#101’s wpw
g0ttal0ve101 · 7 months
To Catch a Predator
Note: I HAD TO DO IT TO THEM. also like. this takes place a little before lucian was into killing predators ok? ok. tw: mentions of sa, violence, and overall disturbing topics.
The doorbell reverberated throughout the home’s interior. Outside on the porch was a forty three year old man by the name of Richard Walten, a father of two and a construction worker for Woodlyn City. Today he was not here to meet with a citizen in need of his labor - Even if that’s what he told his wife and children before walking out the door. He was there to meet a twelve year old girl.
Rich found her on a dating app. With long blonde hair and sweet doe eyes, she posed in her pictures innocently enough. That’s not what our guest was really looking at though. His eyes were directed on her nice ass, her big tits, and her tiny waist. When talking to her in a chat room, he could only imagine what she was like in bed. It was a shameful thought for a man his age to be having, but an even worse idea whenever he took into consideration that she was an innocent virgin. And yet, he still listed the sex acts he would like to preform on her in great detail.
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Now he stood at the doorway of what he believed to be a twelve year old’s house. He knew her parents would be gone all night, he knew she would be helpless, and he knew that she was up for having sex with him if he pushed hard enough. The thought of that drove him crazy. He couldn’t wait to get inside and finally meet her.
The door creaked opened. Rich blankly stared into the dark entry way before seeing the figure of who he thought to be Tia waiting for him. She coaxed him inside and rushed down the hall, presumably a bit nervous to get too close yet. That was fine. He wouldn’t push anything she didn’t feel comfortable with.
“Come on in, Rich! I made some cookies!”
She was real. With a racing heart and a throbbing hard on, the old man wandered behind her without much thought. He didn’t think of his wife or children while sitting down at the dining room table, watching as the blonde scurried away from him and onto the other side of the table. Her ass looked bigger than they were in the photos. Even hotter.
“How was the drive?” Tia cooed with a warm grin, her voice as delicate as a little butterfly.
Picking at his nails and trying to relax, he leaned back into the chair with a long sigh. “It was fine! I mean, just fine.”
She giggled and paused for a moment, presumably calculating the next topic she wanted to speak on. “Haha, it’s so nice to see you! Sorry, I’m just a little nervous right now.”
“Can I get a hug?” He proposed, his voice laced with poisonous intoxication. She let out another ring of anxious laughter.
“Well, let’s just wait a little longer before that…”
“Just a hug?”
“Haha, I’m just nervous, I don’t know! I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s alright.” He consoled her, lifting the box of alcohol he had on his lap onto the countertop for her eyes to wander. “We don’t have to do anything you don’t wanna do.”
Tia avoided his eyes. She seemed almost sad in those few moments. “So, what kinda alcohol is this?” She changed the subject quickly, as if not to think about it too much. Rich was getting the impression she was having second thoughts.
“Hard lemonade since you said you haven’t drank much before. It’s a nice one to ease into.”
Tucking her blonde hair behind her ear, she ran her fingers across the label. “Really? Cool. I knew I could count on you. Oh! But what about protection? You brought some, right?”
Rich chuckled under his breath. “Yep. I wouldn’t do anything without one.”
That seemed to be the trigger to relax her tense muscles. Moving away from the other side of the table, she practically marched over to his seat. His heart raced. He had a feeling he knew where she was going with this already.
“Okay, we can hug now. I’m not nervous anymore.”
It was almost too good to be true. Wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her in for a tight embrace, he smiled sickeningly. He could feel her breasts against his figure, her small frame pressed against his-
Pain. An overwhelming amount of pain suddenly coursed through his stomach as he hurriedly backed away and fell to the floor. Blood sprayed out of the gaps of his fingers, some pouring from his lips as he tried to comprehend what was happening. Tia was holding a knife. A knife in which had plummeted into his belly moments before.
“Thought you said you had protection, bitch!” Tia bursted into hoarse hysterical laughter, twirling the blade between her fingers. “Don’t worry. I’ll be gentle.”
The doorbell reverberated throughout the home’s interior. Outside on the porch was a fifty seven year old man by the name of Tony Lance, a cashier in one of Woodlyn City’s local grocery stores. Today he was not going to visit his mother in the hospital like he told his wife; he was instead prepared to meet a twelve year old boy he spoke to on the internet.
Wandering around dating sites desperate to speak to a young man and release all of his pent-up sexual desires, he came across the perfect profile. A boy, clearly much younger than eighteen, had posted a variety of pictures on his page and invited people to message him. By the time he had scrolled through all of his photos, Tony had already masturbated twice. He mustered up the courage to speak with him without even reading his profile’s bio.
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That’s right. He had lied in the chat room and told the boy that he was thirty seven. In reality, he was fifty seven. That simple lie was simply a deterrent to justify himself in the end, trying to seem closer in age with the kid. Disgusting, but that was neither here nor there. What mattered now was that he was standing on the front porch, eager to go inside and see if he could really score with an inexperienced virgin boy.
The door creaked open. Tony forced his way inside the doorway without hesitation, wanting to see the boy before he made the final decision on whether or not to follow through with his plans. When he saw the figure of a young boy with a stunned expression spread across his face, he couldn’t help but grin. He was real.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.” Tony sneered, practically shaking from excitement whenever staring into those big blue eyes. He remembered them from the webpage.
Backing away instinctively, the boy giggled nervously. “It’s okay! Come on in!”
Before he could tell him to wait, the boy had already scurried down the hall and into what Tony believed to be the kitchen. He sighed impatiently. Even just a simple hug would have done great wonders for him - He could’ve felt just how tiny that slutty waist of his was.
Standing by the dining room table nervously, the elderly man awaited for his young date to converse with him. His hands trembled as he reached into his pockets, pulling out the keys and wallet he had lodged in there. Deeper within, he brought a few condoms to last the whole night.
“How’s your day been?”
“What’s that?” Tony questioned, his hearing fading from old age.
Repeating himself with a giggle, the boy called to him again. “How’s your day been, mister?”
“Good, how about you?”
“Good! Um…so…what do you wanna do?”
Tony smirked a little from the question. “Well, I thought we could smoke a little pot first.”
That’s right. Tony promised the boy that he would bring marijuana for them to smoke before they had sex. Not because he wanted him to have fun - he didn’t care either way - but because he wanted the boy to be too high to tell him no. If that were the case, he would be able to do anything he wanted to him, including some sex acts that were almost unthinkable.
Shaking the thought from the front of his mind, the man chuckled to himself. “Yeah…you wanna smoke it now?”
“Uh, sure! I-I just…um…”
“What’s the matter?”
“I’m nervous, is all. Did you bring any condoms?”
“Come on over here and I’ll show you what I brought.” His voice was disgustingly sweet as he stood from his seat, almost seeming like he was going to lunge toward him.
The sound of a metal bat launching into his skull was the last thing he heard before falling unconscious.
The sound of whimpering and crying echoed throughout the dark basement. With a pounding head and blurry vision, Tony peeled open his eyes to examine his surroundings. It was cold, musty, and damp as he laid on the floor like this, tied by the ankle to a pole in the middle of the room. Once his vision evened out, he could see a bright light coming from an incinerator, a table filled with weapons, and the figure of a man sprawled out on the floor. Upon taking a closer look, Tony realized that the man had no face. He let out a shriek of terror and crawled as far as he could away from him.
“HOLY SHIT!” He screamed, yanking on the chains that restrained him. It was no use. The steel cuff around his ankle was in no position to even wiggle around, let alone break free. It felt like all the blood circulation was cutting off by the second.
His heart pounded out of his chest as a bright light suddenly blinded him from up the stairwell, two silhouettes standing at the top. He could hear them exchanging conversation as they came down the stairs, their words muffled and slurring together horrendously. His hearing must have gotten worse from the impact against his head.
“What’s going on? Wh-Who are you?!”
With a sick burst of laughter, the taller figure launched another fist into his jaw. He fell backward and began coughing up his own saliva, a tooth now completely detached from his gums. He spit it out onto the floor with a sob.
“Listen, I wasn’t h-here to do anything! I just wanted to help him!” Tony squealed like a sweaty pig on the chopping block for dinner that evening. The two figures simply stared at him with sick grins on their faces. Only then did he realize that the shorter one was the boy he spoke to online - Perhaps the young woman beside him was related somehow? Either way, he had to think of some excuse to get out of this mess. “A-Are you his older sister? You must be, right?”
Grabbing what was left of his gray oily hair, Mia lifted his skull upward with a horrific grin spread across her pretty face. “Something like that. What about you? Why’re you here?”
Tony stammered over his words. Every time he failed to produce an excuse, Mia launched the heel of her combat boot into his chest. It was only then that he noticed they had spikes on them.
“I-I wanted to help him! I know how hard it i-is to be gay that young and…and I wanted to guide him through it!” He blubbered like a newborn. Although, it didn’t seem to do much to change his circumstances. Both of the teens stared down at him with so much disgust that he felt degraded.
“By making him suck your cock? Seriously? He said he was twelve.”
“No, he didn’t! He said he was seventeen!”
That lie earned him a stomp right on the cock he praised so much about. He let out a wail of utter pain before she continued her interrogation. “Here, he’ll read the chat logs right now, dumbass. And if he says anything other than seventeen, I’m gonna tear your insides out.”
Lucian’s eyes widened. He stared down at the device trembling in his hands and swallowed against the limp in his throat, almost feeling guilty for restating the horrible words spread on the screen. It wasn’t until Mia turned to him with a frown that he suddenly felt a surge of energy circulate through his voice box.
“You can read it now.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Lucian stammered and scrolled to the part of the conversation where he gave his age to the predator. “You asked if I wanted to pleasure you…to kiss and cuddle you. I told you I was twelve immediately after. Then, you go onto saying I looked eighteen and you were thirty seve-!”
Interjecting her harsh words into his, Mia grabbed the man’s throat and forced him to lift his head upward so he could face her. “You ain’t thirty seven. You’re pushing sixty. What does he say after that, Lu?”
Lu. Mia called him Lu. With a spiral of emotions rising in his chest, Lucian’s voice wavered as he read out the next messages. “You asked me if I liked oral. I told you I didn’t know what it was and you said…sucking…” His mouth dry as he stared at the word. In order not to disappoint Mia, he tried again. This time, reading the exact message word for word. “…Sucking…cock. You asked ‘are you a virgin?’ When I said yes and that I only kissed a guy before, you asked ‘did it make you hard?’”
“It’s just playful chat!” Tony whined like a baby caught for stealing out of the cookie jar. His hands were painted red from guilt. “I wouldn’t have done anything honestly! I just wanted to see how he would respond…”
Mia spared a glance at Lucian again. Not because she was irritated with his performance like he thought she was, but because she wanted to make sure he was okay. His face was flushed from the heat running through his veins. She didn’t like that. She didn’t like it at all.
“You heard him. He didn’t say seventeen once.”
“Please! Please don’t do this! I-I have money, we can work this o-!”
Her knuckles launched into his face again. Before he could recover from the attack, she put her blade up to bare abdomen and began stroking the tip against his skin. Blood streamed from the shallow cuts she made. God knows how much worse it would be once she actually got serious.
Lucian watched intently with a tiny smile. His lips quivered a bit from speaking of such foul conversation, but he couldn’t help but to feel a bit proud of himself. A few years ago, he wouldn’t have been able to even look at the chat without crying. Now, he was conducting them and bringing these predators to justice with someone he looked up to.
“You ever used a chainsaw, Lu?”
Lucian’s eyes lit up. It was a sudden question but one he was sure to have an answer to. “N-No, ma’am. I mean…I’ve seen one used but…”
Dropping the knife with a small clatter against the pavement, Mia got up from her knees with a mischievous grin resting on her freckled face. Lucian blinked a few times in awe of how pretty she was. Carl was really a lucky guy.
“I’m gonna teach you how to use one today.”
“Really?” Lucian’s heart raced inside his ribcage from the sudden change of plans. Usually she tortured the guys with him watching closely from behind. They never exchanged many words with each other either - Only few rings of laughter and degrading the predator they caught. This opportunity wasn’t something he wanted to pass up.
Marching over to the weaponry table, Mia reached underneath it and pulled out a large bag. Both Tony and Lucian had a feeling they knew what was contained inside it. The man sobbed and screamed for mercy as the white-haired boy traced her every movement like a hawk.
Once the fabric unzipped, she pulled out the weapon by its handle. The blade was sharper than ever. Lucian could hardly look at it without feeling a bit intimidated. It was a huge tool. Seriously huge. He wasn’t sure if he’d be able to even lift it up like she wanted him to.
It felt like mere seconds before Mia approached him from behind, leveling the chainsaw into his hands while supporting his back with her own frame. In a sense, Lucian felt more secure that way - But he was still incredibly nervous in case he messed up.
“C’mon. I’ll help you.” She assured him, her head nearly resting on his shoulder whenever she leaned in to do so. He nodded and placed his hands onto the handle, only for her calloused palms to grasp over top of them. That way, she’d still be able to control the movement if it got too out of hand. “Thatta boy. Look how perfect you hold that chainsaw,” she hummed with an adoring smile. He smiled too. She was so cool.
The happiness he once felt left his body as his eyes darted toward the man he would slaughter in the matter of seconds. He couldn’t bear to look him in the face, staring at the cracked stone floor. At least then, he couldn’t see how much it hurt whenever the blade dug its way inside.
Mia took notice of his visions. She understood if he was nervous but at the same time, she didn’t want him to miss out on how awesome it was going to be to murder the fuck out of him. So, in order to ease him up to it, she tried reminding him of what Tony did.
“Twelve years old, huh? Maybe we should take twelve limbs then.” She snickered with a sick sneer on her face.
“LET ME GO!” The man hollered with barely enough breath to fill his lungs. “LET ME GO, PLEASE! I’M SORRY! I’M SO SORRY!” His hand reached Lucian’s legs. He groped his shins while trying to pull himself upward, panting and wheezing. “H-Have mercy…I have a family…”
Lucian’s eyes did not shift from his face. He could remember the expression his stepfather made whenever he begged for his life. Why, he wondered, did they all look the same? If that was the case, maybe Tony wore the same expression Ryan did whenever he was being pleased by a boy like him.
