#(not to mention every time I've decided I wanna do stuff IRL stuff happens)
skullandbowties · 2 years
OOC: One might assume this account is dead. It's actually undead.
Assumed dormant until BOOM. Sudden activity spike!
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maybeimamuppet · 3 years
hello important things pls read!!
even if you don't read my fics this is also important for you!! pls read above the cut!! and if you do read my fics pls read below also!!
hey howdy hello and welcome!! happy holidays if you're reading this when it comes out!! and if not, then... happy day. yeeha.
ANYWAY!! i am soooo excited to share this with you guys, i've been working on this since SEPTEMBER omg. i finally get to publish and see your reactions and ugh i can't wait!!
from tomorrow until christmas, i will be updating EVERY. DAY. twenty five oneshots all at your disposal unless you're reading this in real time and have to wait for them to be published first.
and, i did it TWICE. that's right, i wrote FIFTY chapters in about two months. yes those are full suitcases under my eyes thank you for noticing.
FOR FOLKS WHO ARE JUST HERE FOR CHAOS AND DONT READ MY STUFF: i’ll be tagging all of these as “cadvent” so if you’re not in the mood to scroll a bit (i will be putting most of the fics under the cut like i normally do, kind of like this, but even still) feel free to block that tag :) and happy holidays!!
hello my darling readers!! welcome to below the cut. i’m imagining we’re all huddling under a parachute together like in elementary school pe rn. so fun.
anyway. every day there will be two new chapters!! one will be ‘vanilla’ cadnis, or the one without my twin oc’s leo and layla, and one will be with the twins. ill specify which in the title and opening notes :) i decided to do each twice because i had so many ideas and i know that kid/family fics are not everyone’s vibe. feel free to read both (please i beg i worked so hard) but if kidfic isn’t your kind of thing i understand.
credits for all the prompts go to bidiboop on wattpad!! i'm about four years late to this but whatever i wanna do it so i'm doin it now. rock n roll. thank you for the beautiful list!!
also!!!! some important shoutouts before we get into this beautiful holiday monstrosity. to my irl friends Kween, Nerd, and BeepBop, as well as @etchedstars and @/julez_20 on wattpad . thank you for letting me vent about this and/or for giving me ideas <333
and last but most definitely not least thank you to my friend bread @/paloma-nymph on wattpad or @/deadbreadrunning on ao3. this would not have happened without you. thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your support and inspiration. and also for making my beautiful covers :) also!!!!! they also did fifty chapters with the same prompts i'm using!!! bread did 25 days of heathers ships and 25 days of mean girls ships so everyone please go support my friend!!
before we get into the fics themselves, i wanted to give y'all some important information that i may or may not have included and didn't give context for (i can't remember!! so. have this.)
-to begin with!! this timeline is all sorts of wack. they do not go in chronological order at all even a little bit. 
in an attempt to make things easier i'll put the rough ages cadnis are and the rough ages the twins are in the opening notes of each chapter (bearing in mind that- in my timeline anyway- janis' birthday is in october and cady's is in february, so janis is a bit older)!! i may not have gotten the ages exactly correct bc i cannot do math!!! but give or take a year they're accurate. and even still there's a few little contradictions and things. but shhhh if we don't look too close maybe they'll go away.
-characters!! y'all know the ones in canon (i should hope) but here are some of the ones you might see mentioned:
-Elvira Sarkisian-Heron: Cadnis' pet black cat, adopted about a year after they were married. Occasionally goes by the nickname Ellie
-Daffodil Sarkisian-Heron: Cadnis' pet golden retriever, adopted after Cady completed her PhD when they were 26. Occasionally goes by the nickname Daffy
-Chip Heron: Cady's dad
-Betsy Heron: Cady's mom
-Rhys Heron: Cady's older brother, deceased. He was killed in the line of combat in the army when he was twenty and Cady was ten
-Juliette Sarkisian: Janis' mom. Occasionally goes by the nickname Ettie
-Luca Sarkisian: Janis' dad, deceased. He passed away from an illness when Janis was four. He's also French, that's kind of important
-Juliana Sarkisian: Janis' younger half sister. She was born when Janis was six. Occasionally goes by the nicknames Julie, Jules or Juju
-Pancakes Sarkisian: Janis' pet cat. She had him from the ages of 13-21
-Layla Reese Sarkisian-Heron: The elder twin (by three minutes). Louder, braver, and bigger in just about every sense. Occasionally goes by the nicknames Ladybug, Bug, Lala, or Loopsy
-Leo Juliette Sarkisian-Heron: The younger twin. Shy, quiet, but an absolute sweetheart. Occasionally goes by the nicknames Bumblebee, Bee, Lolo, or Lishy
-Elmer Sarkisian-Heron: Layla's stuffed elephant, received as a gift from Damian and Aaron when she was born
-Georgie Sarkisian-Heron: Leo's stuffed giraffe, also given to her by Damian and Aaron when she was born
other important shit (highly recommend reading my main book if you want more deeeeetails)
-cadnis got together on cady's birthday their senior year of high school (february 11)
-they did long distance for the first two years of university (janis was in new york and cady stayed in illinois. cady finished her undergrad in two years instead of the traditional four, and moved in with janis and damian in new york when they were 20 ish to start working on her master's degree)
-they got engaged right after janis finished her undergrad and cady finished her masters and they were ~22
-the twins' birthday is in may (may 14), so at their youngest they're six going on seven months old here :)
-cady and janis were 28 when the twins were born
-cady carried them
-the twins were born premature by almost two months and spent roughly a month in the nicu
-while cady was pregnant they developed twin to twin transfusion syndrome (in a nutshell, it's when two babies sharing a placenta in the womb don't share nutrients/blood/fluids/etc evenly and it can be deadly to both) and required surgery
and i believe that is everything!! hopefully but who knows lol.
