#...... well. there ARE a whole lot of antifa graffs everywhere so maybe im looking in the wrong places
just rambling bc i have feelings and i need to put them into words :))
it's so so weird to me that punk is often stereotyped as aggressive or portrayed as dark and gritty and aggressive outcasts who hate everything or whatever because like, it is not that at all??
Like, in my experience, yeah - we do refuse to fit in, it's a conscious choice to reject societal norms and yeah, it is supposed to provoke, and yes, there's quite some aggression building up against fascists and the system and stuff, but that's not the core of it.
Like, that's what you usually see, especially in the music, but what I've seen is that really it's about community.
Yes, we're misfits, we're outcasts, and you know what, we're not fitting in together. Yes, we're fighting the system, because people deserve better than that. Yes, it's a fight, but we're standing together and change can come but it doesn't *have* to be violent. It's not about the violence. It's about the change. It's about making things better.
And the music isn't all "everything sucks, burn down the world as it exists" it's "the world is really fucked so we have to do something about it, we can and will CHANGE this and we'll do all we can to create a better world." it's "listen, see, notice these fucking issues we HAVE to deal with!"
the concerts aren't all "jumping around knocking into everyone randomly and aggressively" it's "if someone falls we'll shield them and help them back up and make sure they're okay" and it's "if someone behaves like an asshole we'll kick them out immediately, no questions asked, no second chances, with physical force if we have to", it's "everyone is safe here"
it's not dark and gritty and aggressive. it's colourful and joyful despite despite despite. it's seeing the issues, and building community to change that together. it's not subscribing to the world's bullshit and whatever lying narrative the media picks up next.
All I've ever seen in punk culture is community and acceptance and the fierce push for change. Punks are some of the nicest and most intelligent people I know. I have never, not once, felt unsafe at a concert or around those people. And that's mostly strangers thrice my age because I'm like, the only teen punk in my fucking town.
And I mean, it's not the point for everyone to know that. We'll do what we do regardless. We'll be who we are. And having a reputation for kindness and acceptance would not work because we ARE trying to provoke, to draw attention and weird side-looks, to not fit in.
But whenever I see punk used as an insult, or just another word for delinquent, or aggressiveness for violence's sake, I'm just so so so confused.
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