“Shut the fuck up, you disgusting manwhore,” Mia kicked his head to shove him away from Lucian’s legs he was previously groping. “A family? Your first wife divorced you and took the kids after she found all the child porn you had. What the fuck are you talking about?”
Lucian’s eyes widened. How many children had he done this to? How many cried for their mothers and fathers? How many? His throat felt choked as he asked himself these questions. Had he known this man brutally took away the innocence of other children, he would have started the chainsaw a long time ago.
But he was afraid. He was afraid to do it and becoming something far worse than what Tony was.
Mia pushed it again. “C’mon, let’s do it. Let’s make him scream and beg like a little perra.”
“…I…” Lucian couldn’t bear to look him in the eyes. His fingers trembled around the chainsaw. “I don’t want to…he said he’s so-sorry…”
There was that innocent sweetheart that everyone took advantage of. It made Mia sick to the stomach to think about how many people had used his naïve natures against him. All they had to do was throw a pity party and give a weak ass apology for Lucian to break down in tears and forgive them. Not this time. She wouldn’t let him get away this time.
“You don’t have to forgive him. You don’t have to forgive any of them.”
Before he could respond to those intoxicating words, the chainsaw reeled on with a loud screech. Blood sprayed onto the ceiling of the basement as Tony let out a wail of horror, staring into Lucian’s eyes as if he were responsible for it all. Lucian tried to pull the blade from his chest, but Mia lurched him forward to hand another blow. The blood fountain grew thick as his insides were shredding all over. His bones, his muscles, his organs - They were torn apart. The screaming stopped after seconds but Mia didn’t release Lucian from her grasp. Instead, she lifted the blade onto Tony’s neck and began to decapitate him.
His head flew off his shoulders with a sickening splat, relieving them of their goal. Mia laughed hoarsely before dropping the weapon to the ground, freeing Lucian from her arms.
“Hahah! You’re a natural!” She praised him, stroking her hand against his fluffy hair. She was taken aback when feeling so soft it was. “How do you feel? That was pretty dope, wasn’t it?”
Silence. Mia began to worry that she had pushed him a bit too far. Then again, even if she did, she couldn’t picture herself apologizing. That man deserved it. If Lucian didn’t want to get dirty, he shouldn’t have offered to help her. And yet, at the same time, she did feel a tad guilty. Maybe she should’ve gotten a better clearance? Maybe she should’ve asked if he was sure?
Before she spiraled too much, she spotted the expression on his face. With a ring of sweet laughter, he wrapped his arms around Mia’s waist and embraced her. “Hahah, that was awesome! We should do that every time! For the next guy, we should cut for even longer!”
Hesitantly, she pushed him in closer by placing her palm to the back of his skull. Strangely enough, she didn’t feel awkward like she usually did whenever receiving a hug from a guy. It was like Lucian was able to override any sort of negative connotation she had towards men in general. Because unlike most boys, Lucian didn’t think like that. When he reached for a hug, he didn’t care about Mia’s gorgeous body - He only cared about her. Maybe that’s why she held him longer and patted his head; Lucian was just her little sidekick, almost like a little brother.
“Yeah, whatever. Just don’t start feeling sorry for them again.”
Releasing her, Lucian giggled to himself a little. “Yes, ma’am.”
Mia flicked him in the forehead, similar to how she scolds Carl for saying something negative about himself. Lucian whined and tried to protect himself, smiling like an idiot.
“My name’s Mia. Not ma’am. You act like I’m bitchy old lady or something.” She sneered. With a playful shove to Lucian’s shoulder, she dragged the corpse into the back room where they kept the rest. “But good job, Lu.”
Lucian blushed a little from the compliment. Receiving such kind words from his idol was like a dream come true. “…Thank you, Mia.”
15 notes · View notes
g0ttal0ve101 · 4 months
Valentine’s Day Special
Note: (2/4) caria my bby 😮‍💨 TW: suggestive asf
Valentine’s Day overcasted Woodlyn City rather quickly once the month of February was declared. Heart-shaped chocolates on every shelf, arrangements of pink, red, and white flowers prepared in bouquets, songs of love and pure adoration playing on every radio station, and the endless variety of couples showing their true colors in public. Some held hands, some shared milkshakes, some embraced, some flirted, and there were times where a tender kiss would be shared between the pair. Depending on whose eyes the couple encapsulated, it was fair to say the majority of people found this to be beautiful. Not Mia. Mia thought that shit was irritating.
Holiday after holiday, attempt after attempt, Mia was always bombarded with presents and treats from desperate strangers. However, there was one contestant who stood out amongst the crowd — A certain secret admirer that wrote devoting and elegant poems for her eyes to feast on, left all her favorite candies and flowers, and above all, was the most persistent for years on end. The admirer even wrote to her before she started dating Carl; Although they stood no chance now. No one could take the engraved piece of Carl Alexander Mason from her heart.
And as she did every year, Mia encountered the same dilemma. She marched up to her beat-up locker, dented from the various times she had to kick it when the lock jammed, and ripped it open impatiently. The inside of the door had pictures of her boyfriend taped on it, his appearance deviating depending upon the year it was captured. But no matter how dark his eye bags were or how weak his smile was in the past, it was evidently still him. That’s why she was pissed off to see that the same Valentine admirer dropped off his load of presents.
“What the fuckkk…” Mia groaned, snatching her bag from the hook and stuffing all the belongings she needed to have before going home for the weekend. Nothing educational of course. Only her car keys, wallet, and Carl’s jacket that he couldn’t fit into his own messy locker. After collecting everything of use, she snatched the Valentine’s gift and slammed her door. It became a tradition to show Carl what she received. After all, she didn’t want him to think she was being secretive about it and plant distrust in his mind. (He was already stressed out as is.)
When she exited the school after running down at least two girls for walking too damn slow, she saw her cute boyfriend waiting for her in the parking lot. Slouched against a tree and pretending to text someone on his phone so he didn’t look pathetic, he visibly shivered from the crisp February air. Mia laughed to herself. Who was he trying to convince?
Sneaking up behind him, she prepared herself to utterly destroy that facade he built. She blended in perfectly with the group of people heading toward their cars before stealthily ambushing him from behind, smacking his ass with all her might. As she expected, Carl jumped and yelped like a little girl.
“Hey-hey-heyyyy, freckle-butt!”
“M-Mia!” He instinctively covered his mouth with his hand once he realized how stupid he sounded while whining like that. With rosy cheeks, he snatched his jacket from her arm and threw it on to hide his identity. But by then, it was far too late. Everyone in Woodlyn High knew who Mia Jacob’s boyfriend was. They’d be damned if they didn’t.
Roughly giving him a pat on the back, she laughed hysterically. “Whaaat, you embarrassed? Haha, just like when you c—!”
“Shut the hell up.” Carl shoved her away, scurrying to her car in order to avoid all the eyes they drew in from the scene. He yanked on the door handles repeatedly until they finally sprung open, causing him to topple back a little bit from the sudden release. Then, he hopped in without another word. Mia had to wipe the tears from the corner of her eyes from laughing.
When she got into the driver seat, there was a long silence. Carl tucked his arms into his chest and pouted as Mia readied the vehicle, humming to herself proudly. Because at the end of the day, she knew Carl was too much of a wuss to complain about it. He liked it. He wouldn’t admit that, but he definitely did.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, mi amor. Let’s swing by your place to drop all this shit off real quick, ‘kay?” Mia purred, her eyes lingering on his small frame for a moment or two longer than usual.
Carl cocked his eyebrows in surprise. “We’re going somewhere?”
“Mmh, I have a place in mind.”
It was impossible to deny that voice. Blushing heavier than he was before, Carl grinned to himself and looked out the foggy window. He didn’t know what she was planning but telling by her tone, it was going to be good.
Shortly after they sharply turned onto the road in order to beat all the buses from passing first, Mia’s voice arose from the sound of raindrops smashing against her windshield. It wasn’t as playful as it was before, revealing that typical rough side of her again. In a way, Carl found it appealing. “That fucking prick left something in my locker again. Read me what that shit says.”
Carl blinked in disbelief a few times before grabbing the pile of pink and red presents, examining them closely. Taped onto the box of chocolates was a pretty envelope. He peeled it off and tore it open with heat rising on the back of his neck, his fingers trembling as he pulled the little card out. Mia peered over for a second before focusing back onto the traffic in front of her.
“I don’t really wanna…”
“Why not?”
Although her voice had softened slightly, he still tensed up from the sound of it. He didn’t want to disappoint her. He never wanted to disappoint her. But then again, in circumstances like these, he couldn’t help but stall out until he fell into the line of being a complete and utter loser. He stammered and laughed between each stuttered word, afraid to make her upset. But she wasn’t. She couldn’t be.
“It’s okay, baby. If it makes you uncomfortable, you don’t gotta.” Mia assured him. She felt sort of gross being so sappy toward someone, even if she was hopelessly in love with him. Nevertheless, she held her ground with a compassionate smile.
Carl practically melted. “Okay…”
Then the topic reared off into another conversation during their ten minute journey home. They spoke about their day, flirted with each other a little, and suddenly Carl was rambling about aliens for whatever reason. (Mia couldn’t even remember why at that point. All she knew was that aliens could inhabit their universe in a second if they wanted to and that Carl’s expressions were adorable when he was excited.) When they pulled into the driveway, he calmed down a bit and prepared to make a run for it so he wouldn’t get as wet from the rain, finishing his alien documentary with a dreary sigh.
“People who don’t believe aliens are dumb as hell. Like, how could there not be aliens? Even if they were real small or weak or whatever, there’s no possible way that humans are the only form of intelligent life out there. Y’know? Like, literally how could it just be nothing for universes and universes away?”
Mia tapped her finger on the steering wheel with a firm nod. “Right.”
“And yeah, there’s aliens on Earth. There I said it. That’s why we should have an annual belly button check to see who’s the goddamn aliens, man! It’s that simple! ‘Cause y’know what? Mr. Rich is not fucking passing that test! Not a chance in hell, dude.”
“Right. Yeah. But what if they like…morphed their body into having a belly button so that they could blend in?”
Throwing his hood back on and grabbing the handle, Carl let out a stressed sigh as if his life were in danger right at that moment. “I’ll have to think about that one…but trust me, I’ma get answers.”
With that, he ran through the light rain and up to the front door. Mia observed his every movement with a stupid smile stuck to her face. He was such a loser — But he was her loser. There wasn’t a day that went by without her thanking God for how lucky she was to be with a guy like him. She could listen to him for hours and never get bored. She could play video games that weren’t even down her alley and still be on cloud nine. She could feel his touch or look into his eyes and never get over the addictive sensation. Carl was truly the best aspect of her life. She couldn’t imagine a world without him.
A minute went by, then a few more, and then the door swung open to reveal Carl receiving a tender kiss on the cheek from his mother. She waved at Mia with a bright smile, her ginger curls bouncing energetically from the pure amount of joy she felt when seeing her son so happy. Mia waved back while watching Carl shamefully rushing back to the car with furrowed eyebrows and a red face.
Once Carl hopped in and his mother shut the front door, his rapid panting rang throughout the interior of her vehicle. That blissful sound was familiar. Mia smirked from the thought.
“I told my mom I’d probably be gone for the night,” Carl explained as he fixed his messy hair in the rear view mirror, “so we have as much time as we want.”
“Good, you’ll be gone all night.”
Mia spared him a glance with that same playful smirk glued to her lips, batting her eyelashes a little while pondering on it. “I booked us a hotel suite.”
There was a pause for a moment. Carl examined her facial expression to ensure he wasn’t being played before letting out an airless laugh, his sage eyes glowing with contentment. “Really?! Dude, how—?!”
“I’m Alyssa Bell and you’re Ben Dover, okay?”
Fake ids. While Carl probably should’ve known better than to believe she got it fairly, he was still surprised to hear it. Leaning back in his seat and trying to relax the best he could knowing how hectic that night was going to be, he couldn't help but laugh again.
“Ben Dover? Really?”
“Yeah. ‘Cause that’s what you’re gonna be doing all night.”
The couple arrived and checked into their room at six thirty. It was pretty easy to figure that those four hours were spent on nothing but evaluating every inch of the mattress. By the end of it, Carl had noticed that there was a slight indent in the headboard from the amount of times it previously smashed against the wall, which worsened by the end of it. Although he never saw how much worse it got because after their last session, Mia washed him up and then he was out cold. Every hickey he had began to transition into a purplish-red color as he slept away, his rosy cheeks becoming restored with his pale complexion and dark freckles. His messy curls, however, were strewn across the satin pillows and unable to be positioned properly. Mia had gripped the strands so much that it stuck up a little at the top. (She thought it was the cutest thing ever.)
As he slept off all the excitement he endured, Mia cradled him into her lap and went through the presents he gifted her with. She adored everything, other than the way he continued to apologize for not getting more expensive stuff. Mia could care less about the price tag — Besides that, she knew that his family wasn’t well off. She was honestly surprised that he managed to get what he did.
After examining everything for the fifth time and gushing over it to herself, she set all of it up nicely on the nightstand and planted a kiss on his forehead. It wasn’t until she was going to settle down for the night too that she caught sight of the gifts from her secret admirer. Her face scrunched up from the thought.
“I don’t really wanna…”
Mia hated it whenever he made that face.
Snatching it from the floor and tearing open the red envelope once more, her curiosity swirled into a nasty knot. She wanted to know what it said to make him have such a sour reaction.
Her eyes scanned the words for a moment.
. . .
That moment melted into what felt like forever.
. . .
Her face heated up, a smile sliding onto her lips as she read it over and over again. It was so adorable that she even had to shake Carl up to review it with her.
“…Mmh?” Carl questioned with a muffled voice, his face buried in her thighs.
Understanding that he was much too exhausted to thoroughly discuss the matter, Mia instead put the card up and repositioned their former placement, letting him lay across her tummy like a teddy bear. He embraced her without hesitation, burying his face into the crook of her neck.
“I love you.” Mia stroked his hair and closed her eyes, pleased with how the day went.