anyway, without further ado...
happy holidays yall :)
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
I have forgotten every ask that I have ever submitted so it’s fine!! I was get a pleasant surprise when I see that you’ve answered one of my asks and im just sitting there like “Oh yes!! That was me!!”, also just getting mentioned in posts by you that don’t related to asks by me is also a present surprise! Like yes!! I exist!!
Also do go on about dreams, that’s always a fun topic. They’re just your brain’s way of processing information in a timely manner, and (I’m assuming) because of the sheer amount of stuff that goes on in a day, it takes several nights of dreams to process. Like, whenever I remember a dream, the stuff in it is already days (or even weeks) old!!
Either way, it is fun to connect each part of the dream to a thing that’s happened/that you saw.
okay cool because I frequently find that I forget to answer a few of your asks for a while so glad it's not a problem! I try to avoid answering asks from just one person multiple times in a row so that I can divide my attention amongst other people who've sent them, but then that sometimes means a few asks from one person get pushed back for a while. Hopefully that's something that will also be improved once I get through more of my asks!! I actually don't know where I'm at in terms of that hang on I wanna check--okay, so once I answer this ask my oldest (not counting art requests) will be from December 13th! That's not bad. Still a lot further back then i'd like it to be but that's better than it has been in the past. Though there is one older than that that I keep forgetting because it's in my drafts, but I have no clue how long it's been there
also i don't remember when I've mentioned you in other posts that you haven't sent but! it does sound like something I would do from time to time! I mean, I've mentioned you irl to like...2 (?) people. At least one. So you exist!! You exist in my life even when I'm not answering your asks!
as for dreams I have...absolutely no memory of like 97% of them. And I only dream every few months (every time I say that people tell me "oh but you are dreaming you just don't remember it" so I am accounting for that! sure whatever I don't remember is happening but I mean that for me sleep is just a skip in time! no mental things!) and sometimes they? repeat? it's so strange. Like it'll be the same dream i had 2 years ago except there are slight differences based on things I experienced more recently only I can't tell if they're actually differences and the dream changed or if it was always like that and I'm just relating it to current things. I do have a few of them written down but those are the older ones (2019-2020) because I fell out of the habit. Your ask reminded me of them so I went to read a few but stopped when I got to "but he says I can't come on the ship because I lost my space shoe." and I just. I don't know what to do with that. Wait I found another one. "The guy I was fighting[...]got hit by a bus and immediately decapitated. We tried to bring him to a hospital but he was decapitated so.
I don't know what it's like to dream consistently but if it's anything like what my dreams are like it's probably very entertaining.
the only dream I have that I actually remember distinctly without having to write it down is this nightmare I had when I was four and it has somehow stuck with me literally my entire life. I can visualize it. I remember nearly everything about it. This was over a decade ago and I only had the dream once and I was literally four but hey. My brain decided it was a core memory and just stuck it in my head permanently.
and it is! or sometimes there's the opposite thing where you have to connect a thing you're doing irl with something in a dream and figure out which one it is. I know I personally will sometimes get like a fragment of a dream and it's like...2 seconds worth of something that could actually happen irl like loosing an item or putting something somewhere or needing to clean something and then my brain saves it as an actual memory and not a dream memory and then it'll throw me off whenever something relevant happens irl.
Like if I had a few seconds of a dream where I lost a pencil and then sometime later in the day I'm like "ah I have to find that pencil I lost" only to get confused when the pencil...isn't lost. That very mundane few seconds were just a dream and not a memory. Sometimes its bigger than that and really throws me for a loop for a few seconds but it's still an interesting glimpse into the inner workings of the brain.
Dreams are fascinating and I wish I could analyze them more to figure out ways it connects to processing things in the brain! but for now I shall just enjoy them the rare times I have them.
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