#*lucinda von valancius
sotc 18 days
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Lucinda: idk what he's thinking :/ how does he even feel about me :/ Heinrix: *using his entire mental fortitude trying to appear normal*
My sketches were not intentionally turning out this way but where I placed those two made it look like he was imagining her in his cape and how could I not. LOL.
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sotc 28 days
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The way I played the entirety of Commorragh / Chapter 3 in one nonstop sitting to get to this point and it was SO WORTH IT! AAAAAAA.
Now I know I haven't posted about their prior scenes like Heinrix's Magnae Accessio scene or the Janus scene (I was too wrapped up in the game) but I'll post about that another time lol.
On to talking about this scene in the read more below:
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I love how they came together in their longing! Finally! Especially with how they left off before Commorragh where neither of them knew where they stood. There was so much uncertainty between them, so much left unsaid and so much at stake in putting meaning into what they were. For reference this was how they left off:
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Just an absolute gut-punch of a response; a nonanswer really. Lucinda was hurt by him, by the reality of their stations - enough to steel her heart and distance herself for the better part of ongoing missions afterwards by not bringing him along. After he had pleaded that it was enough for him to simply be there for her and help her. I can just imagine the icy facade even she wears back at him at mission briefings as she orders him to stay behind. Maybe it was punishment, maybe she was simply trying to guard her breaking heart. Either way, coming back to this moment after she surviving hell and learn they both had suffered in their longing, in their fates and missed chances and finally threw caution to the wind?
AH. So perfect!
One of my favorite little details of this scene is that Heinrix is slowly approaching Lucinda, yes, but from the bottom of the steps of her study as he's talking about all the efforts he went through trying to find her. The visual of him looking up at Lucinda in his desperation, his awe and longing only to finally meet her and pull her into an embrace that literally sweeps her off her feet!? SCHWOOOOON.
Although - I will say I don't quite like the options that scene had in regards to asking how the RT felt. You only have two options: I'm completely fine or teasing him for looking peaky since he suffered so much in your absence. Just a small gripe but I think after surviving The Horrors this would've been such a great opportunity to open up / express a vulnerability before (or after actually?) The Kiss happens. Now I know the game can only approach the RT's responses in broad strokes to cover their bases in a scenario but y'know... just two options? 馃槕 Plz.
I mean, the RT and Heinrix open up so much in Commorragh!! Your RT can express fear and worry about returning home!! (so I've seen from my Friend's PT) It would've been nice to see an vulnerability response from the RT placed here as well buuuuut that's OK. Honestly it was still so amazing and overall I'm satisfied and SO happy lol.
Anyways, I don't think Lucinda came back 'perfectly fine' and that's where headcanons and fics come into play 馃槇 and I'm going to talk lots more about it on some other posts.
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sotc 1 month
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These two sharing the most meaningful looks and it drives me CRAZZYYYYY!?!?!? I am chewing on the wall rn.
For all of Heinrix's interrogation techniques he still can't seem to figure out Lucinda is also suffering to maintain professional boundaries and courtesies while trying to stifle her attraction. 馃槱
Although I will say at this point after the events of Rykad Minoris she's certainly taking her position and duties as a Rogue Trader far more personally. She can't have time for these feelings when so many lives are at stake and she's left to take the mantle of an entire dynasty.
/flails oh, the drama of it all!
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sotc 26 days
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Are we for real right now. Lucinda just got back from Commorragh and she suddenly goes missing with the Lady Navigator for another 20 Terra days!? Lmao, I'm sorry to Heinrix. That man is NOT getting any sleep 馃槄 The second he closes his eyes Lucinda keeps disappearing on him.
And I know the interrogation reports had other people leading it but I know in my heart that man was interrogating the shit out of people too 鉂わ笍 lol
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sotc 1 month
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I've been exploring this scene a bit to feel out Lucinda and Heinrix's vibes and I think I'm really feeling this outcome the most. I was genuinely surprised to see Heinrix checks your RT out despite himself even when they're being courteous! I love it! Two Psykers trying to manage their burgeoning attraction to one another and try not to be awkward challenge (failed). 馃グ
Though I will say the more obvious flirtations are DELIGHTFULLY fun. Not very IC for my RT but still-- LOVE to see a stoic man get flustered. And I'm putting it under a read more for my own entertainment lol
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sotc 20 days
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I couldn't help myself to some canon/oc! Since my latest obsession with Rogue Trader I decided to do Heinrix and Lucinda 鉂わ笍
Link to kissy piccrew below if you wanna do it!
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sotc 1 month
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Lucinda is terrible at conversing normally when having a lowkey crush (is it really lowkey?) and trying to keep up appearances on the bridge. 馃槄 Something is telling me this is going to be a painstaking slowburn between these two until the events of Commorragh. 馃槍
But I will say I headcanon the rest of this conversation about his Psyker abilities and his past in more private quarters between the two of them. Personally can't imagine him just upright saying all of this so publicly and with Abelard in earshot. Haha. Lucinda has a similar past of shared burdens and tragedies! The shared curse of being a psyker, the Blackship, and her enlistment into the Imperial Guard as a Sanctioned Psyker. There's a few other personal backstory tidbits I'm still working out the details of but I'm sure it'll come around on its own lmao P:
Man, I wish the game at least let you build that sort of rapport though with a Psyker origin. The most you get is him acknowledging you but a simple acknowledging comment from the RT, too, would have sufficed. 馃様
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sotc 1 month
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This was an interesting character point for Lucinda. How does one deal with the threat of a daemon world and having to choose to abandon hundreds of thousands when your backstory's greatest shame was that, despite managing to destroy a daemon, you killed thousands on a voidship after briefly losing control of your powers to do so?
I really wanted to take a moment to think about this for her. Does she lean into her survivor's guilt and savior complex? Or does she lean towards her fears after her personal traumas and not risk the threat of Chaos again? Afterall, what's nuking an entire planet to save millions in an entire sector, right?
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So that was fun :)
I think this brings a really interesting dynamic for her and Heinrix to explore later on in my headcanons. Afterall, what hasn't Heinrix done in the name of the Inquisition? How heavy is the weight of their burdens and guilt?
But also ruminating on this solidified a backstory for her a bit more. I imagined shortly after the events of her tragedy she was discharged from the Imperial Guard, stripped of rank as a sanctioned Psyker and was being sentenced back to the Blackship after losing control, only for Theodora to interrupt the process and for Lucinda to learn her birthright.
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