And even though he didn’t reply back, she knew he loved her too. That’s what he said in the card for all these years. Despite being with her, knowing that he could’ve just given those presents to her directly, he didn’t. He was too scared to tell her that the secret admirer was him all along. That he wrote those bad poems about her, that he scribbled down those sentiments and meant every word of it, that he spent every last penny of his allowance buying her expensive chocolates and flowers, and that he loved her so very much. That’s why he didn’t want to read it — Because he didn’t want to admit it to her directly.
He was a loser, but one of a kind.
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g0ttal0ve101 · 4 months
Valentine’s Day Special
Note: (1/4) Eviolet my beloved….TW: none!
“So how much did this all…cost?”
“What do you mean?”
Sitting up from the luxurious poolside chair, Violet lifted her sunglasses off her face to examine her girlfriend properly. She looked heavenly in that designer bikini; The green matched her eyes perfectly. Violet forcibly peeled her eyes off her and peered into the blue waters of the ocean instead.
“Going on a VIP cruise in February across the country. I figured it would leave a dent in your bank account.” Violet playfully suggested. She had a feeling she knew the answer all too well.
Evelyn lifted her sunglasses from the brim of her nose and dusted the hair from her face. “Not much, really. When I was much younger, my family tended to board these ships almost every month.” She politely clapped to gain the waitress’s attention from across the deck. Without even asking, the young woman scurried over and refilled both their drinks. “Why, are you worried that this will indebt you to me in some way?”
Subconsciously that surely could be the reason for her overwhelming feelings of discomfort. In a way, Violet felt as though she would never be able to repay her girlfriend for experiences such as these. This was a simple Valentine’s Day date — Violet could never muster up a present worth as much as this no matter how much money she saved up. Falling short like that bothered her.
Taking a sip of her drink, Violet tried her best not to express these negative thoughts that were circulating in her mind. After all, there would be nothing Evelyn could do to ease her worries. “No, not at all! I’m really enjoying it. I’ve never been on a cruise before.”
A smirk rose up on Evelyn’s lips. “Then you’ve never experienced a jacuzzi before, correct? Come on! It’s the best part of this whole trip!” Her eyes glowed like stars in the night sky, collecting her belongings in her arms to ensure she had them during their stay at the hot tub. Violet’s amusement only grew when seeing her struggle to carry everything in one go.
“Need any help, beautiful?”
Nearly dropping her bag of sunscreen, lotions, and various ointments for the skin, Evelyn let out a nervous giggle. “Maybe…”
After sorting everything out between the two of them, they wandered off in the direction of the jacuzzi. Violet was amazed by the sheer size of the ship. The fancy architecture, the wonderful services, the serene atmosphere of the other guests, everything was simply tranquil. She felt as though she was in pure heaven even before they arrived at their destination.
Violet realized almost instantly that they were the only ones who were occupying that side of the boat. No guests, no staff, nothing. Heat rose to her face from the thought of spending any sort of intimate time together, although she knew that it would be nothing close to physical. [Evelyn was still discontent with any physical affection at the time. The most they’d ever done was hold hands and kiss each other on the cheek.]
Surprisingly enough, Evelyn didn’t seem too frightened about any kind of grime or germs that could be inside the water. She gave the outer deck a close inspection to assure herself that it wasn’t contaminated with any sort of worrisome bacteria before standing beside Violet and patiently waited for her approval of the tub. Seeing this, Violet dipped her feet into the water to show her authorization.
“I don’t believe it’s all too dirty. Violet, are there any viruses that could kill me if I enter a public jacuzzi? Well, I should mention that it’s a VIP jacuzzi…” she rambled onward, puzzled on whether or not to be anxious. “There haven’t been any sort of disease infested children in here.”
“It’ll be alright. Since it’s at such a high temperature, it should kill the majority of bacteria anyway.” Violet reassured her with a loving smile. She absolutely doted on the way Evelyn’s expressions shifted and wavered while she was deep in thought. “Do you want me to go in first?”
“Would you?”
“Mhm! I’ll test it out.”
Evelyn’s brows furrow with worry from the suggestion that this was a mere experiment. “Do be careful. I don’t want you to be infected by any lethal bacteria…”
A ridiculous statement, of course, but Violent knew better than to blame her. She was dealing with her fear shockingly well compared to other recent instances anyhow. She considered herself lucky to be able to watch such beautiful growth in such a short amount of time.
Entering the warm water, Violet instantaneously felt like all the burdens on her shoulders had been uplifted. She made sure to display her visible relaxation on her countenance to further convey her point of safety. Evelyn watched like a starving hawk.
“It’s all good!” she bubbled, allowing her hair to soak up all the moisture from the bubbly water.
Evelyn swallowed hard. Gradually lowering her feet back into the body of water, she inhaled as if it were acid. When nothing caused her pain or distress, she allowed herself to let out a deep breath and loosen up her tense shoulders. “I’m scared…”
“It’s okay. I got you.” Violet assured her gently, raising her arms to gesture that she’d be willing to assist her in submerging the rest of her body into the water. When she realized how silly it was to expect Evelyn to trust in her touch, she swiftly shoved her hands back into the water with a hue of pink dust rising on her cheeks. “Just take things slow. Don’t force yourself.”
By the time those words escaped her lips, the waterline was up to Evelyn’s knees. Even a blind man could see how nervous she was. Violet was in awe and a spiral of confusion while trying to understand what it was that inspired her girlfriend to take such sudden risks. Any other day, she would’ve passed by the time the water touched her toes.
Pulling her hair up into a neat and tight bun, Evelyn was seemingly preparing herself to completely devote herself to the part. Violet couldn’t resist the instinct to keep her hands out just in case she needed assistance getting in. “You’re doing great, Ev. Just d—!”
Before she could say anything else, Evelyn was in her arms with a huge splash. Violet had assumed she had fallen in and crashed into her on accident. That’s why she was beyond stunned to feel her soft arms wrap around her shoulders purposefully. Blush erupted on her face in less than a second.
“E-Evelyn!” she gasped, unsure of what to do in such a situation. While her heart begged her to reciprocate the physical affection by embracing her, her brain clashed against doing so. She sat there like a deer in headlights, eyes wider than saucers when realizing just how close Evelyn’s face was to her own. Her heart thrashed against her ribcage like a drum.
“I’m scared about putting my feet on the ground…” Evelyn confessed, explaining why she was grasping onto her girlfriend for dear life. “I-I can’t see it.”
Understanding the situation now, Violet felt as though it was only fair to ask permission before touching her anymore. “Okay, okay, don’t be scared. Do you want me to hold you?”
Evelyn’s soft hands met the back of her girlfriend’s bare neck. The skin to skin contact sent waves of revitalization that she didn’t know existed. Blush rose to her face just as it did to Violet’s. “If it’s not too much trouble…”
So that’s how Evelyn ended up on her girlfriend’s lap for a whole hour. Violet sat down on the designated ledge submerged in water, resting her chin on Evelyn’s shoulder while assuring her hands were frozen in place. She didn’t want to frighten her more by caressing her back or rubbing her skin the wrong way, so she was sure to be as still as a statue. Evelyn, on the other hand, was curious about her girlfriend’s physical attributes. Her scent, her touch, her looks — Everything was different up close. Anxiety was eating away at her, sure, but she knew that Violet was someone she could trust to be clean. She hadn’t trusted someone to be clean in years. In fact, Violet was the first person to have ever touched her in eight years.
“…You okay, Evelyn?”
“Y-Yeah! Yeah, I’m okay.” Evelyn exclaimed with flushed cheeks. “I’m just…thinking. I haven’t touched skin in so long. Maybe that’s a weird thing to say or rather simply odd? I’m unsure. But it makes me feel happy.”
Violet laughed a little, finally gathering the courage to stroke her back. “You’re doing so well, Ev. I’m proud of you.”
Her words engraved themselves into her mind. And although her heart was racing out of her chest like a little rabbit, she wasn’t afraid. Not at all.
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g0ttal0ve101 · 4 months
Valentine’s Day Special
Note: (4/4) lukai :3 TW: it’s complicated. uh. cannibals being cute.
“How can you already be sleepy?” Kai purred with a toothy smile, grabbing his waist and holding him like there was no tomorrow. “It’s not even time for bed yet…”
Sleepily, Lucian rested his head against his boyfriend’s lap and wiggled closer so that they could share their body heat. “I had too much to eat.”
“Mmh, yeah?” Moving the stray hair from his face and tucking it behind his ear with one finger, he watched as Lucian’s face remained unmoved. With his lips slightly parted and his eyelids drooping ever so gradually, he could hardly resist the urge to kiss him all over. “Cutie.”
A sleepy giggle erupted from his throat when hearing that nickname. Kai rarely used pet names unless he wanted to console, persuade, or seduce him. In this case, it was clearly the latter. Lucian’s eyes peeled open to exchange a glance at his boyfriend doting on him like a lapdog and cheekily grinned.
“Do you know what tomorrow is?” Lucian averted his attempts of flirtation to a different subject, wondering whether he would follow through with the act or not. It didn’t come as a surprise when he saw it fly right over his head.
“Really? What is it?”
Blinking while desperately yearning for words to fall onto his tongue, Kai’s adoring smile appeared silly rather than genuine. His boyfriend waited patiently for his reply with closed eyes and slowed breaths. He was practically half-asleep before his voice finally rang out through the comfortable silence. “Um, V-Val…Val-in-times Day.”
Lucian placed his two fingers right above Kai’s belly button and absentmindedly worked his way up to his chest as if his hand were on a grand journey. It wasn’t until he reached his abdomen that he paused, planting the entirety of his palm against his chest with a drowsy look on his face. The touch was enough to send bolts of electricity through his boyfriend.
“Mhm, that’s right. You’re so smart, honey.” Lucian giggled again, his shirt riding up his stomach a little as he stretched across Kai’s thighs. It was hard to avert his sharp golden eyes from tracing his gorgeous figure. Once he caught himself staring, he sheepishly looked away — It wouldn’t be good to let his eyes linger for any longer anyhow. [Even if Lucian didn’t mind it.] “You’re the best boyfriend in the whole universe. Y’know how big the universe is?”
Kai shook his head.
“Gimmie your hands,” Lucian demanded, still visibly exhausted despite his vivid consciousness. Without a shred of hesitation, Kai obeyed his orders and placed his fists onto his warm palms. His porcelain skin was surprisingly soft. “Now watch. Pretend your hands are the planets and my hands are the universe they live in, okay?”
Separating their skin contact by gradually removing his palms from his hands, Lucian continued to spread his arms further and further apart until they were as far apart as he could manage. In disbelief, Kai blinked a few times and tried to comprehend the visual representation that he created.
“See? You get it?”
Kai blushed and nodded. He didn’t truly understand what he was trying to say, but what he did know was the fact he was trying to explain it to him the best he could. “…I love you more than even that, Lu.” Towering over his face, he swiftly shifted his head to align with Lucian’s.
Shifting his hands onto the back of Kai’s neck and entangling his fingers into his hair, he hummed in pleasure. “Really?” His sleepy voice cracked with emotion.
To show his devotion to those words, Kai enclosed the space between their lips in a heartbeat. Gentle with him as always, he supported his back and embraced him lovingly, leaving not a single unwanted touch upon him. Lucian melted into his arms almost instantaneously. It wasn’t until he pulled away to breathe that Kai pulled away. It wasn’t until he shifted his position that Kai shifted his position. It wasn’t until he spoke that Kai spoke.
Whispering into his ear, his voice collided against Kai’s eardrums like a beautiful melody. “You wanna give each other matching tattoos?”
With his arms still wrapped around his shoulders and his thighs on either side of Kai’s legs, he leaned his head back and laughed to himself. Whatever he was thinking had to be good. Kai wished he could laugh for the same reason he was.
“Where do you want it?” Lucian asked, pulling his boyfriend's shirt off his shoulders to inspect the areas of placement that were available. “Right here, right here, orrrr…right here?” His fingertips land against the side of Kai’s neck with a flirtatious smirk displayed on his beautiful countenance. Kai couldn’t help but blush. Even though they’ve been dating for some time now, he couldn’t get used to how attractive Lucian’s facial features were.
Recpicating the same level of affection, Kai let his eyes purposefully linger on every attribute of his face that he found attractive. (Which were, well, all of them.) Once he was done staring at his lips for a good while, he allowed their eyes to interlock. “I dunno. Where do you wanna put it?”
He slid his fingers down his neck affectionately. “Riiiight here.”
When the final syllable popped off his tongue, he lowered his head and launched his teeth right into Kai’s neck. There wasn’t much blood at first; Actually, there was no blood at all until he finally warmed up enough to apply all the pressure he could in his jaw. And although it would sting like a bitch to any ordinary person, it hardly phased Kai. He giggled as he felt his boyfriend’s tongue working to clean the mess of red liquid up, rubbing his back so it wouldn’t become sore from the odd position. Lucian smiled against his pale skin as he finished up.
“See?” he bubbled, pulling away to reveal his blood-soaked teeth. Dabbing away the excess liquid on his lips with his sleeve, he continued on with his explanation. “Now all you gotta do is gimmie a matching one right here! Bite as hard as you can so it lasts forever!”
Kai’s eyebrows cocked upward from the mere suggestion. “I’m not gonna bite you as hard as I can, Lu.”
“Awh, why not?”
The answer was obvious but his face was tempting. So with a heavy sigh, Kai entertained this fantasy.
Lucian hadn’t realized he was shoved off Kai’s lap until his head cracked against the couch cushions. Disoriented, he let out a little whimper and resorted back to instinct, bracing for impact. When he peered upward, however, he saw the same old boyfriend who loved him. His tense muscles relaxed as he let out a soft laugh, embarrassed that he had been caught so off guard. Kai held his hands that were pinned above his head, sitting on his hips in order to adjust himself to reach his neck with no problem.
“Where do you want me to start? Your tummy? Your chest?” Kai sadistically sneered as he pulled out his ridged knife from his jacket, stroking the blade down his boyfriend’s tiny frame. “Ohh, I know what you want. You want me to slit your throat, huh? But I won’t be able to hear your pretty screams that way.”
