#(then again maybe he didnt note bryces sister being dead because he didnt know?
upsidedowngrass · 1 year
yknow i wonder HOW airy found out about bryce having thalassophobia. cus the existence of the database implies that, with the computer, airy had SOME sort of access to information about the contestants, and with a record of charlotte having been briefly jailed and the fact that hes able to make a site, id imagine it probably has to do with some sort of access to earths internet. even with the more confusing things that he found, like where people lived, they can be explained as the computer simply saying a persons location, maybe? and the pictures i simply imagine are whatever record anywhere he could find of them. still though, its mildly confusing. but bryces thalassophobia is the MOST confusing thing for him to know about any of the contestants, especially since airy seems to not read other peoples fears well, so even if he couldve somehow seen the contestants in their lives somehow before he brought them, theres no way he wouldve picked up on bryce not only having a fear, but i dont think airy would pick up on it being a phobia more specifically. but then how would he have found out about it? did bryce post about it somewhere? mention it somewhere? how much DOES the computer have access to things? i dont have answers to these questions but i sure think about it a lot
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