#*torments myself by refreshing drive every 5 minutes instead of doing my hw* ok.
pepprs · 5 years
ok quick list of things that suck rn so i can get it out of my system and do some hw okay ready.
i have homework and its yom kippur and it’s my fault bc ive had a whole week to do this assignment and i waited until the last minute. tess pepprs epic fail compilation
i have to wait 2 weeks for counseling instead of 1 bc of a scheduling conflict which is fine but like it’s not but like it is
*talks w my counselor abt how im not gonna do something anymore* *immediately does it as soon as i get home and everyone understandably gets mad at me* well? failed step one
its been 10 days since redacted did a * and i know there’s one in progress or at least there was one on Monday when we talked abt it and i like. want to keep believing that it’s true and to remember the Solemn Pledge™️ but like now im freaked out bc what if something is wrong and i caused it somehow or made it worse bc i didn’t check in abt it or anything today! and im not gonna be on campus tmrrw so there’s nothing i can do but wait in agony ummm hehe 🤡
i have so many things i need to reply to and i wuld like to just hide in a little hole.
im breaking out again but what else is new!!!!!
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