Lucian couldn’t help but blush from his tone. He knew it better than anyone else. Butterflies fluttered around in his stomach from the thought, batting his eyelashes and grazing his tongue across his front teeth with a flirtatious smile. “That’s not what I want though…”
Lifting his freshly sharpened blade from his neck, Kai’s smirk peeled ear to ear. “Don’t gimmie that face, Lucian.”
The butterflies that infested his stomach bursted into fireworks of all shapes and colors when hearing his full name escape his lips. His face was bloodshot by the time he managed to get his words out. “What face? I’m not making a face.”
His airless laughter softened as Kai landed his fatal shot. Sinking his teeth deep into Lucian’s neck and savoring all the blood that gushed out, he returned the flirtatious remark. His tongue rubbed against the wound he created and delicately traced over the texture of his flesh, only for more blood to regenerate in seconds. Tears welled in the corners of Lucian’s eyes. Even though it felt like a mixture of heaven and hell at once, he made sure to voice his pleasure so that Kai understood he was doing a good job.
“It must taste good, huh?” he purred, stroking his raven-hair back to ensure it didn’t soak up any blood by accident. “I hope it does…”
Cradling Lucian’s waist, he didn’t say a word. His instincts begged him to move closer despite their bodies interlocking from the neck down. He knew better. Snuffing the feeling out like a little flame, he continued onward.
It was hard to pull away but when he did, his face was the color of the sun’s chromosphere. He wiped his mouth with the end of his shirt while admiring the damage he’d made on Lucian’s pretty skin. Every individual front tooth had managed to sink inside of him, leaving a sweet reddish-purple injury that bled profusely. It framed Lucian’s collarbones so well that he began to slip into the fantasy that it belonged there. Lucian was meant to carry the wound that bound them together.
Lucian was meant to be his.
“Your teeth feel good under my skin, sweetheart.” With shimmering eyes, Lucian planted both his index and middle finger in the gaping gash to presumably gather an approximate depth it had.
The pride Kai once inhibited completely melted into a puddle of humility. He covered his mouth sheepishly and giggled, taken aback by the sudden compliment. Lucian’s voice was in a perfect octave that rubbed him in all the right ways. “M-My teeth?”
One thing was certainly different about Kai’s teeth compared to an ordinary individual’s. Not only were they a perfect shade of white, straight as ever, and framed his handsome face well, but they also took the form of miniature daggers stuck in his gums. The most prominent feature of his mouth was his canine teeth. (Lucian’s favorite.) His canine teeth were sculpted beautifully along the rest of the row, sharp, dignified, and a bit unnaturally elongated. Maybe that’s why he could leave such harsh bites? Maybe that’s why Lucian struggled to fight back tears when he bit him? Either way, they must have been the source as to how he could land such a great blow. And the funny thing was, Lucian knew that wasn’t the hardest he could bite. He went easy on him.
“Mhm…” Lucian adoringly stroked his chest, his turquoise eyes inhabiting an unfamiliar glint within them. “It makes me wanna let you eat my insides.”
…Maybe that’s not what he really wanted. No matter how much he loved Kai and how safe he felt within his arms, there was no way he could withhold throughout the torture that he forced his victims to endure. Tearing their limbs off when they’re still alive and eating them in front of their face is one of the tactics Lucian wasn’t so fond of, so it did distort his view of saying what he did. Kai, on the other hand, was in his complete own world, blushing profusely from the thought of Lucian’s suggestion.
“I couldn’t do thaaaat…” he swooned, aligning his fingertips down his skinny frame. “I like the way your insides are now. All intact and pretty…”
“They’d look so much prettier in your mouth.”
“Keep pushing it like that. I dare you.”
“Hehe, pushing what? I’m not pushing anything. I’m just saying.”
And that’s how Lucian ended up biting off more than he could chew. His neck, shoulders, back, and chest had been utterly mutilated by the time Kai moved onto his final course — The thighs. But by then, Lucian was in a daze from the amount of blood he lost. His pajamas were stained red, his shirt unbuttoned and his pants lowered in order for Kai to finish his masterpiece. Silent tears drifted from the corners of his eyes from the sheer amount of bittersweet pain it caused him. But even through sniffling and wiping them away, he couldn’t help but chuckle to himself from the pleasure he felt knowing Kai was the one doing it.
“Kai…” he murmured, his brain too foggy to form a coherent thought. “Last one, okay? Please…”
Figuring he was just sleepy, Kai peppered a few kisses on his delicate skin and interlocked their eyes spontaneously. A sly smile rose to his lips. “Only ‘cause you asked nicely.”
And with that, Kai made sure there wouldn’t be any misconceptions this year. Anyone that spared at glance at Lucian would know who he belonged to.
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g0ttal0ve101 · 6 months
Note: coming back with another caria post haha 😻 it’s not sad at all haha 😻 tw: suicide, self-harm.
Carl hated himself. While this might seem to be somewhat of an over-exaggeration to outsiders, it isn’t. Carl truly and utterly hated every aspect of his character. He hated the way his face reflected in the mirror, he hated the way his hair was such a bright shade of red, he hated the way his voice sounded when he spoke and laughed, he hated the way his ribs stuck out, he hated the way his bony knees were always covered in scrapes, but most of all — He hated the way he hated himself. No matter how hard he tried to act confident, no matter how much he tried to boost his ego, the drug never lasted.
That’s why whenever he got drunk, he would put a blade to his wrists and pray that he’d have the guts to do it. That’s why he’d cry whenever he woke up and realized how severe his hangover was, but also that he was still breathing in a world where he surely didn’t belong. Oh, Carl hated himself. But he did love one major piece of his life. (Perhaps it was the reason he woke up in the morning?)
Mia Jacobs. Golden hair that brushed against her back, adoring eyes that lingered on his face for a few moments more than expected, a tender voice to keep his self-hatred from controlling him, and a wonderful, wonderful smile. Whenever Carl thought about her, his heart raced. It was almost childish how anxious he grew when she was around. And it was surely childish that he had made her the sun, moon, and stars of her life. Without her, there would be nothing. Carl liked it that way.
So once he got drunk that night and put a blade against his frail skin, he thought about her. It wouldn’t be hard to end it right then and there. Sure, it’d hurt like hell and he might even be too cowardly to finish it off, but his skin was thin enough that he could slice it clean. Why didn’t he then? Why couldn’t he move? Well, it was simple — He couldn’t bear to let her go.
The knife clattered to the floor and for a moment, he grew frightened that it might have been a bit too loud for his older brother’s liking. Nevertheless, he was too drunk to linger on the thought for too long, grabbing his phone and seeing stars spiraling on the screen.
Mia’s number was always on the top of his list. He clicked it without hesitation and curled up on his bed, listening to the sound of the device ringing over and over. It felt like hours before he finally heard a signal being picked up.
“What’s up, baby?” Her voice finally peaked through the fuzziness of the static, bringing a bright smile to his face instantaneously.
“Haha, hi? How drunk are you?”
“I’m gonna kill myself, Mia.”
There was silence for a moment. Then suddenly, the pleasant tone in her voice dropped into a very solemn one. “…Don’t fuck around like that.”
Too intoxicated to realize how horribly awful this was to do to his girlfriend, Carl could only laugh. “I’m nottt. I have the knife right here and I’m gonna slit my wrists and fucking die, hahah! I’m gonna fucking do it! But, but, buttttt, I wanna tell you that I love you and that you’re the best girlfriend everrr!”
And that was enough to make Mia grab her keys and head for the door. Without bringing much thought to the fact that he heard her car engine start running, Carl continued with ramblings as if nothing was wrong at all.
“Miaaa? Miaaa…”
“What is it, baby?”
“Mffmh…I love you, Mia. More than anything ever, hmgh…existed. You’re a good person, no matter what you say. If you wasn’t, erm, you wouldn’t be dating someone like meee…y’know? And if you wasn’t a good girl, you…ugh…you wouldn’t be so nice to me. I can’t even know what it feels like to date me, y’know, and it scares me when I don’t know that when you…mmh, yeah.” Carl bubbled out without reconsidering even a single word he sang. It was funny to him at first but whenever he received radio silence as an answer, he grew increasingly more sentimental. “Mia. Mia, I…I really do love you, Mia.”
Without another second to waste, Mia’s voice broke through his whimpers. “Carl, please promise me that you’re gonna be okay when I get there.”
Tears rolled down his face. If she was on her way there, she’d surely see how much he cut himself and simply become disappointed. Her eyes would bleed with disapproval and disgust as she helped him clean up, almost as if she hated his very being for acting this way. She’d think he was seeking attention, she’d think he was weak — All of these scenarios piled inside of Carl’s head until he couldn’t take it anymore.
Practically stumbling off the bed, he began searching through his drawers to start the ‘layering process.’ One shirt after another piling and securing the wounds underneath would hide them away from his loving girlfriend. He wouldn’t have to hear her disappointed voice. He wouldn’t have to look weak.
“I-I’m sorry, I’m sorry…”
“It’s okay, baby. It’s okay. I’m not mad. Just don’t do anything stupid.”
“…Miaaa, I’m so fucking dumb…!” His sobs lingered for a while longer before he curled up in a ball.
“How many times did you cut yourself, Carl?”
That question alone spoke volumes to him. She was already disappointed with him. There was no saving it. Dropping the shirt he was pulling over his head, Carl decided to remain bare-chested until she showed up. There was no point in hiding anyway.
Having a feeling he wouldn’t answer any time soon, Mia sprung into action. “Okay, okay, just listen to me. Are you listening?”
“Go to the bathroom and put your arms underwater. I’m gonna be there in a minute, just go make sure you’re in there, okay?”
As he usually did, Carl obeyed her every word. He held his bleeding forearm tightly, stumbling out of his room while holding the phone to his ear clumsily. All he could hear was the sound of a car moving. It was sort of funny when he thought about how fast she must be going for a stupid thing like this. Because that’s what this all was — Stupid. Carl should’ve just got it over with and left Mia alone instead of worrying her so much.
Blood sprayed everywhere whenever he put his arm under the facet. The liquid began having a red hue whenever it hit the bottom of the sink, building up into a gross mess of his own mistakes. The call was still ongoing, however, neither of them spoke. That was until Carl started whining and freaking Mia out again.
“It’s okay, baby. I’m pulling in the driveway now, alright? Is the key still under your front doormat?”
Carl hummed and wiped the tears from his face, trying his hardest not to break down again. “Yes…yes, please d-don’t be mad…”
There was no time for anger. Entering the Mason family household and immediately rushing into the upstairs bathroom, Mia could honestly care less about being caught. Not that she would anyway - She’d snuck in many times before this and got away with it. She noticed the bathroom door was cracked open a bit when approaching it, pushing the wooden structure open to reveal Carl practically on the verge of passing out while trying to keep his wound under the water. Mia instantly hoisted him up by his armpits and steadied his balance.
For some odd reason, Carl was confused as to what was going on. “Miaaa…why’re you…?”
Brushing his hair back from his soaking face, Mia rested her free fingers on the open wound. Her boyfriend hissed in pain. “Shit, that’s deep.” She muttered under her breath, pulling him away from the sink to get the medical kit in the cabinet below.
“Don’t be maaad…! Mia, please…I’m sorry…” Carl hiccuped as he stumbled backward, nearly falling into the tub.
“I’m not mad at all. Just stay still and let me wrap you up.”
And that’s exactly what she did. Taking the cloth bandages and wrapping them around his forearm loosely, she ended up being able to keep the blood from seeping out. Carl simply watched her expressions as she went, his hair glued to his drenched face while trying to maintain a calm demeanor. It hurt whenever she touched it. Carl sort of liked the feeling.
Unable to filter his words due to the amount of alcohol he consumed, Carl leaned back on the toilet with a ring of raspy laughter. “How deep is it, hahaaa…? I really tried to do it this time, hehehe. Everything’s spinning and shaking.”
Mia huffed playfully to ensure he wouldn’t get the impression she was genuinely angered. “You’re drunk outta your mind, dumbass. That’s why you feel lightheaded…hopefully. I don’t think you bled out that much.”
Carl leaned into her embrace — At least he thought he did. In reality, his face plummeted into her chest harshly, and started rambling the same old script. “I love you, baby. I loooooove you. I’m sorry I was…mfgh…calling you.”
With a decrease in intensity, she gave him a sturdy pat on the back. His skinny figure still shook up like a bell. He giggled from the sensation of her rough hands against his smooth skin.
“Mmh…you wanna fuck meee?”
“Uh, no? You’re so wasted right now I don’t even think you can hear what I’m saying.” Mia snapped her fingers in his face, only to prove her point further when he stared back bewildered. “How are you even in the mood?”
Again, his filter was completely discarded from the words spewing from his mouth. “‘Cause I’m sorry…and ‘causeee…it’s all I’m good at.”
“What did you just say?” Mia asked sternly. Her tone sent waves of fear through his body, although he wasn’t sure what it was that scared him. The glint in her eyes made him want to hide away in shame; And yet, they made him feel good at the same time because they were locked on him. “Say it again. C’mon, I couldn’t hear you.”
Carl blushed heavily. Whenever she spoke to him like that he couldn’t help but get flustered. Even though he was drunk out of his damn mind, he knew better than to say it again. Instead, he sheepishly turned away. “I didn’t mean that.”
“Yeah, I thought so. You need to stop talking like that before I…” Her voice died when she realized how it sounded. She had to be gentle with him. Especially whenever he was in a state of mind like this. “Just stop it, okay? I wouldn’t let anyone talk to you like that, so why would I wanna hear it coming from your own mouth?”
Those words stung like a bitch. There was nothing he could say that would justify himself or his behavior because she was right. No one else in the world could say anything bad about him without facing the wrath of Mia, so why should he get away with it? He might as well get the shit beat out of him just like she did to the other ones for speaking down on him.
Lowering his head, he looked like a sick puppy out in the rain. “…You’re right. I’m sorry.”
There was silence for a moment. Mia grabbed his hands and turned them over, gazing at the bandages that she tied around his forearms. It only embarrassed him more. He pulled away and tried to stand up on his own, only to topple over into the bathtub with a harsh blow.
“Holy shit! Are you okay?!”
