#* jing qi/beiyuan \ interactions.
coreofgold · 4 months
@lavendaers for Jing Qi
"Would you like to visit the Gems and Minerals with me?" Wu Xi asks. "I think you would like them." And Wu Xi already thinks Jing Qi is the brightest gem so he just wants to compare.
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lavendaers · 8 months
@coreofgold jing qi for wu xi 22. though relatively empty the plant life whispers threats and warnings to people in this portion of the maze. It tells them to give up on their progress
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jing qi glanced at his husband, regretting pulling the other in because he was curious about what was inside the maze. he should've known better, but he hadn't been able to help himself. "i'm sorry, wu xi. you're stuck in here all because of me." he shook his head, glancing down at the ground, almost positive he could hear someone whispering that they should just give up.
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rentrash · 1 year
Everyone, I present you a spam of Qi Ye’s quotes that made me smile. I mainly do this for myself, as I won’t keep those screenshots eternally in my phone, but I want to be able to read them and find them when I want. Also, if you’ve been curious about Jing Beiyuan and Wu Xi like I have, maybe this can give you the little push needed to start reading the novel, or just quench your curiosity with these few interactions (and other).
I just finished reading Chichi’s translation which you can find here. Many many thanks for allowing me and many more to read this novel.
Without further ado, here are Qi Ye’s quotes that made me smile; in various posts, as I have too many
Part 1
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Wu Xi figuring out he likes Jing Beiyuan and saying so to his bodyguards.
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They’re just very fond of each other you see…
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Wu Xi gifted Jing Beiyuan a ring which was a heirloom that you supposedly only give to your one-true-love… Isn’t that romantic
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Wu Xi and his gay panic™️
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I just find this very funny
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Loved the translator’s notes
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wantmangojuice · 2 months
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Peach Blossom Debt - finished - 26ch + 1 extra
Premise: Soft-hearted, romantic, destined-to-be-perpetually-single accidental-immortal MC is tasked by Heaven to play the villain in the love tribulations of two other immortals. He...does his gosh-darned best. But, also, what about MC's hopes for romance, huh, heaven? What if he wants to fall in love happily, too???
I didn't expect to enjoy this as much as I did (I only bought it on a whim because I wanted to finish a relatively-shorter danmei novel) but I really did!
MC Song Yao is such an endearing character. He's immortal but definitely still has the heart and sentiments of a mortal, he cares so so much, his narration is quite funny, and every other chapter I just wanna give him a hug.
I was really really rooting for Hengwen to be the ML almost from the beginning -- and I was right! Ha!
Related to the above bullet point, yes, the ML is not immediately apparent from the get-go (the sheer number of "Oh please be the ML" comments I had in my ebook copy whenever Hengwen shows up is hilarious) which I think adds to the fun/suspense. (I admit I caved halfway through and looked it up, though, 'cause I knew if it wasn't him I needed to brace myself for the disappointment hahaha.)
And on that note, regardless of whether they're the endgame pairing or not, I really enjoyed the twist and turns and reveals and feels that the Song Yao-Hengwen relationship had. I think one of the reasons they endeared themselves to me was that according to the book, they've been friends for over a thousand years, and their interactions certainly sold me on that. Everytime they're in a scene together there's an air of familiarity and comfort between them that I appreciated so much. Like, sure, there are complications, like how Song Yao has been pining for Hengwen for so long, and how Hengwen's nature as a never-been-mortal immortal makes it sometimes difficult for him to understand certain things about Song Yao-- but the bedrock of their relationship is that they're friends who can rely on each other first and foremost, and I enjoyed that.
The main couple getting their HE by the skin of their teeth arrrgh I love them.
Loved the interesting interplay of debt and "being fated" and how much of that really matters in the end (especially since it's revealed in the end that Song Yao's "destined to be perpetually alone" thing was actually all just hogwash).
What does it even mean when your fate is tied to someone else's, anyway? Question: If various karmic debts mean that you're soulmates with someone you don't love, and the person you love is not your soulmate, what do you do? Answer: You love the person you love anyway, even if you have to go to extreme impossible lengths shuffling those debts and those karmic ties around.
