 5 of the PUP. Upperbody work. I did like that it involved knee push-ups. So that helped keep things just about manageable. That being said it was a bit of a hassle figuring out how to set it up so my knees weren’t unhappy and that I could check on the timer. Figured things out, but that did take some willpower to accomplish.
June 7
Been up since about 4PM.
Mostly been up to the same noise - but I did some dishes, made some dinner, and exercised.
First, today’s DD. 60 standing W-extensions with EC. I enjoyed this a lot. I also did a few extra in case I lost count. :D
Second, Day 6 of the NC. “Balance”, meaning one legged stand. I knew that I could pretty easily manage 2′ of this one In fact, I technically shot for 4′, 2′ for each side back-to-back.
Last, Day 6 of the PUP. Kind of mixed focus on squat and side elbow plank stuff. Did have a false start hours before going for it to completion. Mostly was frustrated with how I wanted to keep track of time while on the floor. But this whole thing was not a walk in the park. Second round of planks I did brace with top leg forward a bit.
June 8
Though I did get up a couple times earlier, I got up proper at like 6PM. Yeah.
First, today’s DD. 30 butterfly sit-ups with EC. This variation still requires some foot anchoring to do very many of. But nevertheless enjoyable! :D
Second, Day 7 of the NC. “Endurance“, meaning climbers. I went for 1′, Level 2. I counted 136 reps by the end. Did think about trying for 2′ again, but decided I wasn’t up for it.
(After getting way too damn distracted again...)
Last, Day 7 of the PUP. Lower body work. I’d say this was a more enjoyable sequence to get through and I didn’t have to drop/pause at any point. It wasn’t easy though!
(I may go add notation where I had to compromise, mostly for the data. :P )
June 9
Similar story as yesterday, except getting up after 3PM today.
Same old noise, but I did try to get my exercise done early on for the day.
First, today’s DD. 20 stacked push-ups with EC. Not much to say other than I found this one very manageable. :P
Second, Day 8 of the NC. “Core strength“, meaning hollow hold. First time I just had to tap out at Level 1 or 30″. I know my PBs can be upwards to a minute - I just didn’t feel up to straining my neck, because historically this exercise is pretty terrible for it.
Last, Day 8 of the PUP. Upper body work. I did very much enjoy this sequence, made my forearms burn (what with all the un/clenching of fists), as well as my shoulders. But it was a nice break on the former for the holds.
Tomorrow is The Day. So, after that, I took a shower and prepped some notes for the hearing before getting to bed. I also did try to get to sleep at a more reasonable time by my standards...
June 10
I didn’t get the most restful sleep last night. Getting up a few hours earlier due to muscle aches and stomach feeling all knotted up. :S
Ate a little bit and tried to get as much sleep as I could until 7:30.
Got dressed and was driven to court. The wait to get called in (with representative) was nerve-wracking. But the judge seemed to be warm enough and I didn't wind up having to cry-talk during our discussion. Probs won't know the ruling until a few months, I assume.
Feels like it's going to be a coin flip, tbh. But, I'm just happy to get it over with.
Got home and gamed awhile before exercising.
First, today’s DD. 40 raised leg circles with EC. This was doable despite exhaustion. But, the thing I've been stressing out over for the past several weeks is done. So that's something. :P
Second, Day 9 of the NC. “Combat“, meaning punches. Let’s just say I was looking forward to this after the hearing stuff. Something reliably enjoyable to keep my head from getting bleak again. Easily knocked out 2′ (Level 3), with 216 punches thrown. Tried to put a bit more of a twist into them. =w=
Last, Day 9 of the PUP. Lower body work. I also liked how this went. I did not do balanced side leg raises for the reps (keeping foot off floor, while down) but it didn’t seem to imply that interpretation. It certainly would’ve been harder than it already was, if so. But I did keep the holds up for their full durations. The balance work was super satisfying! :D
That did wake me up a bit more. I still wanted to take a nap... but wound up not doing so. Also wanted to get some notes together for my therapy appointment tomorrow. But ran out of time/energy for that,
But now, I need do a bit of archiving and try to get to bed.
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