Laughter exploded from his throat. And for a second, she had totally forgotten how much depth his depression had impacted him. He looked like an ordinary boy, drunk, carefree, and having fun during his youth. No one would be able to see just how much he hated himself, just how much he wanted to die, and just how much he hurt himself to ease the pain of existing. In that sense, his laughter brought her bittersweet joy.
“C’mon, babe. Get outta there.” She pulled him out of the tub and into her arms as if he were a sack of potatoes. She didn’t even break a sweat. It was almost embarrassing for him — Almost. He thought it was more hot than embarrassing.
Smiling like an idiot, he buried his face into the crook of her neck. With a muffled voice, he began listing off the reasons he loved her so dearly. “You make me laughhh, you make me smileee, you don’t make me…mmffh…saaaad, you have a nice vooooice, aaaand…” Lifting his face inches away from hers, a genuine smile rested on his lips. “You take care of me.”
Blush erupted on her face. She didn’t like to display herself whenever she was flustered, but she knew he would be too drunk to remember any of this anyway. So, plopping him onto his mattress where he belonged on a Friday night, she combed the hair out of her face and sighed softly.
“I take care of you all right.” Mia grabbed his head and shook it around as she always did. She was more gentle knowing how intoxicated he was. “It’s only fair since you take care of me, y’know?”
Carl grabbed her hand when hearing this, examining the scrapes and cuts she received on her knuckles from the constant fights she found herself in. Placing his lips on them, he murmured out what he was thinking. “…‘Cause I love you.”
“Yeah. ‘Cause you love me.” Mia repeated, unable to contain the heat from coursing through her body. She was never the lovey-dovey type — Couples like that pissed her off. But considering how drunk he was and the fact he wouldn’t remember any of it anyway, she continued to console his worries. “And I love you too.”
On the brink of passing out, Carl’s eyes fluttered shut for a moment or two before they glimmered up into hers. “Mfmm…you wanna be my girlfriend?”
“I am your girlfriend, dumbass.”
“Ohh, yeaaah! Wow. I’m so luckyyy…”
Mia scoffed. It wasn’t his fault that he was so blind to the truth. She hadn’t told him what occurs when he’s not around — How many skulls she bashed in, how many screams rang through her ears, how much blood stained her clothes; He had absolutely no clue of that reality. She only showed him what he wanted to see, a girl who would cater to him and love him for the weak soul that he was. That’s all that really matters; What’s on the outside.
Batting her eyelashes and pulling his head onto her thighs, she continued to caress his curls gently. “Yeah? You think so?”
With that, the mood lightened up greatly and allowed Carl to ramble onward. “Maaaan, I’m sooo stoked…you’re my girlfrienddd…! I must have a big dickkk…”
Blunt was the best way to be. Choking on her own laughter, Mia couldn’t help but put a hand up to her mouth and try to contain it. Carl, on the other hand, was so serious he appeared to be petrified. It was way past his bedtime, that’s for sure.
“Last time I checked, you wanted it to be three inches longer.”
“Mhm. Three inches to reach twelve.”
“Carl…you do not have a nine-inch dick.”
“Yeah-huh. Check it.”
“I have many times.”
Carl peered into his boxers as if he were a kid on Christmas morning, trying to measure his length with an eye examination. Telling by the fact his vision was blurry and swaying, he could hardly see the contents. Scratching his head and pondering the question, he bit his lip a little. Mia thought it was adorable whenever he made faces like that.
With a groan, he held his head. Then, in the most solemn and dramatic tone ever laced in his voice, he briefly explained the misconception. “Someone stole it.”
His girlfriend was on the verge of tears by the time he threw a pillow at her to make her stop laughing so profusely. “Okay, okay, that’s my bad. I’ll give it back to you in the morning, okay?”
“You took my dick?!” Carl cried, flopping on the bed as if he fainted on the spot. “Aaah, I’m scaaared! What if I gotta go pee during the night?! What thennn?” Suddenly accepting it without another second of doubt, his voice softened. “Mfmm…it’s okay. You can have it.”
Curling his knees into his chest, Carl finally closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep with his head still planted in her lap and her fingers still in his hair. She sighed softly at the sight. Even though he thought of himself as lucky, she knew all too well it was her who had the four-leaf clover in her hands.
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g0ttal0ve101 · 7 months
Prompt: Comfort
Ship: Caria
Note: hahaha you thought you were safe caria? no. no one is safe from the angst. tw: mentions of sa
Carl and Mia were inseparable. When he would play videogames, she’d be laying in his lap watching. When she was working on a car, he’d be retrieving tools for her. When they walked together, they held hands. When they were eating, the one who finished first would wait for their counterpart. When they were getting ready for bed, they’d borrow each other’s pajamas. Everyone saw it. Everyone recognized it. No one was bothered by it. But when they were alone, there was a new story to be told. A story not so innocent and sweet and cute to observe.
That night was like many of the others they shared before. Mia decided to take Carl on a spin in her washed up car, breaking all sorts of speed limit laws on her way around Woodlyn City. Their swerving and screeching down the road was more humorous than scary now that he knew just how well Mia had control over her vehicle. Surprisingly enough, she had never gotten into an accident once. And even if she did, it would have been the other driver’s fault. She was articulate with the wheel and even better with the pedals. While Carl was nervous at the beginning of their relationship, he finally learned to sit back and enjoy the show.
And as per usual, they stopped at a fast food place to get some soda to mix in with their alcohol they smuggled out of the house, parking in a deserted parking lot to hang out and kick back.
Laying out on the truck bed, the two had brought some pillows and blankets to sit comfortably on and ‘star gaze.’ Being tipsy and looking up at the night sky was a while different level of euphoria that either of them could explain.
“It’s nice out, huh?” Carl hummed, entwining his fingers with hers. She turned her head away from the stars to gaze into his pretty green ones. It was a much better view anyway. “Hot and sticky.”
Mia scoffed. “Carl, what the hell is wrong with you?”
“Haha! I meant humid.”
“Sure you did.”
Moving closer to her, he let out a little giggle of excitement. It was evident by the shine on his face that he was somewhat intoxicated. Mia smiled a little before planting her palm on his forehead and pushing him away softly. “What’re you doing, dumbass?”
With a low ring of laughter, he stroked her face with the back of his hand. Something had sparked into his eyes that Mia recognized almost instantly. A pit of eagerness and excess heat piled up in her stomach. He just looked at her. Considering the fact he was so tipsy, there was a chance he was retracing his eyes over her because he couldn’t process his visions very well. That was okay. Mia was still sober enough to identify what he wanted.
“Hey, my eyes are up here.” Mia snapped in his face with a sly grin, teasing him even though he had only glanced at her chest.
Carl peered to the side with a scrunched up smile, making his cheeks appear to be extra rosy and round. Suddenly, a change of behavior struck. Instead of waiting for Mia to make the first move like he always did, he lurched over her figure, blocking the star’s view from her eyes. He still didn’t say anything. Maybe he was too afraid to. That was okay. She understood what he meant whenever he connected his lips onto her skin.
Everything was fine. Everything played out just as it usually did. Mia was having fun, Carl was having a blast, but most importantly, neither of them had any sort of reason to hold back. Almost.
Something changed inside her whenever Carl slid his hand up her shirt. It wasn’t the first time he’s ever done this - In fact, he did it quite often on Friday nights like this - and it had never felt wrong before. Mia liked it whenever he took charge for a short while. It made it even more exciting whenever she completely bulldozed his confidence by dominating him instead. But this was different. Carl wasn’t different, his intentions weren’t astray, but she had a wrenching gut feeling start accumulating inside. Her lips remained sealed. The storm of emotion only grew.
Feeling as though time was going in frame to frame motion, Mia tried piecing together what was wrong. One of his hands cradled her hips, the other caressing her stomach under the fabric, his lips lowering to her chest that was fully clothed. (For now.) He wasn’t doing anything wrong. She liked it whenever he did this. And yet, a horrific amount of dread overcame her whenever he tried to take it a step further.
“Carl,” her voice was raspy enough to hide the emotion underlying beneath her words. “Carl, stop.”
That was the end of that. Carl pulled away faster than a blink of an eye, completely removing all physical contact from her body. She suddenly felt a lot worse. The terrified expression spread across his face felt like a ton of bricks that weighted onto her shoulders.
Suddenly it hit her.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered, inching further away now that he was denied. “I’m really sorry, Mia. I-I’m fucked up right now. I should’ve-!”
“No, it’s not you.” Mia assured him with a weak grin. She pulled her tank top straps back over her shoulders littered in hickeys, trying to regain a sense of her emotions before saying something she might regret later. “I…I just…not here. Not in a vehicle…”
Vehicle. While he didn’t quite understand the boundary, he respected and engraved it in his mind for all eternity. Never would he ever try to put the moves on her in - or rather on in this case - a vehicle again.
“Okay. I won’t do it again.” He stammered out, picking at his sleeves while trying to calm down. He couldn’t help but still blame himself. He should’ve known better than touching up his girlfriend like that. He should’ve thought it through. He should’ve said something before doing it. Blow after blow struck him in the heart for something he can’t undo.
The silence was deafening. Carl wasn’t sure what else to say except a hundred more apologies, let alone resume the night as if nothing happened. He violated her. It was a gross thought but initially what happened in his mind. Like some pervert, he just grabbed her up because he was thinking with the wrong head.
Before his thoughts could totally spiral, her voice interjected itself into his mind. “Stop that,” she grasped his hand and pulled it away from picking at his scabs. However, she saw that he had already started bleeding a little from underneath the purple fabric. A sigh fell from her lips. “It’s not your fault. Hey, look at me. It’s not your fault.”
Carl couldn’t bear to look her in the eye. “It is my fault. I-I should’ve asked before-!”
“Do I ask to fuck your brains out? Huh?” Mia asked in a playful manner, trying to lighten the solemn mood. Her calloused hand reached his cheek and attempted to lift it upward to look into her eyes. Despite the attempt, he still refused to lock eye contact. “Carl Alexander, may I please fuck your brains out? Tell me when I’ve ever said that.”
“…You haven’t.”
“Exactly! So, what makes it so wrong that you didn’t ask? I never said you had to. Last time we fucked, did you ask? No. Before that, did you ask? No. Even before that, did you ask? No! So, you didn’t do anything wrong by not asking this time.” Mia moved closer to him, wanting to feel his touch again. His hands remained glued to his lap. “Please stop making that face. You’re okay.”
And yet, it didn’t shake. Carl remained still and silent, trying his hardest not to cry. He hated doing that in front of his girlfriend. Especially since he was the one who violated her. She should be the one crying, not him.
“Baby…” Mia’s voice suddenly got a hundred times lighter than before, her tough front shattering into a bunch of pieces. She saw the tears welling in his eyes, knowing how much this meant to him. It was such a beautiful thing to know that he loved her so dearly, but such a scary thing too. Mia had never experienced love such as this. “Look. I’ll tell you the truth, okay?”
Under her demand, he finally interlocked his green eyes with hers. She smiled softly and held both his hands into her own. The physical connection was rekindled in mere moments.
“Whenever…” Her voice wobbled a bit whenever recalling the memory she had fought endlessly to put from her mind. With a deep breath, she reformed her sentence. “Whenever I was younger, my brother would teach me how to fix cars. I would give him the equipment he needed, sit with him and talk to him, y’know just bullshitting around ‘cause I didn’t wanna be inside with my parents. But that’s a whole other story, haha. Well, my brother wasn’t dumb. He knew that our parents never checked in on us, especially whenever we were working on a car…” Her voice drifted again, preparing herself to say the hard truth. Her throat was entangled by barbed wire as she spoke once more. “…Heh, it’s sorta dumb to look back on it now. I could’ve just ran away or tore his fucking face off but…I just sat there and let him…do whatever he wanted. Then again, I was like, what, six? Seven? I was a dumbass.”
Carl held a hand to his mouth and choked back on his tears. Mia could only stare in disbelief that someone would care so much about something that happened that long ago.
“H-Hey! Hey, that was supposed to make you feel better! Shit, Carl. I’m sorry.” Mia embraced him tightly, rubbing his back to console him. It somewhat worked as his tears streamed down his cheeks and onto her shoulder. “I’m sorry. I thought that would make you feel less guilty about it.”
“M-Mia…” Carl clutched onto her tank top with a sniffle, trying his hardest to snuff out the terrible thought. He couldn’t imagine how she felt having to deal with it for all these years. “I…I promise I’ll never let that happen again. You h-have my word.”
“I’m not worried about that-!”
“I-I won’t let that happen ever again!” Carl sobbed in a mixture of being drunk and being devastated. “Never ever…! Never…”
With a lighthearted sigh, she stroked his hair and with a gentle voice responded. “I trust you, mi amor. I trust you.”
After wiping away his tears, the two got inside the truck and drove back home, prepared to get drunker and forget this even happened.
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g0ttal0ve101 · 6 months
Note: RIAM ATTACK 💥💥 ok but seriously I haven’t written anything in weeks bc I’m deathly ill soooo here’s this to make up for it! TW: domestic abuse, kidnapping, obsessive behavior.
“You fucking anorexic whore!”
One more drink should cast the thought away for good this time. At least, that’s what Riley kept telling herself. Cup after cup, song after song, she found herself almost too drunk to even think straight. That was fine. It was better than thinking about him going off with another girl.
The booze took away from the pain of her bruise planted underneath her eye, but it didn’t help her escape from the looks she kept getting from the other guests at the party. She figured she must have looked awful — Many others would beg to differ. Even with that nasty purple wound on her pale complexion, she was one of the prettiest girls of Woodlyn High. With eyes that resembled a meadow after sweet spring rain and hair the color of ravenous flames, it was hard not to spare a glance or two. Although, Jordan didn’t seem to think that. And if he didn’t care to look at her, she knew that she wasn’t worth looking at.
God, that voice was painfully familiar. Turning her head in the direction of the sound, she let out a soft groan. “Huh?”
There she saw Thomas Hall — The valedictorian of her grade and host of this party. He leaned over her like a hawk preying upon its next meal with a sick grin plastered on his face. She knew whatever was going to be said or done wasn’t going to be good. Trying desperately to think of a way out, she notably took in her surroundings again. He chuckled from the sight.
“You single?”
“Fuck off, Thomas…”
“No, seriously. Did Jordan break up with you?”
