#* ☾       II. ARC TWO     —     everything is red.
moonhurts · 2 years
a year comes and goes, two, three. today is the anniversary of his biggest regret: the day they’d skipped school, the last day of boyd’s life. grief has always been a cloying experience for isaac, as if wading waist-deep in a molasses river, desperate to reach the other side. he wonders if it feels similar for @exilae​. he wonders if she feels a hand pushing against her sternum, heavy enough to break her bones.
as she sits, curled up on his couch in paris, isaac thinks about asking her. though in his newly aged wisdom, that thought comes and goes like a seasonal change. some things are better left unsaid.
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     ‘ you up for a walk? ’
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moonhurts · 2 years
they know what to look for; they know a cover-up story when they see it. hawkins sends out a calling card, bright red with all-caps, and who are they to ignore such a polite invitation? isaac looks to @queenwolf​ under the shade of midnight, the moon waxing gibbous above them. allison looks at home among the dense forest, pine needles crunching beneath her feet. eventually, the forest opens up, and lover’s lake spans before them.
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     ‘ reckon it’s something worse than the nemeton? ’     he crouches low by the lakeside, long legs hinged at the knees. there’s a wrongness to the air — beyond the pungent metallic scent of a days-old blood spill. a hand presses flat to the sandy shore, and there is life beneath his fingers. it thrums, as if orbital, as if a heartbeat.      ‘ yeah. it’s definitely worse than the nemeton. it feels like the ground is breathing. ’
he looks up at her then, red eyes glowing bright. whatever this is, it feels big. isaac returns to his feet, wiping his palm clean on the side of his jeans.
     ‘ up for a swim? ’
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moonhurts · 2 years
tumblr deleted all my tags. this is h*mophobia. anyways tag drop.
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moonhurts · 2 years
if life were a performance piece, then this is surely the interlude.  no surety of a response, he’d reached out at 2am in sweat-sheen using the phone number left via chris just in case. well, @lobotl​​, as if you’d summoned odysseus himself back from a ten year plight ( five years early ), isaac has picked up the pieces left abandoned for three whole years. no matter the passage time, he has and always will trust scott. so it is simple: he trusts scott with his newfound abilities too.
and that trust isn’t misplaced, not when scott tells him it’ll be okay, that he’ll be on the next flight despite the busyness of a college schedule. isaac uncoils like a spooling rod with relief.
chris has long left, returning to allison’s side in new orleans, a much needed visit to recuperate after his close flirtation with death. and now, isaac is standing in an airport waiting for the arrival of his saving grace. it’s been a week since the fallout, and nerves are still frayed red and bloody like the new colour of his eyes. how does he move on from this?
— scott will know what to do. and even if he doesn’t, at least isaac won’t be alone.
hands buried deep in his pockets, it’s easy to spot the familiar mop of dark hair in the arrivals. he’s always been a dying star burning bright in his brilliance; that isaac cannot look away is no fault of his own.
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     ‘ — scott. it’s good to see you again. oh, and uh, welcome to france. ’
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moonhurts · 2 years
he’s seen her around campus, dusty old books clutched to her chest as she wanders class to class. although the titles chosen strike a note of whimsy, and although she’s more than a little easy on the eyes, they aren’t the reasons for isaac’s prolonged attention. no, in truth, he hadn’t even spared her a second glance — until by chance, late at night while lurking the campus library, his red-gaze had caught a purple hue, bright and teeming with life in the corner of his peripherals. 
whoever @sacrificialed​​ was, she wasn’t human. that intrigued isaac. that intrigued him enough to slide into the seat her opposite, blue eyes affixed on her reading material.
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     ‘ hi. we share a few classes? history and mythology. ’     isaac props his head up on his hand, repressing the urge to reveal his own inhuman status.     ‘ i’m isaac. ’
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moonhurts · 2 years
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