diabolics · 2 years
@warriorwritcs : caroline. 
the first thing he did once he was back from his slumber was to embrance his daughter and to enjoy a nice dinner with his family. once hope was back off to college and freya decided he was in fact rid of the hollow for good, klaus was free to pick up things where he left off and the first thought to cross his mind was a kiss, planted on his lips by one caroline forbes, years ago.
he drove over to mystic falls, decided to think about how to best approach her on the way, but as klaus pulled into the salvatore school, he had yet to make up his mind. part of him was certain she had only entertained him then out of fear or sympathy for his imminent death. after the experience, however, klaus was sure he no longer wanted to wait around for the chance to be with her.
( it might make things awkward for the girls, but hope would understand. ) 
after a quick look around the school grounds, he found caroline in her office, knocking on the open door with his knuckles to announce himself. despite racking his brain for the right way to do this, klaus found himself at a loss for words. there was no stringing of words that could express how he felt in that moment, seeing her again, alive and well, with an endless sea of opportunities ahead of himself and a single desire in his heart. all he could get out then was a simple, “long time no see, love.” 
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