Honestly, the more I think about how things were resolved at the end of the book, the more I like it. Song Yao & Hengwen really found a way to make each other their soulmates: Song Yao by breaking all their other soulmate bonds, and Hengwen by everything he did afterwards that resulted in the two of them forming a karmic bond. They essentially became soulmates by choice, which is such a neat way to wrap things up.
(Interestingly, this is the second book I've read which plays with the "the person you fall in love with is not your soulmate and your soulmate is not the person you love" thing, the first one being Qi Ye, and even then Qi Ye was kind of a borderline case because there's some hints that WuXi was, in fact, Jing Beiyuan's soulmate after all. Just... something about the whole concept of "No matter what the bonds of destiny says, you are the one my heart has chosen" kind of gets me right in the kokoro.)
Probably gonna be jumping into the sequel of this book soon out of desperate hope to read more of these characters hahahahaha.
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hedonistbyheart · 3 years
I can’t stop thinking about the fact that Wuxi is in an alliance with Helian Yi by the end of Qi Ye, right? Like - they have to interact in an official capacity as leaders of their realms, don’t they?
Imagine Helian Yi visiting Nanjiang on official business and Wuxi is like, “this is my wife: she’s mute and also all Nanjiang nobles are veiled at all times, don’t ask” and meanwhile Jing Beiyuan, who loves to talk more than anything, has to stay quiet and unassuming for several days so as not to alert his ex-soulmate to the fact that he’s still alive.
The shenanigans.
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forewarning: this post uses critical tone towards a certain scene in Word of Honor (specifically, ep.9’s “... that you’re actually crazy” scene). If you’re not in the mood for reading such thing, please be kind to yourself and scroll past this post. 
Ok, I think I worked out what bothered me the most about “I didn't realize that you’re actually crazy” scene in SHL – I mean, lots of things about it bother me, but I did know they’d bleach out the grey morality for c-nsorship reasons, so I should’ve been ready for some ridiculous righteousness coming from the mouth of mr.childmurder… but, ok, you see, the truly disturbing thing about this scene is how similar it feels to what happened between Zishu and Jiuxiao in the novels.
Novel Zhou Zishu has always shielded his too-honest, too-righteous shidi from the realities of what he does for the Crown Prince. But then Liang Jiuxiao finds out. Finds out that his shixiong, the person he admired deeply, the person he wanted to travel jianghu with, was the one who exterminated the whole family of a loyal official, including a four-year-old child they all knew and played with and loved. Understandably, Jiuxiao freaks out, and confronts Zhou Zishu – going as far as telling him that murderers should pay with their lives… To put it shortly, Liang Jiuxiao sees Zhou Zishu’s true face for the first time, and is horrified by it.
This is almost beat by beat what happened in SHL – Zhou Zishu sees the extent of hatred Wen Kexing (the person he wanted to travel jianghu with) is capable of, and rejects him over it. 
And even the fallout is similar – in the novel, Zhou Zishu internalizes what Jiuxiao said to the point that it largely informs his decision to use the nails; in the show, it is this rejection that leads to Wen Kexing trying to hide his identity as the Valley Master, and to him internalizing the idea that his life is worth less than Zishu’s.
And look, I think the show didn’t mention Jiuxiao confronting Zhou Zishu over the murder of the Jiang family (unless I missed something in conversation?), so maybe it didn’t happen in the show’s canon – but I certainly didn’t know that when watching the scene, so to see Zhou Zishu inflict on Wen Kexing exactly the kind of emotional damage that made novel Zishu want to stab himself full of nails and go die was… disturbing, to put it mildly.
Anyway, if the confrontation between ZZS and LJX didn’t happen, then... Okay, it’s impossible to tell if the similarity between scenes is coincidental or not, but there are a few other beats in show!wenzhou’s relationship that feel pulled out of qi ye (like, drugging your lover so they’d be safe while you go off to do something incredibly dangerous that will almost certainly kill you? not something novel wenzhou ever did or would do, but jing beiyuan sure did just that to wu xi), so I can’t help but feel like this one is too; and if it isn’t coincidental, if the Zishu and Jiuxiao’s story in Qi Ye was taken as inspiration for something between SHL’s wenzhou… that also feels deeply wrong, because the novel reiterates several times that relationship between Zishu and Jiuxiao and Zishu and Kexing are fundamentally different.