There was a pause for a brief moment or two. Putting the brim back to her lips and chugging down the rest of the alcohol contained within it, she prayed to God that she wouldn’t say something she’d ultimately regret.
It was almost inevitable once she opened her mouth. “For now, yeah…mmh, to go out with ‘nother bitch tonight. He’ll be back tomorrow…” Her words slurred together miserably as she became almost incomprehensible.
Thomas sat down beside her, presumably locking into the conversation. Only then did she see his three friends behind him; David Nixon, Freddy Brooks, and Charlie Allen. It seemed like her future was getting darker and darker as time progressed. It wasn’t a good idea to get involved with these guys. Once they have even a little piece of information to hold above your head, they’ll be able to control your every move. That must be what they’re trying to accomplish right now. Riley scoffed from the thought.
“Well, y’know…I’ve always had the hots for you, Riley.” Thomas hummed, grabbing her empty cup to pour stronger alcohol inside. She had almost forgotten she was sitting in the kitchen by herself where all the drinks were. However, she didn’t recognize this brand. It must be expensive. “My door’s always open.”
“Fuck you and your door.” She spat right back at him, snatching the cup from his hand and taking a hesitant sip. “I won’t fuck on a pussy ass momma’s boy. Skip me on that.”
That description he heard of himself made his smile widen. She rejected him. That made this even more fun. “Isn’t Jordan a momma’s boy? I figured you just had a type. Anyway though, wanna go bust him and that slut?”
Her eyes turned to saucers. “What…?”
“They’re fucking in her car right now.” The rasp in his voice grew thicker as he grew more eager for her reaction. “Don’t you wanna show them who’s in charge, Riley? Don’t you want him back?”
All those words rubbed her in all the right ways. If she were sober, she could’ve seen through his cunning tactics. However, she couldn’t even see straight anymore, so there was no way of indicating anything was astray. She believed him without a second of a doubt.
Standing up wasn’t so easy. Placing her weight on her feet and stumbling forward, she crashed into a chair immediately. It wasn’t until Thomas grabbed a hold of her that she managed to fix her posture.
“Get off me.” Riley snapped, shoving him away as harshly as she could in the moment. It felt like her body was moving in slow motion. The alcohol surely did numbers in her. Once she felt his hands on her again, she raised her voice. “I SAID GET THE FUCK OFF ME, YOU STUPID MANWHORE! GOD!”
His laughter indicated he got the reaction he wanted all along. It made her sick to her stomach to think about. The trek began shortly after without another word exchanged between them.
People. Lights. Music. Everything disorientated the drunk girl entirely. She made sure to keep her eyes on Thomas while navigating her way through the crowd, but every now and then she believed she spotted Jordan in the crowd and lost her focus. When that happened, Charlie continued to shove her forward. She was too tired to scold him. Besides, she knew that he was only doing that because he wanted Thomas’s approval.
“Where’s the car?” Her voice murmured as she nearly knocked into an innocent bystander. “Mmh…I don’t gotta nice knife on me…only this shitty pocket one.”
The back door opened. December air smacked against their faces as they stepped out onto the porch. Although it was so cold, Riley felt warmer and lighter than ever. The thought of killing this bitch became more prominent and exciting to the point she trembled a bit with each step. Bliss that overwhelmed her systems suddenly grew sour as Thomas turned to face her, clearly having some sort of ace up his sleeve. She was too drunk to care. All she wanted was to beat this girl’s ass for touching Jordan in ways Riley could never hope to.
“Okay, I’ll deal with the bodies after you’re done.” Thomas bubbled as the two of them started down the steps. It was only then that she noticed the other three guys weren't following along. It freaked her out a little but the alcohol in her system, again, drowned out the worries. “I mean, you’re gonna kill Jordan too, right?”
With a scoff, she flicked out the pocket knife. “No.”
That wasn’t the answer he was expecting. Raising an eyebrow and scanning the driveway area for her car, he pondered his thoughts out loud. “But he cheated on you and beat your ass. Don’t you think that's—?”
Sticking her index finger against his chest and getting in his face, she drunkenly blabbered. “Shut the hell up, Thomas! Having sex with some girl don’t mean shit! He still loves me! He still loves me...” Her voice trailed off as she desperately tried to convince herself that was the case. Thomas simply observed her behavior with a smug grin.
“No, he doesn’t. He doesn’t and that’s okay. I have a client who’ll be more than willing to show you the love you deserve.”
Her eyes darted toward him and in that second, she almost saw the look of empathy on his face. However, as quickly as that expression came, it went. David snatched her up from behind and shoved a cloth drenched in chloroform across her mouth and nose, tightly gripping her so she couldn’t squirm away. Thomas had thought she was pretty before but with that horrified expression, she looked absolutely stunning.
“It’s okay, don’t fight it! David’s not a pervert or anything. Well, at least not toward girls—!”
“Shut the fuck up before I knock you out next...” David grumbled, knowing damn well she might be acquainted with Lucian. (Which was more or less the reason why he was being so gentle with her.)
With a harsh shove to the back, Riley found herself being throttled into the backseat of a beat-up car. Only then did she understand that this was all a set up. Jordan wasn’t out here at all. In fact, he was probably at home with a bitch he found at the party already. Tears welled in her eyes from the thought. Although, it didn’t do her any good to cry.
By the time Riley regained consciousness, she had forgotten what happened. She figured she was in her own bed, falling behind on making breakfast for her little brother. For that reason alone, she got up despite her rough hangover and began stumbling around the dimly lit room to get changed. She reached for her dresser only to see her reflection staring right back at her — A mirror.
But she didn’t have any mirrors in her room.
“You’re awake.”
Riley let out a sharp gasp and nearly collapsed onto the piece of furniture, trying to decipher the dark figure standing by the door. The sound of its lock sealing echoed throughout the room.
Her immediate response was to grab the pocket knife from her jacket. However, when her hand went to tuck itself away and search for it, she found that her jacket was missing. Not only that, but so were her pants and shoes. Her heartbeat rang throughout her eardrums.
“A-Are you scared?” The voice grew soft and shaky. All the fear that she felt once before became a bit muffled whenever hearing the silhouette’s tone. “D…Don’t be scared. I hope T-Thomas didn’t hurt you…” Approaching her, Riley finally saw his face.
“Or he’d be breaking the deal.”
Beyond confused, Riley’s shoulders drooped and her eyebrows furrowed. “Sam…? Sam, is that you?”
Sam, one of Riley’s only friends, stood before her. Grasping onto his sweater and swallowing against the lump in his throat, he nodded sheepishly. “Yeah. Yeah, it’s m…me.”
There was a brief pause. Sam’s mind spiraled in circles as he tried to muster out the words he wanted to assure her with. Even knowing that this could be Sam’s doing, Riley waited patiently for him to get out what he needed to say. And for that reason, he couldn’t help but feel more attracted to her.
“I-I want y-yuh…you to be m…” Clenching his eyes shut and lowering his head, he couldn’t bear to look her in the eye. “…my girlfriend! Please be my girlfriend, Riley!”
Her eyes widened like saucers. This was the first time she had ever received a confession like this. The only reason she and Jordan were dating was because she begged him to be her boyfriend. That’s why whenever she saw Sam like this, she couldn’t help but see herself.
“I put poison in Jordan’s drink last night. He’s in critical condition at the hospital.” His voice went monotone, thick and dull. All emotion he once had completely drained away. “I’m the only one with the antidote. If you don’t break up with him I-I’ll let him fucking die. I’ll let him die, Riley, and he’s gonna hurt.”
Even when saying such horrible things, Riley was astonished by the glint of pure obsession embedded in his irises. He loved her. Even if they hardly spoke before this, even if this was the first time she truly locked eye contact with him, he loved her more than Jordan ever did.
“Wh…What?” Sam’s voice shook as he snapped out of his state of delusion. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. No, not even that — He couldn’t believe what he was seeing.
Riley was smiling ear to ear. She didn’t look hurt or upset or anything. Rather, she appeared to be in utter bliss from the threat. Laughter escaped her throat as she held herself tight. “Okay! I’ll break up with him and get with you. That’s fine. So, get the antidote to him.”
Blinking in utter disbelief, Sam took a step or two backward. “A-Are you ser—?”
“You have no idea how serious I am.” She hummed, closing her eyes and lowering her head. “I’d do anything for him. Anything at all. So if that means I have to break up with him to save him, I will. So, please. Please give him the antidote, Sam.”
That wasn’t the reaction he was expecting. Balling his hand into a fist instinctively, repulsion overwhelmed his system. “Do you really love him that much e-even after…all he’s done to you?”
“I do.” Riley murmured, almost ashamed. “Is that really such a bad thing? Everyone treats me like a whore because I let him do whatever he wants to me, but isn’t that what love is? To sacrifice and devote yourself to them? Wouldn’t you do the same?”
Sam blinked in disbelief for a moment or two before averting his gaze elsewhere. “I wouldn’t h-hit you, Rie.”
Those words sent a shock wave through her system. Even if he avoided her eyes, she stared through his soul and listened intently.
“I’d never hit you,” he continued while clenching at the ends of his sweater. “I’d never call you names, I’d n-never make you cry, I’d never abandon you, a…and I’d never let anyone hurt you! When was the last time he’s h…eld you, that he told you how p-p…pretty you are? Riley…Riley, that’s what love is!”
Tears rolled down her cheeks, although she wasn’t sure why. All she could do was laugh and wipe them away, knowing that what Sam had said was the truth. It hurt. But in the same breath, she was in pure bliss knowing that someone cared enough to answer her.
Wiping away her tears with the sleeve of his sweater, Sam leaned in close to her figure. “I want to show you th…that, Riley. Please let me treat you h-how he should’ve been treating you this entire t…ime.”
Riley couldn’t help but blush whenever he progressed toward her. If he kept it up, they’d be in kissing range sooner than later. She wasn’t opposed to the idea. Although, she was a bit nervous to be jumping from one man to the next.
Sparing a glance or two at his lips, she found her self control and took a step back. When seeing his stunned expression, he avoided his acid eyes at all costs. “Sam…”
Respecting her boundaries and laying off the pressure, he rewarded her with personal space and tried his hardest to keep the disappointment off his face. After all, he understood it wasn’t her fault. Jordan was the one to blame for her hesitance.
“Sorry. Sh-Sh…ouldn’t rush things.” Sam murmured, although his face told another story.
While she knew she wasn’t in danger, Riley couldn’t help but feel the heat against the back of her neck growing in size. Wanting to clarify her reasoning behind not indulging in his affection, she found herself stammering just as he does. “If Jordan ever found out…”
Jordan. Jordan, Jordan, Jordan. That’s all she ever wanted to talk about. Had he really captivated her heart that much? There weren't any redeeming qualities Sam could pick out for a reason as to why Riley would care for him so dearly; He had an average face, a horrible attitude, and no sense of loyalty whatsoever. So, why? Why did Riley love him so much?
Lost in thought, Riley remained quiet. It wasn’t until Sam grasped her face and caressed the wound underneath her eye that she snapped out of the delusion.
“You deserve so much more than that, Riley. Don’t you get it?” His voice was gentle and reassuring. Despite knowing that he wasn’t going to hurt her, she still couldn’t help but flinch from his words. “I’m sure you don’t. That’s why I’ll…I’ll…I’ll teach you.”
“T-Teach me?”
“It’s not as scary as it sounds.” Sam chuckled, releasing her from his grasp and gazing at his shaky hands. “As long as you trust me.”
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g0ttal0ve101 · 7 months
Note: YURI ATTACK!!! 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏳️‍🌈👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 tw: implications of ocd and verminphobic tendencies.
“How was it today?” Her calm voice reverberated in her skull, sweetening the once sour taste in Evelyn’s mouth. She always had a way of doing that. Setting down a cup of tea with her slender hand and sitting across the small table, the aura that surrounded her gave the environment a safer feel to it. Evelyn never felt safe. Especially not on days like these.
With trembling fingers fixing the tie on her ivy green bath robe, Evelyn made it painfully obvious how that day went. She dodged the young woman’s eyes by staring at the wood designs engraved in the table, evidently exhausted and struggling to keep her composure for much longer. Telling by the dark circles forming under her beautiful eyes and flourishing skin, there surely was an issue at hand.
Violet observed her for a while longer before throwing a few more words out, hoping for a better response. “I saw someone brought you some flowers to cheer you up. Who was it?”
Sniffling and dabbing her tearful eyes with the fabric of her robe, Evelyn returned to a squeaky mess as she was before. “Ah, those are from my dear friend Lucian. I’ve introduced you to each other before.”
“How could I forget?” She snickered with an undertone of sarcasm, knowing damn well she wouldn’t be able to forget how weird that kid was. Violet was familiar with the criminally insane but she could just tell something about that boy was off. Nevertheless, she knew that he was a good friend of Evelyn’s and did nothing for her to harbor harsh feelings toward him. Therefore, she continued with a pretty smile. “That was very kind of him. He even knows your favorite breed of flowers.”
Despite having a topic to latch onto and keep the conversation going, Evelyn’s replies were a bit stiff. “Y-Yes.”
Silence for a brief moment. Violet watched as she swallowed hard and tried not to break out in tears again, clearly holding something back that desperately needed release. She figured that if Lucian knew about it, then she could put together the pieces too.
“Evelyn, what’s the matter?” Violet’s mouth spoke one thing but her eyes conveyed everything she truly wanted to express. She was genuinely worried for Evelyn; she had seen how bad these breakdowns could get in the past, let alone now that she’s undergoing treatment to help her diagnosis. These panic attacks were no joking matter - Evelyn could seriously hurt herself or others if it really came down to it. That alone made Violet start to shudder. No one in their right mind would want to cross her path in that case.
Again, she didn’t received a proper response. Evelyn continued to dab away her tears and dodge Violet’s caring gaze, perhaps feeling some sort of shame due to the fact she had gotten so worked up again. The truth was, it hadn’t been this bad for a while. Under Violet’s guidance and care, she was able to minimally control her urges that sprung out throughout the day. However, her streak of normality had fallen short because of today’s incident, and it bothered her. It pissed her off more than it could make her sad.
