mjamara10c · 11 years
My overall opinion about reputation
My opinion about justice didn't really change because I already knew that your reputation reflects what people think about you and that you should have a clean and good reputation because people will remember you for that.
It takes a lot of time to build a good reputation, but minutes to destroy it. So that's why we should care about reputation.
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techstruction10c · 11 years
Tumblr media
This image symbolizes my opinion of justice right now, because Tumblr has changed my point of view of justice. Now I consider justice, giving everyone what he deserves. For example in The Crucible, there was no justice since Abigail kept on accusing people of witch crap. Abigail deserved death, and the innocent people deserved a better life. Since there was no justice present, their society was corrupted and chaotic. This is why I consider justice, to be that people should get what they deserve.
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kketbi10c-blog · 11 years
my view on justice and reputation
my view on justice and reputation throughout this unit is that now i know why do we need them in life and why do we need them. for example we need justice in life so we can be treated equally and get what we deserve. while reputation has helped me to understand how people will reflect on me in life which means i need to show people who i really am.
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adeliqeilan10c · 11 years
How has your opinion of social media changed from doing this project? Some people look at social media negatively – how would you argue with them that it can be useful and educating? My opinion of social media has been changed throughout this project, because I discovered that people could learn, and communicate with their teachers by this social media website. For people who look at social media negatively I reply to them that don't look at the bad side, always look at the positive side. For example it can be useful where you can communicate with your friends and relatives . Social media can be used to educate students, by letting the students to ask their teachers or friends about a research or a homework on any social media app.
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ahmedalhosani10c · 11 years
Tumblr media
This picture symbolizes what I have learnt throughout this unit about reputation.That a good reputation is more valuable than money, and I saw an example with Lance Armstrong, how all the people started hating him and looking at him badly when he cheated, even he won many prices and money but still  he was seen as a bad person,this is an example that shows how a good reputation is more valuable than money.
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aalmehrezi10c · 11 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Justice: is when everyone gets his rights and that everyone is treated equally. Reputation: is what people thing and say about you based on your actions.
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ahmedalhashdi10c · 11 years
I disagree with the people who think negatively about social media, social media, you can use social media in many good ways.
one way is send assignments via email instead of bringing it on hard copy and waste paper,and another way is to connect with your friends and relatives easily without sending any written letters which will reach after many days.
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mishu-14-blog · 11 years
Some people think social media is a bad influence to people for many different reasons but a lot of people disagree and I am one of those people. 
Social Media can be good in many ways. One of those ways is to help with education and that is the most important way because this helps a person with his future and can be useful for his work also.
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rayyan10c · 11 years
Tumblr media
This picture represents what I have learned about reputation. I learned that reputation is so important since it needs a lots of years to build a good one, but it can be destroyed in short minutes. And so, you should care about your reputation because it is what people will remember you for.
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hiabdullah10c · 11 years
Social Media as a good factor
I have totally changed my idea about social media since the beginning of the tumblr assignment. Now, I actually think that social media has a positive side too. For example, my mom usually thinks that I'm playing on the computer. When I say I'm studying, she never believes, but now she actually sees I'm studying. For people who think that social media isn't good, would you rather send a mail that will take a week , or just send it by  email?? Social media has made everything easier for us, it's made to save our time!! I'm really happy to do this project, and I can now see that internet is good when you want it to be so.
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mjamara10c · 11 years
Tumblr media
This picture represents what I have learned about reputation. Reputation is important because it reflects what people think about you. Your reputation must be clean because if you did a mistake everybody will remember it and they will accuse you of your bad reputation. It takes a lot of time to build a good reputation, but it can be destroyed in minutes. So that is why people should care about their reputation because that is what people will remember you for.
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techstruction10c · 11 years
Social Media Argue
Many people still think of social media negatively, and that it's a total waste of time. My reply would be showing them, our progress throughout the Tumblr project. In my opinion that is totally enough, because our Tumblr assignments made us do research. In addition we explored peoples opinions, articles, books, movies and songs on the social media, then again we used social media to discuss them. I also used to think, that social media is totally useless. After what I went through that opinion was totally changed. 
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kketbi10c-blog · 11 years
how social media changed my view in this project
social media changed my view in this project because now i know that it can be useful in completing projects easily and simple. i can share my ideas with my friends which allows me  easily  to find help when I'm stuck on something and it allows us to communicate with people easily . thats why i see social media in a positive  way not negative .
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mrcrazy10c · 11 years
I look at social media negatively and positively because it depends on what you do in social media. I do negative and positive things but mostly positive.  In social media its nice to have friends to talk about project and easier than going to someones house and doing it.
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ahmedalhosani10c · 11 years
When we started doing this project, i thought it will be boring and a lot of work to do. I never thought that social media will be useful for doing these type of projects. But then after I started using the social media , it  became much easier to do and much faster to send the assignment, and it is better than writing it on paper,even my parents started looking at tumblr in a positive way.
Some people sees social media negatively because they didn't really use it and have not seen the positive sides.Some of the positive sides are it keeps us updated with the world and give us different ideas and opinions of people that can be useful.In education you can submit your work much faster instead of going and giving it to the teacher, you can search for many information for your project by the internet, which helps you in education.
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aalmehrezi10c · 11 years
Social media Social Media had became a tool for communication, and now it is very hard for people to give it up. Now where ever you go, you will find people chatting on there smart phone . My personal opinion on Social Media before doing the project, was that I was not into social media. I did not have any social media app except for what's app which I did not use much. This tumblr project made me interested in social media. Just lately I created Instagram account which now I use daily. Social media can be positive or negative. From my side of view, I think that social media is a positive source to use. You can use social media in education because instated of writing in a journal you can share your thoughts and ideas to everyone
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