...But, of course, show’s wenzhou is also completely different from novel’s wenzhou. I guess in the grand scheme of things this scene might not even be the biggest divergence from their novel interactions, just the first glaringly obvious one, and maybe that’s part of the reason my brain got so caught up on it – either way, writing this helped me work out some of my feelings regarding it, so I’m going to cut off this stream of consciousness here. 
- TYK/SHL comparisons masterpost - - tyk meta masterpost -
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fandom-trash-97 · 3 years
OK guys...... So I started reading Qi Ye. It's a bit slow going (both the plot and my reading speed) , and one of the MC absolutely refuses to interact with the protagonist even though they apparently become bosom friends later.
I soooo wish I had speed reading skills.
Jing Beiyuan however, is an absolutely fascinating character with an amazing story. Can't wait to find out what happens next. He steals all the scenes!!!
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lavendaers · 24 days
@vcndetta randomized starter from jing qi for veronica lodge
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jing qi had absolutely no idea where any of his clothes were. it was like they'd almost disappeared overnight. he'd only had one outfit other than the one on his back. "what do you think of this?" he questioned as he pulled out a shit.
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coreofgold · 2 months
@lavendaers for Jing Qi
"Are you busy today?" Wu Xi nonchalantly asks Jing Qi, feeding his many exotic pets.
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coreofgold · 1 year
@lavendaers for Jing Qi
Wu Xi doesn't know why he buys these fancy things; He is content looking like a goth and being minimalist. . .but maybe his husband would like it ! If. . .if he was here. "One day he will appreciate this" he said to himself as he walked home. He just put the key in the lock when he heard someone call him. After calming the pet snake around his wrist he quickly turned around.
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lavendaers · 1 year
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jing qi had gone out, his plan was to get a few things from the grocery store he’d been to with his husband to get a few things and make them a nice meal. while he wasn’t really sure what valentine’s day was, he wanted to celebrate it with wu xi since it seemed to mostly be for couples. that was where he was when the chaos started. his first thought was to find his husband and make sure that nothing had happened to him and he had a feeling that the other’s thoughts were pretty much the same so he decided to stay in one place and just wait at the grocery store. wu xi would come for him, he was certain of that.
@coreofgold jing qi for wu xi
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lavendaers · 1 year
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having just woken up from his afternoon nap, there was a smile on jing qi’s face as he wandered around the city. it was certainly strange to end up in this strange town and time, but at least he was getting a moment to relax. there was only one thing missing. there was a small smile playing at the corners of his lips as he walked into the tea shop. tea was exactly what he needed. he ordered quickly and turned to find somewhere to sit. “could i possibly sit with you? i’m only here to drink a little tea and read so i promise not to bother you too much.”
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lavendaers · 11 months
@coreofgold “I was enchanted to meet you.” (Wu Xi and Jing Qi)
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he knew that his husband didn't remember him and that simple fact was driving him crazy, but he had no idea what to do but go along with it. "you were? you didn't think i was some crazy person for hugging you?"
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lavendaers · 1 year
@coreofgold jing qi for wu xi
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jing qi hadn't known what to do when he'd found his husband. he'd temporarily closed wu xi's clinic but there was no way that he knew how to run it and he'd gone to their home. he had no idea what else to do, what else he was supposed to do. he was deep in his pain and didn't think there was an end in sight, but then he saw him. it didn't occur to him that the other had died and this wasn't normal. he'd been around during valentine's day so he knew this place was strange, but for some reason it hadn't occurred to him that he'd get his husband back. "wu xi." he let out a sigh of relief, his arms wrapping around him. "you came back to me."
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coreofgold · 1 year
@lavendaers for Jing Qi
"All right. I got you a laptop so we can practice typing and how to use formats." Wu Xi said. "It's already set up so it'll be easier to jump right in." Before Jing Qi can even try messing with the computer at his job, the basics will be done in a laptop then move to a library one then the work one on off hours.
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lavendaers · 1 year
@coreofgold​  ☾ = being found shirtless .  (Wu Xi and Jing Qi)
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jing qi walked into their shared bedroom, assuming that his husband was still at work so it didn’t matter. when his gaze landed on wu xi, he immediately stopped in his tracks. “i thought- i thought you were at work. where is your shirt?”
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