Unable to put these feelings into words, she simply stumbled. “I need to cut my hair, it’s bothering me.”
But that’s not the root of the problem. This was just a silly solution that popped into her head because she was panicking. Violet was sure to snap her out of these intrusive thoughts as soon as she could.
“You don’t really want to cut your hair. That’s just one of your tendencies squeezing it’s way into your head again.”
With hoarse laughter and yet another sniffle, Evelyn had to agree. “I-I guess you’re right. I wouldn’t look feminine enough with it being so short…but I really want to. It’s just getting everywhere and getting tangled and-!”
Standing from her seat, Violet pulled the tie from her own hair and approached her girlfriend. Evelyn was a bit hesitant even considering the idea of sharing a hair tie with someone else. Then again, she trusted Violet enough to be clean and responsible with whatever belongings she possessed.
“Is it okay if I comb your hair out and pull it up? I think it would help you calm down.” Violet cooed. Considering they were in Evelyn’s bedroom, her girlfriend knew precisely where everything was, grabbing her hairbrush off the nearby vanity.
Shuddering from the sound of her tender voice, Evelyn couldn’t up but to agree in letting her do so. “Alright…but please don’t pull on it. I-I hate when my hair gets yanked.”
“Of course, love. I’ll be gentle.”
And with that, Evelyn could feel the strands of ‘messy’ hair being neatly resorted to its original - organized - position. Her throat was suddenly freed from the barbed wire restraining it and her lungs inhaled more air than ever. Violet truly was an expert at this. She knew exactly how to console Evelyn and precisely how to solve any sort of problem with her conditions. Then again, she shouldn’t have expected any less from a girl who was trained by a licensed psychologist.
Finally able to breathe again, Evelyn found herself more open to share what happened that day. “It was awful, Violet. Just awful.”
“Why is that?”
“Thomas Hall.”
Suddenly things made a whole lot more sense. Violet’s eyebrows furrowed as she persisted on brushing her luscious hair, already pissed off just from hearing that name falling from Evelyn’s lips. “What did he do this time?”
Evelyn fidgeted with the tie wrapped tightly around her waist once more while putting together the story. “He coughed on me. At least he pretended to. I told him to stop yelling at Sam and he started acting sick. I know he’s not ill and I know he simply did it because he knows of my condition. But even then, I can’t stop thinking about it.” She admitted with a frown, now completely detached from the situation of Violet touching her hair.
“Oh, I don’t blame you! That’s disgusting!”
“I’m glad I’m not totally crazy. I’ve been sitting in the bath for hours trying to scrub all the particles off of me and calm down, but I just can’t! Who does something like that?! Coughing on people, I mean seriously?! But I know he just wants to get to me. He does this to everyone. Whenever Sam tries to stand up to him, he blabbers on and on with suicide jokes or transphobia. Whenever Lucian tries, he starts rating sex positions and asking him for his ‘experienced’ opinions. I mean, he’s just an awful person.”
“He’s a manipulator is what he is,” Violet snapped harshly. It was almost scary to hear such a tone suddenly surface from her ordinary sweet facade. “He knows your weaknesses so he hits them. Don’t let it get to you, alright?”
Evelyn sniffled again as her loving girlfriend finished putting up all of the long hair she managed to grow for years on end, retreating back to her original chair. Now that she had a chance to talk about it, she felt much better. She even started sipping the tea that Violet made for her. It was still hot. Precisely two sugar cubes and a splash of creamer to even out the strong herb flavor that underlaid itself in the liquid. Violet had perfected it once again as she always did.
“Thank you, Violet.” She softly murmured, her eyes darting toward the direction of her girlfriend’s empty hand. The thought suddenly emerged inside her skull and she couldn’t get it to shake.
With a warm smile, Violet nodded happily. “Of course. You’ve improved so much since the last time you had a breakdown like this. You did very well.”
“I did?”
“But I still sat in the bathtub for three hours,” she sheepishly muttered. It was almost shameful to even mention again.
“You didn’t harm anyone or yourself. That’s all that really matters, y’know?”
Finally gathering the courage to place her hand inside of Violet’s, Evelyn was sure to avoid speaking about it. Physical affection wasn’t her strong suit, especially considering she could barely hold her girlfriend’s hand without a glove. But she was doing it. She was doing it and she didn’t feel grossed out.
Violet blushed heavily and tried her hardest to avert her eyes from the scene. This wasn’t the first time Evelyn had touched her without a glove, but it didn’t mean it wasn’t rare. Gradually intertwining their fingers together, they both managed to laugh just a little bit. Maybe it wasn’t so bad to hold hands after all.
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g0ttal0ve101 · 7 months
Doctor in the House
Prompt: Sick
Ship: Caria
Note: THEY’RE SO SPECIAL TO ME…. tw: suggestive :3
Everything was hot no matter what Mia did. Pulled the covers off? Still hot. Opened the window? Still hot. Pulled her hair up? Still hot. Even taking a cold shower didn’t fix the heat that she felt in her head. The only thing that could regulate her temperature was the loving palm of her boyfriend’s hand.
With her head rested on his lap, she observed him play video games for the hundredth time, his fingers lingering in her hair as he waited for the load screen to flash into gameplay. Mia enjoyed listening to his humorous commentary and watching him kill tons of players without breaking a sweat, but it wasn’t quite what she wanted. Mia hates having to ask for what she wanted. So, without reason or cause, she randomly sat up and playfully shoved Carl off the bed with a thump to the floor, killing his character instantly on the screen.
“Miaaa…” He groaned, dusting his clothes and shutting the game off. His hand-me-down pajama pants sagged off his waist quite a bit, revealing his alien boxers as he stood in front of the bed. Being as comfortable as he was with her, he didn’t bother to check if they were sagging or even put a shirt on to hide his skinny, freckly body. “You could’ve just asked for my attention. I wouldn’t have laughed.”
Wrapping his arms around her shoulders, he pulled her in for a lengthy embrace. Mia rested her forehead against his collarbone with a smile, muffling the heat that rose in her skull every three seconds. Carl’s freckled skin was the cure to her illness. Shit, Carl’s freckled skin was the cure to everything.
“You’re really hot, honey.” Carl worriedly muttered, stroking her blonde locks of hair with the back of his hand. He half-expected her to reply with a playful ‘I know I am’ and return to her normal self, but she remained silent instead. His heart throbbed realizing how much she must be suffering if she didn’t have a sense of humor. “I think we should give you some more medicine.”
“Fuck…” Mia groaned and rolled her eyes, flopping onto their mattress with a deep sigh. “That shit tastes like ass and takes me out for six hours!”
Folding his arms against his chest, he tried his hardest to think of a different antidote. However, as he did any other time, he came up short. He reached for the bottle of liquid medication and ignored his girlfriend’s whining, pouring it into a spoon for her to take. He nearly spilled it on himself twice before it made it to her lips.
Carl tapped her forehand with his index finger. “Come on, dummy. Open up,” he huffed with a pout. It only worsened whenever she flipped him off and laid back down. “Mia, dude, do you wanna get better or not?”
Not if it meant taking that shit again. Being too tired to bicker with him, she groaned and sat back up, putting the spoon in her mouth hurriedly. The flavor hit her in the back of her throat. She gagged and fell onto the bed, causing Carl to merely laugh at her dramatics.
“It’s not that bad.”
“Where did your mom get that shit from? The fucking black market?” Her voice was hoarse and raspy, sending a strange chill down Carl’s spine.
“Maybe. It works like a charm. We’ve been using this stuff since I was a baby.” He examined the bottle, perhaps remembering all the times he was forced to use its contents. Carl was sickly child, always coughing or having a low fever. That taste lingered in his mouth nearly every week of the winter seasons. Hopefully it worked for his girlfriend too.
An idea sparked in mind when reminiscing, jumping from the mattress and rushing to the door. Mia jerked up in fear that something was astray. “What? What’re you doing?”
“I’ll be right back!”
And with that, he was gone. Mia suffered with the taste dancing on her tongue, burying her face deep within the pillow while moaning and groaning. In a spur of being delirious, she grabbed onto Carl’s jacket and held it close to her face. It smelled good. The heat in her cheeks raised temperature when thinking about how stupid she looked doing something like this, especially since he was probably just going to the bathroom or something one hall away. However, she couldn’t manage her illness without him. His absence only made her sicker.
That being said, she clutched onto the fabric and muffled out a few bitter words. “Dickhead,” she spat in a fury of frustration. In reality, she missed him.
Almost as if that were his legal name, her boyfriend came bursting into the room moments later. He held a huge tub of ice cream in one hand, the other stacked to the brim with candy. Kicking the door shut with his foot and toppling over his own feet, he handed the container to her with a cheeky smile. It was almost pathetic how proud he was for thinking this up.
“I know you like chocolate the best.” Carl cooed while plopping down beside her, planting his hand on her forehead to regulate her temperature again. “I got gummy worms and Oreos to put on top. I wasn’t sure which you wanted, so I just grabbed both. It should help make you feel less hot and get that flavor out of your mouth.”
Mia’s eyes practically glowed from the sight of the dessert. She peeled off the lid and dug the spoon into its contents, beyond ready to dispose of the flavor on her tongue. Before she did this, however, she had a much more wicked idea. A smirk rose to her face.
“I know another way to get it out.” She hummed, trailing her fingers down Carl’s frail chest. He gulped and blushed like an idiot as she leaned in closer and closer, eventually connecting their lips together. Suddenly, Carl knew the taste she was talking about. He pulled away faster than she could start laughing. “Told you so. Ain’t that nasty?”
With a pitiful expression, he nodded frantically. Mia could only giggle and pinch his round cheek, teasing him as they both knew damn well he wouldn’t deny her.
“You know I love you. Thank you for taking such good care of me, baby.”
“Mmh…whatever.” Carl mumbled while watching her stick the spoon into her parted lips. A smirk appeared on his face when seeing it. “Maybe I’ll get one of those sexy nurse costumes next time.”
Nearly spraying the ice cream everywhere while containing her laughter, Mia placed her hand over her mouth. Carl chuckled a little and watched her struggle, pleased with himself.
“Suddenly I need a hot nurse to check up on my tits.” Mia snickered with a suggestive tone entwined in her voice.
Wrapping his arms around her shoulders with a smug grin glued to his face, he batted his eyelashes slowly.“Good thing there’s a doctor in the house…”
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g0ttal0ve101 · 7 months
Prompt: Detention
Ship: Lukai
Note: BABY TWINKIES!! tw: slight violence.
“Fucking freak.”
Laughter erupted in the cafeteria as the crowd watched a group of girls gathered around a circular table with a singular boy occupying it - Kai Miller. With ebony curls and sharp gold irises framing his round face, he sat in silence as they berated him.
“What? What’s wrong?” The ringleader, Lindsey Hall snorted with a horrific grin, her mindless minions laughing alongside her. “Oooh, he’s staring at me now! I’m really in for it! I’m shivering at the sight of it!” She snickered, grabbing another component of his lunch. His gaze burned holes into her skull. In spite of feeling threatened, she continued to attempt the act of making him feel small. “Are you hungry? Here, let me hel-!”
Before she could dump the bag of chips on his head and humiliate him in front of the whole school, his seat flew back onto the ground and his teeth sunk into her arm in the spur of a moment. Horrified shrieks filled the air as she struggled to get him off, falling backward onto a separate table and spilling ketchup down the front of her designer top. The red tint of the condiment blended perfectly with the blood dripping from her forearm.
And that’s how he ended up in an one hour detention after school every single day for a full week. Typically students got suspended for this sort of behavior but in consideration of Kai’s grades, the teachers figured he would be better off working on missing reading assignments instead. In total, he had about twenty pages; Front and back.
The first two days were complete misery. Kai sat in an isolated room with four other people including a bitchy teacher while scrubbing on a page for an hour, practically feeling the life being sucked out of him. The third day, however, was much different. There was a turn of events that he couldn’t have fathomed would take place in a school like this.
A boy - Not just any boy, a cute boy - sat at the desk next to him. He recognized him from the morning bus as he was always late without fail, hurriedly boarding the vehicle with a thousand thank you’s and a hundred sorry’s. Kai reminisced the day he was forced to share a seat with him after the bus was overcrowded that foggy morning, remembering just how good his cologne smelled. He was practically slapped in the face whenever he caught the familiar scent again.
With white silky hair pulled up in a ponytail and a seemingly flawless facial structure, he sighed heavily and began unpacking his bag to begin his work. Kai couldn’t help but peek over his shoulder to see what it was he was working on. Biology. Gross. No wonder he looked so miserable doing it. Shifting his sly eyes away whenever the boy’s head turned in his direction, he picked the pencil up with wobbly fingers.
Ten minutes pass then twenty, leading up to the point where Ms. Bitch stepped out of the room for a moment. The remaining kids inside the class were silent and continued doing their work, which made Kai less observant to the fact that the teacher was gone. That was until he heard the pen drop.
Under his spiked combat boot laid a pen with pastel colorings, glitter and cute patterns displayed upon the plastic. In other words, the complete opposite from the source stepping on it. Kai reached down to grab the writing utensil with a raised eyebrow only for his scrawny fingers to hit a warm surface. That boy’s hand.
“Sorry!” He sputtered with an embarrassed glint in his eye, scooping his pen up and trying to play it off as cutely as he could - Or maybe he wasn’t trying to be that cute. Maybe he just was. “I’m dumb, haha! Sorry to bother you!”
Kai had never heard him say anything other than an apology. With a sweet voice like that, he could be putting it to much greater use.
Remaining silent as per usual, Kai gifted him with a gentle smile. His hand reached his lips immediately when realizing his fangs could pop out at any given moment, flustered instantly. Apology boy didn’t seem to mind. Rather, he dusted himself off and continued playing it cool by interjecting himself into conversation. Perhaps it was his way of settling into the environment.
“We ride the same bus, right? What’s your name?” He hummed. Kai knew he could be intimidating to most people but that didn’t seem to be the case with apology boy here. It caught Kai off guard more than anything else.
“Kai.” His voice was monotone, scarily flat.
“Kai! Kai is a nice name,” he fidgeted with his sleeve before sitting back at his desk and resuming his workload. That should’ve been the end of the interaction. However, with someone as socially isolated like Kai, he didn’t pick up the hint.
Drilling his gaze into the side of his head, he blinked slowly to gather each detail of his pretty countenance. “You?”
“What’s your name?”
“Oh! I’m so stupid. It’s Lucian!”
His name matched his face to a T. Kai couldn’t help but scoff a little when pondering how his parents could name him so well. “Lucian is a nice name.” He repeated the same saying as he used beforehand with a cheeky smile. Lucian caught the joke and let out a giggle.
Brief silence presumed as the clocked continually clicked dreadfully slow. Kai couldn’t help but feel inclined to continue the conversation - He just didn’t know how. This was the first time he ever wanted to talk with anyone in this damn place and he was going to blow it. He scowled at the thought. Luckily, Lucian seemed to be acquainted with making small talk.
“I don’t see you here often. What did you do?” Lucian bubbled, twirling his pen in between his fingers.
That was a perfect way of ruining his chances to make a friend. Kai gulped with a brief hesitation before initiating the reason to escape his lips. “…I bit some girl.”
Figuring he would hear radio silence, Kai prepared himself for the worst. However, he was instead met with a burst of laughter. “Lindsey Hall, right? I don’t blame you.”
“How…?” Kai’s voice drifted off as he fell victim to those gorgeously innocent eyes. His heart skip a beat or two as he viciously fought to escape his trance.
“I heard her complaining about it in photography class yesterday and I remember thinking, ‘good on that guy.’ And now I got to meet him, haha!” Lucian gushed with a playful gesture of his hand, nearly dropping the pen again. If anything, Kai learned that he was clumsy. “I bet she was really asking for it, huh?”
“Something like that.”
“Well, thanks for giving the world some justice, dude.”
Somehow this boy was getting cuter and cuter as time progressed. By the time he turned his head away again, Kai couldn’t help but blurt out something else to keep him in a talkative mood. “What about you? Why are you here?”
Lucian’s playful smirk dropped in a second. With a dreaded sigh, he admitted to his wrong-doings. “Tardy to first period. Sleeping in class. Forgetting homework. Hanging out in the library without a pass. Y’know, all the boring stuff.” Changing the subject oddly quick, Lucian pointed at Kai’s worksheet. “Hey, is that English homework from last month?”
Putting it like that shot a bullet through Kai’s chest. With an ashamed nod, he tried his best to cover up what he had written beforehand. Lucian reached over and grabbed his forearm, examining the questions.
“I can do these for you, if you want.” He offered. Kai could’ve sworn he was an angel at that moment. Before he could reply, he swept the worksheets off his desk and traded them for his completed biology homework to hide the fact he was doing all the work for him. In good measures too, as Ms. Bitchy came storming in with a bad attitude.
“Lucian Williams! You should know better than to talk in this detention hall!” She snapped, plopping into her chair two sizes too small for her fat ass. Kai held back a snicker when imagining how much pain she would feel if he placed a tack on the cushion. “Should I give your stepfather a call aga-?”
“N-No!” Lucian blurted with a terrified expression, lowering his head to avoid her stare. “I’m sorry, Ms. Price. It won’t happen again.”
Kai observed his saddened face with a frown. He thought boys usually looked so cute when they were upset, so why did his heart tug when seeing Lucian’s solemn expression?
“How far do you live from here, Kai?” Lucian questioned with his eyes renewed back into brightness. Both boys skipped down the stone staircase and made their way onto the sidewalk, walking shoulder to shoulder. Anyone from the outside could’ve figured they’ve known each other for years.
Adjusting the straps on his ancient book bag, Kai pondered his response for a short while before answering. “Evergreen Street. What about you?” He muttered the last part in fear that Lucian would reply with a location on the North side. North side residents commonly looked down upon the South side as they were seen as poor and/or up to no good - which wasn’t too far off from Kai’s reality. He just wished that Lucian didn’t have to know so soon.
Without skipping a beat, Lucian jumped on the case excitedly. “Wow, only a block down from my house! We should totally hang out sometime!”
Kai’s heart fluttered. It was like a dream come true. “Yeah…! M-Maybe we should exchange numbers…or something…”
With a nervous giggle, Lucian tapped the tip of his converse shoe onto the ground. “I could give you my house number but…”
“Nothing!” He chirped, shaking the worry from his mind and swinging the bag off his back to retrieve a pen and paper. Once he managed to sloppily scribble the correct numbers across the lined page, he folded it up into a cute heart shaped origami figure and handed it to him. “Pretty neat, huh?”
Kai would cherish that piece of paper until the day he died. With a chuckle, he nodded.
The conversation from there was a blur. All he could think about was the heart-shaped piece of paper in his hands and Lucian’s sweet voice uttering kind things to him. He hadn’t experienced such bliss in all his life. It was addictive. Just so very addictive. He didn’t want it to come to an end. However, once they arrived at Lucian’s home, he knew it was much too late to prevent the departure.
“I’ll see you on the bus tomorrow, yeah?” Lucian gushed, hopping up his porch steps with a dim smile. Something was off in the way he moved, almost like he didn’t want to be too obnoxious. “Maybe I’ll just sleep in again so I can have detention with you tomorrow too, haha…!”
How wonderful that would be. Kai let out a ring of soft laughter and nodded firmly, gifting him with a friendly wave goodbye. Lucian repeated the gesture as he reached for the door handle.
Watching him enter the house, Kai was a witness to Lucian’s face shifting a split second. One moment he was cheerful and the next…
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g0ttal0ve101 · 7 months
My Way
Prompt: Yandere
Ship: Riam
Note: sorry this is short guys!! I was busy asf today so bare minimum 😭!!!!!!! tw: violence
At first glance, Sam seemed to be an ordinary boy. Silky skin the color of cocoa, dark eyes reflecting bright hues, curly hazelnut hair that bounced behind his ears, and a warm countenance existing on his face. No one would have expected him to have one of their fellow classmates in his basement chained by the ankles and wrists, a gag leaving his jaw elongated painfully as he was blinded by a piece of cloth covering his eyes. No one in Woodland City would even begin to suspect Sam being the serial kidnap-killer when seeing just how innocent he appeared. Including his own girlfriend.
“That boy named Jacob, right?” Sam hummed, twirling the blade between his fingers as he waited for a reply on the other side of the phone. He could hear his muffled crying from afar, itching to rip out his tongue so he wouldn’t be able to make that irritating noise. “You th-thought he was cute…?”
Riley scoffed when hearing these names being repeated again, pouring herself some strawberries in a bowl to munch on while attempting to lay down for the night. Her pajamas consisted of a graphic t and ankle high socks, knowing that no one was up to see her half naked in the kitchen. “What, Jacob Hooks? Yeah, I guess he’s cute. He looks like a guy I used to know…why?”
Grinning ear to ear, Sam spun on his heel and peered over at the small group of teens huddled in the corner. “Mmh, no reason. I just th-thought I might’ve had a class with him.”
“You don’t?”
“Heh, ‘cause he’s not as smart as you.” Riley sneered, practically bragging about how intelligent he was to the audience consisting of herself. “So, what are you doing?”
Sam placed the device between his shoulder and ear, searching his weaponry cabinet for something fun to use for the victim - If you could even call them that. “I-uh…I’m doing some homework.”
“Homework at one in the morning on a Friday night, huh?” Riley repeated the information vital about his excuse, raising an eyebrow in suspicion. She knew that Sam was a great student - especially considering he’s been on high honor roll since the sixth grade - but he wasn’t a teacher’s pet. He would still rush his homework at the last second and procrastinate doing it just like any other teen his age. In other words, his story was a little unbelievable. “Are you home alone?”
That was a given. Sam’s mother was in and out of the hospital every week and his father had been out of the picture for a very long time. Riley only asked because she knew that sometimes his aunt would be there to hold the house down when he was away. And that bitch got on her nerves more than anyone in the entire universe.
With a shaky breath, Sam continued to uphold the lie of supposedly being a star student. “Y-Yep. Just me and my h…omework.”
“So, would you be against me saying the night?”
Staying the night. Sam shuddered at the thought of it. He would have to get all this cleaned up by the time she arrived and assure her that nothing was astray. That would be a pain in the ass all in itself but he could never deny her offer to come over. An opportunity is an opportunity.
Tugging at his own shirt, he frantically tried to think of a way to overcome this slight speed bump. Riley shouldn’t care too much, right? “Y-Yeah. Yeah, I…I don’t mind.”
There was a sudden pause for a moment. Sam could hear the sound of footsteps echoing on the other side of the line, presumably from Riley going up her stairs and into her room from the kitchen. He gulped with a sharp whine that flushed heat onto his face. He didn’t like it when she was quiet. It usually meant she was thinking about something.
As per usual, he predicted her behavior. “Are you alright? I don’t have to come over if you’re busy.”
“I’m fine,” he blurted without much thought behind his words. “How long do you think it’ll take you to get over h-here?”
Rustling through her drawers to collect some pajamas and spare clothes, she started packing her bags to spend the night. Her heart raced with excitement now knowing she was free from this hell hole for the weekend. Because let’s be honest here, they both knew that one night turned into three relatively quickly.
Smiling softly, she pulled some spare pajama pants on and tied her hair back. “Can I take a bath at your house?”
“O-Of course…!”
“Thirty minutes.” She hummed, imagining herself emerged in a mass of warm water with bubbles surrounding her. The daydream only got better when she knew that Sam would be there to ‘keep her company’ as she washed off. She couldn’t wait for it. “Is that okay?”
Peering over his shoulder toward the victim, his hands trembled. “Yeah. Yeah, that’s fine. Be careful, baby.”
“I will. Love you.”
“I love you too.”
And with that, the call had ceased. Sam set down his phone with a blank stare, his body exuberating heat he didn’t know he contained within himself. Riley was coming in thirty minutes. He couldn’t disappoint her.
Turning on his heel with a sick glint in his eye, he approached the boy at rapid speeds. No matter how much he kicked and screamed and tried to break free, he found his restraints were much too powerful. Tears rolled down his cheeks as Sam’s fingers entangled themselves into his hair.
“I hope you won’t mind me borrowing your clothes.” Sam murmured, examining his appearance throughly to ensure he knew everything Riley liked and disliked about his structure. A part of him knew that it was his style that really caught her eye - Another part knew that she took an interest in his curly brunette locks that rested on his shoulders. She must like longer hair on guys. That was okay. Sam could grow his hair out in no time.
Peeling away the tape from his mouth, Sam allowed him to speak for a while longer. In between sobs there were begs, maybe some cursing, but he didn’t care either way. Instead, he set up his camera as he always did and prepared for another brutalization of a guy Riley looked at.
“Please, don’t kill me! I’ll do anything! God, please!”
Sam pricked his thumb against the tip of his blade, watching as blood dropped from the wound. He had sharpened it yesterday, perfect to be utilized tonight and end Jacob’s life. It was almost pitiful. Almost. In the end, it was his fault for catching Riley’s eye. Fixing the camera lenses and directing it onto the helpless boy, he could only giggle. Although, he didn’t know what was so funny.
“You know Riley Morgan?” Sam asked in an innocent tone, approaching his frail figure with the blade directed toward his face.
With another sob, he answered the best he could. “Y-Yeah…I didn’t do anything with her, man! I didn’t do anything!”
“I didn’t say you did.” He snapped, kneeling down and putting the cold knife against his thin layer of skin on his throat. Another wail escaped his lips as he tried to keep his composure, staring at Sam like a lamb awaiting its slaughter. “Isn’t she so pretty? I’m gonna marry her one day. I’m gonna marry her and we’re gonna have a nice family one day, Jacob. Doesn’t that sound wonderful? Don’t you think she’ll be so happy with me?”
“Y-Yes! Yes, I do!” He stammered, praying to God that agreeing with him would spare his life in the end. “I’m sure she will! J-Just please let me go!”
“Y’know Jacob, it’s really n-not personal. The reason you’re here, I mean.” Sam plunged the blade into his throat gradually, causing him to suffer with every sickening twist he put into the wound. “You’re just in my way.”
Stripping him from his clothes beforehand was a smart thing to do. Sam hurriedly rushed to the shower and got the blood off, throwing Jacob’s pajamas on to ensure he would indefinitely attract Riley - After all, she did mention she thought his sense of style was cute. If Sam wore it, then she would be sure to have her eyes on him and only him. Just as he was drying his hair, however, the doorbell rang to alert him of Riley’s presence.
He practically toppled down the steps and retrieved the door, seeing his girlfriend soaking wet from the pouring rain that suddenly attacked her during the trip. Luckily, she didn’t seem to bothered. Her ginger hair was strewed about, the cute little tank-top she wore practically see-through now that it was wet. Sam averted his eyes and felt his heart flutter with joy.
“H-Hey, Rie.”
“Jeez, it’s pouring out there.” Riley whined playfully, throwing her bag onto the ground and searching for her spare pajamas inside.
Sam blushed heavily without a reply. After all, there was nothing much else to do. All he could think about was the corpse in the basement and how she could easily just -
“You look nice in those pajamas.” Riley hummed, placing her hand against his chest. All the overwhelming thoughts ceased in an instant. “Where’d you get them from?”
All he could do was smile like an idiot.
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g0ttal0ve101 · 2 years
Writing Prompt Week: Telephone
Character: Albert Mason
Ring, ring…
Ring, ring…
Albert wakes up to the sound of a phone softly ringing in his ear. He is annoyed by this almost instantly, knowing that he didn’t have any friends to talk to on the phone, so the call was bound to be unimportant. He stands up and searches for the ringing device in his sheets, finding that there was nothing there. He grumbled before trudging out of his room, searching for the phone that still rung over and over again.
Ring, ring…
Ring, ring…
“Who the hell is calling us at two in the morning?” He hissed, itching his cheek and heading down the steps. He then storms into the kitchen, furrowing his eyebrows and grabbing the phone off the wall. “Hello?”
Shanon, in the corner of the room, sobs gently into her hands. “Albert, the phone isn’t ringing…w-we don’t even have a house phone…”
The ginger blinks in awe of his mother crying, looking down to see the phone and prove that he wasn’t crazy. However, once he held it up, he could only see the milk carton he was holding.
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